Refactor git source view code and implement the same for Darcs
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 871 additions and 198 deletions
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
/u/#Text/r ReposR GET POST
/u/#Text/r ReposR GET POST
/u/#Text/r/!new RepoNewR GET
/u/#Text/r/!new RepoNewR GET
/u/#Text/r/#Text RepoR GET
/u/#Text/r/#Text RepoR GET
/u/#Text/r/#Text/s/#Text/+Texts RepoSourceR GET
/u/#Text/r/#Text/s/+Texts RepoSourceR GET
/u/#Text/r/#Text/c RepoCommitsR GET
/u/#Text/r/#Text/c RepoCommitsR GET
/u/#Text/r/#Text/git/info/refs GitRefDiscoverR GET
/u/#Text/r/#Text/git/info/refs GitRefDiscoverR GET
@ -14,17 +14,24 @@
module Darcs.Local
module Darcs.Local
( createRepo
( -- * Initialize new repo
-- * View repo source
, readPristineRoot
import Prelude
import Prelude
import Storage.Hashed.Hash
import System.Directory (createDirectory)
import System.Directory (createDirectory)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (withFile, IOMode (ReadMode))
import System.Process (createProcess, proc, waitForProcess)
import System.Process (createProcess, proc, waitForProcess)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
initialRepoTree :: FileName -> DirTree B.ByteString
initialRepoTree :: FileName -> DirTree B.ByteString
initialRepoTree repo =
initialRepoTree repo =
@ -63,3 +70,55 @@ createRepo parent name = do
case ec of
case ec of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure n -> error $ "darcs init failed with exit code " ++ show n
ExitFailure n -> error $ "darcs init failed with exit code " ++ show n
{-data DirEntry = DirEntry
{ dentType :: ItemType
, dentName :: Name
, dentSize :: Maybe Int
, dentHash :: Hash
data DirEntryView = DirEntryView
{ devName :: Name
, devSize :: Maybe Size
, devHash :: Hash
, devContent :: Either BL.ByteString [DirEntry]
data PathView
= RootView [DirEntry]
| TreeView Text Hash [DirEntry]
| BlobView Text Hash BL.ByteString
readPristineRoot :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Int, Hash)
readPristineRoot darcsDir = do
let inventoryFile = darcsDir </> "hashed_inventory"
line <- withFile inventoryFile ReadMode B.hGetLine
let hashBS = B.drop 9 line
return (Nothing, decodeBase16 hashBS)
{-toDEnt :: (ItemType, Name, Maybe Int, Hash) -> DirEntry
toDEnt (it, n, ms, h) = DirEntry it n ms h
readSourceRootDir :: FilePath -> (Maybe Int, Hash) -> IO [DirEntry]
readSourceRootDir darcsDir (size, hash) =
let pristineDir = darcsDir </> "pristine.hashed"
in map toDEnt <$> readDarcsHashedDir pristineDir (size, hash)
findDirEntry :: Name -> [DirEntry] -> Maybe DirEntry
findDirEntry name = find ((== name) . dentName)
viewDirEntry :: FilePath -> DirEntry -> IO DirEntryView
viewDirEntry pristineDir (DirEntry itype name size hash) = do
content <- case itype of
TreeType ->
BlobType -> fmap decompress . readSegment . darcsLocation pristineDir
return (name, size, hash, content)
textToName :: Text -> Name
textToName = Name . encodeUtf8
viewPath :: FilePath -> [Name] -> IO PathView
viewPath repoPath sourcePath = --TODO
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <>.
