UI, Vocab: Group: Serve accessible resources collection
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 144 additions and 13 deletions
@ -905,6 +905,8 @@ instance YesodBreadcrumbs App where
GroupApproveChildR _ _ -> ("", Nothing)
GroupApproveChildR _ _ -> ("", Nothing)
GroupApproveParentR _ _ -> ("", Nothing)
GroupApproveParentR _ _ -> ("", Nothing)
GroupEffortsR g -> ("Accessible Resources", Just $ GroupR g)
RepoR r -> ("Repo ^" <> keyHashidText r, Just HomeR)
RepoR r -> ("Repo ^" <> keyHashidText r, Just HomeR)
RepoInboxR r -> ("Inbox", Just $ RepoR r)
RepoInboxR r -> ("Inbox", Just $ RepoR r)
RepoOutboxR r -> ("Outbox", Just $ RepoR r)
RepoOutboxR r -> ("Outbox", Just $ RepoR r)
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ module Vervis.Handler.Group
, postGroupApproveChildR
, postGroupApproveChildR
, postGroupApproveParentR
, postGroupApproveParentR
, getGroupEffortsR
@ -216,6 +218,7 @@ getGroupR groupHash = do
, AP.teamChildren = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupChildrenR groupHash
, AP.teamChildren = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupChildrenR groupHash
, AP.teamParents = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupParentsR groupHash
, AP.teamParents = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupParentsR groupHash
, AP.teamMembers = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupMembersR groupHash
, AP.teamMembers = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupMembersR groupHash
, AP.teamResources = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupEffortsR groupHash
provideHtmlAndAP groupAP $(widgetFile "group/one")
provideHtmlAndAP groupAP $(widgetFile "group/one")
@ -935,6 +938,46 @@ postGroupApproveChildR groupHash destID = do
setMessage "Accept sent"
setMessage "Accept sent"
redirect $ GroupChildrenR groupHash
redirect $ GroupChildrenR groupHash
getGroupEffortsR :: KeyHashid Group -> Handler TypedContent
getGroupEffortsR groupHash = do
groupID <- decodeKeyHashid404 groupHash
(group, actor, efforts) <- runDB $ do
group <- get404 groupID
actor <- getJust $ groupActor group
efforts <- getTeamResources groupID
return (group, actor, efforts)
h <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hashActor <- getHashLocalActor
let meR = GroupR groupHash
makeItem (role, time, resource, _) = AP.Relationship
{ AP.relationshipId = Nothing
, AP.relationshipExtraTypes = []
, AP.relationshipSubject =
case resource of
Left (la, _) ->
encodeRouteHome $ renderLocalActor $ hashActor la
Right (i, ro, _) ->
ObjURI (instanceHost i) (remoteObjectIdent ro)
, AP.relationshipProperty = Left AP.RelHasRecCollab
, AP.relationshipObject = encodeRouteHome meR
, AP.relationshipAttributedTo = encodeRouteLocal meR
, AP.relationshipPublished = Just time
, AP.relationshipUpdated = Nothing
, AP.relationshipInstrument = Just role
effortsAP = AP.Collection
{ AP.collectionId = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupEffortsR groupHash
, AP.collectionType = CollectionTypeUnordered
, AP.collectionTotalItems = Just $ length efforts
, AP.collectionCurrent = Nothing
, AP.collectionFirst = Nothing
, AP.collectionLast = Nothing
, AP.collectionItems = map (Doc h . makeItem) efforts
, AP.collectionContext = Just $ encodeRouteLocal meR
provideHtmlAndAP effortsAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON (GroupEffortsR groupHash)
@ -3819,6 +3819,16 @@ changes hLocal ctx =
, removeEntity "SquadHolderProject"
, removeEntity "SquadHolderProject"
-- 642
-- 642
, removeEntity "SquadHolderComponent"
, removeEntity "SquadHolderComponent"
-- 643
, addFieldRefRequiredEmpty "Effort" "topic" "Resource"
-- 644
, removeEntity "EffortTopicProject"
-- 645
, removeEntity "EffortTopicComponent"
-- 646
, addFieldRefRequiredEmpty "EffortTopicLocal" "topic" "Resource"
-- 647
, removeField "Effort" "topic"
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ module Vervis.Persist.Collab
, getSquadAdd
, getSquadAdd
, getSquadTeam
, getSquadTeam
, getTeamResources
@ -1681,3 +1683,80 @@ getSquadTeam squadID =
(getBy $ UniqueSquadTopicRemote squadID)
(getBy $ UniqueSquadTopicRemote squadID)
"Found Squad without topic"
"Found Squad without topic"
"Found Squad with both local and remote topic"
"Found Squad with both local and remote topic"
:: MonadIO m
=> GroupId
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m
[ ( AP.Role
, UTCTime
, Either (LocalActorBy Key, Actor) (Instance, RemoteObject, RemoteActor)
, EffortId
getTeamResources groupID =
fmap (sortOn $ view _2) $ liftA2 (++)
(map (\ (E.Value role, E.Value time, resource, Entity _ actor, E.Value effortID) ->
(role, time, Left (resource, actor), effortID)
<$> (do ls <- getLocals
for ls $ \ (role, time, E.Value r, E.Value d, E.Value l, E.Value j, actor, effort) -> do
resource <-
[ LocalActorRepo <$> r
, LocalActorDeck <$> d
, LocalActorLoom <$> l
, LocalActorProject <$> j
"EffortTopicLocal: Specific actor not found"
"EffortTopicLocal: Multiple specific actors not found"
return (role, time, resource, actor, effort)
(map (\ (E.Value role, E.Value time, Entity _ i, Entity _ ro, Entity _ ra, E.Value effortID) ->
(role, time, Right (i, ro, ra), effortID)
<$> getRemotes
getLocals =
E.select $ E.from $ \ (effort `E.InnerJoin` topic `E.InnerJoin` resource `E.InnerJoin` actor `E.InnerJoin` deleg `E.InnerJoin` grant `E.LeftOuterJoin` repo `E.LeftOuterJoin` deck `E.LeftOuterJoin` loom `E.LeftOuterJoin` project) -> do
E.on $ E.just (resource E.^. ResourceId) E.==. project E.?. ProjectResource
E.on $ E.just (resource E.^. ResourceId) E.==. loom E.?. LoomResource
E.on $ E.just (resource E.^. ResourceId) E.==. deck E.?. DeckResource
E.on $ E.just (resource E.^. ResourceId) E.==. repo E.?. RepoResource
E.on $ deleg E.^. EffortUsSendDelegatorGrant E.==. grant E.^. OutboxItemId
E.on $ effort E.^. EffortId E.==. deleg E.^. EffortUsSendDelegatorEffort
E.on $ resource E.^. ResourceActor E.==. actor E.^. ActorId
E.on $ topic E.^. EffortTopicLocalTopic E.==. resource E.^. ResourceId
E.on $ effort E.^. EffortId E.==. topic E.^. EffortTopicLocalEffort
E.where_ $ effort E.^. EffortHolder E.==. E.val groupID
E.orderBy [E.asc $ deleg E.^. EffortUsSendDelegatorId]
( effort E.^. EffortRole
, grant E.^. OutboxItemPublished
, repo E.?. RepoId
, deck E.?. DeckId
, loom E.?. LoomId
, project E.?. ProjectId
, actor
, effort E.^. EffortId
getRemotes =
E.select $ E.from $ \ (effort `E.InnerJoin` topic `E.InnerJoin` deleg `E.InnerJoin` grant `E.InnerJoin` ra `E.InnerJoin` ro `E.InnerJoin` i) -> do
E.on $ ro E.^. RemoteObjectInstance E.==. i E.^. InstanceId
E.on $ ra E.^. RemoteActorIdent E.==. ro E.^. RemoteObjectId
E.on $ topic E.^. EffortTopicRemoteTopic E.==. ra E.^. RemoteActorId
E.on $ deleg E.^. EffortUsSendDelegatorGrant E.==. grant E.^. OutboxItemId
E.on $ effort E.^. EffortId E.==. deleg E.^. EffortUsSendDelegatorEffort
E.on $ effort E.^. EffortId E.==. topic E.^. EffortTopicRemoteEffort
E.where_ $ effort E.^. EffortHolder E.==. E.val groupID
E.orderBy [E.asc $ deleg E.^. EffortUsSendDelegatorId]
( effort E.^. EffortRole
, grant E.^. OutboxItemPublished
, i
, ro
, ra
, effort E.^. EffortId
@ -951,6 +951,7 @@ data Team u = Team
, teamChildren :: LocalURI
, teamChildren :: LocalURI
, teamParents :: LocalURI
, teamParents :: LocalURI
, teamMembers :: LocalURI
, teamMembers :: LocalURI
, teamResources :: LocalURI
instance ActivityPub Team where
instance ActivityPub Team where
@ -964,11 +965,13 @@ instance ActivityPub Team where
<$> withAuthorityO h (o .: "subteams")
<$> withAuthorityO h (o .: "subteams")
<*> withAuthorityO h (o .: "context")
<*> withAuthorityO h (o .: "context")
<*> withAuthorityO h (o .: "members")
<*> withAuthorityO h (o .: "members")
toSeries h (Team actor children parents members)
<*> withAuthorityO h (o .: "teamResources")
toSeries h (Team actor children parents members resources)
= toSeries h actor
= toSeries h actor
<> "subteams" .= ObjURI h children
<> "subteams" .= ObjURI h children
<> "context" .= ObjURI h parents
<> "context" .= ObjURI h parents
<> "members" .= ObjURI h members
<> "members" .= ObjURI h members
<> "teamResources" .= ObjURI h resources
data Audience u = Audience
data Audience u = Audience
{ audienceTo :: [ObjURI u]
{ audienceTo :: [ObjURI u]
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ $# <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
<a href=@{GroupMembersR groupHash}>
<a href=@{GroupMembersR groupHash}>
[🤝 Members]
[🤝 Members]
<a href=@{GroupEffortsR groupHash}>
[💼 Projects]
<a href=@{GroupChildrenR groupHash}>
<a href=@{GroupChildrenR groupHash}>
[🐛 Children]
[🐛 Children]
@ -1659,21 +1659,10 @@ Effort
effort EffortId
effort EffortId
topic ResourceId
UniqueEffortTopicLocal effort
UniqueEffortTopicLocal effort
topic EffortTopicLocalId
project ProjectId
UniqueEffortTopicProject topic
topic EffortTopicLocalId
component KomponentId
UniqueEffortTopicComponent topic
effort EffortId
effort EffortId
topic RemoteActorId
topic RemoteActorId
@ -198,6 +198,8 @@
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/child/approve/#DestId GroupApproveChildR POST
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/child/approve/#DestId GroupApproveChildR POST
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/parent/approve/#SourceId GroupApproveParentR POST
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/parent/approve/#SourceId GroupApproveParentR POST
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/efforts GroupEffortsR GET
---- Repo --------------------------------------------------------------------
---- Repo --------------------------------------------------------------------
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid RepoR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid RepoR GET
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