fr33domlover a2468c52fd Prepare for ticket dependency federation
To be honest, this is a huge patch that changes tons of stuff and probably
should have been broken up into small changes. But I already had the codebase
not building, so... just did all of this at once :P

Basically this patch does the following:

- DB migrations for ticket dependency related tables, e.g. allowing a remote
  author and a remote child
- Allowing S2S handlers to provide an async continued processing function,
  which is executed and the result then added to the debug page
- Most UI and functionality related to ticket deps is disabled, new
  implementation being added gradually via ActivityPub
- Improvements to AP tools, e.g. allow to specify multiple hosts for approved
  forwarding when sending out an activity, and allow to specify audience of
  software-authored activities using a convenient human-friendly structure
- Implementation of S2S sharerOfferDepF which creates a dependency under a
  sharer-hosted ticket/patch and sends back an Accept
2020-06-18 10:38:04 +00:00

585 lines
18 KiB

{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written 2019 by fr33domlover <>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <>.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Network.FedURI
( Authority (..)
, renderAuthority
, LocalURI (..)
, topLocalURI
, LocalSubURI (..)
, LocalPageURI (..)
, LocalRefURI (..)
, UriMode ()
, Fed ()
, Dev ()
, ObjURI (..)
, parseObjURI
, uriFromObjURI
, renderObjURI
, SubURI (..)
, uriFromSubURI
, PageURI (..)
, RefURI (..)
, parseRefURI
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Char
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Word
import Database.Persist.Class
import Database.Persist.Sql
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Text.Read
import Network.HTTP.Types.URI
import Network.URI hiding (scheme, path, query, fragment)
import qualified Data.Text as T
data Scheme = Plain | Secure deriving Eq
data Full
data Authority t = Authority
{ authorityHost :: Text
, authorityPort :: Maybe Word16
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance UriMode t => Hashable (Authority t)
parseAuthority :: UriMode t => Text -> Either String (Authority t)
parseAuthority t = do
FullObjURI s a l <- toFullObjURI =<< parseFullURI ("https://" <> t)
unless (s == Secure && l == topLocalURI) $
Left "parseAuthority: Unexpected FullObjURI"
let s' = case authorityPort a of
Nothing -> Secure
Just _ -> Plain
checkAuthority s' a
renderAuthority :: Authority t -> Text
renderAuthority (Authority h Nothing) = h
renderAuthority (Authority h (Just p)) = T.concat [h, ":", T.pack $ show p]
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (Authority t) where
parseJSON = withText "Authority" $ either fail return . parseAuthority
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (Authority t) where
toJSON = toJSON . renderAuthority
toEncoding = toEncoding . renderAuthority
instance UriMode t => PersistField (Authority t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . renderAuthority
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . parseAuthority <=< fromPersistValue
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (Authority t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap renderAuthority
data FullURI = FullURI
{ fullUriScheme :: Scheme
, fullUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, fullUriPath :: Text
, fullUriQuery :: Text
, fullUriFragment :: Text
parseFullURI :: Text -> Either String FullURI
parseFullURI t = do
uri <-
case parseURI $ T.unpack t of
Nothing -> Left "Invalid absolute URI"
Just u -> Right u
scheme <-
case uriScheme uri of
"http:" -> Right Plain
"https:" -> Right Secure
_ -> Left "URI scheme isn't http/s"
URIAuth userInfo host port <-
case uriAuthority uri of
Nothing -> Left "URI has empty authority"
Just a -> Right a
unless (userInfo == "") $
Left "URI has non-empty userinfo"
portNumber <-
case port of
[] -> Right Nothing
c:p ->
case (c, readMaybe p) of
(':', Just n) ->
if n == 80 || n == 443
then Left "Unexpected port number"
else Right $ Just n
_ -> Left "Unexpected port number format"
when (any (== ':') host) $
Left "Host contains a colon"
unless (any isAsciiLetter host) $
Left "Host doesn't contain ASCII letters"
Right FullURI
{ fullUriScheme = scheme
, fullUriAuthority = Authority
{ authorityHost = T.pack host
, authorityPort = portNumber
, fullUriPath = T.pack $ uriPath uri
, fullUriQuery = T.pack $ uriQuery uri
, fullUriFragment = T.pack $ uriFragment uri
isAsciiLetter c = isAsciiLower c || isAsciiUpper c
