diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 50c6c18..96e7067 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -108,11 +108,12 @@ about some bug or missing feature causing loss of data or access.
     [ ] Password reset, at least over plain email, either automatically or a
         temporary manual hack which will work at least for personal instances
-    [ ] Git pull and push over SSH fully working
-    [ ] Darcs pull and push over SSH fully working
-    [ ] SSH server implementation really secure
-    [ ] TLS support, especially critical when sending passwords
-    [ ] Darcs pull over HTTP and HTTPS
+    [x] Git pull and push over SSH fully working
+    [x] Darcs pull and push over SSH fully working
+    [x] SSH server implementation really secure as far as I know
+    [x] TLS support, especially critical when sending passwords. For now, done
+        externally through Lighttpd, not Vervis itself
+    [x] Darcs pull over HTTP and HTTPS
     [ ] Git pull over HTTP and HTTPS
     [ ] Clear policy and guidelines for DB schema changes
     [ ] Running instance has data backups