S2S: Project: Grant: Before extending a Grant, test to avoid infinite loop
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 206 additions and 0 deletions
@ -2946,6 +2946,9 @@ projectGrant now projectID (Verse authorIdMsig body) grant = do
handleChild role sendID topic = do
handleChild role sendID topic = do
uCap <- lift $ getActivityURI authorIdMsig
checkCapabilityBeforeExtending uCap (LocalActorProject projectID)
maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
-- Grab me from DB
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
module Vervis.Web.Collab
module Vervis.Web.Collab
( verifyCapability''
( verifyCapability''
, checkCapabilityBeforeExtending
@ -284,3 +285,205 @@ verifyCapability'' uCap recipientActor resource requiredRole = do
AP.grantAllows grant == AP.Distribute &&
AP.grantAllows grant == AP.Distribute &&
targetIsTeam &&
targetIsTeam &&
(AP.grantAllows h == AP.Distribute || AP.grantAllows h == AP.Invoke)
(AP.grantAllows h == AP.Distribute || AP.grantAllows h == AP.Invoke)
:: FedURI
-> LocalActorBy Key
-> ActE ()
checkCapabilityBeforeExtending uCap extender = do
manager <- asksEnv envHttpManager
maxDepth <- appMaxGrantChainLength <$> asksEnv envSettings
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
uExtender <-
encodeRouteHome . VR.renderLocalActor <$> hashLocalActor extender
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
grants <- traverseGrants maxDepth manager uExtender now
unless (checkRole grants) $
throwE "checkRole returns False"
traverseGrants maxDepth manager uExtender now = go uCap uExtender (const True) 1 []
go u@(ObjURI h lu) recipActor resourceOk depth l = do
cap <- parseActivityURI' u
AP.Doc host activity <-
case cap of
Left (actor, _, itemID) -> withDBExcept $ do
when (actor == extender) $
throwE "Found my own Grant in the chain"
item <- getE itemID "No such OutboxItemId in DB"
let outboxID = outboxItemOutbox item
actorID <- do
ma <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueActorOutbox outboxID
fromMaybeE ma "Item's outbox doesn't belong to any actor"
itemActor <- lift $ getLocalActor actorID
unless (itemActor == actor) $
throwE "No such local activity in DB, actor and item mismatch"
let obj = persistJSONDoc $ outboxItemActivity item
case fromJSON $ Object obj of
Error s -> throwE $ "Parsing local activity JSON object into an Activity failed: " <> T.pack s
Success doc -> return doc
Right _ -> do
ract <- lift $ withDB $ runMaybeT $ do
instanceID <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueInstance h
objectID <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueRemoteObject instanceID lu
MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueRemoteActivity objectID
case ract of
Just act -> do
let obj = persistJSONDoc $ remoteActivityContent act
case fromJSON $ Object obj of
Error s -> throwE $ "Parsing cached remote activity JSON object into an Activity failed: " <> T.pack s
Success doc -> return doc
Nothing -> withExceptT T.pack $ AP.fetchAP manager $ Left u
luId <- fromMaybeE (AP.activityId activity) "Activity without id"
unless (u == ObjURI host luId) $
throwE "Fetched URI and activity id mismatch"
grant <-
case AP.activitySpecific activity of
AP.GrantActivity g -> return g
_ -> throwE "Not a Grant activity"
unless (resourceOk $ AP.grantContext grant) $
throwE "Grant.context isn't the resource"
unless (AP.grantTarget grant == recipActor) $
throwE "Grant.target isn't the actor of the previous grant"
when (any ((== u) . view _1) l) $
throwE "This Grant is already listed in l"
for_ (AP.grantStart grant) $ \ start ->
unless (start <= now) $
throwE "Grant starts in the future"
for_ (AP.grantEnd grant) $ \ end ->
unless (now < end) $
throwE "Grant has already expired"
role <-
case AP.grantObject grant of
AP.RXRole r -> pure r
RXDelegator -> throwE "Role is delegator"
(targetIsProject, targetIsTeam) <- do
routeOrRemote <- parseFedURI $ AP.grantTarget grant
case routeOrRemote of
Left route -> do
actor <- nameExceptT "Grant.target" $ parseLocalActorE' route
return $
case actor of
LocalActorGroup _ -> (False, True)
LocalActorProject _ -> (True, False)
_ -> (False, False)
Right (ObjURI hTarget luTarget) -> do
mact <- lift $ withDB $ runMaybeT $ do
instanceID <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueInstance h
objectID <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueRemoteObject instanceID lu
MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueRemoteActor objectID
typ <-
case mact of
Just act -> return $ remoteActorType act
Nothing -> do
actor <- ExceptT $ first T.pack <$> AP.fetchAPID manager (AP.actorId . AP.actorLocal) hTarget luTarget
return $ AP.actorType $ AP.actorDetail actor
return (typ == AP.ActorTypeProject, typ == AP.ActorTypeTeam)
case AP.grantDelegates grant of
Nothing -> nameExceptT "Leaf-Grant" $ withDBExcept $ do
let hContext = objUriAuthority $ AP.grantContext grant
unless (host == hContext) $
throwE "Start-Grant id and context are from different hosts"
case cap of
Left (capActor, _, capItem) -> do
-- We already checked that the activity exists in DB
-- So proceed to find the Collab or Stem record
if null l
-- This is thr only Grant in the chain, so we're
-- looking for a Collab record
then nameExceptT "Collab" $ do
-- Find the Collab record
collabID <- do
maybeEnable <- lift $ getValBy $ UniqueCollabEnableGrant capItem
collabEnableCollab <$>
fromMaybeE maybeEnable "No CollabEnable for this activity"
-- Find the recipient of that Collab
recipID <-
lift $ bimap collabRecipLocalPerson collabRecipRemoteActor <$>
(getValBy $ UniqueCollabRecipLocal collabID)
(getValBy $ UniqueCollabRecipRemote collabID)
"No collab recip"
"Both local and remote recips for collab"
-- Find the local topic, on which this Collab gives access
topic <- lift $ getCollabTopic collabID
-- Verify that topic is indeed the sender of the Grant
unless (topic == capActor) $
error "Grant sender isn't the topic"
-- Verify the topic matches the resource specified
uTopic <- lift $ lift $ do
actorR <- VR.renderLocalActor <$> hashLocalActor topic
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
return $ encodeRouteHome actorR
unless (uTopic == AP.grantContext grant) $
throwE "Capability topic is some other resource"
-- There are more Grants in the chain, so we're
-- looking for a Stem record
else nameExceptT "Stem" $ do
-- Find the Stem record
stemID <- do
scaID <- do
maybeSCA <- lift $ getValBy $ UniqueStemDelegateLocalGrant capItem
stemDelegateLocalStem <$>
fromMaybeE maybeSCA "No StemDelegateLocal for this activity"
lift $ stemComponentAcceptStem <$> getJust scaID
-- Find the local topic, on which this Stem gives access
topic <- lift $ getStemIdent stemID
-- Verify that topic is indeed the sender of the Grant
unless (componentActor topic == capActor) $
error "Grant sender isn't the Stem ident"
-- Verify the topic matches the resource specified
uTopic <- lift $ lift $ do
actorR <- VR.renderLocalActor <$> hashLocalActor (componentActor topic)
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
return $ encodeRouteHome actorR
unless (uTopic == AP.grantContext grant) $
throwE "Capability topic is some other resource"
Right _ -> pure ()
return $ (u, activity, grant, role, targetIsProject, targetIsTeam) : l
Just uParent -> nameExceptT "Extension-Grant" $ do
when (depth >= maxDepth) $
throwE "Chain is longer than the max depth"
when (ObjURI host (AP.activityActor activity) == AP.grantContext grant) $
throwE "Grant.delegates specified but Grant's actor is the resource"
(luResult, _) <- fromMaybeE (AP.grantResult grant) "Grant.result not specified"
req <- either (throwE . T.pack . displayException) pure $ requestFromURI $ uriFromObjURI $ ObjURI host luResult
let req' =
req { method = "HEAD"
response <- liftIO $ httpNoBody req' manager
let status = responseStatus response
unless (status == ok200 || status == noContent204) $
throwE "Result URI gave neither 200 nor 204 status"
let uNextRecip = ObjURI host $ AP.activityActor activity
go uParent uNextRecip (== AP.grantContext grant) (depth + 1) $ (u, activity, grant, role, targetIsProject, targetIsTeam) : l
checkRole [] = error "Ended up with empty list of grants, impossible"
checkRole (g:gs) = go g gs (view _4 g)
go (u, activity, grant, _, targetIsProject, targetIsTeam) rest role =
case rest of
[] -> checkLeaf
h@(_, _, next, role', _, _) : rest' ->
role' <= role && checkItem next && go h rest' role'
checkLeaf =
case (AP.grantAllows grant, extender) of
(AP.GatherAndConvey, LocalActorProject _) -> True
(AP.Distribute, LocalActorGroup _) -> True
_ -> False
checkItem h =
AP.grantAllows grant == AP.GatherAndConvey &&
AP.grantAllows grant == AP.Distribute &&
targetIsTeam &&
(AP.grantAllows h == AP.Distribute || AP.grantAllows h == AP.Invoke)
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