S2S: Repos now accept remotely hosted patches via Create/Ticket
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 197 additions and 97 deletions
@ -372,6 +372,8 @@ handleRepoInbox shrRecip rpRecip now auth body = do
case obj of
CreateNote note ->
(,Nothing) <$> repoCreateNoteF now shrRecip rpRecip remoteAuthor body mfwd luActivity note
CreateTicket ticket ->
(,Nothing) <$> repoCreateTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip remoteAuthor body mfwd luActivity ticket mtarget
_ -> error "Unsupported create object type for repos"
FollowActivity follow ->
(,Nothing) <$> repoFollowF shrRecip rpRecip now remoteAuthor body mfwd luActivity follow
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Vervis.Federation.Ticket
, sharerCreateTicketF
, projectCreateTicketF
, repoCreateTicketF
, sharerOfferDepF
, projectOfferDepF
@ -776,6 +777,124 @@ sharerCreateTicketF now shrRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTarget = do
unless (isJust mr) $ throwE "Local context: No such repo"
checkTargetAndContextDB (Right _) = return ()
:: (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend txl SqlBackend)
=> (TicketContextLocalId -> txl)
-> RemoteAuthor
-> LocalURI
-> UTCTime
-> TextHtml
-> TextHtml
-> TextPandocMarkdown
-> RemoteActivityId
-> OutboxItemId
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either Bool ())
insertRemoteTicket mktxl author luTicket published summary content source ractidCreate obiidAccept = do
tid <- insert Ticket
{ ticketNumber = Nothing
, ticketCreated = published
, ticketTitle = unTextHtml summary
, ticketSource = unTextPandocMarkdown source
, ticketDescription = unTextHtml content
, ticketAssignee = Nothing
, ticketStatus = TSNew
, ticketClosed = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0
, ticketCloser = Nothing
tclid <- insert TicketContextLocal
{ ticketContextLocalTicket = tid
, ticketContextLocalAccept = obiidAccept
txlid <- insert $ mktxl tclid
mtarid <- insertUnique TicketAuthorRemote
{ ticketAuthorRemoteTicket = tclid
, ticketAuthorRemoteAuthor = remoteAuthorId author
, ticketAuthorRemoteOpen = ractidCreate
case mtarid of
Nothing -> do
delete txlid
delete tclid
delete tid
return $ Left False
Just tarid -> do
roid <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy' RemoteObject
{ remoteObjectInstance = remoteAuthorInstance author
, remoteObjectIdent = luTicket
did <- insert Discussion
(rdid, rdnew) <- idAndNew <$> insertBy' RemoteDiscussion
{ remoteDiscussionIdent = roid
, remoteDiscussionDiscuss = did
unless rdnew $ delete did
mrtid <- insertUnique RemoteTicket
{ remoteTicketTicket = tarid
, remoteTicketIdent = roid
, remoteTicketDiscuss = rdid
case mrtid of
Nothing -> do
delete tarid
delete txlid
delete tclid
delete tid
return $ Left True
Just _rtid -> return $ Right ()
insertAcceptOnCreate collections outboxItemRoute actorRoute author luCreate tlocal obiidAccept = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthorAndTicket =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] $ catMaybes
[ remoteActorFollowers ra
, Just $ AP.ticketParticipants tlocal
audProject = AudLocal [] collections
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audAuthorAndTicket, audProject]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ outboxItemRoute obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal actorRoute
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luCreate
, acceptResult = Nothing
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
insertAcceptOnCreate_J shr prj =
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj
(ProjectOutboxItemR shr prj)
(ProjectR shr prj)
insertAcceptOnCreate_R shr rp =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shr rp
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shr rp
(RepoOutboxItemR shr rp)
(RepoR shr rp)
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
@ -797,7 +916,8 @@ projectCreateTicketF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTa
mractid <- insertToInbox now author body (projectInbox j) luCreate False
for mractid $ \ ractid -> do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (projectOutbox j) now
result <- insertTicket jid author (AP.ticketId tlocal) published title desc src ractid obiidAccept
let makeTPL tclid = TicketProjectLocal tclid jid
result <- insertRemoteTicket makeTPL author (AP.ticketId tlocal) published title desc src ractid obiidAccept
unless (isRight result) $ delete obiidAccept
for result $ \ () -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
@ -814,7 +934,7 @@ projectCreateTicketF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTa
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_J (actbBL body) ractid jid sig remoteRecips
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept shrRecip prjRecip author luCreate tlocal obiidAccept
insertAcceptOnCreate_J shrRecip prjRecip author luCreate tlocal obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
@ -847,102 +967,80 @@ projectCreateTicketF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTa
targetRelevance (Left (_, WTTProject shr prj))
| shr == shrRecip && prj == prjRecip = Just ()
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
insertTicket jid author luTicket published summary content source ractidCreate obiidAccept = do
tid <- insert Ticket
{ ticketNumber = Nothing
, ticketCreated = published
, ticketTitle = unTextHtml summary
, ticketSource = unTextPandocMarkdown source
, ticketDescription = unTextHtml content
, ticketAssignee = Nothing
, ticketStatus = TSNew
, ticketClosed = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0
, ticketCloser = Nothing
tclid <- insert TicketContextLocal
{ ticketContextLocalTicket = tid
, ticketContextLocalAccept = obiidAccept
tplid <- insert TicketProjectLocal
{ ticketProjectLocalContext = tclid
, ticketProjectLocalProject = jid
mtarid <- insertUnique TicketAuthorRemote
{ ticketAuthorRemoteTicket = tclid
, ticketAuthorRemoteAuthor = remoteAuthorId author
, ticketAuthorRemoteOpen = ractidCreate
case mtarid of
Nothing -> do
delete tplid
delete tclid
delete tid
return $ Left False
Just tarid -> do
roid <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy' RemoteObject
{ remoteObjectInstance = remoteAuthorInstance author
, remoteObjectIdent = luTicket
did <- insert Discussion
(rdid, rdnew) <- idAndNew <$> insertBy' RemoteDiscussion
{ remoteDiscussionIdent = roid
, remoteDiscussionDiscuss = did
unless rdnew $ delete did
mrtid <- insertUnique RemoteTicket
{ remoteTicketTicket = tarid
, remoteTicketIdent = roid
, remoteTicketDiscuss = rdid
case mrtid of
Nothing -> do
delete tarid
delete tplid
delete tclid
delete tid
return $ Left True
Just _rtid -> return $ Right ()
insertAccept shr prj author luCreate tlocal obiidAccept = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthorAndTicket =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] $ catMaybes
[ remoteActorFollowers ra
, Just $ AP.ticketParticipants tlocal
audProject =
AudLocal []
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audAuthorAndTicket, audProject]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
ProjectOutboxItemR shr prj obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR shr prj
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luCreate
, acceptResult = Nothing
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> Maybe FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
repoCreateTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTarget = do
ParsedCreateTicket targetAndContext tlocal published title desc src <-
checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget
mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance targetAndContext) $ \ (mb, vcs, _diff) -> runDBExcept $ do
Entity rid r <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueRepo rpRecip sid
unless (repoVcs r == vcs) $ throwE "Patch type and repo VCS mismatch"
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox now author body (repoInbox r) luCreate False
lift $ for mractid $ \ ractid -> do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (repoOutbox r) now
let mkTRL tclid = TicketRepoLocal tclid rid mb
result <- insertRemoteTicket mkTRL author (AP.ticketId tlocal) published title desc src ractid obiidAccept
unless (isRight result) $ delete obiidAccept
for result $ \ () -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
let sieve =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_R (actbBL body) ractid rid sig remoteRecips
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAcceptOnCreate_R shrRecip rpRecip author luCreate tlocal obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorRepo shrRecip rpRecip)
(repoInbox r)
(mremotesHttpFwd,obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
case mmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Create/MR against different repo, not using"
Just mhttp ->
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "Activity already in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just e ->
case e of
Left False -> return "Already have a MR opened by this activity, ignoring"
Left True -> return "Already have this MR, ignoring"
Right (mremotesHttpFwd, obiid, doc, fwdHosts, remotes) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "repoCreateTicketF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_R now shrRecip rpRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
forkWorker "repoCreateTicketF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc remotes
return $
case mremotesHttpFwd of
Nothing -> "Accepted and listed MR, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted and listed MR and ran inbox-forwarding of the Create"
targetRelevance (Left (_, WTTRepo shr rp mb vcs diff))
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just (mb, vcs, diff)
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
:: UTCTime
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