Enable Darcs repo cloning over SSH using darcs executable
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 59 additions and 13 deletions
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import Network.SSH
import Network.SSH.Channel
import Network.SSH.Crypto
import Network.SSH.Session
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Process (CreateProcess (..), StdStream (..), createProcess, proc)
@ -68,9 +69,17 @@ data RepoSpec
| SpecRepo Text
deriving Show
--data DarcsFile
-- = DarcsFormat
-- | DarcsMotd
-- | DarcsInventory
-- deriving Show
data Action
= UploadPack RepoSpec
| ReceivePack RepoSpec
-- = DarcsCopy RepoSpec DarcsFile
= DarcsTransferMode RepoSpec
| GitUploadPack RepoSpec
| GitReceivePack RepoSpec
deriving Show
-- | Result of running an action on the server side as a response to an SSH
@ -131,8 +140,15 @@ authorize (PublicKey name key) = do
-- Actions
repoSpecP :: Parser RepoSpec
repoSpecP = f <$> (msh *> part) <*> optional (char '/' *> part)
--TOD TODO TODO check paths for safety... no /./ or /../ and so on
darcsRepoSpecP :: Parser RepoSpec
darcsRepoSpecP = SpecUserRepo <$> part <* char '/' <*> part <* char '/'
part = takeWhile1 (/= '/')
gitRepoSpecP :: Parser RepoSpec
gitRepoSpecP = f <$> (msh *> part) <*> optional (char '/' *> part)
f repo Nothing = SpecRepo repo
f sharer (Just repo) = SpecUserRepo sharer repo
@ -140,8 +156,12 @@ repoSpecP = f <$> (msh *> part) <*> optional (char '/' *> part)
msh = optional (satisfy $ \ c -> c == '/' || c == '~')
actionP :: Parser Action
actionP = UploadPack <$> ("git-upload-pack '" *> repoSpecP <* char '\'')
<|> ReceivePack <$> ("git-receive-pack '" *> repoSpecP <* char '\'')
actionP = DarcsTransferMode <$>
("darcs transfer-mode --repodir " *> darcsRepoSpecP)
<|> GitUploadPack <$>
("git-upload-pack '" *> gitRepoSpecP <* char '\'')
<|> GitReceivePack <$>
("git-receive-pack '" *> gitRepoSpecP <* char '\'')
parseExec :: Text -> Either String Action
parseExec input = parseOnly (actionP <* endOfInput) input
@ -180,22 +200,48 @@ execute cmd args = do
(verifyPipe mIn, verifyPipe mOut, verifyPipe mErr, ph)
spawnProcess $ verifyPipes <$> createProcess config
whenRepoExists :: FilePath -> Channel ActionResult -> Channel ActionResult
whenRepoExists repoPath action = do
whenDarcsRepoExists :: FilePath -> Channel ActionResult -> Channel ActionResult
whenDarcsRepoExists repoPath action = do
looksGood <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist $ repoPath </> "_darcs"
if looksGood
then action
else return $ ARFail "No such darcs repository"
whenGitRepoExists :: FilePath -> Channel ActionResult -> Channel ActionResult
whenGitRepoExists repoPath action = do
looksGood <- liftIO $ isRepo $ fromString repoPath
if looksGood
then action
else return $ ARFail "No such git repository"
--darcsFilePath :: DarcsFile -> FilePath
--darcsFilePath DarcsFormat = "_darcs" </> "format"
--darcsFilePath DarcsMotd = "_darcs" </> "prefs" </> "motd"
--darcsFilePath DarcsInventory = "_darcs" </> "format"
runAction :: FilePath -> Bool -> Action -> Channel ActionResult
runAction repoDir _wantReply action =
case action of
UploadPack spec -> do
(sharer, repo, repoPath) <- resolveSpec' repoDir spec
whenRepoExists repoPath $ do
--DarcsCopy spec file -> do
-- (_sharer, _repo, repoPath) <- resolveSpec' repoDir spec
-- let filePath = repoPath </> darcsFilePath file
-- exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist filePath
-- if exists
-- then do
-- execute "scp" ["-f", filePath]
-- return ARProcess
-- else return $ ARFail "No such file in the repo"
DarcsTransferMode spec -> do
(_sharer, _repo, repoPath) <- resolveSpec' repoDir spec
whenDarcsRepoExists repoPath $ do
execute "darcs" ["transfer-mode", "--repodir", repoPath]
return ARProcess
GitUploadPack spec -> do
(_sharer, _repo, repoPath) <- resolveSpec' repoDir spec
whenGitRepoExists repoPath $ do
execute "git-upload-pack" [repoPath]
return ARProcess
ReceivePack spec -> do
GitReceivePack spec -> do
(sharer, repo, repoPath) <- resolveSpec' repoDir spec
-- Now we need to check whether the authenticated user (can get its
-- details with 'askAuthDetails') has write access to the repo.
@ -204,7 +250,7 @@ runAction repoDir _wantReply action =
-- enough to compare them.
userName <- T.pack . authUser <$> askAuthDetails
if userName == sharer
then whenRepoExists repoPath $ do
then whenGitRepoExists repoPath $ do
execute "git-receive-pack" [repoPath]
return ARProcess
else return $ ARFail "You can't push to this repository"
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