fromFullURI :: FullURI -> URI
fromFullURI (FullURI scheme (Authority host mport) path query fragment) = URI
{ uriScheme =
case scheme of
Plain -> "http:"
Secure -> "https:"
, uriAuthority = Just URIAuth
{ uriUserInfo = ""
, uriRegName = T.unpack host
, uriPort = maybe "" ((':' :) . show) mport
, uriPath = T.unpack path
, uriQuery = T.unpack query
, uriFragment = T.unpack fragment
renderFullURI :: FullURI -> Text
renderFullURI = T.pack . flip (uriToString id) "" . fromFullURI
instance FromJSON FullURI where
parseJSON = withText "FullURI" $ either fail return . parseFullURI
instance ToJSON FullURI where
toJSON = error "toJSON FullURI"
toEncoding = toEncoding . renderFullURI
instance PersistField FullURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . renderFullURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . parseFullURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap renderFullURI
data LocalURI = LocalURI
{ localUriPath :: Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Hashable LocalURI
dummyAuthority :: Authority Fed
dummyAuthority = Authority "h.h" Nothing
dummyPrefix :: Text
dummyPrefix = renderObjURI $ ObjURI dummyAuthority topLocalURI
instance PersistField LocalURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . renderLocalURI
= fromJust
. T.stripPrefix dummyPrefix
. renderObjURI
. ObjURI dummyAuthority
= bimap T.pack objUriLocal . parseObjURI' . (dummyPrefix <>)
<=< fromPersistValue
parseObjURI' :: Text -> Either String (ObjURI Fed)
parseObjURI' = parseObjURI
instance PersistFieldSql LocalURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap localUriPath
topLocalURI :: LocalURI
topLocalURI = LocalURI ""
data FullObjURI = FullObjURI
{ _fullObjUriScheme :: Scheme
, _fullObjUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, _fullObjUriLocal :: LocalURI
toFullObjURI :: FullURI -> Either String FullObjURI
toFullObjURI (FullURI s a p q f) = do
unless (q == "") $
Left "URI query is non-empty"
unless (f == "") $
Left "URI fragment is non-empty"
Right $ FullObjURI s a $ LocalURI p
fromFullObjURI :: FullObjURI -> FullURI
fromFullObjURI (FullObjURI s a (LocalURI p)) = FullURI s a p "" ""
instance FromJSON FullObjURI where
parseJSON = either fail return . toFullObjURI <=< parseJSON
instance ToJSON FullObjURI where
toJSON = toJSON . fromFullObjURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromFullObjURI
instance PersistField FullObjURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromFullObjURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toFullObjURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullObjURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromFullObjURI
data LocalSubURI = LocalSubURI
{ localSubUriResource :: LocalURI
, localSubUriFragment :: Text
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable LocalSubURI
instance PersistField LocalSubURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . renderLocalSubURI
= fromJust
. T.stripPrefix dummyPrefix
. renderSubURI
. SubURI dummyAuthority
renderSubURI :: UriMode t => SubURI t -> Text
renderSubURI = renderFullURI . fromFullSubURI . fromSubURI
= bimap T.pack subUriLocal . parseSubURI' . (dummyPrefix <>)
<=< fromPersistValue
parseSubURI' :: Text -> Either String (SubURI Fed)
parseSubURI' = parseSubURI
parseSubURI :: UriMode t => Text -> Either String (SubURI t)
parseSubURI = toSubURI <=< toFullSubURI <=< parseFullURI
instance PersistFieldSql LocalSubURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap localSubUriResource
data FullSubURI = FullSubURI
{ _fullSubUriScheme :: Scheme
, _fullSubUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, _fullSubUriLocal :: LocalSubURI
toFullSubURI :: FullURI -> Either String FullSubURI
toFullSubURI (FullURI s a p q f) = do
unless (T.null q) $
Left "URI query is non-empty"
case T.uncons f of
Nothing -> Left "No URI fragment"
Just ('#', f') ->
when (T.null f') $
Left "URI fragment is empty"
_ -> Left "URI fragment unexpectedly doesn't start with a '#'"
when (T.null f) $
Left "URI fragment is empty"
Right $ FullSubURI s a $ LocalSubURI (LocalURI p) f
fromFullSubURI :: FullSubURI -> FullURI
fromFullSubURI (FullSubURI s a (LocalSubURI (LocalURI p) f)) =
FullURI s a p "" f
instance FromJSON FullSubURI where
parseJSON = either fail return . toFullSubURI <=< parseJSON
instance ToJSON FullSubURI where
toJSON = toJSON . fromFullSubURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromFullSubURI
instance PersistField FullSubURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromFullSubURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toFullSubURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullSubURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromFullSubURI
data LocalPageURI = LocalPageURI
{ localPageUriResource :: LocalURI
, localPageUriParam :: Text
, localPageUriPage :: Int
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable LocalPageURI
data FullPageURI = FullPageURI
{ _fullPageUriScheme :: Scheme
, _fullPageUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, _fullPageUriLocal :: LocalPageURI
toFullPageURI :: FullURI -> Either String FullPageURI
toFullPageURI (FullURI s a p q f) = do
(param, mval) <-
case parseQueryText $ encodeUtf8 q of
[] -> Left "URI query is empty"
[qp] -> Right qp
_ -> Left "URI has multiple query parameters"
val <-
case mval of
Nothing -> Left "URI query parameter doesn't have a value"
Just v -> Right v
page <-
case readMaybe $ T.unpack val of
Nothing -> Left "URI query param value isn't an integer"
Just n -> Right n
unless (page >= 1) $
Left "URI page number isn't positive"
unless (f == "") $
Left "URI fragment is non-empty"
Right $ FullPageURI s a $ LocalPageURI (LocalURI p) param page
fromFullPageURI :: FullPageURI -> FullURI
fromFullPageURI (FullPageURI s a (LocalPageURI (LocalURI p) param page)) =
FullURI s a p q ""
q = T.concat ["?", param, "=", T.pack $ show page]
instance FromJSON FullPageURI where
parseJSON = either fail return . toFullPageURI <=< parseJSON
instance ToJSON FullPageURI where
toJSON = toJSON . fromFullPageURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromFullPageURI
instance PersistField FullPageURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromFullPageURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toFullPageURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullPageURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromFullPageURI
newtype LocalRefURI = LocalRefURI (Either LocalURI LocalSubURI)
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable LocalRefURI
instance PersistField LocalRefURI where
toPersistValue (LocalRefURI u) = either toPersistValue toPersistValue u
fromPersistValue v =
LocalRefURI <$>
aor (Left <$> fromPersistValue v) (Right <$> fromPersistValue v)
aor :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b
aor (Left _) y = y
aor a@(Right _) _ = a
instance PersistFieldSql LocalRefURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap f
f (LocalRefURI u) = either id localSubUriResource u
data FullRefURI = FullRefURI
{ _fullRefUriScheme :: Scheme
, _fullRefUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, _fullRefUriLocal :: LocalRefURI
toFullRefURI :: FullURI -> Either String FullRefURI
toFullRefURI fu =
case toFullObjURI fu of
Left _ -> sub2ref <$> toFullSubURI fu
Right ou -> Right $ obj2ref ou
obj2ref (FullObjURI s a l) = FullRefURI s a $ LocalRefURI $ Left l
sub2ref (FullSubURI s a l) = FullRefURI s a $ LocalRefURI $ Right l
fromFullRefURI :: FullRefURI -> FullURI
fromFullRefURI (FullRefURI s a (LocalRefURI e)) =
case e of
Left l -> fromFullObjURI $ FullObjURI s a l
Right l -> fromFullSubURI $ FullSubURI s a l
instance FromJSON FullRefURI where
parseJSON = either fail return . toFullRefURI <=< parseJSON
instance ToJSON FullRefURI where
toJSON = toJSON . fromFullRefURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromFullRefURI
instance PersistField FullRefURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromFullRefURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toFullRefURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullRefURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromFullRefURI
class UriMode a where
checkAuthority :: Scheme -> Authority Full -> Either String (Authority a)
authorityScheme :: Authority a -> Scheme
toFull :: UriMode a => Authority a -> Authority Full
toFull (Authority h mp) = Authority h mp
data Fed
instance UriMode Fed where
checkAuthority s (Authority h mp)
| s /= Secure = Left "Scheme isn't HTTPS"
| isJust mp = Left "Port number present"
| T.all (/= '.') h = Left "Host doesn't contain periods"
| otherwise = Right $ Authority h mp
authorityScheme _ = Secure
data Dev
instance UriMode Dev where
checkAuthority s (Authority h mp)
| s /= Plain = Left "Scheme isn't HTTP"
| isNothing mp = Left "Port number missing"
| T.any (== '.') h = Left "Host contains periods"
| otherwise = Right $ Authority h mp
authorityScheme _ = Plain
data ObjURI t = ObjURI
{ objUriAuthority :: Authority t
, objUriLocal :: LocalURI
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance UriMode t => Hashable (ObjURI t)
