Mirror of Vervis, a federated forge server
Find a file
fr33domlover 4269385e15 DB: Add received::UTCTime field to InboxItem
To record *when* an activity, local or remote, was inserted into the specific
inbox. I'm surprised I haven't been keeping that data until now :P
2022-09-01 11:21:31 +00:00
app Stop using Vervis.Import and NoImplicitPrelude, switch to plain regular imports 2019-06-15 08:24:08 +00:00
config Move models and routes files from config/ to new th/ dir 2022-07-25 18:40:36 +00:00
embed Move robots.txt and favicon from config/ to new embed/ dir 2022-07-25 17:40:19 +00:00
hook-darcs In darcs post-apply hook, send a Push object to Vervis 2019-10-10 16:41:34 +00:00
hook-git Install darcs post-apply hooks in darcs repos, no-op hook for now 2019-10-07 14:05:52 +00:00
migrations DB: Separate tables for CollabTopicLocalAccept and CollabTopicRemoteAccept 2022-08-30 08:28:44 +00:00
src DB: Add received::UTCTime field to InboxItem 2022-09-01 11:21:31 +00:00
templates Client, UI: Form for creating a new Deck 2022-08-16 13:17:26 +00:00
test Bring Yesod scaffolding 2016-02-13 03:35:30 +00:00
th DB: Add received::UTCTime field to InboxItem 2022-09-01 11:21:31 +00:00
.ghci Bring Yesod scaffolding 2016-02-13 03:35:30 +00:00
_boring List stack.yaml.lock in _boring 2020-03-28 14:16:22 +00:00
AUTHORS.md Update format of AUTHORS file, link to Fedi accounts instead of email 2022-09-01 09:28:38 +00:00
bindist.sh Add binary distribution recipe script 2019-11-26 15:43:14 +00:00
CHANGELOG.md Rename NEWS.md to CHANGELOG.md 2018-05-14 15:25:16 +00:00
COPYING Releases are under AGPL 3 2018-03-17 18:21:51 +00:00
COPYING.AGPL3 Releases are under AGPL 3 2018-03-17 18:21:51 +00:00
COPYING.CC0 Releases are under AGPL 3 2018-03-17 18:21:51 +00:00
FEDERATION.md FEDERATION.md: Add some missing double quotes in JSON example 2019-07-26 06:49:45 +00:00
INSTALL.md Changing main instance domain again 2022-06-27 20:21:05 +00:00
README.md Add README section 'Finding your way in the codebase' 2022-09-01 09:13:16 +00:00
stack.yaml Changing main instance domain again 2022-06-27 20:21:05 +00:00
update-deps.sh update-deps.sh: Update dep repo links since main instance domain changed 2022-06-26 05:30:53 +00:00
vervis.cabal Expose only required modules of vervis:library in vervis.cabal 2022-09-01 09:34:25 +00:00


Vervis is a project hosting and management application, with a focus on software projects and decentralization. There is still a lot to do, but if you'd like to try it, a few things more or less work. See below for details.

Vervis is free software, and is committed to software freedom. Most of its code is in the public domain using the CC0 Public Domain Dedication. The application as a whole however is released under AGPL version 3. For the legal details, see the file COPYING. Please use and reuse Vervis for a Good purpose, and share your work too in the same spirit.

Try It

You can either use the existing instance mentioned below, or install your own instance (see INSTALL.md).

My focus has been on writing the backend side of features and exploring various experimental features. As a result, the user interface and visual design and page styles (i.e. the whole UX and UI) are in a bad shape right now, so I want to write a few little guidelines to help you find your way until this situation improves.

There is a Vervis instance running at https://vervis.peers.community, and I store my code on it. Feel free to use it and try it, however do please treat it as a demo, as it's not a reliable stable instance for general use yet. If for any reason you do with to keep some code and tickets etc. on it for actual use, please contact me to let me know.

Here are the steps to make the most out of it at this point (at least at the time of writing, I'll try to keep this little tutorial up to date)!

  1. Create an SSH key if you don't have one. Most likely you do, for pushing to your existing repos hosted on your favorite project hosting platform.

  2. Browse to the instance I linked above, and click Sign up. Choose a username and a password. Email address is currently optional on this instance, but it's going to be required soon and used for things like password reset, so please do provide a real email address.

  3. Log in. Once you log in, the front page will change, and among other things, it will link to your SSH keys. Go there to add your SSH key. In the algorithm box you paste the first part e.g. ssh-rsa, and in the second box you paste the long scary part that follows it.

  4. The front page also links you to repos and projects, you can create a project and open tickets. You can also create a Git or Darcs repo, and optionally associate it with a project. A project can have any number of repos asociated with it, sharing the same ticket tracker. Creating a project or repo may ask you to create a project or repo role; the front page has links for creating these

  5. You can browse all the projects and repos hosted on the instance.

  6. Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file, or create it if doesn't exist. To be honest I'm not sure it's still required, and haven't tested yet. If you find that this step is unnecessary and everything works without it, let me know :)

     Host vervis.peers.community
         ControlMaster no
         ForwardAgent no
         ForwardX11 no
         KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
         Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc

Once you create a repository, it is possible that initially, trying to look at it will give you 404. It should be okay though once you push some commit into it.

The examples below use Darcs, but it's exactly the same for Git. They are equally supported.

Cloning repositories works over (unauthenticated) HTTPS and (authenticated) SSH.

HTTPS clone:

$ darcs clone https://vervis.peers.community/s/fr33domlover/r/vervis

SSH clone and push:

If your system username and Vervis username are identical:

$ darcs clone vervis.peers.community:wistera

If the repo is under another user:

$ darcs clone vervis.peers.community:aviva/poems

If usernames are different:

$ darcs clone luke@vervis.peers.community:wistera

If the repo is under another user:

$ darcs clone luke@vervis.peers.community:aviva/poems

A few more little notes:

  • No password reset, it's already implemented but not deployed yet at the time of writing these words
  • A few more features are available, such as ticket workflows and ticket claim requests, but they are less important so I'm not going into them at this point
  • Deletion of users, projects and repos may not work
  • Login session should last for 2 hours after last access
  • The instance I'm running serves only HTTPS, no plain HTTP
  • There's no HTTPS push
  • Merge requests not implemented yet
  • I started working on federation using ActivityPub, I'll update here when it's ready for trying against ActivityPub clients and servers
  • Feedback is very very very very very welcome and needed!!! :)


This is a list of initial features I plan to support in Vervis. It helps me get an overview of more-or-less what's left to do before the first release. It hasn't been updated in a long time, actually, but soon I'll get to it.

[ ] - To do
[~] - Work in progress
[/] - Initial coding done, needs tests and polishing
[x] - Complete

[ ] User management
  [~] View your personal overview
  [~] Other users' pages
  [/] Register
  [ ] Delete account
  [/] Log in
  [/] Log out
  [ ] Reset password
  [ ] TLS client cert
    [ ] Upload it
    [ ] View it
    [ ] Log in using it
  [ ] Change profile details
  [/] Key management
    [/] Add key
    [/] Delete key
    [/] View keys
[ ] Project management
  [/] Tickets
  [ ] Wiki
  [ ] Kanban
  [ ] Merge requests
[ ] Repo management
  [ ] Delete repo
  [/] Add repo
  [ ] Rename repo
  [ ] Edit repo settings
  [ ] View repo content
    [/] File tree
    [ ] File content
      [/] Plain text
      [/] Syntax highlighting
      [/] Document rendering
      [ ] Images
      [ ] Audio
      [ ] Video
      [ ] Raw file download
[ ] Darcs
  [ ] Create new repo
    [/] Web
    [ ] SSH
  [ ] Delete repo
    [/] Web
    [ ] SSH
  [/] Clone
    [/] HTTP
    [/] SSH
  [/] Pull
    [/] HTTP
    [/] SSH
  [ ] Push
    [ ] HTTP
    [/] SSH
  [/] View
    [/] History
    [/] Files
[ ] Git
  [ ] Create new repo
    [/] Web
    [ ] SSH
  [ ] Delete repo
    [/] Web
    [ ] SSH
  [ ] Clone
    [/] HTTP
    [/] SSH
    [ ] Git
  [ ] Pull
    [/] HTTP
    [/] SSH
    [ ] Git
  [ ] Push
    [ ] HTTP
    [/] SSH
  [/] View
    [/] History
    [/] Files
[~] Federation

Reliability requirements

These features are considered critical for a Vervis instance to be a reasonably reliable place where people can host their projects and repos, and not worry about some bug or missing feature causing loss of data or access.

[ ] Password reset, at least over plain email, either automatically or a
    temporary manual hack which will work at least for personal instances
[x] Git pull and push over SSH fully working
[x] Darcs pull and push over SSH fully working
[x] SSH server implementation really secure as far as I know
[x] TLS support, especially critical when sending passwords. For now, done
    externally through Lighttpd, not Vervis itself
[x] Darcs pull over HTTP and HTTPS
[x] Git pull over HTTP and HTTPS
[ ] Clear policy and guidelines for DB schema changes
[ ] Running instance has data backups






See the .cabal file for more info and link to project website and version control.

The official download location is the Darcs repository:


There is a backup repo, not always up to date though, at:


See the file INSTALL.md for a detailed usage and deployment guide. The file ChangeLog explains how to see the history log of the changes done in the code. NEWS.md provides a friendly overview of the changes for each release.

Finding your way in the codebase

  • app: main functions of the web app, for regular build and for development modes
  • config: Settings the app reads when it launches, some defined by a human and some auto-generated
  • _darcs: Internal version control data of this repo, similar to a .git directory
  • embed: Files embedded into the app source code at build time (using TH)
  • hook-darcs & hook-git: main functions for VCS hook programs to be inserted into every repo hosted by the app
  • migrations: Helper files for DB migrations: New entities added & model files for migrations involving data manipulation
  • src: Web app Haskell source code, built as a library whose modules are used by the various executables
  • static: Static files (such as CSS and fonts) served by the web app (no such files at the moment)
  • templates: UI page and widget templates (.hamlet for HTML, .cassius for CSS)
  • test: No tests have been written yet
  • th: Domain-specific language snippets, from which code is generated using TH

Reporting Bugs and Suggesting Features

If you found a bug, or you have an idea, a feature request or a wishlist item, open a ticket for it! Even if you're going to implement something or try to solve it.

If you're going to implement some feature or fix some bug you found, start by opening a ticket here so that other people will know which features are being developed and who does what.