- UI for creating a Factory
- UI for specifying a Factory when creating resource actors
- Old way of creation doesn't work anymore, except for Factory itself
- UI indicates whether you're an admin user
- Settings allow to choose "resident" factories, i.e. ones automatically
offered to every newly verified user
- Factories are all-in-one, no mechanism yet for choosing actor types
- No UI/logic for auto-offering a Factory to all users of a different
instance, and signaling other instances about newly verified local
- No factories inserted to DB yet
- Admin user list specified in settings
- Admins can create a Factory via C2S
- Creating other actors via C2S the old way still works as well
- Factory S2S handler implementation still blank
This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by
looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's
an overview:
- There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route
- So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers
- Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore,
i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names
- No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a
common namespace or anything like that
- Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos
are no longer "under" projects
- In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom,
which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore
- All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole
code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches
- Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well,
so Vervis is now essentially read-only
- Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view
- A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes;
I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix
them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main
instance where Vervis itself is hosted...)
- Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type
and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types
- There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it
for common things like inbox and outbox
- Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be
removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point
users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse
for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now
- Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I
figure out a sane federated way to provide these features
- Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler,
they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
FedURIs, until now, have been requiring HTTPS, and no port number, and DNS
internet domain names. This works just fine on the forge fediverse, but it
makes local dev builds much less useful.
This patch introduces URI types that have a type tag specifying one of 2 modes:
- `Dev`: Works with URIs like `http://localhost:3000/s/fr33`
- `Fed`: Works with URIs like `https://dev.community/s/fr33`
This should allow even to run multiple federating instances for development,
without needing TLS or reverse proxies or editing the hosts files or anything
like that.
This patch includes some ugliness and commented out code. Sorry for that. I'll
clean it up soon.
Basically there's a TVar holding a Vector of at most 10 AP activities. You can
freely POST stuff to /inbox, and then GET /inbox and see what you posted, or an
error description saying why your activity was rejected.