module Vervis.Darcs
( readSourceView
import Prelude
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (strictDecode)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Storage.Hashed.AnchoredPath
import Storage.Hashed.Darcs
import Storage.Hashed.Tree
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (find)
import Darcs.Local
import Vervis.Foundation (Widget)
import Vervis.Readme
import Vervis.SourceTree
dirToAnchoredPath :: [EntryName] -> AnchoredPath
dirToAnchoredPath = AnchoredPath . map (Name . encodeUtf8)
matchType :: ItemType -> EntryType
matchType TreeType = TypeTree
matchType BlobType = TypeBlob
nameToText :: Name -> Text
nameToText (Name b) = decodeUtf8With strictDecode b
itemToEntry :: Name -> TreeItem IO -> DirEntry
itemToEntry name item = DirEntry (matchType $ itemType item) (nameToText name)
findReadme :: [(Name, TreeItem IO)] -> IO (Maybe (Text, BL.ByteString))
findReadme pairs =
case F.find (isReadme . nameToText . fst) pairs of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (name, item) ->
case item of
File (Blob load _hash) -> do
content <- load
return $ Just (nameToText name, content)
_ -> return Nothing
itemToSourceView :: EntryName -> TreeItem IO -> IO (SourceView BL.ByteString)
itemToSourceView name (File (Blob load _hash)) = do
content <- load
return $ SourceFile $ FileView name content
itemToSourceView name (SubTree tree) = do
let items = listImmediate tree
mreadme <- findReadme items
return $ SourceDir DirectoryView
{ dvName = Just name
, dvEntries = map (uncurry itemToEntry) items
, dvReadme = mreadme
itemToSourceView _name (Stub _load _hash) = error "supposed to be expanded"
:: FilePath
-- ^ Repository path
-> [EntryName]
-- ^ Path in the source tree pointing to a file or directory
-> IO (Maybe (SourceView Widget))
readSourceView path dir = do
let darcsDir = path </> "_darcs"
(msize, hash) <- readPristineRoot darcsDir
let pristineDir = darcsDir </> "pristine.hashed"
stubbedTree <- readDarcsHashed pristineDir (msize, hash)
msv <- if null dir
then do
let items = listImmediate stubbedTree
mreadme <- findReadme items
return $ Just $ SourceDir DirectoryView
{ dvName = Nothing
, dvEntries = map (uncurry itemToEntry) items
, dvReadme = mreadme
else do
let anch = dirToAnchoredPath dir
expandedTree <- expandPath stubbedTree anch
let mitem = find expandedTree anch
for mitem $ itemToSourceView (last dir)
return $ renderSources dir <$> msv
@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ instance YesodBreadcrumbs App where
ReposR shar -> ("Repos", Just $ PersonR shar)
ReposR shar -> ("Repos", Just $ PersonR shar)
RepoNewR shar -> ("New", Just $ ReposR shar)
RepoNewR shar -> ("New", Just $ ReposR shar)
RepoR shar repo -> (repo, Just $ ReposR shar)
RepoR shar repo -> (repo, Just $ ReposR shar)
RepoSourceR shar repo branch [] -> ("Files", Just $ RepoR shar repo)
RepoSourceR shar repo [] -> ("Files", Just $ RepoR shar repo)
RepoSourceR shar repo branch dir -> ( last dir
RepoSourceR shar repo refdir -> ( last refdir
, Just $
, Just $
RepoSourceR shar repo branch $
RepoSourceR shar repo $
init dir
init refdir
RepoCommitsR shar repo -> ("History", Just $ RepoR shar repo)
RepoCommitsR shar repo -> ("History", Just $ RepoR shar repo)
@ -13,112 +13,100 @@
- <>.
- <>.
{- LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{- LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Vervis.Git
module Vervis.Git
( lastChange
( readSourceView
, timeAgo
, timeAgo'
import Prelude
import Prelude
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Foldable (find)
-- import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
-- import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS (RWST (..))
-- import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Git
import Data.Git
import Data.Git.Revision
import Data.Git.Harder
import Data.Git.Repository
import Data.Git.Storage (getObject_)
-- import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Git.Storage.Object (Object (..))
-- import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import Data.Set (Set)
-- import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Hourglass
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, pack)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe{-, mapMaybe-})
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
-- import Data.Time.Units
-- import GHC.Generics
-- import System.Directory.Tree hiding (name, file, err)
-- import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Hourglass (dateCurrent)
-- import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS as RWS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
-- import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Set as S (member, mapMonotonic)
-- import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | Return the subdirs of a given dir
import Data.Git.Local
{-subdirs :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
import Vervis.Foundation (Widget)
subdirs dir = do
import Vervis.Readme
_base :/ tree <- buildL dir
import Vervis.SourceTree
return $ case tree of
Dir _ cs ->
let dirName (Dir n _) = Just n
dirName _ = Nothing
in mapMaybe dirName cs
_ -> []-}
-- | Determine the time of the last commit in a given git branch
matchReadme :: (ModePerm, ObjId, Text, EntObjType) -> Bool
lastBranchChange :: Git -> String -> IO GitTime
matchReadme (_, _, name, EntObjBlob) = isReadme name
lastBranchChange git branch = do
matchReadme _ = False
mref <- resolveRevision git $ Revision branch []
mco <- traverse (getCommitMaybe git) mref
let mtime = fmap (personTime . commitCommitter) (join mco)
return $ fromMaybe (error "mtime is Nothing") mtime
-- | Determine the time of the last commit in any branch for a given repo
-- | Find a README file in a directory. Return the filename and the file
lastChange :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe DateTime)
-- content.
