-- This file is part of Vervis. -- -- Written in 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024 -- by fr33domlover . -- -- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share. -- -- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring -- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is -- distributed without any warranty. -- -- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along -- with this software. If not, see -- . Report time UTCTime message Text types [ByteString] body ByteString -- ========================================================================= -- -- Remote Object -- ========================================================================= -- Instance host Host UniqueInstance host RemoteObject instance InstanceId ident LocalURI -- fetched UTCTime Maybe -- type Text Maybe -- followers LocalURI Maybe -- team LocalURI Maybe UniqueRemoteObject instance ident RemoteActivity ident RemoteObjectId content PersistJSONObject received UTCTime UniqueRemoteActivity ident UnfetchedRemoteActor ident RemoteObjectId since UTCTime Maybe UniqueUnfetchedRemoteActor ident RemoteActor ident RemoteObjectId name Text Maybe inbox LocalURI followers LocalURI Maybe errorSince UTCTime Maybe type ActorType UniqueRemoteActor ident RemoteCollection ident RemoteObjectId UniqueRemoteCollection ident -- ========================================================================= -- -- Local Actor -- ========================================================================= -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Outbox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outbox OutboxItem outbox OutboxId activity PersistJSONObject published UTCTime ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inbox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inbox InboxItem unread Bool received UTCTime result Text InboxItemLocal inbox InboxId activity OutboxItemId item InboxItemId UniqueInboxItemLocal inbox activity UniqueInboxItemLocalItem item InboxItemRemote inbox InboxId activity RemoteActivityId item InboxItemId UniqueInboxItemRemote inbox activity UniqueInboxItemRemoteItem item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Followers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FollowerSet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actor name Text desc Text createdAt UTCTime inbox InboxId outbox OutboxId followers FollowerSetId justCreatedBy ActorId Maybe errbox InboxId UniqueActorInbox inbox UniqueActorOutbox outbox UniqueActorFollowers followers SigKey actor ActorId material ActorKey UniqueSigKey actor Person username Username login Text passphraseHash ByteString email EmailAddress verified Bool verifiedKey Text verifiedKeyCreated UTCTime resetPassKey Text resetPassKeyCreated UTCTime actor ActorId -- reviewFollow Bool UniquePersonUsername username UniquePersonLogin login UniquePersonEmail email UniquePersonActor actor Resource actor ActorId UniqueResource actor Komponent resource ResourceId UniqueKomponent resource Factory resource ResourceId create OutboxItemId UniqueFactory resource UniqueFactoryCreate create -- ========================================================================= -- -- Delivery -- ========================================================================= -- UnlinkedDelivery recipient UnfetchedRemoteActorId activity OutboxItemId forwarding Bool running Bool UniqueUnlinkedDelivery recipient activity Delivery recipient RemoteActorId activity OutboxItemId forwarding Bool running Bool UniqueDelivery recipient activity Forwarding recipient RemoteActorId activity RemoteActivityId activityRaw ByteString signature ByteString forwarder ActorId running Bool UniqueForwarding recipient activity -- ========================================================================= -- -- ========================================================================= -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VerifKey ident LocalRefURI instance InstanceId expires UTCTime Maybe public PublicVerifKey sharer RemoteActorId Maybe UniqueVerifKey instance ident VerifKeySharedUsage key VerifKeyId user RemoteActorId UniqueVerifKeySharedUsage key user --RemoteFollowRequest -- actor RemoteActorId -- target PersonId -- -- UniqueRemoteFollowRequest actor target -- FollowRemoteRequest person PersonId target FedURI recip FedURI Maybe public Bool activity OutboxItemId UniqueFollowRemoteRequest person target UniqueFollowRemoteRequestActivity activity FollowRemote actor ActorId recip RemoteActorId -- actor managing the followed object target FedURI -- the followed object public Bool follow OutboxItemId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueFollowRemote actor target UniqueFollowRemoteFollow follow UniqueFollowRemoteAccept accept FollowRequest actor ActorId target FollowerSetId public Bool follow OutboxItemId UniqueFollowRequest actor target UniqueFollowRequestFollow follow Follow actor ActorId target FollowerSetId public Bool follow OutboxItemId accept OutboxItemId UniqueFollow actor target UniqueFollowFollow follow UniqueFollowAccept accept RemoteFollow actor RemoteActorId target FollowerSetId public Bool follow RemoteActivityId accept OutboxItemId UniqueRemoteFollow actor target UniqueRemoteFollowFollow follow UniqueRemoteFollowAccept accept SshKey ident KyIdent person PersonId algo ByteString content ByteString UniqueSshKey person ident Group actor ActorId resource ResourceId create OutboxItemId UniqueGroupActor actor UniqueGroupCreate create GroupMember person PersonId group GroupId role GroupRole joined UTCTime UniqueGroupMember person group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project actor ActorId resource ResourceId create OutboxItemId UniqueProjectActor actor UniqueProjectCreate create Deck actor ActorId resource ResourceId komponent KomponentId workflow WorkflowId nextTicket Int wiki RepoId Maybe create OutboxItemId UniqueDeckActor actor UniqueDeckCreate create Loom nextTicket Int actor ActorId resource ResourceId komponent KomponentId repo RepoId create OutboxItemId UniqueLoomActor actor UniqueLoomRepo repo UniqueLoomCreate create Repo vcs VersionControlSystem project DeckId Maybe mainBranch Text actor ActorId resource ResourceId komponent KomponentId create OutboxItemId loom LoomId Maybe UniqueRepoActor actor UniqueRepoCreate create -- I removed the 'sharer' field so Workflows don't specify who controls them -- For now there's no way to create new ones, and what's already in the DB can -- be publicly experimented with, until I make a plan for federated workflows Workflow ident WflIdent name Text Maybe desc Text Maybe scope WorkflowScope WorkflowField workflow WorkflowId ident FldIdent name Text desc Text Maybe type WorkflowFieldType enm WorkflowEnumId Maybe required Bool constant Bool filterNew Bool filterTodo Bool filterClosed Bool color Int Maybe UniqueWorkflowField workflow ident WorkflowEnum workflow WorkflowId ident EnmIdent name Text desc Text Maybe UniqueWorkflowEnum workflow ident WorkflowEnumCtor enum WorkflowEnumId name Text desc Text Maybe UniqueWorkflowEnumCtor enum name TicketParamText ticket TicketId field WorkflowFieldId value Text UniqueTicketParamText ticket field TicketParamEnum ticket TicketId field WorkflowFieldId value WorkflowEnumCtorId UniqueTicketParamEnum ticket field value TicketParamClass ticket TicketId field WorkflowFieldId UniqueTicketParamClass ticket field Ticket number Int Maybe created UTCTime title Text source PandocMarkdown description HTML discuss DiscussionId followers FollowerSetId accept OutboxItemId -- UniqueTicket project number UniqueTicketDiscuss discuss UniqueTicketFollowers followers UniqueTicketAccept accept TicketAssignee ticket TicketId person PersonId UniqueTicketAssignee ticket person TicketDeck ticket TicketId deck DeckId UniqueTicketDeck ticket TicketLoom ticket TicketId loom LoomId branch Text Maybe UniqueTicketLoom ticket MergeOriginLocal ticket TicketLoomId repo RepoId branch Text Maybe UniqueMergeOriginLocal ticket MergeOriginRemote ticket TicketLoomId repo RemoteActorId UniqueMergeOriginRemote ticket MergeOriginRemoteBranch merge MergeOriginRemoteId ident LocalURI Maybe name Text UniqueMergeOriginRemoteBranch merge TicketAuthorLocal ticket TicketId author PersonId open OutboxItemId UniqueTicketAuthorLocal ticket UniqueTicketAuthorLocalOpen open TicketAuthorRemote ticket TicketId author RemoteActorId open RemoteActivityId UniqueTicketAuthorRemote ticket UniqueTicketAuthorRemoteOpen open Bundle ticket TicketLoomId auto Bool Patch bundle BundleId created UTCTime type PatchMediaType content Text RemoteTicketDependency ident RemoteObjectId child TicketId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueRemoteTicketDependency ident UniqueRemoteTicketDependencyAccept accept LocalTicketDependency parent TicketId created UTCTime accept OutboxItemId UniqueLocalTicketDependencyAccept accept TicketDependencyChildLocal dep LocalTicketDependencyId child TicketId UniqueTicketDependencyChildLocal dep TicketDependencyChildRemote dep LocalTicketDependencyId child RemoteObjectId UniqueTicketDependencyChildRemote dep TicketDependencyAuthorLocal dep LocalTicketDependencyId author PersonId open OutboxItemId UniqueTicketDependencyAuthorLocal dep UniqueTicketDependencyAuthorLocalOpen open TicketDependencyAuthorRemote dep LocalTicketDependencyId author RemoteActorId open RemoteActivityId UniqueTicketDependencyAuthorRemote dep UniqueTicketDependencyAuthorRemoteOpen open TicketClaimRequest person PersonId ticket TicketId message Text -- Assume this is Pandoc Markdown created UTCTime UniqueTicketClaimRequest person ticket TicketResolve ticket TicketId accept OutboxItemId UniqueTicketResolve ticket UniqueTicketResolveAccept accept TicketResolveLocal ticket TicketResolveId activity OutboxItemId UniqueTicketResolveLocal ticket UniqueTicketResolveLocalActivity activity TicketResolveRemote ticket TicketResolveId activity RemoteActivityId actor RemoteActorId UniqueTicketResolveRemote ticket UniqueTicketResolveRemoteActivity activity Discussion RemoteDiscussion ident RemoteObjectId discuss DiscussionId UniqueRemoteDiscussionIdent ident UniqueRemoteDiscussion discuss Message created UTCTime source PandocMarkdown content HTML parent MessageId Maybe root DiscussionId LocalMessage author ActorId rest MessageId create OutboxItemId unlinkedParent FedURI Maybe UniqueLocalMessage rest UniqueLocalMessageCreate create RemoteMessage author RemoteActorId ident RemoteObjectId rest MessageId create RemoteActivityId lostParent FedURI Maybe UniqueRemoteMessageIdent ident UniqueRemoteMessage