Until now I've managed to avoid having to implement this piece quite easily. The only temptation to implement it has been pseudo-client features, which are basically just a workaround until Vervis gets a separate client app. But now, Person actors need to be able to automatically send delegator-Grants when they receive a direct-Grant from a resource they either asked to Join or got an Invite to. So, this creates a need to track these joins and invites on the server side. I'm not checking the exact minimal pieces necessary for delegator-Grants. Instead, I'm starting a full implementation of the person-side of Collab records (AKA direct-Grants), called Permit records. This will also allow very convenient display of these Grants and the extensions received through them, as well as UI buttons such as accepting/rejecting a received Join or Invite.
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person PersonId
role Role
-------------------------------- Permit topic --------------------------------
permit PermitId
UniquePermitTopicLocal permit
permit PermitTopicLocalId
repo RepoId
UniquePermitTopicRepo permit
permit PermitTopicLocalId
deck DeckId
UniquePermitTopicDeck permit
permit PermitTopicLocalId
loom LoomId
UniquePermitTopicLoom permit
permit PermitTopicLocalId
project ProjectId
UniquePermitTopicProject permit
permit PermitTopicLocalId
group GroupId
UniquePermitTopicGroup permit
permit PermitId
actor RemoteActorId
UniquePermitTopicRemote permit
------------------------------- Permit reason --------------------------------
permit PermitId
UniquePermitFulfillsTopicCreation permit
permit PermitId
UniquePermitFulfillsInvite permit
permit PermitId
UniquePermitFulfillsJoin permit
-- Person's gesture
-- Join: Witnesses the initial Join that started the sequence
-- Invite: Witnesses their approval, seeing the topic's accept, and then
-- sending their own accept
-- Create: Records the Create activity that created the topic
permit PermitId
activity OutboxItemId
UniquePermitPersonGesture permit
UniquePermitPersonGestureActivity activity
-- Topic collaborator's gesture
-- Join: N/A (it happens but we don't record it)
-- Invite: Witnesses the initial Invite that started the sequence
fulfills PermitFulfillsInviteId
invite OutboxItemId
UniquePermitTopicGestureLocal fulfills
UniquePermitTopicGestureLocalInvite invite
fulfills PermitFulfillsInviteId
actor RemoteActorId
invite RemoteActivityId
UniquePermitTopicGestureRemote fulfills
UniquePermitTopicGestureRemoteInvite invite
-- Topic's accept
-- Join: N/A
-- Invite: Witnesses that the topic saw and approved the Invite
fulfills PermitFulfillsInviteId
topic PermitTopicLocalId
accept OutboxItemId
UniquePermitTopicAcceptLocal fulfills
UniquePermitTopicAcceptLocalTopic topic
UniquePermitTopicAcceptLocalAccept accept
fulfills PermitFulfillsInviteId
topic PermitTopicRemoteId
accept RemoteActivityId
UniquePermitTopicAcceptRemote fulfills
UniquePermitTopicAcceptRemoteTopic topic
UniquePermitTopicAcceptRemoteAccept accept
-------------------------------- Permit enable -------------------------------
-- Topic's grant
-- Join: Seeing the new-collaborator's Join and existing-collaborator's Accept,
-- the topic has made the link official and sent a direct-grant
-- Invite: Seeing existing-collaborator's Invite and new-collaborator's Accept,
-- the topic has made the link official and sent a direct-grant
permit PermitPersonGestureId
topic PermitTopicLocalId
grant OutboxItemId
UniquePermitTopicEnableLocal permit
UniquePermitTopicEnableLocalTopic topic
UniquePermitTopicEnableLocalGrant grant
permit PermitPersonGestureId
topic PermitTopicRemoteId
grant RemoteActivityId
UniquePermitTopicEnableRemote permit
UniquePermitTopicEnableRemoteTopic topic
UniquePermitTopicEnableRemoteGrant grant
----------------------- Permit delegator+extension ---------------------------
-- This section is only for Project or Team topics
-- Person sends delegator-Grant, topic starts sending extension-Grants
-- Witnesses that the person used the direct-Grant to send a delegator-Grant to
-- the topic
permit PermitPersonGestureId
grant OutboxItemId
UniquePermitPersonSendDelegator permit
UniquePermitPersonSendDelegatorGrant grant
-- Witnesses extension-Grants that the topic has sent, extending chains from
-- its components/subprojects or projects/superteams
permit PermitPersonSendDelegatorId
topic PermitTopicEnableLocalId
grant OutboxItemId
UniquePermitTopicExtendLocal permit
UniquePermitTopicExtendLocalTopic topic
UniquePermitTopicExtendLocalGrant grant
permit PermitPersonSendDelegatorId
topic PermitTopicEnableRemoteId
grant RemoteActivityId
UniquePermitTopicExtendRemote permit
UniquePermitTopicExtendRemoteTopic topic
UniquePermitTopicExtendRemoteGrant grant