Vervis is still in early development and the build process gets updates once in a while, but this file tries to keep up and list the latest instructions for running a Vervis instance. At the time of writing, you can get a running Vervis instance if you follow the steps below. # (1) System libraries Install dependency library development packages. It's very likely you already have them all installed, and if you're missing some, the build process will inform you. But it's still nice to have a list here. The list below isn't a complete list, it's just libraries that people have found missing while building, and let me know. - PostgreSQL client library - ZLib - libssl On Debian based distros, installation can be done like this: $ sudo apt install libpq-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev # (2) The Stack build tool Install stack. To install stack, go to its [website]( and follow the instructions. # (3) Version control systems Darcs and Git Install Darcs. You can grab it from your distro, e.g.: $ sudo apt install darcs If you're going to create a Git repository on Vervis, you'll need Git too, you can install it from a distro package too, e.g.: $ sudo apt install git # (4) The Vervis source code Clone the Vervis repo: $ darcs clone $ cd vervis Clone dependency libraries: $ ./ # (5) Configuration and database Generate a new SSH key with a blank password: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f config/ssh-host-key Install PostgreSQL. You'll need the server and the client library development files. $ sudo apt install postgresql libpq-dev Switch to `postgres` system user: $ sudo su - postgres Create a PostgreSQL user. With password: $ createuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser --encrypted --pwprompt vervis No password (if you run Vervis as a user by the same name as the DB user): $ createuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser vervis Create a PostgreSQL database: $ createdb --encoding=UTF8 --owner=vervis vervis Update the settings to specify correct database connection details and other settings. $ cp config/settings-default.yaml config/settings.yml $ vim config/settings.yml # (6) GHC Haskell compiler `stack` can automatically install the correct GHC version for you, in an isolated location that doesn't conflict with any system packages. Unless you have a specific reason to get GHC in some other way, getting it through `stack` is recommended. If you'd like to install GHC manually (from a distro package, from a PPA, etc.), this is the time to do so. And I trust you to arrange things such that `stack` uses your manually download GHC. Otherwise, simply proceed to the next step. # (7) Build Vervis Build. This will also automatically install GHC. $ stack build # (8) Development and deployment To update your local clone of Vervis, run: $ darcs pull $ ./ $ stack build For convenience, at least on actual deployments, you may wish to run the Vervis SSH server on port 22, so that people don't have to specify a custom port. For that to work, the user that runs the Vervis server needs to get permission to bind to ports below 1024. There are several ways to do that. One of them is to use file capabilities to give the Vervis executable the permission to bind to such ports (if you prefer not to trust the code, try one of the other methods, such as sudo): $ sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+ep `stack exec which vervis` Run. $ stack exec vervis Browse to `http://localhost:3000` and have fun! `yesod devel` is another way to run the application, useful for rapid development, but I haven't been using it and I'm not sure it works, possibly I broke something along the way. But feel free to try! I have a little script for deploying Vervis on my server. I just haven't published it yet and haven't explained how it works. If you're interested, ask me about it, and it will motivate me to write about it sooner :)