toObjURI :: UriMode t => FullObjURI -> Either String (ObjURI t)
toObjURI (FullObjURI s a l) = flip ObjURI l <$> checkAuthority s a
fromObjURI :: UriMode t => ObjURI t -> FullObjURI
fromObjURI (ObjURI a l) = FullObjURI (authorityScheme a) (toFull a) l
parseObjURI :: UriMode t => Text -> Either String (ObjURI t)
parseObjURI = toObjURI <=< toFullObjURI <=< parseFullURI
uriFromObjURI :: UriMode t => ObjURI t -> URI
uriFromObjURI = fromFullURI . fromFullObjURI . fromObjURI
renderObjURI :: UriMode t => ObjURI t -> Text
renderObjURI = renderFullURI . fromFullObjURI . fromObjURI
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (ObjURI t) where
parseJSON = either fail return . toObjURI <=< parseJSON
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (ObjURI t) where
toJSON = toJSON . fromObjURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromObjURI
instance UriMode t => PersistField (ObjURI t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromObjURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toObjURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (ObjURI t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromObjURI
data SubURI t = SubURI
{ subUriAuthority :: Authority t
, subUriLocal :: LocalSubURI
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance UriMode t => Hashable (SubURI t)
toSubURI :: UriMode t => FullSubURI -> Either String (SubURI t)
toSubURI (FullSubURI s a l) = flip SubURI l <$> checkAuthority s a
fromSubURI :: UriMode t => SubURI t -> FullSubURI
fromSubURI (SubURI a l) = FullSubURI (authorityScheme a) (toFull a) l
uriFromSubURI :: UriMode t => SubURI t -> URI
uriFromSubURI = fromFullURI . fromFullSubURI . fromSubURI
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (SubURI t) where
parseJSON = either fail return . toSubURI <=< parseJSON
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (SubURI t) where
toJSON = toJSON . fromSubURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromSubURI
instance UriMode t => PersistField (SubURI t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromSubURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toSubURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (SubURI t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromSubURI
data PageURI t = PageURI
{ pageUriAuthority :: Authority t
, pageUriLocal :: LocalPageURI
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance UriMode t => Hashable (PageURI t)
toPageURI :: UriMode t => FullPageURI -> Either String (PageURI t)
toPageURI (FullPageURI s a l) = flip PageURI l <$> checkAuthority s a
fromPageURI :: UriMode t => PageURI t -> FullPageURI
fromPageURI (PageURI a l) = FullPageURI (authorityScheme a) (toFull a) l
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (PageURI t) where
parseJSON = either fail return . toPageURI <=< parseJSON
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (PageURI t) where
toJSON = toJSON . fromPageURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromPageURI
instance UriMode t => PersistField (PageURI t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromPageURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toPageURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (PageURI t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromPageURI
data RefURI t = RefURI
{ refUriAuthority :: Authority t
, refUriLocal :: LocalRefURI
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance UriMode t => Hashable (RefURI t)
toRefURI :: UriMode t => FullRefURI -> Either String (RefURI t)
toRefURI (FullRefURI s a l) = flip RefURI l <$> checkAuthority s a
fromRefURI :: UriMode t => RefURI t -> FullRefURI
fromRefURI (RefURI a l) = FullRefURI (authorityScheme a) (toFull a) l
parseRefURI :: UriMode t => Text -> Either String (RefURI t)
parseRefURI = toRefURI <=< toFullRefURI <=< parseFullURI
uriFromRefURI :: UriMode t => RefURI t -> URI
uriFromRefURI = fromFullURI . fromFullRefURI . fromRefURI
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (RefURI t) where
parseJSON = either fail return . toRefURI <=< parseJSON
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (RefURI t) where
toJSON = toJSON . fromRefURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromRefURI
instance UriMode t => PersistField (RefURI t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromRefURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toRefURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (RefURI t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromRefURI