S2S: Group: Implement Follow & Undo handlers, adapted from Project
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 151 additions and 0 deletions
@ -117,10 +117,161 @@ groupCreate now groupID verse (AP.Create obj _muTarget) =
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for Group"
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Create object for Group"
-- Meaning: An actor is following someone/something
-- Behavior:
-- * Verify the target is me
-- * Record the follow in DB
-- * Publish and send an Accept to the sender and its followers
:: UTCTime
-> GroupId
-> Verse
-> AP.Follow URIMode
-> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
groupFollow now recipGroupID verse follow = do
recipGroupHash <- encodeKeyHashid recipGroupID
GroupR d | d == recipGroupHash -> pure ()
_ -> throwE "Asking to follow someone else"
(\ recipGroupActor () -> pure $ actorFollowers recipGroupActor)
(\ _ -> pure $ makeRecipientSet [] [])
(\ _ -> pure [])
now recipGroupID verse follow
-- Meaning: An actor is undoing some previous action
-- Behavior:
-- * If they're undoing their Following of me:
-- * Record it in my DB
-- * Publish and send an Accept only to the sender
-- * Otherwise respond with an error
:: UTCTime
-> GroupId
-> Verse
-> AP.Undo URIMode
-> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
groupUndo now recipGroupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Undo uObject) = do
-- Check input
undone <-
first (\ (actor, _, item) -> (actor, item)) <$>
parseActivityURI' uObject
-- Verify the capability URI, if provided, is one of:
-- * Outbox item URI of a local actor, i.e. a local activity
-- * A remote URI
maybeCapability <-
for (AP.activityCapability $ actbActivity body) $ \ uCap ->
nameExceptT "Undo capability" $
first (\ (actor, _, item) -> (actor, item)) <$>
parseActivityURI' uCap
maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
(groupRecip, actorRecip) <- lift $ do
p <- getJust recipGroupID
(p,) <$> getJust (groupActor p)
-- Insert the Undo to my inbox
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox now authorIdMsig body (actorInbox actorRecip) False
for mractid $ \ _undoDB -> do
maybeUndo <- runMaybeT $ do
-- Find the undone activity in our DB
undoneDB <- MaybeT $ getActivity undone
let followers = actorFollowers actorRecip
[ tryUnfollow followers undoneDB authorIdMsig
(sieve, audience) <-
"Undone activity isn't a Follow related to me"
-- Prepare an Accept activity and insert to group's outbox
acceptID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorRecip) now
accept@(actionAccept, _, _, _) <- lift $ lift $ prepareAccept audience
_luAccept <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorGroup recipGroupID) acceptID actionAccept
return (groupActor groupRecip, sieve, acceptID, accept)
case maybeNew of
Nothing -> done "I already have this activity in my inbox"
Just (actorID, sieve, acceptID, (actionAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept)) -> do
authorIdMsig body (LocalActorGroup recipGroupID) actorID sieve
lift $ sendActivity
(LocalActorGroup recipGroupID) actorID localRecipsAccept
remoteRecipsAccept fwdHostsAccept acceptID actionAccept
"Undid the Follow, forwarded the Undo and published Accept"
tryUnfollow groupFollowersID (Left (_actorByKey, _actorE, outboxItemID)) (Left (_, actorID, _)) = do
Entity followID follow <-
MaybeT $ lift $ getBy $ UniqueFollowFollow outboxItemID
let followerID = followActor follow
followerSetID = followTarget follow
verifyTargetMe followerSetID
unless (followerID == actorID) $
lift $ throwE "You're trying to Undo someone else's Follow"
lift $ lift $ delete followID
audSenderOnly <- lift $ lift $ lift $ makeAudSenderOnly authorIdMsig
return (makeRecipientSet [] [], [audSenderOnly])
verifyTargetMe followerSetID = guard $ followerSetID == groupFollowersID
tryUnfollow groupFollowersID (Right remoteActivityID) (Right (author, _, _)) = do
Entity remoteFollowID remoteFollow <-
MaybeT $ lift $ getBy $ UniqueRemoteFollowFollow remoteActivityID
let followerID = remoteFollowActor remoteFollow
followerSetID = remoteFollowTarget remoteFollow
verifyTargetMe followerSetID
unless (followerID == remoteAuthorId author) $
lift $ throwE "You're trying to Undo someone else's Follow"
lift $ lift $ delete remoteFollowID
audSenderOnly <- lift $ lift $ lift $ makeAudSenderOnly authorIdMsig
return (makeRecipientSet [] [], [audSenderOnly])
verifyTargetMe followerSetID = guard $ followerSetID == groupFollowersID
tryUnfollow _ _ _ = mzero
prepareAccept audience = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
uUndo <- getActivityURI authorIdMsig
let (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience audience
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Nothing
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = []
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.AcceptActivity AP.Accept
{ AP.acceptObject = uUndo
, AP.acceptResult = Nothing
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
groupBehavior :: UTCTime -> GroupId -> VerseExt -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
groupBehavior :: UTCTime -> GroupId -> VerseExt -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
groupBehavior now groupID (Left verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
groupBehavior now groupID (Left verse@(Verse _authorIdMsig body)) =
case AP.activitySpecific $ actbActivity body of
case AP.activitySpecific $ actbActivity body of
AP.CreateActivity create -> groupCreate now groupID verse create
AP.CreateActivity create -> groupCreate now groupID verse create
AP.FollowActivity follow -> groupFollow now groupID verse follow
AP.UndoActivity undo -> groupUndo now groupID verse undo
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for Group"
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for Group"
groupBehavior _ _ (Right _) = throwE "ClientMsgs aren't supported for Group"
groupBehavior _ _ (Right _) = throwE "ClientMsgs aren't supported for Group"
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