Port deck creation to the new actor system
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 353 additions and 248 deletions
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ module Vervis.API
, createNoteC
, createNoteC
, createPatchTrackerC
, createPatchTrackerC
, createRepositoryC
, createRepositoryC
, createTicketTrackerC
, followC
, followC
, offerTicketC
, offerTicketC
--, offerDepC
--, offerDepC
@ -1510,247 +1509,6 @@ createRepositoryC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor maybeCap localRecips r
(renderAuthority host)
(renderAuthority host)
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Maybe
(LocalActorBy Key, LocalActorBy KeyHashid, OutboxItemId)
-> RecipientRoutes
-> [(Host, NonEmpty LocalURI)]
-> [Host]
-> AP.Action URIMode
-> AP.ActorDetail
-> Maybe (Host, AP.ActorLocal URIMode)
-> Maybe FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
createTicketTrackerC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action tracker mlocal muTarget = do
-- Check input
verifyNothingE maybeCap "Capability not needed"
verifyNothingE mlocal "'id' not allowed in new TicketTracker to create"
(name, msummary) <- parseTracker tracker
senderHash <- encodeKeyHashid pidUser
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create TicketTracker"
(deckID, obiid, deliverHttpCreate, deliverHttpGrant) <- runDBExcept $ do
-- Insert new deck to DB
obiidCreate <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox senderActor) now
wid <- findWorkflow
(jid, obidDeck, ibidDeck, aidDeck, fsidDeck) <- lift $ insertDeck now name msummary obiidCreate wid
-- Insert the Create activity to author's outbox
deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid jid
actionCreate <- prepareCreate name msummary deckHash
_luCreate <- lift $ updateOutboxItem (LocalActorPerson pidUser) obiidCreate actionCreate
-- Deliver the Create activity to local recipients, and schedule
-- delivery for unavailable remote recipients
deliverHttpCreate <- do
let sieve =
makeRecipientSet [] [LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
localRecipsFinal = localRecipSieve sieve False localRecips
(LocalActorPerson senderHash) (personActor personUser)
localRecipsFinal remoteRecips fwdHosts obiidCreate actionCreate
-- Insert collaboration access for deck's creator
obiidGrant <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem obidDeck now
lift $ insertCollab jid obiidGrant
-- Insert a Grant activity to deck's outbox
let grantRecipActors = [LocalActorPerson senderHash]
grantRecipStages = [LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
actionGrant <- prepareGrant senderHash deckHash obiidCreate grantRecipActors grantRecipStages
_luGrant <- lift $ updateOutboxItem (LocalActorDeck jid) obiidGrant actionGrant
-- Deliver the Grant activity to local recipients, and schedule
-- delivery for unavailable remote recipients
deliverHttpGrant <- do
let localRecipsGrant =
makeRecipientSet grantRecipActors grantRecipStages
(LocalActorDeck deckHash) aidDeck localRecipsGrant [] []
obiidGrant actionGrant
-- Insert follow record
obiidFollow <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox senderActor) now
obiidAccept <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem obidDeck now
lift $ insert_ $ Follow (personActor personUser) fsidDeck True obiidFollow obiidAccept
-- Insert a Follow activity to sender's outbox, and an Accept to the
-- deck's outbox
luFollow <- lift $ insertFollowToOutbox senderHash deckHash obiidFollow
lift $ insertAcceptToOutbox senderHash deckHash obiidAccept luFollow
-- Deliver the Follow and Accept by simply manually inserting them to
-- deck and sender inboxes respectively
lift $ do
ibiidF <- insert $ InboxItem False now
insert_ $ InboxItemLocal ibidDeck obiidFollow ibiidF
ibiidA <- insert $ InboxItem False now
insert_ $ InboxItemLocal (actorInbox senderActor) obiidAccept ibiidA
-- Return instructions for HTTP delivery to remote recipients
return (jid, obiidCreate, deliverHttpCreate, deliverHttpGrant)
-- Launch asynchronous HTTP delivery of Create and Grant
lift $ do
forkWorker "createTicketTrackerC: async HTTP Create delivery" deliverHttpCreate
forkWorker "createTicketTrackerC: async HTTP Grant delivery" deliverHttpGrant
-- Spawn new Deck actor
success <- do
theater <- asksSite appTheater
