S2S: Group: Revoke: Implement resource mode
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 170 additions and 2 deletions
@ -5286,6 +5286,10 @@ groupRemove now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) remove = do
-- * Delete that extension from my Source record
-- * Delete that extension from my Source record
-- * For each further extension I did on that Grant (to a
-- * For each further extension I did on that Grant (to a
-- child/collab), send a Revoke
-- child/collab), send a Revoke
-- * If it's a resource revoking a Grant it had extended to me:
-- * Delete that extension from my Effort record
-- * For each further extension I did on that Grant (to a
-- child/collab), send a Revoke
:: UTCTime
:: UTCTime
-> GroupId
-> GroupId
@ -5317,14 +5321,16 @@ groupRevoke now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Revoke (luFirst :| lusRest
maybeMode <-
maybeMode <-
ExceptT $ fmap adapt $ runMaybeT $
ExceptT $ fmap adapt $ runMaybeT $
runExceptT (Left <$> tryChild revokedFirstDB) <|>
runExceptT (Left <$> tryChild revokedFirstDB) <|>
runExceptT (Right <$> tryParent revokedFirstDB)
runExceptT (Right . Left <$> tryParent revokedFirstDB) <|>
runExceptT (Right . Right <$> tryResource revokedFirstDB)
"Revoked activity isn't a relevant Grant I'm aware of"
"Revoked activity isn't a relevant Grant I'm aware of"
case mode of
case mode of
Left p -> revokeChild revokedRest p
Left p -> revokeChild revokedRest p
Right c -> revokeParent revokedRest c
Right (Left c) -> revokeParent revokedRest c
Right (Right r) -> revokeResource revokedRest r
@ -5383,6 +5389,29 @@ groupRevoke now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Revoke (luFirst :| lusRest
SourceTopicRemote sourceID actorID <- lift $ lift $ getJust topicID
SourceTopicRemote sourceID actorID <- lift $ lift $ getJust topicID
tryParent' sourceID $ Right (topicID, actorID, delegID, themAcceptID)
tryParent' sourceID $ Right (topicID, actorID, delegID, themAcceptID)
verifyEffortHolder :: EffortId -> MaybeT ActDB ()
verifyEffortHolder effortID = do
Effort _ g <- lift $ getJust effortID
guard $ g == groupID
tryResource' effortID resource = do
lift $ verifyEffortHolder effortID
sendID <- lift $ MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueEffortUsSendDelegator effortID
return (sendID, resource)
tryResource (Left (_actorByKey, _actorEntity, itemID)) = do
Entity delegID (EffortThemDelegateLocal themAcceptID _) <-
lift $ MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueEffortThemDelegateLocal itemID
EffortThemAcceptLocal topicID _ <- lift $ lift $ getJust themAcceptID
EffortTopicLocal effortID r <- lift $ lift $ getJust topicID
tryResource' effortID $ Left (topicID, r, delegID, themAcceptID)
tryResource (Right remoteActivityID) = do
Entity delegID (EffortThemDelegateRemote themAcceptID _) <-
lift $ MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueEffortThemDelegateRemote remoteActivityID
EffortThemAcceptRemote topicID _ <- lift $ lift $ getJust themAcceptID
EffortTopicRemote effortID actorID <- lift $ lift $ getJust topicID
tryResource' effortID $ Right (topicID, actorID, delegID, themAcceptID)
revokeChild revokedRest (destID, usAcceptID, child, send) = do
revokeChild revokedRest (destID, usAcceptID, child, send) = do
let author = bimap (view _1) (remoteAuthorId . view _1) authorIdMsig
let author = bimap (view _1) (remoteAuthorId . view _1) authorIdMsig
@ -5635,6 +5664,145 @@ groupRevoke now groupID (Verse authorIdMsig body) (AP.Revoke (luFirst :| lusRest
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
revokeResource revokedRest (sendID, resource) = do
resource' <-
lift $ traverseOf _Left (traverseOf _2 $ withDB . getLocalResource) resource
let author = bimap (view _1) (remoteAuthorId . view _1) authorIdMsig
unless (author == bimap (resourceToActor . view _2) (view _2) resource') $
throwE "Sender isn't the resource the revoked Grant came from"
unless (null revokedRest) $
throwE "Resource revoking the start/extension-Grant and something more"
maybeNew <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
(group, actorRecip) <- lift $ do
p <- getJust groupID
(p,) <$> getJust (groupActor p)
maybeRevokeDB <- lift $ insertToInbox now authorIdMsig body (actorInbox actorRecip) False
lift $ for maybeRevokeDB $ \ (inboxItemID, _revokeDB) -> do
-- Collect the extensions I'll need to revoke
distributeIDs <-
case resource of
Left (_, _, delegID, _) ->
map (effortUsDistributeFromLocalDistribute . entityVal) <$>
selectList [EffortUsDistributeFromLocalFrom ==. delegID] []
Right (_, _, delegID, _) ->
map (effortUsDistributeFromRemoteDistribute . entityVal) <$>
selectList [EffortUsDistributeFromRemoteFrom ==. delegID] []
distributes <- selectList [EffortUsDistributeId <-. distributeIDs] []
leafIDs <-
case resource of
Left (_, _, delegID, _) ->
map (effortUsLeafFromLocalLeaf . entityVal) <$>
selectList [EffortUsLeafFromLocalFrom ==. delegID] []
Right (_, _, delegID, _) ->
map (effortUsLeafFromRemoteLeaf . entityVal) <$>
selectList [EffortUsLeafFromRemoteFrom ==. delegID] []
leafs <- selectList [EffortUsLeafId <-. leafIDs] []
-- Delete the records of these extensions
deleteWhere [EffortUsDistributeFromLocalDistribute <-. distributeIDs]
deleteWhere [EffortUsDistributeFromRemoteDistribute <-. distributeIDs]
deleteWhere [EffortUsDistributeId <-. distributeIDs]
deleteWhere [EffortUsLeafFromLocalLeaf <-. leafIDs]
deleteWhere [EffortUsLeafFromRemoteLeaf <-. leafIDs]
deleteWhere [EffortUsLeafToLocalLeaf <-. leafIDs]
deleteWhere [EffortUsLeafToRemoteLeaf <-. leafIDs]
deleteWhere [EffortUsLeafId <-. leafIDs]
case resource of
Left (_, _, delegID, _) -> delete delegID
Right (_, _, delegID, _) -> delete delegID
-- Prepare and insert Revokes on all the extension-Grants
revokesD <- for distributes $ \ (Entity _ (EffortUsDistribute _ startID grantID)) -> do
DestUsStart acceptID _ <- getJust startID
DestUsAccept destID _ <- getJust acceptID
child <- do
c <- getDestTopic destID
Right j -> pure $ LocalActorGroup j
Left _ -> error "I'm a group but I have a child who is a Project"
(bimap snd snd c)
return (child, grantID)
revokesL <- for leafs $ \ (Entity _ (EffortUsLeaf _ enableID grantID)) -> do
CollabEnable collabID _ <- getJust enableID
recip <- getCollabRecip collabID
( bimap
(LocalActorPerson . collabRecipLocalPerson . entityVal)
(collabRecipRemoteActor . entityVal)
, grantID
revokes <- for (revokesD ++ revokesL) $ \ (actor, grantID) -> do
ext@(actionExt, _, _, _) <- prepareExtRevoke actor grantID
let recipByKey = LocalActorGroup groupID
extID <- insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorRecip) now
_luExt <- updateOutboxItem' recipByKey extID actionExt
return (extID, ext)
return (groupActor group, revokes, inboxItemID)
case maybeNew of
Nothing -> done "I already have this activity in my inbox"
Just (topicActorID, revokes, inboxItemID) -> do
let topicByID = LocalActorGroup groupID
lift $ for_ revokes $ \ (extID, (actionExt, localRecipsExt, remoteRecipsExt, fwdHostsExt)) ->
topicByID topicActorID localRecipsExt
remoteRecipsExt fwdHostsExt extID actionExt
doneDB inboxItemID "Deleted the EffortThemDelegate* record, sent Revokes"
prepareExtRevoke recipient grantID = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
groupHash <- encodeKeyHashid groupID
let topicByHash = LocalActorGroup groupHash
audRecip <-
case recipient of
Left a -> do
h <- hashLocalActor a
return $ AudLocal [h] [localActorFollowers h]
Right actorID -> do
actor <- getJust actorID
ObjURI h lu <- getRemoteActorURI actor
return $
AudRemote h [lu] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers actor)
let (recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audRecip]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
uRevoke <- lift $ getActivityURI authorIdMsig
luGrant <- do
grantHash <- encodeKeyHashid grantID
return $ encodeRouteLocal $ activityRoute topicByHash grantHash
let action = AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Nothing
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = AP.Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = [uRevoke]
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.RevokeActivity AP.Revoke
{ AP.revokeObject = luGrant :| []
return (action, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
-- Meaning: An actor is undoing some previous action
-- Meaning: An actor is undoing some previous action
-- Behavior:
-- Behavior:
-- * If they're undoing their Following of me:
-- * If they're undoing their Following of me:
Add table
Reference in a new issue