diff --git a/config/settings-default.yaml b/config/settings-default.yaml
index 147895a..13a2877 100644
--- a/config/settings-default.yaml
+++ b/config/settings-default.yaml
@@ -110,6 +110,13 @@ max-accounts: 3
# Person usernames who are allowed to create Factory actors
can-create-factories: []
+# KeyHashids of local Factory actors who will auto-send a develop-Grant to
+# every newly created account
+# If empty or unset, and there's exactly 1 local factory in DB, it will
+# automatically become the resident
+resident-factories: []
# Mail
diff --git a/migrations/650_2024-08-03_fulfills_resident.model b/migrations/650_2024-08-03_fulfills_resident.model
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d0c2ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/650_2024-08-03_fulfills_resident.model
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ collab CollabId
+ UniqueCollabFulfillsResidentFactory collab
+ permit PermitId
+ UniquePermitFulfillsResidentFactory permit
+ actor ActorId
+ create OutboxItemId
+ UniqueActorCreateLocalActor actor
+ UniqueActorCreateLocalCreate create
+ actor ActorId
+ create RemoteActivityId
+ sender RemoteActorId
+ UniqueActorCreateRemoteActor actor
+ UniqueActorCreateRemoteCreate create
diff --git a/migrations/651_2024-08-03_actor_create.model b/migrations/651_2024-08-03_actor_create.model
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6d8faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/651_2024-08-03_actor_create.model
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ outbox OutboxId
+ activity PersistJSONObject
+ published UTCTime
+ name Text
+ desc Text
+ createdAt UTCTime
+ inbox InboxId
+ outbox OutboxId
+ followers FollowerSetId
+ justCreatedBy ActorId Maybe
+ errbox InboxId
+ UniqueActorInbox inbox
+ UniqueActorOutbox outbox
+ UniqueActorFollowers followers
+ actor ActorId
+ create OutboxItemId
+ username Username
+ login Text
+ passphraseHash ByteString
+ email EmailAddress
+ verified Bool
+ verifiedKey Text
+ verifiedKeyCreated UTCTime
+ resetPassKey Text
+ resetPassKeyCreated UTCTime
+ actor ActorId
+-- reviewFollow Bool
+ UniquePersonUsername username
+ UniquePersonLogin login
+ UniquePersonEmail email
+ UniquePersonActor actor
+ actor ActorId
+ UniqueResource actor
+ resource ResourceId
+ create OutboxItemId
+ UniqueFactory resource
+ UniqueFactoryCreate create
+ actor ActorId
+ resource ResourceId
+ create OutboxItemId
+ UniqueGroupActor actor
+ UniqueGroupCreate create
+ actor ActorId
+ resource ResourceId
+ create OutboxItemId
+ UniqueProjectActor actor
+ UniqueProjectCreate create
+ actor ActorId
+ resource ResourceId
+ komponent KomponentId
+ workflow WorkflowId
+ nextTicket Int
+ wiki RepoId Maybe
+ create OutboxItemId
+ UniqueDeckActor actor
+ UniqueDeckCreate create
+ nextTicket Int
+ actor ActorId
+ resource ResourceId
+ komponent KomponentId
+ repo RepoId
+ create OutboxItemId
+ UniqueLoomActor actor
+ UniqueLoomRepo repo
+ UniqueLoomCreate create
+ vcs VersionControlSystem
+ project DeckId Maybe
+ mainBranch Text
+ actor ActorId
+ resource ResourceId
+ komponent KomponentId
+ create OutboxItemId
+ loom LoomId Maybe
+ UniqueRepoActor actor
+ UniqueRepoCreate create
diff --git a/src/Control/Concurrent/Actor.hs b/src/Control/Concurrent/Actor.hs
index f714d9a..9da554d 100644
--- a/src/Control/Concurrent/Actor.hs
+++ b/src/Control/Concurrent/Actor.hs
@@ -486,9 +486,10 @@ hSendTo
:: ( Actor a
, Eq (ActorKey a), Hashable (ActorKey a)
- => (TVar (ActorRefMap a), (HashSet (ActorKey a), ActorMessage a))
+ => (TVar (ActorRefMap a), Maybe (HashSet (ActorKey a), ActorMessage a))
-> IO ()
-hSendTo (tvar, (recips, msg)) = do
+hSendTo (_ , Nothing) = pure ()
+hSendTo (tvar, Just (recips, msg)) = do
allActors <- readTVarIO tvar
for_ (HM.intersection allActors (HS.toMap recips)) $
\ actor -> sendIO' actor msg
@@ -497,7 +498,7 @@ data HSendTo = HSendTo
( Actor a
, Eq (ActorKey a), Hashable (ActorKey a)
- , i ~ (TVar (ActorRefMap a), (HashSet (ActorKey a), ActorMessage a))
+ , i ~ (TVar (ActorRefMap a), Maybe (HashSet (ActorKey a), ActorMessage a))
) =>
H.ApplyAB HSendTo i (IO ()) where
applyAB _ a = hSendTo a
@@ -509,7 +510,7 @@ type instance Eval (B_ a) =
data Set_ :: Type -> Exp Type
-type instance Eval (Set_ a) = (HashSet (ActorKey a), ActorMessage a)
+type instance Eval (Set_ a) = Maybe (HashSet (ActorKey a), ActorMessage a)
data Pair__ :: Type -> Exp Type
type instance Eval (Pair__ a) = (Eval (Item_ a), Eval (Set_ a))
diff --git a/src/Vervis/API.hs b/src/Vervis/API.hs
index baa2251..dfc5bed 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/API.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/API.hs
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ handleViaActor personID maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action = do
let maybeCap' = first (\ (byKey, _, i) -> (byKey, i)) <$> maybeCap
msg = ClientMsg maybeCap' localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
maybeResult <-
- liftIO $ callIO theater personID (MsgP $ Right msg)
+ liftIO $ callIO theater personID (PersonMsgClient msg)
itemText <-
case maybeResult of
Nothing -> error "Person not found in theater"
@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ createPatchTrackerC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor maybeCap localRecips
insertLoom now name msummary obiidCreate repoID = do
actor@(Entity actorID _) <-
- insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) (Just $ personActor personUser)
+ insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) $ Left (error "insertLoom1", error "insertLoom2", obiidCreate)
resourceID <- insert $ Resource actorID
komponentID <- insert $ Komponent resourceID
loomID <- insert Loom
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ createPatchTrackerC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor maybeCap localRecips
, loomResource = resourceID
, loomKomponent = komponentID
, loomRepo = repoID
- , loomCreate = obiidCreate
+ --, loomCreate = obiidCreate
return (loomID, resourceID, actor)
@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ createPatchTrackerC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor maybeCap localRecips
repo = encodeRouteHome $ RepoR repoHash
specific = CreateActivity Create
{ createObject = CreatePatchTracker ptdetail (repo :| []) (Just (hLocal, ptlocal))
- , createTarget = Nothing
+ , createOrigin = Nothing
return action { actionSpecific = specific }
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ createRepositoryC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor maybeCap localRecips r
insertRepo now name msummary createID = do
actor@(Entity actorID _) <-
- insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) (Just $ personActor personUser)
+ insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) $ Left (error "insertRepo1", error "insertRepo2", createID)
resourceID <- insert $ Resource actorID
komponentID <- insert $ Komponent resourceID
repoID <- insert Repo
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ createRepositoryC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor maybeCap localRecips r
, repoActor = actorID
, repoResource = resourceID
, repoKomponent = komponentID
- , repoCreate = createID
+ --, repoCreate = createID
, repoLoom = Nothing
return (repoID, resourceID, actor)
@@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ createRepositoryC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor maybeCap localRecips r
specific = CreateActivity Create
{ createObject = CreateRepository rdetail vcs (Just (hLocal, rlocal))
- , createTarget = Nothing
+ , createOrigin = Nothing
return action { actionSpecific = specific }
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Actor.hs b/src/Vervis/Actor.hs
index e4924cf..4292255 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Actor.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Actor.hs
@@ -506,12 +506,17 @@ instance Actor Person where
type ActorStage Person = Staje
type ActorKey Person = PersonId
type ActorReturn Person = Either Text Text
- data ActorMessage Person = MsgP (Either Verse ClientMsg)
+ data ActorMessage Person
+ = PersonMsgVerse Verse
+ | PersonMsgClient ClientMsg
+ | PersonMsgInit
instance Actor Deck where
type ActorStage Deck = Staje
type ActorKey Deck = DeckId
type ActorReturn Deck = Either Text Text
- data ActorMessage Deck = MsgD Verse
+ data ActorMessage Deck
+ = DeckMsgVerse Verse
+ | DeckMsgInit (Either (LocalActorBy Key, ActorId, OutboxItemId) (RemoteAuthor, LocalURI))
instance Actor Loom where
type ActorStage Loom = Staje
type ActorKey Loom = LoomId
@@ -526,33 +531,40 @@ instance Actor Project where
type ActorStage Project = Staje
type ActorKey Project = ProjectId
type ActorReturn Project = Either Text Text
- data ActorMessage Project = MsgJ Verse
+ data ActorMessage Project
+ = ProjectMsgVerse Verse
+ | ProjectMsgInit (Either (LocalActorBy Key, ActorId, OutboxItemId) (RemoteAuthor, LocalURI))
instance Actor Group where
type ActorStage Group = Staje
type ActorKey Group = GroupId
type ActorReturn Group = Either Text Text
- data ActorMessage Group = MsgG Verse
+ data ActorMessage Group
+ = TeamMsgVerse Verse
+ | TeamMsgInit (Either (LocalActorBy Key, ActorId, OutboxItemId) (RemoteAuthor, LocalURI))
instance Actor Factory where
type ActorStage Factory = Staje
type ActorKey Factory = FactoryId
type ActorReturn Factory = Either Text Text
- data ActorMessage Factory = MsgF Verse
+ data ActorMessage Factory
+ = FactoryMsgVerse Verse
+ | FactoryMsgVerified PersonId
instance VervisActor Person where
- actorVerse = MsgP . Left
- toVerse (MsgP e) =
- case e of
- Left v -> Just v
- Right _ -> Nothing
+ actorVerse = PersonMsgVerse
+ toVerse (PersonMsgVerse v) = Just v
+ toVerse _ = Nothing
instance VervisActor Project where
- actorVerse = MsgJ
- toVerse (MsgJ v) = Just v
+ actorVerse = ProjectMsgVerse
+ toVerse (ProjectMsgVerse v) = Just v
+ toVerse _ = Nothing
instance VervisActor Group where
- actorVerse = MsgG
- toVerse (MsgG v) = Just v
+ actorVerse = TeamMsgVerse
+ toVerse (TeamMsgVerse v) = Just v
+ toVerse _ = Nothing
instance VervisActor Deck where
- actorVerse = MsgD
- toVerse (MsgD v) = Just v
+ actorVerse = DeckMsgVerse
+ toVerse (DeckMsgVerse v) = Just v
+ toVerse _ = Nothing
instance VervisActor Loom where
actorVerse = MsgL
toVerse (MsgL v) = Just v
@@ -563,8 +575,9 @@ instance VervisActor Repo where
Left v -> Just v
Right _ -> Nothing
instance VervisActor Factory where
- actorVerse = MsgF
- toVerse (MsgF v) = Just v
+ actorVerse = FactoryMsgVerse
+ toVerse (FactoryMsgVerse v) = Just v
+ toVerse _ = Nothing
instance Stage Staje where
data StageEnv Staje = forall y. (Typeable y, Yesod y) => Env
@@ -594,13 +607,17 @@ instance Stage Staje where
type StageActors Staje = [Person, Project, Group, Deck, Loom, Repo, Factory]
instance Message (ActorMessage Person) where
- summarize (MsgP (Left verse)) = summarizeVerse verse
- summarize (MsgP (Right _)) = "ClientMsg"
- refer (MsgP (Left verse)) = referVerse verse
- refer (MsgP (Right _)) = "ClientMsg"
+ summarize (PersonMsgVerse verse) = summarizeVerse verse
+ summarize (PersonMsgClient _) = "PersonMsgClient"
+ summarize PersonMsgInit = "PersonMsgInit"
+ refer (PersonMsgVerse verse) = referVerse verse
+ refer (PersonMsgClient _) = "PersonMsgClient"
+ refer PersonMsgInit = "PersonMsgInit"
instance Message (ActorMessage Deck) where
- summarize (MsgD verse) = summarizeVerse verse
- refer (MsgD verse) = referVerse verse
+ summarize (DeckMsgVerse verse) = summarizeVerse verse
+ summarize (DeckMsgInit _) = "DeckMsgInit"
+ refer (DeckMsgVerse verse) = referVerse verse
+ refer (DeckMsgInit _) = "DeckMsgInit"
instance Message (ActorMessage Loom) where
summarize (MsgL verse) = summarizeVerse verse
refer (MsgL verse) = referVerse verse
@@ -610,14 +627,20 @@ instance Message (ActorMessage Repo) where
refer (MsgR (Left verse)) = referVerse verse
refer (MsgR (Right _)) = "WaitPushCompletion"
instance Message (ActorMessage Project) where
- summarize (MsgJ verse) = summarizeVerse verse
- refer (MsgJ verse) = referVerse verse
+ summarize (ProjectMsgVerse verse) = summarizeVerse verse
+ summarize (ProjectMsgInit _) = "ProjectMsgInit"
+ refer (ProjectMsgVerse verse) = referVerse verse
+ refer (ProjectMsgInit _) = "ProjectMsgInit"
instance Message (ActorMessage Group) where
- summarize (MsgG verse) = summarizeVerse verse
- refer (MsgG verse) = referVerse verse
+ summarize (TeamMsgVerse verse) = summarizeVerse verse
+ summarize (TeamMsgInit _) = "TeamMsgInit"
+ refer (TeamMsgVerse verse) = referVerse verse
+ refer (TeamMsgInit _) = "TeamMsgInit"
instance Message (ActorMessage Factory) where
- summarize (MsgF verse) = summarizeVerse verse
- refer (MsgF verse) = referVerse verse
+ summarize (FactoryMsgVerse verse) = summarizeVerse verse
+ summarize (FactoryMsgVerified _) = "FactoryMsgVerified"
+ refer (FactoryMsgVerse verse) = referVerse verse
+ refer (FactoryMsgVerified _) = "FactoryMsgVerified"
type YesodRender y = Route y -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text
@@ -935,13 +958,13 @@ sendToLocalActors authorAndId body requireOwner mauthor maidAuthor recips = do
partitionByActor liveRecips
verse = Verse authorAndId' body
sendMany $
- (liveRecipsP, actorVerse verse) `H.HCons`
- (liveRecipsJ, actorVerse verse) `H.HCons`
- (liveRecipsG, actorVerse verse) `H.HCons`
- (liveRecipsD, actorVerse verse) `H.HCons`
- (liveRecipsL, actorVerse verse) `H.HCons`
- (liveRecipsR, actorVerse verse) `H.HCons`
- (liveRecipsF, actorVerse verse) `H.HCons` H.HNil
+ (Just (liveRecipsP, actorVerse verse)) `H.HCons`
+ (Just (liveRecipsJ, actorVerse verse)) `H.HCons`
+ (Just (liveRecipsG, actorVerse verse)) `H.HCons`
+ (Just (liveRecipsD, actorVerse verse)) `H.HCons`
+ (Just (liveRecipsL, actorVerse verse)) `H.HCons`
+ (Just (liveRecipsR, actorVerse verse)) `H.HCons`
+ (Just (liveRecipsF, actorVerse verse)) `H.HCons` H.HNil
-- Return remote followers, to whom we need to deliver via HTTP
return remoteFollowers
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Actor/Common.hs b/src/Vervis/Actor/Common.hs
index 10f6f11..4dd777c 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Actor/Common.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Actor/Common.hs
@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@
module Vervis.Actor.Common
( actorFollow
+ , actorFollow'
, topicAccept
, topicReject
, componentInvite
, componentRemove
, topicJoin
, topicCreateMe
+ , topicInit
, componentGrant
, componentAdd
, componentRevoke
@@ -86,11 +88,13 @@ import Vervis.Data.Actor
import Vervis.Data.Collab
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
+import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Persist.Actor
import Vervis.Persist.Collab
import Vervis.Persist.Discussion
import Vervis.Recipient (makeRecipientSet, LocalStageBy (..), Aud (..), collectAudience, localActorFollowers, renderLocalActor)
import Vervis.RemoteActorStore
+import Vervis.Settings
import Vervis.Ticket
import Vervis.Web.Collab
@@ -113,7 +117,24 @@ actorFollow
-> Verse
-> AP.Follow URIMode
-> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-actorFollow parseFollowee grabActor unread getFollowee getSieve makeLocalActor makeAudience now recipID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Follow uObject _ hide) = do
+actorFollow parseFollowee grabActor =
+ actorFollow' parseFollowee (pure . grabActor)
+ :: (PersistRecordBackend r SqlBackend, ToBackendKey SqlBackend r)
+ => (Route App -> ActE a)
+ -> (r -> ActDB ActorId)
+ -> Bool
+ -> (Actor -> a -> ActDBE FollowerSetId)
+ -> (a -> ActDB RecipientRoutes)
+ -> (forall f. f r -> LocalActorBy f)
+ -> (a -> Act [Aud URIMode])
+ -> UTCTime
+ -> Key r
+ -> Verse
+ -> AP.Follow URIMode
+ -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
+actorFollow' parseFollowee grabActor unread getFollowee getSieve makeLocalActor makeAudience now recipID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Follow uObject _ hide) = do
-- Check input
followee <- nameExceptT "Follow object" $ do
@@ -132,7 +153,7 @@ actorFollow parseFollowee grabActor unread getFollowee getSieve makeLocalActor m
-- Find me in DB
recip <- lift $ getJust recipID
- let recipActorID = grabActor recip
+ recipActorID <- lift $ grabActor recip
recipActor <- lift $ getJust recipActorID
-- Insert the Follow to my inbox
@@ -2248,82 +2269,148 @@ topicJoin grabResource topicResource now topicKey (Verse authorIdMsig body) join
recipID <- insert $ CollabRecipRemote collabID authorID
insert_ $ CollabRecipRemoteJoin recipID fulfillsID joinID
+-- Meaning: Someone has created an actor with my ID URI
+-- Behavior:
+-- * Verify I have no Collab records, implying just-been-created state
+-- * Verify my (local!) creator and the Create sender are the same actor
+-- * Possibly: Verify the creator is in the can-create-factories list
+-- * Possibly:
+-- If I'm the first in my table and listed as resident (or no
+-- residents are listed),
+-- send out develop-Grants (and create Collab records) to all verified
+-- local Persons
+-- * Create an admin Collab record in DB
+-- * Send an admin Grant to the creator
:: (PersistRecordBackend topic SqlBackend, ToBackendKey SqlBackend topic)
- => (topic -> ResourceId)
+ => Bool
+ -> Bool
+ -> (topic -> ResourceId)
-> (forall f. f topic -> LocalResourceBy f)
-> UTCTime
-> Key topic
-> Verse
-> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-topicCreateMe grabResource topicResource now recipKey (Verse authorIdMsig body) = do
+topicCreateMe checkCan sendGrants grabResource meToResource now meID (Verse authorIdMsig body) = do
maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
- resourceID <- lift $ grabResource <$> getJust recipKey
- Resource recipActorID <- lift $ getJust resourceID
- recipActor <- lift $ getJust recipActorID
+ resourceMeID <- lift $ grabResource <$> getJust meID
+ Resource actorMeID <- lift $ getJust resourceMeID
+ actorMe <- lift $ getJust actorMeID
- -- Verify I'm in the initial just-been-created state
- creatorActorID <-
- fromMaybeE
- (actorJustCreatedBy recipActor)
- "I already sent the initial Grant, why am I receiving this Create?"
+ -- Verify I'm in initial state
+ creatorActorID <- do
+ create <-
+ lift $
+ requireEitherAlt
+ (getValBy $ UniqueActorCreateLocalActor actorMeID)
+ (getValBy $ UniqueActorCreateRemoteActor actorMeID)
+ "Neither local nor remote"
+ "Both local and remote"
+ case create of
+ Left (ActorCreateLocal _ createID) -> do
+ OutboxItem outboxID _ _ <- lift $ getJust createID
+ mk <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueActorOutbox outboxID
+ fromMaybeE mk "Creator actor not found"
+ Right _ -> error "topicCreateMe used on a remotely-created actor"
creatorPersonID <- do
mp <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniquePersonActor creatorActorID
fromMaybeE mp "Granting access to local non-Person actors isn't suppported currently"
existingCollabIDs <-
- lift $ selectList [CollabTopic ==. resourceID] []
+ lift $ selectList [CollabTopic ==. resourceMeID] []
unless (null existingCollabIDs) $
- error "Just-been-created but I somehow already have Collabs"
+ throwE "I already have Collab records"
-- Verify the Create author is my creator indeed
case authorIdMsig of
Left (_, actorID, _) | actorID == creatorActorID -> pure ()
_ -> throwE "Create author isn't why I believe my creator is - is this Create fake?"
- maybeCreateDB <- lift $ insertToInbox now authorIdMsig body (actorInbox recipActor) False
+ -- Verify creator is in can-create-factories list
+ when checkCan $ do
+ u <- lift $ personUsername <$> getJust creatorPersonID
+ cans <- asksEnv $ appCanCreateFactories . envSettings
+ unless (u `elem` map text2username cans) $
+ throwE "Creator person isn't in can-create-factories list"
+ maybeCreateDB <- lift $ insertToInbox now authorIdMsig body (actorInbox actorMe) False
lift $ for maybeCreateDB $ \ (inboxItemID, _createDB) -> do
- -- Create a Collab record and exit just-been-created state
- grantID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox recipActor) now
- insertCollab resourceID creatorPersonID grantID
- update creatorActorID [ActorJustCreatedBy =. Nothing]
+ -- Create a Collab record
+ grantID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
+ insertCollab resourceMeID creatorPersonID grantID
-- Prepare a Grant activity and insert to my outbox
grant@(actionGrant, _, _, _) <- lift prepareGrant
- let recipByKey = resourceToActor $ topicResource recipKey
+ let recipByKey = resourceToActor $ meToResource meID
_luGrant <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey grantID actionGrant
- return (recipActorID, grantID, grant, inboxItemID)
+ writes <-
+ if sendGrants
+ then do
+ residents <- asksEnv $ appResidentFactories . envSettings
+ meHash <- encodeKeyHashid meID
+ let meHashText = keyHashidText meHash
+ ids <- selectKeysList [] []
+ let meResident =
+ null residents || meHashText `elem` residents
+ if meResident && ids == [meID]
+ then do
+ ps <- selectList [PersonId !=. creatorPersonID, PersonVerified ==. True] []
+ for ps $ \ p@(Entity personID _) -> do
+ writeID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
+ insertResidentCollab resourceMeID personID writeID
+ write@(actionWrite, _, _, _) <- prepareResidentGrant p
+ let recipByKey = resourceToActor $ meToResource meID
+ _luWrite <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey writeID actionWrite
+ return (writeID, write)
+ else pure []
+ else pure []
+ return (actorMeID, grantID, grant, writes, inboxItemID)
case maybeNew of
Nothing -> done "I already have this activity in my inbox"
- Just (recipActorID, grantID, (actionGrant, localRecipsGrant, remoteRecipsGrant, fwdHostsGrant), inboxItemID) -> do
- let recipByID = resourceToActor $ topicResource recipKey
- lift $ sendActivity
- recipByID recipActorID localRecipsGrant
- remoteRecipsGrant fwdHostsGrant grantID actionGrant
- doneDB inboxItemID "Created a Collab record and published a Grant"
+ Just (actorMeID, grantID, (actionGrant, localRecipsGrant, remoteRecipsGrant, fwdHostsGrant), writes, inboxItemID) -> do
+ let recipByID = resourceToActor $ meToResource meID
+ lift $ do
+ sendActivity
+ recipByID actorMeID localRecipsGrant
+ remoteRecipsGrant fwdHostsGrant grantID actionGrant
+ for_ writes $ \ (writeID, (actionWrite, localRecipsWrite, remoteRecipsWrite, fwdHostsWrite)) ->
+ sendActivity
+ recipByID actorMeID localRecipsWrite
+ remoteRecipsWrite fwdHostsWrite writeID actionWrite
+ doneDB inboxItemID "Created a Collab record and published a Grant, possibly sent write-Grants"
- insertCollab resourceID personID grantID = do
- collabID <- insert $ Collab AP.RoleAdmin resourceID
+ insertCollab resourceMeID personID grantID = do
+ collabID <- insert $ Collab AP.RoleAdmin resourceMeID
insert_ $ CollabEnable collabID grantID
insert_ $ CollabRecipLocal collabID personID
insert_ $ CollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation collabID
+ insertResidentCollab resourceMeID personID grantID = do
+ collabID <- insert $ Collab AP.RoleWrite resourceMeID
+ insert_ $ CollabEnable collabID grantID
+ insert_ $ CollabRecipLocal collabID personID
+ insert_ $ CollabFulfillsResidentFactory collabID
prepareGrant = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
audCreator <- makeAudSenderOnly authorIdMsig
- recipHash <- encodeKeyHashid recipKey
+ recipHash <- encodeKeyHashid meID
uCreator <- getActorURI authorIdMsig
uCreate <- getActivityURI authorIdMsig
- let topicByHash = resourceToActor $ topicResource recipHash
+ let topicByHash = resourceToActor $ meToResource recipHash
audience =
let audTopic = AudLocal [] [localActorFollowers topicByHash]
in [audCreator, audTopic]
@@ -2352,6 +2439,167 @@ topicCreateMe grabResource topicResource now recipKey (Verse authorIdMsig body)
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
+ prepareResidentGrant (Entity personID person) = do
+ encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
+ encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
+ personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
+ let audPerson = AudLocal [LocalActorPerson personHash] []
+ meHash <- encodeKeyHashid meID
+ uCreate <- do
+ selfCreateID <- do
+ mc <- getValBy $ UniqueActorCreateLocalActor $ personActor person
+ case mc of
+ Nothing -> error "Person doesn't have an ActorCreateLocal record"
+ Just c -> pure $ actorCreateLocalCreate c
+ createHash <- encodeKeyHashid selfCreateID
+ return $ encodeRouteHome $ PersonOutboxItemR personHash createHash
+ let topicByHash = resourceToActor $ meToResource meHash
+ audience =
+ let audTopic = AudLocal [] [localActorFollowers topicByHash]
+ in [audPerson, audTopic]
+ (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
+ collectAudience audience
+ recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
+ action = AP.Action
+ { AP.actionCapability = Nothing
+ , AP.actionSummary = Nothing
+ , AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
+ , AP.actionFulfills = [uCreate]
+ , AP.actionSpecific = AP.GrantActivity AP.Grant
+ { AP.grantObject = AP.RXRole AP.RoleWrite
+ , AP.grantContext =
+ encodeRouteHome $ renderLocalActor topicByHash
+ , AP.grantTarget = encodeRouteHome $ PersonR personHash
+ , AP.grantResult = Nothing
+ , AP.grantStart = Just now
+ , AP.grantEnd = Nothing
+ , AP.grantAllows = AP.Invoke
+ , AP.grantDelegates = Nothing
+ }
+ }
+ return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
+-- Meaning: I've just been created
+-- Behavior:
+-- * Verify my creator and the Create sender are the same actor
+-- * Create an admin Collab record in DB
+-- * Send an admin Grant to the creator
+ :: (PersistRecordBackend topic SqlBackend, ToBackendKey SqlBackend topic)
+ => (topic -> ActDB ResourceId)
+ -> (forall f. f topic -> LocalResourceBy f)
+ -> UTCTime
+ -> Key topic
+ -> Either (LocalActorBy Key, ActorId, OutboxItemId) (RemoteAuthor, LocalURI)
+ -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
+topicInit grabResource meToResource now meID creator = do
+ (actorMeID, grantID, (actionGrant, localRecipsGrant, remoteRecipsGrant, fwdHostsGrant)) <- withDBExcept $ do
+ -- Grab me from DB
+ resourceMeID <- lift $ grabResource =<< getJust meID
+ Resource actorMeID <- lift $ getJust resourceMeID
+ actorMe <- lift $ getJust actorMeID
+ -- Verify I don't have any Collab records
+ collabIDs <- lift $ selectKeysList [CollabTopic ==. resourceMeID] []
+ unless (null collabIDs) $
+ throwE "I already have Collab records"
+ -- Verify my creator in DB and the one passed to me are the same actor
+ create <-
+ lift $
+ requireEitherAlt
+ (getValBy $ UniqueActorCreateLocalActor actorMeID)
+ (getValBy $ UniqueActorCreateRemoteActor actorMeID)
+ "Neither local nor remote"
+ "Both local and remote"
+ let create' =
+ bimap actorCreateLocalCreate actorCreateRemoteSender create
+ creator' =
+ bimap (view _3) (remoteAuthorId . fst) creator
+ unless (create' == creator') $
+ throwE "Creator in DB and in argument aren't the same"
+ -- If creator is local, verify it's a Person, because the DB schema
+ -- currently allows only Person to be the recipient of a Collab
+ let verifyIsPerson = \case
+ LocalActorPerson p -> pure p
+ _ -> throwE "Local creator isn't a Person"
+ creatorPerson <-
+ traverseOf _Left (traverseOf _1 verifyIsPerson) creator
+ -- Create a Collab record
+ grantID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
+ lift $ insertCollab resourceMeID creatorPerson grantID
+ -- Prepare a Grant activity and insert to my outbox
+ grant@(actionGrant, _, _, _) <- lift $ lift prepareGrant
+ let recipByKey = resourceToActor $ meToResource meID
+ _luGrant <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' recipByKey grantID actionGrant
+ return (actorMeID, grantID, grant)
+ let recipByID = resourceToActor $ meToResource meID
+ lift $ sendActivity
+ recipByID actorMeID localRecipsGrant
+ remoteRecipsGrant fwdHostsGrant grantID actionGrant
+ done "Created a Collab record and published a Grant"
+ where
+ insertCollab resourceMeID creatorPerson grantID = do
+ collabID <- insert $ Collab AP.RoleAdmin resourceMeID
+ insert_ $ CollabEnable collabID grantID
+ case creatorPerson of
+ Left (personID, _, _) ->
+ insert_ $ CollabRecipLocal collabID personID
+ Right (author, _) ->
+ insert_ $ CollabRecipRemote collabID (remoteAuthorId author)
+ insert_ $ CollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation collabID
+ prepareGrant = do
+ encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
+ encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
+ let creatorMsig = second (\ (ra, lu) -> (ra, lu, Nothing)) creator
+ audCreator <- makeAudSenderOnly creatorMsig
+ meHash <- encodeKeyHashid meID
+ uCreator <- getActorURI creatorMsig
+ uCreate <- getActivityURI creatorMsig
+ let meActorHash = resourceToActor $ meToResource meHash
+ audience =
+ let audMe = AudLocal [] [localActorFollowers meActorHash]
+ in [audCreator, audMe]
+ (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
+ collectAudience audience
+ recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
+ action = AP.Action
+ { AP.actionCapability = Nothing
+ , AP.actionSummary = Nothing
+ , AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
+ , AP.actionFulfills = [uCreate]
+ , AP.actionSpecific = AP.GrantActivity AP.Grant
+ { AP.grantObject = AP.RXRole AP.RoleAdmin
+ , AP.grantContext =
+ encodeRouteHome $ renderLocalActor meActorHash
+ , AP.grantTarget = uCreator
+ , AP.grantResult = Nothing
+ , AP.grantStart = Just now
+ , AP.grantEnd = Nothing
+ , AP.grantAllows = AP.Invoke
+ , AP.grantDelegates = Nothing
+ }
+ }
+ return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
-- Meaning: An actor is granting access-to-some-resource to another actor
-- Behavior:
-- * If I approved an Add-to-project where I'm the component, and the
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Actor/Deck.hs b/src/Vervis/Actor/Deck.hs
index 3249d3f..ddabb37 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Actor/Deck.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Actor/Deck.hs
@@ -107,42 +107,6 @@ deckAdd
-> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
deckAdd = componentAdd deckKomponent ComponentDeck
--- Meaning: Someone has created a ticket tracker with my ID URI
--- Behavior:
--- * Verify I'm in a just-been-created state
--- * Verify my creator and the Create sender are the same actor
--- * Create an admin Collab record in DB
--- * Send an admin Grant to the creator
--- * Get out of the just-been-created state
- :: UTCTime
- -> DeckId
- -> Verse
- -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-deckCreateMe = topicCreateMe deckResource LocalResourceDeck
- :: UTCTime
- -> DeckId
- -> Verse
- -> AP.Create URIMode
- -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-deckCreate now deckID verse (AP.Create obj _muTarget) =
- case obj of
- AP.CreateTicketTracker _ mlocal -> do
- (h, local) <- fromMaybeE mlocal "No tracker id provided"
- let luTracker = AP.actorId local
- uMe <- do
- deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid deckID
- encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
- return $ encodeRouteHome $ DeckR deckHash
- unless (uMe == ObjURI h luTracker) $
- throwE "The created tracker id isn't me"
- deckCreateMe now deckID verse
- _ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for Deck"
-- Meaning: An actor A is offering a ticket or a ticket dependency
-- Behavior:
-- * Verify I'm the target
@@ -822,11 +786,10 @@ deckUndo now recipDeckID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Undo uObject) = do
deckBehavior :: UTCTime -> DeckId -> ActorMessage Deck -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-deckBehavior now deckID (MsgD verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
+deckBehavior now deckID (DeckMsgVerse verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
case AP.activitySpecific $ actbActivity body of
AP.AcceptActivity accept -> deckAccept now deckID verse accept
AP.AddActivity add -> deckAdd now deckID verse add
- AP.CreateActivity create -> deckCreate now deckID verse create
AP.FollowActivity follow -> deckFollow now deckID verse follow
AP.GrantActivity grant -> deckGrant now deckID verse grant
AP.InviteActivity invite -> deckInvite now deckID verse invite
@@ -838,6 +801,9 @@ deckBehavior now deckID (MsgD verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
AP.RevokeActivity revoke -> deckRevoke now deckID verse revoke
AP.UndoActivity undo -> deckUndo now deckID verse undo
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for Deck"
+deckBehavior now deckID (DeckMsgInit creator) =
+ let grabResource = fmap komponentResource . getJust . deckKomponent
+ in topicInit grabResource LocalResourceDeck now deckID creator
instance VervisActorLaunch Deck where
actorBehavior' now deckID ve = do
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Actor/Factory.hs b/src/Vervis/Actor/Factory.hs
index 1fa11c3..1f17373 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Actor/Factory.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Actor/Factory.hs
@@ -18,43 +18,451 @@ module Vervis.Actor.Factory
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Exception.Base
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import Data.Barbie
+import Data.Bifoldable
+import Data.Bifunctor
+import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
+import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock
+import Data.Traversable
import Database.Persist
+import Database.Persist.Sql
+import Optics.Core
import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import Control.Concurrent.Actor
import Network.FedURI
+import Web.Actor
+import Web.Actor.Persist
import Yesod.MonadSite
import qualified Web.ActivityPub as AP
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
+import Data.Either.Local
import Database.Persist.Local
+import Vervis.Access
+import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.Actor
+import Vervis.Actor.Common
+import Vervis.Actor.Deck
+import Vervis.Actor.Group
+import Vervis.Actor.Project
+import Vervis.Actor2
+import Vervis.Cloth
+import Vervis.Data.Actor
+import Vervis.Data.Collab
import Vervis.Data.Discussion
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
+import Vervis.Recipient (makeRecipientSet, LocalStageBy (..), Aud (..), collectAudience, localActorFollowers, renderLocalActor)
+import Vervis.RemoteActorStore
import Vervis.Persist.Actor
+import Vervis.Persist.Collab
import Vervis.Persist.Discussion
+import Vervis.Settings
+import Vervis.Ticket
+import Vervis.Web.Collab
+data NewActor = NADeck | NAProject | NATeam
+ :: UTCTime
+ -> FactoryId
+ -> Verse
+ -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
+factoryCreateMe = topicCreateMe True True factoryResource LocalResourceFactory
+-- Meaning: An actor is asking me to create a new actor
+-- Behavior:
+-- * Create a record on DB
+-- * Launch the actor
+-- * Forward the Create to followers
+-- * Send Accept on the Create, with result being the new actor's URI
+ :: NewActor
+ -> UTCTime
+ -> FactoryId
+ -> Verse
+ -> AP.ActorDetail
+ -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
+factoryCreateNew new now factoryMeID (Verse authorIdMsig body) detail = do
+ -- Check input
+ (name, msummary) <- parseDetail detail
+ -- Verify that a capability is provided
+ uCap <- do
+ let muCap = AP.activityCapability $ actbActivity body
+ fromMaybeE muCap "No capability provided"
+ -- Verify the sender is authorized by me to create actors
+ verifyCapability''
+ uCap
+ authorIdMsig
+ (LocalResourceFactory factoryMeID)
+ AP.RoleWrite
+ maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
+ -- Grab me from DB
+ factoryMe <- lift $ getJust factoryMeID
+ let resourceMeID = factoryResource factoryMe
+ Resource actorMeID <- lift $ getJust resourceMeID
+ actorMe <- lift $ getJust actorMeID
+ -- Insert the Create to my inbox
+ mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox now authorIdMsig body (actorInbox actorMe) False
+ for mractid $ \ (inboxItemID, createDB) -> do
+ -- Insert new actor to DB
+ (newLocalResource, launchNewActor, sendInit, newResourceID) <-
+ insertNewActor now name msummary createDB actorMeID
+ -- Prepare forwarding the Create to my followers
+ factoryHash <- encodeKeyHashid factoryMeID
+ let sieve =
+ makeRecipientSet
+ []
+ [LocalStageFactoryFollowers factoryHash]
+ -- Prepare an Accept activity and insert to my outbox
+ acceptID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
+ accept@(actionAccept, _, _, _) <- lift $ prepareAccept newLocalResource
+ let recipByKey = LocalActorFactory factoryMeID
+ _luAccept <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' recipByKey acceptID actionAccept
+ return (actorMeID, sieve, acceptID, accept, inboxItemID, launchNewActor, sendInit)
+ case maybeNew of
+ Nothing -> done "I already have this activity in my inbox"
+ Just (actorMeID, sieve, acceptID, (actionAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept), inboxItemID, launchNewActor, sendInit) -> do
+ -- Spawn new actor
+ success <- lift launchNewActor
+ unless success $
+ error "Failed to spawn new actor, somehow ID already in Theater"
+ -- Forward Create to my followers
+ forwardActivity
+ authorIdMsig body (LocalActorFactory factoryMeID) actorMeID sieve
+ -- Send Accept back to sender
+ lift $ sendActivity
+ (LocalActorFactory factoryMeID) actorMeID localRecipsAccept
+ remoteRecipsAccept fwdHostsAccept acceptID actionAccept
+ -- Send message to new actor, for it to self-initialize
+ there <- lift sendInit
+ unless there $
+ error "Failed to find new actor, somehow ID not in Theater"
+ doneDB inboxItemID "Inserted and launched new actor in just-been-created mode, and sent my Accept"
+ where
+ naToActorType = \case
+ NADeck -> AP.ActorTypeTicketTracker
+ NAProject -> AP.ActorTypeProject
+ NATeam -> AP.ActorTypeTeam
+ parseDetail (AP.ActorDetail typ muser mname msummary) = do
+ unless (typ == naToActorType new) $
+ error "factoryCreate: Create object not the expected value"
+ verifyNothingE muser "Can't have a username"
+ name <- fromMaybeE mname "Doesn't specify name"
+ return (name, msummary)
+ findWorkflow = do
+ mw <- lift $ selectFirst ([] :: [Filter Workflow]) []
+ entityKey <$> fromMaybeE mw "Can't find a workflow"
+ insertNewActor now name msummary createDB actorMeID = do
+ wid <- findWorkflow
+ Entity aid a <- lift $ insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) createDB
+ rid <- lift $ insert $ Resource aid
+ let authorId = second (\ (ra, lu, _) -> (ra, lu)) authorIdMsig
+ (lr, launch, sendInit) <-
+ lift $
+ case new of
+ NADeck -> do
+ kid <- insert $ Komponent rid
+ did <- insert Deck
+ { deckActor = aid
+ , deckResource = rid
+ , deckKomponent = kid
+ , deckWorkflow = wid
+ , deckNextTicket = 1
+ , deckWiki = Nothing
+ }
+ return
+ ( LocalResourceDeck did
+ , launchActor did
+ , send did $ DeckMsgInit authorId
+ )
+ NAProject -> do
+ jid <- insert Project
+ { projectActor = aid
+ , projectResource = rid
+ }
+ return
+ ( LocalResourceProject jid
+ , launchActor jid
+ , send jid $ ProjectMsgInit authorId
+ )
+ NATeam -> do
+ gid <- insert Group
+ { groupActor = aid
+ , groupResource = rid
+ }
+ return
+ ( LocalResourceGroup gid
+ , launchActor gid
+ , send gid $ TeamMsgInit authorId
+ )
+ return (lr, launch, sendInit, rid)
+ prepareAccept newLocalResource = do
+ encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
+ encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
+ factoryHash <- encodeKeyHashid factoryMeID
+ newLocalActorHash <- hashLocalActor $ resourceToActor newLocalResource
+ audSender <- makeAudSenderWithFollowers authorIdMsig
+ let audMe = AudLocal [] [LocalStageFactoryFollowers factoryHash]
+ --audNew = AudLocal [newLocalActorHash] []
+ uCreate <- lift $ getActivityURI authorIdMsig
+ let luNew = encodeRouteLocal $ renderLocalActor newLocalActorHash
+ (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
+ collectAudience [audSender, audMe{-, audNew-}]
+ recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
+ action = AP.Action
+ { AP.actionCapability = Nothing
+ , AP.actionSummary = Nothing
+ , AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
+ , AP.actionFulfills = [uCreate]
+ , AP.actionSpecific = AP.AcceptActivity AP.Accept
+ { AP.acceptObject = uCreate
+ , AP.acceptResult = Just luNew
+ }
+ }
+ return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
+ :: UTCTime
+ -> FactoryId
+ -> Verse
+ -> AP.Create URIMode
+ -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
+factoryCreate now factoryID verse (AP.Create obj muOrigin) = do
+ uMe <- do
+ encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
+ factoryHash <- encodeKeyHashid factoryID
+ return $ encodeRouteHome $ FactoryR factoryHash
+ case obj of
+ AP.CreateTicketTracker detail mlocal -> do
+ verifyNothingE mlocal "Object's id must not be provided"
+ uOrigin <- fromMaybeE muOrigin "'origin' expected in Create-TicketTracker"
+ unless (uOrigin == uMe) $
+ throwE "This Create-TicketTracker isn't for me"
+ factoryCreateNew NADeck now factoryID verse detail
+ AP.CreateProject detail mlocal -> do
+ verifyNothingE mlocal "Object's id must not be provided"
+ uOrigin <- fromMaybeE muOrigin "'origin' expected in Create-Project"
+ unless (uOrigin == uMe) $
+ throwE "This Create-Project isn't for me"
+ factoryCreateNew NAProject now factoryID verse detail
+ AP.CreateTeam detail mlocal -> do
+ verifyNothingE mlocal "Object's id must not be provided"
+ uOrigin <- fromMaybeE muOrigin "'origin' expected in Create-Team"
+ unless (uOrigin == uMe) $
+ throwE "This Create-Team isn't for me"
+ factoryCreateNew NATeam now factoryID verse detail
+ AP.CreateFactory _ mlocal -> do
+ (h, local) <- fromMaybeE mlocal "No factory id provided"
+ let luFactory = AP.actorId local
+ unless (uMe == ObjURI h luFactory) $
+ throwE "The created factory id isn't me"
+ factoryCreateMe now factoryID verse
+ _ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for Factory"
+-- Meaning: A local account just for verified
+-- Behavior:
+-- If I’m a resident, OR no-residents-listed-and-I’m-the-only-factory,
+-- send a write-Grant to new Person and insert Collab record
+ :: UTCTime
+ -> FactoryId
+ -> PersonId
+ -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
+factoryCheckPerson now factoryMeID personID = do
+ result <- withDBExcept $ do
+ -- Grab me from DB
+ factoryMe <- lift $ getJust factoryMeID
+ let resourceMeID = factoryResource factoryMe
+ Resource actorMeID <- lift $ getJust resourceMeID
+ actorMe <- lift $ getJust actorMeID
+ existingCollabs <-
+ lift $ E.select $ E.from $ \ (collab `E.InnerJoin` recip) -> do
+ E.on $ collab E.^. CollabId E.==. recip E.^. CollabRecipLocalCollab
+ E.where_ $
+ collab E.^. CollabTopic E.==. E.val resourceMeID E.&&.
+ recip E.^. CollabRecipLocalPerson E.==. E.val personID
+ return collab
+ residents <- asksEnv $ appResidentFactories . envSettings
+ factoryMeHash <- encodeKeyHashid factoryMeID
+ let meHashText = keyHashidText factoryMeHash
+ factoryIDs <- lift $ selectKeysList [] []
+ let meResident =
+ meHashText `elem` residents ||
+ null residents && factoryIDs == [factoryMeID]
+ if not meResident
+ then pure $ Left "I'm not a resident, nothing to do"
+ else if not $ null existingCollabs
+ then pure $ Left "I'm a resident but already have a Collab for this person, so nothing to do"
+ else lift $ Right <$> do
+ p <- getJust personID
+ grantID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
+ insertResidentCollab resourceMeID grantID
+ grant@(actionGrant, _, _, _) <- prepareResidentGrant p
+ let recipByKey = LocalActorFactory factoryMeID
+ _luGrant <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey grantID actionGrant
+ return (actorMeID, grantID, grant)
+ case result of
+ Left msg -> done msg
+ Right (actorMeID, grantID, (actionGrant, localRecipsGrant, remoteRecipsGrant, fwdHostsGrant)) -> do
+ lift $ sendActivity
+ (LocalActorFactory factoryMeID) actorMeID localRecipsGrant
+ remoteRecipsGrant fwdHostsGrant grantID actionGrant
+ done "Sent write-Grant to person and inserted Collab record"
+ where
+ insertResidentCollab resourceMeID grantID = do
+ collabID <- insert $ Collab AP.RoleWrite resourceMeID
+ insert_ $ CollabEnable collabID grantID
+ insert_ $ CollabRecipLocal collabID personID
+ insert_ $ CollabFulfillsResidentFactory collabID
+ prepareResidentGrant person = do
+ encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
+ encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
+ personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
+ let audPerson = AudLocal [LocalActorPerson personHash] []
+ meHash <- encodeKeyHashid factoryMeID
+ uCreate <- do
+ selfCreateID <- do
+ mc <- getValBy $ UniqueActorCreateLocalActor $ personActor person
+ case mc of
+ Nothing -> error "Person doesn't have an ActorCreateLocal record"
+ Just c -> pure $ actorCreateLocalCreate c
+ createHash <- encodeKeyHashid selfCreateID
+ return $ encodeRouteHome $ PersonOutboxItemR personHash createHash
+ let topicByHash = LocalActorFactory meHash
+ audience =
+ let audTopic = AudLocal [] [localActorFollowers topicByHash]
+ in [audPerson, audTopic]
+ (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
+ collectAudience audience
+ recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
+ action = AP.Action
+ { AP.actionCapability = Nothing
+ , AP.actionSummary = Nothing
+ , AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
+ , AP.actionFulfills = [uCreate]
+ , AP.actionSpecific = AP.GrantActivity AP.Grant
+ { AP.grantObject = AP.RXRole AP.RoleWrite
+ , AP.grantContext =
+ encodeRouteHome $ renderLocalActor topicByHash
+ , AP.grantTarget = encodeRouteHome $ PersonR personHash
+ , AP.grantResult = Nothing
+ , AP.grantStart = Just now
+ , AP.grantEnd = Nothing
+ , AP.grantAllows = AP.Invoke
+ , AP.grantDelegates = Nothing
+ }
+ }
+ return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
+-- Meaning: An actor is following someone/something
+-- Behavior:
+-- * Verify the target is me
+-- * Record the follow in DB
+-- * Publish and send an Accept to the sender and its followers
+ :: UTCTime
+ -> FactoryId
+ -> Verse
+ -> AP.Follow URIMode
+ -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
+factoryFollow now recipFactoryID verse follow = do
+ recipFactoryHash <- encodeKeyHashid recipFactoryID
+ actorFollow'
+ (\case
+ FactoryR d | d == recipFactoryHash -> pure ()
+ _ -> throwE "Asking to follow someone else"
+ )
+ (fmap resourceActor . getJust . factoryResource)
+ False
+ (\ recipFactoryActor () -> pure $ actorFollowers recipFactoryActor)
+ (\ _ -> pure $ makeRecipientSet [] [])
+ LocalActorFactory
+ (\ _ -> pure [])
+ now recipFactoryID verse follow
factoryBehavior :: UTCTime -> FactoryId -> ActorMessage Factory -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-factoryBehavior now factoryID (MsgF _verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
+factoryBehavior now factoryID (FactoryMsgVerse verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
case AP.activitySpecific $ actbActivity body of
+ AP.CreateActivity create -> factoryCreate now factoryID verse create
+ AP.FollowActivity follow -> factoryFollow now factoryID verse follow
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for Factory"
+factoryBehavior now factoryID (FactoryMsgVerified personID) =
+ factoryCheckPerson now factoryID personID
instance VervisActorLaunch Factory where
actorBehavior' now factoryID ve = do
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Actor/Group.hs b/src/Vervis/Actor/Group.hs
index 229c1ee..f3abb5f 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Actor/Group.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Actor/Group.hs
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ import Vervis.Data.Discussion
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
-import Vervis.Model hiding (groupCreate)
+import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Recipient (makeRecipientSet, LocalStageBy (..), Aud (..), collectAudience, localActorFollowers, renderLocalActor)
import Vervis.RemoteActorStore
import Vervis.Persist.Actor
@@ -2441,42 +2441,6 @@ groupAccept now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
--- Meaning: Someone has created a group with my ID URI
--- Behavior:
--- * Verify I'm in a just-been-created state
--- * Verify my creator and the Create sender are the same actor
--- * Create an admin Collab record in DB
--- * Send an admin Grant to the creator
--- * Get out of the just-been-created state
- :: UTCTime
- -> GroupId
- -> Verse
- -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-groupCreateMe = topicCreateMe groupResource LocalResourceGroup
- :: UTCTime
- -> GroupId
- -> Verse
- -> AP.Create URIMode
- -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-groupCreate now groupID verse (AP.Create obj _muTarget) =
- case obj of
- AP.CreateTeam _ mlocal -> do
- (h, local) <- fromMaybeE mlocal "No group id provided"
- let luGroup = AP.actorId local
- uMe <- do
- groupHash <- encodeKeyHashid groupID
- encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
- return $ encodeRouteHome $ GroupR groupHash
- unless (uMe == ObjURI h luGroup) $
- throwE "The created group id isn't me"
- groupCreateMe now groupID verse
- _ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for Group"
-- Meaning: An actor is following someone/something
-- Behavior:
-- * Verify the target is me
@@ -5927,11 +5891,10 @@ groupUndo now recipGroupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Undo uObject) = do
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
groupBehavior :: UTCTime -> GroupId -> ActorMessage Group -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-groupBehavior now groupID (MsgG verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
+groupBehavior now groupID (TeamMsgVerse verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
case AP.activitySpecific $ actbActivity body of
AP.AcceptActivity accept -> groupAccept now groupID verse accept
AP.AddActivity add -> groupAdd now groupID verse add
- AP.CreateActivity create -> groupCreate now groupID verse create
AP.FollowActivity follow -> groupFollow now groupID verse follow
AP.GrantActivity grant -> groupGrant now groupID verse grant
AP.InviteActivity invite -> groupInvite now groupID verse invite
@@ -5941,6 +5904,9 @@ groupBehavior now groupID (MsgG verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
AP.RevokeActivity revoke -> groupRevoke now groupID verse revoke
AP.UndoActivity undo -> groupUndo now groupID verse undo
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for Group"
+groupBehavior now groupID (TeamMsgInit creator) =
+ let grabResource = pure . groupResource
+ in topicInit grabResource LocalResourceGroup now groupID creator
instance VervisActorLaunch Group where
actorBehavior' now groupID ve = do
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Actor/Person.hs b/src/Vervis/Actor/Person.hs
index c4bab5e..7bb5845 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Actor/Person.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Actor/Person.hs
@@ -72,11 +72,12 @@ import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
+import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Persist.Actor
import Vervis.Persist.Collab
import Vervis.Persist.Discussion
import Vervis.Persist.Follow
-import Vervis.Recipient (makeRecipientSet, LocalStageBy (..), Aud (..), collectAudience)
+import Vervis.Recipient (makeRecipientSet, LocalStageBy (..), Aud (..), collectAudience, renderLocalActor)
import Vervis.RemoteActorStore
import Vervis.Ticket
@@ -282,13 +283,19 @@ personUndo now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Undo uObject) = do
-- Meaning: An actor accepted something
-- Behavior:
-- * Insert to my inbox
-- * If it's on a Follow I sent to them:
-- * Add to my following list in DB
-- * If it's on an Invite-for-me to collaborate on a resource:
-- * Verify I haven't yet seen the resource's accept
-- * Verify the Accept author is the resource
-- * Store it in the Permit record in DB
-- * Forward to my followers
+-- * If it's on a Create-actor-via-factory I'd sent
+-- * Insert PermitTopic*
+-- * Send a Follow on the newly created actor
:: UTCTime
-> PersonId
@@ -300,6 +307,34 @@ personAccept now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
-- Check input
acceptee <- parseAccept accept
+ -- Discover Accept.result, before DB access since we might use HTTP
+ maybeRightResult <-
+ for (AP.acceptResult accept) $ \ luResult -> lift $ runExceptT $ do
+ let h = objUriAuthority $ AP.acceptObject accept
+ uResult = ObjURI h luResult
+ routeOrRemote <- parseFedURI uResult
+ bitraverse
+ (\ route -> do
+ lr <- parseLocalResourceE' route
+ resourceID <- withDBExcept $ do
+ lre <- getLocalResourceEntityE lr "Local Accept.result actor not found in DB"
+ lift $ grabLocalResourceID lre
+ return (lr, resourceID)
+ )
+ (\ u@(ObjURI h lu) -> do
+ instanceID <-
+ lift $ withDB $ either entityKey id <$> insertBy' (Instance h)
+ result <-
+ ExceptT $ first (T.pack . displayException) <$>
+ fetchRemoteActor' instanceID h lu
+ case result of
+ Left Nothing -> throwE "Result @id mismatch"
+ Left (Just err) -> throwE $ T.pack $ displayException err
+ Right Nothing -> throwE "Result isn't an actor"
+ Right (Just actor) -> return (u, actor)
+ )
+ routeOrRemote
maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
@@ -314,26 +349,113 @@ personAccept now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
accepteeDB <- MaybeT $ getActivity acceptee
let recipActorID = personActor personRecip
- Left <$> tryFollow recipActorID accepteeDB acceptDB <|>
- Right <$> tryInvite recipActorID accepteeDB acceptDB
+ Left . Left <$> tryFollow recipActorID accepteeDB acceptDB <|>
+ Left . Right <$> tryInvite recipActorID accepteeDB acceptDB <|>
+ Right <$> tryCreate maybeRightResult recipActorID accepteeDB acceptDB
case maybeNew of
Nothing -> done "I already have this activity in my inbox"
Just (inboxItemID, result) ->
case result of
Nothing -> doneDB inboxItemID "Not my Follow/Invite; Just inserted to my inbox"
- Just (Left ()) ->
+ Just (Left (Left ())) ->
doneDB inboxItemID "Recorded this Accept on the Follow request I sent"
- Just (Right (actorID, sieve)) -> do
+ Just (Left (Right (actorID, sieve))) -> do
authorIdMsig body (LocalActorPerson recipPersonID)
actorID sieve
doneDB inboxItemID
"Recorded this Accept on the Invite I've had & \
\forwarded to my followers"
+ Just (Right Nothing) ->
+ doneDB inboxItemID "Inserted PermitTopic*, Follow/Request already exists"
+ Just (Right (Just (actorMeID, followID, follow))) -> do
+ let (actionFollow, localRecipsFollow, remoteRecipsFollow, fwdHostsFollow) = follow
+ lift $ sendActivity
+ (LocalActorPerson recipPersonID) actorMeID localRecipsFollow
+ remoteRecipsFollow fwdHostsFollow followID actionFollow
+ doneDB inboxItemID "Inserted PermitTopic* & sent Follow"
+ tryCreate maybeRightResult actorMeID (Left (_, _, outboxItemID)) _ = do
+ -- Verify Accept specifies a result
+ result <- do
+ r <- hoistMaybe maybeRightResult
+ case r of
+ Left e -> lift $ throwE e
+ Right actor -> pure actor
+ -- Find an admin-Permit-Fulfills-Create I have
+ PermitPersonGesture permitID _ <-
+ MaybeT $ lift $ getValBy $ UniquePermitPersonGestureActivity outboxItemID
+ _ <- MaybeT $ lift $ getBy $ UniquePermitFulfillsTopicCreation permitID
+ Permit p role <- lift $ lift $ getJust permitID
+ guard $ p == recipPersonID
+ guard $ role == AP.RoleAdmin
+ -- Grab the Create's origin, verify it's identical to Accept sender
+ AP.Doc _ act <- lift $ lift $ getActivityBody $ Left outboxItemID
+ uOrigin <-
+ case AP.activitySpecific act of
+ AP.CreateActivity (AP.Create _ (Just u)) -> pure u
+ _ -> lift $ throwE "Expected acceptee to be a Create with origin"
+ uAcceptSender <- lift $ lift $ lift $ getActorURI authorIdMsig
+ unless (uAcceptSender == uOrigin) $
+ lift $ throwE "Accept sender isn't the Create.origin"
+ -- Verify permit topic is missing
+ mptl <- lift $ lift $ getBy $ UniquePermitTopicLocal permitID
+ mptr <- lift $ lift $ getBy $ UniquePermitTopicRemote permitID
+ unless (isNothing mptl && isNothing mptr) $
+ lift $ throwE "PermitTopic* already exists in DB"
+ -- Insert permit topic, the new actor
+ lift $ lift $
+ case result of
+ Left (_, resourceID) ->
+ insert_ $ PermitTopicLocal permitID resourceID
+ Right (_, Entity actorID _) ->
+ insert_ $ PermitTopicRemote permitID actorID
+ lift $ lift $ do
+ -- Look for an existing follow/request record in DB
+ existing <-
+ case result of
+ Left (_, resourceID) -> do
+ Resource actorNewID <- getJust resourceID
+ fsID <- actorFollowers <$> getJust actorNewID
+ mf <- getBy $ UniqueFollow actorMeID fsID
+ mfr <- getBy $ UniqueFollowRequest actorMeID fsID
+ return $ isJust mf || isJust mfr
+ Right (uNewActor, _) -> do
+ mf <- getBy $ UniqueFollowRemote actorMeID uNewActor
+ mfr <- getBy $ UniqueFollowRemoteRequest recipPersonID uNewActor
+ return $ isJust mf || isJust mfr
+ -- If none, insert request and prepare Follow activity
+ if existing
+ then pure Nothing
+ else Just <$> do
+ actorMe <- getJust actorMeID
+ followID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
+ case result of
+ Left (_, resourceID) -> do
+ Resource actorNewID <- getJust resourceID
+ fsID <- actorFollowers <$> getJust actorNewID
+ insert_ $ FollowRequest actorMeID fsID True followID
+ Right (uNewActor, _) ->
+ insert_ $ FollowRemoteRequest recipPersonID uNewActor Nothing True followID
+ follow@(actionFollow, _, _, _) <- lift $ prepareFollow result
+ luFollow <- updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson recipPersonID) followID actionFollow
+ return (actorMeID, followID, follow)
+ tryCreate _ _ (Right _) _ = mzero
tryFollow actorID (Left (_, _, outboxItemID)) (Right (author, _, acceptID)) = do
Entity key val <-
MaybeT $ lift $
@@ -435,6 +557,37 @@ personAccept now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
return (recipActorID, sieve)
+ prepareFollow result = do
+ encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
+ (uNewActor, audNewActor) <-
+ case result of
+ Left (lr, _) -> do
+ la <- resourceToActor <$> hashLocalResource lr
+ return
+ ( encodeRouteHome $ renderLocalActor la
+ , AudLocal [la] []
+ )
+ Right (u@(ObjURI h lu), _) ->
+ return (u, AudRemote h [lu] [])
+ uAccept <- getActivityURI authorIdMsig
+ let (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
+ collectAudience [audNewActor]
+ recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
+ action = AP.Action
+ { AP.actionCapability = Nothing
+ , AP.actionSummary = Nothing
+ , AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
+ , AP.actionFulfills = [uAccept]
+ , AP.actionSpecific = AP.FollowActivity AP.Follow
+ { AP.followObject = uNewActor
+ , AP.followContext = Nothing
+ , AP.followHide = False
+ }
+ }
+ return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
-- Meaning: An actor rejected something
-- Behavior:
-- * Insert to my inbox
@@ -806,6 +959,11 @@ personJoin now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) join = do
-- Behavior:
-- * Insert to my inbox
+-- * If it's a developer direct-Grant from a local Factory, and there's no
+-- Permit record:
+-- * Insert a Permit record, storing the direct-Grant
+-- * Forward the direct-Grant to my followers
-- * If it's a direct-Grant that fulfills a Permit I have:
-- * Verify the Permit isn't already enabled
-- * Verify the sender is the Permit topic
@@ -924,6 +1082,11 @@ personGrant now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
(personRecip, actorRecip) <- lift $ do
p <- getJust recipPersonID
(p,) <$> getJust (personActor p)
+ selfCreateID <- lift $ do
+ mc <- getValBy $ UniqueActorCreateLocalActor $ personActor personRecip
+ case mc of
+ Nothing -> error "I don't have an ActorCreateLocal record"
+ Just c -> pure $ actorCreateLocalCreate c
maybePermit <-
for maybeMine' $
@@ -934,39 +1097,45 @@ personGrant now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
fulfillsDB <- do
a <- getActivity fulfills
fromMaybeE a "Can't find fulfills in DB"
- (permitID, maybeGestureID) <- do
- mp <- runMaybeT $ do
- x@(pt, mg) <-
- tryInvite fulfillsDB <|>
- tryJoin fulfillsDB <|>
- tryCreate fulfillsDB
- Permit p role' <- lift . lift $ getJust pt
- guard $ p == recipPersonID
- lift $ unless (role == AP.RXRole role') $
- throwE "Requested and granted roles differ"
- return x
- fromMaybeE mp "Can't find a PermitFulfills*"
+ mp <- runMaybeT $ do
+ x@(pt, mg) <-
+ tryInvite fulfillsDB <|>
+ tryJoin fulfillsDB <|>
+ tryCreate fulfillsDB
+ Permit p role' <- lift . lift $ getJust pt
+ guard $ p == recipPersonID
+ lift $ unless (role == AP.RXRole role') $
+ throwE "Requested and granted roles differ"
+ return x
+ case mp of
+ Just (permitID, maybeGestureID) -> do
- -- If Permit fulfills an Invite, verify I've approved
- -- it
- gestureID <- fromMaybeE maybeGestureID "I'm getting this Grant but I haven't yet approved the Invite"
+ -- If Permit fulfills an Invite, verify I've approved
+ -- it
+ gestureID <- fromMaybeE maybeGestureID "I'm getting this Grant but I haven't yet approved the Invite"
- -- Verify the Permit isn't already enabled
- topic <- lift $ getPermitTopic permitID
- maybeTopicEnable <-
- lift $ case bimap fst fst topic of
- Left localID -> void <$> getBy (UniquePermitTopicEnableLocalTopic localID)
- Right remoteID -> void <$> getBy (UniquePermitTopicEnableRemoteTopic remoteID)
- unless (isNothing maybeTopicEnable) $
- throwE "I've already received the direct-Grant"
+ -- Verify the Permit isn't already enabled
+ topic <- lift $ getPermitTopic permitID
+ maybeTopicEnable <-
+ lift $ case bimap fst fst topic of
+ Left localID -> void <$> getBy (UniquePermitTopicEnableLocalTopic localID)
+ Right remoteID -> void <$> getBy (UniquePermitTopicEnableRemoteTopic remoteID)
+ unless (isNothing maybeTopicEnable) $
+ throwE "I've already received the direct-Grant"
- -- Verify the Grant sender is the Permit topic
- case (bimap snd snd topic, bimap (view _1) (view _1) authorIdMsig) of
- (Left la, Left la') | resourceToActor la == la' -> pure ()
- (Right raID, Right ra) | raID == remoteAuthorId ra -> pure ()
- _ -> throwE "Grant sender isn't the Permit topic"
+ -- Verify the Grant sender is the Permit topic
+ case (bimap snd snd topic, bimap (view _1) (view _1) authorIdMsig) of
+ (Left la, Left la') | resourceToActor la == la' -> pure ()
+ (Right raID, Right ra) | raID == remoteAuthorId ra -> pure ()
+ _ -> throwE "Grant sender isn't the Permit topic"
- return (gestureID, bimap fst fst topic)
+ return $ Left (gestureID, bimap fst fst topic)
+ Nothing -> do
+ case (authorIdMsig, role) of
+ (Left (LocalActorFactory factoryID, actorID, grantID), AP.RXRole AP.RoleWrite) ->
+ return $ Right (factoryID, actorID, grantID)
+ _ -> throwE "No Permit found & sender-and-role not local-Factory-and-write"
(\ (resourceDB, role, delegatorID) -> do
Entity sendID (PermitPersonSendDelegator gestureID _) <- do
@@ -990,7 +1159,19 @@ personGrant now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
fmap (inboxItemID,) $
for maybePermit $
- (\ (gestureID, topic) -> lift $ do
+ (\ mode -> lift $ do
+ -- In factory-mode, we need to create a Permit record
+ (gestureID, topic) <-
+ case mode of
+ Left permit -> pure permit
+ Right (factoryID, _actorID, _grantID) -> do
+ resourceID <- factoryResource <$> getJust factoryID
+ permitID <- insert $ Permit recipPersonID AP.RoleWrite
+ topicID <- insert $ PermitTopicLocal permitID resourceID
+ insert_ $ PermitFulfillsResidentFactory permitID
+ gestureID <- insert $ PermitPersonGesture permitID selfCreateID
+ return (gestureID, Left topicID)
-- Update the Permit record, storing the direct-Grant
case (topic, grantDB) of
@@ -1072,7 +1253,7 @@ personGrant now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
recipByID recipActorID localRecipsDeleg
remoteRecipsDeleg fwdHostsDeleg delegID actionDeleg
- doneDB inboxItemID "Forwarded the direct-Grant, updated Permit, maybe published delegator-Grant"
+ doneDB inboxItemID "Forwarded the direct-Grant, created/updated Permit, maybe published delegator-Grant"
Just (Right ()) ->
doneDB inboxItemID "Got an extension-Grant, updated Permit"
@@ -1316,8 +1497,80 @@ personRevoke now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Revoke lus) = do
-- Main behavior function
+-- Meaning: I've just been verified
+-- Behavior: Publish a Create-self activity & record ActorCreateLocal in DB
+ :: UTCTime
+ -> PersonId
+ -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
+personInit now personMeID = do
+ _ <- withDBExcept $ do
+ -- Grab me from DB
+ personMe <- lift $ getJust personMeID
+ let actorMeID = personActor personMe
+ actorMe <- lift $ getJust actorMeID
+ -- Grab ActorCreate* record, make sure it doesn't exist
+ ml <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueActorCreateLocalActor actorMeID
+ mr <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueActorCreateRemoteActor actorMeID
+ unless (isNothing ml && isNothing mr) $
+ throwE "ActorCreate* already exists"
+ -- Prepare a Create activity and insert to my outbox
+ createID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
+ create@(actionCreate, _, _, _) <- lift $ lift $ prepareCreate personMe actorMe
+ _luCreate <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) createID actionCreate
+ return (actorMeID, createID, create)
+ -- Not sending the activity anywhere
+ done "Published a Create-self activity"
+ where
+ prepareCreate personMe actorMe = do
+ hLocal <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
+ encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
+ encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
+ personMeHash <- encodeKeyHashid personMeID
+ let audMe = AudLocal [] [LocalStagePersonFollowers personMeHash]
+ (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
+ collectAudience [audMe]
+ recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
+ pdetail = AP.ActorDetail
+ { AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeTicketTracker
+ , AP.actorUsername = Just $ username2text $ personUsername personMe
+ , AP.actorName = Just $ actorName actorMe
+ , AP.actorSummary = Just $ actorDesc actorMe
+ }
+ plocal = AP.ActorLocal
+ { AP.actorId = encodeRouteLocal $ PersonR personMeHash
+ , AP.actorInbox = encodeRouteLocal $ PersonInboxR personMeHash
+ , AP.actorOutbox = Nothing
+ , AP.actorFollowers = Nothing
+ , AP.actorFollowing = Nothing
+ , AP.actorPublicKeys = []
+ , AP.actorSshKeys = []
+ }
+ action = AP.Action
+ { AP.actionCapability = Nothing
+ , AP.actionSummary = Nothing
+ , AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
+ , AP.actionFulfills = []
+ , AP.actionSpecific = AP.CreateActivity AP.Create
+ { AP.createObject = AP.CreatePerson pdetail (Just (hLocal, plocal))
+ , AP.createOrigin = Nothing
+ }
+ }
+ return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
personBehavior :: UTCTime -> PersonId -> ActorMessage Person -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-personBehavior now personID (MsgP (Left verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body))) =
+personBehavior now personID (PersonMsgVerse verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
case AP.activitySpecific $ actbActivity body of
AP.AcceptActivity accept -> personAccept now personID verse accept
AP.AddActivity add -> personAdd now personID verse add
@@ -1337,7 +1590,8 @@ personBehavior now personID (MsgP (Left verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body))) =
AP.RevokeActivity revoke -> personRevoke now personID verse revoke
AP.UndoActivity undo -> personUndo now personID verse undo
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for Person"
-personBehavior now personID (MsgP (Right msg)) = clientBehavior now personID msg
+personBehavior now personID (PersonMsgClient msg) = clientBehavior now personID msg
+personBehavior now personID PersonMsgInit = personInit now personID
instance VervisActorLaunch Person where
actorBehavior' now personID ve = do
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Actor/Person/Client.hs b/src/Vervis/Actor/Person/Client.hs
index bc677e3..00f937d 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Actor/Person/Client.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Actor/Person/Client.hs
@@ -358,26 +358,35 @@ clientAdd now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts a
fwdHosts addID action
return addID
--- Meaning: The human wants to create a ticket tracker
+-- Meaning: The human wants to create an actor via a Factory
-- Behavior:
--- * Create a deck on DB
--- * Create a Permit record in DB
--- * Launch a deck actor
--- * Record a FollowRequest in DB
--- * Create and send Create and Follow to it
+-- * Ensure the origin is addressed
+-- * Insert Create to outbox
+-- * Create an open permit record
+-- * Send the Create to recipients
:: UTCTime
-> PersonId
-> ClientMsg
-> AP.ActorDetail
+ -> FedURI
-> ActE OutboxItemId
-clientCreateDeck now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action) tracker = do
+clientCreateActor now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action) detail uOrigin = do
-- Check input
- verifyNothingE maybeCap "Capability not needed"
- (name, msummary) <- parseTracker tracker
+ _ <- fromMaybeE maybeCap "Capability not provided"
+ _ <- parseDetail detail
+ origin <- do
+ routeOrRemote <- parseFedURI uOrigin
+ bitraverse parseLocalActorE' pure routeOrRemote
- (actorMeID, localRecipsFinal, createID, actionCreate, followID, follow, deckID) <- withDBExcept $ do
+ -- Verify origin is addressed
+ bitraverse_
+ (verifyActorAddressed localRecips)
+ (verifyRemoteAddressed remoteRecips)
+ origin
+ (actorMeID, createID) <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
(personMe, actorMe) <- lift $ do
@@ -385,455 +394,35 @@ clientCreateDeck now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwd
(p,) <$> getJust (personActor p)
let actorMeID = personActor personMe
- -- Insert new deck to DB
+ -- Insert the Create activity to my outbox
createID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
- wid <- findWorkflow
- (deckID, resourceID, deckFollowerSetID) <-
- lift $ insertDeck now name msummary createID wid actorMeID
+ _luCreate <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) createID action
- -- Insert a Permit record
+ -- Insert a partial Permit record, i.e. without topic
+ -- (Is this a good idea?
+ -- It's a way to remember the createID for when the Accept from the
+ -- Factory arrives, which is when we insert the missing topic)
lift $ do
permitID <- insert $ Permit personMeID AP.RoleAdmin
- topicID <- insert $ PermitTopicLocal permitID resourceID
insert_ $ PermitFulfillsTopicCreation permitID
insert_ $ PermitPersonGesture permitID createID
- -- Insert the Create activity to my outbox
- deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid deckID
- actionCreate <- prepareCreate name msummary deckHash
- luCreate <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) createID actionCreate
- -- Prepare recipient sieve for sending the Create
- personMeHash <- lift $ encodeKeyHashid personMeID
- let sieve =
- makeRecipientSet
- [LocalActorDeck deckHash]
- [LocalStagePersonFollowers personMeHash]
- onlyDeck = DeckFamilyRoutes (DeckRoutes True False) []
- addMe' decks = (deckHash, onlyDeck) : decks
- addMe rs = rs { recipDecks = addMe' $ recipDecks rs }
- -- Insert a follow request, since I'm about to send a Follow
- followID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
- lift $ insert_ $ FollowRequest actorMeID deckFollowerSetID True followID
- -- Insert a Follow to my outbox
- follow@(actionFollow, _, _, _) <- lift $ lift $ prepareFollow deckID luCreate
- _luFollow <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) followID actionFollow
- return
- ( personActor personMe
- , localRecipSieve sieve False $ addMe localRecips
- , createID
- , actionCreate
- , followID
- , follow
- , deckID
- )
- -- Spawn new Deck actor
- success <- lift $ launchActor deckID
- unless success $
- error "Failed to spawn new Deck, somehow ID already in Theater"
+ return (personActor personMe, createID)
-- Send the Create
lift $ sendActivity
- (LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFinal remoteRecips
- fwdHosts createID actionCreate
- -- Send the Follow
- let (actionFollow, localRecipsFollow, remoteRecipsFollow, fwdHostsFollow) = follow
- lift $ sendActivity
- (LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFollow
- remoteRecipsFollow fwdHostsFollow followID actionFollow
+ (LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecips remoteRecips
+ fwdHosts createID action
return createID
- parseTracker (AP.ActorDetail typ muser mname msummary) = do
- unless (typ == AP.ActorTypeTicketTracker) $
- error "createTicketTrackerC: Create object isn't a TicketTracker"
- verifyNothingE muser "TicketTracker can't have a username"
- name <- fromMaybeE mname "TicketTracker doesn't specify name"
+ parseDetail (AP.ActorDetail typ muser mname msummary) = do
+ verifyNothingE muser "Can't have a username"
+ name <- fromMaybeE mname "Doesn't specify name"
return (name, msummary)
- findWorkflow = do
- mw <- lift $ selectFirst ([] :: [Filter Workflow]) []
- entityKey <$> fromMaybeE mw "Can't find a workflow"
- insertDeck now name msummary obiidCreate wid actorMeID = do
- Entity aid a <- insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) (Just actorMeID)
- rid <- insert $ Resource aid
- kid <- insert $ Komponent rid
- did <- insert Deck
- { deckActor = aid
- , deckResource = rid
- , deckKomponent = kid
- , deckWorkflow = wid
- , deckNextTicket = 1
- , deckWiki = Nothing
- , deckCreate = obiidCreate
- }
- return (did, rid, actorFollowers a)
- prepareCreate name msummary deckHash = do
- encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
- hLocal <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
- let ttdetail = AP.ActorDetail
- { AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeTicketTracker
- , AP.actorUsername = Nothing
- , AP.actorName = Just name
- , AP.actorSummary = msummary
- }
- ttlocal = AP.ActorLocal
- { AP.actorId = encodeRouteLocal $ DeckR deckHash
- , AP.actorInbox = encodeRouteLocal $ DeckInboxR deckHash
- , AP.actorOutbox = Nothing
- , AP.actorFollowers = Nothing
- , AP.actorFollowing = Nothing
- , AP.actorPublicKeys = []
- , AP.actorSshKeys = []
- }
- specific = AP.CreateActivity AP.Create
- { AP.createObject = AP.CreateTicketTracker ttdetail (Just (hLocal, ttlocal))
- , AP.createTarget = Nothing
- }
- return action { AP.actionSpecific = specific }
- prepareFollow deckID luCreate = do
- encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
- h <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
- deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid deckID
- let audTopic = AudLocal [LocalActorDeck deckHash] []
- (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
- collectAudience [audTopic]
- recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
- action = AP.Action
- { AP.actionCapability = Nothing
- , AP.actionSummary = Nothing
- , AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
- , AP.actionFulfills = [ObjURI h luCreate]
- , AP.actionSpecific = AP.FollowActivity AP.Follow
- { AP.followObject = encodeRouteHome $ DeckR deckHash
- , AP.followContext = Nothing
- , AP.followHide = False
- }
- }
- return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
--- Meaning: The human wants to create a project
--- Behavior:
--- * Create a project on DB
--- * Create a Permit record in DB
--- * Launch a project actor
--- * Record a FollowRequest in DB
--- * Create and send Create and Follow to it
- :: UTCTime
- -> PersonId
- -> ClientMsg
- -> AP.ActorDetail
- -> ActE OutboxItemId
-clientCreateProject now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action) tracker = do
- -- Check input
- verifyNothingE maybeCap "Capability not needed"
- (name, msummary) <- parseTracker tracker
- (actorMeID, localRecipsFinal, createID, actionCreate, followID, follow, projectID) <- lift $ withDB $ do
- -- Grab me from DB
- (personMe, actorMe) <- do
- p <- getJust personMeID
- (p,) <$> getJust (personActor p)
- let actorMeID = personActor personMe
- -- Insert new project to DB
- createID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
- (projectID, resourceID, projectFollowerSetID) <-
- insertProject now name msummary createID actorMeID
- -- Insert a Permit record
- permitID <- insert $ Permit personMeID AP.RoleAdmin
- topicID <- insert $ PermitTopicLocal permitID resourceID
- insert_ $ PermitFulfillsTopicCreation permitID
- insert_ $ PermitPersonGesture permitID createID
- -- Insert the Create activity to my outbox
- projectHash <- lift $ encodeKeyHashid projectID
- actionCreate <- lift $ prepareCreate name msummary projectHash
- luCreate <- updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) createID actionCreate
- -- Prepare recipient sieve for sending the Create
- personMeHash <- lift $ encodeKeyHashid personMeID
- let sieve =
- makeRecipientSet
- [LocalActorProject projectHash]
- [LocalStagePersonFollowers personMeHash]
- onlyProject = ProjectRoutes True False
- addMe' projects = (projectHash, onlyProject) : projects
- addMe rs = rs { recipProjects = addMe' $ recipProjects rs }
- -- Insert a follow request, since I'm about to send a Follow
- followID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
- insert_ $ FollowRequest actorMeID projectFollowerSetID True followID
- -- Insert a Follow to my outbox
- follow@(actionFollow, _, _, _) <- lift $ prepareFollow projectID luCreate
- _luFollow <- updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) followID actionFollow
- return
- ( personActor personMe
- , localRecipSieve sieve False $ addMe localRecips
- , createID
- , actionCreate
- , followID
- , follow
- , projectID
- )
- -- Spawn new Project actor
- success <- lift $ launchActor projectID
- unless success $
- error "Failed to spawn new Project, somehow ID already in Theater"
- -- Send the Create
- lift $ sendActivity
- (LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFinal remoteRecips
- fwdHosts createID actionCreate
- -- Send the Follow
- let (actionFollow, localRecipsFollow, remoteRecipsFollow, fwdHostsFollow) = follow
- lift $ sendActivity
- (LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFollow
- remoteRecipsFollow fwdHostsFollow followID actionFollow
- return createID
- where
- parseTracker (AP.ActorDetail typ muser mname msummary) = do
- unless (typ == AP.ActorTypeProject) $
- error "clientCreateProject: Create object isn't a Project"
- verifyNothingE muser "Project can't have a username"
- name <- fromMaybeE mname "Project doesn't specify name"
- return (name, msummary)
- insertProject now name msummary obiidCreate actorMeID = do
- Entity aid a <- insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) (Just actorMeID)
- rid <- insert $ Resource aid
- did <- insert Project
- { projectActor = aid
- , projectResource = rid
- , projectCreate = obiidCreate
- }
- return (did, rid, actorFollowers a)
- prepareCreate name msummary projectHash = do
- encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
- hLocal <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
- let ttdetail = AP.ActorDetail
- { AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeProject
- , AP.actorUsername = Nothing
- , AP.actorName = Just name
- , AP.actorSummary = msummary
- }
- ttlocal = AP.ActorLocal
- { AP.actorId = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR projectHash
- , AP.actorInbox = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectInboxR projectHash
- , AP.actorOutbox = Nothing
- , AP.actorFollowers = Nothing
- , AP.actorFollowing = Nothing
- , AP.actorPublicKeys = []
- , AP.actorSshKeys = []
- }
- specific = AP.CreateActivity AP.Create
- { AP.createObject = AP.CreateProject ttdetail (Just (hLocal, ttlocal))
- , AP.createTarget = Nothing
- }
- return action { AP.actionSpecific = specific }
- prepareFollow projectID luCreate = do
- encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
- h <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
- projectHash <- encodeKeyHashid projectID
- let audTopic = AudLocal [LocalActorProject projectHash] []
- (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
- collectAudience [audTopic]
- recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
- action = AP.Action
- { AP.actionCapability = Nothing
- , AP.actionSummary = Nothing
- , AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
- , AP.actionFulfills = [ObjURI h luCreate]
- , AP.actionSpecific = AP.FollowActivity AP.Follow
- { AP.followObject = encodeRouteHome $ ProjectR projectHash
- , AP.followContext = Nothing
- , AP.followHide = False
- }
- }
- return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
--- Meaning: The human wants to create a team
--- Behavior:
--- * Create a team on DB
--- * Create a Permit record in DB
--- * Launch a team actor
--- * Record a FollowRequest in DB
--- * Create and send Create and Follow to it
- :: UTCTime
- -> PersonId
- -> ClientMsg
- -> AP.ActorDetail
- -> ActE OutboxItemId
-clientCreateTeam now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action) tracker = do
- -- Check input
- verifyNothingE maybeCap "Capability not needed"
- (name, msummary) <- parseTracker tracker
- (actorMeID, localRecipsFinal, createID, actionCreate, followID, follow, groupID) <- lift $ withDB $ do
- -- Grab me from DB
- (personMe, actorMe) <- do
- p <- getJust personMeID
- (p,) <$> getJust (personActor p)
- let actorMeID = personActor personMe
- -- Insert new team to DB
- createID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
- (groupID, resourceID, projectFollowerSetID) <-
- insertTeam now name msummary createID actorMeID
- -- Insert a Permit record
- permitID <- insert $ Permit personMeID AP.RoleAdmin
- topicID <- insert $ PermitTopicLocal permitID resourceID
- insert_ $ PermitFulfillsTopicCreation permitID
- insert_ $ PermitPersonGesture permitID createID
- -- Insert the Create activity to my outbox
- groupHash <- lift $ encodeKeyHashid groupID
- actionCreate <- lift $ prepareCreate name msummary groupHash
- luCreate <- updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) createID actionCreate
- -- Prepare recipient sieve for sending the Create
- personMeHash <- lift $ encodeKeyHashid personMeID
- let sieve =
- makeRecipientSet
- [LocalActorGroup groupHash]
- [LocalStagePersonFollowers personMeHash]
- onlyGroup = GroupRoutes True False
- addMe' groups = (groupHash, onlyGroup) : groups
- addMe rs = rs { recipGroups = addMe' $ recipGroups rs }
- -- Insert a follow request, since I'm about to send a Follow
- followID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
- insert_ $ FollowRequest actorMeID projectFollowerSetID True followID
- -- Insert a Follow to my outbox
- follow@(actionFollow, _, _, _) <- lift $ prepareFollow groupID luCreate
- _luFollow <- updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) followID actionFollow
- return
- ( personActor personMe
- , localRecipSieve sieve False $ addMe localRecips
- , createID
- , actionCreate
- , followID
- , follow
- , groupID
- )
- -- Spawn new Group actor
- success <- lift $ launchActor groupID
- unless success $
- error "Failed to spawn new Group, somehow ID already in Theater"
- -- Send the Create
- lift $ sendActivity
- (LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFinal remoteRecips
- fwdHosts createID actionCreate
- -- Send the Follow
- let (actionFollow, localRecipsFollow, remoteRecipsFollow, fwdHostsFollow) = follow
- lift $ sendActivity
- (LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFollow
- remoteRecipsFollow fwdHostsFollow followID actionFollow
- return createID
- where
- parseTracker (AP.ActorDetail typ muser mname msummary) = do
- unless (typ == AP.ActorTypeTeam) $
- error "clientCreateTeam: Create object isn't a Team"
- verifyNothingE muser "Team can't have a username"
- name <- fromMaybeE mname "Team doesn't specify name"
- return (name, msummary)
- insertTeam now name msummary obiidCreate actorMeID = do
- Entity aid a <- insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) (Just actorMeID)
- rid <- insert $ Resource aid
- gid <- insert Group
- { groupActor = aid
- , groupResource = rid
- , groupCreate = obiidCreate
- }
- return (gid, rid, actorFollowers a)
- prepareCreate name msummary groupHash = do
- encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
- hLocal <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
- let ttdetail = AP.ActorDetail
- { AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeTeam
- , AP.actorUsername = Nothing
- , AP.actorName = Just name
- , AP.actorSummary = msummary
- }
- ttlocal = AP.ActorLocal
- { AP.actorId = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupR groupHash
- , AP.actorInbox = encodeRouteLocal $ GroupInboxR groupHash
- , AP.actorOutbox = Nothing
- , AP.actorFollowers = Nothing
- , AP.actorFollowing = Nothing
- , AP.actorPublicKeys = []
- , AP.actorSshKeys = []
- }
- specific = AP.CreateActivity AP.Create
- { AP.createObject = AP.CreateTeam ttdetail (Just (hLocal, ttlocal))
- , AP.createTarget = Nothing
- }
- return action { AP.actionSpecific = specific }
- prepareFollow groupID luCreate = do
- encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
- h <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
- groupHash <- encodeKeyHashid groupID
- let audTopic = AudLocal [LocalActorGroup groupHash] []
- (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
- collectAudience [audTopic]
- recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
- action = AP.Action
- { AP.actionCapability = Nothing
- , AP.actionSummary = Nothing
- , AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
- , AP.actionFulfills = [ObjURI h luCreate]
- , AP.actionSpecific = AP.FollowActivity AP.Follow
- { AP.followObject = encodeRouteHome $ GroupR groupHash
- , AP.followContext = Nothing
- , AP.followHide = False
- }
- }
- return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
-- Meaning: The human wants to create a factory
-- Behavior:
-- * Verify human is allowed to
@@ -939,11 +528,10 @@ clientCreateFactory now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips
return (name, msummary)
insertFactory now name msummary obiidCreate actorMeID = do
- Entity aid a <- insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) (Just actorMeID)
+ Entity aid a <- insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary) (Left (LocalActorPerson personMeID, actorMeID, obiidCreate))
rid <- insert $ Resource aid
fid <- insert Factory
{ factoryResource = rid
- , factoryCreate = obiidCreate
return (fid, rid, actorFollowers a)
@@ -967,7 +555,7 @@ clientCreateFactory now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips
specific = AP.CreateActivity AP.Create
{ AP.createObject = AP.CreateFactory ttdetail (Just (hLocal, ttlocal))
- , AP.createTarget = Nothing
+ , AP.createOrigin = Nothing
return action { AP.actionSpecific = specific }
@@ -1000,27 +588,27 @@ clientCreate
-> ClientMsg
-> AP.Create URIMode
-> ActE OutboxItemId
-clientCreate now personMeID msg (AP.Create object muTarget) =
+clientCreate now personMeID msg (AP.Create object muOrigin) =
case object of
AP.CreateTicketTracker detail mlocal -> do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Tracker id must not be provided"
- verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create TicketTracker"
- clientCreateDeck now personMeID msg detail
+ uOrigin <- fromMaybeE muOrigin "'origin' required for Create TicketTracker"
+ clientCreateActor now personMeID msg detail uOrigin
AP.CreateProject detail mlocal -> do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Project id must not be provided"
- verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create Project"
- clientCreateProject now personMeID msg detail
+ uOrigin <- fromMaybeE muOrigin "'origin' required for Create TicketTracker"
+ clientCreateActor now personMeID msg detail uOrigin
AP.CreateTeam detail mlocal -> do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Team id must not be provided"
- verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create Team"
- clientCreateTeam now personMeID msg detail
+ uOrigin <- fromMaybeE muOrigin "'origin' required for Create TicketTracker"
+ clientCreateActor now personMeID msg detail uOrigin
AP.CreateFactory detail mlocal -> do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Factory id must not be provided"
- verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create Factory"
+ verifyNothingE muOrigin "'target' not supported in Create Factory"
clientCreateFactory now personMeID msg detail
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for C2S"
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Actor/Project.hs b/src/Vervis/Actor/Project.hs
index f558e6f..afd92dd 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Actor/Project.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Actor/Project.hs
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ import Vervis.Data.Discussion
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
-import Vervis.Model hiding (projectCreate)
+import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Recipient (makeRecipientSet, LocalStageBy (..), Aud (..), collectAudience, localActorFollowers, renderLocalActor)
import Vervis.RemoteActorStore
import Vervis.Persist.Actor
@@ -2755,42 +2755,6 @@ projectAdd now projectID (Verse authorIdMsig body) add = do
Right (author, _, addID) ->
insert_ $ SquadThemGestureRemote themID (remoteAuthorId author) addID
--- Meaning: Someone has created a project with my ID URI
--- Behavior:
--- * Verify I'm in a just-been-created state
--- * Verify my creator and the Create sender are the same actor
--- * Create an admin Collab record in DB
--- * Send an admin Grant to the creator
--- * Get out of the just-been-created state
- :: UTCTime
- -> ProjectId
- -> Verse
- -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-projectCreateMe = topicCreateMe projectResource LocalResourceProject
- :: UTCTime
- -> ProjectId
- -> Verse
- -> AP.Create URIMode
- -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-projectCreate now projectID verse (AP.Create obj _muTarget) =
- case obj of
- AP.CreateProject _ mlocal -> do
- (h, local) <- fromMaybeE mlocal "No project id provided"
- let luProject = AP.actorId local
- uMe <- do
- projectHash <- encodeKeyHashid projectID
- encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
- return $ encodeRouteHome $ ProjectR projectHash
- unless (uMe == ObjURI h luProject) $
- throwE "The created project id isn't me"
- projectCreateMe now projectID verse
- _ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for Project"
-- Meaning: An actor is following someone/something
-- Behavior:
-- * Verify the target is me
@@ -7614,11 +7578,10 @@ projectUndo now recipProjectID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Undo uObject) = do
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
projectBehavior :: UTCTime -> ProjectId -> ActorMessage Project -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
-projectBehavior now projectID (MsgJ verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
+projectBehavior now projectID (ProjectMsgVerse verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
case AP.activitySpecific $ actbActivity body of
AP.AcceptActivity accept -> projectAccept now projectID verse accept
AP.AddActivity add -> projectAdd now projectID verse add
- AP.CreateActivity create -> projectCreate now projectID verse create
AP.FollowActivity follow -> projectFollow now projectID verse follow
AP.GrantActivity grant -> projectGrant now projectID verse grant
AP.InviteActivity invite -> projectInvite now projectID verse invite
@@ -7628,6 +7591,9 @@ projectBehavior now projectID (MsgJ verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
AP.RevokeActivity revoke -> projectRevoke now projectID verse revoke
AP.UndoActivity undo -> projectUndo now projectID verse undo
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for Project"
