$# This file is part of Vervis. $# $# Written in 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024 $# by fr33domlover . $# $# ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share. $# $# The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring $# rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is $# distributed without any warranty. $# $# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along $# with this software. If not, see $# . $# $maybe (s, j, w, sw) <- mproject $#

$# Belongs to project $# $# $maybe name <- projectName j $# #{name} $# $nothing $# #{prj2text $ projectIdent j} $# $# ^{personNavW $ sharerIdent s} $# $# ^{projectNavW j w sw (sharerIdent s) (projectIdent j)}

#{actorDesc actor} $# ^{personNavW user}

[[ 🗃 ^#{keyHashidText repo} #{actorName actor} ]] :: [📥 Inbox] [📤 Outbox] [💥 Errbox] [🐤 Followers] [🤝 Collaborators] [🛠 Commits] $maybe loomID <- repoLoom repository [🧩 Merge Requests] ^{personPermitsForResourceW permits} ^{followButton} $if not $ null looms

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