env <- asksSite appEnv
liftIO $ launchActorIO theater env LocalActorDeck deckID
unless success $
error "Failed to spawn new Deck, somehow ID already in Theater"
return obiid
parseTracker (AP.ActorDetail typ muser mname msummary) = do
unless (typ == AP.ActorTypeTicketTracker) $
error "createTicketTrackerC: Create object isn't a TicketTracker"
verifyNothingE muser "TicketTracker can't have a username"
name <- fromMaybeE mname "TicketTracker doesn't specify name"
return (name, msummary)
findWorkflow = do
mw <- lift $ selectFirst ([] :: [Filter Workflow]) []
entityKey <$> fromMaybeE mw "Can't find a workflow"
insertDeck now name msummary obiidCreate wid = do
ibid <- insert Inbox
obid <- insert Outbox
fsid <- insert FollowerSet
aid <- insert Actor
{ actorName = name
, actorDesc = fromMaybe "" msummary
, actorCreatedAt = now
, actorInbox = ibid
, actorOutbox = obid
, actorFollowers = fsid
, actorJustCreatedBy = Just $ personActor personUser
did <- insert Deck
{ deckActor = aid
, deckWorkflow = wid
, deckNextTicket = 1
, deckWiki = Nothing
, deckCreate = obiidCreate
return (did, obid, ibid, aid, fsid)
prepareCreate name msummary deckHash = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
let ttdetail = AP.ActorDetail
{ AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeTicketTracker
, AP.actorUsername = Nothing
, AP.actorName = Just name
, AP.actorSummary = msummary
ttlocal = AP.ActorLocal
{ AP.actorId = encodeRouteLocal $ DeckR deckHash
, AP.actorInbox = encodeRouteLocal $ DeckInboxR deckHash
, AP.actorOutbox = Nothing
, AP.actorFollowers = Nothing
, AP.actorFollowing = Nothing
, AP.actorPublicKeys = []
, AP.actorSshKeys = []
specific = CreateActivity Create
{ createObject = CreateTicketTracker ttdetail (Just (hLocal, ttlocal))
, createTarget = Nothing
return action { actionSpecific = specific }
insertCollab did obiidGrant = do
cid <- insert $ Collab RoleAdmin
insert_ $ CollabTopicDeck cid did
insert_ $ CollabEnable cid obiidGrant
insert_ $ CollabRecipLocal cid pidUser
insert_ $ CollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation cid
prepareGrant adminHash deckHash obiidCreate actors stages = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
obikhidCreate <- encodeKeyHashid obiidCreate
let recips =
map encodeRouteHome $
map renderLocalActor actors ++
map renderLocalStage stages
return Action
{ actionCapability = Nothing
, actionSummary = Nothing
, actionAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, actionFulfills =
[encodeRouteHome $ PersonOutboxItemR adminHash obikhidCreate]
, actionSpecific = GrantActivity Grant
{ grantObject = RoleAdmin
, grantContext = encodeRouteLocal $ DeckR deckHash
, grantTarget = encodeRouteHome $ PersonR adminHash
, grantResult = Nothing
, grantStart = Nothing
, grantEnd = Nothing
, grantAllows = Invoke
, grantDelegates = Nothing
insertFollowToOutbox senderHash deckHash obiidFollow = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiidFollow
let luFollow = encodeRouteLocal $ PersonOutboxItemR senderHash obikhid
recips = [encodeRouteHome $ DeckR deckHash]
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = Just luFollow
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ PersonR senderHash
, activityCapability = Nothing
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activityFulfills = []
, activityProof = Nothing
, activitySpecific = FollowActivity AP.Follow
{ AP.followObject = encodeRouteHome $ DeckR deckHash
, AP.followContext = Nothing
, AP.followHide = False
update obiidFollow [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return luFollow
insertAcceptToOutbox senderHash deckHash obiidAccept luFollow = do
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
let recips = [encodeRouteHome $ PersonR senderHash]
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ DeckOutboxItemR deckHash obikhid
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ DeckR deckHash
, activityCapability = Nothing
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activityFulfills = []
, activityProof = Nothing
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hLocal luFollow
, acceptResult = Nothing
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
:: Entity Person
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Actor
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Vervis.Actor.Common
, topicInvite
, topicInvite
, topicRemove
, topicRemove
, topicJoin
, topicJoin
, topicCreateMe
@ -1137,3 +1138,113 @@ topicJoin grabActor topicResource topicField topicCollabField collabTopicCtor no
let authorID = remoteAuthorId author
let authorID = remoteAuthorId author
recipID <- insert $ CollabRecipRemote collabID authorID
recipID <- insert $ CollabRecipRemote collabID authorID
insert_ $ CollabRecipRemoteJoin recipID fulfillsID joinID
insert_ $ CollabRecipRemoteJoin recipID fulfillsID joinID
:: ( PersistRecordBackend topic SqlBackend, ToBackendKey SqlBackend topic
, PersistRecordBackend ct SqlBackend
=> (topic -> ActorId)
-> (forall f. f topic -> GrantResourceBy f)
-> EntityField ct (Key topic)
-> (CollabId -> Key topic -> ct)
-> UTCTime
-> Key topic
-> Verse
-> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
topicCreateMe topicActor topicResource collabTopicFieldTopic collabTopicCtor now recipKey (Verse authorIdMsig body) = do
maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
(recipActorID, recipActor) <- lift $ do
recip <- getJust recipKey
let actorID = topicActor recip
(actorID,) <$> getJust actorID
-- Verify I'm in the initial just-been-created state
creatorActorID <-
(actorJustCreatedBy recipActor)
"I already sent the initial Grant, why am I receiving this Create?"
creatorPersonID <- do
mp <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniquePersonActor creatorActorID
fromMaybeE mp "Granting access to local non-Person actors isn't suppported currently"
existingCollabIDs <-
lift $ selectList [collabTopicFieldTopic ==. recipKey] []
unless (null existingCollabIDs) $
error "Just-been-created but I somehow already have Collabs"
-- Verify the Create author is my creator indeed
case authorIdMsig of
Left (_, actorID, _) | actorID == creatorActorID -> pure ()
_ -> throwE "Create author isn't why I believe my creator is - is this Create fake?"
maybeCreateDB <- lift $ insertToInbox now authorIdMsig body (actorInbox recipActor) False
lift $ for maybeCreateDB $ \ _createDB -> do
-- Create a Collab record and exit just-been-created state
grantID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox recipActor) now
insertCollab creatorPersonID grantID
update creatorActorID [ActorJustCreatedBy =. Nothing]
-- Prepare a Grant activity and insert to my outbox
grant@(actionGrant, _, _, _) <- lift prepareGrant
let recipByKey = grantResourceLocalActor $ topicResource recipKey
_luGrant <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey grantID actionGrant
return (recipActorID, grantID, grant)
case maybeNew of
Nothing -> done "I already have this activity in my inbox"
Just (recipActorID, grantID, (actionGrant, localRecipsGrant, remoteRecipsGrant, fwdHostsGrant)) -> do
let recipByID = grantResourceLocalActor $ topicResource recipKey
lift $ sendActivity
recipByID recipActorID localRecipsGrant
remoteRecipsGrant fwdHostsGrant grantID actionGrant
done "Created a Collab record and published a Grant"
insertCollab personID grantID = do
collabID <- insert $ Collab AP.RoleAdmin
insert_ $ collabTopicCtor collabID recipKey
insert_ $ CollabEnable collabID grantID
insert_ $ CollabRecipLocal collabID personID
insert_ $ CollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation collabID
prepareGrant = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
audCreator <- makeAudSenderOnly authorIdMsig
recipHash <- encodeKeyHashid recipKey
uCreator <- getActorURI authorIdMsig
uCreate <- getActivityURI authorIdMsig
let topicByHash = grantResourceLocalActor $ topicResource recipHash
audience =
let audTopic = AudLocal [] [localActorFollowers topicByHash]
in [audCreator, audTopic]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience audience
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Nothing
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = [uCreate]
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.GrantActivity AP.Grant
{ AP.grantObject = AP.RoleAdmin
, AP.grantContext =
encodeRouteLocal $ renderLocalActor topicByHash
, AP.grantTarget = uCreator
, AP.grantResult = Nothing
, AP.grantStart = Just now
, AP.grantEnd = Nothing
, AP.grantAllows = AP.Invoke
, AP.grantDelegates = Nothing
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
@ -63,13 +63,51 @@ import Vervis.Data.Discussion
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Federation.Util
import Vervis.Federation.Util
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model hiding (deckCreate)
import Vervis.Recipient (makeRecipientSet, LocalStageBy (..), Aud (..), collectAudience)
import Vervis.Recipient (makeRecipientSet, LocalStageBy (..), Aud (..), collectAudience)
import Vervis.Persist.Actor
import Vervis.Persist.Actor
import Vervis.Persist.Collab
import Vervis.Persist.Collab
import Vervis.Persist.Discussion
import Vervis.Persist.Discussion
import Vervis.Ticket
import Vervis.Ticket
-- Meaning: Someone has created a ticket tracker with my ID URI
-- Behavior:
-- * Verify I'm in a just-been-created state
-- * Verify my creator and the Create sender are the same actor
-- * Create an admin Collab record in DB
-- * Send an admin Grant to the creator
-- * Get out of the just-been-created state
:: UTCTime
-> DeckId
-> Verse
-> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
deckCreateMe =
deckActor GrantResourceDeck CollabTopicDeckDeck CollabTopicDeck
:: UTCTime
-> DeckId
-> Verse
-> AP.Create URIMode
-> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
deckCreate now deckID verse (AP.Create obj _muTarget) =
case obj of
AP.CreateTicketTracker _ mlocal -> do
(h, local) <- fromMaybeE mlocal "No tracker id provided"
let luTracker = AP.actorId local
uMe <- do
deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid deckID
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
return $ encodeRouteHome $ DeckR deckHash
unless (uMe == ObjURI h luTracker) $
throwE "The created tracker id isn't me"
deckCreateMe now deckID verse
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for Deck"
-- Following
-- Following
@ -433,6 +471,7 @@ deckBehavior :: UTCTime -> DeckId -> VerseExt -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
deckBehavior now deckID (Left verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
deckBehavior now deckID (Left verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
case AP.activitySpecific $ actbActivity body of
case AP.activitySpecific $ actbActivity body of
AP.AcceptActivity accept -> deckAccept now deckID verse accept
AP.AcceptActivity accept -> deckAccept now deckID verse accept
AP.CreateActivity create -> deckCreate now deckID verse create
AP.FollowActivity follow -> deckFollow now deckID verse follow
AP.FollowActivity follow -> deckFollow now deckID verse follow
AP.InviteActivity invite -> deckInvite now deckID verse invite
AP.InviteActivity invite -> deckInvite now deckID verse invite
AP.JoinActivity join -> deckJoin now deckID verse join
AP.JoinActivity join -> deckJoin now deckID verse join
@ -273,6 +273,18 @@ personAccept now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
unless (authorByKey == targetByKey) $
unless (authorByKey == targetByKey) $
lift $ throwE "You're Accepting a Follow I sent to someone else"
lift $ throwE "You're Accepting a Follow I sent to someone else"
lift $ lift $ delete key
lift $ lift $ delete key
-- The followee already inserted a Follow, so we just make sure it
-- already exists
followKey <- do
mf <- lift $ lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueFollowAccept acceptID
lift $ fromMaybeE mf "Can't find a Follow record in DB"
mf1 <-
lift $ lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueFollow actorID (followRequestTarget val)
mf2 <-
lift $ lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueFollowFollow outboxItemID
unless (mf1 == Just followKey && mf2 == Just followKey) $
lift $ throwE "Weird inconsistency with Follow uniques"
lift $ lift $ insert_ Follow
lift $ lift $ insert_ Follow
{ followActor = actorID
{ followActor = actorID
, followTarget = followRequestTarget val
, followTarget = followRequestTarget val
@ -280,6 +292,7 @@ personAccept now recipPersonID (Verse authorIdMsig body) accept = do
, followFollow = outboxItemID
, followFollow = outboxItemID
, followAccept = acceptID
, followAccept = acceptID
tryFollow _ (Right _) _ = mzero
tryFollow _ (Right _) _ = mzero
-- Meaning: An actor rejected something
-- Meaning: An actor rejected something
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import Vervis.Access
import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.Actor
import Vervis.Actor
import Vervis.Actor2
import Vervis.Actor2
import Vervis.Actor.Deck
import Vervis.Cloth
import Vervis.Cloth
import Vervis.Data.Actor
import Vervis.Data.Actor
import Vervis.Data.Collab
import Vervis.Data.Collab
@ -108,6 +109,187 @@ verifyRemoteAddressed remoteRecips u =
lus <- lookup h remoteRecips
lus <- lookup h remoteRecips
guard $ lu `elem` lus
guard $ lu `elem` lus
-- Meaning: The human wants to create a ticket tracker
-- Behavior:
-- * Create a deck on DB
-- * Launch a deck actor
-- * Record a FollowRequest in DB
-- * Create and send Create and Follow to it
:: UTCTime
-> PersonId
-> ClientMsg
-> AP.ActorDetail
-> ActE OutboxItemId
clientCreateDeck now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action) tracker = do
-- Check input
verifyNothingE maybeCap "Capability not needed"
(name, msummary) <- parseTracker tracker
(actorMeID, localRecipsFinal, createID, actionCreate, followID, follow, deckID) <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
(personMe, actorMe) <- lift $ do
p <- getJust personMeID
(p,) <$> getJust (personActor p)
let actorMeID = personActor personMe
-- Insert new deck to DB
createID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
wid <- findWorkflow
(deckID, deckFollowerSetID) <-
lift $ insertDeck now name msummary createID wid actorMeID
-- Insert the Create activity to my outbox
deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid deckID
actionCreate <- prepareCreate name msummary deckHash
luCreate <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) createID actionCreate
-- Prepare recipient sieve for sending the Create
personMeHash <- lift $ encodeKeyHashid personMeID
let sieve =
[LocalActorDeck deckHash]
[LocalStagePersonFollowers personMeHash]
onlyDeck = DeckFamilyRoutes (DeckRoutes True False) []
addMe' decks = (deckHash, onlyDeck) : decks
addMe rs = rs { recipDecks = addMe' $ recipDecks rs }
-- Insert a follow request, since I'm about to send a Follow
followID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
lift $ insert_ $ FollowRequest actorMeID deckFollowerSetID True followID
-- Insert a Follow to my outbox
follow@(actionFollow, _, _, _) <- lift $ lift $ prepareFollow deckID luCreate
_luFollow <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) followID actionFollow
( personActor personMe
, localRecipSieve sieve False $ addMe localRecips
, createID
, actionCreate
, followID
, follow
, deckID
-- Spawn new Deck actor
success <- lift $ launchActor LocalActorDeck deckID
unless success $
error "Failed to spawn new Deck, somehow ID already in Theater"
-- Send the Create
lift $ sendActivity
(LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFinal remoteRecips
fwdHosts createID actionCreate
-- Send the Follow
let (actionFollow, localRecipsFollow, remoteRecipsFollow, fwdHostsFollow) = follow
lift $ sendActivity
(LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFollow
remoteRecipsFollow fwdHostsFollow followID actionFollow
return createID
parseTracker (AP.ActorDetail typ muser mname msummary) = do
unless (typ == AP.ActorTypeTicketTracker) $
error "createTicketTrackerC: Create object isn't a TicketTracker"
verifyNothingE muser "TicketTracker can't have a username"
name <- fromMaybeE mname "TicketTracker doesn't specify name"
return (name, msummary)
findWorkflow = do
mw <- lift $ selectFirst ([] :: [Filter Workflow]) []
entityKey <$> fromMaybeE mw "Can't find a workflow"
insertDeck now name msummary obiidCreate wid actorMeID = do
ibid <- insert Inbox
obid <- insert Outbox
fsid <- insert FollowerSet
aid <- insert Actor
{ actorName = name
, actorDesc = fromMaybe "" msummary
, actorCreatedAt = now
, actorInbox = ibid
, actorOutbox = obid
, actorFollowers = fsid
, actorJustCreatedBy = Just actorMeID
did <- insert Deck
{ deckActor = aid
, deckWorkflow = wid
, deckNextTicket = 1
, deckWiki = Nothing
, deckCreate = obiidCreate
return (did, fsid)
prepareCreate name msummary deckHash = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
hLocal <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
let ttdetail = AP.ActorDetail
{ AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeTicketTracker
, AP.actorUsername = Nothing
, AP.actorName = Just name
, AP.actorSummary = msummary
ttlocal = AP.ActorLocal
{ AP.actorId = encodeRouteLocal $ DeckR deckHash
, AP.actorInbox = encodeRouteLocal $ DeckInboxR deckHash
, AP.actorOutbox = Nothing
, AP.actorFollowers = Nothing
, AP.actorFollowing = Nothing
, AP.actorPublicKeys = []
, AP.actorSshKeys = []
specific = AP.CreateActivity AP.Create
{ AP.createObject = AP.CreateTicketTracker ttdetail (Just (hLocal, ttlocal))
, AP.createTarget = Nothing
return action { AP.actionSpecific = specific }
prepareFollow deckID luCreate = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
h <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid deckID
let audTopic = AudLocal [LocalActorDeck deckHash] []
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audTopic]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Nothing
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = [ObjURI h luCreate]
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.FollowActivity AP.Follow
{ AP.followObject = encodeRouteHome $ DeckR deckHash
, AP.followContext = Nothing
, AP.followHide = False
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
:: UTCTime
-> PersonId
-> ClientMsg
-> AP.Create URIMode
-> ActE OutboxItemId
clientCreate now personMeID msg (AP.Create object muTarget) =
case object of
AP.CreateTicketTracker detail mlocal -> do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Tracker id must not be provided"
verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create TicketTracker"
clientCreateDeck now personMeID msg detail
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for C2S"
-- Meaning: The human wants to invite someone A to a resource R
-- Meaning: The human wants to invite someone A to a resource R
-- Behavior:
-- Behavior:
-- * Some basic sanity checks
-- * Some basic sanity checks
@ -334,6 +516,7 @@ clientBehavior :: UTCTime -> PersonId -> ClientMsg -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
clientBehavior now personID msg =
clientBehavior now personID msg =
done . T.pack . show =<<
done . T.pack . show =<<
case AP.actionSpecific $ cmAction msg of
case AP.actionSpecific $ cmAction msg of
AP.CreateActivity create -> clientCreate now personID msg create
AP.InviteActivity invite -> clientInvite now personID msg invite
AP.InviteActivity invite -> clientInvite now personID msg invite
AP.RemoveActivity remove -> clientRemove now personID msg remove
AP.RemoveActivity remove -> clientRemove now personID msg remove
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for C2S"
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for C2S"
@ -340,9 +340,9 @@ postDeckNewR = do
(maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.createDeck personHash name desc
(maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.createDeck personHash name desc
(localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
(localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
C.makeServerInput Nothing maybeSummary audience $ AP.CreateActivity $ AP.Create (AP.CreateTicketTracker detail Nothing) Nothing
C.makeServerInput Nothing maybeSummary audience $ AP.CreateActivity $ AP.Create (AP.CreateTicketTracker detail Nothing) Nothing
actor <- runDB $ getJust $ personActor person
result <-
result <-
runExceptT $ createTicketTrackerC personEntity actor Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action detail Nothing Nothing
runExceptT $
handleViaActor personID Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
case result of
case result of
Left e -> do
Left e -> do
@ -228,13 +228,14 @@ postPersonOutboxR personHash = do
case obj of
case obj of
AP.CreateNote _ note ->
AP.CreateNote _ note ->
run createNoteC note mtarget
run createNoteC note mtarget
AP.CreateTicketTracker detail mlocal ->
run createTicketTrackerC detail mlocal mtarget
AP.CreateRepository detail vcs mlocal ->
AP.CreateRepository detail vcs mlocal ->
run createRepositoryC detail vcs mlocal mtarget
run createRepositoryC detail vcs mlocal mtarget
AP.CreatePatchTracker detail repos mlocal ->
AP.CreatePatchTracker detail repos mlocal ->
run createPatchTrackerC detail repos mlocal mtarget
run createPatchTrackerC detail repos mlocal mtarget
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Create 'object' type"
_ ->
(entityKey eperson) maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips
fwdHosts action
AddActivity (AP.Add obj target) ->
AddActivity (AP.Add obj target) ->
case obj of
case obj of
Add table
Reference in a new issue