lastChange path = withRepo (fromString path) $ \ git -> do
findReadme :: Git -> TreeRows -> IO (Maybe (Text, BL.ByteString))
--TODO add a better intro to json-state, the docs are bad there
findReadme git rows =
case find matchReadme rows of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (_perm, oid, name, _etype) -> do
obj <- getObject_ git (unObjId oid) True
return $ case obj of
ObjBlob b -> Just (name, blobGetContent b)
_ -> Nothing
names <- branchList git
matchType :: EntObjType -> EntryType
times <- traverse (lastBranchChange git) $ map refNameRaw $ toList names
matchType EntObjBlob = TypeBlob
let datetimes = map timeConvert times
matchType EntObjTree = TypeTree
return $ if null datetimes
then Nothing
else Just $ maximum datetimes
showPeriod :: Period -> Text
rowToEntry :: (ModePerm, ObjId, Text, EntObjType) -> DirEntry
showPeriod (Period 0 0 d) = T.pack (show d) <> " days"
rowToEntry (_, _, name, etype) = DirEntry (matchType etype) name
showPeriod (Period 0 m _) = T.pack (show m) <> " months"
showPeriod (Period y _ _) = T.pack (show y) <> " years"
showDuration :: Duration -> Text
showDuration (Duration (Hours h) (Minutes m) (Seconds s) _) =
:: Git
case (h, m, s) of
-> Text
(0, 0, 0) -> "now"
-> [Text]
(0, 0, _) -> T.pack (show s) <> " seconds"
-> IO (Set RefName, Set RefName, Maybe (SourceView BL.ByteString))
(0, _, _) -> T.pack (show m) <> " minutes"
loadSourceView git refT dir = do
_ -> T.pack (show h) <> " hours"
branches <- branchList git
tags <- tagList git
let refS = unpack refT
refN = RefName refS
msv <- if refN `S.member` branches || refN `S.member` tags
then do
tipOid <- resolveName git refS
mtree <- resolveTreeish git $ unObjId tipOid
case mtree of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just tree -> do
let dir' = map (entName . encodeUtf8) dir
view <- viewPath git tree dir'
Just <$> case view of
RootView rows -> do
mreadme <- findReadme git rows
let ents = map rowToEntry rows
return $ SourceDir $
DirectoryView Nothing ents mreadme
TreeView name _ rows -> do
mreadme <- findReadme git rows
let ents = map rowToEntry rows
return $ SourceDir $
DirectoryView (Just name) ents mreadme
BlobView name _ body ->
return $ SourceFile $ FileView name body
else return Nothing
return (branches, tags, msv)
showAgo :: Period -> Duration -> Text
showAgo (Period 0 0 0) d = showDuration d
:: FilePath
showAgo p _ = showPeriod p
-- ^ Repository path
-> Text
fromSec :: Seconds -> (Period, Duration)
-- ^ Name of branch or tag
fromSec sec =
-> [Text]
let d = 3600 * 24
-- ^ Path in the source tree pointing to a file or directory
m = 30 * d
-> IO (Set Text, Set Text, Maybe (SourceView Widget))
y = 365 * d
-- ^ Branches, tags, view of the selected item
fs (Seconds n) = fromIntegral n
readSourceView path ref dir = do
(years, yrest) = sec `divMod` Seconds y
(bs, ts, msv) <-
(months, mrest) = yrest `divMod` Seconds m
withRepo (fromString path) $ \ git -> loadSourceView git ref dir
(days, drest) = mrest `divMod` Seconds d
let toTexts = S.mapMonotonic $ pack . refNameRaw
in (Period (fs years) (fs months) (fs days), fst $ fromSeconds drest)
return (toTexts bs, toTexts ts, renderSources dir <$> msv)
timeAgo :: DateTime -> IO Text
timeAgo dt = do
now <- dateCurrent
return $ timeAgo' now dt
timeAgo' :: DateTime -> DateTime -> Text
timeAgo' now dt =
let sec = timeDiff now dt
(period, duration) = fromSec sec
in showAgo period duration
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <>.
{- LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{- LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Vervis.GitOld
( lastChange
, timeAgo
, timeAgo'
import Prelude
import Control.Monad (join)
-- import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
-- import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS (RWST (..))
-- import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Git
import Data.Git.Revision
import Data.Git.Repository
-- import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
-- import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
-- import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.Hourglass
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe{-, mapMaybe-})
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
-- import Data.Time.Units
-- import GHC.Generics
-- import System.Directory.Tree hiding (name, file, err)
-- import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Hourglass (dateCurrent)
-- import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS as RWS
-- import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
-- import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | Return the subdirs of a given dir
{-subdirs :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
subdirs dir = do
_base :/ tree <- buildL dir
return $ case tree of
Dir _ cs ->
let dirName (Dir n _) = Just n
dirName _ = Nothing
in mapMaybe dirName cs
_ -> []-}
-- | Determine the time of the last commit in a given git branch
lastBranchChange :: Git -> String -> IO GitTime
lastBranchChange git branch = do
mref <- resolveRevision git $ Revision branch []
mco <- traverse (getCommitMaybe git) mref
let mtime = fmap (personTime . commitCommitter) (join mco)
return $ fromMaybe (error "mtime is Nothing") mtime
-- | Determine the time of the last commit in any branch for a given repo
lastChange :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe DateTime)
lastChange path = withRepo (fromString path) $ \ git -> do
--TODO add a better intro to json-state, the docs are bad there
names <- branchList git
times <- traverse (lastBranchChange git) $ map refNameRaw $ toList names
let datetimes = map timeConvert times
return $ if null datetimes
then Nothing
else Just $ maximum datetimes
showPeriod :: Period -> Text
showPeriod (Period 0 0 d) = T.pack (show d) <> " days"
showPeriod (Period 0 m _) = T.pack (show m) <> " months"
showPeriod (Period y _ _) = T.pack (show y) <> " years"
showDuration :: Duration -> Text
showDuration (Duration (Hours h) (Minutes m) (Seconds s) _) =
case (h, m, s) of
(0, 0, 0) -> "now"
(0, 0, _) -> T.pack (show s) <> " seconds"
(0, _, _) -> T.pack (show m) <> " minutes"
_ -> T.pack (show h) <> " hours"
showAgo :: Period -> Duration -> Text
showAgo (Period 0 0 0) d = showDuration d
showAgo p _ = showPeriod p
fromSec :: Seconds -> (Period, Duration)
fromSec sec =
let d = 3600 * 24
m = 30 * d
y = 365 * d
fs (Seconds n) = fromIntegral n
(years, yrest) = sec `divMod` Seconds y
(months, mrest) = yrest `divMod` Seconds m
(days, drest) = mrest `divMod` Seconds d
in (Period (fs years) (fs months) (fs days), fst $ fromSeconds drest)
timeAgo :: DateTime -> IO Text
timeAgo dt = do
now <- dateCurrent
return $ timeAgo' now dt
timeAgo' :: DateTime -> DateTime -> Text
timeAgo' now dt =
let sec = timeDiff now dt
(period, duration) = fromSec sec
in showAgo period duration
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ where
import Vervis.Import hiding (on)
import Vervis.Import hiding (on)
import Database.Esqueleto hiding ((==.))
import Database.Esqueleto hiding ((==.))
import Vervis.Git
import Vervis.GitOld
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E ((==.))
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E ((==.))
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ import Data.Git.Local
import Text.FilePath.Local (breakExt)
import Text.FilePath.Local (breakExt)
import Vervis.Form.Repo
import Vervis.Form.Repo
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Git (timeAgo')
import Vervis.GitOld (timeAgo')
import Vervis.Path
import Vervis.Path
import Vervis.MediaType (chooseMediaType)
import Vervis.MediaType (chooseMediaType)
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model
@ -74,11 +74,14 @@ import Vervis.Model.Repo
import Vervis.Readme
import Vervis.Readme
import Vervis.Render
import Vervis.Render
import Vervis.Settings
import Vervis.Settings
import Vervis.SourceTree
import Vervis.Style
import Vervis.Style
import qualified Darcs.Local as D (createRepo)
import qualified Darcs.Local as D (createRepo)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Git.Local as G (createRepo)
import qualified Data.Git.Local as G (createRepo)
import qualified Vervis.Darcs as D (readSourceView)
import qualified Vervis.Git as G (readSourceView)
getReposR :: Text -> Handler Html
getReposR :: Text -> Handler Html
getReposR user = do
getReposR user = do
@ -136,62 +139,19 @@ getRepoR user repo = do
Entity sid _s <- getBy404 $ UniqueSharerIdent user
Entity sid _s <- getBy404 $ UniqueSharerIdent user
Entity _rid r <- getBy404 $ UniqueRepo repo sid
Entity _rid r <- getBy404 $ UniqueRepo repo sid
return r
return r
getRepoSource repository user repo (repoMainBranch repository) []
case repoVcs repository of
VCSDarcs -> getDarcsRepoSource repository user repo []
VCSGit ->
repository user repo (repoMainBranch repository) []
data SourceView a
getDarcsRepoSource :: Repo -> Text -> Text -> [Text] -> Handler Html
= DirectoryView (Maybe Text) TreeRows (Maybe (Text, a))
getDarcsRepoSource repository user repo dir = do
| FileView Text a
:: Git
-> Text
-> [Text]
-> IO (Set RefName, Set RefName, Maybe (SourceView BL.ByteString))
loadSourceView git refT dir = do
branches <- branchList git
tags <- tagList git
let refS = unpack refT
refN = RefName refS
msv <- if refN `S.member` branches || refN `S.member` tags
then do
tipOid <- resolveName git refS
mtree <- resolveTreeish git $ unObjId tipOid
case mtree of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just tree -> do
let dir' = map (entName . encodeUtf8) dir
view <- viewPath git tree dir'
Just <$> case view of
RootView rows -> do
mreadme <- findReadme git rows
return $ DirectoryView Nothing rows mreadme
TreeView name _ rows -> do
mreadme <- findReadme git rows
return $ DirectoryView (Just name) rows mreadme
BlobView name _ body -> return $ FileView name body
else return Nothing
return (branches, tags, msv)
renderSources :: [Text] -> SourceView BL.ByteString -> SourceView Widget
renderSources dir (DirectoryView mname rows mreadme) =
case mreadme of
Nothing -> DirectoryView mname rows Nothing
Just (name, body) ->
DirectoryView mname rows $ Just (name, renderReadme dir name body)
renderSources dir (FileView name body) =
let parent = init dir
(base, ext) = breakExt name
mediaType = chooseMediaType parent base ext () ()
in FileView name $ renderSourceBL mediaType body
getRepoSource :: Repo -> Text -> Text -> Text -> [Text] -> Handler Html
getRepoSource repository user repo ref dir = do
path <- askRepoDir user repo
path <- askRepoDir user repo
let toText = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
--let toText = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
toTextL = L.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
-- toTextL = L.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
(branches, tags, msv) <- liftIO $ withRepo (fromString path) $ \ git ->
msv <- liftIO $ D.readSourceView path dir
loadSourceView git ref dir
case msv of
case renderSources dir <$> msv of
Nothing -> notFound
Nothing -> notFound
Just sv -> do
Just sv -> do
let parent = if null dir then [] else init dir
let parent = if null dir then [] else init dir
@ -199,15 +159,35 @@ getRepoSource repository user repo ref dir = do
defaultLayout $ do
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle $ toHtml $ intercalate " > " $
setTitle $ toHtml $ intercalate " > " $
["Vervis", "People", user, "Repos", repo]
["Vervis", "People", user, "Repos", repo]
$(widgetFile "repo/source")
$(widgetFile "repo/source-darcs")
getRepoSourceR :: Text -> Text -> Text -> [Text] -> Handler Html
getGitRepoSource :: Repo -> Text -> Text -> Text -> [Text] -> Handler Html
getRepoSourceR user repo ref dir = do
getGitRepoSource repository user repo ref dir = do
path <- askRepoDir user repo
--let toText = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
-- toTextL = L.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
(branches, tags, msv) <- liftIO $ G.readSourceView path ref dir
case msv of
Nothing -> notFound
Just sv -> do
let parent = if null dir then [] else init dir
dirs = zip parent (tail $ inits parent)
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle $ toHtml $ intercalate " > " $
["Vervis", "People", user, "Repos", repo]
$(widgetFile "repo/source-git")
getRepoSourceR :: Text -> Text -> [Text] -> Handler Html
getRepoSourceR user repo refdir = do
repository <- runDB $ do
repository <- runDB $ do
Entity sid _s <- getBy404 $ UniqueSharerIdent user
Entity sid _s <- getBy404 $ UniqueSharerIdent user
Entity _rid r <- getBy404 $ UniqueRepo repo sid
Entity _rid r <- getBy404 $ UniqueRepo repo sid
return r
return r
getRepoSource repository user repo ref dir
case repoVcs repository of
VCSDarcs -> getDarcsRepoSource repository user repo refdir
VCSGit -> case refdir of
[] -> notFound
(ref:dir) -> getGitRepoSource repository user repo ref dir
getRepoCommitsR :: Text -> Text -> Handler Html
getRepoCommitsR :: Text -> Text -> Handler Html
getRepoCommitsR user repo = do
getRepoCommitsR user repo = do
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-- | Tools for rendering README files in repository tree view.
