Add patch version route and GET handler, serving a specific patch file
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 98 additions and 2 deletions
@ -445,6 +445,7 @@ TicketUnderProject
ticket TicketId
created UTCTime
content Text
@ -201,4 +201,6 @@
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/followers SharerPatchFollowersR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/events SharerPatchEventsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/v/#PatchKeyHashid SharerPatchVersionR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/w/+Texts WikiPageR GET
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Signature as S (Algorithm (..))
import Crypto.PublicVerifKey
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityAccess
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket, TicketDependency)
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket, TicketDependency, Patch)
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ type LocalMessageKeyHashid = KeyHashid LocalMessage
type LocalTicketKeyHashid = KeyHashid LocalTicket
type TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid = KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal
type TicketDepKeyHashid = KeyHashid TicketDependency
type PatchKeyHashid = KeyHashid Patch
-- This is where we define all of the routes in our application. For a full
-- explanation of the syntax, please see:
@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ module Vervis.Handler.Patch
, getSharerPatchReverseDepsR
, getSharerPatchFollowersR
, getSharerPatchEventsR
, getSharerPatchVersionR
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Traversable
@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket (..))
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket (..), Patch (..))
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Model.Repo
import Vervis.Model.Ticket
import Vervis.Paginate
import Vervis.Patch
@ -208,3 +212,37 @@ getSharerPatchEventsR shr talkhid = do
(SharerPatchEventsR shr talkhid)
:: ShrIdent
-> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal
-> KeyHashid Patch
-> Handler TypedContent
getSharerPatchVersionR shr talkhid ptkhid = do
(vcs, patch) <- runDB $ do
(_, _, Entity tid _, repo) <- getSharerPatch404 shr talkhid
(,) <$> case repo of
Left (_, Entity _ trl) ->
repoVcs <$> getJust (ticketRepoLocalRepo trl)
Right _ ->
error "TODO determine mediaType of patch of remote repo"
<*> do ptid <- decodeKeyHashid404 ptkhid
pt <- get404 ptid
unless (patchTicket pt == tid) notFound
return pt
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
let versionAP = AP.Patch
{ AP.patchId = encodeRouteLocal here
, AP.patchAttributedTo = encodeRouteHome $ SharerR shr
, AP.patchPublished = patchCreated patch
, AP.patchContext = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerPatchR shr talkhid
, AP.patchType =
case vcs of
VCSDarcs -> PatchTypeDarcs
VCSGit -> error "TODO add PatchType for git patches"
, AP.patchContent = patchContent patch
provideHtmlAndAP versionAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
here = SharerPatchVersionR shr talkhid ptkhid
@ -1580,6 +1580,8 @@ changes hLocal ctx =
, removeField "TicketContextLocal" "project"
-- 249
, addEntities model_2020_05_17
-- 250
, addFieldPrimRequired "Patch" defaultTime "created"
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ module Web.ActivityPub
, TicketDependency (..)
, TextHtml (..)
, TextPandocMarkdown (..)
, PatchType (..)
, Patch (..)
, TicketLocal (..)
, Ticket (..)
, Author (..)
@ -823,6 +825,56 @@ newtype TextPandocMarkdown = TextPandocMarkdown
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON)
data PatchType = PatchTypeDarcs
instance FromJSON PatchType where
parseJSON = withText "PatchType" parse
parse "application/x-darcs-patch" = pure PatchTypeDarcs
parse t = fail $ "Unknown patch mediaType: " ++ T.unpack t
instance ToJSON PatchType where
toJSON = error "toJSON PatchType"
toEncoding = toEncoding . render
render PatchTypeDarcs = "application/x-darcs-patch" :: Text
data Patch u = Patch
{ patchId :: LocalURI
, patchAttributedTo :: ObjURI u
, patchPublished :: UTCTime
, patchContext :: LocalURI
, patchType :: PatchType
, patchContent :: Text
instance ActivityPub Patch where
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, forgeContext]
parseObject o = do
typ <- o .: "type"
unless (typ == ("Patch" :: Text)) $
fail "type isn't Patch"
ObjURI a id_ <- o .: "id"
fmap (a,) $
Patch id_
<$> o .: "attributedTo"
<*> o .: "published"
<*> withAuthorityO a (o .: "context")
<*> o .: "mediaType"
<*> o .: "content"
toSeries a (Patch id_ attrib published context typ content)
= "id" .= ObjURI a id_
<> "type" .= ("Patch" :: Text)
<> "attributedTo" .= attrib
<> "context" .= ObjURI a context
<> "published" .= published
<> "mediaType" .= typ
<> "content" .= content
data TicketLocal = TicketLocal
{ ticketId :: LocalURI
, ticketReplies :: LocalURI
Reference in a new issue