C2S: Project creation

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Pere Lev 2023-06-26 23:01:41 +03:00
parent 372fd35f2c
commit 9d6bbfdf92
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 5252C5C863E5E57D

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@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.Actor import Vervis.Actor
import Vervis.Actor2 import Vervis.Actor2
import Vervis.Actor.Deck import Vervis.Actor.Deck
import Vervis.Actor.Project
import Vervis.Cloth import Vervis.Cloth
import Vervis.Data.Actor import Vervis.Data.Actor
import Vervis.Data.Collab import Vervis.Data.Collab
@ -277,6 +278,163 @@ clientCreateDeck now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwd
} }
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts) return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
-- Meaning: The human wants to create a project
-- Behavior:
-- * Create a project on DB
-- * Launch a project actor
-- * Record a FollowRequest in DB
-- * Create and send Create and Follow to it
:: UTCTime
-> PersonId
-> ClientMsg
-> AP.ActorDetail
-> ActE OutboxItemId
clientCreateProject now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action) tracker = do
-- Check input
verifyNothingE maybeCap "Capability not needed"
(name, msummary) <- parseTracker tracker
(actorMeID, localRecipsFinal, createID, actionCreate, followID, follow, projectID) <- lift $ withDB $ do
-- Grab me from DB
(personMe, actorMe) <- do
p <- getJust personMeID
(p,) <$> getJust (personActor p)
let actorMeID = personActor personMe
-- Insert new project to DB
createID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
(projectID, projectFollowerSetID) <-
insertProject now name msummary createID actorMeID
-- Insert the Create activity to my outbox
projectHash <- lift $ encodeKeyHashid projectID
actionCreate <- lift $ prepareCreate name msummary projectHash
luCreate <- updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) createID actionCreate
-- Prepare recipient sieve for sending the Create
personMeHash <- lift $ encodeKeyHashid personMeID
let sieve =
[LocalActorProject projectHash]
[LocalStagePersonFollowers personMeHash]
onlyProject = ProjectRoutes True False
addMe' projects = (projectHash, onlyProject) : projects
addMe rs = rs { recipProjects = addMe' $ recipProjects rs }
-- Insert a follow request, since I'm about to send a Follow
followID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
insert_ $ FollowRequest actorMeID projectFollowerSetID True followID
-- Insert a Follow to my outbox
follow@(actionFollow, _, _, _) <- lift $ prepareFollow projectID luCreate
_luFollow <- updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) followID actionFollow
( personActor personMe
, localRecipSieve sieve False $ addMe localRecips
, createID
, actionCreate
, followID
, follow
, projectID
-- Spawn new Project actor
success <- lift $ launchActor LocalActorProject projectID
unless success $
error "Failed to spawn new Project, somehow ID already in Theater"
-- Send the Create
lift $ sendActivity
(LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFinal remoteRecips
fwdHosts createID actionCreate
-- Send the Follow
let (actionFollow, localRecipsFollow, remoteRecipsFollow, fwdHostsFollow) = follow
lift $ sendActivity
(LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFollow
remoteRecipsFollow fwdHostsFollow followID actionFollow
return createID
parseTracker (AP.ActorDetail typ muser mname msummary) = do
unless (typ == AP.ActorTypeProject) $
error "clientCreateProject: Create object isn't a Project"
verifyNothingE muser "Project can't have a username"
name <- fromMaybeE mname "Project doesn't specify name"
return (name, msummary)
insertProject now name msummary obiidCreate actorMeID = do
ibid <- insert Inbox
obid <- insert Outbox
fsid <- insert FollowerSet
aid <- insert Actor
{ actorName = name
, actorDesc = fromMaybe "" msummary
, actorCreatedAt = now
, actorInbox = ibid
, actorOutbox = obid
, actorFollowers = fsid
, actorJustCreatedBy = Just actorMeID
did <- insert Project
{ projectActor = aid
, projectCreate = obiidCreate
return (did, fsid)
prepareCreate name msummary projectHash = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
hLocal <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
let ttdetail = AP.ActorDetail
{ AP.actorType = AP.ActorTypeProject
, AP.actorUsername = Nothing
, AP.actorName = Just name
, AP.actorSummary = msummary
ttlocal = AP.ActorLocal
{ AP.actorId = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR projectHash
, AP.actorInbox = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectInboxR projectHash
, AP.actorOutbox = Nothing
, AP.actorFollowers = Nothing
, AP.actorFollowing = Nothing
, AP.actorPublicKeys = []
, AP.actorSshKeys = []
specific = AP.CreateActivity AP.Create
{ AP.createObject = AP.CreateProject ttdetail (Just (hLocal, ttlocal))
, AP.createTarget = Nothing
return action { AP.actionSpecific = specific }
prepareFollow projectID luCreate = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
h <- asksEnv stageInstanceHost
projectHash <- encodeKeyHashid projectID
let audTopic = AudLocal [LocalActorProject projectHash] []
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audTopic]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Nothing
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = [ObjURI h luCreate]
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.FollowActivity AP.Follow
{ AP.followObject = encodeRouteHome $ ProjectR projectHash
, AP.followContext = Nothing
, AP.followHide = False
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
clientCreate clientCreate
:: UTCTime :: UTCTime
-> PersonId -> PersonId
@ -291,6 +449,11 @@ clientCreate now personMeID msg (AP.Create object muTarget) =
verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create TicketTracker" verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create TicketTracker"
clientCreateDeck now personMeID msg detail clientCreateDeck now personMeID msg detail
AP.CreateProject detail mlocal -> do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Project id must not be provided"
verifyNothingE muTarget "'target' not supported in Create Project"
clientCreateProject now personMeID msg detail
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for C2S" _ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for C2S"
-- Meaning: The human wants to invite someone A to a resource R -- Meaning: The human wants to invite someone A to a resource R