-- | Tools for rendering README files in repository tree view.
module Vervis.Readme
module Vervis.Readme
( findReadme
( isReadme
, renderReadme
, renderReadme
@ -43,21 +43,6 @@ isReadme file =
let basename = takeWhile (not . isExtSeparator) file
let basename = takeWhile (not . isExtSeparator) file
in toCaseFold "readme" == toCaseFold basename
in toCaseFold "readme" == toCaseFold basename
-- | Find a README file in a directory. Return the filename and the file
-- content.
findReadme :: Git -> TreeRows -> IO (Maybe (Text, ByteString))
findReadme git rows = go rows
go [] = return Nothing
go ((_perm, oid, name, ref) : es) =
if isReadme name
then do
obj <- getObject_ git (unObjId oid) True
case obj of
ObjBlob b -> return $ Just (name, blobGetContent b)
_ -> go es
else go es
-- | Render README content into a widget for inclusion in a page.
-- | Render README content into a widget for inclusion in a page.
renderReadme :: [Text] -> Text -> ByteString -> Widget
renderReadme :: [Text] -> Text -> ByteString -> Widget
renderReadme dir name content =
renderReadme dir name content =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <>.
-- | A representation of a node (file or directory) in a file tree managed by
-- version control.
module Vervis.SourceTree
( EntryType (..)
, EntryName
, DirEntry (..)
, DirectoryView (..)
, FileView (..)
, SourceView (..)
, renderSources
import Prelude
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
import Text.FilePath.Local (breakExt)
import Vervis.Foundation (Widget)
import Vervis.MediaType (chooseMediaType)
import Vervis.Readme (renderReadme)
import Vervis.Render (renderSourceBL)
data EntryType = TypeBlob | TypeTree
type EntryName = Text
data DirEntry = DirEntry
{ deType :: EntryType
, deName :: EntryName
-- , deHash :: B.ByteString
data DirectoryView a = DirectoryView
{ dvName :: Maybe EntryName
, dvEntries :: [DirEntry]
, dvReadme :: Maybe (EntryName, a)
data FileView a = FileView
{ fvName :: EntryName
, fvContent :: a
data SourceView a
= SourceDir (DirectoryView a)
| SourceFile (FileView a)
renderSources :: [EntryName] -> SourceView BL.ByteString -> SourceView Widget
renderSources dir (SourceDir (DirectoryView mname rows mreadme)) =
SourceDir $ case mreadme of
Nothing -> DirectoryView mname rows Nothing
Just (name, body) ->
DirectoryView mname rows $ Just (name, renderReadme dir name body)
renderSources dir (SourceFile (FileView name body)) =
let parent = init dir
(base, ext) = breakExt name
mediaType = chooseMediaType parent base ext () ()
in SourceFile $ FileView name $ renderSourceBL mediaType body
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
$# This file is part of Vervis.
$# Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <>.
$# ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
$# The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
$# rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
$# distributed without any warranty.
$# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
$# with this software. If not, see
$# <>.
$maybe desc <- repoDesc repository
<a href=@{RepoCommitsR user repo}>Commits
$forall (piece, piecePath) <- dirs
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo piecePath}>#{piece}
/ #
$case sv
$of SourceFile (FileView name body)
$of SourceDir (DirectoryView mname ents mreadme)
<h2>#{fromMaybe "Files" mname}
$forall DirEntry type' name <- ents
$case type'
$of TypeBlob
$of TypeTree
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo (dir ++ [name])}>
$maybe (readmeName, readmeWidget) <- mreadme
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
/* This file is part of Vervis.
* Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <>.
* ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
* The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
* rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
* distributed without any warranty.
* You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
* with this software. If not, see
* <>.
/* Comment */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Error */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Keyword */
color: #{dark magenta}
/* Comment.Multiline */
color: #{dark blue}
/* Comment.Preproc */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Comment.Single */
color: #{dark blue}
/* Comment.Special */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Generic.Deleted */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Generic.Emph */
font-style: italic
/* Generic.Error */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Generic.Heading */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Generic.Inserted */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Generic.Output */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Generic.Prompt */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Generic.Strong */
font-weight: bold
/* Generic.Subheading */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Generic.Traceback */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Keyword.Constant */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Keyword.Declaration */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Keyword.Namespace */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Keyword.Pseudo */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Keyword.Reserved */
color: #{dark green}
/* Keyword.Type */
color: #{plain}
/* Literal.Number */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String */
color: #{dark red}
/* Name.Attribute */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Builtin */
color: #{plain}
/* Name.Class */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Constant */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Decorator */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Exception */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Function */
color: #{plain}
/* Name.Label */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Namespace */
color: #{plain}
/* Name.Property */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Tag */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Variable */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Operator.Word */
color: #{dark yellow}
/* Text.Whitespace */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.Number.Float */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.Number.Hex */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.Number.Integer */
color: #{dark red}
/* Literal.Number.Oct */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String.Backtick */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String.Char */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String.Doc */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String.Double */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String.Escape */
color: #{dark magenta}
/* Literal.String.Heredoc */
color: #dd2200
background-color: #fff0f0
/* Literal.String.Interpol */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String.Other */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String.Regex */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String.Single */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.String.Symbol */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Variable.Class */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Variable.Global */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Name.Variable.Instance */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
/* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
color: #ff0000
background-color: #ffffff
@ -21,44 +21,44 @@ $maybe desc <- repoDesc repository
$forall RefName branch <- branches
$forall branch <- branches
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo (pack branch) []}>#{branch}
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo [branch]}>#{branch}
$forall RefName tag <- tags
$forall tag <- tags
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo (pack tag) []}>#{tag}
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo [tag]}>#{tag}
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo ref []}>#{ref}
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo [ref]}>#{ref}
:: #
:: #
$forall (piece, piecePath) <- dirs
$forall (piece, piecePath) <- dirs
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo ref piecePath}>#{piece}
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo (ref : piecePath)}>#{piece}
/ #
/ #
$case sv
$case sv
$of FileView name body
$of SourceFile (FileView name body)
$of DirectoryView mname rows mreadme
$of SourceDir (DirectoryView mname ents mreadme)
<h2>#{fromMaybe "Files" mname}
<h2>#{fromMaybe "Files" mname}
$forall (_perm, _oid, name, type') <- rows
$forall DirEntry type' name <- ents
$case type'
$case type'
$of EntObjBlob
$of TypeBlob
$of EntObjTree
$of TypeTree
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo ref (dir ++ [name])}>
<a href=@{RepoSourceR user repo (ref : (dir ++ [name]))}>
$maybe (readmeName, readmeWidget) <- mreadme
$maybe (readmeName, readmeWidget) <- mreadme
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ library
@ -58,15 +59,7 @@ library
@ -76,7 +69,17 @@ library
@ -100,9 +103,9 @@ library
build-depends: aeson
build-depends: aeson
, attoparsec
, attoparsec
, base
, base
, base64-bytestring
-- for Data.Binary.Local
-- for Data.Binary.Local
, binary
, binary
, base64-bytestring
, blaze-html
, blaze-html
, byteable
, byteable
, bytestring
, bytestring
@ -111,6 +114,9 @@ library
, classy-prelude-conduit
, classy-prelude-conduit
, conduit
, conduit
, containers
, containers
-- for Storage.Hashed because hashed-storage seems
-- unmaintained and darcs has its own copy
, darcs
, data-default
, data-default
, directory
, directory
-- for Data.Git.Local
-- for Data.Git.Local
Add table
Reference in a new issue