rest UniqueRemoteMessageCreate create ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Collaborators, from resource perspective ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Collab role Role topic ResourceId -------------------------------- Collab reason ------------------------------- CollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation collab CollabId UniqueCollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation collab CollabFulfillsInvite collab CollabId accept OutboxItemId UniqueCollabFulfillsInvite collab UniqueCollabFulfillsInviteAccept accept CollabInviterLocal collab CollabFulfillsInviteId invite OutboxItemId UniqueCollabInviterLocal collab UniqueCollabInviterLocalInvite invite CollabInviterRemote collab CollabFulfillsInviteId actor RemoteActorId invite RemoteActivityId UniqueCollabInviterRemote collab UniqueCollabInviterRemoteInvite invite CollabFulfillsJoin collab CollabId UniqueCollabFulfillsJoin collab CollabApproverLocal collab CollabFulfillsJoinId accept OutboxItemId UniqueCollabApproverLocal collab UniqueCollabApproverLocalAccept accept CollabApproverRemote collab CollabFulfillsJoinId actor RemoteActorId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueCollabApproverRemote collab UniqueCollabApproverRemoteAccept accept CollabRecipLocalJoin collab CollabRecipLocalId fulfills CollabFulfillsJoinId join OutboxItemId UniqueCollabRecipLocalJoinCollab collab UniqueCollabRecipLocalJoinFulfills fulfills UniqueCollabRecipLocalJoinJoin join CollabRecipRemoteJoin collab CollabRecipRemoteId fulfills CollabFulfillsJoinId join RemoteActivityId UniqueCollabRecipRemoteJoinCollab collab UniqueCollabRecipRemoteJoinFulfills fulfills UniqueCollabRecipRemoteJoinJoin join -------------------------------- Collab recipient ---------------------------- CollabRecipLocal collab CollabId person PersonId UniqueCollabRecipLocal collab CollabRecipLocalAccept collab CollabRecipLocalId invite CollabFulfillsInviteId accept OutboxItemId UniqueCollabRecipLocalAcceptCollab collab UniqueCollabRecipLocalAcceptInvite invite UniqueCollabRecipLocalAcceptAccept accept CollabRecipRemote collab CollabId actor RemoteActorId UniqueCollabRecipRemote collab CollabRecipRemoteAccept collab CollabRecipRemoteId invite CollabFulfillsInviteId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueCollabRecipRemoteAcceptCollab collab UniqueCollabRecipRemoteAcceptInvite invite UniqueCollabRecipRemoteAcceptAccept accept -------------------------------- Collab enable ------------------------------- CollabEnable collab CollabId grant OutboxItemId UniqueCollabEnable collab UniqueCollabEnableGrant grant -- Component: N/A -- Project/Team: Witnesses that using the above Grant, the collaborator has -- sent me a delegator-Grant, which I can now use to extend chains to them CollabDelegLocal enable CollabEnableId recip CollabRecipLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniqueCollabDelegLocal enable UniqueCollabDelegLocalRecip recip UniqueCollabDelegLocalGrant grant CollabDelegRemote enable CollabEnableId recip CollabRecipRemoteId grant RemoteActivityId UniqueCollabDelegRemote enable UniqueCollabDelegRemoteRecip recip UniqueCollabDelegRemoteGrant grant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Collaborators, from person perspective ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Permit person PersonId role Role -------------------------------- Permit topic -------------------------------- PermitTopicLocal permit PermitId topic ResourceId UniquePermitTopicLocal permit PermitTopicRemote permit PermitId actor RemoteActorId UniquePermitTopicRemote permit ------------------------------- Permit reason -------------------------------- PermitFulfillsTopicCreation permit PermitId UniquePermitFulfillsTopicCreation permit PermitFulfillsInvite permit PermitId UniquePermitFulfillsInvite permit PermitFulfillsJoin permit PermitId UniquePermitFulfillsJoin permit -- Person's gesture -- -- Join: Witnesses the initial Join that started the sequence -- Invite: Witnesses their approval, seeing the topic's accept, and then -- sending their own accept -- Create: Records the Create activity that created the topic PermitPersonGesture permit PermitId activity OutboxItemId UniquePermitPersonGesture permit UniquePermitPersonGestureActivity activity -- Topic collaborator's gesture -- -- Join: N/A (it happens but we don't record it) -- Invite: Witnesses the initial Invite that started the sequence PermitTopicGestureLocal fulfills PermitFulfillsInviteId invite OutboxItemId UniquePermitTopicGestureLocal fulfills UniquePermitTopicGestureLocalInvite invite PermitTopicGestureRemote fulfills PermitFulfillsInviteId actor RemoteActorId invite RemoteActivityId UniquePermitTopicGestureRemote fulfills UniquePermitTopicGestureRemoteInvite invite -- Topic's accept -- -- Join: N/A -- Invite: Witnesses that the topic saw and approved the Invite PermitTopicAcceptLocal fulfills PermitFulfillsInviteId topic PermitTopicLocalId accept OutboxItemId UniquePermitTopicAcceptLocal fulfills UniquePermitTopicAcceptLocalTopic topic UniquePermitTopicAcceptLocalAccept accept PermitTopicAcceptRemote fulfills PermitFulfillsInviteId topic PermitTopicRemoteId accept RemoteActivityId UniquePermitTopicAcceptRemote fulfills