S2S: Group: Grant: Implement resource mode
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 311 additions and 124 deletions
@ -2510,11 +2510,11 @@ data GrantKind
-- Meaning: An actor is granting access-to-some-resource to another actor
-- Meaning: An actor is granting access-to-some-resource to another actor
-- Behavior:
-- Behavior:
-- * Option 1 - Project sending me a delegation-start or delegation-extension
-- * Option 1 - Resource sending me a delegation-start or delegation-extension
-- * Verify they're authorized, i.e. they're using the delegator-Grant
-- * Verify they're authorized, i.e. they're using the delegator-Grant
-- I gave them
-- I gave them
-- * Verify the role isn't delegator
-- * Verify the role isn't delegator
-- * Store the Grant in the ??? record in DB
-- * Store the Grant in the Effort record in DB
-- * Send extension-Grants and record them in the DB:
-- * Send extension-Grants and record them in the DB:
-- * To each of my direct collaborators
-- * To each of my direct collaborators
-- * To each of my children
-- * To each of my children
@ -2567,7 +2567,7 @@ groupGrant now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
let adapt = maybe (Right Nothing) (either Left (Right . Just))
let adapt = maybe (Right Nothing) (either Left (Right . Just))
maybeMode <-
maybeMode <-
withDBExcept $ ExceptT $ fmap adapt $ runMaybeT $
withDBExcept $ ExceptT $ fmap adapt $ runMaybeT $
runExceptT (Left . Left <$> tryProject grant') <|>
runExceptT (Left . Left <$> tryResource grant') <|>
runExceptT (Left . Right <$> tryCollab grant') <|>
runExceptT (Left . Right <$> tryCollab grant') <|>
runExceptT (Right . Left <$> tryParent grant') <|>
runExceptT (Right . Left <$> tryParent grant') <|>
runExceptT (Right . Right <$> tryAlmostChild grant')
runExceptT (Right . Right <$> tryAlmostChild grant')
@ -2576,8 +2576,8 @@ groupGrant now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
"Not a relevant Grant that I'm aware of"
"Not a relevant Grant that I'm aware of"
case mode of
case mode of
Left (Left ()) ->
Left (Left (role, sendID, topic)) ->
handleResource role sendID topic
Left (Right (enableID, role, recip)) ->
Left (Right (enableID, role, recip)) ->
handleCollab enableID role recip
handleCollab enableID role recip
Right (Left (role, sendID, topic)) ->
Right (Left (role, sendID, topic)) ->
@ -2630,9 +2630,198 @@ groupGrant now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
pure GKDelegator
pure GKDelegator
_ -> throwE "A kind of Grant that I don't use"
_ -> throwE "A kind of Grant that I don't use"
tryProject _ = lift mzero
tryResource gk = do
capability <- checkCapability
role <-
case gk of
GKDelegationStart role -> pure role
GKDelegationExtend role _ -> pure role
GKDelegator -> lift mzero
-- Find the Effort record from the capability
Entity sendID (EffortUsSendDelegator effortID _) <- lift $ do
-- Capability isn't mine
guard $ fst capability == LocalActorGroup groupID
-- I don't have a Effort with this capability
MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueEffortUsSendDelegatorGrant $ snd capability
Effort role' g <- lift $ lift $ getJust effortID
-- Found a Effort for this Grant but it's not mine
lift $ guard $ g == groupID
topic <- lift $ lift $ getEffortTopic effortID
topicForCheck <-
lift $ lift $
(\ (_, resourceID) -> getLocalResource resourceID)
(\ (_, raID) -> getRemoteActorURI =<< getJust raID)
unless (first resourceToActor topicForCheck == bimap (view _1) (remoteAuthorURI . view _1) authorIdMsig) $
throwE "Capability's effort and Grant author aren't the same actor"
return (min role role', sendID, topic)
handleProject = done "handleProject"
handleResource role sendID topic = do
uCap <- lift $ getActivityURI authorIdMsig
checkCapabilityBeforeExtending uCap (LocalActorGroup groupID)
maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
resourceID <- lift $ groupResource <$> getJust groupID
Resource recipActorID <- lift $ getJust resourceID
recipActor <- lift $ getJust recipActorID
topicWithAccept <-
lift $
(\ (localID, rID) ->
(localID, rID,) <$>
getKeyByJust (UniqueEffortThemAcceptLocal localID)
(\ (remoteID, aID) ->
(remoteID, aID,) <$>
getKeyByJust (UniqueEffortThemAcceptRemote remoteID)
maybeGrantDB <- lift $ insertToInbox now authorIdMsig body (actorInbox recipActor) False
for maybeGrantDB $ \ (inboxItemID, grantDB) -> do
-- Record the delegation in DB
from <- case (grantDB, bimap (view _3) (view _3) topicWithAccept) of
(Left (_, _, grantID), Left localID) -> Left <$> do
mk <- lift $ insertUnique $ EffortThemDelegateLocal localID grantID
fromMaybeE mk "I already have such a EffortThemDelegateLocal"
(Right (_, _, grantID), Right remoteID) -> Right <$> do
mk <- lift $ insertUnique $ EffortThemDelegateRemote remoteID grantID
fromMaybeE mk "I already have such a EffortThemDelegateRemote"
_ -> error "groupGrant.resource impossible"
-- For each Collab in me, prepare a delegation-extension Grant
localCollabs <-
lift $
E.select $ E.from $ \ (collab `E.InnerJoin` enable `E.InnerJoin` recipL `E.InnerJoin` deleg) -> do
E.on $ enable E.^. CollabEnableId E.==. deleg E.^. CollabDelegLocalEnable
E.on $ enable E.^. CollabEnableCollab E.==. recipL E.^. CollabRecipLocalCollab
E.on $ collab E.^. CollabId E.==. enable E.^. CollabEnableCollab
E.where_ $ collab E.^. CollabTopic E.==. E.val resourceID
( collab E.^. CollabRole
, recipL E.^. CollabRecipLocalPerson
, deleg
localExtensions <- lift $ for localCollabs $ \ (E.Value role', E.Value personID, Entity delegID (CollabDelegLocal enableID _recipID grantID)) -> do
extID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox recipActor) now
leafID <- insert $ EffortUsLeaf sendID enableID extID
case from of
Left localID -> insert_ $ EffortUsLeafFromLocal leafID localID
Right remoteID -> insert_ $ EffortUsLeafFromRemote leafID remoteID
insert_ $ EffortUsLeafToLocal leafID delegID
ext@(actionExt, _, _, _) <-
prepareExtensionGrantForCollab (Left (personID, grantID)) (min role role') enableID
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
_luExt <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey extID actionExt
return (extID, ext)
remoteCollabs <-
lift $
E.select $ E.from $ \ (collab `E.InnerJoin` enable `E.InnerJoin` recipR `E.InnerJoin` deleg) -> do
E.on $ enable E.^. CollabEnableId E.==. deleg E.^. CollabDelegRemoteEnable
E.on $ enable E.^. CollabEnableCollab E.==. recipR E.^. CollabRecipRemoteCollab
E.on $ collab E.^. CollabId E.==. enable E.^. CollabEnableCollab
E.where_ $ collab E.^. CollabTopic E.==. E.val resourceID
( collab E.^. CollabRole
, recipR E.^. CollabRecipRemoteActor
, deleg
remoteExtensions <- lift $ for remoteCollabs $ \ (E.Value role', E.Value raID, Entity delegID (CollabDelegRemote enableID _recipID grantID)) -> do
extID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox recipActor) now
leafID <- insert $ EffortUsLeaf sendID enableID extID
case from of
Left localID -> insert_ $ EffortUsLeafFromLocal leafID localID
Right remoteID -> insert_ $ EffortUsLeafFromRemote leafID remoteID
insert_ $ EffortUsLeafToRemote leafID delegID
ext@(actionExt, _, _, _) <-
prepareExtensionGrantForCollab (Right (raID, grantID)) (min role role') enableID
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
_luExt <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey extID actionExt
return (extID, ext)
-- For each child of mine, prepare a delegation-extension Grant
localChildren <-
lift $
E.select $ E.from $ \ (dest `E.InnerJoin` holder `E.InnerJoin` topic `E.InnerJoin` deleg `E.InnerJoin` accept `E.InnerJoin` start) -> do
E.on $ accept E.^. DestUsAcceptId E.==. start E.^. DestUsStartDest
