2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2019 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
-- | A typeclass providing a subset of what 'HandlerFor' does, allowing to
-- write monadic actions that can run both inside a request handler and outside
-- of the web server context.
module Yesod.MonadSite
( Site (..)
, MonadSite (..)
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
, askUrlRender
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
, asksSite
, runSiteDB
, WorkerT ()
, runWorkerT
, WorkerFor
, runWorker
2019-05-10 06:36:21 +02:00
, forkWorker
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
, asyncWorker
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
2019-09-25 12:43:05 +02:00
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Functor
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist.Sql
import UnliftIO.Async
import UnliftIO.Concurrent
2019-05-10 06:36:21 +02:00
import Yesod.Core hiding (logError)
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
import Yesod.Core.Types
import Yesod.Persist.Core
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy as RWSL
2019-05-10 06:36:21 +02:00
import qualified Data.Text as T
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
class PersistConfig (SitePersistConfig site) => Site site where
type SitePersistConfig site
siteApproot :: site -> Text
sitePersistConfig :: site -> SitePersistConfig site
sitePersistPool :: site -> PersistConfigPool (SitePersistConfig site)
siteLogger :: site -> Logger
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
class (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => MonadSite m where
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
type SiteEnv m
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
askSite :: m (SiteEnv m)
askUrlRenderParams :: m (Route (SiteEnv m) -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text)
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
forkSite :: (SomeException -> m ()) -> m () -> m ()
asyncSite :: m a -> m (m (Either SomeException a))
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
askUrlRender :: MonadSite m => m (Route (SiteEnv m) -> Text)
askUrlRender = do
render <- askUrlRenderParams
return $ \ route -> render route []
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
instance MonadSite m => MonadSite (ReaderT r m) where
type SiteEnv (ReaderT r m) = SiteEnv m
askSite = lift askSite
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
askUrlRenderParams = lift askUrlRenderParams
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
2019-09-25 12:43:05 +02:00
instance MonadSite m => MonadSite (MaybeT m) where
type SiteEnv (MaybeT m) = SiteEnv m
askSite = lift askSite
askUrlRenderParams = lift askUrlRenderParams
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
instance MonadSite m => MonadSite (ExceptT e m) where
type SiteEnv (ExceptT e m) = SiteEnv m
askSite = lift askSite
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
askUrlRenderParams = lift askUrlRenderParams
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
instance (Monoid w, MonadSite m) => MonadSite (RWSL.RWST r w s m) where
type SiteEnv (RWSL.RWST r w s m) = SiteEnv m
askSite = lift askSite
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
askUrlRenderParams = lift askUrlRenderParams
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
asksSite :: MonadSite m => (SiteEnv m -> a) -> m a
asksSite f = f <$> askSite
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadSite m, Site (SiteEnv m))
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
=> PersistConfigBackend (SitePersistConfig (SiteEnv m)) m a
-> m a
runSiteDB action = do
site <- askSite
runPool (sitePersistConfig site) action (sitePersistPool site)
instance MonadSite (HandlerFor site) where
type SiteEnv (HandlerFor site) = site
askSite = getYesod
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
askUrlRenderParams = getUrlRenderParams
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
forkSite = forkHandler
asyncSite action = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
let handle e = putMVar mvar $ Left e
forkHandler handle $ do
result <- action
putMVar mvar $ Right result
return $ liftIO $ readMVar mvar
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
instance MonadSite (WidgetFor site) where
type SiteEnv (WidgetFor site) = site
askSite = getYesod
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
askUrlRenderParams = getUrlRenderParams
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
newtype WorkerT site m a = WorkerT
{ unWorkerT :: LoggingT (ReaderT site m) a
( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFail, MonadIO, MonadLogger
, MonadLoggerIO
instance MonadUnliftIO m => MonadUnliftIO (WorkerT site m) where
askUnliftIO =
WorkerT $ withUnliftIO $ \ u ->
return $ UnliftIO $ unliftIO u . unWorkerT
withRunInIO inner =
WorkerT $ withRunInIO $ \ run -> inner (run . unWorkerT)
instance MonadTrans (WorkerT site) where
lift = WorkerT . lift . lift
instance (MonadUnliftIO m, Yesod site, Site site) => MonadSite (WorkerT site m) where
type SiteEnv (WorkerT site m) = site
askSite = WorkerT $ lift ask
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
askUrlRenderParams = do
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
site <- askSite
2019-06-15 18:24:34 +02:00
return $ yesodRender site (siteApproot site)
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
forkSite handler action = void $ forkFinally action handler'
handler' (Left e) = handler e
handler' (Right _) = pure ()
asyncSite action = waitCatch <$> async action
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
2019-04-18 12:38:01 +02:00
runWorkerT :: (Yesod site, Site site) => WorkerT site m a -> site -> m a
runWorkerT (WorkerT action) site = runReaderT (runLoggingT action logFunc) site
logFunc = messageLoggerSource site (siteLogger site)
type WorkerFor site = WorkerT site IO
runWorker :: (Yesod site, Site site) => WorkerFor site a -> site -> IO a
runWorker = runWorkerT
2019-05-10 06:36:21 +02:00
:: (MonadSite m, Yesod site, Site site, SiteEnv m ~ site)
=> Text
-> WorkerFor site ()
-> m ()
forkWorker err worker = do
site <- askSite
void $ liftIO $ forkFinally (runWorker worker site) (handler site)
handler site r = flip runWorker site $
case r of
Left e ->
logError $
"Worker thread threw exception: " <> err <> ": " <>
T.pack (displayException e)
Right _ -> return ()
Yesod.MonadSite module gets some nice upgrades
- Fork and async are no longer class methods, which simplifies things a lot and
allows for many more trivial instances, much like with MonadHandler. Fork and
async are still available, but instead of unnecessarily being class methods,
they are now provided as follows: You can fork and async a worker (no more
fork/async for handler, because I never actually need that, and not sure
there's ever a need for that in general), and you can do that from any
MonadSite. So, you can fork or async a worker from a Handler, from a Worker,
from a ReaderT on top of them e.g. inside runDB, and so on.
- Following the simplification, new MonadSite instances are provided, so far
just the ones in actual use in the code. ReaderT, ExceptT and lazy RWST. More
can be added easily. Oh, and WidgetFor got an instance too.
In particular, this change means there's no usage of `forkHandler` anymore, at
all. I wonder if it ever makes a difference to `forkWorker` versus
`forkHandler`. Like, does it cause memory leaks or anything. I guess could
check why `forkResource` etc. is good for in `forkHandler` implementation. I
suppose if needed, I could fix possible memory leaks in `forkWorker`.
2019-06-14 19:10:12 +02:00
:: (MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ site, Yesod site, Site site)
=> WorkerFor site a
-> m (m (Either SomeException a))
asyncWorker worker = do
site <- askSite
liftIO $ waitCatch <$> async (runWorker worker site)