UniquePermitTopicAcceptRemoteTopic topic UniquePermitTopicAcceptRemoteAccept accept -------------------------------- Permit enable ------------------------------- -- Topic's grant -- -- Join: Seeing the new-collaborator's Join and existing-collaborator's Accept, -- the topic has made the link official and sent a direct-grant -- Invite: Seeing existing-collaborator's Invite and new-collaborator's Accept, -- the topic has made the link official and sent a direct-grant -- Create: Upon being created, topic has sent its creator an admin-Grant PermitTopicEnableLocal permit PermitPersonGestureId topic PermitTopicLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniquePermitTopicEnableLocal permit UniquePermitTopicEnableLocalTopic topic UniquePermitTopicEnableLocalGrant grant PermitTopicEnableRemote permit PermitPersonGestureId topic PermitTopicRemoteId grant RemoteActivityId UniquePermitTopicEnableRemote permit UniquePermitTopicEnableRemoteTopic topic UniquePermitTopicEnableRemoteGrant grant ----------------------- Permit delegator+extension --------------------------- -- This section is only for Project or Team topics -- Person sends delegator-Grant, topic starts sending extension-Grants -- Witnesses that the person used the direct-Grant to send a delegator-Grant to -- the topic PermitPersonSendDelegator permit PermitPersonGestureId grant OutboxItemId UniquePermitPersonSendDelegator permit UniquePermitPersonSendDelegatorGrant grant -- Witnesses extension-Grants that the topic has sent, extending chains from -- its components/subprojects or projects/superteams PermitTopicExtend permit PermitPersonSendDelegatorId role Role PermitTopicExtendLocal permit PermitTopicExtendId topic PermitTopicEnableLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniquePermitTopicExtendLocal permit UniquePermitTopicExtendLocalGrant grant PermitTopicExtendRemote permit PermitTopicExtendId topic PermitTopicEnableRemoteId grant RemoteActivityId UniquePermitTopicExtendRemote permit UniquePermitTopicExtendRemoteGrant grant PermitTopicExtendResourceLocal permit PermitTopicExtendId resource ResourceId UniquePermitTopicExtendResourceLocal permit PermitTopicExtendResourceRemote permit PermitTopicExtendId actor RemoteActorId UniquePermitTopicExtendResourceRemote permit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Components, from project perspective ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Component project ProjectId role Role ------------------------------ Component reason ------------------------------ ComponentOriginAdd component ComponentId UniqueComponentOriginAdd component ComponentOriginInvite component ComponentId UniqueComponentOriginInvite component -- Component collaborators's gesture -- -- Add: Witnesses the initial Add that started the sequence -- Invite: N/A (they send their Accept but we don't record it) ComponentGestureLocal origin ComponentOriginAddId add OutboxItemId UniqueComponentGestureLocal origin UniqueComponentGestureLocalAdd add ComponentGestureRemote origin ComponentOriginAddId actor RemoteActorId add RemoteActivityId UniqueComponentGestureRemote origin UniqueComponentGestureRemoteAdd add -- Component's accept -- -- Add: Witnesses that the component saw and approved the Add -- Invite: Witnesses that the component saw project's accept and component -- collaborator's accept, and sent its own accept ComponentAcceptLocal ident ComponentLocalId accept OutboxItemId UniqueComponentAcceptLocal ident UniqueComponentAcceptLocalAccept accept ComponentAcceptRemote ident ComponentRemoteId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueComponentAcceptRemote ident UniqueComponentAcceptRemoteAccept accept -- Project collaborator's gesture -- -- Add: Witnesses their approval, seeing the component's accept -- Invite: Witnesses the initial Invite that started the sequence ComponentProjectGestureLocal component ComponentId activity OutboxItemId UniqueComponentProjectGestureLocal component UniqueComponentProjectGestureLocalActivity activity ComponentProjectGestureRemote component ComponentId actor RemoteActorId activity RemoteActivityId UniqueComponentProjectGestureRemote component UniqueComponentProjectGestureRemoteActivity activity -- Project's accept -- -- Add: N/A -- Invite: Witnesses that the project saw and approved the Invite ComponentProjectAccept origin ComponentOriginInviteId accept OutboxItemId UniqueComponentProjectAccept origin UniqueComponentProjectAcceptAccept accept ----------------------------- Component identity ----------------------------- ComponentLocal component ComponentId actor KomponentId UniqueComponentLocal component ComponentRemote component ComponentId actor RemoteActorId UniqueComponentRemote component ------------------------------ Component enable ------------------------------ -- Witnesses that, seeing the project collaborator approval on the Add or the -- component approval on the Invite, the project has sent the component a Grant -- with the "delegator" role and now officially considering it a component of -- the project ComponentEnable component ComponentId grant OutboxItemId UniqueComponentEnable component UniqueComponentEnableGrant grant -- Witnesses that the component used the delegator Grant to send a start-Grant -- to the project, to extend further ComponentDelegateLocal component ComponentLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniqueComponentDelegateLocal component UniqueComponentDelegateLocalGrant grant ComponentDelegateRemote component ComponentRemoteId grant RemoteActivityId UniqueComponentDelegateRemote component UniqueComponentDelegateRemoteGrant grant -- Witnesses that the project has extended the start-Grant to a given -- direct collaborator ComponentFurtherLocal component ComponentEnableId collab CollabDelegLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniqueComponentFurtherLocal component collab UniqueComponentFurtherLocalGrant grant ComponentFurtherRemote component ComponentEnableId collab CollabDelegRemoteId grant OutboxItemId UniqueComponentFurtherRemote component collab UniqueComponentFurtherRemoteGrant grant -- Witnesses that the project has extended the start-Grant to a given -- parent ComponentGather component ComponentEnableId parent DestUsStartId grant OutboxItemId UniqueComponentGather component parent UniqueComponentGatherGrant grant -- Witnesses that the project has extended the start-Grant to a given team ComponentConvey component ComponentEnableId team SquadUsStartId grant OutboxItemId UniqueComponentConvey component team UniqueComponentConveyGrant grant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Components, from component perspective ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stem role Role holder KomponentId -------------------------------- Stem project -------------------------------- StemProjectLocal stem StemId project ProjectId UniqueStemProjectLocal stem StemProjectRemote stem StemId project RemoteActorId UniqueStemProjectRemote stem --------------------------------- Stem reason -------------------------------- StemOriginAdd stem StemId UniqueStemOriginAdd stem StemOriginInvite stem StemId UniqueStemOriginInvite stem -- Component collaborators's gesture -- -- Add: Witnesses the initial Add that started the sequence -- Invite: Witnesses their approval, seeing the project's accept StemComponentGestureLocal stem StemId activity OutboxItemId UniqueStemComponentGestureLocal stem UniqueStemComponentGestureLocalActivity activity StemComponentGestureRemote stem StemId actor RemoteActorId activity RemoteActivityId UniqueStemComponentGestureRemote stem UniqueStemComponentGestureRemoteActivity activity -- Component's accept -- -- Add: Witnesses that the component saw and approved the initial Add -- Invite: Witnesses that the component saw project's accept and component -- collaborator's accept, and sent its own accept StemComponentAccept stem StemId accept OutboxItemId UniqueStemComponentAccept stem UniqueStemComponentAcceptAccept accept -- Project collaborator's gesture -- -- Add: N/A (it happens but we don't record it) -- Invite: Witnesses the initial Invite that started the sequence StemProjectGestureLocal origin StemOriginInviteId invite OutboxItemId UniqueStemProjectGestureLocal origin UniqueStemProjectGestureLocalInvite invite StemProjectGestureRemote origin StemOriginInviteId actor RemoteActorId invite RemoteActivityId UniqueStemProjectGestureRemote origin UniqueStemProjectGestureRemoteInvite invite -- Project's accept -- -- Add: N/A -- Invite: Witnesses that the project saw and approved the Invite StemProjectAcceptLocal origin StemOriginInviteId project StemProjectLocalId accept OutboxItemId UniqueStemProjectAcceptLocal origin UniqueStemProjectAcceptLocalProject project UniqueStemProjectAcceptLocalAccept accept StemProjectAcceptRemote origin StemOriginInviteId project StemProjectRemoteId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueStemProjectAcceptRemote origin UniqueStemProjectAcceptRemoteProject project UniqueStemProjectAcceptRemoteAccept accept ------------------------------ Stem enable ------------------------------ -- Project's grant -- -- Add: Seeing component's accept and project collaborator's accept, the -- project has made the link official and sent a delegator grant -- Invite: Seeing project collaborator's Invite and component's accept, the -- project has made the link official and sent a delegator grant StemProjectGrantLocal stem StemComponentAcceptId project StemProjectLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniqueStemProjectGrantLocal stem UniqueStemProjectGrantLocalProject project UniqueStemProjectGrantLocalGrant grant StemProjectGrantRemote stem StemComponentAcceptId project StemProjectRemoteId grant RemoteActivityId UniqueStemProjectGrantRemote stem UniqueStemProjectGrantRemoteProject project UniqueStemProjectGrantRemoteGrant grant -- Witnesses that the stem used the delegator Grant to send an admin -- delegation to the project, to extend the delegation further StemDelegateLocal stem StemComponentAcceptId grant OutboxItemId UniqueStemDelegateLocal stem UniqueStemDelegateLocalGrant grant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Inheritance - Receiver tracking her givers -- (Project tracking its children) -- (Team tracking its parents) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Source role Role SourceHolderProject source SourceId project ProjectId UniqueSourceHolderProject source SourceHolderGroup source SourceId group GroupId UniqueSourceHolderGroup source -------------------------------- Source topic -------------------------------- SourceTopicLocal source SourceId UniqueSourceTopicLocal source SourceTopicProject holder SourceHolderProjectId topic SourceTopicLocalId child ProjectId UniqueSourceTopicProject holder UniqueSourceTopicProjectTopic topic SourceTopicGroup holder SourceHolderGroupId topic SourceTopicLocalId parent GroupId UniqueSourceTopicGroup holder UniqueSourceTopicGroupTopic topic SourceTopicRemote source SourceId topic RemoteActorId UniqueSourceTopicRemote source -------------------------------- Source flow --------------------------------- SourceOriginUs source SourceId UniqueSourceOriginUs source SourceOriginThem source SourceId UniqueSourceOriginThem source -- Our collaborator's gesture -- -- OriginUs: The Add that started the sequence -- OriginThem: N/A (they send their Accept but we don't record it) SourceUsGestureLocal us SourceOriginUsId add OutboxItemId UniqueSourceUsGestureLocal us UniqueSourceUsGestureLocalAdd add SourceUsGestureRemote us SourceOriginUsId actor RemoteActorId add RemoteActivityId UniqueSourceUsGestureRemote us UniqueSourceUsGestureRemoteAdd add -- Our accept -- -- OriginUs: I checked the Add and sending my Accept -- OriginThem: N/A SourceUsAccept us SourceOriginUsId accept OutboxItemId UniqueSourceUsAccept us UniqueSourceUsAcceptAccept accept -- Their collaborator's gesture -- -- OriginUs: N/A (they send it but we don't record it) -- OriginThem: The Add that started the sequence SourceThemGestureLocal them SourceOriginThemId add OutboxItemId UniqueSourceThemGestureLocal them UniqueSourceThemGestureLocalAdd add SourceThemGestureRemote them SourceOriginThemId actor RemoteActorId add RemoteActivityId UniqueSourceThemGestureRemote them UniqueSourceThemGestureRemoteAdd add -- Their accept -- -- OriginUs: Seeing our accept and their collaborator's accept, they send their -- own accept -- OriginThem: Checking the Add, they send their Accept SourceThemAcceptLocal topic SourceTopicLocalId accept OutboxItemId UniqueSourceThemAcceptLocal topic UniqueSourceThemAcceptLocalAccept accept SourceThemAcceptRemote topic SourceTopicRemoteId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueSourceThemAcceptRemote topic UniqueSourceThemAcceptRemoteAccept accept -------------------------------- Source enable ------------------------------- -- Witnesses that, seeing their approval and our collaborator's gesture, I've -- sent them a delegator-Grant and now officially considering them a source of -- us SourceUsSendDelegator source SourceId grant OutboxItemId UniqueSourceUsSendDelegator source UniqueSourceUsSendDelegatorGrant grant -- Witnesses that, using the delegator-Grant, they sent us a start-Grant or -- extension-Grant to delegate further SourceThemDelegateLocal source SourceThemAcceptLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniqueSourceThemDelegateLocal grant SourceThemDelegateRemote source SourceThemAcceptRemoteId grant RemoteActivityId UniqueSourceThemDelegateRemote grant -- Witnesses that, seeing the delegation from them, I've sent an -- extension-Grant to a Dest of mine SourceUsGather source SourceUsSendDelegatorId dest DestUsStartId grant OutboxItemId SourceUsGatherFromLocal gather SourceUsGatherId from SourceThemDelegateLocalId UniqueSourceUsGatherFromLocal gather SourceUsGatherFromRemote gather SourceUsGatherId from SourceThemDelegateRemoteId UniqueSourceUsGatherFromRemote gather -- Witnesses that, seeing the delegation from them, I've sent a leaf-Grant to a -- direct-collaborator of mine SourceUsLeaf source SourceUsSendDelegatorId collab CollabEnableId grant OutboxItemId SourceUsLeafFromLocal leaf SourceUsLeafId from SourceThemDelegateLocalId UniqueSourceUsLeafFromLocal leaf SourceUsLeafFromRemote leaf SourceUsLeafId from SourceThemDelegateRemoteId UniqueSourceUsLeafFromRemote leaf SourceUsLeafToLocal leaf SourceUsLeafId to CollabDelegLocalId UniqueSourceUsLeafToLocal leaf SourceUsLeafToRemote leaf SourceUsLeafId to CollabDelegRemoteId UniqueSourceUsLeafToRemote leaf -- Witnesses that, seeing the delegation from them, I've sent an -- extension-Grant to a team-collaborator of mine SourceUsConvey source SourceUsSendDelegatorId team SquadUsStartId grant OutboxItemId SourceUsConveyFromLocal convey SourceUsConveyId from SourceThemDelegateLocalId UniqueSourceUsConveyFromLocal convey SourceUsConveyFromRemote convey SourceUsConveyId from SourceThemDelegateRemoteId UniqueSourceUsConveyFromRemote convey -------------------------------- Source remove ------------------------------- -- Witnesses there's a removal request from the child's side, and I'm waiting -- for the child project/team to Accept, which is when I'll do the removal on -- my side SourceRemove send SourceUsSendDelegatorId activity InboxItemId UniqueSourceRemove activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Inheritance - Giver tracking her receivers -- (Project tracking its parents) -- (Team tracking its children) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dest role Role DestHolderProject dest DestId project ProjectId UniqueDestHolderProject dest DestHolderGroup dest DestId group GroupId UniqueDestHolderGroup dest ---------------------------------- Dest topic -------------------------------- DestTopicLocal dest DestId UniqueDestTopicLocal dest DestTopicProject holder DestHolderProjectId