Graph cycle existence checking for FGL graphs
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{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
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- <>.
-- | Testing for and detecting cycles in graphs.
-- Names consist of:
-- 1. An optional direction parameter, specifying which nodes to visit next.
-- [@x@] undirectional: ignore edge direction
-- [@r@] reversed: walk edges in reverse
-- [@x@] user defined: speciy which paths to follow
-- 2. Base name.
-- [@cyclic@] checks for existence of cycles
-- [@cycles@] returns the cyclic paths, if any exist
-- 3. An optional @n@, in which case a user-given subset of the graph's nodes
-- will be visited, instead of visiting /all/ the nodes.
module Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.Cycle
( -- * Standard
, cyclicn
, xcyclic
, xcyclicn
-- * Undirected
, ucyclic
, ucyclicn
-- * Reversed
, rcyclic
, rcyclicn
import Prelude
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import qualified Data.IntSet as I
-- How to detect cycles in a graph?
-- Run sort of a DFS, while maintaining a set of the nodes currently in
-- recursion. If we meet one of them at some point, we have a cycle. But where
-- to start? Find a node with only out-edges. If there's none, we have a cycle.
-- However this covers a single component. If the graph is not connected,
-- repeat for the other components.
cyclic :: Graph g => g a b -> Bool
cyclic = xcyclic suc'
cyclicn :: Graph g => [Node] -> g a b -> Bool
cyclicn = xcyclicn suc'
xcyclic :: Graph g => (Context a b -> [Node]) -> g a b -> Bool
xcyclic follow graph = xcyclicn follow (nodes graph) graph
xcyclicn :: Graph g => (Context a b -> [Node]) -> [Node] -> g a b -> Bool
xcyclicn follow nodes graph = isNothing $ go I.empty nodes graph
go rec [] g = Just g
go rec (n:ns) g =
case match n g of
(Nothing, g') ->
if I.member n rec
then Nothing
else go rec ns g'
(Just c, g') -> go (I.insert n rec) (follow c) g' >>= go rec ns
ucyclic :: Graph g => g a b -> Bool
ucyclic = xcyclic neighbors'
ucyclicn :: Graph g => [Node] -> g a b -> Bool
ucyclicn = xcyclicn neighbors'
rcyclic :: Graph g => g a b -> Bool
rcyclic = xcyclic pre'
rcyclicn :: Graph g => [Node] -> g a b -> Bool
rcyclicn = xcyclicn pre'
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