UI: Project: Component list HTML version
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 221 additions and 35 deletions
@ -216,10 +216,47 @@ postProjectNewR = do
getProjectStampR :: KeyHashid Project -> KeyHashid SigKey -> Handler TypedContent
getProjectStampR :: KeyHashid Project -> KeyHashid SigKey -> Handler TypedContent
getProjectStampR = servePerActorKey projectActor LocalActorProject
getProjectStampR = servePerActorKey projectActor LocalActorProject
getProjectCollabsR :: KeyHashid Project -> Handler Html
getProjectCollabsR :: KeyHashid Project -> Handler TypedContent
getProjectCollabsR projectHash = do
getProjectCollabsR projectHash = do
projectID <- decodeKeyHashid404 projectHash
projectID <- decodeKeyHashid404 projectHash
(project, actor, collabs, invites, joins) <- runDB $ do
collabs <- runDB $ do
_project <- get404 projectID
grants <- getTopicGrants CollabTopicProjectCollab CollabTopicProjectProject projectID
for grants $ \ (role, actor, _ct, time) ->
(role,time,) <$> bitraverse pure (getRemoteActorURI <=< getJust) actor
h <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hashPerson <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let makeItem (role, time, i) = AP.Relationship
{ AP.relationshipId = Nothing
, AP.relationshipExtraTypes = []
, AP.relationshipSubject = encodeRouteHome $ ProjectR projectHash
, AP.relationshipProperty = Left AP.RelHasCollab
, AP.relationshipObject =
case i of
Left personID -> encodeRouteHome $ PersonR $ hashPerson personID
Right u -> u
, AP.relationshipAttributedTo = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR projectHash
, AP.relationshipPublished = Just time
, AP.relationshipUpdated = Nothing
, AP.relationshipInstrument = Just role
collabsAP = AP.Collection
{ AP.collectionId = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectCollabsR projectHash
, AP.collectionType = CollectionTypeUnordered
, AP.collectionTotalItems = Just $ length collabs
, AP.collectionCurrent = Nothing
, AP.collectionFirst = Nothing
, AP.collectionLast = Nothing
, AP.collectionItems = map (Doc h . makeItem) collabs
, AP.collectionContext =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR projectHash
provideHtmlAndAP collabsAP $ getHtml projectID
getHtml projectID = do
(project, actor, collabs, invites, joins) <- handlerToWidget $ runDB $ do
project <- get404 projectID
project <- get404 projectID
actor <- getJust $ projectActor project
actor <- getJust $ projectActor project
collabs <- do
collabs <- do
@ -241,7 +278,7 @@ getProjectCollabsR projectHash = do
for joins' $ \ (recip, time, role) ->
for joins' $ \ (recip, time, role) ->
(,time,role) <$> getPersonWidgetInfo recip
(,time,role) <$> getPersonWidgetInfo recip
return (project, actor, collabs, invites, joins)
return (project, actor, collabs, invites, joins)
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "project/collab/list")
$(widgetFile "project/collab/list")
grabPerson actorID = do
grabPerson actorID = do
actorByKey <- getLocalActor actorID
actorByKey <- getLocalActor actorID
@ -352,7 +389,7 @@ getProjectComponentsR projectHash = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hashActor <- getHashLocalActor
hashActor <- getHashLocalActor
let componentsAP = Collection
let componentsAP = Collection
{ collectionId = encodeRouteLocal here
{ collectionId = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectComponentsR projectHash
, collectionType = CollectionTypeUnordered
, collectionType = CollectionTypeUnordered
, collectionTotalItems = Just $ length components
, collectionTotalItems = Just $ length components
, collectionCurrent = Nothing
, collectionCurrent = Nothing
@ -371,12 +408,10 @@ getProjectComponentsR projectHash = do
, collectionContext =
, collectionContext =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR projectHash
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR projectHash
provideHtmlAndAP componentsAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
provideHtmlAndAP componentsAP $ getHtml projectID
here = ProjectComponentsR projectHash
getRepos projectID =
getRepos projectID =
fmap (map E.unValue) $
fmap (map E.unValue) $
E.select $ E.from $ \ (comp `E.InnerJoin` enable `E.InnerJoin` local `E.InnerJoin` repo) -> do
E.select $ E.from $ \ (comp `E.InnerJoin` enable `E.InnerJoin` local `E.InnerJoin` repo) -> do
@ -415,6 +450,68 @@ getProjectComponentsR projectHash = do
E.where_ $ comp E.^. ComponentProject E.==. E.val projectID
E.where_ $ comp E.^. ComponentProject E.==. E.val projectID
return (i E.^. InstanceHost, ro E.^. RemoteObjectIdent)
return (i E.^. InstanceHost, ro E.^. RemoteObjectIdent)
getHtml projectID = do
(project, actor, comps, drafts) <- handlerToWidget $ runDB $ do
project <- get404 projectID
actor <- getJust $ projectActor project
cs <-
E.select $ E.from $ \ (comp `E.InnerJoin` enable `E.InnerJoin` grant) -> do
E.on $ enable E.^. ComponentEnableGrant E.==. grant E.^. OutboxItemId
E.on $ comp E.^. ComponentId E.==. enable E.^. ComponentEnableComponent
E.where_ $ comp E.^. ComponentProject E.==. E.val projectID
return (comp, grant)
cs' <- for cs $ \ (Entity cid c, Entity _ i) -> do
byKeyOrRaid <- bimap snd snd <$> getComponentIdent cid
identView <-
(\ byKey -> do
actorID <-
case byKey of
ComponentRepo k -> repoActor <$> getJust k
ComponentDeck k -> deckActor <$> getJust k
ComponentLoom k -> loomActor <$> getJust k
actor <- getJust actorID
return (byKey, actor)
(\ remoteActorID -> do
remoteActor <- getJust remoteActorID
remoteObject <- getJust $ remoteActorIdent remoteActor
inztance <- getJust $ remoteObjectInstance remoteObject
return (inztance, remoteObject, remoteActor)
return (identView, componentRole c, outboxItemPublished i)
ds <-
E.select $ E.from $ \ (comp `E.LeftOuterJoin` enable) -> do
E.on $ E.just (comp E.^. ComponentId) E.==. enable E.?. ComponentEnableComponent
E.where_ $
comp E.^. ComponentProject E.==. E.val projectID E.&&.
E.isNothing (enable E.?. ComponentEnableId)
return comp
ds' <- for ds $ \ (Entity cid c) -> do
byKeyOrRaid <- bimap snd snd <$> getComponentIdent cid
identView <-
(\ byKey -> do
actorID <-
case byKey of
ComponentRepo k -> repoActor <$> getJust k
ComponentDeck k -> deckActor <$> getJust k
ComponentLoom k -> loomActor <$> getJust k
actor <- getJust actorID
return (byKey, actor)
(\ remoteActorID -> do
remoteActor <- getJust remoteActorID
remoteObject <- getJust $ remoteActorIdent remoteActor
inztance <- getJust $ remoteObjectInstance remoteObject
return (inztance, remoteObject, remoteActor)
return (identView, componentRole c)
return (project, actor, cs', ds')
$(widgetFile "project/components")
:: KeyHashid Project -> KeyHashid CollabEnable -> Handler ()
:: KeyHashid Project -> KeyHashid CollabEnable -> Handler ()
getProjectCollabLiveR projectHash enableHash = do
getProjectCollabLiveR projectHash enableHash = do
@ -17,13 +17,17 @@ module Vervis.Widget.Tracker
( deckNavW
( deckNavW
, loomNavW
, loomNavW
, projectNavW
, projectNavW
, componentLinkFedW
import Database.Persist.Types
import Database.Persist.Types
import Yesod.Core.Widget
import Network.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
import Yesod.Hashids
import Vervis.Data.Collab
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Settings
import Vervis.Settings
@ -44,3 +48,38 @@ projectNavW :: Entity Project -> Actor -> Widget
projectNavW (Entity projectID project) actor = do
projectNavW (Entity projectID project) actor = do
projectHash <- encodeKeyHashid projectID
projectHash <- encodeKeyHashid projectID
$(widgetFile "project/widget/nav")
$(widgetFile "project/widget/nav")
componentLinkW :: ComponentBy Key -> Actor -> Widget
componentLinkW (ComponentRepo k) actor = do
h <- encodeKeyHashid k
<a href=@{RepoR h}>
^#{keyHashidText h} #{actorName actor}
componentLinkW (ComponentDeck k) actor = do
h <- encodeKeyHashid k
<a href=@{DeckR h}>
=#{keyHashidText h} #{actorName actor}
componentLinkW (ComponentLoom k) actor = do
h <- encodeKeyHashid k
<a href=@{LoomR h}>
+#{keyHashidText h} #{actorName actor}
:: Either (ComponentBy Key, Actor) (Instance, RemoteObject, RemoteActor)
-> Widget
componentLinkFedW (Left (c, a)) = componentLinkW c a
componentLinkFedW (Right (inztance, object, actor)) =
<a href="#{renderObjURI uActor}">
$maybe name <- remoteActorName actor
#{renderAuthority $ instanceHost inztance}#{localUriPath $ remoteObjectIdent object}
uActor = ObjURI (instanceHost inztance) (remoteObjectIdent object)
@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ module Web.ActivityPub
-- * Content objects
-- * Content objects
, Note (..)
, Note (..)
, RelationshipProperty (..)
, Relationship (..)
, TicketDependency (..)
, TicketDependency (..)
, PatchLocal (..)
, PatchLocal (..)
, Patch (..)
, Patch (..)
@ -1072,13 +1074,14 @@ instance ActivityPub Note where
<> "content" .= content
<> "content" .= content
<> "mediaType" .= ("text/html" :: Text)
<> "mediaType" .= ("text/html" :: Text)
data RelationshipProperty = RelDependsOn deriving Eq
data RelationshipProperty = RelDependsOn | RelHasCollab deriving Eq
instance FromJSON RelationshipProperty where
instance FromJSON RelationshipProperty where
parseJSON = withText "RelationshipProperty" parse
parseJSON = withText "RelationshipProperty" parse
parse t
parse t
| t == "dependsOn" = pure RelDependsOn
| t == "dependsOn" = pure RelDependsOn
| t == "hasCollaborator" = pure RelHasCollab
| otherwise = fail $ "Unrecognized relationship: " ++ T.unpack t
| otherwise = fail $ "Unrecognized relationship: " ++ T.unpack t
instance ToJSON RelationshipProperty where
instance ToJSON RelationshipProperty where
@ -1086,6 +1089,7 @@ instance ToJSON RelationshipProperty where
toEncoding at =
toEncoding at =
toEncoding $ case at of
toEncoding $ case at of
RelDependsOn -> "dependsOn" :: Text
RelDependsOn -> "dependsOn" :: Text
RelHasCollab -> "hasCollaborator"
data Relationship u = Relationship
data Relationship u = Relationship
{ relationshipId :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
{ relationshipId :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
@ -1096,6 +1100,7 @@ data Relationship u = Relationship
, relationshipAttributedTo :: LocalURI
, relationshipAttributedTo :: LocalURI
, relationshipPublished :: Maybe UTCTime
, relationshipPublished :: Maybe UTCTime
, relationshipUpdated :: Maybe UTCTime
, relationshipUpdated :: Maybe UTCTime
, relationshipInstrument :: Maybe Role
instance ActivityPub Relationship where
instance ActivityPub Relationship where
@ -1117,10 +1122,11 @@ instance ActivityPub Relationship where
<*> pure attributedTo
<*> pure attributedTo
<*> o .:? "published"
<*> o .:? "published"
<*> o .:? "updated"
<*> o .:? "updated"
<*> o .:? "instrument"
toSeries authority
toSeries authority
(Relationship id_ typs subject property object attributedTo published
(Relationship id_ typs subject property object attributedTo published
updated role)
= "id" .=? id_
= "id" .=? id_
<> "type" .= ("Relationship" : typs)
<> "type" .= ("Relationship" : typs)
<> "subject" .= subject
<> "subject" .= subject
@ -1129,6 +1135,7 @@ instance ActivityPub Relationship where
<> "attributedTo" .= ObjURI authority attributedTo
<> "attributedTo" .= ObjURI authority attributedTo
<> "published" .=? published
<> "published" .=? published
<> "updated" .=? updated
<> "updated" .=? updated
<> "instrument" .=? role
data TicketDependency u = TicketDependency
data TicketDependency u = TicketDependency
{ ticketDepId :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
{ ticketDepId :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
@ -1171,6 +1178,7 @@ instance ActivityPub TicketDependency where
, relationshipAttributedTo = ticketDepAttributedTo td
, relationshipAttributedTo = ticketDepAttributedTo td
, relationshipPublished = ticketDepPublished td
, relationshipPublished = ticketDepPublished td
, relationshipUpdated = ticketDepUpdated td
, relationshipUpdated = ticketDepUpdated td
, relationshipInstrument = Nothing
data PatchLocal = PatchLocal
data PatchLocal = PatchLocal
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
$# This file is part of Vervis.
$# Written in 2016, 2019, 2022, 2023 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
$# ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
$# The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
$# rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
$# distributed without any warranty.
$# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
$# with this software. If not, see
$# <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
^{projectNavW (Entity projectID project) actor}
$forall (comp, role, since) <- comps
<td>#{show role}
<td>^{componentLinkFedW comp}
<td>#{showDate since}
$# <td>^{buttonW POST "Remove" (ProjectRemoveR projectHash ctID)}
<h2>Component requests in progress
$forall (comp, role) <- drafts
<td>#{show role}
<td>^{componentLinkFedW comp}
$#<a href=@{ProjectInviteR projectHash}>Invite…
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