E.on $ dest E.^. DestId E.==. accept E.^. DestUsAcceptDest
E.on $ topic E.^. DestTopicGroupTopic E.==. deleg E.^. DestThemSendDelegatorLocalTopic
E.on $ holder E.^. DestHolderGroupId E.==. topic E.^. DestTopicGroupHolder
E.on $ dest E.^. DestId E.==. holder E.^. DestHolderGroupDest
E.where_ $ holder E.^. DestHolderGroupGroup E.==. E.val groupID
( dest E.^. DestRole
, topic E.^. DestTopicGroupChild
, deleg E.^. DestThemSendDelegatorLocalId
, deleg E.^. DestThemSendDelegatorLocalGrant
, accept E.^. DestUsAcceptId
, start E.^. DestUsStartId
localExtensionsForChildren <- lift $ for localChildren $ \ (E.Value role', E.Value childID, E.Value _delegID, E.Value grantID, E.Value _acceptID, E.Value startID) -> do
extID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox recipActor) now
distributeID <- insert $ EffortUsDistribute sendID startID extID
case from of
Left localID -> insert_ $ EffortUsDistributeFromLocal distributeID localID
Right remoteID -> insert_ $ EffortUsDistributeFromRemote distributeID remoteID
ext@(actionExt, _, _, _) <-
prepareExtensionGrantForChild (Left (childID, grantID)) (min role role') startID
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
_luExt <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey extID actionExt
return (extID, ext)
remoteChildren <-
lift $
E.select $ E.from $ \ (dest `E.InnerJoin` holder `E.InnerJoin` topic `E.InnerJoin` deleg `E.InnerJoin` accept `E.InnerJoin` start) -> do
E.on $ accept E.^. DestUsAcceptId E.==. start E.^. DestUsStartDest
E.on $ dest E.^. DestId E.==. accept E.^. DestUsAcceptDest
E.on $ topic E.^. DestTopicRemoteId E.==. deleg E.^. DestThemSendDelegatorRemoteTopic
E.on $ dest E.^. DestId E.==. topic E.^. DestTopicRemoteDest
E.on $ dest E.^. DestId E.==. holder E.^. DestHolderGroupDest
E.where_ $ holder E.^. DestHolderGroupGroup E.==. E.val groupID
( dest E.^. DestRole
, topic E.^. DestTopicRemoteTopic
, deleg E.^. DestThemSendDelegatorRemoteId
, deleg E.^. DestThemSendDelegatorRemoteGrant
, accept E.^. DestUsAcceptId
, start E.^. DestUsStartId
remoteExtensionsForChildren <- lift $ for remoteChildren $ \ (E.Value role', E.Value childID, E.Value _delegID, E.Value grantID, E.Value _acceptID, E.Value startID) -> do
extID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox recipActor) now
distributeID <- insert $ EffortUsDistribute sendID startID extID
case from of
Left localID -> insert_ $ EffortUsDistributeFromLocal distributeID localID
Right remoteID -> insert_ $ EffortUsDistributeFromRemote distributeID remoteID
ext@(actionExt, _, _, _) <-
prepareExtensionGrantForChild (Right (childID, grantID)) (min role role') startID
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
_luExt <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey extID actionExt
return (extID, ext)
( recipActorID
, localExtensions ++ localExtensionsForChildren
, remoteExtensions ++ remoteExtensionsForChildren
, inboxItemID
case maybeNew of
Nothing -> done "I already have this activity in my inbox"
Just (recipActorID, localExts, remoteExts, inboxItemID) -> do
let recipByID = LocalActorGroup groupID
lift $ for_ (localExts ++ remoteExts) $
\ (extID, (actionExt, localRecipsExt, remoteRecipsExt, fwdHostsExt)) ->
recipByID recipActorID localRecipsExt
remoteRecipsExt fwdHostsExt extID actionExt
doneDB inboxItemID "[Resource] Sent extensions to collabs & children"
tryCollab (GKDelegationStart _) = lift mzero
tryCollab (GKDelegationStart _) = lift mzero
tryCollab (GKDelegationExtend _ _) = lift mzero
tryCollab (GKDelegationExtend _ _) = lift mzero
@ -2972,7 +3161,7 @@ groupGrant now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
Right remoteID -> insert_ $ SourceUsLeafFromRemote leafID remoteID
Right remoteID -> insert_ $ SourceUsLeafFromRemote leafID remoteID
insert_ $ SourceUsLeafToLocal leafID delegID
insert_ $ SourceUsLeafToLocal leafID delegID
ext@(actionExt, _, _, _) <-
ext@(actionExt, _, _, _) <-
prepareExtensionGrant (Left (personID, grantID)) (min role role') enableID
prepareExtensionGrantForCollab (Left (personID, grantID)) (min role role') enableID
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
_luExt <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey extID actionExt
_luExt <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey extID actionExt
return (extID, ext)
return (extID, ext)
@ -2997,7 +3186,7 @@ groupGrant now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
Right remoteID -> insert_ $ SourceUsLeafFromRemote leafID remoteID
Right remoteID -> insert_ $ SourceUsLeafFromRemote leafID remoteID
insert_ $ SourceUsLeafToRemote leafID delegID
insert_ $ SourceUsLeafToRemote leafID delegID
ext@(actionExt, _, _, _) <-
ext@(actionExt, _, _, _) <-
prepareExtensionGrant (Right (raID, grantID)) (min role role') enableID
prepareExtensionGrantForCollab (Right (raID, grantID)) (min role role') enableID
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
_luExt <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey extID actionExt
_luExt <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey extID actionExt
return (extID, ext)
return (extID, ext)
@ -3079,121 +3268,6 @@ groupGrant now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
remoteRecipsExt fwdHostsExt extID actionExt
remoteRecipsExt fwdHostsExt extID actionExt
doneDB inboxItemID "[Parent] Sent extensions to collabs & children"
doneDB inboxItemID "[Parent] Sent extensions to collabs & children"
prepareExtensionGrant collab role enableID = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
groupHash <- encodeKeyHashid groupID
uStart <- lift $ getActivityURI authorIdMsig
(uCollab, audCollab, uDeleg) <-
case collab of
Left (personID, itemID) -> do
personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
itemHash <- encodeKeyHashid itemID
( encodeRouteHome $ PersonR personHash
, AudLocal [LocalActorPerson personHash] []
, encodeRouteHome $
PersonOutboxItemR personHash itemHash
Right (raID, ractID) -> do
ra <- getJust raID
u@(ObjURI h lu) <- getRemoteActorURI ra
uAct <- do
ract <- getJust ractID
getRemoteActivityURI ract
return (u, AudRemote h [lu] [], uAct)
enableHash <- encodeKeyHashid enableID
let audience = [audCollab]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience audience
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Just uDeleg
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = [uStart]
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.GrantActivity AP.Grant
{ AP.grantObject = AP.RXRole role
, AP.grantContext = AP.grantContext grant
, AP.grantTarget = uCollab
, AP.grantResult =
(encodeRouteLocal $
GroupMemberLiveR groupHash enableHash
, Nothing
, AP.grantStart = Just now
, AP.grantEnd = Nothing
, AP.grantAllows = AP.Invoke
, AP.grantDelegates = Just uStart
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
prepareExtensionGrantForChild child role startID = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
groupHash <- encodeKeyHashid groupID
uStart <- lift $ getActivityURI authorIdMsig
(uChild, audChild, uDeleg) <-
case child of
Left (g, itemID) -> do
h <- encodeKeyHashid g
itemHash <- encodeKeyHashid itemID
( encodeRouteHome $ GroupR h
, AudLocal [LocalActorGroup h] []
, encodeRouteHome $
GroupOutboxItemR h itemHash
Right (raID, ractID) -> do
ra <- getJust raID
u@(ObjURI h lu) <- getRemoteActorURI ra
uAct <- do
ract <- getJust ractID
getRemoteActivityURI ract
return (u, AudRemote h [lu] [], uAct)
resultR <- do
startHash <- encodeKeyHashid startID
return $
GroupChildLiveR groupHash startHash
let (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audChild]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Just uDeleg
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = [uStart]
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.GrantActivity AP.Grant
{ AP.grantObject = AP.RXRole role
, AP.grantContext = AP.grantContext grant
, AP.grantTarget = uChild
, AP.grantResult =
Just (encodeRouteLocal resultR, Nothing)
, AP.grantStart = Just now
, AP.grantEnd = Nothing
, AP.grantAllows = AP.Distribute
, AP.grantDelegates = Just uStart
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
tryAlmostChild (GKDelegationStart _) = lift mzero
tryAlmostChild (GKDelegationStart _) = lift mzero
tryAlmostChild (GKDelegationExtend _ _) = lift mzero
tryAlmostChild (GKDelegationExtend _ _) = lift mzero
tryAlmostChild GKDelegator = do
tryAlmostChild GKDelegator = do
@ -3494,6 +3568,119 @@ groupGrant now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
prepareExtensionGrantForCollab collab role enableID = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
groupHash <- encodeKeyHashid groupID
uStart <- lift $ getActivityURI authorIdMsig
(uCollab, audCollab, uDeleg) <-
case collab of
Left (personID, itemID) -> do
personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
itemHash <- encodeKeyHashid itemID
( encodeRouteHome $ PersonR personHash
, AudLocal [LocalActorPerson personHash] []
, encodeRouteHome $
PersonOutboxItemR personHash itemHash
Right (raID, ractID) -> do
ra <- getJust raID
u@(ObjURI h lu) <- getRemoteActorURI ra
uAct <- do
ract <- getJust ractID
getRemoteActivityURI ract
return (u, AudRemote h [lu] [], uAct)
enableHash <- encodeKeyHashid enableID
let audience = [audCollab]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience audience
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Just uDeleg
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = [uStart]
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.GrantActivity AP.Grant
{ AP.grantObject = AP.RXRole role
, AP.grantContext = AP.grantContext grant
, AP.grantTarget = uCollab
, AP.grantResult =
(encodeRouteLocal $
GroupMemberLiveR groupHash enableHash
, Nothing
, AP.grantStart = Just now
, AP.grantEnd = Nothing
, AP.grantAllows = AP.Invoke
, AP.grantDelegates = Just uStart
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
prepareExtensionGrantForChild child role startID = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
groupHash <- encodeKeyHashid groupID
uStart <- lift $ getActivityURI authorIdMsig
(uChild, audChild, uDeleg) <-
case child of
Left (g, itemID) -> do
h <- encodeKeyHashid g
itemHash <- encodeKeyHashid itemID
( encodeRouteHome $ GroupR h
, AudLocal [LocalActorGroup h] []
, encodeRouteHome $
GroupOutboxItemR h itemHash
Right (raID, ractID) -> do
ra <- getJust raID
u@(ObjURI h lu) <- getRemoteActorURI ra
uAct <- do
ract <- getJust ractID
getRemoteActivityURI ract
return (u, AudRemote h [lu] [], uAct)
resultR <- do
startHash <- encodeKeyHashid startID
return $
GroupChildLiveR groupHash startHash
let (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audChild]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Just uDeleg
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = [uStart]
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.GrantActivity AP.Grant
{ AP.grantObject = AP.RXRole role
, AP.grantContext = AP.grantContext grant
, AP.grantTarget = uChild
, AP.grantResult =
Just (encodeRouteLocal resultR, Nothing)
, AP.grantStart = Just now
, AP.grantEnd = Nothing
, AP.grantAllows = AP.Distribute
, AP.grantDelegates = Just uStart
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
-- Meaning: An actor A invited actor B to a resource
-- Meaning: An actor A invited actor B to a resource
-- Behavior:
-- Behavior:
-- * Verify the resource is my collabs list
-- * Verify the resource is my collabs list
Add table
Reference in a new issue