#!/bin/bash ### App file generated with YoloGen, the YunoHost app generator, version . # This is the tutorial version of the app. # It contains extra commands to explain what should be done in case you want to adjust some part of the script. # Once you are done, you may remove them. ## this script is only run if actual change to domain/path is detected, if you're here either $domain or $path changed ## new location is available via $domain and $path (or $new_domain and $new_path variables if you want to be explicit) ## old values are available via, you guessed it, $old_domain and $old_path #================================================= # IMPORT GENERIC HELPERS #================================================= source _common.sh source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers #================================================= # STOP SYSTEMD SERVICE #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Stopping a systemd service..." ynh_systemctl --service="$app" --action="stop" #================================================= # MODIFY URL IN NGINX CONF #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Updating NGINX web server configuration..." ynh_config_change_url_nginx #================================================= # SPECIFIC MODIFICATIONS #================================================= ## do any changes to files that reference specific installation domain/path, i.e. regenerate configs etc. #================================================= # START SYSTEMD SERVICE #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Starting a systemd service..." ynh_systemctl --service="$app" --action="start" #================================================= # END OF SCRIPT #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Change of URL completed for $app"