This displays only delegated Grants, not direct ones. Direct ones will be added in the next commits, as they require some extra changes in the database.
134 lines
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134 lines
3.1 KiB
$# This file is part of Vervis.
$# Written in 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024
$# by fr33domlover <>.
$# ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
$# The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
$# rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
$# distributed without any warranty.
$# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
$# with this software. If not, see
$# <>.
$# $maybe (s, j, w, sw) <- mproject
$# <p>
$# Belongs to project
$# <a href=@{ProjectR (sharerIdent s) (projectIdent j)}>
$# $maybe name <- projectName j
$# #{name}
$# $nothing
$# #{prj2text $ projectIdent j}
$# ^{personNavW $ sharerIdent s}
$# ^{projectNavW j w sw (sharerIdent s) (projectIdent j)}
<p>#{actorDesc actor}
$# ^{personNavW user}
[[ 🗃
<a href=@{RepoR repo}>
^#{keyHashidText repo} #{actorName actor}
]] ::
<a href=@{RepoInboxR repo}>
[📥 Inbox]
<a href=@{RepoOutboxR repo}>
[📤 Outbox]
<a href=@{RepoFollowersR repo}>
[🐤 Followers]
<a href=@{RepoCollabsR repo}>
[🤝 Collaborators]
<a href=@{RepoCommitsR repo}>
[🛠 Commits]
$maybe loomID <- repoLoom repository
<a href=@{LoomClothsR $ hashLoom loomID}>
[🧩 Merge Requests]
^{personPermitsForResourceW permits}
$if not $ null looms
<h2>Enable patch tracking
$forall (loomID, actor) <- looms
<a href=@{LoomR $ hashLoom loomID}>
+#{keyHashidText $ hashLoom loomID} #{actorName actor}
wants to link with this repo
^{buttonW POST "Link" $ RepoLinkR repo $ hashLoom loomID}
<code>git clone @{RepoR repo}
<code>git clone USERNAME@#{renderAuthority host}:#{keyHashidText repo}
$forall branch <- branches
<a href=@{RepoBranchSourceR repo branch []}>#{branch}
$forall tag <- tags
<a href=@{RepoBranchSourceR repo tag []}>#{tag}
<a href=@{RepoBranchSourceR repo ref []}>#{ref}
:: #
$forall (piece, piecePath) <- dirs
<a href=@{RepoBranchSourceR repo ref piecePath}>#{piece}
/ #
$case sv
$of SourceFile (FileView name body)
$of SourceDir (DirectoryView mname ents mreadme)
<h2>#{fromMaybe "Files" mname}
$if null ents
<p>No files!
$forall DirEntry type' name <- ents
$case type'
$of TypeBlob
$of TypeTree
<a href=@{RepoBranchSourceR repo ref (dir ++ [name])}>
$maybe (readmeName, readmeWidget) <- mreadme
^{buttonW POST "Delete this repo" (RepoDeleteR repo)}
<a href=@?{(RepoR repo, [("prettyjson","true")])}>
[See repo JSON]