diff --git a/config/models b/config/models
index 58ce8f0..506690c 100644
--- a/config/models
+++ b/config/models
@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ WorkflowField
filterNew Bool
filterTodo Bool
filterClosed Bool
+ color Int Maybe
UniqueWorkflowField workflow ident
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Form/Workflow.hs b/src/Vervis/Form/Workflow.hs
index a72fca7..ef3b87b 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Form/Workflow.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Form/Workflow.hs
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ data NewField = NewField
, nfNew :: Bool
, nfTodo :: Bool
, nfClosed :: Bool
+ , nfColor :: Maybe Int
newFieldAForm :: WorkflowId -> AForm Handler NewField
@@ -79,12 +80,15 @@ newFieldAForm wid = NewField
<*> areq checkBoxField "Applies to New*" (Just True)
<*> areq checkBoxField "Applies to Todo*" (Just True)
<*> areq checkBoxField "Applies to Closed*" (Just True)
+ <*> aopt (selectField selectColor) "Color" Nothing
selectEnum =
[WorkflowEnumWorkflow ==. wid]
[Asc WorkflowEnumName]
+ selectColor =
+ optionsPairs [("red" :: Text, 1), ("green", 2), ("yellow", 3), ("blue", 4)]
newFieldForm :: WorkflowId -> Form NewField
newFieldForm wid = renderDivs $ newFieldAForm wid
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Handler/Ticket.hs b/src/Vervis/Handler/Ticket.hs
index 477d6af..37ade96 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Handler/Ticket.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Handler/Ticket.hs
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (logWarn)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
+import Data.Aeson (encode)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Default.Class (def)
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ import Yesod.Form.Functions (runFormGet, runFormPost)
import Yesod.Form.Types (FormResult (..))
import Yesod.Persist.Core (runDB, get404, getBy404)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T (filter, intercalate, pack)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
@@ -95,11 +97,13 @@ import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.Auth.Unverified
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
+import Yesod.MonadSite
import qualified Web.ActivityPub as AP
import Data.Either.Local
import Data.Maybe.Local (partitionMaybePairs)
+import Data.Paginate.Local
import Database.Persist.Local
import Yesod.Persist.Local
@@ -114,6 +118,7 @@ import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Model.Ticket
import Vervis.Model.Workflow
+import Vervis.Paginate
import Yesod.RenderSource
import Vervis.Settings
import Vervis.Style
@@ -125,23 +130,84 @@ import Vervis.Widget.Discussion (discussionW)
import Vervis.Widget.Sharer
import Vervis.Widget.Ticket
-getTicketsR :: ShrIdent -> PrjIdent -> Handler Html
-getTicketsR shr prj = do
- ((filtResult, filtWidget), filtEnctype) <- runFormGet ticketFilterForm
- let tf =
- case filtResult of
- FormSuccess filt -> filt
- FormMissing -> def
- FormFailure l ->
- error $ "Ticket filter form failed: " ++ show l
- rows <- runDB $ do
- Entity sid _ <- getBy404 $ UniqueSharer shr
- Entity jid _ <- getBy404 $ UniqueProject prj sid
- getTicketSummaries
- (filterTickets tf)
- (Just $ \ t -> [E.asc $ t E.^. TicketNumber])
- jid
- defaultLayout $(widgetFile "ticket/list")
+getTicketsR :: ShrIdent -> PrjIdent -> Handler TypedContent
+getTicketsR shr prj = selectRep $ do
+ provideRep $ do
+ ((filtResult, filtWidget), filtEnctype) <- runFormGet ticketFilterForm
+ let tf =
+ case filtResult of
+ FormSuccess filt -> filt
+ FormMissing -> def
+ FormFailure l ->
+ error $ "Ticket filter form failed: " ++ show l
+ (total, pages, mpage) <- runDB $ do
+ Entity sid _ <- getBy404 $ UniqueSharer shr
+ Entity jid _ <- getBy404 $ UniqueProject prj sid
+ let countAllTickets = count [TicketProject ==. jid]
+ selectTickets off lim =
+ getTicketSummaries
+ (filterTickets tf)
+ (Just $ \ t -> [E.asc $ t E.^. TicketNumber])
+ (Just (off, lim))
+ jid
+ getPageAndNavCount countAllTickets selectTickets
+ case mpage of
+ Nothing -> redirectFirstPage here
+ Just (rows, navModel) ->
+ let pageNav = navWidget navModel
+ in defaultLayout $(widgetFile "ticket/list")
+ provideAP' $ do
+ (total, pages, mpage) <- runDB $ do
+ Entity sid _ <- getBy404 $ UniqueSharer shr
+ Entity jid _ <- getBy404 $ UniqueProject prj sid
+ let countAllTickets = count [TicketProject ==. jid]
+ selectTickets off lim = selectList [TicketProject ==. jid] [Desc TicketNumber, OffsetBy off, LimitTo lim]
+ getPageAndNavCount countAllTickets selectTickets
+ encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
+ encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
+ encodeRoutePageLocal <- getEncodeRoutePageLocal
+ let pageUrl = encodeRoutePageLocal here
+ host <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
+ return $
+ case mpage of
+ Nothing -> encodeStrict $ Doc host $ Collection
+ { collectionId = encodeRouteLocal here
+ , collectionType = CollectionTypeOrdered
+ , collectionTotalItems = Just total
+ , collectionCurrent = Nothing
+ , collectionFirst = Just $ pageUrl 1
+ , collectionLast = Just $ pageUrl pages
+ , collectionItems = [] :: [Text]
+ }
+ Just (tickets, navModel) ->
+ let current = nmCurrent navModel
+ in encodeStrict $ Doc host $ CollectionPage
+ { collectionPageId = pageUrl current
+ , collectionPageType = CollectionPageTypeOrdered
+ , collectionPageTotalItems = Nothing
+ , collectionPageCurrent = Just $ pageUrl current
+ , collectionPageFirst = Just $ pageUrl 1
+ , collectionPageLast = Just $ pageUrl pages
+ , collectionPagePartOf = encodeRouteLocal here
+ , collectionPagePrev =
+ if current > 1
+ then Just $ pageUrl $ current - 1
+ else Nothing
+ , collectionPageNext =
+ if current < pages
+ then Just $ pageUrl $ current + 1
+ else Nothing
+ , collectionPageStartIndex = Nothing
+ , collectionPageItems =
+ map (encodeRouteHome . ticketUrl . entityVal)
+ tickets
+ }
+ where
+ here = TicketsR shr prj
+ ticketUrl = TicketR shr prj . ticketNumber
+ encodeStrict = BL.toStrict . encode
getTicketTreeR :: ShrIdent -> PrjIdent -> Handler Html
getTicketTreeR shr prj = do
@@ -149,7 +215,7 @@ getTicketTreeR shr prj = do
Entity sid _ <- getBy404 $ UniqueSharer shr
Entity jid _ <- getBy404 $ UniqueProject prj sid
liftA2 (,)
- (getTicketSummaries Nothing Nothing jid)
+ (getTicketSummaries Nothing Nothing Nothing jid)
(getTicketDepEdges jid)
defaultLayout $ ticketTreeDW shr prj summaries deps
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Handler/Workflow.hs b/src/Vervis/Handler/Workflow.hs
index c959287..1fdf685 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Handler/Workflow.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Handler/Workflow.hs
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ postWorkflowFieldsR shr wfl = do
, workflowFieldFilterNew = nfNew nf
, workflowFieldFilterTodo = nfTodo nf
, workflowFieldFilterClosed = nfClosed nf
+ , workflowFieldColor = nfColor nf
runDB $ insert_ field
return $ Right $ nfIdent nf
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Migration.hs b/src/Vervis/Migration.hs
index d949eac..51b0cc0 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Migration.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Migration.hs
@@ -1226,6 +1226,8 @@ changes hLocal ctx =
, renameUnique "WorkflowEnumCtor" "UniqueWorkflowFieldEnumCtor" "UniqueWorkflowEnumCtor"
-- 184
, addEntities model_2020_01_05
+ -- 185
+ , addFieldPrimOptional "WorkflowField" (Nothing :: Maybe Int) "color"
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Ticket.hs b/src/Vervis/Ticket.hs
index caab449..3207e91 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Ticket.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Ticket.hs
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ where
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Traversable
import Database.Esqueleto
-import Database.Esqueleto.PostgreSQL
import Vervis.Foundation (AppDB)
import Vervis.Model
@@ -46,63 +46,69 @@ import Vervis.Widget.Ticket (TicketSummary (..))
:: Maybe (SqlExpr (Entity Ticket) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool))
-> Maybe (SqlExpr (Entity Ticket) -> [SqlExpr OrderBy])
+ -> Maybe (Int, Int)
-> ProjectId
-> AppDB [TicketSummary]
-getTicketSummaries mfilt morder jid = fmap (map toSummary) $ select $ from $
- \ ( t
- `LeftOuterJoin` (tal `InnerJoin` p `InnerJoin` s)
- `LeftOuterJoin` (tar `InnerJoin` ra `InnerJoin` ro `InnerJoin` i)
- `InnerJoin` d
- `LeftOuterJoin` m
- `LeftOuterJoin` (tpc `InnerJoin` wf)
- ) -> do
- on $ tpc ?. TicketParamClassField ==. wf ?. WorkflowFieldId
- on $ just (t ^. TicketId) ==. tpc ?. TicketParamClassTicket
- on $ just (d ^. DiscussionId) ==. m ?. MessageRoot
- on $ t ^. TicketDiscuss ==. d ^. DiscussionId
- on $ ro ?. RemoteObjectInstance ==. i ?. InstanceId
- on $ ra ?. RemoteActorIdent ==. ro ?. RemoteObjectId
- on $ tar ?. TicketAuthorRemoteAuthor ==. ra ?. RemoteActorId
- on $ just (t ^. TicketId) ==. tar ?. TicketAuthorRemoteTicket
- on $ p ?. PersonIdent ==. s ?. SharerId
- on $ tal ?. TicketAuthorLocalAuthor ==. p ?. PersonId
- on $ just (t ^. TicketId) ==. tal ?. TicketAuthorLocalTicket
- where_ $ t ^. TicketProject ==. val jid
- groupBy
- ( t ^. TicketId, s ?. SharerId
- , ra ?. RemoteActorId, ro ?. RemoteObjectId, i ?. InstanceId
- )
- for_ mfilt $ \ filt -> where_ $ filt t
- for_ morder $ \ order -> orderBy $ order t
- return
- ( t ^. TicketNumber
- , s
- , i
- , ro
- , ra
- , t ^. TicketCreated
- , t ^. TicketTitle
- , t ^. TicketStatus
- , count $ m ?. MessageId
- , arrayRemoveNull $ maybeArray $ arrayAgg $ wf ?. WorkflowFieldName
- )
- where
- toSummary (Value n, ms, mi, mro, mra, Value c, Value t, Value d, Value r, Value wfs) =
- TicketSummary
- { tsNumber = n
- , tsCreatedBy =
- case (ms, mi, mro, mra) of
- (Just s, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) ->
- Left $ entityVal s
- (Nothing, Just i, Just ro, Just ra) ->
- Right (entityVal i, entityVal ro, entityVal ra)
- _ -> error "Ticket author DB invalid state"
- , tsCreatedAt = c
- , tsTitle = t
- , tsLabels = wfs
- , tsStatus = d
- , tsComments = r
- }
+getTicketSummaries mfilt morder offlim jid = do
+ tickets <- select $ from $
+ \ ( t
+ `LeftOuterJoin` (tal `InnerJoin` p `InnerJoin` s)
+ `LeftOuterJoin` (tar `InnerJoin` ra `InnerJoin` ro `InnerJoin` i)
+ `InnerJoin` d
+ `LeftOuterJoin` m
+ ) -> do
+ on $ just (d ^. DiscussionId) ==. m ?. MessageRoot
+ on $ t ^. TicketDiscuss ==. d ^. DiscussionId
+ on $ ro ?. RemoteObjectInstance ==. i ?. InstanceId
+ on $ ra ?. RemoteActorIdent ==. ro ?. RemoteObjectId
+ on $ tar ?. TicketAuthorRemoteAuthor ==. ra ?. RemoteActorId
+ on $ just (t ^. TicketId) ==. tar ?. TicketAuthorRemoteTicket
+ on $ p ?. PersonIdent ==. s ?. SharerId
+ on $ tal ?. TicketAuthorLocalAuthor ==. p ?. PersonId
+ on $ just (t ^. TicketId) ==. tal ?. TicketAuthorLocalTicket
+ where_ $ t ^. TicketProject ==. val jid
+ groupBy
+ ( t ^. TicketId, s ?. SharerId
+ , ra ?. RemoteActorId, ro ?. RemoteObjectId, i ?. InstanceId
+ )
+ for_ mfilt $ \ filt -> where_ $ filt t
+ for_ morder $ \ order -> orderBy $ order t
+ for_ offlim $ \ (off, lim) -> do
+ offset $ fromIntegral off
+ limit $ fromIntegral lim
+ return
+ ( t ^. TicketId
+ , t ^. TicketNumber
+ , s
+ , i
+ , ro
+ , ra
+ , t ^. TicketCreated
+ , t ^. TicketTitle
+ , t ^. TicketStatus
+ , count $ m ?. MessageId
+ )
+ for tickets $
+ \ (Value tid, Value n, ms, mi, mro, mra, Value c, Value t, Value d, Value r) -> do
+ labels <- select $ from $ \ (tpc `InnerJoin` wf) -> do
+ on $ tpc ^. TicketParamClassField ==. wf ^. WorkflowFieldId
+ where_ $ tpc ^. TicketParamClassTicket ==. val tid
+ return wf
+ return TicketSummary
+ { tsNumber = n
+ , tsCreatedBy =
+ case (ms, mi, mro, mra) of
+ (Just s, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) ->
+ Left $ entityVal s
+ (Nothing, Just i, Just ro, Just ra) ->
+ Right (entityVal i, entityVal ro, entityVal ra)
+ _ -> error "Ticket author DB invalid state"
+ , tsCreatedAt = c
+ , tsTitle = t
+ , tsLabels = map entityVal labels
+ , tsStatus = d
+ , tsComments = r
+ }
-- | Get the child-parent ticket number pairs of all the ticket dependencies
-- in the given project, in ascending order by child, and then ascending order
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Widget/Ticket.hs b/src/Vervis/Widget/Ticket.hs
index 4a2f566..a048c54 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Widget/Ticket.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Widget/Ticket.hs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ data TicketSummary = TicketSummary
, tsCreatedBy :: Either Sharer (Instance, RemoteObject, RemoteActor)
, tsCreatedAt :: UTCTime
, tsTitle :: Text
- , tsLabels :: [Text]
+ , tsLabels :: [WorkflowField]
, tsStatus :: TicketStatus
, tsComments :: Int
diff --git a/templates/ticket/list.hamlet b/templates/ticket/list.hamlet
index a7b49b6..b11023b 100644
--- a/templates/ticket/list.hamlet
+++ b/templates/ticket/list.hamlet
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ $#