C2S, UI: Loom creation and Repo linking to a Loom

RepoSourceR, for a repo that doesn't have a loom, lists looms that want to
serve that repo with buttons for bidirectionally linking the repo to a loom

Once linked, the repo navbar has a Patches/MRs link pointing to the LoomClothsR
of the linked Loom
This commit is contained in:
fr33domlover 2022-09-17 08:31:22 +00:00
parent 1c8c6d9d24
commit c495d78d05
15 changed files with 598 additions and 27 deletions

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis. {- This file is part of Vervis.
- -
- Written in 2019 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>. - Written in 2019, 2022 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- -
- Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share. - Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- -
@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ module Data.Aeson.Local
, (.:|?) , (.:|?)
, (.:+) , (.:+)
, (.:+?) , (.:+?)
, (.:*)
, (.:*+)
, (.=?) , (.=?)
, (.=%) , (.=%)
, (.=+) , (.=+)
, (.=+?) , (.=+?)
, (.=*)
, (.=*+)
, WithValue (..) , WithValue (..)
) )
where where
@ -32,6 +36,7 @@ where
import Control.Applicative import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser) import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.URI import Network.URI
@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ fromEither (Right y) = Right' y
(.:|) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser a (.:|) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser a
o .:| t = o .: t <|> o .: (frg <> t) o .:| t = o .: t <|> o .: (frg <> t)
where where
frg = "https://forgefed.peers.community/ns#" frg = "https://forgefed.org/ns#"
(.:|?) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a) (.:|?) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
o .:|? t = optional $ o .:| t o .:|? t = optional $ o .:| t
@ -71,6 +76,26 @@ o .:+ t = Left <$> o .: t <|> Right <$> o .: t
=> Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe (Either a b)) => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe (Either a b))
o .:+? t = optional $ o .:+ t o .:+? t = optional $ o .:+ t
-- | For JSON-LD properties that aren't functional, i.e. can have any number of
-- values
(.:*) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser [a]
o .:* t = do
maybeOneOrArray <- o .:+? t
case maybeOneOrArray of
Nothing -> return []
Just (Left v) -> return [v]
Just (Right vs) -> return vs
-- | For JSON-LD properties that aren't functional, i.e. can have any number of
-- values
(.:*+) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (NonEmpty a)
o .:*+ t = do
oneOrArray <- o .:+ t
case oneOrArray of
Left v -> return $ v :| []
Right [] -> fail $ "No values for " ++ T.unpack t
Right (v:vs) -> return $ v :| vs
infixr 8 .=? infixr 8 .=?
(.=?) :: ToJSON v => Text -> Maybe v -> Series (.=?) :: ToJSON v => Text -> Maybe v -> Series
_ .=? Nothing = mempty _ .=? Nothing = mempty
@ -93,6 +118,17 @@ infixr 8 .=+?
k .=+? Nothing = mempty k .=+? Nothing = mempty
k .=+? (Just v) = k .=+ v k .=+? (Just v) = k .=+ v
infixr 8 .=*
(.=*) :: ToJSON a => Text -> [a] -> Series
_ .=* [] = mempty
k .=* [v] = k .= v
k .=* vs = k .= vs
infixr 8 .=*+
(.=*+) :: ToJSON a => Text -> NonEmpty a -> Series
k .=*+ (v :| []) = k .= v
k .=*+ (v :| vs) = k .= (v:vs)
data WithValue a = WithValue data WithValue a = WithValue
{ wvRaw :: Object { wvRaw :: Object
, wvParsed :: a , wvParsed :: a

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Vervis.API
, applyC , applyC
, noteC , noteC
, createNoteC , createNoteC
, createPatchTrackerC
, createRepositoryC , createRepositoryC
, createTicketTrackerC , createTicketTrackerC
, followC , followC
@ -1277,6 +1278,276 @@ verifyProjectRecip (Left (WITRepo shr rp _ _ _)) localRecips =
guard $ localRecipRepo $ localRecipRepoDirect repoSet guard $ localRecipRepo $ localRecipRepoDirect repoSet
-} -}
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Audience URIMode
-> AP.ActorDetail
-> NonEmpty FedURI
-> Maybe (Host, AP.ActorLocal URIMode)
-> Maybe FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
createPatchTrackerC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor summary audience detail repos mlocal muTarget = do
-- Check input
verifyNothingE mlocal "'id' not allowed in new PatchTracker to create"
(name, msummary) <- parseDetail detail
repoID <- parseRepo repos
senderHash <- encodeKeyHashid pidUser
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create PatchTracker"
ParsedAudience localRecips remoteRecips blinded fwdHosts <- do
mrecips <- parseAudience audience
fromMaybeE mrecips "Create PatchTracker with no recipients"
checkFederation remoteRecips
(obiid, deliverHttpCreate, deliverHttpGrant) <- runDBExcept $ do
-- Find the specified repo in DB
_ <- getE repoID "No such repo in DB"
-- Make sure the repo has a single, full-access collab, granted to the
-- sender of this Create
maybeApproved <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
collabs <- lift $ selectList [CollabTopicRepoRepo ==. repoID] []
collabID <-
case collabs of
[Entity _ c] -> return $ collabTopicRepoCollab c
_ -> mzero
CollabRecipLocal _ recipID <-
MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueCollabRecipLocal collabID
guard $ recipID == pidUser
_ <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueCollabEnable collabID
_ <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueCollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation collabID
return ()
unless (isJust maybeApproved) $
throwE "Repo's collabs unexpected state"
-- Insert new loom to DB
obiidCreate <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox senderActor) now
(loomID, Entity loomActorID loomActor) <-
lift $ insertLoom now name msummary obiidCreate repoID
-- Insert the Create activity to author's outbox
loomHash <- encodeKeyHashid loomID
repoHash <- encodeKeyHashid repoID
docCreate <- lift $ insertCreateToOutbox senderHash now blinded name msummary obiidCreate loomHash repoHash
-- Deliver the Create activity to local recipients, and schedule
-- delivery for unavailable remote recipients
remoteRecipsHttpCreate <- do
let sieve =
[LocalActorRepo repoHash]
[ LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash
, LocalStageRepoFollowers repoHash
moreRemoteRecips <-
lift $ deliverLocal' True (LocalActorPerson senderHash) (personActor personUser) obiidCreate $
localRecipSieve sieve False localRecips
checkFederation moreRemoteRecips
lift $ deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHosts obiidCreate remoteRecips moreRemoteRecips
-- Insert collaboration access for loom's creator
let loomOutboxID = actorOutbox loomActor
obiidGrant <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem loomOutboxID now
lift $ insertCollab loomID obiidGrant
-- Insert a Grant activity to loom's outbox
let grantRecipActors = [LocalActorPerson senderHash]
grantRecipStages = [LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
docGrant <-
lift $ insertGrantToOutbox senderHash loomHash obiidCreate obiidGrant grantRecipActors grantRecipStages
-- Deliver the Grant activity to local recipients, and schedule
-- delivery for unavailable remote recipients
remoteRecipsHttpGrant <- do
remoteRecips <-
lift $ deliverLocal' True (LocalActorLoom loomHash) loomActorID obiidGrant $
makeRecipientSet grantRecipActors grantRecipStages
checkFederation remoteRecips
lift $ deliverRemoteDB'' [] obiidGrant [] remoteRecips
-- Insert follow record
obiidFollow <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox senderActor) now
obiidAccept <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem loomOutboxID now
lift $ insert_ $ Follow (personActor personUser) (actorFollowers loomActor) True obiidFollow obiidAccept
-- Insert a Follow activity to sender's outbox, and an Accept to the
-- loom's outbox
luFollow <- lift $ insertFollowToOutbox senderHash loomHash obiidFollow
lift $ insertAcceptToOutbox senderHash loomHash obiidAccept luFollow
-- Deliver the Follow and Accept by simply manually inserting them to
-- loom and sender inboxes respectively
lift $ do
ibiidF <- insert $ InboxItem False now
insert_ $ InboxItemLocal (actorInbox loomActor) obiidFollow ibiidF
ibiidA <- insert $ InboxItem False now
insert_ $ InboxItemLocal (actorInbox senderActor) obiidAccept ibiidA
-- Return instructions for HTTP delivery to remote recipients
( obiidCreate
, deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiidCreate docCreate remoteRecipsHttpCreate
, deliverRemoteHttp' [] obiidGrant docGrant remoteRecipsHttpGrant
-- Launch asynchronous HTTP delivery of Create and Grant
lift $ do
forkWorker "createPatchTrackerC: async HTTP Create delivery" deliverHttpCreate
forkWorker "createPatchTrackerC: async HTTP Grant delivery" deliverHttpGrant
return obiid
parseDetail (AP.ActorDetail typ muser mname msummary) = do
unless (typ == AP.ActorTypePatchTracker) $
error "createPatchTrackerC: Create object isn't a PatchTracker"
verifyNothingE muser "PatchTracker can't have a username"
name <- fromMaybeE mname "PatchTracker doesn't specify name"
return (name, msummary)
parseRepo (ObjURI h lu :| us) = do
unless (null us) $ throwE "More than one repo is specified"
hl <- hostIsLocal h
unless hl $ throwE "A remote repo is specified"
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal lu) "Not a valid route"
case route of
RepoR repoHash -> decodeKeyHashidE repoHash "Invalid repo hash"
_ -> throwE "Not a repo route"
insertLoom now name msummary obiidCreate repoID = do
actor@(Entity actorID _) <-
insertActor now name (fromMaybe "" msummary)
loomID <- insert Loom
{ loomNextTicket = 1
, loomActor = actorID
, loomRepo = repoID
, loomCreate = obiidCreate
return (loomID, actor)
insertCreateToOutbox senderHash now blinded name msummary obiidCreate loomHash repoHash = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiidCreate
let ptdetail = AP.ActorDetail
{ AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypePatchTracker
, AP.actorUsername = Nothing
, AP.actorName = Just name
, AP.actorSummary = msummary
ptlocal = AP.ActorLocal
{ AP.actorId = encodeRouteLocal $ LoomR loomHash
, AP.actorInbox = encodeRouteLocal $ LoomInboxR loomHash
, AP.actorOutbox = Nothing
, AP.actorFollowers = Nothing
, AP.actorFollowing = Nothing
, AP.actorPublicKeys = []
, AP.actorSshKeys = []
repo = encodeRouteHome $ RepoR repoHash
create = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ PersonOutboxItemR senderHash obikhid
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ PersonR senderHash
, activityCapability = Nothing
, activitySummary = summary
, activityAudience = blinded
, activityFulfills = []
, activitySpecific = CreateActivity Create
{ createObject = CreatePatchTracker ptdetail (repo :| []) (Just (hLocal, ptlocal))
, createTarget = Nothing
update obiidCreate [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc create]
return create
insertCollab loomID obiidGrant = do
cid <- insert Collab
insert_ $ CollabTopicLoom cid loomID
insert_ $ CollabEnable cid obiidGrant
insert_ $ CollabRecipLocal cid pidUser
insert_ $ CollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation cid
insertGrantToOutbox adminHash loomHash obiidCreate obiidGrant actors stages = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidCreate <- encodeKeyHashid obiidCreate
obikhidGrant <- encodeKeyHashid obiidGrant
let recips =
map encodeRouteHome $
map renderLocalActor actors ++
map renderLocalStage stages
grant = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
LoomOutboxItemR loomHash obikhidGrant
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ LoomR loomHash
, activityCapability = Nothing
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activityFulfills =
[encodeRouteHome $ PersonOutboxItemR adminHash obikhidCreate]
, activitySpecific = GrantActivity Grant
{ grantObject = Left RoleAdmin
, grantContext = encodeRouteHome $ LoomR loomHash
, grantTarget = encodeRouteHome $ PersonR adminHash
update obiidGrant [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc grant]
return grant
insertFollowToOutbox senderHash loomHash obiidFollow = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiidFollow
let luFollow = encodeRouteLocal $ PersonOutboxItemR senderHash obikhid
recips = [encodeRouteHome $ LoomR loomHash]
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = Just luFollow
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ PersonR senderHash
, activityCapability = Nothing
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activityFulfills = []
, activitySpecific = FollowActivity AP.Follow
{ AP.followObject = encodeRouteHome $ LoomR loomHash
, AP.followContext = Nothing
, AP.followHide = False
update obiidFollow [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return luFollow
insertAcceptToOutbox senderHash loomHash obiidAccept luFollow = do
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
let recips = [encodeRouteHome $ PersonR senderHash]
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ LoomOutboxItemR loomHash obikhid
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ LoomR loomHash
, activityCapability = Nothing
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activityFulfills = []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hLocal luFollow
, acceptResult = Nothing
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
createRepositoryC createRepositoryC
:: Entity Person :: Entity Person
-> Actor -> Actor
@ -1399,6 +1670,7 @@ createRepositoryC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor summary audience detai
, repoCollabAnon = Nothing , repoCollabAnon = Nothing
, repoActor = actorID , repoActor = actorID
, repoCreate = createID , repoCreate = createID
, repoLoom = Nothing
} }
return (repoID, actor) return (repoID, actor)

View file

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module Vervis.Client
--, unresolve --, unresolve
--, offerMR --, offerMR
createDeck createDeck
, createLoom
, createRepo , createRepo
) )
where where
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Bitraversable import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist import Database.Persist
@ -621,6 +623,37 @@ createDeck senderHash name desc = do
return (Nothing, AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] [], detail) return (Nothing, AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] [], detail)
:: (MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> KeyHashid Person
-> Text
-> Text
-> KeyHashid Repo
-> m (Maybe TextHtml, Audience URIMode, AP.ActorDetail, NonEmpty FedURI)
createLoom senderHash name desc repoHash = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
let audAuthor =
AudLocal [] [LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
audRepo =
[LocalActorRepo repoHash]
[LocalStageRepoFollowers repoHash]
(_, _, _, audLocal, audRemote) = collectAudience [audAuthor, audRepo]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
detail = AP.ActorDetail
{ AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypePatchTracker
, AP.actorUsername = Nothing
, AP.actorName = Just name
, AP.actorSummary = Just desc
repo = encodeRouteHome $ RepoR repoHash
return (Nothing, AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] [], detail, repo :| [])
createRepo createRepo
:: (MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App) :: (MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> KeyHashid Person => KeyHashid Person

View file

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
module Vervis.Form.Project module Vervis.Form.Project
( NewProject (..) ( NewProject (..)
, newProjectForm , newProjectForm
, NewLoom (..)
, newLoomForm
--, NewProjectCollab (..) --, NewProjectCollab (..)
--, newProjectCollabForm --, newProjectCollabForm
--, editProjectForm --, editProjectForm
@ -31,8 +33,11 @@ import Yesod.Form.Functions
import Yesod.Form.Types import Yesod.Form.Types
import Yesod.Persist.Core import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import Yesod.Hashids
import Vervis.Foundation import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model import Vervis.Model
@ -46,6 +51,33 @@ newProjectForm = renderDivs $ NewProject
<$> areq textField "Name*" Nothing <$> areq textField "Name*" Nothing
<*> areq textField "Description" Nothing <*> areq textField "Description" Nothing
data NewLoom = NewLoom
{ nlName :: Text
, nlDesc :: Text
, nlRepo :: RepoId
newLoomForm :: Form NewLoom
newLoomForm = renderDivs $ NewLoom
<$> areq textField "Name*" Nothing
<*> areq textField "Description" Nothing
<*> areq selectRepo "Repo*" Nothing
selectRepo = selectField $ do
hashRepo <- getEncodeKeyHashid
l <- runDB $ E.select $
E.from $ \ (repo `E.InnerJoin` actor) -> do
E.on $ repo E.^. RepoActor E.==. actor E.^. ActorId
E.where_ $ E.isNothing $ repo E.^. RepoLoom
E.orderBy [E.desc $ repo E.^. RepoId]
return (actor E.^. ActorName, repo E.^. RepoId)
optionsPairs $ map (option hashRepo) l
option hashRepo (E.Value name, E.Value repoID) =
( T.concat ["^", keyHashidText $ hashRepo repoID, " ", name]
, repoID
{- {-
data NewProjectCollab = NewProjectCollab data NewProjectCollab = NewProjectCollab
{ ncPerson :: PersonId { ncPerson :: PersonId

View file

@ -21,15 +21,21 @@ module Vervis.Handler.Loom
, getLoomOutboxItemR , getLoomOutboxItemR
, getLoomFollowersR , getLoomFollowersR
, getLoomClothsR , getLoomClothsR
, getLoomNewR
, postLoomNewR
, postLoomFollowR
, postLoomUnfollowR
) )
where where
import Control.Monad import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Foldable import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Traversable import Data.Traversable
@ -59,6 +65,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
import Data.Either.Local import Data.Either.Local
import Data.Paginate.Local import Data.Paginate.Local
import Database.Persist.Local import Database.Persist.Local
import Yesod.Form.Local
import Yesod.Persist.Local import Yesod.Persist.Local
import Vervis.Access import Vervis.Access
@ -66,6 +73,7 @@ import Vervis.API
import Vervis.Federation.Auth import Vervis.Federation.Auth
import Vervis.Federation.Collab import Vervis.Federation.Collab
import Vervis.FedURI import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Form.Project
import Vervis.Foundation import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Paginate import Vervis.Paginate
@ -73,6 +81,8 @@ import Vervis.Recipient
import Vervis.Settings import Vervis.Settings
import Vervis.Web.Actor import Vervis.Web.Actor
import qualified Vervis.Client as C
getLoomR :: KeyHashid Loom -> Handler TypedContent getLoomR :: KeyHashid Loom -> Handler TypedContent
getLoomR loomHash = do getLoomR loomHash = do
loomID <- decodeKeyHashid404 loomHash loomID <- decodeKeyHashid404 loomHash
@ -220,3 +230,71 @@ getLoomClothsR loomHash = selectRep $ do
where where
here = LoomClothsR loomHash here = LoomClothsR loomHash
encodeStrict = BL.toStrict . encode encodeStrict = BL.toStrict . encode
getLoomNewR :: Handler Html
getLoomNewR = do
((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newLoomForm
<form method=POST action=@{LoomNewR} enctype=#{enctype}>
<div class="submit">
<input type="submit">
postLoomNewR :: Handler Html
postLoomNewR = do
(NewLoom name desc repoID, _widget, _enctype) <-
runFormPostRedirect LoomNewR newLoomForm
personEntity@(Entity personID person) <- requireAuth
personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
repoHash <- encodeKeyHashid repoID
(maybeSummary, audience, detail, repos) <-
C.createLoom personHash name desc repoHash
actor <- runDB $ do
-- Find the specified repo in DB
_ <- getJust repoID
-- Make sure the repo has a single, full-access collab, granted to the
-- creator of the loom
maybeApproved <- runMaybeT $ do
collabs <- lift $ selectList [CollabTopicRepoRepo ==. repoID] []
collabID <-
case collabs of
[Entity _ c] -> return $ collabTopicRepoCollab c
_ -> mzero
CollabRecipLocal _ recipID <-
MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueCollabRecipLocal collabID
guard $ recipID == personID
_ <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueCollabEnable collabID
_ <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueCollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation collabID
return ()
unless (isJust maybeApproved) $ do
setMessage "Can't link with the repo chosen"
redirect LoomNewR
getJust $ personActor person
result <-
runExceptT $ createPatchTrackerC personEntity actor maybeSummary audience detail repos Nothing Nothing
case result of
Left e -> do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect LoomNewR
Right createID -> do
maybeLoomID <- runDB $ getKeyBy $ UniqueLoomCreate createID
case maybeLoomID of
Nothing -> error "Can't find the newly created loom"
Just loomID -> do
loomHash <- encodeKeyHashid loomID
setMessage "New patch tracker created"
redirect $ LoomR loomHash
postLoomFollowR :: KeyHashid Loom -> Handler ()
postLoomFollowR _ = error "Temporarily disabled"
postLoomUnfollowR :: KeyHashid Loom -> Handler ()
postLoomUnfollowR _ = error "Temporarily disabled"

View file

@ -284,6 +284,8 @@ postPersonOutboxR personHash = do
createTicketTrackerC eperson actorDB summary audience detail mlocal mtarget createTicketTrackerC eperson actorDB summary audience detail mlocal mtarget
AP.CreateRepository detail vcs mlocal -> AP.CreateRepository detail vcs mlocal ->
createRepositoryC eperson actorDB summary audience detail vcs mlocal mtarget createRepositoryC eperson actorDB summary audience detail vcs mlocal mtarget
AP.CreatePatchTracker detail repos mlocal ->
createPatchTrackerC eperson actorDB summary audience detail repos mlocal mtarget
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Create 'object' type" _ -> throwE "Unsupported Create 'object' type"
AP.InviteActivity invite -> AP.InviteActivity invite ->
inviteC eperson actorDB mcap summary audience invite inviteC eperson actorDB mcap summary audience invite

View file

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ module Vervis.Handler.Repo
, postPostReceiveR , postPostReceiveR
, postRepoLinkR
@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (logWarn) import Control.Monad.Logger (logWarn)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Binary.Put import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
@ -181,6 +184,7 @@ getRepoR repoHash = do
(r,) <$> getJust (repoActor r) (r,) <$> getJust (repoActor r)
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
hashLoom <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let repoAP = AP.Repo let repoAP = AP.Repo
{ AP.repoActor = AP.Actor { AP.repoActor = AP.Actor
{ AP.actorLocal = AP.ActorLocal { AP.actorLocal = AP.ActorLocal
@ -206,6 +210,8 @@ getRepoR repoHash = do
} }
, AP.repoTeam = Nothing , AP.repoTeam = Nothing
, AP.repoVcs = repoVcs repo , AP.repoVcs = repoVcs repo
, AP.repoLoom =
encodeRouteLocal . LoomR . hashLoom <$> repoLoom repo
} }
next = next =
@ -359,22 +365,31 @@ postGitUploadRequestR repoHash = do
getRepoSourceR :: KeyHashid Repo -> [Text] -> Handler Html getRepoSourceR :: KeyHashid Repo -> [Text] -> Handler Html
getRepoSourceR repoHash path = do getRepoSourceR repoHash path = do
repoID <- decodeKeyHashid404 repoHash repoID <- decodeKeyHashid404 repoHash
(repo, actor) <- runDB $ do (repo, looms, actor) <- runDB $ do
r <- get404 repoID r <- get404 repoID
(r,) <$> getJust (repoActor r) ls <-
case repoLoom r of
Just _ -> pure []
Nothing -> selectKeysList [LoomRepo ==. repoID] [Desc LoomId]
(r,ls,) <$> getJust (repoActor r)
case repoVcs repo of case repoVcs repo of
VCSDarcs -> getDarcsRepoSource repo actor repoHash path VCSDarcs -> getDarcsRepoSource repo actor repoHash path looms
VCSGit -> notFound VCSGit -> notFound
getRepoBranchSourceR :: KeyHashid Repo -> Text -> [Text] -> Handler Html getRepoBranchSourceR :: KeyHashid Repo -> Text -> [Text] -> Handler Html
getRepoBranchSourceR repoHash branch path = do getRepoBranchSourceR repoHash branch path = do
repoID <- decodeKeyHashid404 repoHash repoID <- decodeKeyHashid404 repoHash
(repo, actor) <- runDB $ do (repo, looms, actor) <- runDB $ do
r <- get404 repoID r <- get404 repoID
(r,) <$> getJust (repoActor r) ls <-
case repoLoom r of
Just _ -> pure []
Nothing -> selectKeysList [LoomRepo ==. repoID] [Desc LoomId]
(r,ls,) <$> getJust (repoActor r)
case repoVcs repo of case repoVcs repo of
VCSDarcs -> notFound VCSDarcs -> notFound
VCSGit -> getGitRepoSource repo actor repoHash branch path VCSGit -> getGitRepoSource repo actor repoHash branch path looms
getRepoCommitsR :: KeyHashid Repo -> Handler TypedContent getRepoCommitsR :: KeyHashid Repo -> Handler TypedContent
getRepoCommitsR repoHash = do getRepoCommitsR repoHash = do
@ -630,12 +645,62 @@ postPostReceiveR = do
|] |]
-} -}
postRepoLinkR :: KeyHashid Repo -> KeyHashid Loom -> Handler Html
postRepoLinkR repoHash loomHash = do
Entity personID person <- requireAuth
repoID <- decodeKeyHashid404 repoHash
result <- runExceptT $ runDBExcept $ do
repo <- lift $ get404 repoID
unless (isNothing $ repoLoom repo) $ throwE "Repo already has a loom"
loomID <- decodeKeyHashidE loomHash "Invalid loom hash"
loom <- getE loomID "No such loom in DB"
-- Make sure both repo and loom have a single, full-access collab,
-- granted to the logged-in person
maybeApproved <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
collabs <- lift $ selectList [CollabTopicRepoRepo ==. repoID] []
collabID <-
case collabs of
[Entity _ c] -> return $ collabTopicRepoCollab c
_ -> mzero
CollabRecipLocal _ recipID <-
MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueCollabRecipLocal collabID
_ <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueCollabEnable collabID
_ <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueCollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation collabID
guard $ recipID == personID
collabs' <- lift $ selectList [CollabTopicLoomLoom ==. loomID] []
collabID' <-
case collabs' of
[Entity _ c] -> return $ collabTopicLoomCollab c
_ -> mzero
CollabRecipLocal _ recipID' <-
MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueCollabRecipLocal collabID'
_ <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueCollabEnable collabID'
_ <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueCollabFulfillsLocalTopicCreation collabID'
guard $ recipID' == personID
return ()
unless (isJust maybeApproved) $
throwE "Repo and loom aren't both yours"
n <-
lift $ updateWhereCount
[RepoId ==. repoID, RepoLoom ==. Nothing]
[RepoLoom =. Just loomID]
case n of
0 -> throwE "Couldn't update the repo"
1 -> return ()
_ -> error $ "Unexpected, " ++ show n ++ " repos were updated"
case result of
Left e -> setMessage $ toHtml e
Right () -> setMessage "Repo successfully linked with loom!"
redirect $ RepoR repoHash

View file

@ -2686,6 +2686,8 @@ changes hLocal ctx =
, renameUnique "CollabEnable" "UniqueCollabTopicLocalAcceptAccept" "UniqueCollabEnableGrant" , renameUnique "CollabEnable" "UniqueCollabTopicLocalAcceptAccept" "UniqueCollabEnableGrant"
-- 492 -- 492
, removeEntity "CollabTopicLocal" , removeEntity "CollabTopicLocal"
-- 493
, addFieldRefOptional "Repo" Nothing "loom" "Loom"
] ]
migrateDB migrateDB

View file

@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ import Vervis.Widget.Repo
import qualified Vervis.Darcs as D import qualified Vervis.Darcs as D
getDarcsRepoSource getDarcsRepoSource
:: Repo -> Actor -> KeyHashid Repo -> [Text] -> Handler Html :: Repo -> Actor -> KeyHashid Repo -> [Text] -> [LoomId] -> Handler Html
getDarcsRepoSource repository actor repo dir = do getDarcsRepoSource repository actor repo dir loomIDs = do
path <- askRepoDir repo path <- askRepoDir repo
msv <- liftIO $ D.readSourceView path dir msv <- liftIO $ D.readSourceView path dir
case msv of case msv of
@ -91,7 +91,11 @@ getDarcsRepoSource repository actor repo dir = do
Just sv -> do Just sv -> do
let parent = if null dir then [] else init dir let parent = if null dir then [] else init dir
dirs = zip parent (tail $ inits parent) dirs = zip parent (tail $ inits parent)
looms <- runDB $ for loomIDs $ \ loomID -> do
loom <- getJust loomID
(loomID,) <$> getJust (loomActor loom)
defaultLayout $ do defaultLayout $ do
hashLoom <- getEncodeKeyHashid
host <- asksSite siteInstanceHost host <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
ms <- lookupGetParam "style" ms <- lookupGetParam "style"
style <- style <-

View file

@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
import qualified Vervis.Git as G import qualified Vervis.Git as G
getGitRepoSource getGitRepoSource
:: Repo -> Actor -> KeyHashid Repo -> Text -> [Text] -> Handler Html :: Repo -> Actor -> KeyHashid Repo -> Text -> [Text] -> [LoomId] -> Handler Html
getGitRepoSource repository actor repo ref dir = do getGitRepoSource repository actor repo ref dir loomIDs = do
path <- askRepoDir repo path <- askRepoDir repo
(branches, tags, msv) <- liftIO $ G.readSourceView path ref dir (branches, tags, msv) <- liftIO $ G.readSourceView path ref dir
case msv of case msv of
@ -106,7 +106,11 @@ getGitRepoSource repository actor repo ref dir = do
Just sv -> do Just sv -> do
let parent = if null dir then [] else init dir let parent = if null dir then [] else init dir
dirs = zip parent (tail $ inits parent) dirs = zip parent (tail $ inits parent)
looms <- runDB $ for loomIDs $ \ loomID -> do
loom <- getJust loomID
(loomID,) <$> getJust (loomActor loom)
defaultLayout $ do defaultLayout $ do
hashLoom <- getEncodeKeyHashid
host <- asksSite siteInstanceHost host <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
ms <- lookupGetParam "style" ms <- lookupGetParam "style"
style <- style <-

View file

@ -462,6 +462,7 @@ data Repo u = Repo
{ repoActor :: Actor u { repoActor :: Actor u
, repoTeam :: Maybe LocalURI , repoTeam :: Maybe LocalURI
, repoVcs :: VersionControlSystem , repoVcs :: VersionControlSystem
, repoLoom :: Maybe LocalURI
} }
instance ActivityPub Repo where instance ActivityPub Repo where
@ -474,10 +475,12 @@ instance ActivityPub Repo where
Repo a Repo a
<$> withAuthorityMaybeO h (o .:|? "team") <$> withAuthorityMaybeO h (o .:|? "team")
<*> o .: "versionControlSystem" <*> o .: "versionControlSystem"
toSeries authority (Repo actor team vcs) <*> withAuthorityMaybeO h (o .:? "sendPatchesTo")
toSeries authority (Repo actor team vcs loom)
= toSeries authority actor = toSeries authority actor
<> "team" .= (ObjURI authority <$> team) <> "team" .= (ObjURI authority <$> team)
<> "versionControlSystem" .= vcs <> "versionControlSystem" .= vcs
<> "sendPatchesTo" .=? (ObjURI authority <$> loom)
data TicketTracker u = TicketTracker data TicketTracker u = TicketTracker
{ ticketTrackerActor :: Actor u { ticketTrackerActor :: Actor u
@ -1441,6 +1444,7 @@ data CreateObject u
| CreateTicket (Authority u) (Ticket u) | CreateTicket (Authority u) (Ticket u)
| CreateTicketTracker ActorDetail (Maybe (Authority u, ActorLocal u)) | CreateTicketTracker ActorDetail (Maybe (Authority u, ActorLocal u))
| CreateRepository ActorDetail VersionControlSystem (Maybe (Authority u, ActorLocal u)) | CreateRepository ActorDetail VersionControlSystem (Maybe (Authority u, ActorLocal u))
| CreatePatchTracker ActorDetail (NonEmpty (ObjURI u)) (Maybe (Authority u, ActorLocal u))
parseCreateObject :: UriMode u => Object -> Parser (CreateObject u) parseCreateObject :: UriMode u => Object -> Parser (CreateObject u)
parseCreateObject o parseCreateObject o
@ -1457,6 +1461,12 @@ parseCreateObject o
vcs <- o .: "versionControlSystem" vcs <- o .: "versionControlSystem"
ml <- parseActorLocal o ml <- parseActorLocal o
return $ CreateRepository d vcs ml return $ CreateRepository d vcs ml
<|> do d <- parseActorDetail o
unless (actorType d == ActorTypePatchTracker) $
fail "type isn't PatchTracker"
repos <- o .:*+ "tracksPatchesFor"
ml <- parseActorLocal o
return $ CreatePatchTracker d repos ml
encodeCreateObject :: UriMode u => CreateObject u -> Series encodeCreateObject :: UriMode u => CreateObject u -> Series
encodeCreateObject (CreateNote h note) = toSeries h note encodeCreateObject (CreateNote h note) = toSeries h note
@ -1467,6 +1477,10 @@ encodeCreateObject (CreateRepository d vcs ml)
= encodeActorDetail d = encodeActorDetail d
<> "versionControlSystem" .= vcs <> "versionControlSystem" .= vcs
<> maybe mempty (uncurry encodeActorLocal) ml <> maybe mempty (uncurry encodeActorLocal) ml
encodeCreateObject (CreatePatchTracker d repos ml)
= encodeActorDetail d
<> "tracksPatchesFor" .=*+ repos
<> maybe mempty (uncurry encodeActorLocal) ml
data Create u = Create data Create u = Create
{ createObject :: CreateObject u { createObject :: CreateObject u
@ -1485,6 +1499,7 @@ parseCreate o a luActor = do
fail "Create actor != note attrib" fail "Create actor != note attrib"
CreateTicketTracker _ _ -> return () CreateTicketTracker _ _ -> return ()
CreateRepository _ _ _ -> return () CreateRepository _ _ _ -> return ()
CreatePatchTracker _ _ _ -> return ()
Create obj <$> o .:? "target" Create obj <$> o .:? "target"
encodeCreate :: UriMode u => Create u -> Series encodeCreate :: UriMode u => Create u -> Series

View file

@ -50,11 +50,24 @@ $# ^{personNavW user}
<span> <span>
<a href=@{RepoCommitsR repo}> <a href=@{RepoCommitsR repo}>
[🛠 Changes] [🛠 Changes]
$maybe loomID <- repoLoom repository
<span> <span>
<a href=@{LoomClothsR $ hashLoom loomID}>
[🧩 Patches] [🧩 Patches]
^{followButton} ^{followButton}
$if not $ null looms
<h2>Enable patch tracking
$forall (loomID, actor) <- looms
<a href=@{LoomR $ hashLoom loomID}>
+#{keyHashidText $ hashLoom loomID} #{actorName actor}
wants to link with this repo
^{buttonW POST "Link" $ RepoLinkR repo $ hashLoom loomID}
<h2>Clone <h2>Clone
<p> <p>

View file

@ -50,11 +50,23 @@ $# ^{personNavW user}
<span> <span>
<a href=@{RepoCommitsR repo}> <a href=@{RepoCommitsR repo}>
[🛠 Commits] [🛠 Commits]
$maybe loomID <- repoLoom repository
<span> <span>
<a href=@{LoomClothsR $ hashLoom loomID}>
[🧩 Merge Requests] [🧩 Merge Requests]
^{followButton} ^{followButton}
$if not $ null looms
<h2>Enable patch tracking
$forall (loomID, actor) <- looms
@{LoomR $ hashLoom loomID}
+#{keyHashidText $ hashLoom loomID} #{actorName actor}
wants to link with this repo
^{buttonW POST "Link" $ RepoLinkR repo $ hashLoom loomID}
<h2>Clone <h2>Clone
<p> <p>
@ -67,14 +79,14 @@ $# ^{personNavW user}
<h2>Branches <h2>Branches
<ul> <ul>
$forall branch <- branches $forall branch <- branches
<li> <li>
<a href=@{RepoBranchSourceR repo branch []}>#{branch} <a href=@{RepoBranchSourceR repo branch []}>#{branch}
<h2>Tags <h2>Tags
<ul> <ul>
$forall tag <- tags $forall tag <- tags
<li> <li>
<a href=@{RepoBranchSourceR repo tag []}>#{tag} <a href=@{RepoBranchSourceR repo tag []}>#{tag}

View file

@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ Repo
collabAnon RoleId Maybe collabAnon RoleId Maybe
actor ActorId actor ActorId
create OutboxItemId create OutboxItemId
loom LoomId Maybe
UniqueRepoActor actor UniqueRepoActor actor
UniqueRepoCreate create UniqueRepoCreate create

View file

@ -180,6 +180,8 @@
/post-receive PostReceiveR POST /post-receive PostReceiveR POST
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/enable-loom/#LoomKeyHashid RepoLinkR POST
---- Deck -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Deck --------------------------------------------------------------------
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid DeckR GET /decks/#DeckKeyHashid DeckR GET
@ -236,11 +238,11 @@
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/followers LoomFollowersR GET /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/followers LoomFollowersR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths LoomClothsR GET /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths LoomClothsR GET
-- /new-loom LoomNewR GET POST /new-loom LoomNewR GET POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/delete LoomDeleteR POST -- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/delete LoomDeleteR POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/edit LoomEditR GET POST -- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/edit LoomEditR GET POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/follow LoomFollowR POST /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/follow LoomFollowR POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/unfollow LoomUnfollowR POST /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/unfollow LoomUnfollowR POST
---- Cloth ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Cloth -------------------------------------------------------------------