topic DestTopicLocalId parent ProjectId UniqueDestTopicProject holder UniqueDestTopicProjectTopic topic DestTopicGroup holder DestHolderGroupId topic DestTopicLocalId child GroupId UniqueDestTopicGroup holder UniqueDestTopicGroupTopic topic DestTopicRemote dest DestId topic RemoteActorId UniqueDestTopicRemote dest ---------------------------------- Dest flow --------------------------------- DestOriginUs dest DestId UniqueDestOriginUs dest DestOriginThem dest DestId UniqueDestOriginThem dest -- Our collaborator's gesture -- -- OriginUs: The Add that started the sequence -- OriginThem: Seeing the Add and their Accept, my collaborator has sent her -- Accept DestUsGestureLocal dest DestId activity OutboxItemId UniqueDestUsGestureLocal dest UniqueDestUsGestureLocalActivity activity DestUsGestureRemote dest DestId actor RemoteActorId activity RemoteActivityId UniqueDestUsGestureRemote dest UniqueDestUsGestureRemoteActivity activity -- Our accept -- -- OriginUs: Checking my collaborator's Add, I sent my Accept -- OriginThem: Seeing the Add, their Accept and my collaborator's Accept, I -- sent my Accept DestUsAccept dest DestId accept OutboxItemId UniqueDestUsAccept dest UniqueDestUsAcceptAccept accept -- Their collaborator's gesture -- -- OriginUs: N/A (they send it but we don't record it) -- OriginThem: The Add that started the sequence DestThemGestureLocal them DestOriginThemId add OutboxItemId UniqueDestThemGestureLocal them UniqueDestThemGestureLocalAdd add DestThemGestureRemote them DestOriginThemId actor RemoteActorId add RemoteActivityId UniqueDestThemGestureRemote them UniqueDestThemGestureRemoteAdd add -- Their accept -- -- OriginUs: N/A -- OriginThem: Seeing their collaborator's Add, they sent an Accept DestThemAcceptLocal them DestOriginThemId topic DestTopicLocalId accept OutboxItemId UniqueDestThemAcceptLocal them UniqueDestThemAcceptLocalTopic topic UniqueDestThemAcceptLocalAccept accept DestThemAcceptRemote them DestOriginThemId topic DestTopicRemoteId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueDestThemAcceptRemote them UniqueDestThemAcceptRemoteTopic topic UniqueDestThemAcceptRemoteAccept accept ---------------------------------- Dest enable ------------------------------- -- Witnesses that, seeing our approval and their collaborator's gesture, -- they've sent us a delegator-Grant, and we now officially consider them a -- dest of us DestThemSendDelegatorLocal dest DestUsAcceptId topic DestTopicLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniqueDestThemSendDelegatorLocal dest UniqueDestThemSendDelegatorLocalTopic topic UniqueDestThemSendDelegatorLocalGrant grant DestThemSendDelegatorRemote dest DestUsAcceptId topic DestTopicRemoteId grant RemoteActivityId UniqueDestThemSendDelegatorRemote dest UniqueDestThemSendDelegatorRemoteTopic topic UniqueDestThemSendDelegatorRemoteGrant grant -- Witnesses that, seeing the delegator-Grant, I've sent my new parent a -- start-Grant to delegate further DestUsStart dest DestUsAcceptId grant OutboxItemId UniqueDestUsStart dest UniqueDestUsStartGrant grant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Team tracking its resources (project, repo-deck-loom) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Effort role Role holder GroupId -------------------------------- Effort topic -------------------------------- EffortTopicLocal effort EffortId topic ResourceId UniqueEffortTopicLocal effort EffortTopicRemote effort EffortId topic RemoteActorId UniqueEffortTopicRemote effort -------------------------------- Effort flow --------------------------------- EffortOriginUs effort EffortId UniqueEffortOriginUs effort EffortOriginThem effort EffortId UniqueEffortOriginThem effort -- Our collaborator's gesture -- -- OriginUs: The Add that started the sequence -- OriginThem: N/A (they send their Accept but we don't record it) EffortUsGestureLocal us EffortOriginUsId add OutboxItemId UniqueEffortUsGestureLocal us UniqueEffortUsGestureLocalAdd add EffortUsGestureRemote us EffortOriginUsId actor RemoteActorId add RemoteActivityId UniqueEffortUsGestureRemote us UniqueEffortUsGestureRemoteAdd add -- Our accept -- -- OriginUs: I checked the Add and sending my Accept -- OriginThem: N/A EffortUsAccept us EffortOriginUsId accept OutboxItemId UniqueEffortUsAccept us UniqueEffortUsAcceptAccept accept -- Their collaborator's gesture -- -- OriginUs: N/A (they send it but we don't record it) -- OriginThem: The Add that started the sequence EffortThemGestureLocal them EffortOriginThemId add OutboxItemId UniqueEffortThemGestureLocal them UniqueEffortThemGestureLocalAdd add EffortThemGestureRemote them EffortOriginThemId actor RemoteActorId add RemoteActivityId UniqueEffortThemGestureRemote them UniqueEffortThemGestureRemoteAdd add -- Their accept -- -- OriginUs: Seeing our accept and their collaborator's accept, they send their -- own accept -- OriginThem: Checking the Add, they send their Accept EffortThemAcceptLocal topic EffortTopicLocalId accept OutboxItemId UniqueEffortThemAcceptLocal topic UniqueEffortThemAcceptLocalAccept accept EffortThemAcceptRemote topic EffortTopicRemoteId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueEffortThemAcceptRemote topic UniqueEffortThemAcceptRemoteAccept accept -------------------------------- Effort