S2S: Group: Accept: Implement resource mode
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 287 additions and 3 deletions
@ -944,6 +944,41 @@ groupAdd now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) add = do
-- delegation Grant I got from B
-- delegation Grant I got from B
-- * To: The parent/collaborator/team to whom I'd sent the Grant
-- * To: The parent/collaborator/team to whom I'd sent the Grant
-- * CC: -
-- * CC: -
-- * Give me a new resource active EffortOriginUs
-- * Verify we haven't yet seen resource's Accept
-- * Insert the Accept to my inbox
-- * If sender is the resource, record the Accept into the Effort record
-- * Prepare to send degelator-Grant
-- * Otherwise nothing to do
-- * Forward the Accept to my followers
-- * Possibly send a Grant:
-- * If sender is the resource
-- * delegator-Grant
-- * To: Resource
-- * CC:
-- - Resource's followers
-- - My followers
-- * Give me a new resource passive EffortOriginThem
-- * Option 1: We haven't seen resource's Accept yet
-- * Verify sender is the resource
-- * Option 2: We saw it, but not my collaborator's Accept
-- * Verify the Accept is authorized
-- * Otherwise respond with error, no Accept is needed
-- * Insert the Accept to my inbox
-- * Option 1: Record resource's Accept in Effort record
-- * Option 2: Record my collaborator's Accept
-- * Prepare to send delegator-Grant
-- * Forward the Accept to my followers
-- * Possibly send a Grant:
-- * In option 2
-- * delegator-Grant
-- * To: Resource
-- * CC:
-- - Resource's followers
-- - My followers
-- - The Accept sender (my collaborator)
:: UTCTime
:: UTCTime
-> GroupId
-> GroupId
@ -972,8 +1007,10 @@ groupAccept now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
let adapt = maybe (Right Nothing) (either Left (Right . Just))
let adapt = maybe (Right Nothing) (either Left (Right . Just))
maybeCollab <-
maybeCollab <-
ExceptT $ fmap adapt $ runMaybeT $
ExceptT $ fmap adapt $ runMaybeT $
runExceptT (Left <$> tryInviteCollab accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Left . Left <$> tryInviteCollab accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Left <$> tryJoinCollab accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Left . Left <$> tryJoinCollab accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Left . Right <$> tryAddResourceActive accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Left . Right <$> tryAddResourcePassive accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Right . Left <$> tryAddChildActive accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Right . Left <$> tryAddChildActive accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Right . Left <$> tryAddChildPassive accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Right . Left <$> tryAddChildPassive accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Right . Left <$> tryAddParentActive accepteeDB) <|>
runExceptT (Right . Left <$> tryAddParentActive accepteeDB) <|>
@ -984,7 +1021,8 @@ groupAccept now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
"Accepted activity isn't an Invite/Join/Add/Remove I'm aware of"
"Accepted activity isn't an Invite/Join/Add/Remove I'm aware of"
case collabOrComp_or_child of
case collabOrComp_or_child of
Left collab -> addCollab collab
Left (Left collab) -> addCollab collab
Left (Right resource) -> addResource resource
Right (Left cp) -> addChildParent cp
Right (Left cp) -> addChildParent cp
Right (Right parent) -> removeParent parent
Right (Right parent) -> removeParent parent
@ -1174,6 +1212,41 @@ groupAccept now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
lift $ MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueInboxItemRemote inboxID remoteActivityID
lift $ MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueInboxItemRemote inboxID remoteActivityID
tryRemoveParent' i
tryRemoveParent' i
verifyEffortHolder :: EffortId -> MaybeT ActDB ()
verifyEffortHolder effortID = do
Effort _ g <- lift $ getJust effortID
guard $ g == groupID
tryAddResourceActive' usID = do
EffortOriginUs effortID <- lift . lift $ getJust usID
lift $ verifyEffortHolder effortID
topic <- lift . lift $ getEffortTopic effortID
return (effortID, topic, Left ())
tryAddResourceActive (Left (_actorByKey, _actorEntity, itemID)) = do