+projectBehavior now projectID (ProjectMsgInit creator) =
+ let grabResource = pure . projectResource
+ in topicInit grabResource LocalResourceProject now projectID creator
instance VervisActorLaunch Project where
actorBehavior' now projectID ve = do
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Client.hs b/src/Vervis/Client.hs
index 0aaeff5..61559c0 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Client.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Client.hs
@@ -1003,12 +1003,23 @@ createDeck
=> KeyHashid Person
-> Text
-> Text
- -> m (Maybe HTML, [Aud URIMode], AP.ActorDetail)
-createDeck senderHash name desc = do
+ -> FedURI
+ -> ExceptT Text m (Maybe HTML, [Aud URIMode], AP.ActorDetail)
+createDeck senderHash name desc uFactory = do
+ audFactory <- do
+ routeOrRemote <- parseFedURIOld uFactory
+ actorOrRemote <- bitraverse parseLocalActorE pure routeOrRemote
+ case actorOrRemote of
+ Left la -> do
+ h <- VR.hashLocalActor la
+ return $ AudLocal [h] []
+ Right (ObjURI h lu) ->
+ pure $ AudRemote h [lu] []
let audAuthor =
AudLocal [] [LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
- audience = [audAuthor]
+ audience = [audAuthor, audFactory]
detail = AP.ActorDetail
{ AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeTicketTracker
@@ -1074,12 +1085,23 @@ createProject
=> KeyHashid Person
-> Text
-> Text
- -> m (Maybe HTML, [Aud URIMode], AP.ActorDetail)
-createProject senderHash name desc = do
+ -> FedURI
+ -> ExceptT Text m (Maybe HTML, [Aud URIMode], AP.ActorDetail)
+createProject senderHash name desc uFactory = do
+ audFactory <- do
+ routeOrRemote <- parseFedURIOld uFactory
+ actorOrRemote <- bitraverse parseLocalActorE pure routeOrRemote
+ case actorOrRemote of
+ Left la -> do
+ h <- VR.hashLocalActor la
+ return $ AudLocal [h] []
+ Right (ObjURI h lu) ->
+ pure $ AudRemote h [lu] []
let audAuthor =
AudLocal [] [LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
- audience = [audAuthor]
+ audience = [audAuthor, audFactory]
detail = AP.ActorDetail
{ AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeProject
@@ -1095,12 +1117,23 @@ createGroup
=> KeyHashid Person
-> Text
-> Text
- -> m (Maybe HTML, [Aud URIMode], AP.ActorDetail)
-createGroup senderHash name desc = do
+ -> FedURI
+ -> ExceptT Text m (Maybe HTML, [Aud URIMode], AP.ActorDetail)
+createGroup senderHash name desc uFactory = do
+ audFactory <- do
+ routeOrRemote <- parseFedURIOld uFactory
+ actorOrRemote <- bitraverse parseLocalActorE pure routeOrRemote
+ case actorOrRemote of
+ Left la -> do
+ h <- VR.hashLocalActor la
+ return $ AudLocal [h] []
+ Right (ObjURI h lu) ->
+ pure $ AudRemote h [lu] []
let audAuthor =
AudLocal [] [LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
- audience = [audAuthor]
+ audience = [audAuthor, audFactory]
detail = AP.ActorDetail
{ AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeTeam
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Data/Actor.hs b/src/Vervis/Data/Actor.hs
index abb5025..84c5954 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Data/Actor.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Data/Actor.hs
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Vervis.Data.Actor
, stampRoute
, parseStampRoute
, grabLocalActorID
+ , grabLocalResourceID
, localResourceID
, WA.parseLocalURI
, parseFedURIOld
@@ -72,6 +73,15 @@ import Vervis.Recipient
import qualified Vervis.Actor as VA
+parseOutboxItemRoute (PersonOutboxItemR p i) = Just (LocalActorPerson p, i)
+parseOutboxItemRoute (GroupOutboxItemR g i) = Just (LocalActorGroup g, i)
+parseOutboxItemRoute (RepoOutboxItemR r i) = Just (LocalActorRepo r, i)
+parseOutboxItemRoute (DeckOutboxItemR d i) = Just (LocalActorDeck d, i)
+parseOutboxItemRoute (LoomOutboxItemR l i) = Just (LocalActorLoom l, i)
+parseOutboxItemRoute (ProjectOutboxItemR r i) = Just (LocalActorProject r, i)
+parseOutboxItemRoute (FactoryOutboxItemR r i) = Just (LocalActorFactory r, i)
+parseOutboxItemRoute _ = Nothing
:: (MonadSite m, YesodHashids (SiteEnv m))
=> LocalURI
@@ -85,14 +95,6 @@ parseLocalActivityURI luAct = do
outboxItemID <- decodeKeyHashidE outboxItemHash "Invalid outbox item hash"
actorKey <- unhashLocalActorE actorHash "Invalid actor hash"
return (actorKey, actorHash, outboxItemID)
- where
- parseOutboxItemRoute (PersonOutboxItemR p i) = Just (LocalActorPerson p, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (GroupOutboxItemR g i) = Just (LocalActorGroup g, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (RepoOutboxItemR r i) = Just (LocalActorRepo r, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (DeckOutboxItemR d i) = Just (LocalActorDeck d, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (LoomOutboxItemR l i) = Just (LocalActorLoom l, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (ProjectOutboxItemR r i) = Just (LocalActorProject r, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute _ = Nothing
:: LocalURI
@@ -106,14 +108,6 @@ parseLocalActivityURI' luAct = do
outboxItemID <- WAP.decodeKeyHashidE outboxItemHash "Invalid outbox item hash"
actorKey <- VA.unhashLocalActorE actorHash "Invalid actor hash"
return (actorKey, actorHash, outboxItemID)
- where
- parseOutboxItemRoute (PersonOutboxItemR p i) = Just (LocalActorPerson p, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (GroupOutboxItemR g i) = Just (LocalActorGroup g, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (RepoOutboxItemR r i) = Just (LocalActorRepo r, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (DeckOutboxItemR d i) = Just (LocalActorDeck d, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (LoomOutboxItemR l i) = Just (LocalActorLoom l, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute (ProjectOutboxItemR r i) = Just (LocalActorProject r, i)
- parseOutboxItemRoute _ = Nothing
-- | If the given URI is remote, return as is. If the URI is local, verify that
-- it parses as an activity URI, i.e. an outbox item route, and return the
@@ -194,6 +188,9 @@ localResourceID (LocalResourceLoom (Entity _ l)) = loomResource l
localResourceID (LocalResourceProject (Entity _ r)) = projectResource r
localResourceID (LocalResourceFactory (Entity _ f)) = factoryResource f
+grabLocalResourceID :: MonadIO m => LocalResourceBy Entity -> SqlPersistT m ResourceId
+grabLocalResourceID = pure . localResourceID
:: ( MonadSite m
, SiteEnv m ~ site
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Field/Person.hs b/src/Vervis/Field/Person.hs
index f871422..b54ccb0 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Field/Person.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Field/Person.hs
@@ -17,23 +17,30 @@ module Vervis.Field.Person
( passField
, fedUriField
, capField
+ , factoryField
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Char (isDigit)
+import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Esqueleto
import Yesod.Core
import Yesod.Form.Fields
import Yesod.Form.Functions
import Yesod.Form.Types
+import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import Network.FedURI
+import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
+import qualified Web.ActivityPub as AP
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
import Data.Char.Local (isAsciiLetter)
@@ -43,6 +50,7 @@ import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model.Ident (text2shr)
+import Vervis.Recipient
import Vervis.Settings
checkPassLength :: Field Handler Text -> Field Handler Text
@@ -98,3 +106,56 @@ capField = checkMMap toCap fst fedUriField
toCap u =
runExceptT $ (u,) <$> nameExceptT "Capability URI" (parseActivityURI u)
+factoryField personID = selectField $ do
+ l <- runDB $ do
+ local <-
+ E.select $ E.from $ \ (permit `E.InnerJoin` topic `E.InnerJoin` enable `E.InnerJoin` factory `E.InnerJoin` resource `E.InnerJoin` actor) -> do
+ E.on $ resource E.^. ResourceActor E.==. actor E.^. ActorId
+ E.on $ factory E.^. FactoryResource E.==. resource E.^. ResourceId
+ E.on $ topic E.^. PermitTopicLocalTopic E.==. factory E.^. FactoryResource
+ E.on $ topic E.^. PermitTopicLocalId E.==. enable E.^. PermitTopicEnableLocalTopic
+ E.on $ permit E.^. PermitId E.==. topic E.^. PermitTopicLocalPermit
+ E.where_ $
+ permit E.^. PermitPerson E.==. E.val personID E.&&.
+ permit E.^. PermitRole `E.in_` E.valList [AP.RoleWrite, AP.RoleMaintain, AP.RoleAdmin]
+ return (factory E.^. FactoryId, actor E.^. ActorName, enable E.^. PermitTopicEnableLocalGrant)
+ remote <-
+ E.select $ E.from $ \ (permit `E.InnerJoin` topic `E.InnerJoin` enable `E.InnerJoin` actor `E.InnerJoin` object `E.InnerJoin` i `E.InnerJoin` ract `E.InnerJoin` ro) -> do
+ E.on $ ract E.^. RemoteActivityIdent E.==. ro E.^. RemoteObjectId
+ E.on $ enable E.^. PermitTopicEnableRemoteGrant E.==. ract E.^. RemoteActivityId
+ E.on $ object E.^. RemoteObjectInstance E.==. i E.^. InstanceId
+ E.on $ actor E.^. RemoteActorIdent E.==. object E.^. RemoteObjectId
+ E.on $ topic E.^. PermitTopicRemoteActor E.==. actor E.^. RemoteActorId
+ E.on $ topic E.^. PermitTopicRemoteId E.==. enable E.^. PermitTopicEnableRemoteTopic
+ E.on $ permit E.^. PermitId E.==. topic E.^. PermitTopicRemotePermit
+ E.where_ $
+ permit E.^. PermitPerson E.==. E.val personID E.&&.
+ actor E.^. RemoteActorType E.==. E.val AP.ActorTypeFactory E.&&.
+ permit E.^. PermitRole `E.in_` E.valList [AP.RoleWrite, AP.RoleMaintain, AP.RoleAdmin]
+ return (i E.^. InstanceHost, object E.^. RemoteObjectIdent, actor E.^. RemoteActorName, ro E.^. RemoteObjectIdent)
+ return $ map Left local ++ map Right remote
+ hashFactory <- getEncodeKeyHashid
+ hashItem <- getEncodeKeyHashid
+ encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
+ optionsPairs $
+ map (\case
+ Left (E.Value factoryID, E.Value name, E.Value grantID) ->
+ ( T.concat
+ [ "*", keyHashidText $ hashFactory factoryID
+ , " ", name
+ ]
+ , ( encodeRouteHome $ FactoryR $ hashFactory factoryID
+ , encodeRouteHome $ FactoryOutboxItemR (hashFactory factoryID) (hashItem grantID)
+ )
+ )
+ Right (E.Value h, E.Value lu, E.Value mname, E.Value luGrant) ->
+ ( T.concat
+ [ renderObjURI $ ObjURI h lu
+ , " "
+ , fromMaybe "(?)" mname
+ ]
+ , (ObjURI h lu, ObjURI h luGrant)
+ )
+ )
+ l
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Form/Tracker.hs b/src/Vervis/Form/Tracker.hs
index bb7d94e..1f4441f 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Form/Tracker.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Form/Tracker.hs
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import Yesod.Hashids
import qualified Web.ActivityPub as AP
import Vervis.FedURI
+import Vervis.Field.Person
import Vervis.Form.Ticket
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
@@ -63,32 +64,38 @@ import Vervis.Model.Ident
data NewDeck = NewDeck
{ ndName :: Text
, ndDesc :: Text
+ , ndFactory :: (FedURI, FedURI)
-newDeckForm :: Form NewDeck
-newDeckForm = renderDivs $ NewDeck
+newDeckForm :: PersonId -> Form NewDeck
+newDeckForm p = renderDivs $ NewDeck
<$> areq textField "Name*" Nothing
- <*> areq textField "Description" Nothing
+ <*> areq textField "Description*" Nothing
+ <*> areq (factoryField p) "Factory*" Nothing
data NewProject = NewProject
{ npName :: Text
, npDesc :: Text
+ , npFactory :: (FedURI, FedURI)
-newProjectForm :: Form NewProject
-newProjectForm = renderDivs $ NewProject
+newProjectForm :: PersonId -> Form NewProject
+newProjectForm p = renderDivs $ NewProject
<$> areq textField "Name*" Nothing
- <*> areq textField "Description" Nothing
+ <*> areq textField "Description*" Nothing
+ <*> areq (factoryField p) "Factory*" Nothing
data NewGroup = NewGroup
{ ngName :: Text
, ngDesc :: Text
+ , ngFactory :: (FedURI, FedURI)
-newGroupForm :: Form NewGroup
-newGroupForm = renderDivs $ NewGroup
+newGroupForm :: PersonId -> Form NewGroup
+newGroupForm p = renderDivs $ NewGroup
<$> areq textField "Name*" Nothing
- <*> areq textField "Description" Nothing
+ <*> areq textField "Description*" Nothing
+ <*> areq (factoryField p) "Factory*" Nothing
data NewLoom = NewLoom
{ nlName :: Text
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Foundation.hs b/src/Vervis/Foundation.hs
index 14c1138..c3cbcb7 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Foundation.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Foundation.hs
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ import Yesod.Static
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
+import qualified Data.HList as H
import qualified Data.Time.Units as U
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import qualified Yesod.Core.Unsafe as Unsafe
@@ -680,7 +682,6 @@ instance AccountDB AccountPersistDB' where
, actorInbox = ibid
, actorOutbox = obid
, actorFollowers = fsid
- , actorJustCreatedBy = Nothing
, actorErrbox = rbid
aid <- insert actor
@@ -719,6 +720,21 @@ instance AccountDB AccountPersistDB' where
takeMVar mvarResult
unless success $
error "Failed to spawn new Person, somehow ID already in Theater"
+ AccountPersistDB' $ do
+ theater <- asksSite appTheater
+ there <- liftIO $ sendIO theater personID PersonMsgInit
+ unless there $
+ error "Failed to find new Person, somehow ID not in Theater"
+ factoryIDs <- runDB $ selectKeysList [] []
+ let package = (HS.fromList factoryIDs, FactoryMsgVerified personID)
+ liftIO $ sendManyIO theater $
+ Nothing `H.HCons`
+ Nothing `H.HCons`
+ Nothing `H.HCons`
+ Nothing `H.HCons`
+ Nothing `H.HCons`
+ Nothing `H.HCons`
+ Just package `H.HCons` H.HNil
setVerifyKey = (morphAPDB .) . setVerifyKey
setNewPasswordKey = (morphAPDB .) . setNewPasswordKey
setNewPassword = (morphAPDB .) . setNewPassword
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Handler/Deck.hs b/src/Vervis/Handler/Deck.hs
index 070470a..c4670f2 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Handler/Deck.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Handler/Deck.hs
@@ -353,34 +353,31 @@ getDeckMessageR _ _ = notFound
getDeckNewR :: Handler Html
getDeckNewR = do
- ((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newDeckForm
+ p <- requireAuthId
+ ((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost $ newDeckForm p
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "deck/new")
postDeckNewR :: Handler Html
postDeckNewR = do
- NewDeck name desc <- runFormPostRedirect DeckNewR newDeckForm
personEntity@(Entity personID person) <- requireAuth
+ NewDeck name desc (uFactory, uCap) <- runFormPostRedirect DeckNewR $ newDeckForm personID
personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
- (maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.createDeck personHash name desc
- (localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
- C.makeServerInput Nothing maybeSummary audience $ AP.CreateActivity $ AP.Create (AP.CreateTicketTracker detail Nothing) Nothing
- result <-
- runExceptT $
- handleViaActor personID Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
+ result <- runExceptT $ do
+ (maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.createDeck personHash name desc uFactory
+ (localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
+ lift $
+ C.makeServerInput (Just uCap) maybeSummary audience $ AP.CreateActivity $ AP.Create (AP.CreateTicketTracker detail Nothing) (Just uFactory)
+ cap <- parseActivityURI uCap
+ handleViaActor personID (Just cap) localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
case result of
Left e -> do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect DeckNewR
- Right createID -> do
- maybeDeckID <- runDB $ getKeyBy $ UniqueDeckCreate createID
- case maybeDeckID of
- Nothing -> error "Can't find the newly created deck"
- Just deckID -> do
- deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid deckID
- setMessage "New ticket tracker created"
- redirect $ DeckR deckHash
+ Right _createID -> do
+ setMessage "Create activity sent"
+ redirect HomeR
postDeckDeleteR :: KeyHashid Deck -> Handler Html
postDeckDeleteR _ = error "Temporarily disabled"
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Handler/Factory.hs b/src/Vervis/Handler/Factory.hs
index abf2e62..9a340cf 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Handler/Factory.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Handler/Factory.hs
@@ -126,12 +126,17 @@ import qualified Vervis.Client as C
getFactoryR :: KeyHashid Factory -> Handler TypedContent
getFactoryR factoryHash = do
factoryID <- decodeKeyHashid404 factoryHash
- (factory, actor, sigKeyIDs) <- runDB $ do
+ mp <- maybeAuthId
+ (factory, actorID, actor, sigKeyIDs, permits) <- runDB $ do
