[Firezone](https://www.firezone.dev/) is a self-hosted VPN server with Web UI that this playbook can install using the ansible role [moan0s/role-firezone](https://github.com/moan0s/role-firezone).
By default, the following ports will be exposed by the container on **all network interfaces**:
-`51820` over **UDP**, controlled by `firezone_wireguard_bind_port` - used for your wireguard connections
Docker automatically opens these ports in the server's firewall, so you **likely don't need to do anything**. If you use another firewall in front of the server, you may need to adjust it.
### Usage
After you started the service you can login at vpn.example.org with the credentials set in `firezone_default_admin_email/password`.
After that refer to the [official documentation](https://www.firezone.dev/docs/user-guides/add-devices/) to add devices and more.