--- - when: nextcloud_container_labels_traefik_enabled | bool name: Ensure trusted_proxies is correctly set when reverse-proxying via Traefik block: - name: Determine Nextcloud container network subnet ansible.builtin.command: cmd: "{{ devture_systemd_docker_base_host_command_docker }} network inspect {{ nextcloud_container_labels_traefik_docker_network }} -f '{% raw %}{{ (index .IPAM.Config 0).Subnet }}{% endraw %}'" register: nextcloud_reverse_proxy_container_network_subnet_result changed_when: false - name: Adjust Nextcloud configuration (set trusted_proxies) ansible.builtin.command: cmd: |- docker exec --user={{ nextcloud_uid }}:{{ nextcloud_gid }} {{ nextcloud_identifier }}-server php /var/www/html/occ --no-warnings config:system:set trusted_proxies 0 --type=string --value={{ nextcloud_reverse_proxy_container_network_subnet_result.stdout }} - name: Adjust Nextcloud configuration (custom parameters) ansible.builtin.command: cmd: |- docker exec --user={{ nextcloud_uid }}:{{ nextcloud_gid }} {{ nextcloud_identifier }}-server php /var/www/html/occ --no-warnings config:system:set {{ item.key }} --type="{{ item.type }}" --value={{ item.value }} with_items: "{{ nextcloud_config_parameters }}" - name: Update database indices ansible.builtin.command: cmd: |- docker exec --user={{ nextcloud_uid }}:{{ nextcloud_gid }} {{ nextcloud_identifier }}-server php /var/www/html/occ db:add-missing-indices - when: nextcloud_preview_enabled | bool block: - name: Adjust Nextcloud configuration values related to preview generator ansible.builtin.command: cmd: |- docker exec --user={{ nextcloud_uid }}:{{ nextcloud_gid }} {{ nextcloud_identifier }}-server php /var/www/html/occ {{ item.appType }} --type={{ item.type }} --value={{ item.value }} -- {{ item.appConfig }} {{ item.configName }} with_items: - appType: "config:app:set" appConfig: "previewgenerator" configName: "squareSizes" type: string value: "{{ nextcloud_preview_squareSizes }}" - appType: "config:app:set" appConfig: "previewgenerator" configName: "widthSizes" type: string value: "{{ nextcloud_preview_widthSizes }}" - appType: "config:app:set" appConfig: "previewgenerator" configName: "heightSizes" type: string value: "{{ nextcloud_preview_heightSizes }}" - appType: "config:system:set" appConfig: "" configName: "preview_max_x" type: int value: "{{ nextcloud_preview_preview_max_x }}" - appType: "config:system:set" appConfig: "" configName: "preview_max_y" type: int value: "{{ nextcloud_preview_preview_max_y }}" - appType: "config:system:set" appConfig: "" configName: "jpeg_quality" type: int value: "{{ nextcloud_preview_system_jpeg_quality }}" - appType: "config:app:set" appConfig: "preview" configName: "jpeg_quality" type: string value: "{{ nextcloud_preview_app_jpeg_quality }}" - name: "Check if {{ nextcloud_preview_first_run_finished_filename }} exists" ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ nextcloud_preview_host_folder }}/{{ nextcloud_preview_first_run_finished_filename }}" register: nextcloud_preview_file_stats - when: not nextcloud_preview_file_stats.stat.exists name: Start preview generate-all ansible.builtin.command: cmd: |- docker exec --user={{ nextcloud_uid }}:{{ nextcloud_gid }} {{ nextcloud_identifier }}-server php /var/www/html/occ preview:generate-all async: 100000 poll: 10 - name: "Create {{ nextcloud_preview_first_run_finished_filename }} to signal, that preview generate-all is finished" ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ nextcloud_preview_host_folder }}/{{ nextcloud_preview_first_run_finished_filename }}" state: "touch" mode: 0644 owner: "{{ nextcloud_uid }}" group: "{{ nextcloud_gid }}"