f <- get404 factoryID
Resource aid <- getJust $ factoryResource f
a <- getJust aid
sigKeys <- selectKeysList [SigKeyActor ==. aid] [Asc SigKeyId]
- return (f, a, sigKeys)
+ permits <-
+ case mp of
+ Nothing -> pure []
+ Just personID -> getPermitsForResource personID (Left $ factoryResource f)
+ return (f, aid, a, sigKeys, permits)
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
hashSigKey <- getEncodeKeyHashid
@@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ getFactoryR factoryHash = do
encodeRouteLocal $ FactoryTeamsR factoryHash
- provideHtmlAndAP factoryAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON $ FactoryR factoryHash
+ provideHtmlAndAP factoryAP $(widgetFile "factory/one")
grabActorID = fmap resourceActor . getJust . factoryResource
@@ -221,7 +226,11 @@ postFactoryNewR = do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect FactoryNewR
Right createID -> do
- maybeFactoryID <- runDB $ getKeyBy $ UniqueFactoryCreate createID
+ maybeFactoryID <- runDB $ runMaybeT $ do
+ ActorCreateLocal actorID _ <-
+ MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueActorCreateLocalCreate createID
+ resourceID <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueResource actorID
+ MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueFactory resourceID
case maybeFactoryID of
Nothing -> error "Can't find the newly created factory"
Just factoryID -> do
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Handler/Group.hs b/src/Vervis/Handler/Group.hs
index 74d0616..c7a400c 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Handler/Group.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Handler/Group.hs
@@ -147,34 +147,31 @@ import qualified Vervis.Client as C
getGroupNewR :: Handler Html
getGroupNewR = do
- ((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newGroupForm
+ p <- requireAuthId
+ ((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost $ newGroupForm p
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "group/new")
postGroupNewR :: Handler Html
postGroupNewR = do
- NewGroup name desc <- runFormPostRedirect GroupNewR newGroupForm
personEntity@(Entity personID person) <- requireAuth
+ NewGroup name desc (uFactory, uCap) <- runFormPostRedirect GroupNewR $ newGroupForm personID
personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
- (maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.createGroup personHash name desc
- (localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
- C.makeServerInput Nothing maybeSummary audience $ AP.CreateActivity $ AP.Create (AP.CreateTeam detail Nothing) Nothing
- result <-
- runExceptT $
- handleViaActor personID Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
+ result <- runExceptT $ do
+ (maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.createGroup personHash name desc uFactory
+ (localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
+ lift $
+ C.makeServerInput (Just uCap) maybeSummary audience $ AP.CreateActivity $ AP.Create (AP.CreateTeam detail Nothing) (Just uFactory)
+ cap <- parseActivityURI uCap
+ handleViaActor personID (Just cap) localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
case result of
Left e -> do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect GroupNewR
- Right createID -> do
- maybeGroupID <- runDB $ getKeyBy $ UniqueGroupCreate createID
- case maybeGroupID of
- Nothing -> error "Can't find the newly created group"
- Just groupID -> do
- groupHash <- encodeKeyHashid groupID
- setMessage "New group created"
- redirect $ GroupR groupHash
+ Right _createID -> do
+ setMessage "Create activity sent"
+ redirect HomeR
getGroupR :: KeyHashid Group -> Handler TypedContent
getGroupR groupHash = do
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Handler/Loom.hs b/src/Vervis/Handler/Loom.hs
index 02931c1..379db42 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Handler/Loom.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Handler/Loom.hs
@@ -362,14 +362,9 @@ postLoomNewR = do
Left e -> do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect LoomNewR
- Right createID -> do
- maybeLoomID <- runDB $ getKeyBy $ UniqueLoomCreate createID
- case maybeLoomID of
- Nothing -> error "Can't find the newly created loom"
- Just loomID -> do
- loomHash <- encodeKeyHashid loomID
- setMessage "New patch tracker created"
- redirect $ LoomR loomHash
+ Right _createID -> do
+ setMessage "Create activity sent"
+ redirect HomeR
getLoomStampR :: KeyHashid Loom -> KeyHashid SigKey -> Handler TypedContent
getLoomStampR = servePerActorKey loomActor LocalActorLoom
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Handler/Project.hs b/src/Vervis/Handler/Project.hs
index 3abee1b..34c1f6a 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Handler/Project.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Handler/Project.hs
@@ -225,34 +225,31 @@ getProjectMessageR _ _ = notFound
getProjectNewR :: Handler Html
getProjectNewR = do
- ((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newProjectForm
+ p <- requireAuthId
+ ((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost $ newProjectForm p
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "project/new")
postProjectNewR :: Handler Html
postProjectNewR = do
- NewProject name desc <- runFormPostRedirect ProjectNewR newProjectForm
personEntity@(Entity personID person) <- requireAuth
+ NewProject name desc (uFactory, uCap) <- runFormPostRedirect ProjectNewR $ newProjectForm personID
personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
- (maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.createProject personHash name desc
- (localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
- C.makeServerInput Nothing maybeSummary audience $ AP.CreateActivity $ AP.Create (AP.CreateProject detail Nothing) Nothing
- result <-
- runExceptT $
- handleViaActor personID Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
+ result <- runExceptT $ do
+ (maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.createProject personHash name desc uFactory
+ (localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
+ lift $
+ C.makeServerInput (Just uCap) maybeSummary audience $ AP.CreateActivity $ AP.Create (AP.CreateProject detail Nothing) (Just uFactory)
+ cap <- parseActivityURI uCap
+ handleViaActor personID (Just cap) localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
case result of
Left e -> do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect ProjectNewR
- Right createID -> do
- maybeProjectID <- runDB $ getKeyBy $ UniqueProjectCreate createID
- case maybeProjectID of
- Nothing -> error "Can't find the newly created project"
- Just projectID -> do
- projectHash <- encodeKeyHashid projectID
- setMessage "New project created"
- redirect $ ProjectR projectHash
+ Right _createID -> do
+ setMessage "Create activity sent"
+ redirect HomeR
getProjectStampR :: KeyHashid Project -> KeyHashid SigKey -> Handler TypedContent
getProjectStampR = servePerActorKey projectActor LocalActorProject
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Handler/Repo.hs b/src/Vervis/Handler/Repo.hs
index d87caf5..b95f1e8 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Handler/Repo.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Handler/Repo.hs
@@ -472,14 +472,9 @@ postRepoNewR = do
Left e -> do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect RepoNewR
- Right createID -> do
- maybeRepoID <- runDB $ getKeyBy $ UniqueRepoCreate createID
- case maybeRepoID of
- Nothing -> error "Can't find the newly created repo"
- Just repoID -> do
- repoHash <- encodeKeyHashid repoID
- setMessage "New repository created"
- redirect $ RepoR repoHash
+ Right _createID -> do
+ setMessage "Create activity sent"
+ redirect HomeR
postRepoDeleteR :: KeyHashid Repo -> Handler Html
postRepoDeleteR repoHash = do
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Migration.hs b/src/Vervis/Migration.hs
index 863a79f..f02170f 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Migration.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Migration.hs
@@ -3850,6 +3850,69 @@ changes hLocal ctx =
, addEntities model_648_report
-- 649
, addEntities model_649_factory
+ -- 650
+ , addEntities model_650_fulfills_resident
+ -- 651
+ , unchecked $ lift $ do
+ ps <- selectList [Person651Verified ==. True] []
+ let doc = persistJSONObjectFromDoc $ Doc hLocal emptyActivity
+ for_ ps $ \ (Entity pid p) -> do
+ let aid = person651Actor p
+ obid <- actor651Outbox <$> getJust aid
+ createID <- insert $ OutboxItem651 obid doc defaultTime
+ insert_ $ ActorCreateLocal651 aid createID
+ rs <- map entityVal <$> selectList [] []
+ ds <- map entityVal <$> selectList [] []
+ ls <- map entityVal <$> selectList [] []
+ js <- map entityVal <$> selectList [] []
+ gs <- map entityVal <$> selectList [] []
+ let l = concat
+ [ map (\ r -> (repo651Actor r, repo651Create r)) rs
+ , map (\ d -> (deck651Actor d, deck651Create d)) ds
+ , map (\ l -> (loom651Actor l, loom651Create l)) ls
+ , map (\ j -> (project651Actor j, project651Create j)) js
+ , map (\ g -> (group651Actor g, group651Create g)) gs
+ ]
+ insertMany_ $ map (uncurry ActorCreateLocal651) l
+ {-
+ inboxID <- insert Inbox651
+ errboxID <- insert Inbox651
+ outboxID <- insert Outbox651
+ fsID <- insert FollowerSet651
+ actorID <- insert $ Actor651 "Default factory" "" defaultTime inboxID outboxID fsID Nothing errboxID
+ resourceID <- insert $ Resource651 actorID
+ createID <- insert $ OutboxItem651 outboxID doc defaultTime
+ insert_ $ Factory651 resourceID createID
+ insert_ $ ActorCreateLocal651 actorID createID
+ -}
+ -- 652
+ , removeField "Actor" "justCreatedBy"
+ -- 653
+ , removeUnique' "Deck" "Create"
+ -- 654
+ , removeUnique' "Loom" "Create"
+ -- 655
+ , removeUnique' "Repo" "Create"
+ -- 656
+ , removeUnique' "Project" "Create"
+ -- 657
+ , removeUnique' "Group" "Create"
+ -- 658
+ , removeUnique' "Factory" "Create"
+ -- 659
+ , removeField "Deck" "create"
+ -- 660
+ , removeField "Loom" "create"
+ -- 661
+ , removeField "Repo" "create"
+ -- 662
+ , removeField "Project" "create"
+ -- 663
+ , removeField "Group" "create"
+ -- 664
+ , removeField "Factory" "create"
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Migration/Entities.hs b/src/Vervis/Migration/Entities.hs
index e757233..8d83973 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Migration/Entities.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Migration/Entities.hs
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ module Vervis.Migration.Entities
, model_639_component_convey
, model_648_report
, model_649_factory
+ , model_650_fulfills_resident
@@ -315,3 +316,6 @@ model_648_report = $(schema "648_2024-07-06_report")
model_649_factory :: [Entity SqlBackend]
model_649_factory = $(schema "649_2024-07-29_factory")
+model_650_fulfills_resident :: [Entity SqlBackend]
+model_650_fulfills_resident = $(schema "650_2024-08-03_fulfills_resident")
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Migration/Model2024.hs b/src/Vervis/Migration/Model2024.hs
index a1c782c..ea72529 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Migration/Model2024.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Migration/Model2024.hs
@@ -80,3 +80,6 @@ makeEntitiesMigration "630"
makeEntitiesMigration "634"
$(modelFile "migrations/634_2024-04-29_stem_holder.model")
+makeEntitiesMigration "651"
+ $(modelFile "migrations/651_2024-08-03_actor_create.model")
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Persist/Actor.hs b/src/Vervis/Persist/Actor.hs
index aa3d025..4e43719 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Persist/Actor.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Persist/Actor.hs
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ getRemoteActivityURI act = do
object <- getJust $ remoteActivityIdent act
getRemoteObjectURI object
-insertActor now name desc mby = do
+insertActor now name desc create = do
ibid <- insert Inbox
rbid <- insert Inbox
obid <- insert Outbox
@@ -285,10 +285,12 @@ insertActor now name desc mby = do
, actorInbox = ibid
, actorOutbox = obid
, actorFollowers = fsid
- , actorJustCreatedBy = mby
, actorErrbox = rbid
actorID <- insert actor
+ case create of
+ Left (_, _, obiid) -> insert_ $ ActorCreateLocal actorID obiid
+ Right (ra, _, act) -> insert_ $ ActorCreateRemote actorID act (VA.remoteAuthorId ra)
return $ Entity actorID actor
diff --git a/src/Vervis/Settings.hs b/src/Vervis/Settings.hs
index 921db29..2aaac06 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Settings.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Settings.hs
@@ -158,6 +158,12 @@ data AppSettings = AppSettings
, appMail :: Maybe MailSettings
-- | People's usernames who are allowed to create Factory actors
, appCanCreateFactories :: [Text]
+ -- | KeyHashids of local Factory actors who will auto-send a
+ -- develop-Grant to every newly created account.
+ --
+ -- If empty, and there's exactly 1 local factory in DB, it will
+ -- automatically become the resident.
+ , appResidentFactories :: [Text]
-- | Whether to support federation. This includes:
@@ -257,6 +263,7 @@ instance FromJSON AppSettings where
appEmailVerification <- o .:? "email-verification" .!= not defaultDev
appMail <- o .:? "mail"
appCanCreateFactories <- o .:? "can-create-factories" .!= []
+ appResidentFactories <- o .:? "resident-factories" .!= []
appFederation <- o .:? "federation" .!= False
appCapabilitySigningKeyFile <- o .: "capability-signing-key"
diff --git a/src/Web/ActivityPub.hs b/src/Web/ActivityPub.hs
index b71a21b..dde4da3 100644
--- a/src/Web/ActivityPub.hs
+++ b/src/Web/ActivityPub.hs
@@ -2005,6 +2005,7 @@ data CreateObject u
| CreateProject ActorDetail (Maybe (Authority u, ActorLocal u))
| CreateTeam ActorDetail (Maybe (Authority u, ActorLocal u))
| CreateFactory ActorDetail (Maybe (Authority u, ActorLocal u))
+ | CreatePerson ActorDetail (Maybe (Authority u, ActorLocal u))
parseCreateObject :: UriMode u => Object -> Parser (CreateObject u)
parseCreateObject o
@@ -2042,6 +2043,11 @@ parseCreateObject o
fail "type isn't Factory"
ml <- parseActorLocal o
return $ CreateFactory f ml
+ <|> do f <- parseActorDetail o
+ unless (actorType f == ActorTypePerson) $
+ fail "type isn't Person"
+ ml <- parseActorLocal o
+ return $ CreatePerson f ml
encodeCreateObject :: UriMode u => CreateObject u -> Series
encodeCreateObject (CreateNote h note) = toSeries h note
@@ -2062,10 +2068,12 @@ encodeCreateObject (CreateTeam d ml) =
encodeActorDetail d <> maybe mempty (uncurry encodeActorLocal) ml
encodeCreateObject (CreateFactory d ml) =
encodeActorDetail d <> maybe mempty (uncurry encodeActorLocal) ml
+encodeCreateObject (CreatePerson d ml) =
+ encodeActorDetail d <> maybe mempty (uncurry encodeActorLocal) ml
data Create u = Create
{ createObject :: CreateObject u
- , createTarget :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
+ , createOrigin :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
parseCreate :: UriMode u => Object -> Authority u -> LocalURI -> Parser (Create u)
@@ -2084,12 +2092,13 @@ parseCreate o a luActor = do
CreateProject _ _ -> return ()
CreateTeam _ _ -> return ()
CreateFactory _ _ -> return ()
- Create obj <$> o .:? "target"
+ CreatePerson _ _ -> return ()
+ Create obj <$> o .:? "origin"
encodeCreate :: UriMode u => Create u -> Series
-encodeCreate (Create obj target)
+encodeCreate (Create obj origin)
= "object" `pair` pairs (encodeCreateObject obj)
- <> "target" .=? target
+ <> "origin" .=? origin
data Follow u = Follow
{ followObject :: ObjURI u
diff --git a/src/Web/Actor/Deliver.hs b/src/Web/Actor/Deliver.hs
index fa9355b..1cfe059 100644
--- a/src/Web/Actor/Deliver.hs
+++ b/src/Web/Actor/Deliver.hs
@@ -236,4 +236,4 @@ sendHttp (DeliveryTheater manager headers micros logFunc root theater) method re
for_ recips $ \ u ->
let makeEnv = either throwIO pure (TE.decodeUtf8' $ urlEncode False $ TE.encodeUtf8 $ renderObjURI u) >>= encodeUtf . (root >) . T.unpack >>= mkEnv (manager, headers, micros) logFunc
in void $ spawnIO theater u makeEnv
- sendManyIO theater $ (HS.fromList recips, method) `H.HCons` H.HNil
+ sendManyIO theater $ Just (HS.fromList recips, method) `H.HCons` H.HNil
diff --git a/templates/default-layout.hamlet b/templates/default-layout.hamlet
index f96deb9..2a784c8 100644
--- a/templates/default-layout.hamlet
+++ b/templates/default-layout.hamlet
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $#