UI: Use the actor system for opening a ticket, and remove offerTicketC
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 14 additions and 356 deletions
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ module Vervis.API
, createPatchTrackerC
, createRepositoryC
, followC
, offerTicketC
--, offerDepC
, resolveC
, undoC
@ -1652,352 +1651,6 @@ followC (Entity senderPersonID senderPerson) senderActor maybeCap localRecips re
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Maybe
(LocalActorBy Key, LocalActorBy KeyHashid, OutboxItemId)
-> RecipientRoutes
-> [(Host, NonEmpty LocalURI)]
-> [Host]
-> AP.Action URIMode
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
offerTicketC (Entity senderPersonID senderPerson) senderActor maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action ticket uTarget = do
-- Check input
verifyNothingE maybeCap "Capability not needed"
(title, desc, source, tam) <- do
hostLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
WorkItemOffer {..} <- VA2.runActE $ checkOfferTicket hostLocal ticket uTarget
unless (wioAuthor == Left senderPersonID) $
throwE "Offering a Ticket attributed to someone else"
return (wioTitle, wioDesc, wioSource, wioRest)
-- Verify that the target tracker is addressed by the Offer
case tam of
TAM_Task deckID -> do
deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid deckID
unless (actorIsAddressed localRecips $ LocalActorDeck deckHash) $
throwE "Local target deck not addressed by the Offer"
TAM_Merge loomID _ -> do
loomHash <- encodeKeyHashid loomID
unless (actorIsAddressed localRecips $ LocalActorLoom loomHash) $
throwE "Local target loom not addressed by the Offer"
TAM_Remote uTracker _ -> verifyRemoteAddressed remoteRecips uTracker
senderHash <- encodeKeyHashid senderPersonID
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
-- If tracker is a local loom, and a remote origin repo is specified, fetch
-- that repo's AP object via HTTP and remember in DB
maybeLocalTracker <-
case tam of
TAM_Task deckID -> pure $ Just $ Left deckID
TAM_Merge loomID (Merge maybeOriginTip maybeBundle targetTip) -> do
maybeOrigin <- for maybeOriginTip $ \case
TipLocalRepo repoID -> pure $ Left (repoID, Nothing)
TipLocalBranch repoID branch -> pure $ Left (repoID, Just branch)
TipRemote uOrigin -> Right <$> do
(vcs, raid, uClone, mb) <- withExceptT (T.pack . show) $ httpGetRemoteTip uOrigin
return (vcs, raid, uClone, first Just <$> mb)
TipRemoteBranch uRepo branch -> Right <$> do
(vcs, raid, uClone) <- withExceptT (T.pack . show) $ httpGetRemoteRepo uRepo
return (vcs, raid, uClone, Just (Nothing, branch))
originOrBundle <-
(align maybeOrigin maybeBundle)
"MR provides neither origin nor patches"
(targetRepoID, maybeTargetBranch) <-
case targetTip of
TipLocalRepo repoID -> pure (repoID, Nothing)
TipLocalBranch repoID branch -> pure (repoID, Just branch)
_ -> throwE "Offer target is a local loom but MR target is a remote repo (Looms serve only local repos)"
return $ Just $ Right (loomID, originOrBundle, targetRepoID, maybeTargetBranch)
TAM_Remote _ _ -> pure Nothing
(offerID, deliverHttpOffer, maybeAcceptMaybePull) <- runDBExcept $ do
-- If target tracker is local, find it in our DB
-- If that tracker is a loom, find and check the MR too
maybeLocalTrackerDB <- for maybeLocalTracker $ bitraverse
(\ deckID -> do
deck <- getE deckID "Offer local target no such deck in DB"
return (deckID, deckActor deck)
(\ (loomID, originOrBundle, targetRepoID, maybeTargetBranch) -> do
loom <- getE loomID "Offer local target no such loom in DB"
unless (targetRepoID == loomRepo loom) $
throwE "MR target repo isn't the one served by the Offer target loom"
targetRepo <- getE targetRepoID "MR target local repo not found in DB"
unless (repoLoom targetRepo == Just loomID) $
throwE "Offer target loom doesn't have repo's consent to serve it"
for_ (justThere originOrBundle) $ \ (Material typ diffs) -> do
unless (repoVcs targetRepo == patchMediaTypeVCS typ) $
throwE "Patch type and local target repo VCS mismatch"
case (typ, diffs) of
(PatchMediaTypeDarcs, _ :| _ : _) ->
throwE "More than one Darcs dpatch file provided"
_ -> pure ()
originOrBundle' <-
(\ origin -> do
(vcs, origin') <-
case origin of
Left (repoID, maybeBranch) -> do
repo <- getE repoID "MR origin local repo not found in DB"
return (repoVcs repo, Left (repoID, maybeBranch))
Right (vcs, remoteActorID, uClone, maybeBranch) ->
pure (vcs, Right (remoteActorID, uClone, maybeBranch))
unless (vcs == repoVcs targetRepo) $
throwE "Origin repo VCS differs from target repo VCS"
return origin'
-- Verify that the VCS of target repo, origin repo and patches
-- all match, and that branches are specified for Git and
-- aren't specified for Darcs
tipInfo <- case repoVcs targetRepo of
VCSGit -> do
targetBranch <- fromMaybeE maybeTargetBranch "Local target repo is Git but no target branch specified"
maybeOrigin <- for (justHere originOrBundle') $ \case
Left (originRepoID, maybeOriginBranch) -> do
originBranch <- fromMaybeE maybeOriginBranch "Local origin repo is Git but no origin branch specified"
return (Left originRepoID, originBranch)
Right (_remoteActorID, uClone, maybeOriginBranch) -> do
(_maybeURI, originBranch) <- fromMaybeE maybeOriginBranch "Remote origin repo is Git but no origin branch specified"
return (Right uClone, originBranch)
return $ Left (targetBranch, maybeOrigin)
VCSDarcs -> do
verifyNothingE maybeTargetBranch "Local target repo is Darcs but target branch specified"
maybeOriginRepo <- for (justHere originOrBundle') $ \case
Left (originRepoID, maybeOriginBranch) -> do
verifyNothingE maybeOriginBranch "Local origin repo is Darcs but origin branch specified"
return $ Left originRepoID
Right (_remoteActorID, uClone, maybeOriginBranch) -> do
verifyNothingE maybeOriginBranch "Remote origin repo is Darcs but origin branch specified"
return $ Right uClone
return $ Right $ maybeOriginRepo
return (loomID, loomActor loom, originOrBundle', targetRepoID, maybeTargetBranch, tipInfo)
-- Insert Offer to sender's outbox
offerID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox senderActor) now
luOffer <- lift $ updateOutboxItem (LocalActorPerson senderPersonID) offerID action
-- Deliver the Offer activity to local recipients, and schedule
-- delivery for unavailable remote recipients
deliverHttpOffer <- do
hashRepo <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let tipRepo tip =
case tip of
TipLocalRepo repoID -> Just $ hashRepo repoID
TipLocalBranch repoID _ -> Just $ hashRepo repoID
_ -> Nothing
hashDeck <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hashLoom <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let (tracker, target, origin) =
case tam of
TAM_Task deckID ->
( Just $ Left $ hashDeck deckID
, Nothing
, Nothing
TAM_Merge loomID (Merge maybeOriginTip _ targetTip) ->
( Just $ Right $ hashLoom loomID
, tipRepo targetTip
, tipRepo =<< maybeOriginTip
TAM_Remote _ maybeMerge ->
( Nothing
, tipRepo . mergeTarget =<< maybeMerge
, tipRepo =<< mergeOrigin =<< maybeMerge
sieveActors = catMaybes
[ tracker <&> \case
Left deckHash -> LocalActorDeck deckHash
Right loomHash -> LocalActorLoom loomHash
, LocalActorRepo <$> target
, LocalActorRepo <$> origin
sieveStages = catMaybes
[ tracker <&> \case
Left deckHash -> LocalStageDeckFollowers deckHash
Right loomHash -> LocalStageLoomFollowers loomHash
, LocalStageRepoFollowers <$> target
, LocalStageRepoFollowers <$> origin
, Just $ LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash
sieve = makeRecipientSet sieveActors sieveStages
localRecipsFinal = localRecipSieve sieve False localRecips
(LocalActorPerson senderHash) (personActor senderPerson)
localRecipsFinal remoteRecips fwdHosts offerID action
-- If Offer target is a local deck/loom, verify that it has received
-- the Offer, insert a new Ticket to DB, and publish Accept
maybeAcceptMaybePull <- for maybeLocalTrackerDB $ \ tracker -> do
-- Verify that tracker received the Offer
let trackerActorID =
case tracker of
Left (_, actorID) -> actorID
Right (_, actorID, _, _, _, _) -> actorID
verifyActorHasItem trackerActorID offerID "Local tracker didn't receive the Offer"
-- Insert ticket/MR to DB
acceptID <- lift $ do
trackerActor <- getJust trackerActorID
insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox trackerActor) now
(ticketRoute, maybePull) <- lift $ do
ticketID <- insertTicket now title desc source offerID acceptID
case tracker of
Left (deckID, _) ->
(,Nothing) <$> insertTask deckID ticketID
Right (loomID, _, originOrBundle, targetRepoID, maybeTargetBranch, tipInfo) -> do
(clothID, route) <- insertMerge now loomID ticketID maybeTargetBranch originOrBundle
let maybeTipInfo =
case tipInfo of
Left (b, mo) -> Left . (b,) <$> mo
Right mo -> Right <$> mo
hasBundle = isJust $ justThere originOrBundle
pull = (clothID, targetRepoID, hasBundle,) <$> maybeTipInfo
return (route, pull)
-- Insert an Accept activity to tracker's outbox
hashDeck <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hashLoom <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let acceptRecipActors = [LocalActorPerson senderHash]
acceptRecipStages =
[ case tracker of
Left (deckID, _) ->
LocalStageDeckFollowers $ hashDeck deckID
Right (loomID, _, _, _, _, _) ->
LocalStageLoomFollowers $ hashLoom loomID
, LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash
actionAccept <- prepareAccept ticketRoute luOffer acceptRecipActors acceptRecipStages
let trackerByKey =
case tracker of
Left (deckID, _) -> LocalActorDeck deckID
Right (loomID, _, _, _, _, _) -> LocalActorLoom loomID
_luAccept <- lift $ updateOutboxItem trackerByKey acceptID actionAccept
-- Deliver the Accept activity to local recipients, and schedule
-- delivery for unavailable remote recipients
deliverHttpAccept <- do
let trackerLocalActor =
case tracker of
Left (deckID, _) ->
LocalActorDeck $ hashDeck deckID
Right (loomID, _, _, _, _, _) ->
LocalActorLoom $ hashLoom loomID
localRecipsAccept =
makeRecipientSet acceptRecipActors acceptRecipStages
trackerLocalActor trackerActorID localRecipsAccept [] []
acceptID actionAccept
-- Return instructions for HTTP delivery to remote recipients, and
-- info for pulling origin branch to generate patches
return (deliverHttpAccept, maybePull)
-- Return instructions for HTTP delivery to remote recipients, and info
-- for pulling origin branch to generate patches
return (offerID, deliverHttpOffer, maybeAcceptMaybePull)
-- Launch asynchronous HTTP delivery of Offer and Accept, and generate
-- patches if we opened a local MR that mentions just an origin
lift $ forkWorker "offerTicketC: async HTTP Offer delivery" deliverHttpOffer
for_ maybeAcceptMaybePull $ \ (deliverHttpAccept, maybePull) -> do
lift $ forkWorker "offerTicketC: async HTTP Accept delivery" deliverHttpAccept
VA2.runActE $ traverse generatePatches maybePull
return offerID
insertTicket now title desc source offerID acceptID = do
did <- insert Discussion
fsid <- insert FollowerSet
tid <- insert Ticket
{ ticketNumber = Nothing
, ticketCreated = now
, ticketTitle = title
, ticketSource = source
, ticketDescription = desc
, ticketDiscuss = did
, ticketFollowers = fsid
, ticketAccept = acceptID
insert_ TicketAuthorLocal
{ ticketAuthorLocalTicket = tid
, ticketAuthorLocalAuthor = senderPersonID
, ticketAuthorLocalOpen = offerID
return tid
insertTask deckID ticketID = do
ticketDeckID <- insert $ TicketDeck ticketID deckID
TicketR <$> encodeKeyHashid deckID <*> encodeKeyHashid ticketDeckID
:: UTCTime
-> LoomId
-> TicketId
-> Maybe Text
-> These
(RepoId, Maybe Text)
(RemoteActorId, FedURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, Text))
-> AppDB (TicketLoomId, Route App)
insertMerge now loomID ticketID maybeBranch originOrBundle = do
clothID <- insert $ TicketLoom ticketID loomID maybeBranch
for_ (justHere originOrBundle) $ \case
Left (repoID, maybeOriginBranch) ->
insert_ $ MergeOriginLocal clothID repoID maybeOriginBranch
Right (remoteActorID, _uClone, maybeOriginBranch) -> do
originID <- insert $ MergeOriginRemote clothID remoteActorID
for_ maybeOriginBranch $ \ (mlu, b) ->
insert_ $ MergeOriginRemoteBranch originID mlu b
for_ (justThere originOrBundle) $ \ (Material typ diffs) -> do
bundleID <- insert $ Bundle clothID False
insertMany_ $ NE.toList $ NE.reverse $
NE.map (Patch bundleID now typ) diffs
route <- ClothR <$> encodeKeyHashid loomID <*> encodeKeyHashid clothID
return (clothID, route)
prepareAccept ticketRoute luOffer actors stages = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
let recips =
map encodeRouteHome $
map renderLocalActor actors ++
map renderLocalStage stages
return Action
{ actionCapability = Nothing
, actionSummary = Nothing
, actionAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, actionFulfills = []
, actionSpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hLocal luOffer
, acceptResult = Just $ encodeRouteLocal ticketRoute
verifyHosterRecip _ _ (Right _) = return ()
verifyHosterRecip localRecips name (Left wi) =
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ postPublishR = do
<|> ResultCreateMR <$> result7
<|> ResultOfferMR <$> result8
ep@(Entity _ p) <- requireVerifiedAuth
ep@(Entity pid p) <- requireVerifiedAuth
s <- runDB $ getJust $ personIdent p
let shrAuthor = sharerIdent s
@ -1063,7 +1063,8 @@ postPublishOfferMergeR = do
omgOriginRepo (Just omgOriginBranch)
(localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
makeServerInput Nothing summary audience $ AP.OfferActivity $ AP.Offer (AP.OfferTicket ticket) omgTracker
offerID <- offerTicketC ep a Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action ticket omgTracker
offerID <-
handleViaActor pid Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
if trackerLocal
then nameExceptT "Offer published but" $ runDBExcept $ do
ticketID <- do
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2020, 2022 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- Written in 2020, 2022, 2023 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
@ -684,9 +684,7 @@ postClothNewR loomHash = do
lift $ C.makeServerInput Nothing maybeSummary audience $
AP.OfferActivity $ AP.Offer (AP.OfferTicket ticket) uLoom
offerID <-
person senderActor Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
ticket uLoom
handleViaActor pid Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
runDBExcept $ do
mtal <- lift $ getValBy $ UniqueTicketAuthorLocalOpen offerID
tal <- fromMaybeE mtal "Offer processed bu no ticket created"
@ -460,17 +460,22 @@ postTicketNewR deckHash = do
lift $ C.makeServerInput Nothing maybeSummary audience $
AP.OfferActivity $ AP.Offer (AP.OfferTicket ticket) uDeck
offerID <-
person actor Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
ticket uDeck
handleViaActor pid Nothing localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
runDBExcept $ do
mtal <- lift $ getValBy $ UniqueTicketAuthorLocalOpen offerID
tal <- fromMaybeE mtal "Offer processed bu no ticket created"
return $ ticketAuthorLocalTicket tal
return ()
case errorOrTicket of
Left e -> do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect $ TicketNewR deckHash
Right () -> do
setMessage "Offer activity sent"
redirect $ DeckTicketsR deckHash
Right ticketID -> do
taskID <- do
maybeTaskID <- runDB $ getKeyBy $ UniqueTicketDeck ticketID
@ -480,6 +485,7 @@ postTicketNewR deckHash = do
taskHash <- encodeKeyHashid taskID
setMessage "Ticket created"
redirect $ TicketR deckHash taskHash
postTicketFollowR :: KeyHashid Deck -> KeyHashid TicketDeck -> Handler ()
postTicketFollowR _ = error "Temporarily disabled"
Add table
Reference in a new issue