Implement logging for SSH using monad-logger and fast-logger
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 49 additions and 26 deletions
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger (Destination (Logger),
mkRequestLogger, outputFormat)
import System.Log.FastLogger (defaultBufSize, newStdoutLoggerSet,
import Yesod.Default.Main (LogFunc)
-- Import all relevant handler modules here.
-- Don't forget to add new modules to your cabal file!
@ -64,6 +65,9 @@ import Vervis.Ssh (runSsh)
-- comments there for more details.
mkYesodDispatch "App" resourcesApp
loggingFunction :: App -> LogFunc
loggingFunction app = messageLoggerSource app (appLogger app)
-- | This function allocates resources (such as a database connection pool),
-- performs initialization and returns a foundation datatype value. This is also
-- the place to put your migrate statements to have automatic database
@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ makeFoundation appSettings = do
-- information, see:
tempFoundation = mkFoundation $ error "connPool forced in tempFoundation"
logFunc = messageLoggerSource tempFoundation appLogger
logFunc = loggingFunction tempFoundation
-- Create the database connection pool
pool <- flip runLoggingT logFunc $ createPostgresqlPool
@ -130,9 +134,8 @@ warpSettings foundation =
setPort (appPort $ appSettings foundation)
$ setHost (appHost $ appSettings foundation)
$ setOnException (\_req e ->
when (defaultShouldDisplayException e) $ messageLoggerSource
when (defaultShouldDisplayException e) $ loggingFunction
(appLogger foundation)
$(qLocation >>= liftLoc)
@ -155,6 +158,13 @@ getAppSettings = loadAppSettings [configSettingsYml] [] useEnv
develMain :: IO ()
develMain = develMainHelper getApplicationDev
sshServer :: App -> IO ()
sshServer foundation =
(appSettings foundation)
(appConnPool foundation)
(loggingFunction foundation)
-- | The @main@ function for an executable running this site.
appMain :: IO ()
appMain = do
@ -174,7 +184,7 @@ appMain = do
app <- makeApplication foundation
-- [experimental] Run SSH server and pray
forkIO $ runSsh settings (appConnPool foundation)
forkIO $ sshServer foundation
-- Run the application with Warp
runSettings (warpSettings foundation) app
@ -87,8 +87,5 @@ checkContent =
Left s -> Left $ T.pack s
Right b -> Right b
--TODO make the above work over ByteString and when passes the check, apply
--base64 conversion. delete my rel4 key from the DB and re-insert...
contentField :: Field Handler ByteString
contentField = checkContent bsField
@ -22,24 +22,32 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT (runReaderT), ask)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict)
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql (SqlBackend, ConnectionPool, runSqlPool)
import Network.SSH
import Network.SSH.Channel
import Network.SSH.Crypto
import Network.SSH.Session
import Yesod.Default.Main (LogFunc)
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Settings
type ChannelB = ReaderT ConnectionPool IO
type SessionB = ReaderT ConnectionPool IO
-- TODO:
-- [x] Implement serious logging (info, warning, error, etc.) with
-- monad-logger, maybe see how loggin works in the scaffolding
-- [ ] See which git commands darcsden SSH supports and see if I can implement
-- them with Hit (i think it was git upload-pack)
type ChannelB = LoggingT (ReaderT ConnectionPool IO)
type SessionB = LoggingT (ReaderT ConnectionPool IO)
type Backend = SqlBackend
type Channel = ChannelT ChannelB
@ -47,14 +55,17 @@ type Session = SessionT SessionB ChannelB
type SshChanDB = ReaderT Backend Channel
type SshSessDB = ReaderT Backend Session
src :: Text
src = "SSH"
runChanDB :: SshChanDB a -> Channel a
runChanDB action = do
pool <- lift ask
pool <- lift . lift $ ask
runSqlPool action pool
runSessDB :: SshSessDB a -> Session a
runSessDB action = do
pool <- lift ask
pool <- lift . lift $ ask
runSqlPool action pool
chanFail :: Bool -> ByteString -> Channel ()
@ -73,7 +84,7 @@ authorize (PublicKey name key) = do
fmap Just $ selectList [SshKeyPerson ==. pid] []
case mkeys of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "[SSH] auth failed: invalid user"
$logInfoS src "Auth failed: Invalid user"
return False
Just keys -> do
let eValue (Entity _ v) = v
@ -81,11 +92,10 @@ authorize (PublicKey name key) = do
(== key) . blobToKey . fromStrict . sshKeyContent . eValue
case find matches keys of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $
putStrLn "[SSH] auth failed: no matching key found"
$logInfoS src "Auth failed: No matching key found"
return False
Just match -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "[SSH] auth succeeded"
$logInfoS src "Auth succeeded"
return True
handle :: Bool -> ChannelRequest -> Channel ()
@ -93,28 +103,34 @@ handle wantReply request = do
liftIO $ print request
chanFail wantReply "I don't execute any commands yet, come back later"
ready :: IO ()
ready = putStrLn "SSH server component running"
ready :: LogFunc -> IO ()
ready = runLoggingT $ $logInfoS src "SSH server component starting"
mkConfig :: AppSettings -> ConnectionPool -> IO (Config SessionB ChannelB)
mkConfig settings pool = do
:: AppSettings
-> ConnectionPool
-> LogFunc
-> IO (Config SessionB ChannelB)
mkConfig settings pool logFunc = do
keyPair <- keyPairFromFile $ appSshKeyFile settings
return $ Config
{ cSession = SessionConfig
{ scAuthMethods = ["publickey"]
, scAuthorize = authorize
, scKeyPair = keyPair
, scRunBaseMonad = flip runReaderT pool
, scRunBaseMonad =
flip runReaderT pool . flip runLoggingT logFunc
, cChannel = ChannelConfig
{ ccRequestHandler = handle
, ccRunBaseMonad = flip runReaderT pool
, ccRunBaseMonad =
flip runReaderT pool . flip runLoggingT logFunc
, cPort = fromIntegral $ appSshPort settings
, cReadyAction = ready
, cReadyAction = ready logFunc
runSsh :: AppSettings -> ConnectionPool -> IO ()
runSsh settings pool = do
config <- mkConfig settings pool
runSsh :: AppSettings -> ConnectionPool -> LogFunc -> IO ()
runSsh settings pool logFunc = do
config <- mkConfig settings pool logFunc
startConfig config
Reference in a new issue