enable ------------------------------- -- Witnesses that, seeing their approval and our collaborator's gesture, I've -- sent them a delegator-Grant and now officially considering them a effort of -- us EffortUsSendDelegator effort EffortId grant OutboxItemId UniqueEffortUsSendDelegator effort UniqueEffortUsSendDelegatorGrant grant -- Witnesses that, using the delegator-Grant, they sent us a start-Grant or -- extension-Grant to delegate further EffortThemDelegateLocal effort EffortThemAcceptLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniqueEffortThemDelegateLocal grant EffortThemDelegateRemote effort EffortThemAcceptRemoteId grant RemoteActivityId UniqueEffortThemDelegateRemote grant -- Witnesses that, seeing the delegation from them, I've sent an -- extension-Grant to a Dest of mine EffortUsDistribute effort EffortUsSendDelegatorId dest DestUsStartId grant OutboxItemId EffortUsDistributeFromLocal distribute EffortUsDistributeId from EffortThemDelegateLocalId UniqueEffortUsDistributeFromLocal distribute EffortUsDistributeFromRemote distribute EffortUsDistributeId from EffortThemDelegateRemoteId UniqueEffortUsDistributeFromRemote distribute -- Witnesses that, seeing the delegation from them, I've sent a leaf-Grant to a -- direct-collaborator of mine EffortUsLeaf effort EffortUsSendDelegatorId collab CollabEnableId grant OutboxItemId EffortUsLeafFromLocal leaf EffortUsLeafId from EffortThemDelegateLocalId UniqueEffortUsLeafFromLocal leaf EffortUsLeafFromRemote leaf EffortUsLeafId from EffortThemDelegateRemoteId UniqueEffortUsLeafFromRemote leaf EffortUsLeafToLocal leaf EffortUsLeafId to CollabDelegLocalId UniqueEffortUsLeafToLocal leaf EffortUsLeafToRemote leaf EffortUsLeafId to CollabDelegRemoteId UniqueEffortUsLeafToRemote leaf -------------------------------- Effort remove ------------------------------- -- Witnesses there's a removal request from the child's side, and I'm waiting -- for the child project/team to Accept, which is when I'll do the removal on -- my side EffortRemove send EffortUsSendDelegatorId activity InboxItemId UniqueEffortRemove activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Non-team resource tracking its teams ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Squad role Role holder ResourceId ---------------------------------- Squad topic -------------------------------- SquadTopicLocal squad SquadId group GroupId UniqueSquadTopicLocal squad SquadTopicRemote squad SquadId topic RemoteActorId UniqueSquadTopicRemote squad ---------------------------------- Squad flow --------------------------------- SquadOriginUs squad SquadId UniqueSquadOriginUs squad SquadOriginThem squad SquadId UniqueSquadOriginThem squad -- Our collaborator's gesture -- -- OriginUs: The Add that started the sequence -- OriginThem: Seeing the Add and their Accept, my collaborator has sent her -- Accept SquadUsGestureLocal squad SquadId activity OutboxItemId UniqueSquadUsGestureLocal squad UniqueSquadUsGestureLocalActivity activity SquadUsGestureRemote squad SquadId actor RemoteActorId activity RemoteActivityId UniqueSquadUsGestureRemote squad UniqueSquadUsGestureRemoteActivity activity -- Our accept -- -- OriginUs: Checking my collaborator's Add, I sent my Accept -- OriginThem: Seeing the Add, their Accept and my collaborator's Accept, I -- sent my Accept SquadUsAccept squad SquadId accept OutboxItemId UniqueSquadUsAccept squad UniqueSquadUsAcceptAccept accept -- Their collaborator's gesture -- -- OriginUs: N/A (they send it but we don't record it) -- OriginThem: The Add that started the sequence SquadThemGestureLocal them SquadOriginThemId add OutboxItemId UniqueSquadThemGestureLocal them UniqueSquadThemGestureLocalAdd add SquadThemGestureRemote them SquadOriginThemId actor RemoteActorId add RemoteActivityId UniqueSquadThemGestureRemote them UniqueSquadThemGestureRemoteAdd add -- Their accept -- -- OriginUs: N/A -- OriginThem: Seeing their collaborator's Add, they sent an Accept SquadThemAcceptLocal them SquadOriginThemId topic SquadTopicLocalId accept OutboxItemId UniqueSquadThemAcceptLocal them UniqueSquadThemAcceptLocalTopic topic UniqueSquadThemAcceptLocalAccept accept SquadThemAcceptRemote them SquadOriginThemId topic SquadTopicRemoteId accept RemoteActivityId UniqueSquadThemAcceptRemote them UniqueSquadThemAcceptRemoteTopic topic UniqueSquadThemAcceptRemoteAccept accept ---------------------------------- Squad enable ------------------------------- -- Witnesses that, seeing our approval and their collaborator's gesture, -- they've sent us a delegator-Grant, and we now officially consider them a -- squad of us SquadThemSendDelegatorLocal squad SquadUsAcceptId topic SquadTopicLocalId grant OutboxItemId UniqueSquadThemSendDelegatorLocal squad UniqueSquadThemSendDelegatorLocalTopic topic UniqueSquadThemSendDelegatorLocalGrant grant SquadThemSendDelegatorRemote squad SquadUsAcceptId topic SquadTopicRemoteId grant RemoteActivityId UniqueSquadThemSendDelegatorRemote squad UniqueSquadThemSendDelegatorRemoteTopic topic UniqueSquadThemSendDelegatorRemoteGrant grant -- Witnesses that, seeing the delegator-Grant, I've sent my new team a -- start-Grant to delegate further SquadUsStart squad SquadUsAcceptId grant OutboxItemId UniqueSquadUsStart squad UniqueSquadUsStartGrant grant