EffortUsGestureLocal usID _ <-
lift $ MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueEffortUsGestureLocalAdd itemID
tryAddResourceActive' usID
tryAddResourceActive (Right remoteActivityID) = do
EffortUsGestureRemote usID _ _ <-
lift $ MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueEffortUsGestureRemoteAdd remoteActivityID
tryAddResourceActive' usID
tryAddResourcePassive' themID = do
EffortOriginThem effortID <- lift . lift $ getJust themID
lift $ verifyEffortHolder effortID
topic <- lift . lift $ getEffortTopic effortID
return (effortID, topic, Right ())
tryAddResourcePassive (Left (_actorByKey, _actorEntity, itemID)) = do
EffortThemGestureLocal themID _ <-
lift $ MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueEffortThemGestureLocalAdd itemID
tryAddResourcePassive' themID
tryAddResourcePassive (Right remoteActivityID) = do
EffortThemGestureRemote themID _ _ <-
lift $ MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueEffortThemGestureRemoteAdd remoteActivityID
tryAddResourcePassive' themID
componentIsAuthor ident =
componentIsAuthor ident =
let author = bimap (view _1) (remoteAuthorId . view _1) authorIdMsig
let author = bimap (view _1) (remoteAuthorId . view _1) authorIdMsig
in author == bimap (resourceToActor . componentResource . snd) snd ident
in author == bimap (resourceToActor . componentResource . snd) snd ident
@ -1183,6 +1256,11 @@ groupAccept now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
let author = bimap (view _1) (remoteAuthorId . view _1) authorIdMsig
let author = bimap (view _1) (remoteAuthorId . view _1) authorIdMsig
in author == bimap (LocalActorGroup . snd) snd ident
in author == bimap (LocalActorGroup . snd) snd ident
theyIsAuthor' :: Either (a, LocalResourceBy Key) (b, RemoteActorId) -> Bool
theyIsAuthor' ident =
let author = bimap (view _1) (remoteAuthorId . view _1) authorIdMsig
in author == bimap (resourceToActor . snd) snd ident
addCollab (collabID, fulfills, inviterOrJoiner) = do
addCollab (collabID, fulfills, inviterOrJoiner) = do
collab <-
collab <-
@ -1915,6 +1993,212 @@ groupAccept now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
addResource (effortID, topic', mode) = do
topic <-
lift $ traverseOf _Left (traverseOf _2 $ withDB . getLocalResource) topic'
mode' <-
-- Resource-active mode
-- Verify we haven't yet seen resource's Accept
(\ () -> do
maybeResourceAccept <-
lift $ withDB $
case bimap fst fst topic of
Left localID -> (() <$) <$> getBy (UniqueEffortThemAcceptLocal localID)
Right remoteID -> (() <$) <$> getBy (UniqueEffortThemAcceptRemote remoteID)
verifyNothingE maybeResourceAccept "I already saw resource's Accept"
-- Resource-passive mode
-- Option 1: We haven't seen resource's Accept yet
-- * Verify sender is the resource
-- Option 2: We saw it, but not my collaborator's Accept
-- * Verify the Accept is authorized
-- Otherwise respond with error, no Accept is needed
(\ () -> do
(maybeResourceAccept, maybeGrant) <-
lift $ withDB $ liftA2 (,)
(case bimap fst fst topic of
Left localID -> (() <$) <$> getBy (UniqueEffortThemAcceptLocal localID)
Right remoteID -> (() <$) <$> getBy (UniqueEffortThemAcceptRemote remoteID)
(getBy $ UniqueEffortUsSendDelegator effortID)
case (isJust maybeResourceAccept, isJust maybeGrant) of
(False, True) -> error "Impossible/bug, didn't see resource's Accept but sent a Grant"
(False, False) -> do
unless (theyIsAuthor' topic) $
throwE "The Accept I'm waiting for is from my new resource"
return $ Left ()
(True, False) -> do
let muCap = AP.activityCapability $ actbActivity body
uCap <- fromMaybeE muCap "No capability provided"
(LocalResourceGroup groupID)
return $ Right ()
(True, True) -> throwE "Resource already enabled, not needing any further Accept"
maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
(recipActorID, recipActor) <- lift $ do
recip <- getJust groupID
let actorID = groupActor recip
(actorID,) <$> getJust actorID
maybeAcceptDB <- lift $ insertToInbox now authorIdMsig body (actorInbox recipActor) False
for maybeAcceptDB $ \ (inboxItemID, acceptDB) -> do
idsForGrant <-
lift $
-- Resource-active mode
-- If sender is resource, record the Accept into the
-- Effort record & prepare to send degelator-Grant
-- Othrerwise do nothing
(\ () ->
if theyIsAuthor' topic
then Just <$> do
case (topic, acceptDB) of
(Left (localID, _), Left (_, _, acceptID)) ->
insert_ $ EffortThemAcceptLocal localID acceptID
(Right (remoteID, _), Right (_, _, acceptID)) ->
insert_ $ EffortThemAcceptRemote remoteID acceptID
_ -> error "groupAccept impossible iv"
grantID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox recipActor) now
insert_ $ EffortUsSendDelegator effortID grantID
return grantID
else pure Nothing
-- Resource-passive mode
-- Getting an Accept from the resource
-- Record resource's Accept in Effort record
Left () -> do
case (topic, acceptDB) of
(Left (localID, _), Left (_, _, acceptID)) ->
insert_ $ EffortThemAcceptLocal localID acceptID
(Right (remoteID, _), Right (_, _, acceptID)) ->
insert_ $ EffortThemAcceptRemote remoteID acceptID
_ -> error "groupAccept impossible v"
return Nothing
-- Getting an Accept from my collaborator
-- Record my collaborator's Accept
-- Prepare to send delegator-Grant
Right () -> Just <$> do
case (topic, acceptDB) of
(Left (localID, _), Left (_, _, acceptID)) ->
insert_ $ ? localID acceptID
(Right (remoteID, _), Right (_, _, acceptID)) ->
insert_ $ ? remoteID acceptID
_ -> error "groupAccept impossible iv"
grantID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox recipActor) now
insert_ $ EffortUsSendDelegator effortID grantID
return grantID
-- Prepare forwarding of Accept to my followers
let recipByID = LocalActorGroup groupID
recipByHash <- hashLocalActor recipByID
let sieve = makeRecipientSet [] [localActorFollowers recipByHash]
maybeAct <-
case idsForGrant of
Left mg -> for mg $ \ grantID -> lift $ do
grant@(actionGrant, _, _, _) <-
prepareEffortDelegGrant (bimap snd snd topic) False
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
_luGrant <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey grantID actionGrant
return (grantID, grant)
Right mg -> for mg $ \ grantID -> lift $ do
grant@(actionGrant, _, _, _) <-
prepareEffortDelegGrant (bimap snd snd topic) True
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
_luGrant <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey grantID actionGrant
return (grantID, grant)
return (recipActorID, sieve, maybeAct, inboxItemID)
case maybeNew of
Nothing -> done "I already have this activity in my inbox"
Just (recipActorID, sieve, maybeGrant, inboxItemID) -> do
let recipByID = LocalActorGroup groupID
forwardActivity authorIdMsig body recipByID recipActorID sieve
lift $ for_ maybeGrant $ \ (grantID, (actionGrant, localRecipsGrant, remoteRecipsGrant, fwdHostsGrant)) ->
recipByID recipActorID localRecipsGrant
remoteRecipsGrant fwdHostsGrant grantID actionGrant
doneDB inboxItemID "[Resource] Forwarded the Accept and maybe published a Grant/Accept"
prepareEffortDelegGrant ident includeAuthor = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
(uResource, audResource) <-
case ident of
Left lr -> do
la <- resourceToActor <$> hashLocalResource lr
( encodeRouteHome $ renderLocalActor la
, AudLocal [la] [localActorFollowers la]
Right raID -> do
ra <- getJust raID
u@(ObjURI h lu) <- getRemoteActorURI ra
( u
, AudRemote h [lu] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audAuthor <- lift $ makeAudSenderOnly authorIdMsig
groupHash <- encodeKeyHashid groupID
let audGroup = AudLocal [] [LocalStageGroupFollowers groupHash]
audience =
if includeAuthor
then [audResource, audGroup, audAuthor]
else [audResource, audGroup]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience audience
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Nothing
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = [AP.acceptObject accept]
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.GrantActivity AP.Grant
{ AP.grantObject = AP.RXDelegator
, AP.grantContext = encodeRouteHome $ GroupR groupHash
, AP.grantTarget = uResource
, AP.grantResult = Nothing
, AP.grantStart = Just now
, AP.grantEnd = Nothing
, AP.grantAllows = AP.Invoke
, AP.grantDelegates = Nothing
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
-- Meaning: Someone has created a group with my ID URI
-- Meaning: Someone has created a group with my ID URI
-- Behavior:
-- Behavior:
-- * Verify I'm in a just-been-created state
-- * Verify I'm in a just-been-created state
Add table
Reference in a new issue