9483 lines
341 KiB
9483 lines
341 KiB
var bm = Object.create;
var Mt = Object.defineProperty;
var vm = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var Em = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var Tm = Object.getPrototypeOf, Rm = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var n = (r, e) => Mt(r, "name", { value: e, configurable: !0 }), qr = /* @__PURE__ */ ((r) => typeof require < "u" ? require : typeof Proxy <
"u" ? new Proxy(r, {
get: (e, t) => (typeof require < "u" ? require : e)[t]
}) : r)(function(r) {
if (typeof require < "u") return require.apply(this, arguments);
throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + r + '" is not supported');
var d = (r, e) => () => (e || r((e = { exports: {} }).exports, e), e.exports), Ce = (r, e) => {
for (var t in e)
Mt(r, t, { get: e[t], enumerable: !0 });
}, Am = (r, e, t, o) => {
if (e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function")
for (let a of Em(e))
!Rm.call(r, a) && a !== t && Mt(r, a, { get: () => e[a], enumerable: !(o = vm(e, a)) || o.enumerable });
return r;
var Y = (r, e, t) => (t = r != null ? bm(Tm(r)) : {}, Am(
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
e || !r || !r.__esModule ? Mt(t, "default", { value: r, enumerable: !0 }) : t,
// ../node_modules/memoizerific/memoizerific.js
var Ht = d((ps, _n) => {
(function(r) {
if (typeof ps == "object" && typeof _n < "u")
_n.exports = r();
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd)
define([], r);
else {
var e;
typeof window < "u" ? e = window : typeof global < "u" ? e = global : typeof self < "u" ? e = self : e = this, e.memoizerific = r();
})(function() {
var r, e, t;
return (/* @__PURE__ */ n(function o(a, i, s) {
function c(p, h) {
if (!i[p]) {
if (!a[p]) {
var y = typeof qr == "function" && qr;
if (!h && y) return y(p, !0);
if (l) return l(p, !0);
var g = new Error("Cannot find module '" + p + "'");
throw g.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", g;
var m = i[p] = { exports: {} };
a[p][0].call(m.exports, function(b) {
var S = a[p][1][b];
return c(S || b);
}, m, m.exports, o, a, i, s);
return i[p].exports;
n(c, "s");
for (var l = typeof qr == "function" && qr, u = 0; u < s.length; u++) c(s[u]);
return c;
}, "e"))({ 1: [function(o, a, i) {
a.exports = function(s) {
if (typeof Map != "function" || s) {
var c = o("./similar");
return new c();
} else
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
}, { "./similar": 2 }], 2: [function(o, a, i) {
function s() {
return this.list = [], this.lastItem = void 0, this.size = 0, this;
n(s, "Similar"), s.prototype.get = function(c) {
var l;
if (this.lastItem && this.isEqual(this.lastItem.key, c))
return this.lastItem.val;
if (l = this.indexOf(c), l >= 0)
return this.lastItem = this.list[l], this.list[l].val;
}, s.prototype.set = function(c, l) {
var u;
return this.lastItem && this.isEqual(this.lastItem.key, c) ? (this.lastItem.val = l, this) : (u = this.indexOf(c), u >= 0 ? (this.lastItem =
this.list[u], this.list[u].val = l, this) : (this.lastItem = { key: c, val: l }, this.list.push(this.lastItem), this.size++, this));
}, s.prototype.delete = function(c) {
var l;
if (this.lastItem && this.isEqual(this.lastItem.key, c) && (this.lastItem = void 0), l = this.indexOf(c), l >= 0)
return this.size--, this.list.splice(l, 1)[0];
}, s.prototype.has = function(c) {
var l;
return this.lastItem && this.isEqual(this.lastItem.key, c) ? !0 : (l = this.indexOf(c), l >= 0 ? (this.lastItem = this.list[l], !0) :
}, s.prototype.forEach = function(c, l) {
var u;
for (u = 0; u < this.size; u++)
c.call(l || this, this.list[u].val, this.list[u].key, this);
}, s.prototype.indexOf = function(c) {
var l;
for (l = 0; l < this.size; l++)
if (this.isEqual(this.list[l].key, c))
return l;
return -1;
}, s.prototype.isEqual = function(c, l) {
return c === l || c !== c && l !== l;
}, a.exports = s;
}, {}], 3: [function(o, a, i) {
var s = o("map-or-similar");
a.exports = function(p) {
var h = new s(!1), y = [];
return function(g) {
var m = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
var b = h, S, w, E = arguments.length - 1, v = Array(E + 1), x = !0, R;
if ((m.numArgs || m.numArgs === 0) && m.numArgs !== E + 1)
throw new Error("Memoizerific functions should always be called with the same number of arguments");
for (R = 0; R < E; R++) {
if (v[R] = {
cacheItem: b,
arg: arguments[R]
}, b.has(arguments[R])) {
b = b.get(arguments[R]);
x = !1, S = new s(!1), b.set(arguments[R], S), b = S;
return x && (b.has(arguments[E]) ? w = b.get(arguments[E]) : x = !1), x || (w = g.apply(null, arguments), b.set(arguments[E], w)),
p > 0 && (v[E] = {
cacheItem: b,
arg: arguments[E]
}, x ? c(y, v) : y.push(v), y.length > p && l(y.shift())), m.wasMemoized = x, m.numArgs = E + 1, w;
}, "memoizerific");
return m.limit = p, m.wasMemoized = !1, m.cache = h, m.lru = y, m;
function c(p, h) {
var y = p.length, g = h.length, m, b, S;
for (b = 0; b < y; b++) {
for (m = !0, S = 0; S < g; S++)
if (!u(p[b][S].arg, h[S].arg)) {
m = !1;
if (m)
p.push(p.splice(b, 1)[0]);
n(c, "moveToMostRecentLru");
function l(p) {
var h = p.length, y = p[h - 1], g, m;
for (y.cacheItem.delete(y.arg), m = h - 2; m >= 0 && (y = p[m], g = y.cacheItem.get(y.arg), !g || !g.size); m--)
n(l, "removeCachedResult");
function u(p, h) {
return p === h || p !== p && h !== h;
n(u, "isEqual");
}, { "map-or-similar": 1 }] }, {}, [3])(3);
// ../node_modules/lodash/_freeGlobal.js
var ma = d((gD, Ws) => {
var Xb = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global;
Ws.exports = Xb;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_root.js
var ie = d((SD, zs) => {
var Jb = ma(), Qb = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, Zb = Jb || Qb || Function("return this")();
zs.exports = Zb;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_Symbol.js
var ir = d((bD, Ys) => {
var ev = ie(), rv = ev.Symbol;
Ys.exports = rv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getRawTag.js
var Qs = d((vD, Js) => {
var Ks = ir(), Xs = Object.prototype, tv = Xs.hasOwnProperty, ov = Xs.toString, at = Ks ? Ks.toStringTag : void 0;
function nv(r) {
var e = tv.call(r, at), t = r[at];
try {
r[at] = void 0;
var o = !0;
} catch {
var a = ov.call(r);
return o && (e ? r[at] = t : delete r[at]), a;
n(nv, "getRawTag");
Js.exports = nv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_objectToString.js
var el = d((TD, Zs) => {
var av = Object.prototype, iv = av.toString;
function sv(r) {
return iv.call(r);
n(sv, "objectToString");
Zs.exports = sv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseGetTag.js
var De = d((AD, ol) => {
var rl = ir(), lv = Qs(), cv = el(), uv = "[object Null]", pv = "[object Undefined]", tl = rl ? rl.toStringTag : void 0;
function dv(r) {
return r == null ? r === void 0 ? pv : uv : tl && tl in Object(r) ? lv(r) : cv(r);
n(dv, "baseGetTag");
ol.exports = dv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isObject.js
var sr = d((xD, nl) => {
function fv(r) {
var e = typeof r;
return r != null && (e == "object" || e == "function");
n(fv, "isObject");
nl.exports = fv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isFunction.js
var ga = d((PD, al) => {
var yv = De(), hv = sr(), mv = "[object AsyncFunction]", gv = "[object Function]", Sv = "[object GeneratorFunction]", bv = "[object Proxy]";
function vv(r) {
if (!hv(r))
return !1;
var e = yv(r);
return e == gv || e == Sv || e == mv || e == bv;
n(vv, "isFunction");
al.exports = vv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_coreJsData.js
var sl = d((CD, il) => {
var Ev = ie(), Tv = Ev["__core-js_shared__"];
il.exports = Tv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_isMasked.js
var ul = d((ID, cl) => {
var Sa = sl(), ll = function() {
var r = /[^.]+$/.exec(Sa && Sa.keys && Sa.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
return r ? "Symbol(src)_1." + r : "";
function Rv(r) {
return !!ll && ll in r;
n(Rv, "isMasked");
cl.exports = Rv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_toSource.js
var ba = d((DD, pl) => {
var Av = Function.prototype, wv = Av.toString;
function xv(r) {
if (r != null) {
try {
return wv.call(r);
} catch {
try {
return r + "";
} catch {
return "";
n(xv, "toSource");
pl.exports = xv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseIsNative.js
var fl = d((qD, dl) => {
var _v = ga(), Pv = ul(), Ov = sr(), Cv = ba(), Iv = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, Fv = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, Dv = Function.prototype, Nv = Object.
prototype, qv = Dv.toString, Lv = Nv.hasOwnProperty, kv = RegExp(
"^" + qv.call(Lv).replace(Iv, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
function Mv(r) {
if (!Ov(r) || Pv(r))
return !1;
var e = _v(r) ? kv : Fv;
return e.test(Cv(r));
n(Mv, "baseIsNative");
dl.exports = Mv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getValue.js
var hl = d((kD, yl) => {
function jv(r, e) {
return r?.[e];
n(jv, "getValue");
yl.exports = jv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getNative.js
var Re = d((jD, ml) => {
var Bv = fl(), Uv = hl();
function Gv(r, e) {
var t = Uv(r, e);
return Bv(t) ? t : void 0;
n(Gv, "getNative");
ml.exports = Gv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_defineProperty.js
var va = d((UD, gl) => {
var Hv = Re(), Vv = function() {
try {
var r = Hv(Object, "defineProperty");
return r({}, "", {}), r;
} catch {
gl.exports = Vv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseAssignValue.js
var Ea = d((GD, bl) => {
var Sl = va();
function $v(r, e, t) {
e == "__proto__" && Sl ? Sl(r, e, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: t,
writable: !0
}) : r[e] = t;
n($v, "baseAssignValue");
bl.exports = $v;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_createBaseFor.js
var El = d((VD, vl) => {
function Wv(r) {
return function(e, t, o) {
for (var a = -1, i = Object(e), s = o(e), c = s.length; c--; ) {
var l = s[r ? c : ++a];
if (t(i[l], l, i) === !1)
return e;
n(Wv, "createBaseFor");
vl.exports = Wv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseFor.js
var Rl = d((WD, Tl) => {
var zv = El(), Yv = zv();
Tl.exports = Yv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseTimes.js
var wl = d((zD, Al) => {
function Kv(r, e) {
for (var t = -1, o = Array(r); ++t < r; )
o[t] = e(t);
return o;
n(Kv, "baseTimes");
Al.exports = Kv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isObjectLike.js
var Ne = d((KD, xl) => {
function Xv(r) {
return r != null && typeof r == "object";
n(Xv, "isObjectLike");
xl.exports = Xv;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseIsArguments.js
var Pl = d((JD, _l) => {
var Jv = De(), Qv = Ne(), Zv = "[object Arguments]";
function eE(r) {
return Qv(r) && Jv(r) == Zv;
n(eE, "baseIsArguments");
_l.exports = eE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isArguments.js
var Zt = d((ZD, Il) => {
var Ol = Pl(), rE = Ne(), Cl = Object.prototype, tE = Cl.hasOwnProperty, oE = Cl.propertyIsEnumerable, nE = Ol(/* @__PURE__ */ function() {
return arguments;
}()) ? Ol : function(r) {
return rE(r) && tE.call(r, "callee") && !oE.call(r, "callee");
Il.exports = nE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isArray.js
var se = d((eN, Fl) => {
var aE = Array.isArray;
Fl.exports = aE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/stubFalse.js
var Nl = d((rN, Dl) => {
function iE() {
return !1;
n(iE, "stubFalse");
Dl.exports = iE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isBuffer.js
var Ta = d((it, lr) => {
var sE = ie(), lE = Nl(), kl = typeof it == "object" && it && !it.nodeType && it, ql = kl && typeof lr == "object" && lr && !lr.nodeType &&
lr, cE = ql && ql.exports === kl, Ll = cE ? sE.Buffer : void 0, uE = Ll ? Ll.isBuffer : void 0, pE = uE || lE;
lr.exports = pE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_isIndex.js
var eo = d((oN, Ml) => {
var dE = 9007199254740991, fE = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
function yE(r, e) {
var t = typeof r;
return e = e ?? dE, !!e && (t == "number" || t != "symbol" && fE.test(r)) && r > -1 && r % 1 == 0 && r < e;
n(yE, "isIndex");
Ml.exports = yE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isLength.js
var ro = d((aN, jl) => {
var hE = 9007199254740991;
function mE(r) {
return typeof r == "number" && r > -1 && r % 1 == 0 && r <= hE;
n(mE, "isLength");
jl.exports = mE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseIsTypedArray.js
var Ul = d((sN, Bl) => {
var gE = De(), SE = ro(), bE = Ne(), vE = "[object Arguments]", EE = "[object Array]", TE = "[object Boolean]", RE = "[object Date]", AE = "\
[object Error]", wE = "[object Function]", xE = "[object Map]", _E = "[object Number]", PE = "[object Object]", OE = "[object RegExp]", CE = "\
[object Set]", IE = "[object String]", FE = "[object WeakMap]", DE = "[object ArrayBuffer]", NE = "[object DataView]", qE = "[object Float32\
Array]", LE = "[object Float64Array]", kE = "[object Int8Array]", ME = "[object Int16Array]", jE = "[object Int32Array]", BE = "[object Uint\
8Array]", UE = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", GE = "[object Uint16Array]", HE = "[object Uint32Array]", L = {};
L[qE] = L[LE] = L[kE] = L[ME] = L[jE] = L[BE] = L[UE] = L[GE] = L[HE] = !0;
L[vE] = L[EE] = L[DE] = L[TE] = L[NE] = L[RE] = L[AE] = L[wE] = L[xE] = L[_E] = L[PE] = L[OE] = L[CE] = L[IE] = L[FE] = !1;
function VE(r) {
return bE(r) && SE(r.length) && !!L[gE(r)];
n(VE, "baseIsTypedArray");
Bl.exports = VE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseUnary.js
var Hl = d((cN, Gl) => {
function $E(r) {
return function(e) {
return r(e);
n($E, "baseUnary");
Gl.exports = $E;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_nodeUtil.js
var $l = d((st, cr) => {
var WE = ma(), Vl = typeof st == "object" && st && !st.nodeType && st, lt = Vl && typeof cr == "object" && cr && !cr.nodeType && cr, zE = lt &&
lt.exports === Vl, Ra = zE && WE.process, YE = function() {
try {
var r = lt && lt.require && lt.require("util").types;
return r || Ra && Ra.binding && Ra.binding("util");
} catch {
cr.exports = YE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isTypedArray.js
var Aa = d((pN, Yl) => {
var KE = Ul(), XE = Hl(), Wl = $l(), zl = Wl && Wl.isTypedArray, JE = zl ? XE(zl) : KE;
Yl.exports = JE;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_arrayLikeKeys.js
var wa = d((dN, Kl) => {
var QE = wl(), ZE = Zt(), eT = se(), rT = Ta(), tT = eo(), oT = Aa(), nT = Object.prototype, aT = nT.hasOwnProperty;
function iT(r, e) {
var t = eT(r), o = !t && ZE(r), a = !t && !o && rT(r), i = !t && !o && !a && oT(r), s = t || o || a || i, c = s ? QE(r.length, String) :
[], l = c.length;
for (var u in r)
(e || aT.call(r, u)) && !(s && // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode.
(u == "length" || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers.
a && (u == "offset" || u == "parent") || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays.
i && (u == "buffer" || u == "byteLength" || u == "byteOffset") || // Skip index properties.
tT(u, l))) && c.push(u);
return c;
n(iT, "arrayLikeKeys");
Kl.exports = iT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_isPrototype.js
var xa = d((yN, Xl) => {
var sT = Object.prototype;
function lT(r) {
var e = r && r.constructor, t = typeof e == "function" && e.prototype || sT;
return r === t;
n(lT, "isPrototype");
Xl.exports = lT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_overArg.js
var _a = d((mN, Jl) => {
function cT(r, e) {
return function(t) {
return r(e(t));
n(cT, "overArg");
Jl.exports = cT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_nativeKeys.js
var Zl = d((SN, Ql) => {
var uT = _a(), pT = uT(Object.keys, Object);
Ql.exports = pT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseKeys.js
var rc = d((bN, ec) => {
var dT = xa(), fT = Zl(), yT = Object.prototype, hT = yT.hasOwnProperty;
function mT(r) {
if (!dT(r))
return fT(r);
var e = [];
for (var t in Object(r))
hT.call(r, t) && t != "constructor" && e.push(t);
return e;
n(mT, "baseKeys");
ec.exports = mT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isArrayLike.js
var Pa = d((EN, tc) => {
var gT = ga(), ST = ro();
function bT(r) {
return r != null && ST(r.length) && !gT(r);
n(bT, "isArrayLike");
tc.exports = bT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/keys.js
var to = d((RN, oc) => {
var vT = wa(), ET = rc(), TT = Pa();
function RT(r) {
return TT(r) ? vT(r) : ET(r);
n(RT, "keys");
oc.exports = RT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseForOwn.js
var ac = d((wN, nc) => {
var AT = Rl(), wT = to();
function xT(r, e) {
return r && AT(r, e, wT);
n(xT, "baseForOwn");
nc.exports = xT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_listCacheClear.js
var sc = d((_N, ic) => {
function _T() {
this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0;
n(_T, "listCacheClear");
ic.exports = _T;
// ../node_modules/lodash/eq.js
var oo = d((ON, lc) => {
function PT(r, e) {
return r === e || r !== r && e !== e;
n(PT, "eq");
lc.exports = PT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_assocIndexOf.js
var ct = d((IN, cc) => {
var OT = oo();
function CT(r, e) {
for (var t = r.length; t--; )
if (OT(r[t][0], e))
return t;
return -1;
n(CT, "assocIndexOf");
cc.exports = CT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_listCacheDelete.js
var pc = d((DN, uc) => {
var IT = ct(), FT = Array.prototype, DT = FT.splice;
function NT(r) {
var e = this.__data__, t = IT(e, r);
if (t < 0)
return !1;
var o = e.length - 1;
return t == o ? e.pop() : DT.call(e, t, 1), --this.size, !0;
n(NT, "listCacheDelete");
uc.exports = NT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_listCacheGet.js
var fc = d((qN, dc) => {
var qT = ct();
function LT(r) {
var e = this.__data__, t = qT(e, r);
return t < 0 ? void 0 : e[t][1];
n(LT, "listCacheGet");
dc.exports = LT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_listCacheHas.js
var hc = d((kN, yc) => {
var kT = ct();
function MT(r) {
return kT(this.__data__, r) > -1;
n(MT, "listCacheHas");
yc.exports = MT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_listCacheSet.js
var gc = d((jN, mc) => {
var jT = ct();
function BT(r, e) {
var t = this.__data__, o = jT(t, r);
return o < 0 ? (++this.size, t.push([r, e])) : t[o][1] = e, this;
n(BT, "listCacheSet");
mc.exports = BT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_ListCache.js
var ut = d((UN, Sc) => {
var UT = sc(), GT = pc(), HT = fc(), VT = hc(), $T = gc();
function ur(r) {
var e = -1, t = r == null ? 0 : r.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < t; ) {
var o = r[e];
this.set(o[0], o[1]);
n(ur, "ListCache");
ur.prototype.clear = UT;
ur.prototype.delete = GT;
ur.prototype.get = HT;
ur.prototype.has = VT;
ur.prototype.set = $T;
Sc.exports = ur;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_stackClear.js
var vc = d((HN, bc) => {
var WT = ut();
function zT() {
this.__data__ = new WT(), this.size = 0;
n(zT, "stackClear");
bc.exports = zT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_stackDelete.js
var Tc = d(($N, Ec) => {
function YT(r) {
var e = this.__data__, t = e.delete(r);
return this.size = e.size, t;
n(YT, "stackDelete");
Ec.exports = YT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_stackGet.js
var Ac = d((zN, Rc) => {
function KT(r) {
return this.__data__.get(r);
n(KT, "stackGet");
Rc.exports = KT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_stackHas.js
var xc = d((KN, wc) => {
function XT(r) {
return this.__data__.has(r);
n(XT, "stackHas");
wc.exports = XT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_Map.js
var no = d((JN, _c) => {
var JT = Re(), QT = ie(), ZT = JT(QT, "Map");
_c.exports = ZT;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_nativeCreate.js
var pt = d((QN, Pc) => {
var eR = Re(), rR = eR(Object, "create");
Pc.exports = rR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_hashClear.js
var Ic = d((ZN, Cc) => {
var Oc = pt();
function tR() {
this.__data__ = Oc ? Oc(null) : {}, this.size = 0;
n(tR, "hashClear");
Cc.exports = tR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_hashDelete.js
var Dc = d((rq, Fc) => {
function oR(r) {
var e = this.has(r) && delete this.__data__[r];
return this.size -= e ? 1 : 0, e;
n(oR, "hashDelete");
Fc.exports = oR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_hashGet.js
var qc = d((oq, Nc) => {
var nR = pt(), aR = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", iR = Object.prototype, sR = iR.hasOwnProperty;
function lR(r) {
var e = this.__data__;
if (nR) {
var t = e[r];
return t === aR ? void 0 : t;
return sR.call(e, r) ? e[r] : void 0;
n(lR, "hashGet");
Nc.exports = lR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_hashHas.js
var kc = d((aq, Lc) => {
var cR = pt(), uR = Object.prototype, pR = uR.hasOwnProperty;
function dR(r) {
var e = this.__data__;
return cR ? e[r] !== void 0 : pR.call(e, r);
n(dR, "hashHas");
Lc.exports = dR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_hashSet.js
var jc = d((sq, Mc) => {
var fR = pt(), yR = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
function hR(r, e) {
var t = this.__data__;
return this.size += this.has(r) ? 0 : 1, t[r] = fR && e === void 0 ? yR : e, this;
n(hR, "hashSet");
Mc.exports = hR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_Hash.js
var Uc = d((cq, Bc) => {
var mR = Ic(), gR = Dc(), SR = qc(), bR = kc(), vR = jc();
function pr(r) {
var e = -1, t = r == null ? 0 : r.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < t; ) {
var o = r[e];
this.set(o[0], o[1]);
n(pr, "Hash");
pr.prototype.clear = mR;
pr.prototype.delete = gR;
pr.prototype.get = SR;
pr.prototype.has = bR;
pr.prototype.set = vR;
Bc.exports = pr;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheClear.js
var Vc = d((pq, Hc) => {
var Gc = Uc(), ER = ut(), TR = no();
function RR() {
this.size = 0, this.__data__ = {
hash: new Gc(),
map: new (TR || ER)(),
string: new Gc()
n(RR, "mapCacheClear");
Hc.exports = RR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_isKeyable.js
var Wc = d((fq, $c) => {
function AR(r) {
var e = typeof r;
return e == "string" || e == "number" || e == "symbol" || e == "boolean" ? r !== "__proto__" : r === null;
n(AR, "isKeyable");
$c.exports = AR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getMapData.js
var dt = d((hq, zc) => {
var wR = Wc();
function xR(r, e) {
var t = r.__data__;
return wR(e) ? t[typeof e == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] : t.map;
n(xR, "getMapData");
zc.exports = xR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheDelete.js
var Kc = d((gq, Yc) => {
var _R = dt();
function PR(r) {
var e = _R(this, r).delete(r);
return this.size -= e ? 1 : 0, e;
n(PR, "mapCacheDelete");
Yc.exports = PR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheGet.js
var Jc = d((bq, Xc) => {
var OR = dt();
function CR(r) {
return OR(this, r).get(r);
n(CR, "mapCacheGet");
Xc.exports = CR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheHas.js
var Zc = d((Eq, Qc) => {
var IR = dt();
function FR(r) {
return IR(this, r).has(r);
n(FR, "mapCacheHas");
Qc.exports = FR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheSet.js
var ru = d((Rq, eu) => {
var DR = dt();
function NR(r, e) {
var t = DR(this, r), o = t.size;
return t.set(r, e), this.size += t.size == o ? 0 : 1, this;
n(NR, "mapCacheSet");
eu.exports = NR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_MapCache.js
var ao = d((wq, tu) => {
var qR = Vc(), LR = Kc(), kR = Jc(), MR = Zc(), jR = ru();
function dr(r) {
var e = -1, t = r == null ? 0 : r.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < t; ) {
var o = r[e];
this.set(o[0], o[1]);
n(dr, "MapCache");
dr.prototype.clear = qR;
dr.prototype.delete = LR;
dr.prototype.get = kR;
dr.prototype.has = MR;
dr.prototype.set = jR;
tu.exports = dr;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_stackSet.js
var nu = d((_q, ou) => {
var BR = ut(), UR = no(), GR = ao(), HR = 200;
function VR(r, e) {
var t = this.__data__;
if (t instanceof BR) {
var o = t.__data__;
if (!UR || o.length < HR - 1)
return o.push([r, e]), this.size = ++t.size, this;
t = this.__data__ = new GR(o);
return t.set(r, e), this.size = t.size, this;
n(VR, "stackSet");
ou.exports = VR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_Stack.js
var Oa = d((Oq, au) => {
var $R = ut(), WR = vc(), zR = Tc(), YR = Ac(), KR = xc(), XR = nu();
function fr(r) {
var e = this.__data__ = new $R(r);
this.size = e.size;
n(fr, "Stack");
fr.prototype.clear = WR;
fr.prototype.delete = zR;
fr.prototype.get = YR;
fr.prototype.has = KR;
fr.prototype.set = XR;
au.exports = fr;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_setCacheAdd.js
var su = d((Iq, iu) => {
var JR = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
function QR(r) {
return this.__data__.set(r, JR), this;
n(QR, "setCacheAdd");
iu.exports = QR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_setCacheHas.js
var cu = d((Dq, lu) => {
function ZR(r) {
return this.__data__.has(r);
n(ZR, "setCacheHas");
lu.exports = ZR;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_SetCache.js
var pu = d((qq, uu) => {
var eA = ao(), rA = su(), tA = cu();
function io(r) {
var e = -1, t = r == null ? 0 : r.length;
for (this.__data__ = new eA(); ++e < t; )
n(io, "SetCache");
io.prototype.add = io.prototype.push = rA;
io.prototype.has = tA;
uu.exports = io;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_arraySome.js
var fu = d((kq, du) => {
function oA(r, e) {
for (var t = -1, o = r == null ? 0 : r.length; ++t < o; )
if (e(r[t], t, r))
return !0;
return !1;
n(oA, "arraySome");
du.exports = oA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_cacheHas.js
var hu = d((jq, yu) => {
function nA(r, e) {
return r.has(e);
n(nA, "cacheHas");
yu.exports = nA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_equalArrays.js
var Ca = d((Uq, mu) => {
var aA = pu(), iA = fu(), sA = hu(), lA = 1, cA = 2;
function uA(r, e, t, o, a, i) {
var s = t & lA, c = r.length, l = e.length;
if (c != l && !(s && l > c))
return !1;
var u = i.get(r), p = i.get(e);
if (u && p)
return u == e && p == r;
var h = -1, y = !0, g = t & cA ? new aA() : void 0;
for (i.set(r, e), i.set(e, r); ++h < c; ) {
var m = r[h], b = e[h];
if (o)
var S = s ? o(b, m, h, e, r, i) : o(m, b, h, r, e, i);
if (S !== void 0) {
if (S)
y = !1;
if (g) {
if (!iA(e, function(w, E) {
if (!sA(g, E) && (m === w || a(m, w, t, o, i)))
return g.push(E);
})) {
y = !1;
} else if (!(m === b || a(m, b, t, o, i))) {
y = !1;
return i.delete(r), i.delete(e), y;
n(uA, "equalArrays");
mu.exports = uA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_Uint8Array.js
var Su = d((Hq, gu) => {
var pA = ie(), dA = pA.Uint8Array;
gu.exports = dA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_mapToArray.js
var vu = d((Vq, bu) => {
function fA(r) {
var e = -1, t = Array(r.size);
return r.forEach(function(o, a) {
t[++e] = [a, o];
}), t;
n(fA, "mapToArray");
bu.exports = fA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_setToArray.js
var Tu = d((Wq, Eu) => {
function yA(r) {
var e = -1, t = Array(r.size);
return r.forEach(function(o) {
t[++e] = o;
}), t;
n(yA, "setToArray");
Eu.exports = yA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_equalByTag.js
var _u = d((Yq, xu) => {
var Ru = ir(), Au = Su(), hA = oo(), mA = Ca(), gA = vu(), SA = Tu(), bA = 1, vA = 2, EA = "[object Boolean]", TA = "[object Date]", RA = "\
[object Error]", AA = "[object Map]", wA = "[object Number]", xA = "[object RegExp]", _A = "[object Set]", PA = "[object String]", OA = "[ob\
ject Symbol]", CA = "[object ArrayBuffer]", IA = "[object DataView]", wu = Ru ? Ru.prototype : void 0, Ia = wu ? wu.valueOf : void 0;
function FA(r, e, t, o, a, i, s) {
switch (t) {
case IA:
if (r.byteLength != e.byteLength || r.byteOffset != e.byteOffset)
return !1;
r = r.buffer, e = e.buffer;
case CA:
return !(r.byteLength != e.byteLength || !i(new Au(r), new Au(e)));
case EA:
case TA:
case wA:
return hA(+r, +e);
case RA:
return r.name == e.name && r.message == e.message;
case xA:
case PA:
return r == e + "";
case AA:
var c = gA;
case _A:
var l = o & bA;
if (c || (c = SA), r.size != e.size && !l)
return !1;
var u = s.get(r);
if (u)
return u == e;
o |= vA, s.set(r, e);
var p = mA(c(r), c(e), o, a, i, s);
return s.delete(r), p;
case OA:
if (Ia)
return Ia.call(r) == Ia.call(e);
return !1;
n(FA, "equalByTag");
xu.exports = FA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_arrayPush.js
var so = d((Xq, Pu) => {
function DA(r, e) {
for (var t = -1, o = e.length, a = r.length; ++t < o; )
r[a + t] = e[t];
return r;
n(DA, "arrayPush");
Pu.exports = DA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseGetAllKeys.js
var Fa = d((Qq, Ou) => {
var NA = so(), qA = se();
function LA(r, e, t) {
var o = e(r);
return qA(r) ? o : NA(o, t(r));
n(LA, "baseGetAllKeys");
Ou.exports = LA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_arrayFilter.js
var Iu = d((e0, Cu) => {
function kA(r, e) {
for (var t = -1, o = r == null ? 0 : r.length, a = 0, i = []; ++t < o; ) {
var s = r[t];
e(s, t, r) && (i[a++] = s);
return i;
n(kA, "arrayFilter");
Cu.exports = kA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/stubArray.js
var Da = d((t0, Fu) => {
function MA() {
return [];
n(MA, "stubArray");
Fu.exports = MA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getSymbols.js
var Na = d((n0, Nu) => {
var jA = Iu(), BA = Da(), UA = Object.prototype, GA = UA.propertyIsEnumerable, Du = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, HA = Du ? function(r) {
return r == null ? [] : (r = Object(r), jA(Du(r), function(e) {
return GA.call(r, e);
} : BA;
Nu.exports = HA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getAllKeys.js
var Lu = d((a0, qu) => {
var VA = Fa(), $A = Na(), WA = to();
function zA(r) {
return VA(r, WA, $A);
n(zA, "getAllKeys");
qu.exports = zA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_equalObjects.js
var ju = d((s0, Mu) => {
var ku = Lu(), YA = 1, KA = Object.prototype, XA = KA.hasOwnProperty;
function JA(r, e, t, o, a, i) {
var s = t & YA, c = ku(r), l = c.length, u = ku(e), p = u.length;
if (l != p && !s)
return !1;
for (var h = l; h--; ) {
var y = c[h];
if (!(s ? y in e : XA.call(e, y)))
return !1;
var g = i.get(r), m = i.get(e);
if (g && m)
return g == e && m == r;
var b = !0;
i.set(r, e), i.set(e, r);
for (var S = s; ++h < l; ) {
y = c[h];
var w = r[y], E = e[y];
if (o)
var v = s ? o(E, w, y, e, r, i) : o(w, E, y, r, e, i);
if (!(v === void 0 ? w === E || a(w, E, t, o, i) : v)) {
b = !1;
S || (S = y == "constructor");
if (b && !S) {
var x = r.constructor, R = e.constructor;
x != R && "constructor" in r && "constructor" in e && !(typeof x == "function" && x instanceof x && typeof R == "function" && R instanceof
R) && (b = !1);
return i.delete(r), i.delete(e), b;
n(JA, "equalObjects");
Mu.exports = JA;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_DataView.js
var Uu = d((c0, Bu) => {
var QA = Re(), ZA = ie(), ew = QA(ZA, "DataView");
Bu.exports = ew;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_Promise.js
var Hu = d((u0, Gu) => {
var rw = Re(), tw = ie(), ow = rw(tw, "Promise");
Gu.exports = ow;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_Set.js
var $u = d((p0, Vu) => {
var nw = Re(), aw = ie(), iw = nw(aw, "Set");
Vu.exports = iw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_WeakMap.js
var zu = d((d0, Wu) => {
var sw = Re(), lw = ie(), cw = sw(lw, "WeakMap");
Wu.exports = cw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getTag.js
var rp = d((f0, ep) => {
var qa = Uu(), La = no(), ka = Hu(), Ma = $u(), ja = zu(), Zu = De(), yr = ba(), Yu = "[object Map]", uw = "[object Object]", Ku = "[objec\
t Promise]", Xu = "[object Set]", Ju = "[object WeakMap]", Qu = "[object DataView]", pw = yr(qa), dw = yr(La), fw = yr(ka), yw = yr(Ma), hw = yr(
ja), qe = Zu;
(qa && qe(new qa(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != Qu || La && qe(new La()) != Yu || ka && qe(ka.resolve()) != Ku || Ma && qe(new Ma()) != Xu || ja &&
qe(new ja()) != Ju) && (qe = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r) {
var e = Zu(r), t = e == uw ? r.constructor : void 0, o = t ? yr(t) : "";
if (o)
switch (o) {
case pw:
return Qu;
case dw:
return Yu;
case fw:
return Ku;
case yw:
return Xu;
case hw:
return Ju;
return e;
}, "getTag"));
ep.exports = qe;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseIsEqualDeep.js
var cp = d((h0, lp) => {
var Ba = Oa(), mw = Ca(), gw = _u(), Sw = ju(), tp = rp(), op = se(), np = Ta(), bw = Aa(), vw = 1, ap = "[object Arguments]", ip = "[obje\
ct Array]", lo = "[object Object]", Ew = Object.prototype, sp = Ew.hasOwnProperty;
function Tw(r, e, t, o, a, i) {
var s = op(r), c = op(e), l = s ? ip : tp(r), u = c ? ip : tp(e);
l = l == ap ? lo : l, u = u == ap ? lo : u;
var p = l == lo, h = u == lo, y = l == u;
if (y && np(r)) {
if (!np(e))
return !1;
s = !0, p = !1;
if (y && !p)
return i || (i = new Ba()), s || bw(r) ? mw(r, e, t, o, a, i) : gw(r, e, l, t, o, a, i);
if (!(t & vw)) {
var g = p && sp.call(r, "__wrapped__"), m = h && sp.call(e, "__wrapped__");
if (g || m) {
var b = g ? r.value() : r, S = m ? e.value() : e;
return i || (i = new Ba()), a(b, S, t, o, i);
return y ? (i || (i = new Ba()), Sw(r, e, t, o, a, i)) : !1;
n(Tw, "baseIsEqualDeep");
lp.exports = Tw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseIsEqual.js
var Ua = d((g0, dp) => {
var Rw = cp(), up = Ne();
function pp(r, e, t, o, a) {
return r === e ? !0 : r == null || e == null || !up(r) && !up(e) ? r !== r && e !== e : Rw(r, e, t, o, pp, a);
n(pp, "baseIsEqual");
dp.exports = pp;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseIsMatch.js
var yp = d((b0, fp) => {
var Aw = Oa(), ww = Ua(), xw = 1, _w = 2;
function Pw(r, e, t, o) {
var a = t.length, i = a, s = !o;
if (r == null)
return !i;
for (r = Object(r); a--; ) {
var c = t[a];
if (s && c[2] ? c[1] !== r[c[0]] : !(c[0] in r))
return !1;
for (; ++a < i; ) {
c = t[a];
var l = c[0], u = r[l], p = c[1];
if (s && c[2]) {
if (u === void 0 && !(l in r))
return !1;
} else {
var h = new Aw();
if (o)
var y = o(u, p, l, r, e, h);
if (!(y === void 0 ? ww(p, u, xw | _w, o, h) : y))
return !1;
return !0;
n(Pw, "baseIsMatch");
fp.exports = Pw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_isStrictComparable.js
var Ga = d((E0, hp) => {
var Ow = sr();
function Cw(r) {
return r === r && !Ow(r);
n(Cw, "isStrictComparable");
hp.exports = Cw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getMatchData.js
var gp = d((R0, mp) => {
var Iw = Ga(), Fw = to();
function Dw(r) {
for (var e = Fw(r), t = e.length; t--; ) {
var o = e[t], a = r[o];
e[t] = [o, a, Iw(a)];
return e;
n(Dw, "getMatchData");
mp.exports = Dw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_matchesStrictComparable.js
var Ha = d((w0, Sp) => {
function Nw(r, e) {
return function(t) {
return t == null ? !1 : t[r] === e && (e !== void 0 || r in Object(t));
n(Nw, "matchesStrictComparable");
Sp.exports = Nw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseMatches.js
var vp = d((_0, bp) => {
var qw = yp(), Lw = gp(), kw = Ha();
function Mw(r) {
var e = Lw(r);
return e.length == 1 && e[0][2] ? kw(e[0][0], e[0][1]) : function(t) {
return t === r || qw(t, r, e);
n(Mw, "baseMatches");
bp.exports = Mw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isSymbol.js
var co = d((O0, Ep) => {
var jw = De(), Bw = Ne(), Uw = "[object Symbol]";
function Gw(r) {
return typeof r == "symbol" || Bw(r) && jw(r) == Uw;
n(Gw, "isSymbol");
Ep.exports = Gw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_isKey.js
var uo = d((I0, Tp) => {
var Hw = se(), Vw = co(), $w = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, Ww = /^\w*$/;
function zw(r, e) {
if (Hw(r))
return !1;
var t = typeof r;
return t == "number" || t == "symbol" || t == "boolean" || r == null || Vw(r) ? !0 : Ww.test(r) || !$w.test(r) || e != null && r in Object(
n(zw, "isKey");
Tp.exports = zw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/memoize.js
var wp = d((D0, Ap) => {
var Rp = ao(), Yw = "Expected a function";
function Va(r, e) {
if (typeof r != "function" || e != null && typeof e != "function")
throw new TypeError(Yw);
var t = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
var o = arguments, a = e ? e.apply(this, o) : o[0], i = t.cache;
if (i.has(a))
return i.get(a);
var s = r.apply(this, o);
return t.cache = i.set(a, s) || i, s;
}, "memoized");
return t.cache = new (Va.Cache || Rp)(), t;
n(Va, "memoize");
Va.Cache = Rp;
Ap.exports = Va;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_memoizeCapped.js
var _p = d((q0, xp) => {
var Kw = wp(), Xw = 500;
function Jw(r) {
var e = Kw(r, function(o) {
return t.size === Xw && t.clear(), o;
}), t = e.cache;
return e;
n(Jw, "memoizeCapped");
xp.exports = Jw;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_stringToPath.js
var Op = d((k0, Pp) => {
var Qw = _p(), Zw = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, ex = /\\(\\)?/g, rx = Qw(
function(r) {
var e = [];
return r.charCodeAt(0) === 46 && e.push(""), r.replace(Zw, function(t, o, a, i) {
e.push(a ? i.replace(ex, "$1") : o || t);
}), e;
Pp.exports = rx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_arrayMap.js
var $a = d((M0, Cp) => {
function tx(r, e) {
for (var t = -1, o = r == null ? 0 : r.length, a = Array(o); ++t < o; )
a[t] = e(r[t], t, r);
return a;
n(tx, "arrayMap");
Cp.exports = tx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseToString.js
var Lp = d((B0, qp) => {
var Ip = ir(), ox = $a(), nx = se(), ax = co(), ix = 1 / 0, Fp = Ip ? Ip.prototype : void 0, Dp = Fp ? Fp.toString : void 0;
function Np(r) {
if (typeof r == "string")
return r;
if (nx(r))
return ox(r, Np) + "";
if (ax(r))
return Dp ? Dp.call(r) : "";
var e = r + "";
return e == "0" && 1 / r == -ix ? "-0" : e;
n(Np, "baseToString");
qp.exports = Np;
// ../node_modules/lodash/toString.js
var Mp = d((G0, kp) => {
var sx = Lp();
function lx(r) {
return r == null ? "" : sx(r);
n(lx, "toString");
kp.exports = lx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_castPath.js
var ft = d((V0, jp) => {
var cx = se(), ux = uo(), px = Op(), dx = Mp();
function fx(r, e) {
return cx(r) ? r : ux(r, e) ? [r] : px(dx(r));
n(fx, "castPath");
jp.exports = fx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_toKey.js
var hr = d((W0, Bp) => {
var yx = co(), hx = 1 / 0;
function mx(r) {
if (typeof r == "string" || yx(r))
return r;
var e = r + "";
return e == "0" && 1 / r == -hx ? "-0" : e;
n(mx, "toKey");
Bp.exports = mx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseGet.js
var po = d((Y0, Up) => {
var gx = ft(), Sx = hr();
function bx(r, e) {
e = gx(e, r);
for (var t = 0, o = e.length; r != null && t < o; )
r = r[Sx(e[t++])];
return t && t == o ? r : void 0;
n(bx, "baseGet");
Up.exports = bx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/get.js
var Hp = d((X0, Gp) => {
var vx = po();
function Ex(r, e, t) {
var o = r == null ? void 0 : vx(r, e);
return o === void 0 ? t : o;
n(Ex, "get");
Gp.exports = Ex;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseHasIn.js
var $p = d((Q0, Vp) => {
function Tx(r, e) {
return r != null && e in Object(r);
n(Tx, "baseHasIn");
Vp.exports = Tx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_hasPath.js
var zp = d((eL, Wp) => {
var Rx = ft(), Ax = Zt(), wx = se(), xx = eo(), _x = ro(), Px = hr();
function Ox(r, e, t) {
e = Rx(e, r);
for (var o = -1, a = e.length, i = !1; ++o < a; ) {
var s = Px(e[o]);
if (!(i = r != null && t(r, s)))
r = r[s];
return i || ++o != a ? i : (a = r == null ? 0 : r.length, !!a && _x(a) && xx(s, a) && (wx(r) || Ax(r)));
n(Ox, "hasPath");
Wp.exports = Ox;
// ../node_modules/lodash/hasIn.js
var Wa = d((tL, Yp) => {
var Cx = $p(), Ix = zp();
function Fx(r, e) {
return r != null && Ix(r, e, Cx);
n(Fx, "hasIn");
Yp.exports = Fx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseMatchesProperty.js
var Xp = d((nL, Kp) => {
var Dx = Ua(), Nx = Hp(), qx = Wa(), Lx = uo(), kx = Ga(), Mx = Ha(), jx = hr(), Bx = 1, Ux = 2;
function Gx(r, e) {
return Lx(r) && kx(e) ? Mx(jx(r), e) : function(t) {
var o = Nx(t, r);
return o === void 0 && o === e ? qx(t, r) : Dx(e, o, Bx | Ux);
n(Gx, "baseMatchesProperty");
Kp.exports = Gx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/identity.js
var za = d((iL, Jp) => {
function Hx(r) {
return r;
n(Hx, "identity");
Jp.exports = Hx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseProperty.js
var Zp = d((lL, Qp) => {
function Vx(r) {
return function(e) {
return e?.[r];
n(Vx, "baseProperty");
Qp.exports = Vx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_basePropertyDeep.js
var rd = d((uL, ed) => {
var $x = po();
function Wx(r) {
return function(e) {
return $x(e, r);
n(Wx, "basePropertyDeep");
ed.exports = Wx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/property.js
var od = d((dL, td) => {
var zx = Zp(), Yx = rd(), Kx = uo(), Xx = hr();
function Jx(r) {
return Kx(r) ? zx(Xx(r)) : Yx(r);
n(Jx, "property");
td.exports = Jx;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseIteratee.js
var Ya = d((yL, nd) => {
var Qx = vp(), Zx = Xp(), e_ = za(), r_ = se(), t_ = od();
function o_(r) {
return typeof r == "function" ? r : r == null ? e_ : typeof r == "object" ? r_(r) ? Zx(r[0], r[1]) : Qx(r) : t_(r);
n(o_, "baseIteratee");
nd.exports = o_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/mapValues.js
var yt = d((mL, ad) => {
var n_ = Ea(), a_ = ac(), i_ = Ya();
function s_(r, e) {
var t = {};
return e = i_(e, 3), a_(r, function(o, a, i) {
n_(t, a, e(o, a, i));
}), t;
n(s_, "mapValues");
ad.exports = s_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_assignValue.js
var sd = d((SL, id) => {
var l_ = Ea(), c_ = oo(), u_ = Object.prototype, p_ = u_.hasOwnProperty;
function d_(r, e, t) {
var o = r[e];
(!(p_.call(r, e) && c_(o, t)) || t === void 0 && !(e in r)) && l_(r, e, t);
n(d_, "assignValue");
id.exports = d_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseSet.js
var ud = d((vL, cd) => {
var f_ = sd(), y_ = ft(), h_ = eo(), ld = sr(), m_ = hr();
function g_(r, e, t, o) {
if (!ld(r))
return r;
e = y_(e, r);
for (var a = -1, i = e.length, s = i - 1, c = r; c != null && ++a < i; ) {
var l = m_(e[a]), u = t;
if (l === "__proto__" || l === "constructor" || l === "prototype")
return r;
if (a != s) {
var p = c[l];
u = o ? o(p, l, c) : void 0, u === void 0 && (u = ld(p) ? p : h_(e[a + 1]) ? [] : {});
f_(c, l, u), c = c[l];
return r;
n(g_, "baseSet");
cd.exports = g_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_basePickBy.js
var Ka = d((TL, pd) => {
var S_ = po(), b_ = ud(), v_ = ft();
function E_(r, e, t) {
for (var o = -1, a = e.length, i = {}; ++o < a; ) {
var s = e[o], c = S_(r, s);
t(c, s) && b_(i, v_(s, r), c);
return i;
n(E_, "basePickBy");
pd.exports = E_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_basePick.js
var fd = d((AL, dd) => {
var T_ = Ka(), R_ = Wa();
function A_(r, e) {
return T_(r, e, function(t, o) {
return R_(r, o);
n(A_, "basePick");
dd.exports = A_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_isFlattenable.js
var gd = d((xL, md) => {
var yd = ir(), w_ = Zt(), x_ = se(), hd = yd ? yd.isConcatSpreadable : void 0;
function __(r) {
return x_(r) || w_(r) || !!(hd && r && r[hd]);
n(__, "isFlattenable");
md.exports = __;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseFlatten.js
var vd = d((PL, bd) => {
var P_ = so(), O_ = gd();
function Sd(r, e, t, o, a) {
var i = -1, s = r.length;
for (t || (t = O_), a || (a = []); ++i < s; ) {
var c = r[i];
e > 0 && t(c) ? e > 1 ? Sd(c, e - 1, t, o, a) : P_(a, c) : o || (a[a.length] = c);
return a;
n(Sd, "baseFlatten");
bd.exports = Sd;
// ../node_modules/lodash/flatten.js
var Td = d((CL, Ed) => {
var C_ = vd();
function I_(r) {
var e = r == null ? 0 : r.length;
return e ? C_(r, 1) : [];
n(I_, "flatten");
Ed.exports = I_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_apply.js
var Ad = d((FL, Rd) => {
function F_(r, e, t) {
switch (t.length) {
case 0:
return r.call(e);
case 1:
return r.call(e, t[0]);
case 2:
return r.call(e, t[0], t[1]);
case 3:
return r.call(e, t[0], t[1], t[2]);
return r.apply(e, t);
n(F_, "apply");
Rd.exports = F_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_overRest.js
var _d = d((NL, xd) => {
var D_ = Ad(), wd = Math.max;
function N_(r, e, t) {
return e = wd(e === void 0 ? r.length - 1 : e, 0), function() {
for (var o = arguments, a = -1, i = wd(o.length - e, 0), s = Array(i); ++a < i; )
s[a] = o[e + a];
a = -1;
for (var c = Array(e + 1); ++a < e; )
c[a] = o[a];
return c[e] = t(s), D_(r, this, c);
n(N_, "overRest");
xd.exports = N_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/constant.js
var Od = d((LL, Pd) => {
function q_(r) {
return function() {
return r;
n(q_, "constant");
Pd.exports = q_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseSetToString.js
var Fd = d((ML, Id) => {
var L_ = Od(), Cd = va(), k_ = za(), M_ = Cd ? function(r, e) {
return Cd(r, "toString", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
value: L_(e),
writable: !0
} : k_;
Id.exports = M_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_shortOut.js
var Nd = d((jL, Dd) => {
var j_ = 800, B_ = 16, U_ = Date.now;
function G_(r) {
var e = 0, t = 0;
return function() {
var o = U_(), a = B_ - (o - t);
if (t = o, a > 0) {
if (++e >= j_)
return arguments[0];
} else
e = 0;
return r.apply(void 0, arguments);
n(G_, "shortOut");
Dd.exports = G_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_setToString.js
var Ld = d((UL, qd) => {
var H_ = Fd(), V_ = Nd(), $_ = V_(H_);
qd.exports = $_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_flatRest.js
var Md = d((GL, kd) => {
var W_ = Td(), z_ = _d(), Y_ = Ld();
function K_(r) {
return Y_(z_(r, void 0, W_), r + "");
n(K_, "flatRest");
kd.exports = K_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/pick.js
var Bd = d((VL, jd) => {
var X_ = fd(), J_ = Md(), Q_ = J_(function(r, e) {
return r == null ? {} : X_(r, e);
jd.exports = Q_;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getPrototype.js
var Ja = d((XL, Vd) => {
var eP = _a(), rP = eP(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object);
Vd.exports = rP;
// ../node_modules/lodash/isPlainObject.js
var yo = d((JL, Wd) => {
var tP = De(), oP = Ja(), nP = Ne(), aP = "[object Object]", iP = Function.prototype, sP = Object.prototype, $d = iP.toString, lP = sP.hasOwnProperty,
cP = $d.call(Object);
function uP(r) {
if (!nP(r) || tP(r) != aP)
return !1;
var e = oP(r);
if (e === null)
return !0;
var t = lP.call(e, "constructor") && e.constructor;
return typeof t == "function" && t instanceof t && $d.call(t) == cP;
n(uP, "isPlainObject");
Wd.exports = uP;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getSymbolsIn.js
var ff = d((iM, df) => {
var CP = so(), IP = Ja(), FP = Na(), DP = Da(), NP = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, qP = NP ? function(r) {
for (var e = []; r; )
CP(e, FP(r)), r = IP(r);
return e;
} : DP;
df.exports = qP;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_nativeKeysIn.js
var hf = d((sM, yf) => {
function LP(r) {
var e = [];
if (r != null)
for (var t in Object(r))
return e;
n(LP, "nativeKeysIn");
yf.exports = LP;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_baseKeysIn.js
var gf = d((cM, mf) => {
var kP = sr(), MP = xa(), jP = hf(), BP = Object.prototype, UP = BP.hasOwnProperty;
function GP(r) {
if (!kP(r))
return jP(r);
var e = MP(r), t = [];
for (var o in r)
o == "constructor" && (e || !UP.call(r, o)) || t.push(o);
return t;
n(GP, "baseKeysIn");
mf.exports = GP;
// ../node_modules/lodash/keysIn.js
var bf = d((pM, Sf) => {
var HP = wa(), VP = gf(), $P = Pa();
function WP(r) {
return $P(r) ? HP(r, !0) : VP(r);
n(WP, "keysIn");
Sf.exports = WP;
// ../node_modules/lodash/_getAllKeysIn.js
var Ef = d((fM, vf) => {
var zP = Fa(), YP = ff(), KP = bf();
function XP(r) {
return zP(r, KP, YP);
n(XP, "getAllKeysIn");
vf.exports = XP;
// ../node_modules/lodash/pickBy.js
var Rf = d((hM, Tf) => {
var JP = $a(), QP = Ya(), ZP = Ka(), eO = Ef();
function rO(r, e) {
if (r == null)
return {};
var t = JP(eO(r), function(o) {
return [o];
return e = QP(e), ZP(r, t, function(o, a) {
return e(o, a[0]);
n(rO, "pickBy");
Tf.exports = rO;
// ../node_modules/es-errors/index.js
var Hf = d((vj, Gf) => {
"use strict";
Gf.exports = Error;
// ../node_modules/es-errors/eval.js
var $f = d((Ej, Vf) => {
"use strict";
Vf.exports = EvalError;
// ../node_modules/es-errors/range.js
var zf = d((Tj, Wf) => {
"use strict";
Wf.exports = RangeError;
// ../node_modules/es-errors/ref.js
var Kf = d((Rj, Yf) => {
"use strict";
Yf.exports = ReferenceError;
// ../node_modules/es-errors/syntax.js
var Si = d((Aj, Xf) => {
"use strict";
Xf.exports = SyntaxError;
// ../node_modules/es-errors/type.js
var wr = d((wj, Jf) => {
"use strict";
Jf.exports = TypeError;
// ../node_modules/es-errors/uri.js
var Zf = d((xj, Qf) => {
"use strict";
Qf.exports = URIError;
// ../node_modules/has-symbols/shams.js
var ry = d((_j, ey) => {
"use strict";
ey.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
if (typeof Symbol != "function" || typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols != "function")
return !1;
if (typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol")
return !0;
var e = {}, t = Symbol("test"), o = Object(t);
if (typeof t == "string" || Object.prototype.toString.call(t) !== "[object Symbol]" || Object.prototype.toString.call(o) !== "[object Sy\
return !1;
var a = 42;
e[t] = a;
for (t in e)
return !1;
if (typeof Object.keys == "function" && Object.keys(e).length !== 0 || typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames == "function" && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(
e).length !== 0)
return !1;
var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
if (i.length !== 1 || i[0] !== t || !Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, t))
return !1;
if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor == "function") {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t);
if (s.value !== a || s.enumerable !== !0)
return !1;
return !0;
}, "hasSymbols");
// ../node_modules/has-symbols/index.js
var ny = d((Oj, oy) => {
"use strict";
var ty = typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol, SO = ry();
oy.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return typeof ty != "function" || typeof Symbol != "function" || typeof ty("foo") != "symbol" || typeof Symbol("bar") != "symbol" ? !1 :
}, "hasNativeSymbols");
// ../node_modules/has-proto/index.js
var iy = d((Ij, ay) => {
"use strict";
var bi = {
__proto__: null,
foo: {}
}, bO = Object;
ay.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return { __proto__: bi }.foo === bi.foo && !(bi instanceof bO);
}, "hasProto");
// ../node_modules/function-bind/implementation.js
var cy = d((Dj, ly) => {
"use strict";
var vO = "Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ", EO = Object.prototype.toString, TO = Math.max, RO = "[object Function]", sy = /* @__PURE__ */ n(
function(e, t) {
for (var o = [], a = 0; a < e.length; a += 1)
o[a] = e[a];
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i += 1)
o[i + e.length] = t[i];
return o;
}, "concatty"), AO = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
for (var o = [], a = t || 0, i = 0; a < e.length; a += 1, i += 1)
o[i] = e[a];
return o;
}, "slicy"), wO = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e) {
for (var t = "", o = 0; o < r.length; o += 1)
t += r[o], o + 1 < r.length && (t += e);
return t;
}, "joiny");
ly.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
var t = this;
if (typeof t != "function" || EO.apply(t) !== RO)
throw new TypeError(vO + t);
for (var o = AO(arguments, 1), a, i = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
if (this instanceof a) {
var p = t.apply(
sy(o, arguments)
return Object(p) === p ? p : this;
return t.apply(
sy(o, arguments)
}, "binder"), s = TO(0, t.length - o.length), c = [], l = 0; l < s; l++)
c[l] = "$" + l;
if (a = Function("binder", "return function (" + wO(c, ",") + "){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }")(i), t.prototype) {
var u = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
}, "Empty");
u.prototype = t.prototype, a.prototype = new u(), u.prototype = null;
return a;
}, "bind");
// ../node_modules/function-bind/index.js
var Po = d((qj, uy) => {
"use strict";
var xO = cy();
uy.exports = Function.prototype.bind || xO;
// ../node_modules/hasown/index.js
var dy = d((Lj, py) => {
"use strict";
var _O = Function.prototype.call, PO = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, OO = Po();
py.exports = OO.call(_O, PO);
// ../node_modules/get-intrinsic/index.js
var $e = d((kj, gy) => {
"use strict";
var I, CO = Hf(), IO = $f(), FO = zf(), DO = Kf(), Or = Si(), Pr = wr(), NO = Zf(), my = Function, vi = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r) {
try {
return my('"use strict"; return (' + r + ").constructor;")();
} catch {
}, "getEvalledConstructor"), He = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
if (He)
try {
He({}, "");
} catch {
He = null;
var Ei = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
throw new Pr();
}, "throwTypeError"), qO = He ? function() {
try {
return arguments.callee, Ei;
} catch {
try {
return He(arguments, "callee").get;
} catch {
return Ei;
}() : Ei, xr = ny()(), LO = iy()(), W = Object.getPrototypeOf || (LO ? function(r) {
return r.__proto__;
} : null), _r = {}, kO = typeof Uint8Array > "u" || !W ? I : W(Uint8Array), Ve = {
__proto__: null,
"%AggregateError%": typeof AggregateError > "u" ? I : AggregateError,
"%Array%": Array,
"%ArrayBuffer%": typeof ArrayBuffer > "u" ? I : ArrayBuffer,
"%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": xr && W ? W([][Symbol.iterator]()) : I,
"%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%": I,
"%AsyncFunction%": _r,
"%AsyncGenerator%": _r,
"%AsyncGeneratorFunction%": _r,
"%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": _r,
"%Atomics%": typeof Atomics > "u" ? I : Atomics,
"%BigInt%": typeof BigInt > "u" ? I : BigInt,
"%BigInt64Array%": typeof BigInt64Array > "u" ? I : BigInt64Array,
"%BigUint64Array%": typeof BigUint64Array > "u" ? I : BigUint64Array,
"%Boolean%": Boolean,
"%DataView%": typeof DataView > "u" ? I : DataView,
"%Date%": Date,
"%decodeURI%": decodeURI,
"%decodeURIComponent%": decodeURIComponent,
"%encodeURI%": encodeURI,
"%encodeURIComponent%": encodeURIComponent,
"%Error%": CO,
"%eval%": eval,
// eslint-disable-line no-eval
"%EvalError%": IO,
"%Float32Array%": typeof Float32Array > "u" ? I : Float32Array,
"%Float64Array%": typeof Float64Array > "u" ? I : Float64Array,
"%FinalizationRegistry%": typeof FinalizationRegistry > "u" ? I : FinalizationRegistry,
"%Function%": my,
"%GeneratorFunction%": _r,
"%Int8Array%": typeof Int8Array > "u" ? I : Int8Array,
"%Int16Array%": typeof Int16Array > "u" ? I : Int16Array,
"%Int32Array%": typeof Int32Array > "u" ? I : Int32Array,
"%isFinite%": isFinite,
"%isNaN%": isNaN,
"%IteratorPrototype%": xr && W ? W(W([][Symbol.iterator]())) : I,
"%JSON%": typeof JSON == "object" ? JSON : I,
"%Map%": typeof Map > "u" ? I : Map,
"%MapIteratorPrototype%": typeof Map > "u" || !xr || !W ? I : W((/* @__PURE__ */ new Map())[Symbol.iterator]()),
"%Math%": Math,
"%Number%": Number,
"%Object%": Object,
"%parseFloat%": parseFloat,
"%parseInt%": parseInt,
"%Promise%": typeof Promise > "u" ? I : Promise,
"%Proxy%": typeof Proxy > "u" ? I : Proxy,
"%RangeError%": FO,
"%ReferenceError%": DO,
"%Reflect%": typeof Reflect > "u" ? I : Reflect,
"%RegExp%": RegExp,
"%Set%": typeof Set > "u" ? I : Set,
"%SetIteratorPrototype%": typeof Set > "u" || !xr || !W ? I : W((/* @__PURE__ */ new Set())[Symbol.iterator]()),
"%SharedArrayBuffer%": typeof SharedArrayBuffer > "u" ? I : SharedArrayBuffer,
"%String%": String,
"%StringIteratorPrototype%": xr && W ? W(""[Symbol.iterator]()) : I,
"%Symbol%": xr ? Symbol : I,
"%SyntaxError%": Or,
"%ThrowTypeError%": qO,
"%TypedArray%": kO,
"%TypeError%": Pr,
"%Uint8Array%": typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? I : Uint8Array,
"%Uint8ClampedArray%": typeof Uint8ClampedArray > "u" ? I : Uint8ClampedArray,
"%Uint16Array%": typeof Uint16Array > "u" ? I : Uint16Array,
"%Uint32Array%": typeof Uint32Array > "u" ? I : Uint32Array,
"%URIError%": NO,
"%WeakMap%": typeof WeakMap > "u" ? I : WeakMap,
"%WeakRef%": typeof WeakRef > "u" ? I : WeakRef,
"%WeakSet%": typeof WeakSet > "u" ? I : WeakSet
if (W)
try {
} catch (r) {
fy = W(W(r)), Ve["%Error.prototype%"] = fy;
var fy, MO = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function r(e) {
var t;
if (e === "%AsyncFunction%")
t = vi("async function () {}");
else if (e === "%GeneratorFunction%")
t = vi("function* () {}");
else if (e === "%AsyncGeneratorFunction%")
t = vi("async function* () {}");
else if (e === "%AsyncGenerator%") {
var o = r("%AsyncGeneratorFunction%");
o && (t = o.prototype);
} else if (e === "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%") {
var a = r("%AsyncGenerator%");
a && W && (t = W(a.prototype));
return Ve[e] = t, t;
}, "doEval"), yy = {
__proto__: null,
"%ArrayBufferPrototype%": ["ArrayBuffer", "prototype"],
"%ArrayPrototype%": ["Array", "prototype"],
"%ArrayProto_entries%": ["Array", "prototype", "entries"],
"%ArrayProto_forEach%": ["Array", "prototype", "forEach"],
"%ArrayProto_keys%": ["Array", "prototype", "keys"],
"%ArrayProto_values%": ["Array", "prototype", "values"],
"%AsyncFunctionPrototype%": ["AsyncFunction", "prototype"],
"%AsyncGenerator%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype"],
"%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"],
"%BooleanPrototype%": ["Boolean", "prototype"],
"%DataViewPrototype%": ["DataView", "prototype"],
"%DatePrototype%": ["Date", "prototype"],
"%ErrorPrototype%": ["Error", "prototype"],
"%EvalErrorPrototype%": ["EvalError", "prototype"],
"%Float32ArrayPrototype%": ["Float32Array", "prototype"],
"%Float64ArrayPrototype%": ["Float64Array", "prototype"],
"%FunctionPrototype%": ["Function", "prototype"],
"%Generator%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype"],
"%GeneratorPrototype%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"],
"%Int8ArrayPrototype%": ["Int8Array", "prototype"],
"%Int16ArrayPrototype%": ["Int16Array", "prototype"],
"%Int32ArrayPrototype%": ["Int32Array", "prototype"],
"%JSONParse%": ["JSON", "parse"],
"%JSONStringify%": ["JSON", "stringify"],
"%MapPrototype%": ["Map", "prototype"],
"%NumberPrototype%": ["Number", "prototype"],
"%ObjectPrototype%": ["Object", "prototype"],
"%ObjProto_toString%": ["Object", "prototype", "toString"],
"%ObjProto_valueOf%": ["Object", "prototype", "valueOf"],
"%PromisePrototype%": ["Promise", "prototype"],
"%PromiseProto_then%": ["Promise", "prototype", "then"],
"%Promise_all%": ["Promise", "all"],
"%Promise_reject%": ["Promise", "reject"],
"%Promise_resolve%": ["Promise", "resolve"],
"%RangeErrorPrototype%": ["RangeError", "prototype"],
"%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": ["ReferenceError", "prototype"],
"%RegExpPrototype%": ["RegExp", "prototype"],
"%SetPrototype%": ["Set", "prototype"],
"%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%": ["SharedArrayBuffer", "prototype"],
"%StringPrototype%": ["String", "prototype"],
"%SymbolPrototype%": ["Symbol", "prototype"],
"%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": ["SyntaxError", "prototype"],
"%TypedArrayPrototype%": ["TypedArray", "prototype"],
"%TypeErrorPrototype%": ["TypeError", "prototype"],
"%Uint8ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8Array", "prototype"],
"%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8ClampedArray", "prototype"],
"%Uint16ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint16Array", "prototype"],
"%Uint32ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint32Array", "prototype"],
"%URIErrorPrototype%": ["URIError", "prototype"],
"%WeakMapPrototype%": ["WeakMap", "prototype"],
"%WeakSetPrototype%": ["WeakSet", "prototype"]
}, Rt = Po(), Oo = dy(), jO = Rt.call(Function.call, Array.prototype.concat), BO = Rt.call(Function.apply, Array.prototype.splice), hy = Rt.
call(Function.call, String.prototype.replace), Co = Rt.call(Function.call, String.prototype.slice), UO = Rt.call(Function.call, RegExp.prototype.
exec), GO = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g, HO = /\\(\\)?/g, VO = /* @__PURE__ */ n(
function(e) {
var t = Co(e, 0, 1), o = Co(e, -1);
if (t === "%" && o !== "%")
throw new Or("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`");
if (o === "%" && t !== "%")
throw new Or("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`");
var a = [];
return hy(e, GO, function(i, s, c, l) {
a[a.length] = c ? hy(l, HO, "$1") : s || i;
}), a;
}, "stringToPath"), $O = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
var o = e, a;
if (Oo(yy, o) && (a = yy[o], o = "%" + a[0] + "%"), Oo(Ve, o)) {
var i = Ve[o];
if (i === _r && (i = MO(o)), typeof i > "u" && !t)
throw new Pr("intrinsic " + e + " exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!");
return {
alias: a,
name: o,
value: i
throw new Or("intrinsic " + e + " does not exist!");
}, "getBaseIntrinsic");
gy.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
if (typeof e != "string" || e.length === 0)
throw new Pr("intrinsic name must be a non-empty string");
if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof t != "boolean")
throw new Pr('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean');
if (UO(/^%?[^%]*%?$/, e) === null)
throw new Or("`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name");
var o = VO(e), a = o.length > 0 ? o[0] : "", i = $O("%" + a + "%", t), s = i.name, c = i.value, l = !1, u = i.alias;
u && (a = u[0], BO(o, jO([0, 1], u)));
for (var p = 1, h = !0; p < o.length; p += 1) {
var y = o[p], g = Co(y, 0, 1), m = Co(y, -1);
if ((g === '"' || g === "'" || g === "`" || m === '"' || m === "'" || m === "`") && g !== m)
throw new Or("property names with quotes must have matching quotes");
if ((y === "constructor" || !h) && (l = !0), a += "." + y, s = "%" + a + "%", Oo(Ve, s))
c = Ve[s];
else if (c != null) {
if (!(y in c)) {
if (!t)
throw new Pr("base intrinsic for " + e + " exists, but the property is not available.");
if (He && p + 1 >= o.length) {
var b = He(c, y);
h = !!b, h && "get" in b && !("originalValue" in b.get) ? c = b.get : c = c[y];
} else
h = Oo(c, y), c = c[y];
h && !l && (Ve[s] = c);
return c;
}, "GetIntrinsic");
// ../node_modules/es-define-property/index.js
var Fo = d((jj, Sy) => {
"use strict";
var WO = $e(), Io = WO("%Object.defineProperty%", !0) || !1;
if (Io)
try {
Io({}, "a", { value: 1 });
} catch {
Io = !1;
Sy.exports = Io;
// ../node_modules/gopd/index.js
var Ti = d((Bj, by) => {
"use strict";
var zO = $e(), Do = zO("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%", !0);
if (Do)
try {
Do([], "length");
} catch {
Do = null;
by.exports = Do;
// ../node_modules/define-data-property/index.js
var Ry = d((Uj, Ty) => {
"use strict";
var vy = Fo(), YO = Si(), Cr = wr(), Ey = Ti();
Ty.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t, o) {
if (!e || typeof e != "object" && typeof e != "function")
throw new Cr("`obj` must be an object or a function`");
if (typeof t != "string" && typeof t != "symbol")
throw new Cr("`property` must be a string or a symbol`");
if (arguments.length > 3 && typeof arguments[3] != "boolean" && arguments[3] !== null)
throw new Cr("`nonEnumerable`, if provided, must be a boolean or null");
if (arguments.length > 4 && typeof arguments[4] != "boolean" && arguments[4] !== null)
throw new Cr("`nonWritable`, if provided, must be a boolean or null");
if (arguments.length > 5 && typeof arguments[5] != "boolean" && arguments[5] !== null)
throw new Cr("`nonConfigurable`, if provided, must be a boolean or null");
if (arguments.length > 6 && typeof arguments[6] != "boolean")
throw new Cr("`loose`, if provided, must be a boolean");
var a = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : null, i = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : null, s = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] :
null, c = arguments.length > 6 ? arguments[6] : !1, l = !!Ey && Ey(e, t);
if (vy)
vy(e, t, {
configurable: s === null && l ? l.configurable : !s,
enumerable: a === null && l ? l.enumerable : !a,
value: o,
writable: i === null && l ? l.writable : !i
else if (c || !a && !i && !s)
e[t] = o;
throw new YO("This environment does not support defining a property as non-configurable, non-writable, or non-enumerable.");
}, "defineDataProperty");
// ../node_modules/has-property-descriptors/index.js
var xy = d((Hj, wy) => {
"use strict";
var Ri = Fo(), Ay = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return !!Ri;
}, "hasPropertyDescriptors");
Ay.hasArrayLengthDefineBug = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
if (!Ri)
return null;
try {
return Ri([], "length", { value: 1 }).length !== 1;
} catch {
return !0;
}, "hasArrayLengthDefineBug");
wy.exports = Ay;
// ../node_modules/set-function-length/index.js
var Iy = d(($j, Cy) => {
"use strict";
var KO = $e(), _y = Ry(), XO = xy()(), Py = Ti(), Oy = wr(), JO = KO("%Math.floor%");
Cy.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
if (typeof e != "function")
throw new Oy("`fn` is not a function");
if (typeof t != "number" || t < 0 || t > 4294967295 || JO(t) !== t)
throw new Oy("`length` must be a positive 32-bit integer");
var o = arguments.length > 2 && !!arguments[2], a = !0, i = !0;
if ("length" in e && Py) {
var s = Py(e, "length");
s && !s.configurable && (a = !1), s && !s.writable && (i = !1);
return (a || i || !o) && (XO ? _y(
/** @type {Parameters<define>[0]} */
) : _y(
/** @type {Parameters<define>[0]} */
)), e;
}, "setFunctionLength");
// ../node_modules/call-bind/index.js
var ky = d((zj, No) => {
"use strict";
var Ai = Po(), qo = $e(), QO = Iy(), ZO = wr(), Ny = qo("%Function.prototype.apply%"), qy = qo("%Function.prototype.call%"), Ly = qo("%Ref\
lect.apply%", !0) || Ai.call(qy, Ny), Fy = Fo(), eC = qo("%Math.max%");
No.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
if (typeof e != "function")
throw new ZO("a function is required");
var t = Ly(Ai, qy, arguments);
return QO(
1 + eC(0, e.length - (arguments.length - 1)),
}, "callBind");
var Dy = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ly(Ai, Ny, arguments);
}, "applyBind");
Fy ? Fy(No.exports, "apply", { value: Dy }) : No.exports.apply = Dy;
// ../node_modules/call-bind/callBound.js
var Uy = d((Kj, By) => {
"use strict";
var My = $e(), jy = ky(), rC = jy(My("String.prototype.indexOf"));
By.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
var o = My(e, !!t);
return typeof o == "function" && rC(e, ".prototype.") > -1 ? jy(o) : o;
}, "callBoundIntrinsic");
// (disabled):../node_modules/object-inspect/util.inspect
var Gy = d(() => {
// ../node_modules/object-inspect/index.js
var lh = d((Zj, sh) => {
var Ni = typeof Map == "function" && Map.prototype, wi = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && Ni ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Map.prototype,
"size") : null, ko = Ni && wi && typeof wi.get == "function" ? wi.get : null, Hy = Ni && Map.prototype.forEach, qi = typeof Set == "functi\
on" && Set.prototype, xi = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && qi ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Set.prototype, "size") : null, Mo = qi &&
xi && typeof xi.get == "function" ? xi.get : null, Vy = qi && Set.prototype.forEach, tC = typeof WeakMap == "function" && WeakMap.prototype,
wt = tC ? WeakMap.prototype.has : null, oC = typeof WeakSet == "function" && WeakSet.prototype, xt = oC ? WeakSet.prototype.has : null, nC = typeof WeakRef ==
"function" && WeakRef.prototype, $y = nC ? WeakRef.prototype.deref : null, aC = Boolean.prototype.valueOf, iC = Object.prototype.toString,
sC = Function.prototype.toString, lC = String.prototype.match, Li = String.prototype.slice, xe = String.prototype.replace, cC = String.prototype.
toUpperCase, Wy = String.prototype.toLowerCase, rh = RegExp.prototype.test, zy = Array.prototype.concat, le = Array.prototype.join, uC = Array.
prototype.slice, Yy = Math.floor, Oi = typeof BigInt == "function" ? BigInt.prototype.valueOf : null, _i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, Ci = typeof Symbol ==
"function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? Symbol.prototype.toString : null, Ir = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator ==
"object", X = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.toStringTag && (typeof Symbol.toStringTag === Ir || !0) ? Symbol.toStringTag : null, th = Object.
prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, Ky = (typeof Reflect == "function" ? Reflect.getPrototypeOf : Object.getPrototypeOf) || ([].__proto__ === Array.
prototype ? function(r) {
return r.__proto__;
} : null);
function Xy(r, e) {
if (r === 1 / 0 || r === -1 / 0 || r !== r || r && r > -1e3 && r < 1e3 || rh.call(/e/, e))
return e;
var t = /[0-9](?=(?:[0-9]{3})+(?![0-9]))/g;
if (typeof r == "number") {
var o = r < 0 ? -Yy(-r) : Yy(r);
if (o !== r) {
var a = String(o), i = Li.call(e, a.length + 1);
return xe.call(a, t, "$&_") + "." + xe.call(xe.call(i, /([0-9]{3})/g, "$&_"), /_$/, "");
return xe.call(e, t, "$&_");
n(Xy, "addNumericSeparator");
var Ii = Gy(), Jy = Ii.custom, Qy = nh(Jy) ? Jy : null;
sh.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function r(e, t, o, a) {
var i = t || {};
if (we(i, "quoteStyle") && i.quoteStyle !== "single" && i.quoteStyle !== "double")
throw new TypeError('option "quoteStyle" must be "single" or "double"');
if (we(i, "maxStringLength") && (typeof i.maxStringLength == "number" ? i.maxStringLength < 0 && i.maxStringLength !== 1 / 0 : i.maxStringLength !==
throw new TypeError('option "maxStringLength", if provided, must be a positive integer, Infinity, or `null`');
var s = we(i, "customInspect") ? i.customInspect : !0;
if (typeof s != "boolean" && s !== "symbol")
throw new TypeError("option \"customInspect\", if provided, must be `true`, `false`, or `'symbol'`");
if (we(i, "indent") && i.indent !== null && i.indent !== " " && !(parseInt(i.indent, 10) === i.indent && i.indent > 0))
throw new TypeError('option "indent" must be "\\t", an integer > 0, or `null`');
if (we(i, "numericSeparator") && typeof i.numericSeparator != "boolean")
throw new TypeError('option "numericSeparator", if provided, must be `true` or `false`');
var c = i.numericSeparator;
if (typeof e > "u")
return "undefined";
if (e === null)
return "null";
if (typeof e == "boolean")
return e ? "true" : "false";
if (typeof e == "string")
return ih(e, i);
if (typeof e == "number") {
if (e === 0)
return 1 / 0 / e > 0 ? "0" : "-0";
var l = String(e);
return c ? Xy(e, l) : l;
if (typeof e == "bigint") {
var u = String(e) + "n";
return c ? Xy(e, u) : u;
var p = typeof i.depth > "u" ? 5 : i.depth;
if (typeof o > "u" && (o = 0), o >= p && p > 0 && typeof e == "object")
return Fi(e) ? "[Array]" : "[Object]";
var h = PC(i, o);
if (typeof a > "u")
a = [];
else if (ah(a, e) >= 0)
return "[Circular]";
function y(D, q, N) {
if (q && (a = uC.call(a), a.push(q)), N) {
var B = {
depth: i.depth
return we(i, "quoteStyle") && (B.quoteStyle = i.quoteStyle), r(D, B, o + 1, a);
return r(D, i, o + 1, a);
if (n(y, "inspect"), typeof e == "function" && !Zy(e)) {
var g = bC(e), m = Lo(e, y);
return "[Function" + (g ? ": " + g : " (anonymous)") + "]" + (m.length > 0 ? " { " + le.call(m, ", ") + " }" : "");
if (nh(e)) {
var b = Ir ? xe.call(String(e), /^(Symbol\(.*\))_[^)]*$/, "$1") : Ci.call(e);
return typeof e == "object" && !Ir ? At(b) : b;
if (wC(e)) {
for (var S = "<" + Wy.call(String(e.nodeName)), w = e.attributes || [], E = 0; E < w.length; E++)
S += " " + w[E].name + "=" + oh(pC(w[E].value), "double", i);
return S += ">", e.childNodes && e.childNodes.length && (S += "..."), S += "</" + Wy.call(String(e.nodeName)) + ">", S;
if (Fi(e)) {
if (e.length === 0)
return "[]";
var v = Lo(e, y);
return h && !_C(v) ? "[" + Di(v, h) + "]" : "[ " + le.call(v, ", ") + " ]";
if (fC(e)) {
var x = Lo(e, y);
return !("cause" in Error.prototype) && "cause" in e && !th.call(e, "cause") ? "{ [" + String(e) + "] " + le.call(zy.call("[cause]: " +
y(e.cause), x), ", ") + " }" : x.length === 0 ? "[" + String(e) + "]" : "{ [" + String(e) + "] " + le.call(x, ", ") + " }";
if (typeof e == "object" && s) {
if (Qy && typeof e[Qy] == "function" && Ii)
return Ii(e, { depth: p - o });
if (s !== "symbol" && typeof e.inspect == "function")
return e.inspect();
if (vC(e)) {
var R = [];
return Hy && Hy.call(e, function(D, q) {
R.push(y(q, e, !0) + " => " + y(D, e));
}), eh("Map", ko.call(e), R, h);
if (RC(e)) {
var P = [];
return Vy && Vy.call(e, function(D) {
P.push(y(D, e));
}), eh("Set", Mo.call(e), P, h);
if (EC(e))
return Pi("WeakMap");
if (AC(e))
return Pi("WeakSet");
if (TC(e))
return Pi("WeakRef");
if (hC(e))
return At(y(Number(e)));
if (gC(e))
return At(y(Oi.call(e)));
if (mC(e))
return At(aC.call(e));
if (yC(e))
return At(y(String(e)));
if (typeof window < "u" && e === window)
return "{ [object Window] }";
if (e === global)
return "{ [object globalThis] }";
if (!dC(e) && !Zy(e)) {
var k = Lo(e, y), F = Ky ? Ky(e) === Object.prototype : e instanceof Object || e.constructor === Object, H = e instanceof Object ? "" :
"null prototype", Z = !F && X && Object(e) === e && X in e ? Li.call(_e(e), 8, -1) : H ? "Object" : "", me = F || typeof e.constructor !=
"function" ? "" : e.constructor.name ? e.constructor.name + " " : "", V = me + (Z || H ? "[" + le.call(zy.call([], Z || [], H || []), "\
: ") + "] " : "");
return k.length === 0 ? V + "{}" : h ? V + "{" + Di(k, h) + "}" : V + "{ " + le.call(k, ", ") + " }";
return String(e);
}, "inspect_");
function oh(r, e, t) {
var o = (t.quoteStyle || e) === "double" ? '"' : "'";
return o + r + o;
n(oh, "wrapQuotes");
function pC(r) {
return xe.call(String(r), /"/g, """);
n(pC, "quote");
function Fi(r) {
return _e(r) === "[object Array]" && (!X || !(typeof r == "object" && X in r));
n(Fi, "isArray");
function dC(r) {
return _e(r) === "[object Date]" && (!X || !(typeof r == "object" && X in r));
n(dC, "isDate");
function Zy(r) {
return _e(r) === "[object RegExp]" && (!X || !(typeof r == "object" && X in r));
n(Zy, "isRegExp");
function fC(r) {
return _e(r) === "[object Error]" && (!X || !(typeof r == "object" && X in r));
n(fC, "isError");
function yC(r) {
return _e(r) === "[object String]" && (!X || !(typeof r == "object" && X in r));
n(yC, "isString");
function hC(r) {
return _e(r) === "[object Number]" && (!X || !(typeof r == "object" && X in r));
n(hC, "isNumber");
function mC(r) {
return _e(r) === "[object Boolean]" && (!X || !(typeof r == "object" && X in r));
n(mC, "isBoolean");
function nh(r) {
if (Ir)
return r && typeof r == "object" && r instanceof Symbol;
if (typeof r == "symbol")
return !0;
if (!r || typeof r != "object" || !Ci)
return !1;
try {
return Ci.call(r), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
n(nh, "isSymbol");
function gC(r) {
if (!r || typeof r != "object" || !Oi)
return !1;
try {
return Oi.call(r), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
n(gC, "isBigInt");
var SC = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty || function(r) {
return r in this;
function we(r, e) {
return SC.call(r, e);
n(we, "has");
function _e(r) {
return iC.call(r);
n(_e, "toStr");
function bC(r) {
if (r.name)
return r.name;
var e = lC.call(sC.call(r), /^function\s*([\w$]+)/);
return e ? e[1] : null;
n(bC, "nameOf");
function ah(r, e) {
if (r.indexOf)
return r.indexOf(e);
for (var t = 0, o = r.length; t < o; t++)
if (r[t] === e)
return t;
return -1;
n(ah, "indexOf");
function vC(r) {
if (!ko || !r || typeof r != "object")
return !1;
try {
try {
} catch {
return !0;
return r instanceof Map;
} catch {
return !1;
n(vC, "isMap");
function EC(r) {
if (!wt || !r || typeof r != "object")
return !1;
try {
wt.call(r, wt);
try {
xt.call(r, xt);
} catch {
return !0;
return r instanceof WeakMap;
} catch {
return !1;
n(EC, "isWeakMap");
function TC(r) {
if (!$y || !r || typeof r != "object")
return !1;
try {
return $y.call(r), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
n(TC, "isWeakRef");
function RC(r) {
if (!Mo || !r || typeof r != "object")
return !1;
try {
try {
} catch {
return !0;
return r instanceof Set;
} catch {
return !1;
n(RC, "isSet");
function AC(r) {
if (!xt || !r || typeof r != "object")
return !1;
try {
xt.call(r, xt);
try {
wt.call(r, wt);
} catch {
return !0;
return r instanceof WeakSet;
} catch {
return !1;
n(AC, "isWeakSet");
function wC(r) {
return !r || typeof r != "object" ? !1 : typeof HTMLElement < "u" && r instanceof HTMLElement ? !0 : typeof r.nodeName == "string" && typeof r.
getAttribute == "function";
n(wC, "isElement");
function ih(r, e) {
if (r.length > e.maxStringLength) {
var t = r.length - e.maxStringLength, o = "... " + t + " more character" + (t > 1 ? "s" : "");
return ih(Li.call(r, 0, e.maxStringLength), e) + o;
var a = xe.call(xe.call(r, /(['\\])/g, "\\$1"), /[\x00-\x1f]/g, xC);
return oh(a, "single", e);
n(ih, "inspectString");
function xC(r) {
var e = r.charCodeAt(0), t = {
8: "b",
9: "t",
10: "n",
12: "f",
13: "r"
return t ? "\\" + t : "\\x" + (e < 16 ? "0" : "") + cC.call(e.toString(16));
n(xC, "lowbyte");
function At(r) {
return "Object(" + r + ")";
n(At, "markBoxed");
function Pi(r) {
return r + " { ? }";
n(Pi, "weakCollectionOf");
function eh(r, e, t, o) {
var a = o ? Di(t, o) : le.call(t, ", ");
return r + " (" + e + ") {" + a + "}";
n(eh, "collectionOf");
function _C(r) {
for (var e = 0; e < r.length; e++)
if (ah(r[e], `
`) >= 0)
return !1;
return !0;
n(_C, "singleLineValues");
function PC(r, e) {
var t;
if (r.indent === " ")
t = " ";
else if (typeof r.indent == "number" && r.indent > 0)
t = le.call(Array(r.indent + 1), " ");
return null;
return {
base: t,
prev: le.call(Array(e + 1), t)
n(PC, "getIndent");
function Di(r, e) {
if (r.length === 0)
return "";
var t = `
` + e.prev + e.base;
return t + le.call(r, "," + t) + `
` + e.prev;
n(Di, "indentedJoin");
function Lo(r, e) {
var t = Fi(r), o = [];
if (t) {
o.length = r.length;
for (var a = 0; a < r.length; a++)
o[a] = we(r, a) ? e(r[a], r) : "";
var i = typeof _i == "function" ? _i(r) : [], s;
if (Ir) {
s = {};
for (var c = 0; c < i.length; c++)
s["$" + i[c]] = i[c];
for (var l in r)
we(r, l) && (t && String(Number(l)) === l && l < r.length || Ir && s["$" + l] instanceof Symbol || (rh.call(/[^\w$]/, l) ? o.push(e(l,
r) + ": " + e(r[l], r)) : o.push(l + ": " + e(r[l], r))));
if (typeof _i == "function")
for (var u = 0; u < i.length; u++)
th.call(r, i[u]) && o.push("[" + e(i[u]) + "]: " + e(r[i[u]], r));
return o;
n(Lo, "arrObjKeys");
// ../node_modules/side-channel/index.js
var ph = d((rB, uh) => {
"use strict";
var ch = $e(), Fr = Uy(), OC = lh(), CC = wr(), jo = ch("%WeakMap%", !0), Bo = ch("%Map%", !0), IC = Fr("WeakMap.prototype.get", !0), FC = Fr(
"WeakMap.prototype.set", !0), DC = Fr("WeakMap.prototype.has", !0), NC = Fr("Map.prototype.get", !0), qC = Fr("Map.prototype.set", !0), LC = Fr(
"Map.prototype.has", !0), ki = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e) {
for (var t = r, o; (o = t.next) !== null; t = o)
if (o.key === e)
return t.next = o.next, o.next = /** @type {NonNullable<typeof list.next>} */
r.next, r.next = o, o;
}, "listGetNode"), kC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e) {
var t = ki(r, e);
return t && t.value;
}, "listGet"), MC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e, t) {
var o = ki(r, e);
o ? o.value = t : r.next = /** @type {import('.').ListNode<typeof value>} */
// eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign, no-extra-parens
key: e,
next: r.next,
value: t
}, "listSet"), jC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e) {
return !!ki(r, e);
}, "listHas");
uh.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
var e, t, o, a = {
assert: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(i) {
if (!a.has(i))
throw new CC("Side channel does not contain " + OC(i));
}, "assert"),
get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(i) {
if (jo && i && (typeof i == "object" || typeof i == "function")) {
if (e)
return IC(e, i);
} else if (Bo) {
if (t)
return NC(t, i);
} else if (o)
return kC(o, i);
}, "get"),
has: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(i) {
if (jo && i && (typeof i == "object" || typeof i == "function")) {
if (e)
return DC(e, i);
} else if (Bo) {
if (t)
return LC(t, i);
} else if (o)
return jC(o, i);
return !1;
}, "has"),
set: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(i, s) {
jo && i && (typeof i == "object" || typeof i == "function") ? (e || (e = new jo()), FC(e, i, s)) : Bo ? (t || (t = new Bo()), qC(t, i,
s)) : (o || (o = { key: {}, next: null }), MC(o, i, s));
}, "set")
return a;
}, "getSideChannel");
// ../node_modules/qs/lib/formats.js
var Uo = d((oB, dh) => {
"use strict";
var BC = String.prototype.replace, UC = /%20/g, Mi = {
RFC1738: "RFC1738",
RFC3986: "RFC3986"
dh.exports = {
default: Mi.RFC3986,
formatters: {
RFC1738: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r) {
return BC.call(r, UC, "+");
}, "RFC1738"),
RFC3986: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r) {
return String(r);
}, "RFC3986")
RFC1738: Mi.RFC1738,
RFC3986: Mi.RFC3986
// ../node_modules/qs/lib/utils.js
var Ui = d((aB, yh) => {
"use strict";
var GC = Uo(), ji = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, We = Array.isArray, ce = function() {
for (var r = [], e = 0; e < 256; ++e)
r.push("%" + ((e < 16 ? "0" : "") + e.toString(16)).toUpperCase());
return r;
}(), HC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
for (; e.length > 1; ) {
var t = e.pop(), o = t.obj[t.prop];
if (We(o)) {
for (var a = [], i = 0; i < o.length; ++i)
typeof o[i] < "u" && a.push(o[i]);
t.obj[t.prop] = a;
}, "compactQueue"), fh = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
for (var o = t && t.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {}, a = 0; a < e.length; ++a)
typeof e[a] < "u" && (o[a] = e[a]);
return o;
}, "arrayToObject"), VC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function r(e, t, o) {
if (!t)
return e;
if (typeof t != "object") {
if (We(e))
else if (e && typeof e == "object")
(o && (o.plainObjects || o.allowPrototypes) || !ji.call(Object.prototype, t)) && (e[t] = !0);
return [e, t];
return e;
if (!e || typeof e != "object")
return [e].concat(t);
var a = e;
return We(e) && !We(t) && (a = fh(e, o)), We(e) && We(t) ? (t.forEach(function(i, s) {
if (ji.call(e, s)) {
var c = e[s];
c && typeof c == "object" && i && typeof i == "object" ? e[s] = r(c, i, o) : e.push(i);
} else
e[s] = i;
}), e) : Object.keys(t).reduce(function(i, s) {
var c = t[s];
return ji.call(i, s) ? i[s] = r(i[s], c, o) : i[s] = c, i;
}, a);
}, "merge"), $C = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
return Object.keys(t).reduce(function(o, a) {
return o[a] = t[a], o;
}, e);
}, "assignSingleSource"), WC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e, t) {
var o = r.replace(/\+/g, " ");
if (t === "iso-8859-1")
return o.replace(/%[0-9a-f]{2}/gi, unescape);
try {
return decodeURIComponent(o);
} catch {
return o;
}, "decode"), Bi = 1024, zC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t, o, a, i) {
if (e.length === 0)
return e;
var s = e;
if (typeof e == "symbol" ? s = Symbol.prototype.toString.call(e) : typeof e != "string" && (s = String(e)), o === "iso-8859-1")
return escape(s).replace(/%u[0-9a-f]{4}/gi, function(g) {
return "%26%23" + parseInt(g.slice(2), 16) + "%3B";
for (var c = "", l = 0; l < s.length; l += Bi) {
for (var u = s.length >= Bi ? s.slice(l, l + Bi) : s, p = [], h = 0; h < u.length; ++h) {
var y = u.charCodeAt(h);
if (y === 45 || y === 46 || y === 95 || y === 126 || y >= 48 && y <= 57 || y >= 65 && y <= 90 || y >= 97 && y <= 122 || i === GC.RFC1738 &&
(y === 40 || y === 41)) {
p[p.length] = u.charAt(h);
if (y < 128) {
p[p.length] = ce[y];
if (y < 2048) {
p[p.length] = ce[192 | y >> 6] + ce[128 | y & 63];
if (y < 55296 || y >= 57344) {
p[p.length] = ce[224 | y >> 12] + ce[128 | y >> 6 & 63] + ce[128 | y & 63];
h += 1, y = 65536 + ((y & 1023) << 10 | u.charCodeAt(h) & 1023), p[p.length] = ce[240 | y >> 18] + ce[128 | y >> 12 & 63] + ce[128 |
y >> 6 & 63] + ce[128 | y & 63];
c += p.join("");
return c;
}, "encode"), YC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
for (var t = [{ obj: { o: e }, prop: "o" }], o = [], a = 0; a < t.length; ++a)
for (var i = t[a], s = i.obj[i.prop], c = Object.keys(s), l = 0; l < c.length; ++l) {
var u = c[l], p = s[u];
typeof p == "object" && p !== null && o.indexOf(p) === -1 && (t.push({ obj: s, prop: u }), o.push(p));
return HC(t), e;
}, "compact"), KC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object RegExp]";
}, "isRegExp"), XC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
return !e || typeof e != "object" ? !1 : !!(e.constructor && e.constructor.isBuffer && e.constructor.isBuffer(e));
}, "isBuffer"), JC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
return [].concat(e, t);
}, "combine"), QC = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
if (We(e)) {
for (var o = [], a = 0; a < e.length; a += 1)
return o;
return t(e);
}, "maybeMap");
yh.exports = {
arrayToObject: fh,
assign: $C,
combine: JC,
compact: YC,
decode: WC,
encode: zC,
isBuffer: XC,
isRegExp: KC,
maybeMap: QC,
merge: VC
// ../node_modules/qs/lib/stringify.js
var vh = d((sB, bh) => {
"use strict";
var mh = ph(), Go = Ui(), _t = Uo(), ZC = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, gh = {
brackets: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
return e + "[]";
}, "brackets"),
comma: "comma",
indices: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
return e + "[" + t + "]";
}, "indices"),
repeat: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
return e;
}, "repeat")
}, ue = Array.isArray, eI = Array.prototype.push, Sh = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e) {
eI.apply(r, ue(e) ? e : [e]);
}, "pushToArray"), rI = Date.prototype.toISOString, hh = _t.default, $ = {
addQueryPrefix: !1,
allowDots: !1,
allowEmptyArrays: !1,
arrayFormat: "indices",
charset: "utf-8",
charsetSentinel: !1,
delimiter: "&",
encode: !0,
encodeDotInKeys: !1,
encoder: Go.encode,
encodeValuesOnly: !1,
format: hh,
formatter: _t.formatters[hh],
// deprecated
indices: !1,
serializeDate: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
return rI.call(e);
}, "serializeDate"),
skipNulls: !1,
strictNullHandling: !1
}, tI = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
return typeof e == "string" || typeof e == "number" || typeof e == "boolean" || typeof e == "symbol" || typeof e == "bigint";
}, "isNonNullishPrimitive"), Gi = {}, oI = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function r(e, t, o, a, i, s, c, l, u, p, h, y, g, m, b, S, w, E) {
for (var v = e, x = E, R = 0, P = !1; (x = x.get(Gi)) !== void 0 && !P; ) {
var k = x.get(e);
if (R += 1, typeof k < "u") {
if (k === R)
throw new RangeError("Cyclic object value");
P = !0;
typeof x.get(Gi) > "u" && (R = 0);
if (typeof p == "function" ? v = p(t, v) : v instanceof Date ? v = g(v) : o === "comma" && ue(v) && (v = Go.maybeMap(v, function(Se) {
return Se instanceof Date ? g(Se) : Se;
})), v === null) {
if (s)
return u && !S ? u(t, $.encoder, w, "key", m) : t;
v = "";
if (tI(v) || Go.isBuffer(v)) {
if (u) {
var F = S ? t : u(t, $.encoder, w, "key", m);
return [b(F) + "=" + b(u(v, $.encoder, w, "value", m))];
return [b(t) + "=" + b(String(v))];
var H = [];
if (typeof v > "u")
return H;
var Z;
if (o === "comma" && ue(v))
S && u && (v = Go.maybeMap(v, u)), Z = [{ value: v.length > 0 ? v.join(",") || null : void 0 }];
else if (ue(p))
Z = p;
else {
var me = Object.keys(v);
Z = h ? me.sort(h) : me;
var V = l ? t.replace(/\./g, "%2E") : t, D = a && ue(v) && v.length === 1 ? V + "[]" : V;
if (i && ue(v) && v.length === 0)
return D + "[]";
for (var q = 0; q < Z.length; ++q) {
var N = Z[q], B = typeof N == "object" && typeof N.value < "u" ? N.value : v[N];
if (!(c && B === null)) {
var ee = y && l ? N.replace(/\./g, "%2E") : N, ge = ue(v) ? typeof o == "function" ? o(D, ee) : D : D + (y ? "." + ee : "[" + ee + "\
E.set(e, R);
var z = mh();
z.set(Gi, E), Sh(H, r(
o === "comma" && S && ue(v) ? null : u,
return H;
}, "stringify"), nI = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
if (!e)
return $;
if (typeof e.allowEmptyArrays < "u" && typeof e.allowEmptyArrays != "boolean")
throw new TypeError("`allowEmptyArrays` option can only be `true` or `false`, when provided");
if (typeof e.encodeDotInKeys < "u" && typeof e.encodeDotInKeys != "boolean")
throw new TypeError("`encodeDotInKeys` option can only be `true` or `false`, when provided");
if (e.encoder !== null && typeof e.encoder < "u" && typeof e.encoder != "function")
throw new TypeError("Encoder has to be a function.");
var t = e.charset || $.charset;
if (typeof e.charset < "u" && e.charset !== "utf-8" && e.charset !== "iso-8859-1")
throw new TypeError("The charset option must be either utf-8, iso-8859-1, or undefined");
var o = _t.default;
if (typeof e.format < "u") {
if (!ZC.call(_t.formatters, e.format))
throw new TypeError("Unknown format option provided.");
o = e.format;
var a = _t.formatters[o], i = $.filter;
(typeof e.filter == "function" || ue(e.filter)) && (i = e.filter);
var s;
if (e.arrayFormat in gh ? s = e.arrayFormat : "indices" in e ? s = e.indices ? "indices" : "repeat" : s = $.arrayFormat, "commaRoundTrip" in
e && typeof e.commaRoundTrip != "boolean")
throw new TypeError("`commaRoundTrip` must be a boolean, or absent");
var c = typeof e.allowDots > "u" ? e.encodeDotInKeys === !0 ? !0 : $.allowDots : !!e.allowDots;
return {
addQueryPrefix: typeof e.addQueryPrefix == "boolean" ? e.addQueryPrefix : $.addQueryPrefix,
allowDots: c,
allowEmptyArrays: typeof e.allowEmptyArrays == "boolean" ? !!e.allowEmptyArrays : $.allowEmptyArrays,
arrayFormat: s,
charset: t,
charsetSentinel: typeof e.charsetSentinel == "boolean" ? e.charsetSentinel : $.charsetSentinel,
commaRoundTrip: e.commaRoundTrip,
delimiter: typeof e.delimiter > "u" ? $.delimiter : e.delimiter,
encode: typeof e.encode == "boolean" ? e.encode : $.encode,
encodeDotInKeys: typeof e.encodeDotInKeys == "boolean" ? e.encodeDotInKeys : $.encodeDotInKeys,
encoder: typeof e.encoder == "function" ? e.encoder : $.encoder,
encodeValuesOnly: typeof e.encodeValuesOnly == "boolean" ? e.encodeValuesOnly : $.encodeValuesOnly,
filter: i,
format: o,
formatter: a,
serializeDate: typeof e.serializeDate == "function" ? e.serializeDate : $.serializeDate,
skipNulls: typeof e.skipNulls == "boolean" ? e.skipNulls : $.skipNulls,
sort: typeof e.sort == "function" ? e.sort : null,
strictNullHandling: typeof e.strictNullHandling == "boolean" ? e.strictNullHandling : $.strictNullHandling
}, "normalizeStringifyOptions");
bh.exports = function(r, e) {
var t = r, o = nI(e), a, i;
typeof o.filter == "function" ? (i = o.filter, t = i("", t)) : ue(o.filter) && (i = o.filter, a = i);
var s = [];
if (typeof t != "object" || t === null)
return "";
var c = gh[o.arrayFormat], l = c === "comma" && o.commaRoundTrip;
a || (a = Object.keys(t)), o.sort && a.sort(o.sort);
for (var u = mh(), p = 0; p < a.length; ++p) {
var h = a[p];
o.skipNulls && t[h] === null || Sh(s, oI(
o.encode ? o.encoder : null,
var y = s.join(o.delimiter), g = o.addQueryPrefix === !0 ? "?" : "";
return o.charsetSentinel && (o.charset === "iso-8859-1" ? g += "utf8=%26%2310003%3B&" : g += "utf8=%E2%9C%93&"), y.length > 0 ? g + y : "";
// ../node_modules/qs/lib/parse.js
var Rh = d((cB, Th) => {
"use strict";
var Dr = Ui(), Hi = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, aI = Array.isArray, G = {
allowDots: !1,
allowEmptyArrays: !1,
allowPrototypes: !1,
allowSparse: !1,
arrayLimit: 20,
charset: "utf-8",
charsetSentinel: !1,
comma: !1,
decodeDotInKeys: !1,
decoder: Dr.decode,
delimiter: "&",
depth: 5,
duplicates: "combine",
ignoreQueryPrefix: !1,
interpretNumericEntities: !1,
parameterLimit: 1e3,
parseArrays: !0,
plainObjects: !1,
strictNullHandling: !1
}, iI = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r) {
return r.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function(e, t) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t, 10));
}, "interpretNumericEntities"), Eh = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e) {
return r && typeof r == "string" && e.comma && r.indexOf(",") > -1 ? r.split(",") : r;
}, "parseArrayValue"), sI = "utf8=%26%2310003%3B", lI = "utf8=%E2%9C%93", cI = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
var o = { __proto__: null }, a = t.ignoreQueryPrefix ? e.replace(/^\?/, "") : e;
a = a.replace(/%5B/gi, "[").replace(/%5D/gi, "]");
var i = t.parameterLimit === 1 / 0 ? void 0 : t.parameterLimit, s = a.split(t.delimiter, i), c = -1, l, u = t.charset;
if (t.charsetSentinel)
for (l = 0; l < s.length; ++l)
s[l].indexOf("utf8=") === 0 && (s[l] === lI ? u = "utf-8" : s[l] === sI && (u = "iso-8859-1"), c = l, l = s.length);
for (l = 0; l < s.length; ++l)
if (l !== c) {
var p = s[l], h = p.indexOf("]="), y = h === -1 ? p.indexOf("=") : h + 1, g, m;
y === -1 ? (g = t.decoder(p, G.decoder, u, "key"), m = t.strictNullHandling ? null : "") : (g = t.decoder(p.slice(0, y), G.decoder, u,
"key"), m = Dr.maybeMap(
Eh(p.slice(y + 1), t),
function(S) {
return t.decoder(S, G.decoder, u, "value");
)), m && t.interpretNumericEntities && u === "iso-8859-1" && (m = iI(m)), p.indexOf("[]=") > -1 && (m = aI(m) ? [m] : m);
var b = Hi.call(o, g);
b && t.duplicates === "combine" ? o[g] = Dr.combine(o[g], m) : (!b || t.duplicates === "last") && (o[g] = m);
return o;
}, "parseQueryStringValues"), uI = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e, t, o) {
for (var a = o ? e : Eh(e, t), i = r.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var s, c = r[i];
if (c === "[]" && t.parseArrays)
s = t.allowEmptyArrays && (a === "" || t.strictNullHandling && a === null) ? [] : [].concat(a);
else {
s = t.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {};
var l = c.charAt(0) === "[" && c.charAt(c.length - 1) === "]" ? c.slice(1, -1) : c, u = t.decodeDotInKeys ? l.replace(/%2E/g, ".") :
l, p = parseInt(u, 10);
!t.parseArrays && u === "" ? s = { 0: a } : !isNaN(p) && c !== u && String(p) === u && p >= 0 && t.parseArrays && p <= t.arrayLimit ?
(s = [], s[p] = a) : u !== "__proto__" && (s[u] = a);
a = s;
return a;
}, "parseObject"), pI = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t, o, a) {
if (e) {
var i = o.allowDots ? e.replace(/\.([^.[]+)/g, "[$1]") : e, s = /(\[[^[\]]*])/, c = /(\[[^[\]]*])/g, l = o.depth > 0 && s.exec(i), u = l ?
i.slice(0, l.index) : i, p = [];
if (u) {
if (!o.plainObjects && Hi.call(Object.prototype, u) && !o.allowPrototypes)
for (var h = 0; o.depth > 0 && (l = c.exec(i)) !== null && h < o.depth; ) {
if (h += 1, !o.plainObjects && Hi.call(Object.prototype, l[1].slice(1, -1)) && !o.allowPrototypes)
return l && p.push("[" + i.slice(l.index) + "]"), uI(p, t, o, a);
}, "parseQueryStringKeys"), dI = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
if (!e)
return G;
if (typeof e.allowEmptyArrays < "u" && typeof e.allowEmptyArrays != "boolean")
throw new TypeError("`allowEmptyArrays` option can only be `true` or `false`, when provided");
if (typeof e.decodeDotInKeys < "u" && typeof e.decodeDotInKeys != "boolean")
throw new TypeError("`decodeDotInKeys` option can only be `true` or `false`, when provided");
if (e.decoder !== null && typeof e.decoder < "u" && typeof e.decoder != "function")
throw new TypeError("Decoder has to be a function.");
if (typeof e.charset < "u" && e.charset !== "utf-8" && e.charset !== "iso-8859-1")
throw new TypeError("The charset option must be either utf-8, iso-8859-1, or undefined");
var t = typeof e.charset > "u" ? G.charset : e.charset, o = typeof e.duplicates > "u" ? G.duplicates : e.duplicates;
if (o !== "combine" && o !== "first" && o !== "last")
throw new TypeError("The duplicates option must be either combine, first, or last");
var a = typeof e.allowDots > "u" ? e.decodeDotInKeys === !0 ? !0 : G.allowDots : !!e.allowDots;
return {
allowDots: a,
allowEmptyArrays: typeof e.allowEmptyArrays == "boolean" ? !!e.allowEmptyArrays : G.allowEmptyArrays,
allowPrototypes: typeof e.allowPrototypes == "boolean" ? e.allowPrototypes : G.allowPrototypes,
allowSparse: typeof e.allowSparse == "boolean" ? e.allowSparse : G.allowSparse,
arrayLimit: typeof e.arrayLimit == "number" ? e.arrayLimit : G.arrayLimit,
charset: t,
charsetSentinel: typeof e.charsetSentinel == "boolean" ? e.charsetSentinel : G.charsetSentinel,
comma: typeof e.comma == "boolean" ? e.comma : G.comma,
decodeDotInKeys: typeof e.decodeDotInKeys == "boolean" ? e.decodeDotInKeys : G.decodeDotInKeys,
decoder: typeof e.decoder == "function" ? e.decoder : G.decoder,
delimiter: typeof e.delimiter == "string" || Dr.isRegExp(e.delimiter) ? e.delimiter : G.delimiter,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-implicit-coercion, no-extra-parens
depth: typeof e.depth == "number" || e.depth === !1 ? +e.depth : G.depth,
duplicates: o,
ignoreQueryPrefix: e.ignoreQueryPrefix === !0,
interpretNumericEntities: typeof e.interpretNumericEntities == "boolean" ? e.interpretNumericEntities : G.interpretNumericEntities,
parameterLimit: typeof e.parameterLimit == "number" ? e.parameterLimit : G.parameterLimit,
parseArrays: e.parseArrays !== !1,
plainObjects: typeof e.plainObjects == "boolean" ? e.plainObjects : G.plainObjects,
strictNullHandling: typeof e.strictNullHandling == "boolean" ? e.strictNullHandling : G.strictNullHandling
}, "normalizeParseOptions");
Th.exports = function(r, e) {
var t = dI(e);
if (r === "" || r === null || typeof r > "u")
return t.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {};
for (var o = typeof r == "string" ? cI(r, t) : r, a = t.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {}, i = Object.keys(o), s = 0; s <
i.length; ++s) {
var c = i[s], l = pI(c, o[c], t, typeof r == "string");
a = Dr.merge(a, l, t);
return t.allowSparse === !0 ? a : Dr.compact(a);
// ../node_modules/qs/lib/index.js
var Ho = d((pB, Ah) => {
"use strict";
var fI = vh(), yI = Rh(), hI = Uo();
Ah.exports = {
formats: hI,
parse: yI,
stringify: fI
// ../node_modules/ansi-to-html/node_modules/entities/lib/maps/entities.json
var zi = d((vB, TI) => {
TI.exports = { Aacute: "\xC1", aacute: "\xE1", Abreve: "\u0102", abreve: "\u0103", ac: "\u223E", acd: "\u223F", acE: "\u223E\u0333", Acirc: "\
\xC2", acirc: "\xE2", acute: "\xB4", Acy: "\u0410", acy: "\u0430", AElig: "\xC6", aelig: "\xE6", af: "\u2061", Afr: "\u{1D504}", afr: "\u{1D51E}",
Agrave: "\xC0", agrave: "\xE0", alefsym: "\u2135", aleph: "\u2135", Alpha: "\u0391", alpha: "\u03B1", Amacr: "\u0100", amacr: "\u0101", amalg: "\
\u2A3F", amp: "&", AMP: "&", andand: "\u2A55", And: "\u2A53", and: "\u2227", andd: "\u2A5C", andslope: "\u2A58", andv: "\u2A5A", ang: "\u2220",
ange: "\u29A4", angle: "\u2220", angmsdaa: "\u29A8", angmsdab: "\u29A9", angmsdac: "\u29AA", angmsdad: "\u29AB", angmsdae: "\u29AC", angmsdaf: "\
\u29AD", angmsdag: "\u29AE", angmsdah: "\u29AF", angmsd: "\u2221", angrt: "\u221F", angrtvb: "\u22BE", angrtvbd: "\u299D", angsph: "\u2222",
angst: "\xC5", angzarr: "\u237C", Aogon: "\u0104", aogon: "\u0105", Aopf: "\u{1D538}", aopf: "\u{1D552}", apacir: "\u2A6F", ap: "\u2248", apE: "\
\u2A70", ape: "\u224A", apid: "\u224B", apos: "'", ApplyFunction: "\u2061", approx: "\u2248", approxeq: "\u224A", Aring: "\xC5", aring: "\xE5",
Ascr: "\u{1D49C}", ascr: "\u{1D4B6}", Assign: "\u2254", ast: "*", asymp: "\u2248", asympeq: "\u224D", Atilde: "\xC3", atilde: "\xE3", Auml: "\
\xC4", auml: "\xE4", awconint: "\u2233", awint: "\u2A11", backcong: "\u224C", backepsilon: "\u03F6", backprime: "\u2035", backsim: "\u223D",
backsimeq: "\u22CD", Backslash: "\u2216", Barv: "\u2AE7", barvee: "\u22BD", barwed: "\u2305", Barwed: "\u2306", barwedge: "\u2305", bbrk: "\
\u23B5", bbrktbrk: "\u23B6", bcong: "\u224C", Bcy: "\u0411", bcy: "\u0431", bdquo: "\u201E", becaus: "\u2235", because: "\u2235", Because: "\
\u2235", bemptyv: "\u29B0", bepsi: "\u03F6", bernou: "\u212C", Bernoullis: "\u212C", Beta: "\u0392", beta: "\u03B2", beth: "\u2136", between: "\
\u226C", Bfr: "\u{1D505}", bfr: "\u{1D51F}", bigcap: "\u22C2", bigcirc: "\u25EF", bigcup: "\u22C3", bigodot: "\u2A00", bigoplus: "\u2A01", bigotimes: "\
\u2A02", bigsqcup: "\u2A06", bigstar: "\u2605", bigtriangledown: "\u25BD", bigtriangleup: "\u25B3", biguplus: "\u2A04", bigvee: "\u22C1", bigwedge: "\
\u22C0", bkarow: "\u290D", blacklozenge: "\u29EB", blacksquare: "\u25AA", blacktriangle: "\u25B4", blacktriangledown: "\u25BE", blacktriangleleft: "\
\u25C2", blacktriangleright: "\u25B8", blank: "\u2423", blk12: "\u2592", blk14: "\u2591", blk34: "\u2593", block: "\u2588", bne: "=\u20E5", bnequiv: "\
\u2261\u20E5", bNot: "\u2AED", bnot: "\u2310", Bopf: "\u{1D539}", bopf: "\u{1D553}", bot: "\u22A5", bottom: "\u22A5", bowtie: "\u22C8", boxbox: "\
\u29C9", boxdl: "\u2510", boxdL: "\u2555", boxDl: "\u2556", boxDL: "\u2557", boxdr: "\u250C", boxdR: "\u2552", boxDr: "\u2553", boxDR: "\u2554",
boxh: "\u2500", boxH: "\u2550", boxhd: "\u252C", boxHd: "\u2564", boxhD: "\u2565", boxHD: "\u2566", boxhu: "\u2534", boxHu: "\u2567", boxhU: "\
\u2568", boxHU: "\u2569", boxminus: "\u229F", boxplus: "\u229E", boxtimes: "\u22A0", boxul: "\u2518", boxuL: "\u255B", boxUl: "\u255C", boxUL: "\
\u255D", boxur: "\u2514", boxuR: "\u2558", boxUr: "\u2559", boxUR: "\u255A", boxv: "\u2502", boxV: "\u2551", boxvh: "\u253C", boxvH: "\u256A",
boxVh: "\u256B", boxVH: "\u256C", boxvl: "\u2524", boxvL: "\u2561", boxVl: "\u2562", boxVL: "\u2563", boxvr: "\u251C", boxvR: "\u255E", boxVr: "\
\u255F", boxVR: "\u2560", bprime: "\u2035", breve: "\u02D8", Breve: "\u02D8", brvbar: "\xA6", bscr: "\u{1D4B7}", Bscr: "\u212C", bsemi: "\u204F",
bsim: "\u223D", bsime: "\u22CD", bsolb: "\u29C5", bsol: "\\", bsolhsub: "\u27C8", bull: "\u2022", bullet: "\u2022", bump: "\u224E", bumpE: "\
\u2AAE", bumpe: "\u224F", Bumpeq: "\u224E", bumpeq: "\u224F", Cacute: "\u0106", cacute: "\u0107", capand: "\u2A44", capbrcup: "\u2A49", capcap: "\
\u2A4B", cap: "\u2229", Cap: "\u22D2", capcup: "\u2A47", capdot: "\u2A40", CapitalDifferentialD: "\u2145", caps: "\u2229\uFE00", caret: "\u2041",
caron: "\u02C7", Cayleys: "\u212D", ccaps: "\u2A4D", Ccaron: "\u010C", ccaron: "\u010D", Ccedil: "\xC7", ccedil: "\xE7", Ccirc: "\u0108", ccirc: "\
\u0109", Cconint: "\u2230", ccups: "\u2A4C", ccupssm: "\u2A50", Cdot: "\u010A", cdot: "\u010B", cedil: "\xB8", Cedilla: "\xB8", cemptyv: "\u29B2",
cent: "\xA2", centerdot: "\xB7", CenterDot: "\xB7", cfr: "\u{1D520}", Cfr: "\u212D", CHcy: "\u0427", chcy: "\u0447", check: "\u2713", checkmark: "\
\u2713", Chi: "\u03A7", chi: "\u03C7", circ: "\u02C6", circeq: "\u2257", circlearrowleft: "\u21BA", circlearrowright: "\u21BB", circledast: "\
\u229B", circledcirc: "\u229A", circleddash: "\u229D", CircleDot: "\u2299", circledR: "\xAE", circledS: "\u24C8", CircleMinus: "\u2296", CirclePlus: "\
\u2295", CircleTimes: "\u2297", cir: "\u25CB", cirE: "\u29C3", cire: "\u2257", cirfnint: "\u2A10", cirmid: "\u2AEF", cirscir: "\u29C2", ClockwiseContourIntegral: "\
\u2232", CloseCurlyDoubleQuote: "\u201D", CloseCurlyQuote: "\u2019", clubs: "\u2663", clubsuit: "\u2663", colon: ":", Colon: "\u2237", Colone: "\
\u2A74", colone: "\u2254", coloneq: "\u2254", comma: ",", commat: "@", comp: "\u2201", compfn: "\u2218", complement: "\u2201", complexes: "\u2102",
cong: "\u2245", congdot: "\u2A6D", Congruent: "\u2261", conint: "\u222E", Conint: "\u222F", ContourIntegral: "\u222E", copf: "\u{1D554}", Copf: "\
\u2102", coprod: "\u2210", Coproduct: "\u2210", copy: "\xA9", COPY: "\xA9", copysr: "\u2117", CounterClockwiseContourIntegral: "\u2233", crarr: "\
\u21B5", cross: "\u2717", Cross: "\u2A2F", Cscr: "\u{1D49E}", cscr: "\u{1D4B8}", csub: "\u2ACF", csube: "\u2AD1", csup: "\u2AD0", csupe: "\u2AD2",
ctdot: "\u22EF", cudarrl: "\u2938", cudarrr: "\u2935", cuepr: "\u22DE", cuesc: "\u22DF", cularr: "\u21B6", cularrp: "\u293D", cupbrcap: "\u2A48",
cupcap: "\u2A46", CupCap: "\u224D", cup: "\u222A", Cup: "\u22D3", cupcup: "\u2A4A", cupdot: "\u228D", cupor: "\u2A45", cups: "\u222A\uFE00",
curarr: "\u21B7", curarrm: "\u293C", curlyeqprec: "\u22DE", curlyeqsucc: "\u22DF", curlyvee: "\u22CE", curlywedge: "\u22CF", curren: "\xA4",
curvearrowleft: "\u21B6", curvearrowright: "\u21B7", cuvee: "\u22CE", cuwed: "\u22CF", cwconint: "\u2232", cwint: "\u2231", cylcty: "\u232D",
dagger: "\u2020", Dagger: "\u2021", daleth: "\u2138", darr: "\u2193", Darr: "\u21A1", dArr: "\u21D3", dash: "\u2010", Dashv: "\u2AE4", dashv: "\
\u22A3", dbkarow: "\u290F", dblac: "\u02DD", Dcaron: "\u010E", dcaron: "\u010F", Dcy: "\u0414", dcy: "\u0434", ddagger: "\u2021", ddarr: "\u21CA",
DD: "\u2145", dd: "\u2146", DDotrahd: "\u2911", ddotseq: "\u2A77", deg: "\xB0", Del: "\u2207", Delta: "\u0394", delta: "\u03B4", demptyv: "\
\u29B1", dfisht: "\u297F", Dfr: "\u{1D507}", dfr: "\u{1D521}", dHar: "\u2965", dharl: "\u21C3", dharr: "\u21C2", DiacriticalAcute: "\xB4", DiacriticalDot: "\
\u02D9", DiacriticalDoubleAcute: "\u02DD", DiacriticalGrave: "`", DiacriticalTilde: "\u02DC", diam: "\u22C4", diamond: "\u22C4", Diamond: "\u22C4",
diamondsuit: "\u2666", diams: "\u2666", die: "\xA8", DifferentialD: "\u2146", digamma: "\u03DD", disin: "\u22F2", div: "\xF7", divide: "\xF7",
divideontimes: "\u22C7", divonx: "\u22C7", DJcy: "\u0402", djcy: "\u0452", dlcorn: "\u231E", dlcrop: "\u230D", dollar: "$", Dopf: "\u{1D53B}",
dopf: "\u{1D555}", Dot: "\xA8", dot: "\u02D9", DotDot: "\u20DC", doteq: "\u2250", doteqdot: "\u2251", DotEqual: "\u2250", dotminus: "\u2238",
dotplus: "\u2214", dotsquare: "\u22A1", doublebarwedge: "\u2306", DoubleContourIntegral: "\u222F", DoubleDot: "\xA8", DoubleDownArrow: "\u21D3",
DoubleLeftArrow: "\u21D0", DoubleLeftRightArrow: "\u21D4", DoubleLeftTee: "\u2AE4", DoubleLongLeftArrow: "\u27F8", DoubleLongLeftRightArrow: "\
\u27FA", DoubleLongRightArrow: "\u27F9", DoubleRightArrow: "\u21D2", DoubleRightTee: "\u22A8", DoubleUpArrow: "\u21D1", DoubleUpDownArrow: "\
\u21D5", DoubleVerticalBar: "\u2225", DownArrowBar: "\u2913", downarrow: "\u2193", DownArrow: "\u2193", Downarrow: "\u21D3", DownArrowUpArrow: "\
\u21F5", DownBreve: "\u0311", downdownarrows: "\u21CA", downharpoonleft: "\u21C3", downharpoonright: "\u21C2", DownLeftRightVector: "\u2950",
DownLeftTeeVector: "\u295E", DownLeftVectorBar: "\u2956", DownLeftVector: "\u21BD", DownRightTeeVector: "\u295F", DownRightVectorBar: "\u2957",
DownRightVector: "\u21C1", DownTeeArrow: "\u21A7", DownTee: "\u22A4", drbkarow: "\u2910", drcorn: "\u231F", drcrop: "\u230C", Dscr: "\u{1D49F}",
dscr: "\u{1D4B9}", DScy: "\u0405", dscy: "\u0455", dsol: "\u29F6", Dstrok: "\u0110", dstrok: "\u0111", dtdot: "\u22F1", dtri: "\u25BF", dtrif: "\
\u25BE", duarr: "\u21F5", duhar: "\u296F", dwangle: "\u29A6", DZcy: "\u040F", dzcy: "\u045F", dzigrarr: "\u27FF", Eacute: "\xC9", eacute: "\xE9",
easter: "\u2A6E", Ecaron: "\u011A", ecaron: "\u011B", Ecirc: "\xCA", ecirc: "\xEA", ecir: "\u2256", ecolon: "\u2255", Ecy: "\u042D", ecy: "\
\u044D", eDDot: "\u2A77", Edot: "\u0116", edot: "\u0117", eDot: "\u2251", ee: "\u2147", efDot: "\u2252", Efr: "\u{1D508}", efr: "\u{1D522}",
eg: "\u2A9A", Egrave: "\xC8", egrave: "\xE8", egs: "\u2A96", egsdot: "\u2A98", el: "\u2A99", Element: "\u2208", elinters: "\u23E7", ell: "\
\u2113", els: "\u2A95", elsdot: "\u2A97", Emacr: "\u0112", emacr: "\u0113", empty: "\u2205", emptyset: "\u2205", EmptySmallSquare: "\u25FB",
emptyv: "\u2205", EmptyVerySmallSquare: "\u25AB", emsp13: "\u2004", emsp14: "\u2005", emsp: "\u2003", ENG: "\u014A", eng: "\u014B", ensp: "\
\u2002", Eogon: "\u0118", eogon: "\u0119", Eopf: "\u{1D53C}", eopf: "\u{1D556}", epar: "\u22D5", eparsl: "\u29E3", eplus: "\u2A71", epsi: "\u03B5",
Epsilon: "\u0395", epsilon: "\u03B5", epsiv: "\u03F5", eqcirc: "\u2256", eqcolon: "\u2255", eqsim: "\u2242", eqslantgtr: "\u2A96", eqslantless: "\
\u2A95", Equal: "\u2A75", equals: "=", EqualTilde: "\u2242", equest: "\u225F", Equilibrium: "\u21CC", equiv: "\u2261", equivDD: "\u2A78", eqvparsl: "\
\u29E5", erarr: "\u2971", erDot: "\u2253", escr: "\u212F", Escr: "\u2130", esdot: "\u2250", Esim: "\u2A73", esim: "\u2242", Eta: "\u0397", eta: "\
\u03B7", ETH: "\xD0", eth: "\xF0", Euml: "\xCB", euml: "\xEB", euro: "\u20AC", excl: "!", exist: "\u2203", Exists: "\u2203", expectation: "\u2130",
exponentiale: "\u2147", ExponentialE: "\u2147", fallingdotseq: "\u2252", Fcy: "\u0424", fcy: "\u0444", female: "\u2640", ffilig: "\uFB03",
fflig: "\uFB00", ffllig: "\uFB04", Ffr: "\u{1D509}", ffr: "\u{1D523}", filig: "\uFB01", FilledSmallSquare: "\u25FC", FilledVerySmallSquare: "\
\u25AA", fjlig: "fj", flat: "\u266D", fllig: "\uFB02", fltns: "\u25B1", fnof: "\u0192", Fopf: "\u{1D53D}", fopf: "\u{1D557}", forall: "\u2200",
ForAll: "\u2200", fork: "\u22D4", forkv: "\u2AD9", Fouriertrf: "\u2131", fpartint: "\u2A0D", frac12: "\xBD", frac13: "\u2153", frac14: "\xBC",
frac15: "\u2155", frac16: "\u2159", frac18: "\u215B", frac23: "\u2154", frac25: "\u2156", frac34: "\xBE", frac35: "\u2157", frac38: "\u215C",
frac45: "\u2158", frac56: "\u215A", frac58: "\u215D", frac78: "\u215E", frasl: "\u2044", frown: "\u2322", fscr: "\u{1D4BB}", Fscr: "\u2131",
gacute: "\u01F5", Gamma: "\u0393", gamma: "\u03B3", Gammad: "\u03DC", gammad: "\u03DD", gap: "\u2A86", Gbreve: "\u011E", gbreve: "\u011F",
Gcedil: "\u0122", Gcirc: "\u011C", gcirc: "\u011D", Gcy: "\u0413", gcy: "\u0433", Gdot: "\u0120", gdot: "\u0121", ge: "\u2265", gE: "\u2267",
gEl: "\u2A8C", gel: "\u22DB", geq: "\u2265", geqq: "\u2267", geqslant: "\u2A7E", gescc: "\u2AA9", ges: "\u2A7E", gesdot: "\u2A80", gesdoto: "\
\u2A82", gesdotol: "\u2A84", gesl: "\u22DB\uFE00", gesles: "\u2A94", Gfr: "\u{1D50A}", gfr: "\u{1D524}", gg: "\u226B", Gg: "\u22D9", ggg: "\u22D9",
gimel: "\u2137", GJcy: "\u0403", gjcy: "\u0453", gla: "\u2AA5", gl: "\u2277", glE: "\u2A92", glj: "\u2AA4", gnap: "\u2A8A", gnapprox: "\u2A8A",
gne: "\u2A88", gnE: "\u2269", gneq: "\u2A88", gneqq: "\u2269", gnsim: "\u22E7", Gopf: "\u{1D53E}", gopf: "\u{1D558}", grave: "`", GreaterEqual: "\
\u2265", GreaterEqualLess: "\u22DB", GreaterFullEqual: "\u2267", GreaterGreater: "\u2AA2", GreaterLess: "\u2277", GreaterSlantEqual: "\u2A7E",
GreaterTilde: "\u2273", Gscr: "\u{1D4A2}", gscr: "\u210A", gsim: "\u2273", gsime: "\u2A8E", gsiml: "\u2A90", gtcc: "\u2AA7", gtcir: "\u2A7A",
gt: ">", GT: ">", Gt: "\u226B", gtdot: "\u22D7", gtlPar: "\u2995", gtquest: "\u2A7C", gtrapprox: "\u2A86", gtrarr: "\u2978", gtrdot: "\u22D7",
gtreqless: "\u22DB", gtreqqless: "\u2A8C", gtrless: "\u2277", gtrsim: "\u2273", gvertneqq: "\u2269\uFE00", gvnE: "\u2269\uFE00", Hacek: "\u02C7",
hairsp: "\u200A", half: "\xBD", hamilt: "\u210B", HARDcy: "\u042A", hardcy: "\u044A", harrcir: "\u2948", harr: "\u2194", hArr: "\u21D4", harrw: "\
\u21AD", Hat: "^", hbar: "\u210F", Hcirc: "\u0124", hcirc: "\u0125", hearts: "\u2665", heartsuit: "\u2665", hellip: "\u2026", hercon: "\u22B9",
hfr: "\u{1D525}", Hfr: "\u210C", HilbertSpace: "\u210B", hksearow: "\u2925", hkswarow: "\u2926", hoarr: "\u21FF", homtht: "\u223B", hookleftarrow: "\
\u21A9", hookrightarrow: "\u21AA", hopf: "\u{1D559}", Hopf: "\u210D", horbar: "\u2015", HorizontalLine: "\u2500", hscr: "\u{1D4BD}", Hscr: "\
\u210B", hslash: "\u210F", Hstrok: "\u0126", hstrok: "\u0127", HumpDownHump: "\u224E", HumpEqual: "\u224F", hybull: "\u2043", hyphen: "\u2010",
Iacute: "\xCD", iacute: "\xED", ic: "\u2063", Icirc: "\xCE", icirc: "\xEE", Icy: "\u0418", icy: "\u0438", Idot: "\u0130", IEcy: "\u0415", iecy: "\
\u0435", iexcl: "\xA1", iff: "\u21D4", ifr: "\u{1D526}", Ifr: "\u2111", Igrave: "\xCC", igrave: "\xEC", ii: "\u2148", iiiint: "\u2A0C", iiint: "\
\u222D", iinfin: "\u29DC", iiota: "\u2129", IJlig: "\u0132", ijlig: "\u0133", Imacr: "\u012A", imacr: "\u012B", image: "\u2111", ImaginaryI: "\
\u2148", imagline: "\u2110", imagpart: "\u2111", imath: "\u0131", Im: "\u2111", imof: "\u22B7", imped: "\u01B5", Implies: "\u21D2", incare: "\
\u2105", in: "\u2208", infin: "\u221E", infintie: "\u29DD", inodot: "\u0131", intcal: "\u22BA", int: "\u222B", Int: "\u222C", integers: "\u2124",
Integral: "\u222B", intercal: "\u22BA", Intersection: "\u22C2", intlarhk: "\u2A17", intprod: "\u2A3C", InvisibleComma: "\u2063", InvisibleTimes: "\
\u2062", IOcy: "\u0401", iocy: "\u0451", Iogon: "\u012E", iogon: "\u012F", Iopf: "\u{1D540}", iopf: "\u{1D55A}", Iota: "\u0399", iota: "\u03B9",
iprod: "\u2A3C", iquest: "\xBF", iscr: "\u{1D4BE}", Iscr: "\u2110", isin: "\u2208", isindot: "\u22F5", isinE: "\u22F9", isins: "\u22F4", isinsv: "\
\u22F3", isinv: "\u2208", it: "\u2062", Itilde: "\u0128", itilde: "\u0129", Iukcy: "\u0406", iukcy: "\u0456", Iuml: "\xCF", iuml: "\xEF", Jcirc: "\
\u0134", jcirc: "\u0135", Jcy: "\u0419", jcy: "\u0439", Jfr: "\u{1D50D}", jfr: "\u{1D527}", jmath: "\u0237", Jopf: "\u{1D541}", jopf: "\u{1D55B}",
Jscr: "\u{1D4A5}", jscr: "\u{1D4BF}", Jsercy: "\u0408", jsercy: "\u0458", Jukcy: "\u0404", jukcy: "\u0454", Kappa: "\u039A", kappa: "\u03BA",
kappav: "\u03F0", Kcedil: "\u0136", kcedil: "\u0137", Kcy: "\u041A", kcy: "\u043A", Kfr: "\u{1D50E}", kfr: "\u{1D528}", kgreen: "\u0138", KHcy: "\
\u0425", khcy: "\u0445", KJcy: "\u040C", kjcy: "\u045C", Kopf: "\u{1D542}", kopf: "\u{1D55C}", Kscr: "\u{1D4A6}", kscr: "\u{1D4C0}", lAarr: "\
\u21DA", Lacute: "\u0139", lacute: "\u013A", laemptyv: "\u29B4", lagran: "\u2112", Lambda: "\u039B", lambda: "\u03BB", lang: "\u27E8", Lang: "\
\u27EA", langd: "\u2991", langle: "\u27E8", lap: "\u2A85", Laplacetrf: "\u2112", laquo: "\xAB", larrb: "\u21E4", larrbfs: "\u291F", larr: "\u2190",
Larr: "\u219E", lArr: "\u21D0", larrfs: "\u291D", larrhk: "\u21A9", larrlp: "\u21AB", larrpl: "\u2939", larrsim: "\u2973", larrtl: "\u21A2",
latail: "\u2919", lAtail: "\u291B", lat: "\u2AAB", late: "\u2AAD", lates: "\u2AAD\uFE00", lbarr: "\u290C", lBarr: "\u290E", lbbrk: "\u2772",
lbrace: "{", lbrack: "[", lbrke: "\u298B", lbrksld: "\u298F", lbrkslu: "\u298D", Lcaron: "\u013D", lcaron: "\u013E", Lcedil: "\u013B", lcedil: "\
\u013C", lceil: "\u2308", lcub: "{", Lcy: "\u041B", lcy: "\u043B", ldca: "\u2936", ldquo: "\u201C", ldquor: "\u201E", ldrdhar: "\u2967", ldrushar: "\
\u294B", ldsh: "\u21B2", le: "\u2264", lE: "\u2266", LeftAngleBracket: "\u27E8", LeftArrowBar: "\u21E4", leftarrow: "\u2190", LeftArrow: "\u2190",
Leftarrow: "\u21D0", LeftArrowRightArrow: "\u21C6", leftarrowtail: "\u21A2", LeftCeiling: "\u2308", LeftDoubleBracket: "\u27E6", LeftDownTeeVector: "\
\u2961", LeftDownVectorBar: "\u2959", LeftDownVector: "\u21C3", LeftFloor: "\u230A", leftharpoondown: "\u21BD", leftharpoonup: "\u21BC", leftleftarrows: "\
\u21C7", leftrightarrow: "\u2194", LeftRightArrow: "\u2194", Leftrightarrow: "\u21D4", leftrightarrows: "\u21C6", leftrightharpoons: "\u21CB",
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\u22CB", LeftTriangleBar: "\u29CF", LeftTriangle: "\u22B2", LeftTriangleEqual: "\u22B4", LeftUpDownVector: "\u2951", LeftUpTeeVector: "\u2960",
LeftUpVectorBar: "\u2958", LeftUpVector: "\u21BF", LeftVectorBar: "\u2952", LeftVector: "\u21BC", lEg: "\u2A8B", leg: "\u22DA", leq: "\u2264",
leqq: "\u2266", leqslant: "\u2A7D", lescc: "\u2AA8", les: "\u2A7D", lesdot: "\u2A7F", lesdoto: "\u2A81", lesdotor: "\u2A83", lesg: "\u22DA\uFE00",
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\u2266", LessGreater: "\u2276", lessgtr: "\u2276", LessLess: "\u2AA1", lesssim: "\u2272", LessSlantEqual: "\u2A7D", LessTilde: "\u2272", lfisht: "\
\u297C", lfloor: "\u230A", Lfr: "\u{1D50F}", lfr: "\u{1D529}", lg: "\u2276", lgE: "\u2A91", lHar: "\u2962", lhard: "\u21BD", lharu: "\u21BC",
lharul: "\u296A", lhblk: "\u2584", LJcy: "\u0409", ljcy: "\u0459", llarr: "\u21C7", ll: "\u226A", Ll: "\u22D8", llcorner: "\u231E", Lleftarrow: "\
\u21DA", llhard: "\u296B", lltri: "\u25FA", Lmidot: "\u013F", lmidot: "\u0140", lmoustache: "\u23B0", lmoust: "\u23B0", lnap: "\u2A89", lnapprox: "\
\u2A89", lne: "\u2A87", lnE: "\u2268", lneq: "\u2A87", lneqq: "\u2268", lnsim: "\u22E6", loang: "\u27EC", loarr: "\u21FD", lobrk: "\u27E6", longleftarrow: "\
\u27F5", LongLeftArrow: "\u27F5", Longleftarrow: "\u27F8", longleftrightarrow: "\u27F7", LongLeftRightArrow: "\u27F7", Longleftrightarrow: "\
\u27FA", longmapsto: "\u27FC", longrightarrow: "\u27F6", LongRightArrow: "\u27F6", Longrightarrow: "\u27F9", looparrowleft: "\u21AB", looparrowright: "\
\u21AC", lopar: "\u2985", Lopf: "\u{1D543}", lopf: "\u{1D55D}", loplus: "\u2A2D", lotimes: "\u2A34", lowast: "\u2217", lowbar: "_", LowerLeftArrow: "\
\u2199", LowerRightArrow: "\u2198", loz: "\u25CA", lozenge: "\u25CA", lozf: "\u29EB", lpar: "(", lparlt: "\u2993", lrarr: "\u21C6", lrcorner: "\
\u231F", lrhar: "\u21CB", lrhard: "\u296D", lrm: "\u200E", lrtri: "\u22BF", lsaquo: "\u2039", lscr: "\u{1D4C1}", Lscr: "\u2112", lsh: "\u21B0",
Lsh: "\u21B0", lsim: "\u2272", lsime: "\u2A8D", lsimg: "\u2A8F", lsqb: "[", lsquo: "\u2018", lsquor: "\u201A", Lstrok: "\u0141", lstrok: "\
\u0142", ltcc: "\u2AA6", ltcir: "\u2A79", lt: "<", LT: "<", Lt: "\u226A", ltdot: "\u22D6", lthree: "\u22CB", ltimes: "\u22C9", ltlarr: "\u2976",
ltquest: "\u2A7B", ltri: "\u25C3", ltrie: "\u22B4", ltrif: "\u25C2", ltrPar: "\u2996", lurdshar: "\u294A", luruhar: "\u2966", lvertneqq: "\
\u2268\uFE00", lvnE: "\u2268\uFE00", macr: "\xAF", male: "\u2642", malt: "\u2720", maltese: "\u2720", Map: "\u2905", map: "\u21A6", mapsto: "\
\u21A6", mapstodown: "\u21A7", mapstoleft: "\u21A4", mapstoup: "\u21A5", marker: "\u25AE", mcomma: "\u2A29", Mcy: "\u041C", mcy: "\u043C", mdash: "\
\u2014", mDDot: "\u223A", measuredangle: "\u2221", MediumSpace: "\u205F", Mellintrf: "\u2133", Mfr: "\u{1D510}", mfr: "\u{1D52A}", mho: "\u2127",
micro: "\xB5", midast: "*", midcir: "\u2AF0", mid: "\u2223", middot: "\xB7", minusb: "\u229F", minus: "\u2212", minusd: "\u2238", minusdu: "\
\u2A2A", MinusPlus: "\u2213", mlcp: "\u2ADB", mldr: "\u2026", mnplus: "\u2213", models: "\u22A7", Mopf: "\u{1D544}", mopf: "\u{1D55E}", mp: "\
\u2213", mscr: "\u{1D4C2}", Mscr: "\u2133", mstpos: "\u223E", Mu: "\u039C", mu: "\u03BC", multimap: "\u22B8", mumap: "\u22B8", nabla: "\u2207",
Nacute: "\u0143", nacute: "\u0144", nang: "\u2220\u20D2", nap: "\u2249", napE: "\u2A70\u0338", napid: "\u224B\u0338", napos: "\u0149", napprox: "\
\u2249", natural: "\u266E", naturals: "\u2115", natur: "\u266E", nbsp: "\xA0", nbump: "\u224E\u0338", nbumpe: "\u224F\u0338", ncap: "\u2A43",
Ncaron: "\u0147", ncaron: "\u0148", Ncedil: "\u0145", ncedil: "\u0146", ncong: "\u2247", ncongdot: "\u2A6D\u0338", ncup: "\u2A42", Ncy: "\u041D",
ncy: "\u043D", ndash: "\u2013", nearhk: "\u2924", nearr: "\u2197", neArr: "\u21D7", nearrow: "\u2197", ne: "\u2260", nedot: "\u2250\u0338",
NegativeMediumSpace: "\u200B", NegativeThickSpace: "\u200B", NegativeThinSpace: "\u200B", NegativeVeryThinSpace: "\u200B", nequiv: "\u2262",
nesear: "\u2928", nesim: "\u2242\u0338", NestedGreaterGreater: "\u226B", NestedLessLess: "\u226A", NewLine: `
`, nexist: "\u2204", nexists: "\u2204", Nfr: "\u{1D511}", nfr: "\u{1D52B}", ngE: "\u2267\u0338", nge: "\u2271", ngeq: "\u2271", ngeqq: "\u2267\u0338",
ngeqslant: "\u2A7E\u0338", nges: "\u2A7E\u0338", nGg: "\u22D9\u0338", ngsim: "\u2275", nGt: "\u226B\u20D2", ngt: "\u226F", ngtr: "\u226F",
nGtv: "\u226B\u0338", nharr: "\u21AE", nhArr: "\u21CE", nhpar: "\u2AF2", ni: "\u220B", nis: "\u22FC", nisd: "\u22FA", niv: "\u220B", NJcy: "\
\u040A", njcy: "\u045A", nlarr: "\u219A", nlArr: "\u21CD", nldr: "\u2025", nlE: "\u2266\u0338", nle: "\u2270", nleftarrow: "\u219A", nLeftarrow: "\
\u21CD", nleftrightarrow: "\u21AE", nLeftrightarrow: "\u21CE", nleq: "\u2270", nleqq: "\u2266\u0338", nleqslant: "\u2A7D\u0338", nles: "\u2A7D\u0338",
nless: "\u226E", nLl: "\u22D8\u0338", nlsim: "\u2274", nLt: "\u226A\u20D2", nlt: "\u226E", nltri: "\u22EA", nltrie: "\u22EC", nLtv: "\u226A\u0338",
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\u2262", NotCupCap: "\u226D", NotDoubleVerticalBar: "\u2226", NotElement: "\u2209", NotEqual: "\u2260", NotEqualTilde: "\u2242\u0338", NotExists: "\
\u2204", NotGreater: "\u226F", NotGreaterEqual: "\u2271", NotGreaterFullEqual: "\u2267\u0338", NotGreaterGreater: "\u226B\u0338", NotGreaterLess: "\
\u2279", NotGreaterSlantEqual: "\u2A7E\u0338", NotGreaterTilde: "\u2275", NotHumpDownHump: "\u224E\u0338", NotHumpEqual: "\u224F\u0338", notin: "\
\u2209", notindot: "\u22F5\u0338", notinE: "\u22F9\u0338", notinva: "\u2209", notinvb: "\u22F7", notinvc: "\u22F6", NotLeftTriangleBar: "\u29CF\u0338",
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\u226A\u0338", NotLessSlantEqual: "\u2A7D\u0338", NotLessTilde: "\u2274", NotNestedGreaterGreater: "\u2AA2\u0338", NotNestedLessLess: "\u2AA1\u0338",
notni: "\u220C", notniva: "\u220C", notnivb: "\u22FE", notnivc: "\u22FD", NotPrecedes: "\u2280", NotPrecedesEqual: "\u2AAF\u0338", NotPrecedesSlantEqual: "\
\u22E0", NotReverseElement: "\u220C", NotRightTriangleBar: "\u29D0\u0338", NotRightTriangle: "\u22EB", NotRightTriangleEqual: "\u22ED", NotSquareSubset: "\
\u228F\u0338", NotSquareSubsetEqual: "\u22E2", NotSquareSuperset: "\u2290\u0338", NotSquareSupersetEqual: "\u22E3", NotSubset: "\u2282\u20D2",
NotSubsetEqual: "\u2288", NotSucceeds: "\u2281", NotSucceedsEqual: "\u2AB0\u0338", NotSucceedsSlantEqual: "\u22E1", NotSucceedsTilde: "\u227F\u0338",
NotSuperset: "\u2283\u20D2", NotSupersetEqual: "\u2289", NotTilde: "\u2241", NotTildeEqual: "\u2244", NotTildeFullEqual: "\u2247", NotTildeTilde: "\
\u2249", NotVerticalBar: "\u2224", nparallel: "\u2226", npar: "\u2226", nparsl: "\u2AFD\u20E5", npart: "\u2202\u0338", npolint: "\u2A14", npr: "\
\u2280", nprcue: "\u22E0", nprec: "\u2280", npreceq: "\u2AAF\u0338", npre: "\u2AAF\u0338", nrarrc: "\u2933\u0338", nrarr: "\u219B", nrArr: "\
\u21CF", nrarrw: "\u219D\u0338", nrightarrow: "\u219B", nRightarrow: "\u21CF", nrtri: "\u22EB", nrtrie: "\u22ED", nsc: "\u2281", nsccue: "\u22E1",
nsce: "\u2AB0\u0338", Nscr: "\u{1D4A9}", nscr: "\u{1D4C3}", nshortmid: "\u2224", nshortparallel: "\u2226", nsim: "\u2241", nsime: "\u2244",
nsimeq: "\u2244", nsmid: "\u2224", nspar: "\u2226", nsqsube: "\u22E2", nsqsupe: "\u22E3", nsub: "\u2284", nsubE: "\u2AC5\u0338", nsube: "\u2288",
nsubset: "\u2282\u20D2", nsubseteq: "\u2288", nsubseteqq: "\u2AC5\u0338", nsucc: "\u2281", nsucceq: "\u2AB0\u0338", nsup: "\u2285", nsupE: "\
\u2AC6\u0338", nsupe: "\u2289", nsupset: "\u2283\u20D2", nsupseteq: "\u2289", nsupseteqq: "\u2AC6\u0338", ntgl: "\u2279", Ntilde: "\xD1", ntilde: "\
\xF1", ntlg: "\u2278", ntriangleleft: "\u22EA", ntrianglelefteq: "\u22EC", ntriangleright: "\u22EB", ntrianglerighteq: "\u22ED", Nu: "\u039D",
nu: "\u03BD", num: "#", numero: "\u2116", numsp: "\u2007", nvap: "\u224D\u20D2", nvdash: "\u22AC", nvDash: "\u22AD", nVdash: "\u22AE", nVDash: "\
\u22AF", nvge: "\u2265\u20D2", nvgt: ">\u20D2", nvHarr: "\u2904", nvinfin: "\u29DE", nvlArr: "\u2902", nvle: "\u2264\u20D2", nvlt: "<\u20D2",
nvltrie: "\u22B4\u20D2", nvrArr: "\u2903", nvrtrie: "\u22B5\u20D2", nvsim: "\u223C\u20D2", nwarhk: "\u2923", nwarr: "\u2196", nwArr: "\u21D6",
nwarrow: "\u2196", nwnear: "\u2927", Oacute: "\xD3", oacute: "\xF3", oast: "\u229B", Ocirc: "\xD4", ocirc: "\xF4", ocir: "\u229A", Ocy: "\u041E",
ocy: "\u043E", odash: "\u229D", Odblac: "\u0150", odblac: "\u0151", odiv: "\u2A38", odot: "\u2299", odsold: "\u29BC", OElig: "\u0152", oelig: "\
\u0153", ofcir: "\u29BF", Ofr: "\u{1D512}", ofr: "\u{1D52C}", ogon: "\u02DB", Ograve: "\xD2", ograve: "\xF2", ogt: "\u29C1", ohbar: "\u29B5",
ohm: "\u03A9", oint: "\u222E", olarr: "\u21BA", olcir: "\u29BE", olcross: "\u29BB", oline: "\u203E", olt: "\u29C0", Omacr: "\u014C", omacr: "\
\u014D", Omega: "\u03A9", omega: "\u03C9", Omicron: "\u039F", omicron: "\u03BF", omid: "\u29B6", ominus: "\u2296", Oopf: "\u{1D546}", oopf: "\
\u{1D560}", opar: "\u29B7", OpenCurlyDoubleQuote: "\u201C", OpenCurlyQuote: "\u2018", operp: "\u29B9", oplus: "\u2295", orarr: "\u21BB", Or: "\
\u2A54", or: "\u2228", ord: "\u2A5D", order: "\u2134", orderof: "\u2134", ordf: "\xAA", ordm: "\xBA", origof: "\u22B6", oror: "\u2A56", orslope: "\
\u2A57", orv: "\u2A5B", oS: "\u24C8", Oscr: "\u{1D4AA}", oscr: "\u2134", Oslash: "\xD8", oslash: "\xF8", osol: "\u2298", Otilde: "\xD5", otilde: "\
\xF5", otimesas: "\u2A36", Otimes: "\u2A37", otimes: "\u2297", Ouml: "\xD6", ouml: "\xF6", ovbar: "\u233D", OverBar: "\u203E", OverBrace: "\u23DE",
OverBracket: "\u23B4", OverParenthesis: "\u23DC", para: "\xB6", parallel: "\u2225", par: "\u2225", parsim: "\u2AF3", parsl: "\u2AFD", part: "\
\u2202", PartialD: "\u2202", Pcy: "\u041F", pcy: "\u043F", percnt: "%", period: ".", permil: "\u2030", perp: "\u22A5", pertenk: "\u2031", Pfr: "\
\u{1D513}", pfr: "\u{1D52D}", Phi: "\u03A6", phi: "\u03C6", phiv: "\u03D5", phmmat: "\u2133", phone: "\u260E", Pi: "\u03A0", pi: "\u03C0", pitchfork: "\
\u22D4", piv: "\u03D6", planck: "\u210F", planckh: "\u210E", plankv: "\u210F", plusacir: "\u2A23", plusb: "\u229E", pluscir: "\u2A22", plus: "\
+", plusdo: "\u2214", plusdu: "\u2A25", pluse: "\u2A72", PlusMinus: "\xB1", plusmn: "\xB1", plussim: "\u2A26", plustwo: "\u2A27", pm: "\xB1",
Poincareplane: "\u210C", pointint: "\u2A15", popf: "\u{1D561}", Popf: "\u2119", pound: "\xA3", prap: "\u2AB7", Pr: "\u2ABB", pr: "\u227A",
prcue: "\u227C", precapprox: "\u2AB7", prec: "\u227A", preccurlyeq: "\u227C", Precedes: "\u227A", PrecedesEqual: "\u2AAF", PrecedesSlantEqual: "\
\u227C", PrecedesTilde: "\u227E", preceq: "\u2AAF", precnapprox: "\u2AB9", precneqq: "\u2AB5", precnsim: "\u22E8", pre: "\u2AAF", prE: "\u2AB3",
precsim: "\u227E", prime: "\u2032", Prime: "\u2033", primes: "\u2119", prnap: "\u2AB9", prnE: "\u2AB5", prnsim: "\u22E8", prod: "\u220F", Product: "\
\u220F", profalar: "\u232E", profline: "\u2312", profsurf: "\u2313", prop: "\u221D", Proportional: "\u221D", Proportion: "\u2237", propto: "\
\u221D", prsim: "\u227E", prurel: "\u22B0", Pscr: "\u{1D4AB}", pscr: "\u{1D4C5}", Psi: "\u03A8", psi: "\u03C8", puncsp: "\u2008", Qfr: "\u{1D514}",
qfr: "\u{1D52E}", qint: "\u2A0C", qopf: "\u{1D562}", Qopf: "\u211A", qprime: "\u2057", Qscr: "\u{1D4AC}", qscr: "\u{1D4C6}", quaternions: "\
\u210D", quatint: "\u2A16", quest: "?", questeq: "\u225F", quot: '"', QUOT: '"', rAarr: "\u21DB", race: "\u223D\u0331", Racute: "\u0154", racute: "\
\u0155", radic: "\u221A", raemptyv: "\u29B3", rang: "\u27E9", Rang: "\u27EB", rangd: "\u2992", range: "\u29A5", rangle: "\u27E9", raquo: "\xBB",
rarrap: "\u2975", rarrb: "\u21E5", rarrbfs: "\u2920", rarrc: "\u2933", rarr: "\u2192", Rarr: "\u21A0", rArr: "\u21D2", rarrfs: "\u291E", rarrhk: "\
\u21AA", rarrlp: "\u21AC", rarrpl: "\u2945", rarrsim: "\u2974", Rarrtl: "\u2916", rarrtl: "\u21A3", rarrw: "\u219D", ratail: "\u291A", rAtail: "\
\u291C", ratio: "\u2236", rationals: "\u211A", rbarr: "\u290D", rBarr: "\u290F", RBarr: "\u2910", rbbrk: "\u2773", rbrace: "}", rbrack: "]",
rbrke: "\u298C", rbrksld: "\u298E", rbrkslu: "\u2990", Rcaron: "\u0158", rcaron: "\u0159", Rcedil: "\u0156", rcedil: "\u0157", rceil: "\u2309",
rcub: "}", Rcy: "\u0420", rcy: "\u0440", rdca: "\u2937", rdldhar: "\u2969", rdquo: "\u201D", rdquor: "\u201D", rdsh: "\u21B3", real: "\u211C",
realine: "\u211B", realpart: "\u211C", reals: "\u211D", Re: "\u211C", rect: "\u25AD", reg: "\xAE", REG: "\xAE", ReverseElement: "\u220B", ReverseEquilibrium: "\
\u21CB", ReverseUpEquilibrium: "\u296F", rfisht: "\u297D", rfloor: "\u230B", rfr: "\u{1D52F}", Rfr: "\u211C", rHar: "\u2964", rhard: "\u21C1",
rharu: "\u21C0", rharul: "\u296C", Rho: "\u03A1", rho: "\u03C1", rhov: "\u03F1", RightAngleBracket: "\u27E9", RightArrowBar: "\u21E5", rightarrow: "\
\u2192", RightArrow: "\u2192", Rightarrow: "\u21D2", RightArrowLeftArrow: "\u21C4", rightarrowtail: "\u21A3", RightCeiling: "\u2309", RightDoubleBracket: "\
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rightharpoonup: "\u21C0", rightleftarrows: "\u21C4", rightleftharpoons: "\u21CC", rightrightarrows: "\u21C9", rightsquigarrow: "\u219D", RightTeeArrow: "\
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\u23B1", rnmid: "\u2AEE", roang: "\u27ED", roarr: "\u21FE", robrk: "\u27E7", ropar: "\u2986", ropf: "\u{1D563}", Ropf: "\u211D", roplus: "\u2A2E",
rotimes: "\u2A35", RoundImplies: "\u2970", rpar: ")", rpargt: "\u2994", rppolint: "\u2A12", rrarr: "\u21C9", Rrightarrow: "\u21DB", rsaquo: "\
\u203A", rscr: "\u{1D4C7}", Rscr: "\u211B", rsh: "\u21B1", Rsh: "\u21B1", rsqb: "]", rsquo: "\u2019", rsquor: "\u2019", rthree: "\u22CC", rtimes: "\
\u22CA", rtri: "\u25B9", rtrie: "\u22B5", rtrif: "\u25B8", rtriltri: "\u29CE", RuleDelayed: "\u29F4", ruluhar: "\u2968", rx: "\u211E", Sacute: "\
\u015A", sacute: "\u015B", sbquo: "\u201A", scap: "\u2AB8", Scaron: "\u0160", scaron: "\u0161", Sc: "\u2ABC", sc: "\u227B", sccue: "\u227D",
sce: "\u2AB0", scE: "\u2AB4", Scedil: "\u015E", scedil: "\u015F", Scirc: "\u015C", scirc: "\u015D", scnap: "\u2ABA", scnE: "\u2AB6", scnsim: "\
\u22E9", scpolint: "\u2A13", scsim: "\u227F", Scy: "\u0421", scy: "\u0441", sdotb: "\u22A1", sdot: "\u22C5", sdote: "\u2A66", searhk: "\u2925",
searr: "\u2198", seArr: "\u21D8", searrow: "\u2198", sect: "\xA7", semi: ";", seswar: "\u2929", setminus: "\u2216", setmn: "\u2216", sext: "\
\u2736", Sfr: "\u{1D516}", sfr: "\u{1D530}", sfrown: "\u2322", sharp: "\u266F", SHCHcy: "\u0429", shchcy: "\u0449", SHcy: "\u0428", shcy: "\u0448",
ShortDownArrow: "\u2193", ShortLeftArrow: "\u2190", shortmid: "\u2223", shortparallel: "\u2225", ShortRightArrow: "\u2192", ShortUpArrow: "\
\u2191", shy: "\xAD", Sigma: "\u03A3", sigma: "\u03C3", sigmaf: "\u03C2", sigmav: "\u03C2", sim: "\u223C", simdot: "\u2A6A", sime: "\u2243",
simeq: "\u2243", simg: "\u2A9E", simgE: "\u2AA0", siml: "\u2A9D", simlE: "\u2A9F", simne: "\u2246", simplus: "\u2A24", simrarr: "\u2972", slarr: "\
\u2190", SmallCircle: "\u2218", smallsetminus: "\u2216", smashp: "\u2A33", smeparsl: "\u29E4", smid: "\u2223", smile: "\u2323", smt: "\u2AAA",
smte: "\u2AAC", smtes: "\u2AAC\uFE00", SOFTcy: "\u042C", softcy: "\u044C", solbar: "\u233F", solb: "\u29C4", sol: "/", Sopf: "\u{1D54A}", sopf: "\
\u{1D564}", spades: "\u2660", spadesuit: "\u2660", spar: "\u2225", sqcap: "\u2293", sqcaps: "\u2293\uFE00", sqcup: "\u2294", sqcups: "\u2294\uFE00",
Sqrt: "\u221A", sqsub: "\u228F", sqsube: "\u2291", sqsubset: "\u228F", sqsubseteq: "\u2291", sqsup: "\u2290", sqsupe: "\u2292", sqsupset: "\
\u2290", sqsupseteq: "\u2292", square: "\u25A1", Square: "\u25A1", SquareIntersection: "\u2293", SquareSubset: "\u228F", SquareSubsetEqual: "\
\u2291", SquareSuperset: "\u2290", SquareSupersetEqual: "\u2292", SquareUnion: "\u2294", squarf: "\u25AA", squ: "\u25A1", squf: "\u25AA", srarr: "\
\u2192", Sscr: "\u{1D4AE}", sscr: "\u{1D4C8}", ssetmn: "\u2216", ssmile: "\u2323", sstarf: "\u22C6", Star: "\u22C6", star: "\u2606", starf: "\
\u2605", straightepsilon: "\u03F5", straightphi: "\u03D5", strns: "\xAF", sub: "\u2282", Sub: "\u22D0", subdot: "\u2ABD", subE: "\u2AC5", sube: "\
\u2286", subedot: "\u2AC3", submult: "\u2AC1", subnE: "\u2ACB", subne: "\u228A", subplus: "\u2ABF", subrarr: "\u2979", subset: "\u2282", Subset: "\
\u22D0", subseteq: "\u2286", subseteqq: "\u2AC5", SubsetEqual: "\u2286", subsetneq: "\u228A", subsetneqq: "\u2ACB", subsim: "\u2AC7", subsub: "\
\u2AD5", subsup: "\u2AD3", succapprox: "\u2AB8", succ: "\u227B", succcurlyeq: "\u227D", Succeeds: "\u227B", SucceedsEqual: "\u2AB0", SucceedsSlantEqual: "\
\u227D", SucceedsTilde: "\u227F", succeq: "\u2AB0", succnapprox: "\u2ABA", succneqq: "\u2AB6", succnsim: "\u22E9", succsim: "\u227F", SuchThat: "\
\u220B", sum: "\u2211", Sum: "\u2211", sung: "\u266A", sup1: "\xB9", sup2: "\xB2", sup3: "\xB3", sup: "\u2283", Sup: "\u22D1", supdot: "\u2ABE",
supdsub: "\u2AD8", supE: "\u2AC6", supe: "\u2287", supedot: "\u2AC4", Superset: "\u2283", SupersetEqual: "\u2287", suphsol: "\u27C9", suphsub: "\
\u2AD7", suplarr: "\u297B", supmult: "\u2AC2", supnE: "\u2ACC", supne: "\u228B", supplus: "\u2AC0", supset: "\u2283", Supset: "\u22D1", supseteq: "\
\u2287", supseteqq: "\u2AC6", supsetneq: "\u228B", supsetneqq: "\u2ACC", supsim: "\u2AC8", supsub: "\u2AD4", supsup: "\u2AD6", swarhk: "\u2926",
swarr: "\u2199", swArr: "\u21D9", swarrow: "\u2199", swnwar: "\u292A", szlig: "\xDF", Tab: " ", target: "\u2316", Tau: "\u03A4", tau: "\u03C4",
tbrk: "\u23B4", Tcaron: "\u0164", tcaron: "\u0165", Tcedil: "\u0162", tcedil: "\u0163", Tcy: "\u0422", tcy: "\u0442", tdot: "\u20DB", telrec: "\
\u2315", Tfr: "\u{1D517}", tfr: "\u{1D531}", there4: "\u2234", therefore: "\u2234", Therefore: "\u2234", Theta: "\u0398", theta: "\u03B8", thetasym: "\
\u03D1", thetav: "\u03D1", thickapprox: "\u2248", thicksim: "\u223C", ThickSpace: "\u205F\u200A", ThinSpace: "\u2009", thinsp: "\u2009", thkap: "\
\u2248", thksim: "\u223C", THORN: "\xDE", thorn: "\xFE", tilde: "\u02DC", Tilde: "\u223C", TildeEqual: "\u2243", TildeFullEqual: "\u2245", TildeTilde: "\
\u2248", timesbar: "\u2A31", timesb: "\u22A0", times: "\xD7", timesd: "\u2A30", tint: "\u222D", toea: "\u2928", topbot: "\u2336", topcir: "\u2AF1",
top: "\u22A4", Topf: "\u{1D54B}", topf: "\u{1D565}", topfork: "\u2ADA", tosa: "\u2929", tprime: "\u2034", trade: "\u2122", TRADE: "\u2122",
triangle: "\u25B5", triangledown: "\u25BF", triangleleft: "\u25C3", trianglelefteq: "\u22B4", triangleq: "\u225C", triangleright: "\u25B9",
trianglerighteq: "\u22B5", tridot: "\u25EC", trie: "\u225C", triminus: "\u2A3A", TripleDot: "\u20DB", triplus: "\u2A39", trisb: "\u29CD", tritime: "\
\u2A3B", trpezium: "\u23E2", Tscr: "\u{1D4AF}", tscr: "\u{1D4C9}", TScy: "\u0426", tscy: "\u0446", TSHcy: "\u040B", tshcy: "\u045B", Tstrok: "\
\u0166", tstrok: "\u0167", twixt: "\u226C", twoheadleftarrow: "\u219E", twoheadrightarrow: "\u21A0", Uacute: "\xDA", uacute: "\xFA", uarr: "\
\u2191", Uarr: "\u219F", uArr: "\u21D1", Uarrocir: "\u2949", Ubrcy: "\u040E", ubrcy: "\u045E", Ubreve: "\u016C", ubreve: "\u016D", Ucirc: "\xDB",
ucirc: "\xFB", Ucy: "\u0423", ucy: "\u0443", udarr: "\u21C5", Udblac: "\u0170", udblac: "\u0171", udhar: "\u296E", ufisht: "\u297E", Ufr: "\
\u{1D518}", ufr: "\u{1D532}", Ugrave: "\xD9", ugrave: "\xF9", uHar: "\u2963", uharl: "\u21BF", uharr: "\u21BE", uhblk: "\u2580", ulcorn: "\u231C",
ulcorner: "\u231C", ulcrop: "\u230F", ultri: "\u25F8", Umacr: "\u016A", umacr: "\u016B", uml: "\xA8", UnderBar: "_", UnderBrace: "\u23DF",
UnderBracket: "\u23B5", UnderParenthesis: "\u23DD", Union: "\u22C3", UnionPlus: "\u228E", Uogon: "\u0172", uogon: "\u0173", Uopf: "\u{1D54C}",
uopf: "\u{1D566}", UpArrowBar: "\u2912", uparrow: "\u2191", UpArrow: "\u2191", Uparrow: "\u21D1", UpArrowDownArrow: "\u21C5", updownarrow: "\
\u2195", UpDownArrow: "\u2195", Updownarrow: "\u21D5", UpEquilibrium: "\u296E", upharpoonleft: "\u21BF", upharpoonright: "\u21BE", uplus: "\u228E",
UpperLeftArrow: "\u2196", UpperRightArrow: "\u2197", upsi: "\u03C5", Upsi: "\u03D2", upsih: "\u03D2", Upsilon: "\u03A5", upsilon: "\u03C5",
UpTeeArrow: "\u21A5", UpTee: "\u22A5", upuparrows: "\u21C8", urcorn: "\u231D", urcorner: "\u231D", urcrop: "\u230E", Uring: "\u016E", uring: "\
\u016F", urtri: "\u25F9", Uscr: "\u{1D4B0}", uscr: "\u{1D4CA}", utdot: "\u22F0", Utilde: "\u0168", utilde: "\u0169", utri: "\u25B5", utrif: "\
\u25B4", uuarr: "\u21C8", Uuml: "\xDC", uuml: "\xFC", uwangle: "\u29A7", vangrt: "\u299C", varepsilon: "\u03F5", varkappa: "\u03F0", varnothing: "\
\u2205", varphi: "\u03D5", varpi: "\u03D6", varpropto: "\u221D", varr: "\u2195", vArr: "\u21D5", varrho: "\u03F1", varsigma: "\u03C2", varsubsetneq: "\
\u228A\uFE00", varsubsetneqq: "\u2ACB\uFE00", varsupsetneq: "\u228B\uFE00", varsupsetneqq: "\u2ACC\uFE00", vartheta: "\u03D1", vartriangleleft: "\
\u22B2", vartriangleright: "\u22B3", vBar: "\u2AE8", Vbar: "\u2AEB", vBarv: "\u2AE9", Vcy: "\u0412", vcy: "\u0432", vdash: "\u22A2", vDash: "\
\u22A8", Vdash: "\u22A9", VDash: "\u22AB", Vdashl: "\u2AE6", veebar: "\u22BB", vee: "\u2228", Vee: "\u22C1", veeeq: "\u225A", vellip: "\u22EE",
verbar: "|", Verbar: "\u2016", vert: "|", Vert: "\u2016", VerticalBar: "\u2223", VerticalLine: "|", VerticalSeparator: "\u2758", VerticalTilde: "\
\u2240", VeryThinSpace: "\u200A", Vfr: "\u{1D519}", vfr: "\u{1D533}", vltri: "\u22B2", vnsub: "\u2282\u20D2", vnsup: "\u2283\u20D2", Vopf: "\
\u{1D54D}", vopf: "\u{1D567}", vprop: "\u221D", vrtri: "\u22B3", Vscr: "\u{1D4B1}", vscr: "\u{1D4CB}", vsubnE: "\u2ACB\uFE00", vsubne: "\u228A\uFE00",
vsupnE: "\u2ACC\uFE00", vsupne: "\u228B\uFE00", Vvdash: "\u22AA", vzigzag: "\u299A", Wcirc: "\u0174", wcirc: "\u0175", wedbar: "\u2A5F", wedge: "\
\u2227", Wedge: "\u22C0", wedgeq: "\u2259", weierp: "\u2118", Wfr: "\u{1D51A}", wfr: "\u{1D534}", Wopf: "\u{1D54E}", wopf: "\u{1D568}", wp: "\
\u2118", wr: "\u2240", wreath: "\u2240", Wscr: "\u{1D4B2}", wscr: "\u{1D4CC}", xcap: "\u22C2", xcirc: "\u25EF", xcup: "\u22C3", xdtri: "\u25BD",
Xfr: "\u{1D51B}", xfr: "\u{1D535}", xharr: "\u27F7", xhArr: "\u27FA", Xi: "\u039E", xi: "\u03BE", xlarr: "\u27F5", xlArr: "\u27F8", xmap: "\
\u27FC", xnis: "\u22FB", xodot: "\u2A00", Xopf: "\u{1D54F}", xopf: "\u{1D569}", xoplus: "\u2A01", xotime: "\u2A02", xrarr: "\u27F6", xrArr: "\
\u27F9", Xscr: "\u{1D4B3}", xscr: "\u{1D4CD}", xsqcup: "\u2A06", xuplus: "\u2A04", xutri: "\u25B3", xvee: "\u22C1", xwedge: "\u22C0", Yacute: "\
\xDD", yacute: "\xFD", YAcy: "\u042F", yacy: "\u044F", Ycirc: "\u0176", ycirc: "\u0177", Ycy: "\u042B", ycy: "\u044B", yen: "\xA5", Yfr: "\u{1D51C}",
yfr: "\u{1D536}", YIcy: "\u0407", yicy: "\u0457", Yopf: "\u{1D550}", yopf: "\u{1D56A}", Yscr: "\u{1D4B4}", yscr: "\u{1D4CE}", YUcy: "\u042E",
yucy: "\u044E", yuml: "\xFF", Yuml: "\u0178", Zacute: "\u0179", zacute: "\u017A", Zcaron: "\u017D", zcaron: "\u017E", Zcy: "\u0417", zcy: "\
\u0437", Zdot: "\u017B", zdot: "\u017C", zeetrf: "\u2128", ZeroWidthSpace: "\u200B", Zeta: "\u0396", zeta: "\u03B6", zfr: "\u{1D537}", Zfr: "\
\u2128", ZHcy: "\u0416", zhcy: "\u0436", zigrarr: "\u21DD", zopf: "\u{1D56B}", Zopf: "\u2124", Zscr: "\u{1D4B5}", zscr: "\u{1D4CF}", zwj: "\u200D",
zwnj: "\u200C" };
// ../node_modules/ansi-to-html/node_modules/entities/lib/maps/legacy.json
var Fh = d((EB, RI) => {
RI.exports = { Aacute: "\xC1", aacute: "\xE1", Acirc: "\xC2", acirc: "\xE2", acute: "\xB4", AElig: "\xC6", aelig: "\xE6", Agrave: "\xC0", agrave: "\
\xE0", amp: "&", AMP: "&", Aring: "\xC5", aring: "\xE5", Atilde: "\xC3", atilde: "\xE3", Auml: "\xC4", auml: "\xE4", brvbar: "\xA6", Ccedil: "\
\xC7", ccedil: "\xE7", cedil: "\xB8", cent: "\xA2", copy: "\xA9", COPY: "\xA9", curren: "\xA4", deg: "\xB0", divide: "\xF7", Eacute: "\xC9",
eacute: "\xE9", Ecirc: "\xCA", ecirc: "\xEA", Egrave: "\xC8", egrave: "\xE8", ETH: "\xD0", eth: "\xF0", Euml: "\xCB", euml: "\xEB", frac12: "\
\xBD", frac14: "\xBC", frac34: "\xBE", gt: ">", GT: ">", Iacute: "\xCD", iacute: "\xED", Icirc: "\xCE", icirc: "\xEE", iexcl: "\xA1", Igrave: "\
\xCC", igrave: "\xEC", iquest: "\xBF", Iuml: "\xCF", iuml: "\xEF", laquo: "\xAB", lt: "<", LT: "<", macr: "\xAF", micro: "\xB5", middot: "\xB7",
nbsp: "\xA0", not: "\xAC", Ntilde: "\xD1", ntilde: "\xF1", Oacute: "\xD3", oacute: "\xF3", Ocirc: "\xD4", ocirc: "\xF4", Ograve: "\xD2", ograve: "\
\xF2", ordf: "\xAA", ordm: "\xBA", Oslash: "\xD8", oslash: "\xF8", Otilde: "\xD5", otilde: "\xF5", Ouml: "\xD6", ouml: "\xF6", para: "\xB6",
plusmn: "\xB1", pound: "\xA3", quot: '"', QUOT: '"', raquo: "\xBB", reg: "\xAE", REG: "\xAE", sect: "\xA7", shy: "\xAD", sup1: "\xB9", sup2: "\
\xB2", sup3: "\xB3", szlig: "\xDF", THORN: "\xDE", thorn: "\xFE", times: "\xD7", Uacute: "\xDA", uacute: "\xFA", Ucirc: "\xDB", ucirc: "\xFB",
Ugrave: "\xD9", ugrave: "\xF9", uml: "\xA8", Uuml: "\xDC", uuml: "\xFC", Yacute: "\xDD", yacute: "\xFD", yen: "\xA5", yuml: "\xFF" };
// ../node_modules/ansi-to-html/node_modules/entities/lib/maps/xml.json
var Yi = d((TB, AI) => {
AI.exports = { amp: "&", apos: "'", gt: ">", lt: "<", quot: '"' };
// ../node_modules/ansi-to-html/node_modules/entities/lib/maps/decode.json
var Dh = d((RB, wI) => {
wI.exports = { "0": 65533, "128": 8364, "130": 8218, "131": 402, "132": 8222, "133": 8230, "134": 8224, "135": 8225, "136": 710, "137": 8240,
"138": 352, "139": 8249, "140": 338, "142": 381, "145": 8216, "146": 8217, "147": 8220, "148": 8221, "149": 8226, "150": 8211, "151": 8212,
"152": 732, "153": 8482, "154": 353, "155": 8250, "156": 339, "158": 382, "159": 376 };
// ../node_modules/ansi-to-html/node_modules/entities/lib/decode_codepoint.js
var qh = d((Ot) => {
"use strict";
var xI = Ot && Ot.__importDefault || function(r) {
return r && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
Object.defineProperty(Ot, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var Nh = xI(Dh()), _I = (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
String.fromCodePoint || function(r) {
var e = "";
return r > 65535 && (r -= 65536, e += String.fromCharCode(r >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), r = 56320 | r & 1023), e += String.fromCharCode(r),
function PI(r) {
return r >= 55296 && r <= 57343 || r > 1114111 ? "\uFFFD" : (r in Nh.default && (r = Nh.default[r]), _I(r));
n(PI, "decodeCodePoint");
Ot.default = PI;
// ../node_modules/ansi-to-html/node_modules/entities/lib/decode.js
var Xi = d((pe) => {
"use strict";
var $o = pe && pe.__importDefault || function(r) {
return r && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
Object.defineProperty(pe, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
pe.decodeHTML = pe.decodeHTMLStrict = pe.decodeXML = void 0;
var Ki = $o(zi()), OI = $o(Fh()), CI = $o(Yi()), Lh = $o(qh()), II = /&(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+|#[xX][\da-fA-F]+|#\d+);/g;
pe.decodeXML = Mh(CI.default);
pe.decodeHTMLStrict = Mh(Ki.default);
function Mh(r) {
var e = jh(r);
return function(t) {
return String(t).replace(II, e);
n(Mh, "getStrictDecoder");
var kh = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(r, e) {
return r < e ? 1 : -1;
}, "sorter");
pe.decodeHTML = function() {
for (var r = Object.keys(OI.default).sort(kh), e = Object.keys(Ki.default).sort(kh), t = 0, o = 0; t < e.length; t++)
r[o] === e[t] ? (e[t] += ";?", o++) : e[t] += ";";
var a = new RegExp("&(?:" + e.join("|") + "|#[xX][\\da-fA-F]+;?|#\\d+;?)", "g"), i = jh(Ki.default);
function s(c) {
return c.substr(-1) !== ";" && (c += ";"), i(c);
return n(s, "replacer"), function(c) {
return String(c).replace(a, s);
function jh(r) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(t) {
if (t.charAt(1) === "#") {
var o = t.charAt(2);
return o === "X" || o === "x" ? Lh.default(parseInt(t.substr(3), 16)) : Lh.default(parseInt(t.substr(2), 10));
return r[t.slice(1, -1)] || t;
}, "replace");
n(jh, "getReplacer");
// ../node_modules/ansi-to-html/node_modules/entities/lib/encode.js
var Qi = d((te) => {
"use strict";
var Bh = te && te.__importDefault || function(r) {
return r && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
Object.defineProperty(te, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
te.escapeUTF8 = te.escape = te.encodeNonAsciiHTML = te.encodeHTML = te.encodeXML = void 0;
var FI = Bh(Yi()), Uh = Hh(FI.default), Gh = Vh(Uh);
te.encodeXML = zh(Uh);
var DI = Bh(zi()), Ji = Hh(DI.default), NI = Vh(Ji);
te.encodeHTML = LI(Ji, NI);
te.encodeNonAsciiHTML = zh(Ji);
function Hh(r) {
return Object.keys(r).sort().reduce(function(e, t) {
return e[r[t]] = "&" + t + ";", e;
}, {});
n(Hh, "getInverseObj");
function Vh(r) {
for (var e = [], t = [], o = 0, a = Object.keys(r); o < a.length; o++) {
var i = a[o];
i.length === 1 ? e.push("\\" + i) : t.push(i);
for (var s = 0; s < e.length - 1; s++) {
for (var c = s; c < e.length - 1 && e[c].charCodeAt(1) + 1 === e[c + 1].charCodeAt(1); )
c += 1;
var l = 1 + c - s;
l < 3 || e.splice(s, l, e[s] + "-" + e[c]);
return t.unshift("[" + e.join("") + "]"), new RegExp(t.join("|"), "g");
n(Vh, "getInverseReplacer");
var $h = /(?:[\x80-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])/g,
qI = (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
String.prototype.codePointAt != null ? (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
function(r) {
return r.codePointAt(0);
) : (
// http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding#surrogate-formulae
function(r) {
return (r.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) * 1024 + r.charCodeAt(1) - 56320 + 65536;
function Wo(r) {
return "&#x" + (r.length > 1 ? qI(r) : r.charCodeAt(0)).toString(16).toUpperCase() + ";";
n(Wo, "singleCharReplacer");
function LI(r, e) {
return function(t) {
return t.replace(e, function(o) {
return r[o];
}).replace($h, Wo);
n(LI, "getInverse");
var Wh = new RegExp(Gh.source + "|" + $h.source, "g");
function kI(r) {
return r.replace(Wh, Wo);
n(kI, "escape");
te.escape = kI;
function MI(r) {
return r.replace(Gh, Wo);
n(MI, "escapeUTF8");
te.escapeUTF8 = MI;
function zh(r) {
return function(e) {
return e.replace(Wh, function(t) {
return r[t] || Wo(t);
n(zh, "getASCIIEncoder");
// ../node_modules/ansi-to-html/node_modules/entities/lib/index.js
var Kh = d((O) => {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(O, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
O.decodeXMLStrict = O.decodeHTML5Strict = O.decodeHTML4Strict = O.decodeHTML5 = O.decodeHTML4 = O.decodeHTMLStrict = O.decodeHTML = O.decodeXML =
O.encodeHTML5 = O.encodeHTML4 = O.escapeUTF8 = O.escape = O.encodeNonAsciiHTML = O.encodeHTML = O.encodeXML = O.encode = O.decodeStrict = O.
decode = void 0;
var zo = Xi(), Yh = Qi();
function jI(r, e) {
return (!e || e <= 0 ? zo.decodeXML : zo.decodeHTML)(r);
n(jI, "decode");
O.decode = jI;
function BI(r, e) {
return (!e || e <= 0 ? zo.decodeXML : zo.decodeHTMLStrict)(r);
n(BI, "decodeStrict");
O.decodeStrict = BI;
function UI(r, e) {
return (!e || e <= 0 ? Yh.encodeXML : Yh.encodeHTML)(r);
n(UI, "encode");
O.encode = UI;
var Ye = Qi();
Object.defineProperty(O, "encodeXML", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ye.encodeXML;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "encodeHTML", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ye.encodeHTML;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "encodeNonAsciiHTML", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ye.encodeNonAsciiHTML;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "escape", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ye.escape;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "escapeUTF8", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ye.escapeUTF8;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "encodeHTML4", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ye.encodeHTML;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "encodeHTML5", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ye.encodeHTML;
}, "get") });
var Pe = Xi();
Object.defineProperty(O, "decodeXML", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Pe.decodeXML;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "decodeHTML", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Pe.decodeHTML;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "decodeHTMLStrict", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Pe.decodeHTMLStrict;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "decodeHTML4", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Pe.decodeHTML;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "decodeHTML5", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Pe.decodeHTML;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "decodeHTML4Strict", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Pe.decodeHTMLStrict;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "decodeHTML5Strict", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Pe.decodeHTMLStrict;
}, "get") });
Object.defineProperty(O, "decodeXMLStrict", { enumerable: !0, get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Pe.decodeXML;
}, "get") });
// ../node_modules/ansi-to-html/lib/ansi_to_html.js
var im = d((FB, am) => {
"use strict";
function GI(r, e) {
if (!(r instanceof e))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
n(GI, "_classCallCheck");
function Xh(r, e) {
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
var o = e[t];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, o.key, o);
n(Xh, "_defineProperties");
function HI(r, e, t) {
return e && Xh(r.prototype, e), t && Xh(r, t), r;
n(HI, "_createClass");
function tm(r, e) {
var t = typeof Symbol < "u" && r[Symbol.iterator] || r["@@iterator"];
if (!t) {
if (Array.isArray(r) || (t = VI(r)) || e && r && typeof r.length == "number") {
t && (r = t);
var o = 0, a = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
}, "F");
return { s: a, n: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return o >= r.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: r[o++] };
}, "n"), e: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(u) {
throw u;
}, "e"), f: a };
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
var i = !0, s = !1, c;
return { s: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
t = t.call(r);
}, "s"), n: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
var u = t.next();
return i = u.done, u;
}, "n"), e: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(u) {
s = !0, c = u;
}, "e"), f: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
try {
!i && t.return != null && t.return();
} finally {
if (s) throw c;
}, "f") };
n(tm, "_createForOfIteratorHelper");
function VI(r, e) {
if (r) {
if (typeof r == "string") return Jh(r, e);
var t = Object.prototype.toString.call(r).slice(8, -1);
if (t === "Object" && r.constructor && (t = r.constructor.name), t === "Map" || t === "Set") return Array.from(r);
if (t === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)) return Jh(r, e);
n(VI, "_unsupportedIterableToArray");
function Jh(r, e) {
(e == null || e > r.length) && (e = r.length);
for (var t = 0, o = new Array(e); t < e; t++)
o[t] = r[t];
return o;
n(Jh, "_arrayLikeToArray");
var $I = Kh(), Qh = {
fg: "#FFF",
bg: "#000",
newline: !1,
escapeXML: !1,
stream: !1,
colors: WI()
function WI() {
var r = {
0: "#000",
1: "#A00",
2: "#0A0",
3: "#A50",
4: "#00A",
5: "#A0A",
6: "#0AA",
7: "#AAA",
8: "#555",
9: "#F55",
10: "#5F5",
11: "#FF5",
12: "#55F",
13: "#F5F",
14: "#5FF",
15: "#FFF"
return Yo(0, 5).forEach(function(e) {
Yo(0, 5).forEach(function(t) {
Yo(0, 5).forEach(function(o) {
return zI(e, t, o, r);
}), Yo(0, 23).forEach(function(e) {
var t = e + 232, o = om(e * 10 + 8);
r[t] = "#" + o + o + o;
}), r;
n(WI, "getDefaultColors");
function zI(r, e, t, o) {
var a = 16 + r * 36 + e * 6 + t, i = r > 0 ? r * 40 + 55 : 0, s = e > 0 ? e * 40 + 55 : 0, c = t > 0 ? t * 40 + 55 : 0;
o[a] = YI([i, s, c]);
n(zI, "setStyleColor");
function om(r) {
for (var e = r.toString(16); e.length < 2; )
e = "0" + e;
return e;
n(om, "toHexString");
function YI(r) {
var e = [], t = tm(r), o;
try {
for (t.s(); !(o = t.n()).done; ) {
var a = o.value;
} catch (i) {
} finally {
return "#" + e.join("");
n(YI, "toColorHexString");
function Zh(r, e, t, o) {
var a;
return e === "text" ? a = QI(t, o) : e === "display" ? a = XI(r, t, o) : e === "xterm256Foreground" ? a = Xo(r, o.colors[t]) : e === "xt\
erm256Background" ? a = Jo(r, o.colors[t]) : e === "rgb" && (a = KI(r, t)), a;
n(Zh, "generateOutput");
function KI(r, e) {
e = e.substring(2).slice(0, -1);
var t = +e.substr(0, 2), o = e.substring(5).split(";"), a = o.map(function(i) {
return ("0" + Number(i).toString(16)).substr(-2);
return Ko(r, (t === 38 ? "color:#" : "background-color:#") + a);
n(KI, "handleRgb");
function XI(r, e, t) {
e = parseInt(e, 10);
var o = {
"-1": /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return "<br/>";
}, "_"),
0: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return r.length && nm(r);
}, "_"),
1: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Oe(r, "b");
}, "_"),
3: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Oe(r, "i");
}, "_"),
4: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Oe(r, "u");
}, "_"),
8: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ko(r, "display:none");
}, "_"),
9: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Oe(r, "strike");
}, "_"),
22: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ko(r, "font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;font-style:normal");
}, "_"),
23: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return rm(r, "i");
}, "_"),
24: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return rm(r, "u");
}, "_"),
39: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Xo(r, t.fg);
}, "_"),
49: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Jo(r, t.bg);
}, "_"),
53: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return Ko(r, "text-decoration:overline");
}, "_")
}, a;
return o[e] ? a = o[e]() : 4 < e && e < 7 ? a = Oe(r, "blink") : 29 < e && e < 38 ? a = Xo(r, t.colors[e - 30]) : 39 < e && e < 48 ? a =
Jo(r, t.colors[e - 40]) : 89 < e && e < 98 ? a = Xo(r, t.colors[8 + (e - 90)]) : 99 < e && e < 108 && (a = Jo(r, t.colors[8 + (e - 100)])),
n(XI, "handleDisplay");
function nm(r) {
var e = r.slice(0);
return r.length = 0, e.reverse().map(function(t) {
return "</" + t + ">";
n(nm, "resetStyles");
function Yo(r, e) {
for (var t = [], o = r; o <= e; o++)
return t;
n(Yo, "range");
function JI(r) {
return function(e) {
return (r === null || e.category !== r) && r !== "all";
n(JI, "notCategory");
function em(r) {
r = parseInt(r, 10);
var e = null;
return r === 0 ? e = "all" : r === 1 ? e = "bold" : 2 < r && r < 5 ? e = "underline" : 4 < r && r < 7 ? e = "blink" : r === 8 ? e = "hid\
e" : r === 9 ? e = "strike" : 29 < r && r < 38 || r === 39 || 89 < r && r < 98 ? e = "foreground-color" : (39 < r && r < 48 || r === 49 || 99 <
r && r < 108) && (e = "background-color"), e;
n(em, "categoryForCode");
function QI(r, e) {
return e.escapeXML ? $I.encodeXML(r) : r;
n(QI, "pushText");
function Oe(r, e, t) {
return t || (t = ""), r.push(e), "<".concat(e).concat(t ? ' style="'.concat(t, '"') : "", ">");
n(Oe, "pushTag");
function Ko(r, e) {
return Oe(r, "span", e);
n(Ko, "pushStyle");
function Xo(r, e) {
return Oe(r, "span", "color:" + e);
n(Xo, "pushForegroundColor");
function Jo(r, e) {
return Oe(r, "span", "background-color:" + e);
n(Jo, "pushBackgroundColor");
function rm(r, e) {
var t;
if (r.slice(-1)[0] === e && (t = r.pop()), t)
return "</" + e + ">";
n(rm, "closeTag");
function ZI(r, e, t) {
var o = !1, a = 3;
function i() {
return "";
n(i, "remove");
function s(R, P) {
return t("xterm256Foreground", P), "";
n(s, "removeXterm256Foreground");
function c(R, P) {
return t("xterm256Background", P), "";
n(c, "removeXterm256Background");
function l(R) {
return e.newline ? t("display", -1) : t("text", R), "";
n(l, "newline");
function u(R, P) {
o = !0, P.trim().length === 0 && (P = "0"), P = P.trimRight(";").split(";");
var k = tm(P), F;
try {
for (k.s(); !(F = k.n()).done; ) {
var H = F.value;
t("display", H);
} catch (Z) {
} finally {
return "";
n(u, "ansiMess");
function p(R) {
return t("text", R), "";
n(p, "realText");
function h(R) {
return t("rgb", R), "";
n(h, "rgb");
var y = [{
pattern: /^\x08+/,
sub: i
}, {
pattern: /^\x1b\[[012]?K/,
sub: i
}, {
pattern: /^\x1b\[\(B/,
sub: i
}, {
pattern: /^\x1b\[[34]8;2;\d+;\d+;\d+m/,
sub: h
}, {
pattern: /^\x1b\[38;5;(\d+)m/,
sub: s
}, {
pattern: /^\x1b\[48;5;(\d+)m/,
sub: c
}, {
pattern: /^\n/,
sub: l
}, {
pattern: /^\r+\n/,
sub: l
}, {
pattern: /^\r/,
sub: l
}, {
pattern: /^\x1b\[((?:\d{1,3};?)+|)m/,
sub: u
}, {
// CSI n J
// ED - Erase in Display Clears part of the screen.
// If n is 0 (or missing), clear from cursor to end of screen.
// If n is 1, clear from cursor to beginning of the screen.
// If n is 2, clear entire screen (and moves cursor to upper left on DOS ANSI.SYS).
// If n is 3, clear entire screen and delete all lines saved in the scrollback buffer
// (this feature was added for xterm and is supported by other terminal applications).
pattern: /^\x1b\[\d?J/,
sub: i
}, {
// CSI n ; m f
// HVP - Horizontal Vertical Position Same as CUP
pattern: /^\x1b\[\d{0,3};\d{0,3}f/,
sub: i
}, {
// catch-all for CSI sequences?
pattern: /^\x1b\[?[\d;]{0,3}/,
sub: i
}, {
* extracts real text - not containing:
* - `\x1b' - ESC - escape (Ascii 27)
* - '\x08' - BS - backspace (Ascii 8)
* - `\n` - Newline - linefeed (LF) (ascii 10)
* - `\r` - Windows Carriage Return (CR)
pattern: /^(([^\x1b\x08\r\n])+)/,
sub: p
function g(R, P) {
P > a && o || (o = !1, r = r.replace(R.pattern, R.sub));
n(g, "process");
var m = [], b = r, S = b.length;
e: for (; S > 0; ) {
for (var w = 0, E = 0, v = y.length; E < v; w = ++E) {
var x = y[w];
if (g(x, w), r.length !== S) {
S = r.length;
continue e;
if (r.length === S)
m.push(0), S = r.length;
return m;
n(ZI, "tokenize");
function eF(r, e, t) {
return e !== "text" && (r = r.filter(JI(em(t))), r.push({
token: e,
data: t,
category: em(t)
})), r;
n(eF, "updateStickyStack");
var rF = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function r(e) {
GI(this, r), e = e || {}, e.colors && (e.colors = Object.assign({}, Qh.colors, e.colors)), this.options = Object.assign({}, Qh, e), this.
stack = [], this.stickyStack = [];
return n(r, "Filter"), HI(r, [{
key: "toHtml",
value: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(t) {
var o = this;
t = typeof t == "string" ? [t] : t;
var a = this.stack, i = this.options, s = [];
return this.stickyStack.forEach(function(c) {
var l = Zh(a, c.token, c.data, i);
l && s.push(l);
}), ZI(t.join(""), i, function(c, l) {
var u = Zh(a, c, l, i);
u && s.push(u), i.stream && (o.stickyStack = eF(o.stickyStack, c, l));
}), a.length && s.push(nm(a)), s.join("");
}, "toHtml")
}]), r;
am.exports = rF;
// ../node_modules/browser-dtector/browser-dtector.umd.min.js
var mm = d((ns, as) => {
(function(r, e) {
typeof ns == "object" && typeof as < "u" ? as.exports = e() : typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define(e) : (r = typeof globalThis <
"u" ? globalThis : r || self).BrowserDetector = e();
})(ns, function() {
"use strict";
function r(s, c) {
for (var l = 0; l < c.length; l++) {
var u = c[l];
u.enumerable = u.enumerable || !1, u.configurable = !0, "value" in u && (u.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, (p = u.key, h = void 0,
typeof (h = function(y, g) {
if (typeof y != "object" || y === null) return y;
var m = y[Symbol.toPrimitive];
if (m !== void 0) {
var b = m.call(y, g || "default");
if (typeof b != "object") return b;
throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
return (g === "string" ? String : Number)(y);
}(p, "string")) == "symbol" ? h : String(h)), u);
var p, h;
n(r, "e");
var e = { chrome: "Google Chrome", brave: "Brave", crios: "Google Chrome", edge: "Microsoft Edge", edg: "Microsoft Edge", edgios: "Micro\
soft Edge", fennec: "Mozilla Firefox", jsdom: "JsDOM", mozilla: "Mozilla Firefox", fxios: "Mozilla Firefox", msie: "Microsoft Internet Explo\
rer", opera: "Opera", opios: "Opera", opr: "Opera", opt: "Opera", rv: "Microsoft Internet Explorer", safari: "Safari", samsungbrowser: "Sams\
ung Browser", electron: "Electron" }, t = { android: "Android", androidTablet: "Android Tablet", cros: "Chrome OS", fennec: "Android Tablet",
ipad: "IPad", iphone: "IPhone", jsdom: "JsDOM", linux: "Linux", mac: "Macintosh", tablet: "Android Tablet", win: "Windows", "windows pho\
ne": "Windows Phone", xbox: "Microsoft Xbox" }, o = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(s) {
var c = new RegExp("^-?\\d+(?:.\\d{0,".concat(arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : -1, "})?")), l = Number(
return l ? l[0] : null;
}, "n"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return typeof window < "u" ? window.navigator : null;
}, "i"), i = function() {
function s(p) {
var h;
(function(y, g) {
if (!(y instanceof g)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
})(this, s), this.userAgent = p || ((h = a()) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.userAgent) || null;
n(s, "t");
var c, l, u;
return c = s, l = [{ key: "parseUserAgent", value: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(p) {
var h, y, g, m = {}, b = p || this.userAgent || "", S = b.toLowerCase().replace(/\s\s+/g, " "), w = /(edge)\/([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(edg)[/]([\w.]+)/.
exec(S) || /(opr)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(opt)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(fxios)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(edgios)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) ||
/(jsdom)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(samsungbrowser)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(electron)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(chrome)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(
S) || /(crios)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(opios)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(version)(applewebkit)[/]([\w.]+).*(safari)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(
S) || /(webkit)[/]([\w.]+).*(version)[/]([\w.]+).*(safari)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(applewebkit)[/]([\w.]+).*(safari)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(
S) || /(webkit)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[/]([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || /(fennec)[/]([\w.]+)/.
exec(S) || S.indexOf("trident") >= 0 && /(rv)(?::| )([\w.]+)/.exec(S) || S.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.
exec(S) || [], E = /(ipad)/.exec(S) || /(ipod)/.exec(S) || /(iphone)/.exec(S) || /(jsdom)/.exec(S) || /(windows phone)/.exec(S) || /(xbox)/.
exec(S) || /(win)/.exec(S) || /(tablet)/.exec(S) || /(android)/.test(S) && /(mobile)/.test(S) === !1 && ["androidTablet"] || /(android)/.
exec(S) || /(mac)/.exec(S) || /(linux)/.exec(S) || /(cros)/.exec(S) || [], v = w[5] || w[3] || w[1] || null, x = E[0] || null, R = w[4] ||
w[2] || null, P = a();
v === "chrome" && typeof (P == null || (h = P.brave) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.isBrave) == "function" && (v = "brave"), v &&
(m[v] = !0), x && (m[x] = !0);
var k = !!(m.tablet || m.android || m.androidTablet), F = !!(m.ipad || m.tablet || m.androidTablet), H = !!(m.android || m.androidTablet ||
m.tablet || m.ipad || m.ipod || m.iphone || m["windows phone"]), Z = !!(m.cros || m.mac || m.linux || m.win), me = !!(m.brave || m.chrome ||
m.crios || m.opr || m.safari || m.edg || m.electron), V = !!(m.msie || m.rv);
return { name: (y = e[v]) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : null, platform: (g = t[x]) !== null && g !== void 0 ? g : null, userAgent: b,
version: R, shortVersion: R ? o(parseFloat(R), 2) : null, isAndroid: k, isTablet: F, isMobile: H, isDesktop: Z, isWebkit: me, isIE: V };
}, "value") }, { key: "getBrowserInfo", value: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
var p = this.parseUserAgent();
return { name: p.name, platform: p.platform, userAgent: p.userAgent, version: p.version, shortVersion: p.shortVersion };
}, "value") }], u = [{ key: "VERSION", get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return "3.4.0";
}, "get") }], l && r(c.prototype, l), u && r(c, u), Object.defineProperty(c, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), s;
return i;
// src/core-events/index.ts
var be = {};
Ce(be, {
CONFIG_ERROR: () => rn,
DOCS_PREPARED: () => tn,
FORCE_REMOUNT: () => on,
FORCE_RE_RENDER: () => kr,
SET_CONFIG: () => qm,
SET_GLOBALS: () => pn,
SET_INDEX: () => Lm,
SET_STORIES: () => km,
STORY_CHANGED: () => fn,
STORY_ERRORED: () => yn,
default: () => wm
var Zo = /* @__PURE__ */ ((A) => (A.CHANNEL_WS_DISCONNECT = "channelWSDisconnect", A.CHANNEL_CREATED = "channelCreated", A.CONFIG_ERROR = "c\
onfigError", A.STORY_INDEX_INVALIDATED = "storyIndexInvalidated", A.STORY_SPECIFIED = "storySpecified", A.SET_CONFIG = "setConfig", A.SET_STORIES =
"setStories", A.SET_INDEX = "setIndex", A.SET_CURRENT_STORY = "setCurrentStory", A.CURRENT_STORY_WAS_SET = "currentStoryWasSet", A.FORCE_RE_RENDER =
"forceReRender", A.FORCE_REMOUNT = "forceRemount", A.PRELOAD_ENTRIES = "preloadStories", A.STORY_PREPARED = "storyPrepared", A.DOCS_PREPARED =
"docsPrepared", A.STORY_CHANGED = "storyChanged", A.STORY_UNCHANGED = "storyUnchanged", A.STORY_RENDERED = "storyRendered", A.STORY_MISSING =
"storyMissing", A.STORY_ERRORED = "storyErrored", A.STORY_THREW_EXCEPTION = "storyThrewException", A.STORY_RENDER_PHASE_CHANGED = "storyRend\
erPhaseChanged", A.PLAY_FUNCTION_THREW_EXCEPTION = "playFunctionThrewException", A.UNHANDLED_ERRORS_WHILE_PLAYING = "unhandledErrorsWhilePla\
ying", A.UPDATE_STORY_ARGS = "updateStoryArgs", A.STORY_ARGS_UPDATED = "storyArgsUpdated", A.RESET_STORY_ARGS = "resetStoryArgs", A.SET_GLOBALS =
"setGlobals", A.UPDATE_GLOBALS = "updateGlobals", A.GLOBALS_UPDATED = "globalsUpdated", A.REGISTER_SUBSCRIPTION = "registerSubscription", A.
PREVIEW_KEYDOWN = "previewKeydown", A.PREVIEW_BUILDER_PROGRESS = "preview_builder_progress", A.SELECT_STORY = "selectStory", A.STORIES_COLLAPSE_ALL =
"storiesCollapseAll", A.STORIES_EXPAND_ALL = "storiesExpandAll", A.DOCS_RENDERED = "docsRendered", A.SHARED_STATE_CHANGED = "sharedStateChan\
ged", A.SHARED_STATE_SET = "sharedStateSet", A.NAVIGATE_URL = "navigateUrl", A.UPDATE_QUERY_PARAMS = "updateQueryParams", A.REQUEST_WHATS_NEW_DATA =
"requestWhatsNewData", A.RESULT_WHATS_NEW_DATA = "resultWhatsNewData", A.SET_WHATS_NEW_CACHE = "setWhatsNewCache", A.TOGGLE_WHATS_NEW_NOTIFICATIONS =
"toggleWhatsNewNotifications", A.TELEMETRY_ERROR = "telemetryError", A.FILE_COMPONENT_SEARCH_REQUEST = "fileComponentSearchRequest", A.FILE_COMPONENT_SEARCH_RESPONSE =
"fileComponentSearchResponse", A.SAVE_STORY_REQUEST = "saveStoryRequest", A.SAVE_STORY_RESPONSE = "saveStoryResponse", A.ARGTYPES_INFO_REQUEST =
"argtypesInfoRequest", A.ARGTYPES_INFO_RESPONSE = "argtypesInfoResponse", A.CREATE_NEW_STORYFILE_REQUEST = "createNewStoryfileRequest", A.CREATE_NEW_STORYFILE_RESPONSE =
"createNewStoryfileResponse", A))(Zo || {}), wm = Zo, {
} = Zo;
// ../node_modules/@storybook/global/dist/index.mjs
var Rn = {};
Ce(Rn, {
global: () => T
var T = (() => {
let r;
return typeof window < "u" ? r = window : typeof globalThis < "u" ? r = globalThis : typeof global < "u" ? r = global : typeof self < "u" ?
r = self : r = {}, r;
// src/preview/globals/globals.ts
var An = {
"@storybook/global": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_GLOBAL__",
"storybook/internal/channels": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CHANNELS__",
"@storybook/channels": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CHANNELS__",
"@storybook/core/channels": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CHANNELS__",
"storybook/internal/client-logger": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CLIENT_LOGGER__",
"@storybook/client-logger": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CLIENT_LOGGER__",
"@storybook/core/client-logger": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CLIENT_LOGGER__",
"storybook/internal/core-events": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CORE_EVENTS__",
"@storybook/core-events": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CORE_EVENTS__",
"@storybook/core/core-events": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CORE_EVENTS__",
"storybook/internal/preview-errors": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CORE_EVENTS_PREVIEW_ERRORS__",
"@storybook/core-events/preview-errors": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CORE_EVENTS_PREVIEW_ERRORS__",
"@storybook/core/preview-errors": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_CORE_EVENTS_PREVIEW_ERRORS__",
"storybook/internal/preview-api": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_PREVIEW_API__",
"@storybook/preview-api": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_PREVIEW_API__",
"@storybook/core/preview-api": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_PREVIEW_API__",
"storybook/internal/types": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_TYPES__",
"@storybook/types": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_TYPES__",
"@storybook/core/types": "__STORYBOOK_MODULE_TYPES__"
}, ss = Object.keys(An);
// src/channels/index.ts
var $r = {};
Ce($r, {
Channel: () => ve,
PostMessageTransport: () => or,
WebsocketTransport: () => nr,
createBrowserChannel: () => Vb,
default: () => Hb
// src/channels/main.ts
var Ym = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => r.transports !== void 0, "isMulti"), Km = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => Math.random().toString(16).slice(2), "ge\
nerateRandomId"), wn = class wn {
sender = Km();
events = {};
data = {};
transports = [];
constructor(e = {}) {
this.isAsync = e.async || !1, Ym(e) ? (this.transports = e.transports || [], this.transports.forEach((t) => {
t.setHandler((o) => this.handleEvent(o));
})) : this.transports = e.transport ? [e.transport] : [], this.transports.forEach((t) => {
t.setHandler((o) => this.handleEvent(o));
get hasTransport() {
return this.transports.length > 0;
addListener(e, t) {
this.events[e] = this.events[e] || [], this.events[e].push(t);
emit(e, ...t) {
let o = { type: e, args: t, from: this.sender }, a = {};
t.length >= 1 && t[0] && t[0].options && (a = t[0].options);
let i = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
this.transports.forEach((s) => {
s.send(o, a);
}), this.handleEvent(o);
}, "handler");
this.isAsync ? setImmediate(i) : i();
last(e) {
return this.data[e];
eventNames() {
return Object.keys(this.events);
listenerCount(e) {
let t = this.listeners(e);
return t ? t.length : 0;
listeners(e) {
return this.events[e] || void 0;
once(e, t) {
let o = this.onceListener(e, t);
this.addListener(e, o);
removeAllListeners(e) {
e ? this.events[e] && delete this.events[e] : this.events = {};
removeListener(e, t) {
let o = this.listeners(e);
o && (this.events[e] = o.filter((a) => a !== t));
on(e, t) {
this.addListener(e, t);
off(e, t) {
this.removeListener(e, t);
handleEvent(e) {
let t = this.listeners(e.type);
t && t.length && t.forEach((o) => {
o.apply(e, e.args);
}), this.data[e.type] = e.args;
onceListener(e, t) {
let o = /* @__PURE__ */ n((...a) => (this.removeListener(e, o), t(...a)), "onceListener");
return o;
n(wn, "Channel");
var ve = wn;
// src/client-logger/index.ts
var Ur = {};
Ce(Ur, {
deprecate: () => ae,
logger: () => C,
once: () => M,
pretty: () => re
var { LOGLEVEL: Xm } = T, Ee = {
trace: 1,
debug: 2,
info: 3,
warn: 4,
error: 5,
silent: 10
}, Jm = Xm, Qe = Ee[Jm] || Ee.info, C = {
trace: /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, ...e) => {
Qe <= Ee.trace && console.trace(r, ...e);
}, "trace"),
debug: /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, ...e) => {
Qe <= Ee.debug && console.debug(r, ...e);
}, "debug"),
info: /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, ...e) => {
Qe <= Ee.info && console.info(r, ...e);
}, "info"),
warn: /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, ...e) => {
Qe <= Ee.warn && console.warn(r, ...e);
}, "warn"),
error: /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, ...e) => {
Qe <= Ee.error && console.error(r, ...e);
}, "error"),
log: /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, ...e) => {
Qe < Ee.silent && console.log(r, ...e);
}, "log")
}, xn = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), M = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => (e, ...t) => {
if (!xn.has(e))
return xn.add(e), C[r](e, ...t);
}, "once");
M.clear = () => xn.clear();
M.trace = M("trace");
M.debug = M("debug");
M.info = M("info");
M.warn = M("warn");
M.error = M("error");
M.log = M("log");
var ae = M("warn"), re = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => (...e) => {
let t = [];
if (e.length) {
let o = /<span\s+style=(['"])([^'"]*)\1\s*>/gi, a = /<\/span>/gi, i;
for (t.push(e[0].replace(o, "%c").replace(a, "%c")); i = o.exec(e[0]); )
t.push(i[2]), t.push("");
for (let s = 1; s < e.length; s++)
C[r].apply(C, t);
}, "pretty");
re.trace = re("trace");
re.debug = re("debug");
re.info = re("info");
re.warn = re("warn");
re.error = re("error");
// ../node_modules/telejson/dist/chunk-465TF3XA.mjs
var Qm = Object.create, ls = Object.defineProperty, Zm = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, cs = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, eg = Object.getPrototypeOf,
rg = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, oe = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return e || (0, r[cs(r)[0]])((e = { exports: {} }).exports, e), e.exports;
}, "__require"), "__commonJS"), tg = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t, o) => {
if (e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function")
for (let a of cs(e))
!rg.call(r, a) && a !== t && ls(r, a, { get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => e[a], "get"), enumerable: !(o = Zm(e, a)) || o.enumerable });
return r;
}, "__copyProps"), Gt = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => (t = r != null ? Qm(eg(r)) : {}, tg(
e || !r || !r.__esModule ? ls(t, "default", { value: r, enumerable: !0 }) : t,
)), "__toESM"), og = [
], ng = ["detail"];
function us(r) {
let e = og.filter((t) => r[t] !== void 0).reduce((t, o) => ({ ...t, [o]: r[o] }), {});
return r instanceof CustomEvent && ng.filter((t) => r[t] !== void 0).forEach((t) => {
e[t] = r[t];
}), e;
n(us, "extractEventHiddenProperties");
// ../node_modules/telejson/dist/index.mjs
var xs = Y(Ht(), 1);
var gs = oe({
"node_modules/has-symbols/shams.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
if (typeof Symbol != "function" || typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols != "function")
return !1;
if (typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol")
return !0;
var o = {}, a = Symbol("test"), i = Object(a);
if (typeof a == "string" || Object.prototype.toString.call(a) !== "[object Symbol]" || Object.prototype.toString.call(i) !== "[object \
return !1;
var s = 42;
o[a] = s;
for (a in o)
return !1;
if (typeof Object.keys == "function" && Object.keys(o).length !== 0 || typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames == "function" && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(
o).length !== 0)
return !1;
var c = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o);
if (c.length !== 1 || c[0] !== a || !Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(o, a))
return !1;
if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor == "function") {
var l = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, a);
if (l.value !== s || l.enumerable !== !0)
return !1;
return !0;
}, "hasSymbols");
}), Ss = oe({
"node_modules/has-symbols/index.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t = typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol, o = gs();
e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return typeof t != "function" || typeof Symbol != "function" || typeof t("foo") != "symbol" || typeof Symbol("bar") != "symbol" ? !1 :
}, "hasNativeSymbols");
}), ag = oe({
"node_modules/function-bind/implementation.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t = "Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ", o = Array.prototype.slice, a = Object.prototype.toString, i = "[object Functi\
e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(c) {
var l = this;
if (typeof l != "function" || a.call(l) !== i)
throw new TypeError(t + l);
for (var u = o.call(arguments, 1), p, h = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
if (this instanceof p) {
var S = l.apply(
return Object(S) === S ? S : this;
} else
return l.apply(
}, "binder"), y = Math.max(0, l.length - u.length), g = [], m = 0; m < y; m++)
g.push("$" + m);
if (p = Function("binder", "return function (" + g.join(",") + "){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }")(h), l.prototype) {
var b = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
}, "Empty2");
b.prototype = l.prototype, p.prototype = new b(), b.prototype = null;
return p;
}, "bind");
}), On = oe({
"node_modules/function-bind/index.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t = ag();
e.exports = Function.prototype.bind || t;
}), ig = oe({
"node_modules/has/src/index.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t = On();
e.exports = t.call(Function.call, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty);
}), bs = oe({
"node_modules/get-intrinsic/index.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t, o = SyntaxError, a = Function, i = TypeError, s = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(V) {
try {
return a('"use strict"; return (' + V + ").constructor;")();
} catch {
}, "getEvalledConstructor"), c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
if (c)
try {
c({}, "");
} catch {
c = null;
var l = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
throw new i();
}, "throwTypeError"), u = c ? function() {
try {
return arguments.callee, l;
} catch {
try {
return c(arguments, "callee").get;
} catch {
return l;
}() : l, p = Ss()(), h = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(V) {
return V.__proto__;
}, y = {}, g = typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? t : h(Uint8Array), m = {
"%AggregateError%": typeof AggregateError > "u" ? t : AggregateError,
"%Array%": Array,
"%ArrayBuffer%": typeof ArrayBuffer > "u" ? t : ArrayBuffer,
"%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": p ? h([][Symbol.iterator]()) : t,
"%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%": t,
"%AsyncFunction%": y,
"%AsyncGenerator%": y,
"%AsyncGeneratorFunction%": y,
"%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": y,
"%Atomics%": typeof Atomics > "u" ? t : Atomics,
"%BigInt%": typeof BigInt > "u" ? t : BigInt,
"%Boolean%": Boolean,
"%DataView%": typeof DataView > "u" ? t : DataView,
"%Date%": Date,
"%decodeURI%": decodeURI,
"%decodeURIComponent%": decodeURIComponent,
"%encodeURI%": encodeURI,
"%encodeURIComponent%": encodeURIComponent,
"%Error%": Error,
"%eval%": eval,
"%EvalError%": EvalError,
"%Float32Array%": typeof Float32Array > "u" ? t : Float32Array,
"%Float64Array%": typeof Float64Array > "u" ? t : Float64Array,
"%FinalizationRegistry%": typeof FinalizationRegistry > "u" ? t : FinalizationRegistry,
"%Function%": a,
"%GeneratorFunction%": y,
"%Int8Array%": typeof Int8Array > "u" ? t : Int8Array,
"%Int16Array%": typeof Int16Array > "u" ? t : Int16Array,
"%Int32Array%": typeof Int32Array > "u" ? t : Int32Array,
"%isFinite%": isFinite,
"%isNaN%": isNaN,
"%IteratorPrototype%": p ? h(h([][Symbol.iterator]())) : t,
"%JSON%": typeof JSON == "object" ? JSON : t,
"%Map%": typeof Map > "u" ? t : Map,
"%MapIteratorPrototype%": typeof Map > "u" || !p ? t : h((/* @__PURE__ */ new Map())[Symbol.iterator]()),
"%Math%": Math,
"%Number%": Number,
"%Object%": Object,
"%parseFloat%": parseFloat,
"%parseInt%": parseInt,
"%Promise%": typeof Promise > "u" ? t : Promise,
"%Proxy%": typeof Proxy > "u" ? t : Proxy,
"%RangeError%": RangeError,
"%ReferenceError%": ReferenceError,
"%Reflect%": typeof Reflect > "u" ? t : Reflect,
"%RegExp%": RegExp,
"%Set%": typeof Set > "u" ? t : Set,
"%SetIteratorPrototype%": typeof Set > "u" || !p ? t : h((/* @__PURE__ */ new Set())[Symbol.iterator]()),
"%SharedArrayBuffer%": typeof SharedArrayBuffer > "u" ? t : SharedArrayBuffer,
"%String%": String,
"%StringIteratorPrototype%": p ? h(""[Symbol.iterator]()) : t,
"%Symbol%": p ? Symbol : t,
"%SyntaxError%": o,
"%ThrowTypeError%": u,
"%TypedArray%": g,
"%TypeError%": i,
"%Uint8Array%": typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? t : Uint8Array,
"%Uint8ClampedArray%": typeof Uint8ClampedArray > "u" ? t : Uint8ClampedArray,
"%Uint16Array%": typeof Uint16Array > "u" ? t : Uint16Array,
"%Uint32Array%": typeof Uint32Array > "u" ? t : Uint32Array,
"%URIError%": URIError,
"%WeakMap%": typeof WeakMap > "u" ? t : WeakMap,
"%WeakRef%": typeof WeakRef > "u" ? t : WeakRef,
"%WeakSet%": typeof WeakSet > "u" ? t : WeakSet
}, b = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function V(D) {
var q;
if (D === "%AsyncFunction%")
q = s("async function () {}");
else if (D === "%GeneratorFunction%")
q = s("function* () {}");
else if (D === "%AsyncGeneratorFunction%")
q = s("async function* () {}");
else if (D === "%AsyncGenerator%") {
var N = V("%AsyncGeneratorFunction%");
N && (q = N.prototype);
} else if (D === "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%") {
var B = V("%AsyncGenerator%");
B && (q = h(B.prototype));
return m[D] = q, q;
}, "doEval2"), S = {
"%ArrayBufferPrototype%": ["ArrayBuffer", "prototype"],
"%ArrayPrototype%": ["Array", "prototype"],
"%ArrayProto_entries%": ["Array", "prototype", "entries"],
"%ArrayProto_forEach%": ["Array", "prototype", "forEach"],
"%ArrayProto_keys%": ["Array", "prototype", "keys"],
"%ArrayProto_values%": ["Array", "prototype", "values"],
"%AsyncFunctionPrototype%": ["AsyncFunction", "prototype"],
"%AsyncGenerator%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype"],
"%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"],
"%BooleanPrototype%": ["Boolean", "prototype"],
"%DataViewPrototype%": ["DataView", "prototype"],
"%DatePrototype%": ["Date", "prototype"],
"%ErrorPrototype%": ["Error", "prototype"],
"%EvalErrorPrototype%": ["EvalError", "prototype"],
"%Float32ArrayPrototype%": ["Float32Array", "prototype"],
"%Float64ArrayPrototype%": ["Float64Array", "prototype"],
"%FunctionPrototype%": ["Function", "prototype"],
"%Generator%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype"],
"%GeneratorPrototype%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"],
"%Int8ArrayPrototype%": ["Int8Array", "prototype"],
"%Int16ArrayPrototype%": ["Int16Array", "prototype"],
"%Int32ArrayPrototype%": ["Int32Array", "prototype"],
"%JSONParse%": ["JSON", "parse"],
"%JSONStringify%": ["JSON", "stringify"],
"%MapPrototype%": ["Map", "prototype"],
"%NumberPrototype%": ["Number", "prototype"],
"%ObjectPrototype%": ["Object", "prototype"],
"%ObjProto_toString%": ["Object", "prototype", "toString"],
"%ObjProto_valueOf%": ["Object", "prototype", "valueOf"],
"%PromisePrototype%": ["Promise", "prototype"],
"%PromiseProto_then%": ["Promise", "prototype", "then"],
"%Promise_all%": ["Promise", "all"],
"%Promise_reject%": ["Promise", "reject"],
"%Promise_resolve%": ["Promise", "resolve"],
"%RangeErrorPrototype%": ["RangeError", "prototype"],
"%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": ["ReferenceError", "prototype"],
"%RegExpPrototype%": ["RegExp", "prototype"],
"%SetPrototype%": ["Set", "prototype"],
"%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%": ["SharedArrayBuffer", "prototype"],
"%StringPrototype%": ["String", "prototype"],
"%SymbolPrototype%": ["Symbol", "prototype"],
"%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": ["SyntaxError", "prototype"],
"%TypedArrayPrototype%": ["TypedArray", "prototype"],
"%TypeErrorPrototype%": ["TypeError", "prototype"],
"%Uint8ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8Array", "prototype"],
"%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8ClampedArray", "prototype"],
"%Uint16ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint16Array", "prototype"],
"%Uint32ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint32Array", "prototype"],
"%URIErrorPrototype%": ["URIError", "prototype"],
"%WeakMapPrototype%": ["WeakMap", "prototype"],
"%WeakSetPrototype%": ["WeakSet", "prototype"]
}, w = On(), E = ig(), v = w.call(Function.call, Array.prototype.concat), x = w.call(Function.apply, Array.prototype.splice), R = w.call(
Function.call, String.prototype.replace), P = w.call(Function.call, String.prototype.slice), k = w.call(Function.call, RegExp.prototype.
exec), F = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g, H = /\\(\\)?/g, Z = /* @__PURE__ */ n(
function(D) {
var q = P(D, 0, 1), N = P(D, -1);
if (q === "%" && N !== "%")
throw new o("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`");
if (N === "%" && q !== "%")
throw new o("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`");
var B = [];
return R(D, F, function(ee, ge, z, Se) {
B[B.length] = z ? R(Se, H, "$1") : ge || ee;
}), B;
}, "stringToPath3"), me = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(D, q) {
var N = D, B;
if (E(S, N) && (B = S[N], N = "%" + B[0] + "%"), E(m, N)) {
var ee = m[N];
if (ee === y && (ee = b(N)), typeof ee > "u" && !q)
throw new i("intrinsic " + D + " exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!");
return {
alias: B,
name: N,
value: ee
throw new o("intrinsic " + D + " does not exist!");
}, "getBaseIntrinsic2");
e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(D, q) {
if (typeof D != "string" || D.length === 0)
throw new i("intrinsic name must be a non-empty string");
if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof q != "boolean")
throw new i('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean');
if (k(/^%?[^%]*%?$/, D) === null)
throw new o("`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name");
var N = Z(D), B = N.length > 0 ? N[0] : "", ee = me("%" + B + "%", q), ge = ee.name, z = ee.value, Se = !1, Qo = ee.alias;
Qo && (B = Qo[0], x(N, v([0, 1], Qo)));
for (var Nt = 1, Nr = !0; Nt < N.length; Nt += 1) {
var de = N[Nt], qt = P(de, 0, 1), Lt = P(de, -1);
if ((qt === '"' || qt === "'" || qt === "`" || Lt === '"' || Lt === "'" || Lt === "`") && qt !== Lt)
throw new o("property names with quotes must have matching quotes");
if ((de === "constructor" || !Nr) && (Se = !0), B += "." + de, ge = "%" + B + "%", E(m, ge))
z = m[ge];
else if (z != null) {
if (!(de in z)) {
if (!q)
throw new i("base intrinsic for " + D + " exists, but the property is not available.");
if (c && Nt + 1 >= N.length) {
var kt = c(z, de);
Nr = !!kt, Nr && "get" in kt && !("originalValue" in kt.get) ? z = kt.get : z = z[de];
} else
Nr = E(z, de), z = z[de];
Nr && !Se && (m[ge] = z);
return z;
}, "GetIntrinsic");
}), sg = oe({
"node_modules/call-bind/index.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t = On(), o = bs(), a = o("%Function.prototype.apply%"), i = o("%Function.prototype.call%"), s = o("%Reflect.apply%", !0) || t.call(
i, a), c = o("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%", !0), l = o("%Object.defineProperty%", !0), u = o("%Math.max%");
if (l)
try {
l({}, "a", { value: 1 });
} catch {
l = null;
e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(y) {
var g = s(t, i, arguments);
if (c && l) {
var m = c(g, "length");
m.configurable && l(
{ value: 1 + u(0, y.length - (arguments.length - 1)) }
return g;
}, "callBind");
var p = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return s(t, a, arguments);
}, "applyBind2");
l ? l(e.exports, "apply", { value: p }) : e.exports.apply = p;
}), lg = oe({
"node_modules/call-bind/callBound.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t = bs(), o = sg(), a = o(t("String.prototype.indexOf"));
e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(s, c) {
var l = t(s, !!c);
return typeof l == "function" && a(s, ".prototype.") > -1 ? o(l) : l;
}, "callBoundIntrinsic");
}), cg = oe({
"node_modules/has-tostringtag/shams.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t = gs();
e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
return t() && !!Symbol.toStringTag;
}, "hasToStringTagShams");
}), ug = oe({
"node_modules/is-regex/index.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t = lg(), o = cg()(), a, i, s, c;
o && (a = t("Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty"), i = t("RegExp.prototype.exec"), s = {}, l = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
throw s;
}, "throwRegexMarker"), c = {
toString: l,
valueOf: l
}, typeof Symbol.toPrimitive == "symbol" && (c[Symbol.toPrimitive] = l));
var l, u = t("Object.prototype.toString"), p = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, h = "[object RegExp]";
e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(o ? function(g) {
if (!g || typeof g != "object")
return !1;
var m = p(g, "lastIndex"), b = m && a(m, "value");
if (!b)
return !1;
try {
i(g, c);
} catch (S) {
return S === s;
} : function(g) {
return !g || typeof g != "object" && typeof g != "function" ? !1 : u(g) === h;
}, "isRegex");
}), pg = oe({
"node_modules/is-function/index.js"(r, e) {
e.exports = o;
var t = Object.prototype.toString;
function o(a) {
if (!a)
return !1;
var i = t.call(a);
return i === "[object Function]" || typeof a == "function" && i !== "[object RegExp]" || typeof window < "u" && (a === window.setTimeout ||
a === window.alert || a === window.confirm || a === window.prompt);
n(o, "isFunction3");
}), dg = oe({
"node_modules/is-symbol/index.js"(r, e) {
"use strict";
var t = Object.prototype.toString, o = Ss()();
o ? (a = Symbol.prototype.toString, i = /^Symbol\(.*\)$/, s = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(l) {
return typeof l.valueOf() != "symbol" ? !1 : i.test(a.call(l));
}, "isRealSymbolObject"), e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(l) {
if (typeof l == "symbol")
return !0;
if (t.call(l) !== "[object Symbol]")
return !1;
try {
return s(l);
} catch {
return !1;
}, "isSymbol3")) : e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(l) {
return !1;
}, "isSymbol3");
var a, i, s;
}), fg = Gt(ug()), yg = Gt(pg()), hg = Gt(dg());
function mg(r) {
return r != null && typeof r == "object" && Array.isArray(r) === !1;
n(mg, "isObject");
var gg = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global, Sg = gg, bg = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object ===
Object && self, vg = Sg || bg || Function("return this")(), Cn = vg, Eg = Cn.Symbol, Ze = Eg, vs = Object.prototype, Tg = vs.hasOwnProperty,
Rg = vs.toString, Gr = Ze ? Ze.toStringTag : void 0;
function Ag(r) {
var e = Tg.call(r, Gr), t = r[Gr];
try {
r[Gr] = void 0;
var o = !0;
} catch {
var a = Rg.call(r);
return o && (e ? r[Gr] = t : delete r[Gr]), a;
n(Ag, "getRawTag");
var wg = Ag, xg = Object.prototype, _g = xg.toString;
function Pg(r) {
return _g.call(r);
n(Pg, "objectToString");
var Og = Pg, Cg = "[object Null]", Ig = "[object Undefined]", ds = Ze ? Ze.toStringTag : void 0;
function Fg(r) {
return r == null ? r === void 0 ? Ig : Cg : ds && ds in Object(r) ? wg(r) : Og(r);
n(Fg, "baseGetTag");
var Es = Fg;
function Dg(r) {
return r != null && typeof r == "object";
n(Dg, "isObjectLike");
var Ng = Dg, qg = "[object Symbol]";
function Lg(r) {
return typeof r == "symbol" || Ng(r) && Es(r) == qg;
n(Lg, "isSymbol");
var In = Lg;
function kg(r, e) {
for (var t = -1, o = r == null ? 0 : r.length, a = Array(o); ++t < o; )
a[t] = e(r[t], t, r);
return a;
n(kg, "arrayMap");
var Mg = kg, jg = Array.isArray, Fn = jg, Bg = 1 / 0, fs = Ze ? Ze.prototype : void 0, ys = fs ? fs.toString : void 0;
function Ts(r) {
if (typeof r == "string")
return r;
if (Fn(r))
return Mg(r, Ts) + "";
if (In(r))
return ys ? ys.call(r) : "";
var e = r + "";
return e == "0" && 1 / r == -Bg ? "-0" : e;
n(Ts, "baseToString");
var Ug = Ts;
function Gg(r) {
var e = typeof r;
return r != null && (e == "object" || e == "function");
n(Gg, "isObject2");
var Rs = Gg, Hg = "[object AsyncFunction]", Vg = "[object Function]", $g = "[object GeneratorFunction]", Wg = "[object Proxy]";
function zg(r) {
if (!Rs(r))
return !1;
var e = Es(r);
return e == Vg || e == $g || e == Hg || e == Wg;
n(zg, "isFunction");
var Yg = zg, Kg = Cn["__core-js_shared__"], Pn = Kg, hs = function() {
var r = /[^.]+$/.exec(Pn && Pn.keys && Pn.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
return r ? "Symbol(src)_1." + r : "";
function Xg(r) {
return !!hs && hs in r;
n(Xg, "isMasked");
var Jg = Xg, Qg = Function.prototype, Zg = Qg.toString;
function eS(r) {
if (r != null) {
try {
return Zg.call(r);
} catch {
try {
return r + "";
} catch {
return "";
n(eS, "toSource");
var rS = eS, tS = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, oS = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, nS = Function.prototype, aS = Object.prototype, iS = nS.toString,
sS = aS.hasOwnProperty, lS = RegExp(
"^" + iS.call(sS).replace(tS, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
function cS(r) {
if (!Rs(r) || Jg(r))
return !1;
var e = Yg(r) ? lS : oS;
return e.test(rS(r));
n(cS, "baseIsNative");
var uS = cS;
function pS(r, e) {
return r?.[e];
n(pS, "getValue");
var dS = pS;
function fS(r, e) {
var t = dS(r, e);
return uS(t) ? t : void 0;
n(fS, "getNative");
var As = fS;
function yS(r, e) {
return r === e || r !== r && e !== e;
n(yS, "eq");
var hS = yS, mS = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, gS = /^\w*$/;
function SS(r, e) {
if (Fn(r))
return !1;
var t = typeof r;
return t == "number" || t == "symbol" || t == "boolean" || r == null || In(r) ? !0 : gS.test(r) || !mS.test(r) || e != null && r in Object(
n(SS, "isKey");
var bS = SS, vS = As(Object, "create"), Hr = vS;
function ES() {
this.__data__ = Hr ? Hr(null) : {}, this.size = 0;
n(ES, "hashClear");
var TS = ES;
function RS(r) {
var e = this.has(r) && delete this.__data__[r];
return this.size -= e ? 1 : 0, e;
n(RS, "hashDelete");
var AS = RS, wS = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", xS = Object.prototype, _S = xS.hasOwnProperty;
function PS(r) {
var e = this.__data__;
if (Hr) {
var t = e[r];
return t === wS ? void 0 : t;
return _S.call(e, r) ? e[r] : void 0;
n(PS, "hashGet");
var OS = PS, CS = Object.prototype, IS = CS.hasOwnProperty;
function FS(r) {
var e = this.__data__;
return Hr ? e[r] !== void 0 : IS.call(e, r);
n(FS, "hashHas");
var DS = FS, NS = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
function qS(r, e) {
var t = this.__data__;
return this.size += this.has(r) ? 0 : 1, t[r] = Hr && e === void 0 ? NS : e, this;
n(qS, "hashSet");
var LS = qS;
function er(r) {
var e = -1, t = r == null ? 0 : r.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < t; ) {
var o = r[e];
this.set(o[0], o[1]);
n(er, "Hash");
er.prototype.clear = TS;
er.prototype.delete = AS;
er.prototype.get = OS;
er.prototype.has = DS;
er.prototype.set = LS;
var ms = er;
function kS() {
this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0;
n(kS, "listCacheClear");
var MS = kS;
function jS(r, e) {
for (var t = r.length; t--; )
if (hS(r[t][0], e))
return t;
return -1;
n(jS, "assocIndexOf");
var $t = jS, BS = Array.prototype, US = BS.splice;
function GS(r) {
var e = this.__data__, t = $t(e, r);
if (t < 0)
return !1;
var o = e.length - 1;
return t == o ? e.pop() : US.call(e, t, 1), --this.size, !0;
n(GS, "listCacheDelete");
var HS = GS;
function VS(r) {
var e = this.__data__, t = $t(e, r);
return t < 0 ? void 0 : e[t][1];
n(VS, "listCacheGet");
var $S = VS;
function WS(r) {
return $t(this.__data__, r) > -1;
n(WS, "listCacheHas");
var zS = WS;
function YS(r, e) {
var t = this.__data__, o = $t(t, r);
return o < 0 ? (++this.size, t.push([r, e])) : t[o][1] = e, this;
n(YS, "listCacheSet");
var KS = YS;
function rr(r) {
var e = -1, t = r == null ? 0 : r.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < t; ) {
var o = r[e];
this.set(o[0], o[1]);
n(rr, "ListCache");
rr.prototype.clear = MS;
rr.prototype.delete = HS;
rr.prototype.get = $S;
rr.prototype.has = zS;
rr.prototype.set = KS;
var XS = rr, JS = As(Cn, "Map"), QS = JS;
function ZS() {
this.size = 0, this.__data__ = {
hash: new ms(),
map: new (QS || XS)(),
string: new ms()
n(ZS, "mapCacheClear");
var eb = ZS;
function rb(r) {
var e = typeof r;
return e == "string" || e == "number" || e == "symbol" || e == "boolean" ? r !== "__proto__" : r === null;
n(rb, "isKeyable");
var tb = rb;
function ob(r, e) {
var t = r.__data__;
return tb(e) ? t[typeof e == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] : t.map;
n(ob, "getMapData");
var Wt = ob;
function nb(r) {
var e = Wt(this, r).delete(r);
return this.size -= e ? 1 : 0, e;
n(nb, "mapCacheDelete");
var ab = nb;
function ib(r) {
return Wt(this, r).get(r);
n(ib, "mapCacheGet");
var sb = ib;
function lb(r) {
return Wt(this, r).has(r);
n(lb, "mapCacheHas");
var cb = lb;
function ub(r, e) {
var t = Wt(this, r), o = t.size;
return t.set(r, e), this.size += t.size == o ? 0 : 1, this;
n(ub, "mapCacheSet");
var pb = ub;
function tr(r) {
var e = -1, t = r == null ? 0 : r.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < t; ) {
var o = r[e];
this.set(o[0], o[1]);
n(tr, "MapCache");
tr.prototype.clear = eb;
tr.prototype.delete = ab;
tr.prototype.get = sb;
tr.prototype.has = cb;
tr.prototype.set = pb;
var ws = tr, db = "Expected a function";
function Dn(r, e) {
if (typeof r != "function" || e != null && typeof e != "function")
throw new TypeError(db);
var t = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function() {
var o = arguments, a = e ? e.apply(this, o) : o[0], i = t.cache;
if (i.has(a))
return i.get(a);
var s = r.apply(this, o);
return t.cache = i.set(a, s) || i, s;
}, "memoized");
return t.cache = new (Dn.Cache || ws)(), t;
n(Dn, "memoize");
Dn.Cache = ws;
var fb = Dn, yb = 500;
function hb(r) {
var e = fb(r, function(o) {
return t.size === yb && t.clear(), o;
}), t = e.cache;
return e;
n(hb, "memoizeCapped");
var mb = hb, gb = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, Sb = /\\(\\)?/g, bb = mb(
function(r) {
var e = [];
return r.charCodeAt(0) === 46 && e.push(""), r.replace(gb, function(t, o, a, i) {
e.push(a ? i.replace(Sb, "$1") : o || t);
}), e;
}), vb = bb;
function Eb(r) {
return r == null ? "" : Ug(r);
n(Eb, "toString");
var Tb = Eb;
function Rb(r, e) {
return Fn(r) ? r : bS(r, e) ? [r] : vb(Tb(r));
n(Rb, "castPath");
var Ab = Rb, wb = 1 / 0;
function xb(r) {
if (typeof r == "string" || In(r))
return r;
var e = r + "";
return e == "0" && 1 / r == -wb ? "-0" : e;
n(xb, "toKey");
var _b = xb;
function Pb(r, e) {
e = Ab(e, r);
for (var t = 0, o = e.length; r != null && t < o; )
r = r[_b(e[t++])];
return t && t == o ? r : void 0;
n(Pb, "baseGet");
var Ob = Pb;
function Cb(r, e, t) {
var o = r == null ? void 0 : Ob(r, e);
return o === void 0 ? t : o;
n(Cb, "get");
var Ib = Cb, Vt = mg, Fb = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
let e = null, t = !1, o = !1, a = !1, i = "";
if (r.indexOf("//") >= 0 || r.indexOf("/*") >= 0)
for (let s = 0; s < r.length; s += 1)
!e && !t && !o && !a ? r[s] === '"' || r[s] === "'" || r[s] === "`" ? e = r[s] : r[s] === "/" && r[s + 1] === "*" ? t = !0 : r[s] === "\
/" && r[s + 1] === "/" ? o = !0 : r[s] === "/" && r[s + 1] !== "/" && (a = !0) : (e && (r[s] === e && r[s - 1] !== "\\" || r[s] === `
` && e !== "`") && (e = null), a && (r[s] === "/" && r[s - 1] !== "\\" || r[s] === `
`) && (a = !1), t && r[s - 1] === "/" && r[s - 2] === "*" && (t = !1), o && r[s] === `
` && (o = !1)), !t && !o && (i += r[s]);
i = r;
return i;
}, "removeCodeComments"), Db = (0, xs.default)(1e4)(
(r) => Fb(r).replace(/\n\s*/g, "").trim()
), Nb = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e, t) {
let o = t.slice(0, t.indexOf("{")), a = t.slice(t.indexOf("{"));
if (o.includes("=>") || o.includes("function"))
return t;
let i = o;
return i = i.replace(e, "function"), i + a;
}, "convertShorthandMethods2"), qb = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d{3})?Z$/, Vr = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => r.match(/^[\[\{\"\}].*[\]\}\"]$/),
function _s(r) {
if (!Vt(r))
return r;
let e = r, t = !1;
return typeof Event < "u" && r instanceof Event && (e = us(e), t = !0), e = Object.keys(e).reduce((o, a) => {
try {
e[a] && e[a].toJSON, o[a] = e[a];
} catch {
t = !0;
return o;
}, {}), t ? e : r;
n(_s, "convertUnconventionalData");
var Lb = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(e) {
let t, o, a, i;
return /* @__PURE__ */ n(function(c, l) {
try {
if (c === "")
return i = [], t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([[l, "[]"]]), o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), a = [], l;
let u = o.get(this) || this;
for (; a.length && u !== a[0]; )
a.shift(), i.pop();
if (typeof l == "boolean")
return l;
if (l === void 0)
return e.allowUndefined ? "_undefined_" : void 0;
if (l === null)
return null;
if (typeof l == "number")
return l === -1 / 0 ? "_-Infinity_" : l === 1 / 0 ? "_Infinity_" : Number.isNaN(l) ? "_NaN_" : l;
if (typeof l == "bigint")
return `_bigint_${l.toString()}`;
if (typeof l == "string")
return qb.test(l) ? e.allowDate ? `_date_${l}` : void 0 : l;
if ((0, fg.default)(l))
return e.allowRegExp ? `_regexp_${l.flags}|${l.source}` : void 0;
if ((0, yg.default)(l)) {
if (!e.allowFunction)
let { name: h } = l, y = l.toString();
return y.match(
/(\[native code\]|WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE|__webpack_exports__|__webpack_require__)/
) ? `_function_${h}|${(() => {
}).toString()}` : `_function_${h}|${Db(Nb(c, y))}`;
if ((0, hg.default)(l)) {
if (!e.allowSymbol)
let h = Symbol.keyFor(l);
return h !== void 0 ? `_gsymbol_${h}` : `_symbol_${l.toString().slice(7, -1)}`;
if (a.length >= e.maxDepth)
return Array.isArray(l) ? `[Array(${l.length})]` : "[Object]";
if (l === this)
return `_duplicate_${JSON.stringify(i)}`;
if (l instanceof Error && e.allowError)
return {
__isConvertedError__: !0,
errorProperties: {
...l.cause ? { cause: l.cause } : {},
name: l.name,
message: l.message,
stack: l.stack,
"_constructor-name_": l.constructor.name
if (l.constructor && l.constructor.name && l.constructor.name !== "Object" && !Array.isArray(l) && !e.allowClass)
let p = t.get(l);
if (!p) {
let h = Array.isArray(l) ? l : _s(l);
if (l.constructor && l.constructor.name && l.constructor.name !== "Object" && !Array.isArray(l) && e.allowClass)
try {
Object.assign(h, { "_constructor-name_": l.constructor.name });
} catch {
return i.push(c), a.unshift(h), t.set(l, JSON.stringify(i)), l !== h && o.set(l, h), h;
return `_duplicate_${p}`;
} catch {
}, "replace");
}, "replacer2"), kb = /* @__PURE__ */ n(function reviver(options) {
let refs = [], root;
return /* @__PURE__ */ n(function revive(key, value) {
if (key === "" && (root = value, refs.forEach(({ target: r, container: e, replacement: t }) => {
let o = Vr(t) ? JSON.parse(t) : t.split(".");
o.length === 0 ? e[r] = root : e[r] = Ib(root, o);
})), key === "_constructor-name_")
return value;
if (Vt(value) && value.__isConvertedError__) {
let { message: r, ...e } = value.errorProperties, t = new Error(r);
return Object.assign(t, e), t;
if (Vt(value) && value["_constructor-name_"] && options.allowFunction) {
let r = value["_constructor-name_"];
if (r !== "Object") {
let e = new Function(`return function ${r.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9$_]+/g, "")}(){}`)();
Object.setPrototypeOf(value, new e());
return delete value["_constructor-name_"], value;
if (typeof value == "string" && value.startsWith("_function_") && options.allowFunction) {
let [, name, source] = value.match(/_function_([^|]*)\|(.*)/) || [], sourceSanitized = source.replace(/[(\(\))|\\| |\]|`]*$/, "");
if (!options.lazyEval)
return eval(`(${sourceSanitized})`);
let result = /* @__PURE__ */ n((...args) => {
let f = eval(`(${sourceSanitized})`);
return f(...args);
}, "result");
return Object.defineProperty(result, "toString", {
value: /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => sourceSanitized, "value")
}), Object.defineProperty(result, "name", {
value: name
}), result;
if (typeof value == "string" && value.startsWith("_regexp_") && options.allowRegExp) {
let [, r, e] = value.match(/_regexp_([^|]*)\|(.*)/) || [];
return new RegExp(e, r);
return typeof value == "string" && value.startsWith("_date_") && options.allowDate ? new Date(value.replace("_date_", "")) : typeof value ==
"string" && value.startsWith("_duplicate_") ? (refs.push({ target: key, container: this, replacement: value.replace(/^_duplicate_/, "") }),
null) : typeof value == "string" && value.startsWith("_symbol_") && options.allowSymbol ? Symbol(value.replace("_symbol_", "")) : typeof value ==
"string" && value.startsWith("_gsymbol_") && options.allowSymbol ? Symbol.for(value.replace("_gsymbol_", "")) : typeof value == "string" &&
value === "_-Infinity_" ? -1 / 0 : typeof value == "string" && value === "_Infinity_" ? 1 / 0 : typeof value == "string" && value === "_\
NaN_" ? NaN : typeof value == "string" && value.startsWith("_bigint_") && typeof BigInt == "function" ? BigInt(value.replace("_bigint_", "")) :
}, "revive");
}, "reviver"), Ps = {
maxDepth: 10,
space: void 0,
allowFunction: !0,
allowRegExp: !0,
allowDate: !0,
allowClass: !0,
allowError: !0,
allowUndefined: !0,
allowSymbol: !0,
lazyEval: !0
}, zt = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e = {}) => {
let t = { ...Ps, ...e };
return JSON.stringify(_s(r), Lb(t), e.space);
}, "stringify"), Mb = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
let r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return /* @__PURE__ */ n(function e(t) {
Vt(t) && Object.entries(t).forEach(([o, a]) => {
a === "_undefined_" ? t[o] = void 0 : r.get(a) || (r.set(a, !0), e(a));
}), Array.isArray(t) && t.forEach((o, a) => {
o === "_undefined_" ? (r.set(o, !0), t[a] = void 0) : r.get(o) || (r.set(o, !0), e(o));
}, "mutateUndefined");
}, "mutator"), Yt = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e = {}) => {
let t = { ...Ps, ...e }, o = JSON.parse(r, kb(t));
return Mb()(o), o;
}, "parse");
// ../node_modules/tiny-invariant/dist/esm/tiny-invariant.js
var jb = !1, Nn = "Invariant failed";
function fe(r, e) {
if (!r) {
if (jb)
throw new Error(Nn);
var t = typeof e == "function" ? e() : e, o = t ? "".concat(Nn, ": ").concat(t) : Nn;
throw new Error(o);
n(fe, "invariant");
// src/channels/postmessage/getEventSourceUrl.ts
var Os = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
let e = Array.from(
), [t, ...o] = e.filter((i) => {
try {
return i.contentWindow?.location.origin === r.source.location.origin && i.contentWindow?.location.pathname === r.source.location.pathname;
} catch {
try {
return i.contentWindow === r.source;
} catch {
let s = i.getAttribute("src"), c;
try {
if (!s)
return !1;
({ origin: c } = new URL(s, document.location.toString()));
} catch {
return !1;
return c === r.origin;
}), a = t?.getAttribute("src");
if (a && o.length === 0) {
let { protocol: i, host: s, pathname: c } = new URL(a, document.location.toString());
return `${i}//${s}${c}`;
return o.length > 0 && C.error("found multiple candidates for event source"), null;
}, "getEventSourceUrl");
// src/channels/postmessage/index.ts
var { document: qn, location: Ln } = T, Cs = "storybook-channel", Bb = { allowFunction: !1, maxDepth: 25 }, kn = class kn {
constructor(e) {
this.config = e;
if (this.buffer = [], typeof T?.addEventListener == "function" && T.addEventListener("message", this.handleEvent.bind(this), !1), e.page !==
"manager" && e.page !== "preview")
throw new Error(`postmsg-channel: "config.page" cannot be "${e.page}"`);
connected = !1;
setHandler(e) {
this.handler = (...t) => {
e.apply(this, t), !this.connected && this.getLocalFrame().length && (this.flush(), this.connected = !0);
* Sends `event` to the associated window. If the window does not yet exist
* the event will be stored in a buffer and sent when the window exists.
* @param event
send(e, t) {
let {
target: o,
// telejson options
allowRegExp: a,
allowFunction: i,
allowSymbol: s,
allowDate: c,
allowError: l,
allowUndefined: u,
allowClass: p,
maxDepth: h,
space: y,
lazyEval: g
} = t || {}, m = Object.fromEntries(
allowRegExp: a,
allowFunction: i,
allowSymbol: s,
allowDate: c,
allowError: l,
allowUndefined: u,
allowClass: p,
maxDepth: h,
space: y,
lazyEval: g
}).filter(([v, x]) => typeof x < "u")
), b = {
}, S = this.getFrames(o), w = new URLSearchParams(Ln?.search || ""), E = zt(
key: Cs,
event: e,
refId: w.get("refId")
return S.length ? (this.buffer.length && this.flush(), S.forEach((v) => {
try {
v.postMessage(E, "*");
} catch {
C.error("sending over postmessage fail");
}), Promise.resolve(null)) : new Promise((v, x) => {
this.buffer.push({ event: e, resolve: v, reject: x });
flush() {
let { buffer: e } = this;
this.buffer = [], e.forEach((t) => {
getFrames(e) {
if (this.config.page === "manager") {
let o = Array.from(
).flatMap((a) => {
try {
return a.contentWindow && a.dataset.isStorybook !== void 0 && a.id === e ? [a.contentWindow] : [];
} catch {
return [];
return o?.length ? o : this.getCurrentFrames();
return T && T.parent && T.parent !== T.self ? [T.parent] : [];
getCurrentFrames() {
return this.config.page === "manager" ? Array.from(
).flatMap((t) => t.contentWindow ? [t.contentWindow] : []) : T && T.parent ? [T.parent] : [];
getLocalFrame() {
return this.config.page === "manager" ? Array.from(
).flatMap((t) => t.contentWindow ? [t.contentWindow] : []) : T && T.parent ? [T.parent] : [];
handleEvent(e) {
try {
let { data: t } = e, { key: o, event: a, refId: i } = typeof t == "string" && Vr(t) ? Yt(t, T.CHANNEL_OPTIONS || {}) : t;
if (o === Cs) {
let s = this.config.page === "manager" ? '<span style="color: #37D5D3; background: black"> manager </span>' : '<span style="color: #\
1EA7FD; background: black"> preview </span>', c = Object.values(be).includes(a.type) ? `<span style="color: #FF4785">${a.type}</span>` : `<s\
pan style="color: #FFAE00">${a.type}</span>`;
if (i && (a.refId = i), a.source = this.config.page === "preview" ? e.origin : Os(e), !a.source) {
`${s} received ${c} but was unable to determine the source of the event`
let l = `${s} received ${c} (${t.length})`;
Ln.origin !== a.source ? l : `${l} <span style="color: gray">(on ${Ln.origin} from ${a.source})</span>`,
), fe(this.handler, "ChannelHandler should be set"), this.handler(a);
} catch (t) {
n(kn, "PostMessageTransport");
var or = kn;
// src/channels/websocket/index.ts
var { WebSocket: Ub } = T, Mn = class Mn {
buffer = [];
isReady = !1;
constructor({ url: e, onError: t, page: o }) {
this.socket = new Ub(e), this.socket.onopen = () => {
this.isReady = !0, this.flush();
}, this.socket.onmessage = ({ data: a }) => {
let i = typeof a == "string" && Vr(a) ? Yt(a) : a;
fe(this.handler, "WebsocketTransport handler should be set"), this.handler(i);
}, this.socket.onerror = (a) => {
t && t(a);
}, this.socket.onclose = () => {
fe(this.handler, "WebsocketTransport handler should be set"), this.handler({ type: en, args: [], from: o || "preview" });
setHandler(e) {
this.handler = e;
send(e) {
this.isReady ? this.sendNow(e) : this.sendLater(e);
sendLater(e) {
sendNow(e) {
let t = zt(e, {
maxDepth: 15,
allowFunction: !1,
flush() {
let { buffer: e } = this;
this.buffer = [], e.forEach((t) => this.send(t));
n(Mn, "WebsocketTransport");
var nr = Mn;
// src/channels/index.ts
var { CONFIG_TYPE: Gb } = T, Hb = ve;
function Vb({ page: r, extraTransports: e = [] }) {
let t = [new or({ page: r }), ...e];
if (Gb === "DEVELOPMENT") {
let o = window.location.protocol === "http:" ? "ws" : "wss", { hostname: a, port: i } = window.location, s = `${o}://${a}:${i}/storybook\
t.push(new nr({ url: s, onError: /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
}, "onError"), page: r }));
return new ve({ transports: t });
n(Vb, "createBrowserChannel");
// src/preview-errors.ts
var ot = {};
Ce(ot, {
CalledExtractOnStoreError: () => zr,
CalledPreviewMethodBeforeInitializationError: () => K,
Category: () => Fs,
EmptyIndexError: () => Jr,
ImplicitActionsDuringRendering: () => jn,
MdxFileWithNoCsfReferencesError: () => Xr,
MissingRenderToCanvasError: () => Yr,
MissingStoryAfterHmrError: () => Wr,
MissingStoryFromCsfFileError: () => Zr,
MountMustBeDestructuredError: () => Fe,
NextJsSharpError: () => Un,
NextjsRouterMocksNotAvailable: () => Gn,
NoRenderFunctionError: () => rt,
NoStoryMatchError: () => Qr,
NoStoryMountedError: () => tt,
StoryIndexFetchError: () => Kr,
StoryStoreAccessedBeforeInitializationError: () => et,
TestingLibraryMustBeConfiguredError: () => Bn,
UnknownArgTypesError: () => Hn
// ../node_modules/ts-dedent/esm/index.js
function _(r) {
for (var e = [], t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++)
e[t - 1] = arguments[t];
var o = Array.from(typeof r == "string" ? [r] : r);
o[o.length - 1] = o[o.length - 1].replace(/\r?\n([\t ]*)$/, "");
var a = o.reduce(function(c, l) {
var u = l.match(/\n([\t ]+|(?!\s).)/g);
return u ? c.concat(u.map(function(p) {
var h, y;
return (y = (h = p.match(/[\t ]/g)) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.length) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : 0;
})) : c;
}, []);
if (a.length) {
var i = new RegExp(`
[ ]{` + Math.min.apply(Math, a) + "}", "g");
o = o.map(function(c) {
return c.replace(i, `
o[0] = o[0].replace(/^\r?\n/, "");
var s = o[0];
return e.forEach(function(c, l) {
var u = s.match(/(?:^|\n)( *)$/), p = u ? u[1] : "", h = c;
typeof c == "string" && c.includes(`
`) && (h = String(c).split(`
`).map(function(y, g) {
return g === 0 ? y : "" + p + y;
`)), s += h + o[l + 1];
}), s;
n(_, "dedent");
// src/storybook-error.ts
function Is({
code: r,
category: e
}) {
let t = String(r).padStart(4, "0");
return `SB_${e}_${t}`;
n(Is, "parseErrorCode");
var Kt = class Kt extends Error {
* Category of the error. Used to classify the type of error, e.g., 'PREVIEW_API'.
* Code representing the error. Used to uniquely identify the error, e.g., 1.
* Data associated with the error. Used to provide additional information in the error message or to be passed to telemetry.
data = {};
* Specifies the documentation for the error.
* - If `true`, links to a documentation page on the Storybook website (make sure it exists before enabling) – This is not implemented yet.
* - If a string, uses the provided URL for documentation (external or FAQ links).
* - If `false` (default), no documentation link is added.
* Flag used to easily determine if the error originates from Storybook.
fromStorybook = !0;
get fullErrorCode() {
return Is({ code: this.code, category: this.category });
* Overrides the default `Error.name` property in the format: SB_<CATEGORY>_<CODE>.
get name() {
let e = this.constructor.name;
return `${this.fullErrorCode} (${e})`;
constructor(e) {
super(Kt.getFullMessage(e)), this.category = e.category, this.documentation = e.documentation ?? !1, this.code = e.code;
* Generates the error message along with additional documentation link (if applicable).
static getFullMessage({
documentation: e,
code: t,
category: o,
message: a
}) {
let i;
return e === !0 ? i = `https://storybook.js.org/error/${Is({ code: t, category: o })}` : typeof e == "string" ? i = e : Array.isArray(e) &&
(i = `
${e.map((s) => ` - ${s}`).join(`
`)}`), `${a}${i != null ? `
More info: ${i}
` : ""}`;
n(Kt, "StorybookError");
var U = Kt;
// src/preview-errors.ts
v.FRAMEWORK_NEXTJS = "FRAMEWORK_NEXTJS", v))(Fs || {}), Vn = class Vn extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 1,
message: _`
Couldn't find story matching id '${t.storyId}' after HMR.
- Did you just rename a story?
- Did you remove it from your CSF file?
- Are you sure a story with the id '${t.storyId}' exists?
- Please check the values in the stories field of your main.js config and see if they would match your CSF File.
- Also check the browser console and terminal for potential error messages.`
this.data = t;
n(Vn, "MissingStoryAfterHmrError");
var Wr = Vn, $n = class $n extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 2,
documentation: "https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#using-implicit-actions-during-rendering-is-deprecated-\
message: _`
We detected that you use an implicit action arg while ${t.phase} of your story.
${t.deprecated ? `
This is deprecated and won't work in Storybook 8 anymore.
` : ""}
Please provide an explicit spy to your args like this:
import { fn } from '@storybook/test';
args: {
${t.name}: fn()
this.data = t;
n($n, "ImplicitActionsDuringRendering");
var jn = $n, Wn = class Wn extends U {
constructor() {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 3,
message: _`
Cannot call \`storyStore.extract()\` without calling \`storyStore.cacheAllCsfFiles()\` first.
You probably meant to call \`await preview.extract()\` which does the above for you.`
n(Wn, "CalledExtractOnStoreError");
var zr = Wn, zn = class zn extends U {
constructor() {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 4,
message: _`
Expected your framework's preset to export a \`renderToCanvas\` field.
Perhaps it needs to be upgraded for Storybook 7.0?`,
documentation: "https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#mainjs-framework-field"
n(zn, "MissingRenderToCanvasError");
var Yr = zn, Yn = class Yn extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 5,
message: _`
Called \`Preview.${t.methodName}()\` before initialization.
The preview needs to load the story index before most methods can be called. If you want
to call \`${t.methodName}\`, try \`await preview.initializationPromise;\` first.
If you didn't call the above code, then likely it was called by an addon that needs to
do the above.`
this.data = t;
n(Yn, "CalledPreviewMethodBeforeInitializationError");
var K = Yn, Kn = class Kn extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 6,
message: _`
Error fetching \`/index.json\`:
If you are in development, this likely indicates a problem with your Storybook process,
check the terminal for errors.
If you are in a deployed Storybook, there may have been an issue deploying the full Storybook
this.data = t;
n(Kn, "StoryIndexFetchError");
var Kr = Kn, Xn = class Xn extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 7,
message: _`
Tried to render docs entry ${t.storyId} but it is a MDX file that has no CSF
references, or autodocs for a CSF file that some doesn't refer to itself.
This likely is an internal error in Storybook's indexing, or you've attached the
\`attached-mdx\` tag to an MDX file that is not attached.`
this.data = t;
n(Xn, "MdxFileWithNoCsfReferencesError");
var Xr = Xn, Jn = class Jn extends U {
constructor() {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 8,
message: _`
Couldn't find any stories in your Storybook.
- Please check your stories field of your main.js config: does it match correctly?
- Also check the browser console and terminal for error messages.`
n(Jn, "EmptyIndexError");
var Jr = Jn, Qn = class Qn extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 9,
message: _`
Couldn't find story matching '${t.storySpecifier}'.
- Are you sure a story with that id exists?
- Please check your stories field of your main.js config.
- Also check the browser console and terminal for error messages.`
this.data = t;
n(Qn, "NoStoryMatchError");
var Qr = Qn, Zn = class Zn extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 10,
message: _`
Couldn't find story matching id '${t.storyId}' after importing a CSF file.
The file was indexed as if the story was there, but then after importing the file in the browser
we didn't find the story. Possible reasons:
- You are using a custom story indexer that is misbehaving.
- You have a custom file loader that is removing or renaming exports.
Please check your browser console and terminal for errors that may explain the issue.`
this.data = t;
n(Zn, "MissingStoryFromCsfFileError");
var Zr = Zn, ea = class ea extends U {
constructor() {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 11,
message: _`
Cannot access the Story Store until the index is ready.
It is not recommended to use methods directly on the Story Store anyway, in Storybook 9 we will
remove access to the store entirely`
n(ea, "StoryStoreAccessedBeforeInitializationError");
var et = ea, ra = class ra extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 12,
message: _`
Incorrect use of mount in the play function.
To use mount in the play function, you must satisfy the following two requirements:
1. You *must* destructure the mount property from the \`context\` (the argument passed to your play function).
This makes sure that Storybook does not start rendering the story before the play function begins.
2. Your Storybook framework or builder must be configured to transpile to ES2017 or newer.
This is because destructuring statements and async/await usages are otherwise transpiled away,
which prevents Storybook from recognizing your usage of \`mount\`.
Note that Angular is not supported. As async/await is transpiled to support the zone.js polyfill.
More info: https://storybook.js.org/docs/writing-tests/interaction-testing#run-code-before-the-component-gets-rendered
Received the following play function:
this.data = t;
n(ra, "MountMustBeDestructuredError");
var Fe = ra, ta = class ta extends U {
constructor() {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 13,
message: _`
You must configure testingLibraryRender to use play in portable stories.
import { render } from '@testing-library/[renderer]';
testingLibraryRender: render,
For other testing renderers, you can configure \`renderToCanvas\` like so:
import { render } from 'your-test-renderer';
renderToCanvas: ({ storyFn }) => {
const Story = storyFn();
// Svelte
render(Story.Component, Story.props);
// Vue
// or for React
n(ta, "TestingLibraryMustBeConfiguredError");
var Bn = ta, oa = class oa extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 14,
message: _`
No render function available for storyId '${t.id}'
this.data = t;
n(oa, "NoRenderFunctionError");
var rt = oa, na = class na extends U {
constructor() {
category: "PREVIEW_API",
code: 15,
message: _`
No component is mounted in your story.
This usually occurs when you destructure mount in the play function, but forget to call it.
For example:
async play({ mount, canvasElement }) {
// 👈 mount should be called: await mount();
const canvas = within(canvasElement);
const button = await canvas.findByRole('button');
await userEvent.click(button);
Make sure to either remove it or call mount in your play function.
n(na, "NoStoryMountedError");
var tt = na, aa = class aa extends U {
constructor() {
code: 1,
documentation: "https://storybook.js.org/docs/get-started/nextjs#faq",
message: _`
You are importing avif images, but you don't have sharp installed.
You have to install sharp in order to use image optimization features in Next.js.
n(aa, "NextJsSharpError");
var Un = aa, ia = class ia extends U {
constructor(t) {
code: 2,
message: _`
Tried to access router mocks from "${t.importType}" but they were not created yet. You might be running code in an unsupported environment.
this.data = t;
n(ia, "NextjsRouterMocksNotAvailable");
var Gn = ia, sa = class sa extends U {
constructor(t) {
category: "DOCS-TOOLS",
code: 1,
documentation: "https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/issues/26606",
message: _`
There was a failure when generating detailed ArgTypes in ${t.language} for:
${JSON.stringify(t.type, null, 2)}
Storybook will fall back to use a generic type description instead.
This type is either not supported or it is a bug in the docgen generation in Storybook.
If you think this is a bug, please detail it as much as possible in the Github issue.
this.data = t;
n(sa, "UnknownArgTypesError");
var Hn = sa;
// src/preview-api/index.ts
var Ft = {};
Ce(Ft, {
DocsContext: () => ye,
HooksContext: () => Te,
Preview: () => Ue,
PreviewWeb: () => Ct,
PreviewWithSelection: () => Ge,
StoryStore: () => Be,
UrlStore: () => ze,
WebView: () => Ke,
addons: () => ne,
applyHooks: () => Jt,
combineArgs: () => Sr,
combineParameters: () => Q,
composeConfigs: () => vt,
composeStepRunners: () => wo,
composeStories: () => Cf,
composeStory: () => Of,
createPlaywrightTest: () => If,
decorateStory: () => oi,
defaultDecorateStory: () => Eo,
filterArgTypes: () => mt,
inferControls: () => Tr,
makeDecorator: () => $s,
mockChannel: () => Xt,
normalizeStory: () => vr,
prepareMeta: () => To,
prepareStory: () => Er,
sanitizeStoryContextUpdate: () => ni,
setProjectAnnotations: () => Pf,
simulateDOMContentLoaded: () => It,
simulatePageLoad: () => os,
sortStoriesV7: () => Mf,
useArgs: () => Hs,
useCallback: () => ar,
useChannel: () => Us,
useEffect: () => ya,
useGlobals: () => Vs,
useMemo: () => qs,
useParameter: () => Gs,
useReducer: () => Bs,
useRef: () => ks,
useState: () => js,
useStoryContext: () => nt,
userOrAutoTitle: () => qf,
userOrAutoTitleFromSpecifier: () => ui
// src/preview-api/modules/addons/storybook-channel-mock.ts
function Xt() {
let r = {
setHandler: /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
}, "setHandler"),
send: /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
}, "send")
return new ve({ transport: r });
n(Xt, "mockChannel");
// src/preview-api/modules/addons/main.ts
var ua = class ua {
constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise((e) => {
this.resolve = () => e(this.getChannel());
getChannel = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
if (!this.channel) {
let e = Xt();
return this.setChannel(e), e;
return this.channel;
}, "getChannel");
ready = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => this.promise, "ready");
hasChannel = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => !!this.channel, "hasChannel");
setChannel = /* @__PURE__ */ n((e) => {
this.channel = e, this.resolve();
}, "setChannel");
n(ua, "AddonStore");
var ca = ua, la = "__STORYBOOK_ADDONS_PREVIEW";
function $b() {
return T[la] || (T[la] = new ca()), T[la];
n($b, "getAddonsStore");
var ne = $b();
// src/preview-api/modules/addons/hooks.ts
var ha = class ha {
hookListsMap = void 0;
mountedDecorators = void 0;
prevMountedDecorators = void 0;
currentHooks = void 0;
nextHookIndex = void 0;
currentPhase = void 0;
currentEffects = void 0;
prevEffects = void 0;
currentDecoratorName = void 0;
hasUpdates = void 0;
currentContext = void 0;
renderListener = /* @__PURE__ */ n((e) => {
e === this.currentContext?.id && (this.triggerEffects(), this.currentContext = null, this.removeRenderListeners());
}, "renderListener");
constructor() {
init() {
this.hookListsMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), this.mountedDecorators = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.prevMountedDecorators = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
this.currentHooks = [], this.nextHookIndex = 0, this.currentPhase = "NONE", this.currentEffects = [], this.prevEffects = [], this.currentDecoratorName =
null, this.hasUpdates = !1, this.currentContext = null;
clean() {
this.prevEffects.forEach((e) => {
e.destroy && e.destroy();
}), this.init(), this.removeRenderListeners();
getNextHook() {
let e = this.currentHooks[this.nextHookIndex];
return this.nextHookIndex += 1, e;
triggerEffects() {
this.prevEffects.forEach((e) => {
!this.currentEffects.includes(e) && e.destroy && e.destroy();
}), this.currentEffects.forEach((e) => {
this.prevEffects.includes(e) || (e.destroy = e.create());
}), this.prevEffects = this.currentEffects, this.currentEffects = [];
addRenderListeners() {
this.removeRenderListeners(), ne.getChannel().on(Je, this.renderListener);
removeRenderListeners() {
ne.getChannel().removeListener(Je, this.renderListener);
n(ha, "HooksContext");
var Te = ha;
function Ds(r) {
let e = /* @__PURE__ */ n((...t) => {
let { hooks: o } = typeof t[0] == "function" ? t[1] : t[0], a = o.currentPhase, i = o.currentHooks, s = o.nextHookIndex, c = o.currentDecoratorName;
o.currentDecoratorName = r.name, o.prevMountedDecorators.has(r) ? (o.currentPhase = "UPDATE", o.currentHooks = o.hookListsMap.get(r) || []) :
(o.currentPhase = "MOUNT", o.currentHooks = [], o.hookListsMap.set(r, o.currentHooks), o.prevMountedDecorators.add(r)), o.nextHookIndex =
let u = r(...t);
if (T.STORYBOOK_HOOKS_CONTEXT = l, o.currentPhase === "UPDATE" && o.getNextHook() != null)
throw new Error(
"Rendered fewer hooks than expected. This may be caused by an accidental early return statement."
return o.currentPhase = a, o.currentHooks = i, o.nextHookIndex = s, o.currentDecoratorName = c, u;
}, "hookified");
return e.originalFn = r, e;
n(Ds, "hookify");
var pa = 0, Wb = 25, Jt = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => (e, t) => {
let o = r(
t.map((a) => Ds(a))
return (a) => {
let { hooks: i } = a;
i.prevMountedDecorators ??= /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), i.mountedDecorators = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([e, ...t]), i.currentContext = a, i.
hasUpdates = !1;
let s = o(a);
for (pa = 1; i.hasUpdates; )
if (i.hasUpdates = !1, i.currentEffects = [], s = o(a), pa += 1, pa > Wb)
throw new Error(
"Too many re-renders. Storybook limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop."
return i.addRenderListeners(), s;
}, "applyHooks"), zb = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => r.length === e.length && r.every((t, o) => t === e[o]), "areDepsEqual"), da = /* @__PURE__ */ n(
() => new Error("Storybook preview hooks can only be called inside decorators and story functions."), "invalidHooksError");
function Ns() {
n(Ns, "getHooksContextOrNull");
function fa() {
let r = Ns();
if (r == null)
throw da();
return r;
n(fa, "getHooksContextOrThrow");
function Yb(r, e, t) {
let o = fa();
if (o.currentPhase === "MOUNT") {
t != null && !Array.isArray(t) && C.warn(
`${r} received a final argument that is not an array (instead, received ${t}). When specified, the final argument must be an array.`
let a = { name: r, deps: t };
return o.currentHooks.push(a), e(a), a;
if (o.currentPhase === "UPDATE") {
let a = o.getNextHook();
if (a == null)
throw new Error("Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.");
return a.name !== r && C.warn(
`Storybook has detected a change in the order of Hooks${o.currentDecoratorName ? ` called by ${o.currentDecoratorName}` : ""}. This wi\
ll lead to bugs and errors if not fixed.`
), t != null && a.deps == null && C.warn(
`${r} received a final argument during this render, but not during the previous render. Even though the final argument is optional, it\
s type cannot change between renders.`
), t != null && a.deps != null && t.length !== a.deps.length && C.warn(`The final argument passed to ${r} changed size between renders. \
The order and size of this array must remain constant.
Previous: ${a.deps}
Incoming: ${t}`), (t == null || a.deps == null || !zb(t, a.deps)) && (e(a), a.deps = t), a;
throw da();
n(Yb, "useHook");
function Qt(r, e, t) {
let { memoizedState: o } = Yb(
(a) => {
a.memoizedState = e();
return o;
n(Qt, "useMemoLike");
function qs(r, e) {
return Qt("useMemo", r, e);
n(qs, "useMemo");
function ar(r, e) {
return Qt("useCallback", () => r, e);
n(ar, "useCallback");
function Ls(r, e) {
return Qt(r, () => ({ current: e }), []);
n(Ls, "useRefLike");
function ks(r) {
return Ls("useRef", r);
n(ks, "useRef");
function Kb() {
let r = Ns();
if (r != null && r.currentPhase !== "NONE")
r.hasUpdates = !0;
try {
} catch {
C.warn("State updates of Storybook preview hooks work only in browser");
n(Kb, "triggerUpdate");
function Ms(r, e) {
let t = Ls(
// @ts-expect-error S type should never be function, but there's no way to tell that to TypeScript
typeof e == "function" ? e() : e
), o = /* @__PURE__ */ n((a) => {
t.current = typeof a == "function" ? a(t.current) : a, Kb();
}, "setState");
return [t.current, o];
n(Ms, "useStateLike");
function js(r) {
return Ms("useState", r);
n(js, "useState");
function Bs(r, e, t) {
let o = t != null ? () => t(e) : e, [a, i] = Ms("useReducer", o);
return [a, /* @__PURE__ */ n((c) => i((l) => r(l, c)), "dispatch")];
n(Bs, "useReducer");
function ya(r, e) {
let t = fa(), o = Qt("useEffect", () => ({ create: r }), e);
t.currentEffects.includes(o) || t.currentEffects.push(o);
n(ya, "useEffect");
function Us(r, e = []) {
let t = ne.getChannel();
return ya(() => (Object.entries(r).forEach(([o, a]) => t.on(o, a)), () => {
([o, a]) => t.removeListener(o, a)
}), [...Object.keys(r), ...e]), ar(t.emit.bind(t), [t]);
n(Us, "useChannel");
function nt() {
let { currentContext: r } = fa();
if (r == null)
throw da();
return r;
n(nt, "useStoryContext");
function Gs(r, e) {
let { parameters: t } = nt();
if (r)
return t[r] ?? e;
n(Gs, "useParameter");
function Hs() {
let r = ne.getChannel(), { id: e, args: t } = nt(), o = ar(
(i) => r.emit(Br, { storyId: e, updatedArgs: i }),
[r, e]
), a = ar(
(i) => r.emit(Mr, { storyId: e, argNames: i }),
[r, e]
return [t, o, a];
n(Hs, "useArgs");
function Vs() {
let r = ne.getChannel(), { globals: e } = nt(), t = ar(
(o) => r.emit(jr, { globals: o }),
return [e, t];
n(Vs, "useGlobals");
// src/preview-api/modules/addons/make-decorator.ts
var $s = /* @__PURE__ */ n(({
name: r,
parameterName: e,
wrapper: t,
skipIfNoParametersOrOptions: o = !1
}) => {
let a = /* @__PURE__ */ n((i) => (s, c) => {
let l = c.parameters && c.parameters[e];
return l && l.disable || o && !i && !l ? s(c) : t(s, c, {
options: i,
parameters: l
}, "decorator");
return (...i) => typeof i[0] == "function" ? a()(...i) : (...s) => {
if (s.length > 1)
return i.length > 1 ? a(i)(...s) : a(...i)(...s);
throw new Error(
`Passing stories directly into ${r}() is not allowed,
instead use addDecorator(${r}) and pass options with the '${e}' parameter`
}, "makeDecorator");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/StoryStore.ts
var _o = Y(Ht(), 1), Df = Y(yt(), 1), si = Y(Bd(), 1);
// src/preview-api/modules/store/StoryIndexStore.ts
var Ud = Y(Ht(), 1);
var Z_ = (0, Ud.default)(1)(
(r) => Object.values(r).reduce(
(e, t) => (e[t.importPath] = e[t.importPath] || t, e),
), Xa = class Xa {
constructor({ entries: e } = { v: 5, entries: {} }) {
this.entries = e;
entryFromSpecifier(e) {
let t = Object.values(this.entries);
if (e === "*")
return t[0];
if (typeof e == "string")
return this.entries[e] ? this.entries[e] : t.find((i) => i.id.startsWith(e));
let { name: o, title: a } = e;
return t.find((i) => i.name === o && i.title === a);
storyIdToEntry(e) {
let t = this.entries[e];
if (!t)
throw new Wr({ storyId: e });
return t;
importPathToEntry(e) {
return Z_(this.entries)[e];
n(Xa, "StoryIndexStore");
var fo = Xa;
// ../node_modules/dequal/dist/index.mjs
var Gd = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function Hd(r, e, t) {
for (t of r.keys())
if (mr(t, e)) return t;
n(Hd, "find");
function mr(r, e) {
var t, o, a;
if (r === e) return !0;
if (r && e && (t = r.constructor) === e.constructor) {
if (t === Date) return r.getTime() === e.getTime();
if (t === RegExp) return r.toString() === e.toString();
if (t === Array) {
if ((o = r.length) === e.length)
for (; o-- && mr(r[o], e[o]); ) ;
return o === -1;
if (t === Set) {
if (r.size !== e.size)
return !1;
for (o of r)
if (a = o, a && typeof a == "object" && (a = Hd(e, a), !a) || !e.has(a)) return !1;
return !0;
if (t === Map) {
if (r.size !== e.size)
return !1;
for (o of r)
if (a = o[0], a && typeof a == "object" && (a = Hd(e, a), !a) || !mr(o[1], e.get(a)))
return !1;
return !0;
if (t === ArrayBuffer)
r = new Uint8Array(r), e = new Uint8Array(e);
else if (t === DataView) {
if ((o = r.byteLength) === e.byteLength)
for (; o-- && r.getInt8(o) === e.getInt8(o); ) ;
return o === -1;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(r)) {
if ((o = r.byteLength) === e.byteLength)
for (; o-- && r[o] === e[o]; ) ;
return o === -1;
if (!t || typeof r == "object") {
o = 0;
for (t in r)
if (Gd.call(r, t) && ++o && !Gd.call(e, t) || !(t in e) || !mr(r[t], e[t])) return !1;
return Object.keys(e).length === o;
return r !== r && e !== e;
n(mr, "dequal");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/args.ts
var ht = Y(yo(), 1);
var gr = Symbol("incompatible"), Qa = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => {
let t = e.type;
if (r == null || !t || e.mapping)
return r;
switch (t.name) {
case "string":
return String(r);
case "enum":
return r;
case "number":
return Number(r);
case "boolean":
return String(r) === "true";
case "array":
return !t.value || !Array.isArray(r) ? gr : r.reduce((o, a, i) => {
let s = Qa(a, { type: t.value });
return s !== gr && (o[i] = s), o;
}, new Array(r.length));
case "object":
return typeof r == "string" || typeof r == "number" ? r : !t.value || typeof r != "object" ? gr : Object.entries(r).reduce((o, [a, i]) => {
let s = Qa(i, { type: t.value[a] });
return s === gr ? o : Object.assign(o, { [a]: s });
}, {});
return gr;
}, "map"), zd = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => Object.entries(r).reduce((t, [o, a]) => {
if (!e[o]) return t;
let i = Qa(a, e[o]);
return i === gr ? t : Object.assign(t, { [o]: i });
}, {}), "mapArgsToTypes"), Sr = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => Array.isArray(r) && Array.isArray(e) ? e.reduce(
(t, o, a) => (t[a] = Sr(r[a], e[a]), t),
).filter((t) => t !== void 0) : !(0, ht.default)(r) || !(0, ht.default)(e) ? e : Object.keys({ ...r, ...e }).reduce((t, o) => {
if (o in e) {
let a = Sr(r[o], e[o]);
a !== void 0 && (t[o] = a);
} else
t[o] = r[o];
return t;
}, {}), "combineArgs"), Yd = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => Object.entries(e).reduce((t, [o, { options: a }]) => {
function i() {
return o in r && (t[o] = r[o]), t;
if (n(i, "allowArg"), !a) return i();
if (!Array.isArray(a))
return M.error(_`
Invalid argType: '${o}.options' should be an array.
More info: https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/api/argtypes
`), i();
if (a.some((h) => h && ["object", "function"].includes(typeof h)))
return M.error(_`
Invalid argType: '${o}.options' should only contain primitives. Use a 'mapping' for complex values.
More info: https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/args#mapping-to-complex-arg-values
`), i();
let s = Array.isArray(r[o]), c = s && r[o].findIndex((h) => !a.includes(h)), l = s && c === -1;
if (r[o] === void 0 || a.includes(r[o]) || l)
return i();
let u = s ? `${o}[${c}]` : o, p = a.map((h) => typeof h == "string" ? `'${h}'` : String(h)).join(", ");
return M.warn(`Received illegal value for '${u}'. Supported options: ${p}`), t;
}, {}), "validateOptions"), Le = Symbol("Deeply equal"), br = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => {
if (typeof r != typeof e) return e;
if (mr(r, e)) return Le;
if (Array.isArray(r) && Array.isArray(e)) {
let t = e.reduce((o, a, i) => {
let s = br(r[i], a);
return s !== Le && (o[i] = s), o;
}, new Array(e.length));
return e.length >= r.length ? t : t.concat(new Array(r.length - e.length).fill(void 0));
return (0, ht.default)(r) && (0, ht.default)(e) ? Object.keys({ ...r, ...e }).reduce((t, o) => {
let a = br(r?.[o], e?.[o]);
return a === Le ? t : Object.assign(t, { [o]: a });
}, {}) : e;
}, "deepDiff"), Za = "UNTARGETED";
function Kd({
args: r,
argTypes: e
}) {
let t = {};
return Object.entries(r).forEach(([o, a]) => {
let { target: i = Za } = e[o] || {};
t[i] = t[i] || {}, t[i][o] = a;
}), t;
n(Kd, "groupArgsByTarget");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/ArgsStore.ts
function pP(r) {
return Object.keys(r).forEach((e) => r[e] === void 0 && delete r[e]), r;
n(pP, "deleteUndefined");
var ei = class ei {
initialArgsByStoryId = {};
argsByStoryId = {};
get(e) {
if (!(e in this.argsByStoryId))
throw new Error(`No args known for ${e} -- has it been rendered yet?`);
return this.argsByStoryId[e];
setInitial(e) {
if (!this.initialArgsByStoryId[e.id])
this.initialArgsByStoryId[e.id] = e.initialArgs, this.argsByStoryId[e.id] = e.initialArgs;
else if (this.initialArgsByStoryId[e.id] !== e.initialArgs) {
let t = br(this.initialArgsByStoryId[e.id], this.argsByStoryId[e.id]);
this.initialArgsByStoryId[e.id] = e.initialArgs, this.argsByStoryId[e.id] = e.initialArgs, t !== Le && this.updateFromDelta(e, t);
updateFromDelta(e, t) {
let o = Yd(t, e.argTypes);
this.argsByStoryId[e.id] = Sr(this.argsByStoryId[e.id], o);
updateFromPersisted(e, t) {
let o = zd(t, e.argTypes);
return this.updateFromDelta(e, o);
update(e, t) {
if (!(e in this.argsByStoryId))
throw new Error(`No args known for ${e} -- has it been rendered yet?`);
this.argsByStoryId[e] = pP({
n(ei, "ArgsStore");
var ho = ei;
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/getValuesFromArgTypes.ts
var mo = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r = {}) => Object.entries(r).reduce((e, [t, { defaultValue: o }]) => (typeof o < "u" && (e[t] = o), e), {}), "ge\
// src/preview-api/modules/store/GlobalsStore.ts
var ri = class ri {
// We use ! here because TS doesn't analyse the .set() function to see if it actually get set
globals: e = {},
globalTypes: t = {}
}) {
this.set({ globals: e, globalTypes: t });
set({ globals: e = {}, globalTypes: t = {} }) {
let o = this.initialGlobals && br(this.initialGlobals, this.globals);
this.allowedGlobalNames = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...Object.keys(e), ...Object.keys(t)]);
let a = mo(t);
this.initialGlobals = { ...a, ...e }, this.globals = this.initialGlobals, o && o !== Le && this.updateFromPersisted(o);
filterAllowedGlobals(e) {
return Object.entries(e).reduce((t, [o, a]) => (this.allowedGlobalNames.has(o) ? t[o] = a : C.warn(
`Attempted to set a global (${o}) that is not defined in initial globals or globalTypes`
), t), {});
updateFromPersisted(e) {
let t = this.filterAllowedGlobals(e);
this.globals = { ...this.globals, ...t };
get() {
return this.globals;
update(e) {
this.globals = { ...this.globals, ...this.filterAllowedGlobals(e) };
n(ri, "GlobalsStore");
var go = ri;
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/normalizeInputTypes.ts
var Xd = Y(yt(), 1);
var dP = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => typeof r == "string" ? { name: r } : r, "normalizeType"), fP = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => typeof r == "strin\
g" ? { type: r } : r, "normalizeControl"), yP = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => {
let { type: t, control: o, ...a } = r, i = {
name: e,
return t && (i.type = dP(t)), o ? i.control = fP(o) : o === !1 && (i.control = { disable: !0 }), i;
}, "normalizeInputType"), ke = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => (0, Xd.default)(r, yP), "normalizeInputTypes");
// ../node_modules/@storybook/csf/dist/index.mjs
var hP = Object.create, ef = Object.defineProperty, mP = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, gP = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, SP = Object.getPrototypeOf,
bP = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, vP = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => () => (e || r((e = { exports: {} }).exports, e), e.exports), "v"), EP = /* @__PURE__ */ n(
(r, e, t, o) => {
if (e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function") for (let a of gP(e)) !bP.call(r, a) && a !== t && ef(r, a, { get: /* @__PURE__ */ n(
() => e[a], "get"), enumerable: !(o = mP(e, a)) || o.enumerable });
return r;
}, "E"), TP = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => (t = r != null ? hP(SP(r)) : {}, EP(e || !r || !r.__esModule ? ef(t, "default", { value: r, enumerable: !0 }) :
t, r)), "I"), RP = vP((r) => {
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r.isEqual = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
var e = Object.prototype.toString, t = Object.getPrototypeOf, o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function(a) {
return Object.keys(a).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(a));
} : Object.keys;
return function(a, i) {
return (/* @__PURE__ */ n(function s(c, l, u) {
var p, h, y, g = e.call(c), m = e.call(l);
if (c === l) return !0;
if (c == null || l == null) return !1;
if (u.indexOf(c) > -1 && u.indexOf(l) > -1) return !0;
if (u.push(c, l), g != m || (p = o(c), h = o(l), p.length != h.length || p.some(function(b) {
return !s(c[b], l[b], u);
}))) return !1;
switch (g.slice(8, -1)) {
case "Symbol":
return c.valueOf() == l.valueOf();
case "Date":
case "Number":
return +c == +l || +c != +c && +l != +l;
case "RegExp":
case "Function":
case "String":
case "Boolean":
return "" + c == "" + l;
case "Set":
case "Map":
p = c.entries(), h = l.entries();
if (!s((y = p.next()).value, h.next().value, u)) return !1;
while (!y.done);
return !0;
case "ArrayBuffer":
c = new Uint8Array(c), l = new Uint8Array(l);
case "DataView":
c = new Uint8Array(c.buffer), l = new Uint8Array(l.buffer);
case "Float32Array":
case "Float64Array":
case "Int8Array":
case "Int16Array":
case "Int32Array":
case "Uint8Array":
case "Uint16Array":
case "Uint32Array":
case "Uint8ClampedArray":
case "Arguments":
case "Array":
if (c.length != l.length) return !1;
for (y = 0; y < c.length; y++) if ((y in c || y in l) && (y in c != y in l || !s(c[y], l[y], u))) return !1;
return !0;
case "Object":
return s(t(c), t(l), u);
return !1;
}, "i"))(a, i, []);
function AP(r) {
return r.replace(/_/g, " ").replace(/-/g, " ").replace(/\./g, " ").replace(/([^\n])([A-Z])([a-z])/g, (e, t, o, a) => `${t} ${o}${a}`).replace(
/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, (e, t, o) => `${t} ${o}`).replace(/([a-z])([0-9])/gi, (e, t, o) => `${t} ${o}`).replace(/([0-9])([a-z])/gi, (e, t, o) => `${t}\
${o}`).replace(/(\s|^)(\w)/g, (e, t, o) => `${t}${o.toUpperCase()}`).replace(/ +/g, " ").trim();
n(AP, "R");
var Jd = TP(RP()), rf = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => r.map((e) => typeof e < "u").filter(Boolean).length, "S"), wP = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => {
let { exists: t, eq: o, neq: a, truthy: i } = r;
if (rf([t, o, a, i]) > 1) throw new Error(`Invalid conditional test ${JSON.stringify({ exists: t, eq: o, neq: a })}`);
if (typeof o < "u") return (0, Jd.isEqual)(e, o);
if (typeof a < "u") return !(0, Jd.isEqual)(e, a);
if (typeof t < "u") {
let s = typeof e < "u";
return t ? s : !s;
return typeof i > "u" || i ? !!e : !e;
}, "k"), tf = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => {
if (!r.if) return !0;
let { arg: o, global: a } = r.if;
if (rf([o, a]) !== 1) throw new Error(`Invalid conditional value ${JSON.stringify({ arg: o, global: a })}`);
let i = o ? e[o] : t[a];
return wP(r.if, i);
}, "P"), ti = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => r.toLowerCase().replace(/[ ’–—―′¿'`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, "-").replace(
/-+/g, "-").replace(/^-+/, "").replace(/-+$/, ""), "O"), Qd = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => {
let t = ti(r);
if (t === "") throw new Error(`Invalid ${e} '${r}', must include alphanumeric characters`);
return t;
}, "m"), of = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => `${Qd(r, "kind")}${e ? `--${Qd(e, "name")}` : ""}`, "G"), nf = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => AP(r), "N");
function Zd(r, e) {
return Array.isArray(e) ? e.includes(r) : r.match(e);
n(Zd, "f");
function So(r, { includeStories: e, excludeStories: t }) {
return r !== "__esModule" && (!e || Zd(r, e)) && (!t || !Zd(r, t));
n(So, "M");
var af = /* @__PURE__ */ n((...r) => {
let e = r.reduce((t, o) => (o.startsWith("!") ? t.delete(o.slice(1)) : t.add(o), t), /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
return Array.from(e);
}, "z");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/normalizeArrays.ts
var j = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => Array.isArray(r) ? r : r ? [r] : [], "normalizeArrays");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/normalizeStory.ts
var xP = _`
CSF .story annotations deprecated; annotate story functions directly:
- StoryFn.story.name => StoryFn.storyName
- StoryFn.story.(parameters|decorators) => StoryFn.(parameters|decorators)
See https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#hoisted-csf-annotations for details and codemod.
function vr(r, e, t) {
let o = e, a = typeof e == "function" ? e : null, { story: i } = o;
i && (C.debug("deprecated story", i), ae(xP));
let s = nf(r), c = typeof o != "function" && o.name || o.storyName || i?.name || s, l = [
], u = { ...i?.parameters, ...o.parameters }, p = { ...i?.args, ...o.args }, h = { ...i?.argTypes, ...o.argTypes }, y = [...j(o.loaders), ...j(
i?.loaders)], g = [
], { render: m, play: b, tags: S = [] } = o, w = u.__id || of(t.id, s);
return {
moduleExport: e,
id: w,
name: c,
tags: S,
decorators: l,
parameters: u,
args: p,
argTypes: ke(h),
loaders: y,
beforeEach: g,
...m && { render: m },
...a && { userStoryFn: a },
...b && { play: b }
n(vr, "normalizeStory");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/normalizeComponentAnnotations.ts
function bo(r, e = r.title, t) {
let { id: o, argTypes: a } = r;
return {
id: ti(o || e),
title: e,
...a && { argTypes: ke(a) },
parameters: {
fileName: t,
n(bo, "normalizeComponentAnnotations");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/processCSFFile.ts
var _P = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
let { globals: e, globalTypes: t } = r;
(e || t) && C.error(
"Global args/argTypes can only be set globally",
globals: e,
globalTypes: t
}, "checkGlobals"), PP = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
let { options: e } = r;
e?.storySort && C.error("The storySort option parameter can only be set globally");
}, "checkStorySort"), sf = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
r && (_P(r), PP(r));
}, "checkDisallowedParameters");
function lf(r, e, t) {
let { default: o, __namedExportsOrder: a, ...i } = r, s = bo(
let c = { meta: s, stories: {}, moduleExports: r };
return Object.keys(i).forEach((l) => {
if (So(l, s)) {
let u = vr(l, i[l], s);
sf(u.parameters), c.stories[u.id] = u;
}), c;
n(lf, "processCSFFile");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/parameters.ts
var vo = Y(yo(), 1);
var Q = /* @__PURE__ */ n((...r) => {
let e = {}, t = r.filter(Boolean), o = t.reduce((a, i) => (Object.entries(i).forEach(([s, c]) => {
let l = a[s];
Array.isArray(c) || typeof l > "u" ? a[s] = c : (0, vo.default)(c) && (0, vo.default)(l) ? e[s] = !0 : typeof c < "u" && (a[s] = c);
}), a), {});
return Object.keys(e).forEach((a) => {
let i = t.filter(Boolean).map((s) => s[a]).filter((s) => typeof s < "u");
i.every((s) => (0, vo.default)(s)) ? o[a] = Q(...i) : o[a] = i[i.length - 1];
}), o;
}, "combineParameters");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/decorators.ts
function oi(r, e, t) {
let o = t(r);
return (a) => e(o, a);
n(oi, "decorateStory");
function ni({
componentId: r,
title: e,
kind: t,
id: o,
name: a,
story: i,
parameters: s,
initialArgs: c,
argTypes: l,
} = {}) {
return u;
n(ni, "sanitizeStoryContextUpdate");
function Eo(r, e) {
let t = {}, o = /* @__PURE__ */ n((i) => (s) => {
if (!t.value) throw new Error("Decorated function called without init");
return t.value = {
}, i(t.value);
}, "bindWithContext"), a = e.reduce(
(i, s) => oi(i, s, o),
return (i) => (t.value = i, a(i));
n(Eo, "defaultDecorateStory");
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/render/mount-utils.ts
function uf(r) {
return r != null && OP(r).includes("mount");
n(uf, "mountDestructured");
function OP(r) {
let e = r.toString().match(/[^(]*\(([^)]*)/);
if (!e) return [];
let t = cf(e[1]);
if (!t.length) return [];
let o = t[0];
return o.startsWith("{") && o.endsWith("}") ? cf(o.slice(1, -1).replace(/\s/g, "")).map((i) => i.replace(/:.*|=.*/g, "")) : [];
n(OP, "getUsedProps");
function cf(r) {
let e = [], t = [], o = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
if (r[i] === "{" || r[i] === "[")
t.push(r[i] === "{" ? "}" : "]");
else if (r[i] === t[t.length - 1])
else if (!t.length && r[i] === ",") {
let s = r.substring(o, i).trim();
s && e.push(s), o = i + 1;
let a = r.substring(o).trim();
return a && e.push(a), e;
n(cf, "splitByComma");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/prepareStory.ts
function Er(r, e, t) {
let { moduleExport: o, id: a, name: i } = r || {}, s = pf(
), c = /* @__PURE__ */ n(async (R) => {
let P = {};
for (let k of [
]) {
if (R.abortSignal.aborted) return P;
let F = await Promise.all(k.map((H) => H(R)));
Object.assign(P, ...F);
return P;
}, "applyLoaders"), l = /* @__PURE__ */ n(async (R) => {
let P = new Array();
for (let k of [
]) {
if (R.abortSignal.aborted) return P;
let F = await k(R);
F && P.push(F);
return P;
}, "applyBeforeEach"), u = /* @__PURE__ */ n((R) => R.originalStoryFn(R.args, R), "undecoratedStoryFn"), { applyDecorators: p = Eo, runStep: h } = t,
y = [
], g = r?.userStoryFn || r?.render || e.render || t.render, m = Jt(p)(u, y), b = /* @__PURE__ */ n((R) => m(R), "unboundStoryFn"), S = r?.
play ?? e?.play, w = uf(S);
if (!g && !w)
throw new rt({ id: a });
let E = /* @__PURE__ */ n((R) => async () => (await R.renderToCanvas(), R.canvas), "defaultMount"), v = r.mount ?? e.mount ?? t.mount ?? E,
x = t.testingLibraryRender;
return {
moduleExport: o,
id: a,
name: i,
story: i,
originalStoryFn: g,
undecoratedStoryFn: u,
unboundStoryFn: b,
applyLoaders: c,
applyBeforeEach: l,
playFunction: S,
runStep: h,
mount: v,
testingLibraryRender: x,
renderToCanvas: t.renderToCanvas,
usesMount: w
n(Er, "prepareStory");
function To(r, e, t) {
return {
...pf(void 0, r, e),
moduleExport: t
n(To, "prepareMeta");
function pf(r, e, t) {
let o = ["dev", "test"], a = T.DOCS_OPTIONS?.autodocs === !0 ? ["autodocs"] : [], i = af(
...t.tags ?? [],
...e.tags ?? [],
...r?.tags ?? []
), s = Q(
), { argTypesEnhancers: c = [], argsEnhancers: l = [] } = t, u = Q(
if (r) {
let S = r?.userStoryFn || r?.render || e.render || t.render;
s.__isArgsStory = S && S.length > 0;
let p = {
}, h = {
componentId: e.id,
title: e.title,
kind: e.title,
// Back compat
id: r?.id || e.id,
// if there's no story name, we create a fake one since enhancers expect a name
name: r?.name || "__meta",
story: r?.name || "__meta",
// Back compat
component: e.component,
subcomponents: e.subcomponents,
tags: i,
parameters: s,
initialArgs: p,
argTypes: u
h.argTypes = c.reduce(
(S, w) => w({ ...h, argTypes: S }),
let y = { ...p };
h.initialArgs = l.reduce(
(S, w) => ({
initialArgs: S
let { name: g, story: m, ...b } = h;
return b;
n(pf, "preparePartialAnnotations");
function Ro(r) {
let { args: e } = r, t = {
allArgs: void 0,
argsByTarget: void 0
if (T.FEATURES?.argTypeTargetsV7) {
let i = Kd(r);
t = {
allArgs: r.args,
argsByTarget: i,
args: i[Za] || {}
let o = Object.entries(t.args).reduce((i, [s, c]) => {
if (!t.argTypes[s]?.mapping)
return i[s] = c, i;
let l = /* @__PURE__ */ n((u) => {
let p = t.argTypes[s].mapping;
return p && u in p ? p[u] : u;
}, "mappingFn");
return i[s] = Array.isArray(c) ? c.map(l) : l(c), i;
}, {}), a = Object.entries(o).reduce((i, [s, c]) => {
let l = t.argTypes[s] || {};
return tf(l, o, t.globals) && (i[s] = c), i;
}, {});
return { ...t, unmappedArgs: e, args: a };
n(Ro, "prepareContext");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/inferArgTypes.ts
var Ao = Y(yt(), 1);
var ai = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => {
let o = typeof r;
switch (o) {
case "boolean":
case "string":
case "number":
case "function":
case "symbol":
return { name: o };
return r ? t.has(r) ? (C.warn(_`
We've detected a cycle in arg '${e}'. Args should be JSON-serializable.
Consider using the mapping feature or fully custom args:
- Mapping: https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/args#mapping-to-complex-arg-values
- Custom args: https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/essentials/controls#fully-custom-args
`), { name: "other", value: "cyclic object" }) : (t.add(r), Array.isArray(r) ? { name: "array", value: r.length > 0 ? ai(r[0], e, new Set(
t)) : { name: "other", value: "unknown" } } : { name: "object", value: (0, Ao.default)(r, (i) => ai(i, e, new Set(t))) }) : { name: "objec\
t", value: {} };
}, "inferType"), ii = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
let { id: e, argTypes: t = {}, initialArgs: o = {} } = r, a = (0, Ao.default)(o, (s, c) => ({
name: c,
type: ai(s, `${e}.${c}`, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set())
})), i = (0, Ao.default)(t, (s, c) => ({
name: c
return Q(a, i, t);
}, "inferArgTypes");
ii.secondPass = !0;
// src/preview-api/modules/store/inferControls.ts
var xf = Y(yt(), 1);
// src/preview-api/modules/store/filterArgTypes.ts
var wf = Y(Rf(), 1);
var Af = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e) => Array.isArray(e) ? e.includes(r) : r.match(e), "matches"), mt = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => !e && !t ?
r : r && (0, wf.default)(r, (o, a) => {
let i = o.name || a;
return (!e || Af(i, e)) && (!t || !Af(i, t));
}), "filterArgTypes");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/inferControls.ts
var tO = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => {
let { type: o, options: a } = r;
if (o) {
if (t.color && t.color.test(e)) {
let i = o.name;
if (i === "string")
return { control: { type: "color" } };
i !== "enum" && C.warn(
`Addon controls: Control of type color only supports string, received "${i}" instead`
if (t.date && t.date.test(e))
return { control: { type: "date" } };
switch (o.name) {
case "array":
return { control: { type: "object" } };
case "boolean":
return { control: { type: "boolean" } };
case "string":
return { control: { type: "text" } };
case "number":
return { control: { type: "number" } };
case "enum": {
let { value: i } = o;
return { control: { type: i?.length <= 5 ? "radio" : "select" }, options: i };
case "function":
case "symbol":
return null;
return { control: { type: a ? "select" : "object" } };
}, "inferControl"), Tr = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
let {
argTypes: e,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
parameters: { __isArgsStory: t, controls: { include: o = null, exclude: a = null, matchers: i = {} } = {} }
} = r;
if (!t) return e;
let s = mt(e, o, a), c = (0, xf.default)(s, (l, u) => l?.type && tO(l, u, i));
return Q(c, s);
}, "inferControls");
Tr.secondPass = !0;
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/normalizeProjectAnnotations.ts
function gt({
argTypes: r,
globalTypes: e,
argTypesEnhancers: t,
decorators: o,
loaders: a,
beforeEach: i,
globals: s,
initialGlobals: c,
}) {
return s && Object.keys(s).length > 0 && ae(_`
The preview.js 'globals' field is deprecated and will be removed in Storybook 9.0.
Please use 'initialGlobals' instead. Learn more:
`), {
...r && { argTypes: ke(r) },
...e && { globalTypes: ke(e) },
decorators: j(o),
loaders: j(a),
beforeEach: j(i),
argTypesEnhancers: [
...t || [],
// inferControls technically should only run if the user is using the controls addon,
// and so should be added by a preset there. However, as it seems some code relies on controls
// annotations (in particular the angular implementation's `cleanArgsDecorator`), for backwards
// compatibility reasons, we will leave this in the store until 7.0
initialGlobals: Q(c, s),
n(gt, "normalizeProjectAnnotations");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/stepRunners.ts
function wo(r) {
return async (e, t, o) => {
await r.reduceRight(
(i, s) => async () => s(e, i, o),
async () => t(o)
n(wo, "composeStepRunners");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/beforeAll.ts
var _f = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => async () => {
let e = [];
for (let t of r) {
let o = await t();
o && e.unshift(o);
return async () => {
for (let t of e)
await t();
}, "composeBeforeAllHooks");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/composeConfigs.ts
function bt(r, e) {
return r.map((t) => t.default?.[e] ?? t[e]).filter(Boolean);
n(bt, "getField");
function Me(r, e, t = {}) {
return bt(r, e).reduce((o, a) => {
let i = j(a);
return t.reverseFileOrder ? [...i, ...o] : [...o, ...i];
}, []);
n(Me, "getArrayField");
function St(r, e) {
return Object.assign({}, ...bt(r, e));
n(St, "getObjectField");
function Rr(r, e) {
return bt(r, e).pop();
n(Rr, "getSingletonField");
function vt(r) {
let e = Me(r, "argTypesEnhancers"), t = bt(r, "runStep"), o = Me(r, "beforeAll");
return {
parameters: Q(...bt(r, "parameters")),
decorators: Me(r, "decorators", {
reverseFileOrder: !(T.FEATURES?.legacyDecoratorFileOrder ?? !1)
args: St(r, "args"),
argsEnhancers: Me(r, "argsEnhancers"),
argTypes: St(r, "argTypes"),
argTypesEnhancers: [
...e.filter((a) => !a.secondPass),
...e.filter((a) => a.secondPass)
globals: St(r, "globals"),
initialGlobals: St(r, "initialGlobals"),
globalTypes: St(r, "globalTypes"),
loaders: Me(r, "loaders"),
beforeAll: _f(o),
beforeEach: Me(r, "beforeEach"),
render: Rr(r, "render"),
renderToCanvas: Rr(r, "renderToCanvas"),
renderToDOM: Rr(r, "renderToDOM"),
// deprecated
applyDecorators: Rr(r, "applyDecorators"),
runStep: wo(t),
tags: Me(r, "tags"),
mount: Rr(r, "mount"),
testingLibraryRender: Rr(r, "testingLibraryRender")
n(vt, "composeConfigs");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/csf/portable-stories.ts
var xo = {}, oO = "ComposedStory", nO = "Unnamed Story";
function aO(r) {
return r ? "default" in r ? r.default : r : {};
n(aO, "extractAnnotation");
function Pf(r) {
let e = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r];
return xo = vt(e.map(aO)), xo;
n(Pf, "setProjectAnnotations");
var je = [];
function Of(r, e, t, o, a) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new Error("Expected a story but received undefined.");
e.title = e.title ?? oO;
let i = bo(e), s = a || r.storyName || r.story?.name || r.name || nO, c = vr(
), l = o && !xo?.testingLibraryRender && !t?.testingLibraryRender, u = gt(
renderToCanvas: l ? void 0 : o?.renderToCanvas
t ?? {}
), p = Er(
), h = mo(u.globalTypes), y = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
let E = Ro({
hooks: new Te(),
globals: {
args: { ...p.initialArgs },
viewMode: "story",
loaded: {},
abortSignal: new AbortController().signal,
step: /* @__PURE__ */ n((v, x) => p.runStep(v, x, E), "step"),
canvasElement: globalThis?.document?.body,
canvas: {},
context: null,
mount: null
return E.context = E, p.renderToCanvas && (E.renderToCanvas = async () => {
let v = await p.renderToCanvas?.(
componentId: p.componentId,
title: p.title,
id: p.id,
name: p.name,
tags: p.tags,
showError: /* @__PURE__ */ n((x) => {
}, "showError"),
showException: /* @__PURE__ */ n((x) => {
}, "showException"),
forceRemount: !0,
storyContext: E,
storyFn: /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => p.unboundStoryFn(E), "storyFn"),
unboundStoryFn: p.unboundStoryFn
v && je.push(v);
}), E.mount = p.mount(E), E;
}, "initializeContext"), g, m = /* @__PURE__ */ n(async (E) => {
let v = y();
return g && (v.loaded = g.loaded), Object.assign(v, E), p.playFunction(v);
}, "backwardsCompatiblePlay"), b = /* @__PURE__ */ n((E) => {
let v = y();
return Object.assign(v, E), iO(p, v);
}, "newPlay"), S = !p.renderToCanvas && p.playFunction ? m : !p.renderToCanvas && !p.playFunction ? void 0 : b;
return Object.assign(
/* @__PURE__ */ n(function(v) {
let x = y();
return g && (x.loaded = g.loaded), x.args = {
}, p.unboundStoryFn(x);
}, "storyFn"),
id: p.id,
storyName: s,
load: /* @__PURE__ */ n(async () => {
for (let v of [...je].reverse()) await v();
je.length = 0;
let E = y();
E.loaded = await p.applyLoaders(E), je.push(...(await p.applyBeforeEach(E)).filter(Boolean)), g = E;
}, "load"),
args: p.initialArgs,
parameters: p.parameters,
argTypes: p.argTypes,
play: S,
tags: p.tags
n(Of, "composeStory");
function Cf(r, e, t) {
let { default: o, __esModule: a, __namedExportsOrder: i, ...s } = r;
return Object.entries(s).reduce((l, [u, p]) => So(u, o) ? Object.assign(l, {
[u]: t(
}) : l, {});
n(Cf, "composeStories");
function If(r) {
return r.extend({
mount: /* @__PURE__ */ n(async ({ mount: e, page: t }, o) => {
await o(async (a, ...i) => {
if (!("__pw_type" in a) || "__pw_type" in a && a.__pw_type !== "jsx")
throw new Error(_`
Portable stories in Playwright CT only work when referencing JSX elements.
Please use JSX format for your components such as:
instead of:
await mount(MyComponent, { props: { foo: 'bar' } })
await mount(<MyComponent foo="bar"/>)
More info: https://storybook.js.org/docs/api/portable-stories-playwright
await t.evaluate(async (c) => {
let l = await globalThis.__pwUnwrapObject?.(c);
return ("__pw_type" in l ? l.type : l)?.load?.();
}, a);
let s = await e(a, ...i);
return await t.evaluate(async (c) => {
let l = await globalThis.__pwUnwrapObject?.(c), u = "__pw_type" in l ? l.type : l, p = document.querySelector("#root");
return u?.play?.({ canvasElement: p });
}, a), s;
}, "mount")
n(If, "createPlaywrightTest");
async function iO(r, e) {
for (let a of [...je].reverse()) await a();
if (je.length = 0, e.loaded = await r.applyLoaders(e), e.abortSignal.aborted) return;
je.push(...(await r.applyBeforeEach(e)).filter(Boolean));
let t = r.playFunction, o = r.usesMount;
o || await e.mount(), !e.abortSignal.aborted && t && (o || (e.mount = async () => {
throw new Fe({ playFunction: t.toString() });
}), await t(e));
n(iO, "playStory");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/StoryStore.ts
var Ff = 1e3, sO = 1e4, li = class li {
constructor(e, t, o) {
this.importFn = t;
this.storyIndex = new fo(e), this.projectAnnotations = gt(o);
let { initialGlobals: a, globalTypes: i } = this.projectAnnotations;
this.args = new ho(), this.globals = new go({ globals: a, globalTypes: i }), this.hooks = {}, this.cleanupCallbacks = {}, this.processCSFFileWithCache =
(0, _o.default)(Ff)(lf), this.prepareMetaWithCache = (0, _o.default)(Ff)(To), this.prepareStoryWithCache = (0, _o.default)(sO)(Er);
setProjectAnnotations(e) {
this.projectAnnotations = gt(e);
let { initialGlobals: t, globalTypes: o } = e;
this.globals.set({ globals: t, globalTypes: o });
// This means that one of the CSF files has changed.
// If the `importFn` has changed, we will invalidate both caches.
// If the `storyIndex` data has changed, we may or may not invalidate the caches, depending
// on whether we've loaded the relevant files yet.
async onStoriesChanged({
importFn: e,
storyIndex: t
}) {
e && (this.importFn = e), t && (this.storyIndex.entries = t.entries), this.cachedCSFFiles && await this.cacheAllCSFFiles();
// Get an entry from the index, waiting on initialization if necessary
async storyIdToEntry(e) {
return this.storyIndex.storyIdToEntry(e);
// To load a single CSF file to service a story we need to look up the importPath in the index
async loadCSFFileByStoryId(e) {
let { importPath: t, title: o } = this.storyIndex.storyIdToEntry(e), a = await this.importFn(t);
return this.processCSFFileWithCache(a, t, o);
async loadAllCSFFiles() {
let e = {};
return Object.entries(this.storyIndex.entries).forEach(([o, { importPath: a }]) => {
e[a] = o;
}), (await Promise.all(
Object.entries(e).map(async ([o, a]) => ({
importPath: o,
csfFile: await this.loadCSFFileByStoryId(a)
(o, { importPath: a, csfFile: i }) => (o[a] = i, o),
async cacheAllCSFFiles() {
this.cachedCSFFiles = await this.loadAllCSFFiles();
preparedMetaFromCSFFile({ csfFile: e }) {
let t = e.meta;
return this.prepareMetaWithCache(
// Load the CSF file for a story and prepare the story from it and the project annotations.
async loadStory({ storyId: e }) {
let t = await this.loadCSFFileByStoryId(e);
return this.storyFromCSFFile({ storyId: e, csfFile: t });
// This function is synchronous for convenience -- often times if you have a CSF file already
// it is easier not to have to await `loadStory`.
storyId: e,
csfFile: t
}) {
let o = t.stories[e];
if (!o) throw new Zr({ storyId: e });
let a = t.meta, i = this.prepareStoryWithCache(
return this.args.setInitial(i), this.hooks[i.id] = this.hooks[i.id] || new Te(), i;
// If we have a CSF file we can get all the stories from it synchronously
csfFile: e
}) {
return Object.keys(this.storyIndex.entries).filter((t) => !!e.stories[t]).map((t) => this.storyFromCSFFile({ storyId: t, csfFile: e }));
async loadEntry(e) {
let t = await this.storyIdToEntry(e), o = t.type === "docs" ? t.storiesImports : [], [a, ...i] = await Promise.all([
...o.map((s) => {
let c = this.storyIndex.importPathToEntry(s);
return this.loadCSFFileByStoryId(c.id);
return { entryExports: a, csfFiles: i };
// A prepared story does not include args, globals or hooks. These are stored in the story store
// and updated separtely to the (immutable) story.
getStoryContext(e, { forceInitialArgs: t = !1 } = {}) {
return Ro({
args: t ? e.initialArgs : this.args.get(e.id),
globals: this.globals.get(),
hooks: this.hooks[e.id]
addCleanupCallbacks(e, t) {
this.cleanupCallbacks[e.id] = t;
async cleanupStory(e) {
let t = this.cleanupCallbacks[e.id];
if (t) for (let o of [...t].reverse()) await o();
delete this.cleanupCallbacks[e.id];
extract(e = { includeDocsOnly: !1 }) {
let { cachedCSFFiles: t } = this;
if (!t) throw new zr();
return Object.entries(this.storyIndex.entries).reduce(
(o, [a, { type: i, importPath: s }]) => {
if (i === "docs") return o;
let c = t[s], l = this.storyFromCSFFile({ storyId: a, csfFile: c });
return !e.includeDocsOnly && l.parameters.docsOnly || (o[a] = Object.entries(l).reduce(
(u, [p, h]) => p === "moduleExport" || typeof h == "function" ? u : Array.isArray(h) ? Object.assign(u, { [p]: h.slice().sort() }) :
Object.assign(u, { [p]: h }),
{ args: l.initialArgs }
)), o;
getSetStoriesPayload() {
let e = this.extract({ includeDocsOnly: !0 }), t = Object.values(e).reduce(
(o, { title: a }) => (o[a] = {}, o),
return {
v: 2,
globals: this.globals.get(),
globalParameters: {},
kindParameters: t,
stories: e
// NOTE: this is legacy `stories.json` data for the `extract` script.
// It is used to allow v7 Storybooks to be composed in v6 Storybooks, which expect a
// `stories.json` file with legacy fields (`kind` etc).
getStoriesJsonData = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
let e = this.getSetStoriesPayload(), t = ["fileName", "docsOnly", "framework", "__id", "__isArgsStory"];
return {
v: 3,
stories: (0, Df.default)(e.stories, (a) => {
let { importPath: i } = this.storyIndex.entries[a.id];
return {
...(0, si.default)(a, ["id", "name", "title"]),
importPath: i,
// These 3 fields were going to be dropped in v7, but instead we will keep them for the
// 7.x cycle so that v7 Storybooks can be composed successfully in v6 Storybook.
// In v8 we will (likely) completely drop support for `extract` and `getStoriesJsonData`
kind: a.title,
story: a.name,
parameters: {
...(0, si.default)(a.parameters, t),
fileName: i
}, "getStoriesJsonData");
raw() {
return ae(
"StoryStore.raw() is deprecated and will be removed in 9.0, please use extract() instead"
), Object.values(this.extract()).map(({ id: e }) => this.fromId(e)).filter(Boolean);
fromId(e) {
if (ae(
"StoryStore.fromId() is deprecated and will be removed in 9.0, please use loadStory() instead"
), !this.cachedCSFFiles)
throw new Error("Cannot call fromId/raw() unless you call cacheAllCSFFiles() first.");
let t;
try {
({ importPath: t } = this.storyIndex.storyIdToEntry(e));
} catch {
return null;
let o = this.cachedCSFFiles[t], a = this.storyFromCSFFile({ storyId: e, csfFile: o });
return {
storyFn: /* @__PURE__ */ n((i) => {
let s = {
abortSignal: new AbortController().signal,
canvasElement: null,
loaded: {},
step: /* @__PURE__ */ n((c, l) => a.runStep(c, l, s), "step"),
context: null,
mount: null,
canvas: {},
viewMode: "story"
return a.unboundStoryFn({ ...s, ...i });
}, "storyFn")
n(li, "StoryStore");
var Be = li;
// ../node_modules/slash/index.js
function ci(r) {
return r.startsWith("\\\\?\\") ? r : r.replace(/\\/g, "/");
n(ci, "slash");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/autoTitle.ts
var lO = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
if (r.length === 0) return r;
let e = r[r.length - 1], t = e?.replace(/(?:[.](?:story|stories))?([.][^.]+)$/i, "");
if (r.length === 1) return [t];
let o = r[r.length - 2];
return t && o && t.toLowerCase() === o.toLowerCase() ? [...r.slice(0, -2), t] : t && (/^(story|stories)([.][^.]+)$/i.test(e) || /^index$/i.
test(t)) ? r.slice(0, -1) : [...r.slice(0, -1), t];
}, "sanitize");
function Nf(r) {
return r.flatMap((e) => e.split("/")).filter(Boolean).join("/");
n(Nf, "pathJoin");
var ui = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => {
let { directory: o, importPathMatcher: a, titlePrefix: i = "" } = e || {};
typeof r == "number" && M.warn(_`
CSF Auto-title received a numeric fileName. This typically happens when
webpack is mis-configured in production mode. To force webpack to produce
filenames, set optimization.moduleIds = "named" in your webpack config.
let s = ci(String(r));
if (a.exec(s)) {
if (!t) {
let c = s.replace(o, ""), l = Nf([i, c]).split("/");
return l = lO(l), l.join("/");
return i ? Nf([i, t]) : t;
}, "userOrAutoTitleFromSpecifier"), qf = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => {
for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o += 1) {
let a = ui(r, e[o], t);
if (a) return a;
return t || void 0;
}, "userOrAutoTitle");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/storySort.ts
var Lf = /\s*\/\s*/, kf = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r = {}) => (e, t) => {
if (e.title === t.title && !r.includeNames)
return 0;
let o = r.method || "configure", a = r.order || [], i = e.title.trim().split(Lf), s = t.title.trim().split(Lf);
r.includeNames && (i.push(e.name), s.push(t.name));
let c = 0;
for (; i[c] || s[c]; ) {
if (!i[c])
return -1;
if (!s[c])
return 1;
let l = i[c], u = s[c];
if (l !== u) {
let h = a.indexOf(l), y = a.indexOf(u), g = a.indexOf("*");
return h !== -1 || y !== -1 ? (h === -1 && (g !== -1 ? h = g : h = a.length), y === -1 && (g !== -1 ? y = g : y = a.length), h - y) : o ===
"configure" ? 0 : l.localeCompare(u, r.locales ? r.locales : void 0, {
numeric: !0,
sensitivity: "accent"
let p = a.indexOf(l);
p === -1 && (p = a.indexOf("*")), a = p !== -1 && Array.isArray(a[p + 1]) ? a[p + 1] : [], c += 1;
return 0;
}, "storySort");
// src/preview-api/modules/store/sortStories.ts
var cO = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => {
if (e) {
let o;
typeof e == "function" ? o = e : o = kf(e), r.sort(o);
} else
(o, a) => t.indexOf(o.importPath) - t.indexOf(a.importPath)
return r;
}, "sortStoriesCommon"), Mf = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r, e, t) => {
try {
return cO(r, e, t);
} catch (o) {
throw new Error(_`
Error sorting stories with sort parameter ${e}:
> ${o.message}
Are you using a V6-style sort function in V7 mode?
More info: https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#v7-style-story-sort
}, "sortStoriesV7");
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/render/Render.ts
var Ae = new Error("prepareAborted");
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/render/StoryRender.ts
var { AbortController: jf } = globalThis;
function Bf(r) {
try {
let { name: e = "Error", message: t = String(r), stack: o } = r;
return { name: e, message: t, stack: o };
} catch {
return { name: "Error", message: String(r) };
n(Bf, "serializeError");
var pi = class pi {
constructor(e, t, o, a, i, s, c = { autoplay: !0, forceInitialArgs: !1 }, l) {
this.channel = e;
this.store = t;
this.renderToScreen = o;
this.callbacks = a;
this.id = i;
this.viewMode = s;
this.renderOptions = c;
this.abortController = new jf(), l && (this.story = l, this.phase = "preparing");
type = "story";
notYetRendered = !0;
rerenderEnqueued = !1;
disableKeyListeners = !1;
teardownRender = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
}, "teardownRender");
torndown = !1;
async runPhase(e, t, o) {
this.phase = t, this.channel.emit(Ie, { newPhase: this.phase, storyId: this.id }), o && (await o(), this.checkIfAborted(e));
checkIfAborted(e) {
return e.aborted ? (this.phase = "aborted", this.channel.emit(Ie, { newPhase: this.phase, storyId: this.id }), !0) : !1;
async prepare() {
if (await this.runPhase(this.abortController.signal, "preparing", async () => {
this.story = await this.store.loadStory({ storyId: this.id });
}), this.abortController.signal.aborted)
throw await this.store.cleanupStory(this.story), Ae;
// The two story "renders" are equal and have both loaded the same story
isEqual(e) {
return !!(this.id === e.id && this.story && this.story === e.story);
isPreparing() {
return ["preparing"].includes(this.phase);
isPending() {
return ["loading", "beforeEach", "rendering", "playing"].includes(this.phase);
async renderToElement(e) {
return this.canvasElement = e, this.render({ initial: !0, forceRemount: !0 });
storyContext() {
if (!this.story) throw new Error("Cannot call storyContext before preparing");
let { forceInitialArgs: e } = this.renderOptions;
return this.store.getStoryContext(this.story, { forceInitialArgs: e });
async render({
initial: e = !1,
forceRemount: t = !1
} = {}) {
let { canvasElement: o } = this;
if (!this.story) throw new Error("cannot render when not prepared");
let a = this.story;
if (!o) throw new Error("cannot render when canvasElement is unset");
let {
id: i,
componentId: s,
title: c,
name: l,
tags: u,
applyLoaders: p,
applyBeforeEach: h,
unboundStoryFn: y,
playFunction: g,
runStep: m
} = a;
t && !e && (this.cancelRender(), this.abortController = new jf());
let b = this.abortController.signal, S = !1, w = a.usesMount;
try {
let E = {
viewMode: this.viewMode,
abortSignal: b,
canvasElement: o,
loaded: {},
step: /* @__PURE__ */ n((F, H) => m(F, H, E), "step"),
context: null,
canvas: {},
renderToCanvas: /* @__PURE__ */ n(async () => {
let F = await this.renderToScreen(v, o);
this.teardownRender = F || (() => {
}), S = !0;
}, "renderToCanvas"),
// The story provides (set in a renderer) a mount function that is a higher order function
// (context) => (...args) => Canvas
// Before assigning it to the context, we resolve the context dependency,
// so that a user can just call it as await mount(...args) in their play function.
mount: /* @__PURE__ */ n(async (...F) => {
let H = null;
return await this.runPhase(b, "rendering", async () => {
H = await a.mount(E)(...F);
}), w && await this.runPhase(b, "playing"), H;
}, "mount")
E.context = E;
let v = {
componentId: s,
title: c,
kind: c,
id: i,
name: l,
story: l,
tags: u,
showError: /* @__PURE__ */ n((F) => (this.phase = "errored", this.callbacks.showError(F)), "showError"),
showException: /* @__PURE__ */ n((F) => (this.phase = "errored", this.callbacks.showException(F)), "showException"),
forceRemount: t || this.notYetRendered,
storyContext: E,
storyFn: /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => y(E), "storyFn"),
unboundStoryFn: y
if (await this.runPhase(b, "loading", async () => {
E.loaded = await p(E);
}), b.aborted) return;
let x = await h(E);
if (this.store.addCleanupCallbacks(a, x), this.checkIfAborted(b) || (!S && !w && await E.mount(), this.notYetRendered = !1, b.aborted))
let R = this.story.parameters?.test?.dangerouslyIgnoreUnhandledErrors === !0, P = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), k = /* @__PURE__ */ n((F) => P.
add("error" in F ? F.error : F.reason), "onError");
if (this.renderOptions.autoplay && t && g && this.phase !== "errored") {
window.addEventListener("error", k), window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", k), this.disableKeyListeners = !0;
try {
if (w ? await g(E) : (E.mount = async () => {
throw new Fe({ playFunction: g.toString() });
}, await this.runPhase(b, "playing", async () => g(E))), !S)
throw new tt();
this.checkIfAborted(b), !R && P.size > 0 ? await this.runPhase(b, "errored") : await this.runPhase(b, "played");
} catch (F) {
if (this.callbacks.showStoryDuringRender?.(), await this.runPhase(b, "errored", async () => {
this.channel.emit(an, Bf(F));
}), this.story.parameters.throwPlayFunctionExceptions !== !1) throw F;
if (!R && P.size > 0 && this.channel.emit(
), this.disableKeyListeners = !1, window.removeEventListener("unhandledrejection", k), window.removeEventListener("error", k), b.aborted)
await this.runPhase(
async () => this.channel.emit(Je, i)
} catch (E) {
this.phase = "errored", this.callbacks.showException(E);
this.rerenderEnqueued && (this.rerenderEnqueued = !1, this.render());
* Rerender the story.
* If the story is currently pending (loading/rendering), the rerender will be enqueued,
* and will be executed after the current render is completed.
* Rerendering while playing will not be enqueued, and will be executed immediately, to support
* rendering args changes while playing.
async rerender() {
if (this.isPending() && this.phase !== "playing")
this.rerenderEnqueued = !0;
return this.render();
async remount() {
return await this.teardown(), this.render({ forceRemount: !0 });
// If the story is torn down (either a new story is rendered or the docs page removes it)
// we need to consider the fact that the initial render may not be finished
// (possibly the loaders or the play function are still running). We use the controller
// as a method to abort them, ASAP, but this is not foolproof as we cannot control what
// happens inside the user's code.
cancelRender() {
async teardown() {
this.torndown = !0, this.cancelRender(), this.story && await this.store.cleanupStory(this.story);
for (let e = 0; e < 3; e += 1) {
if (!this.isPending()) {
await this.teardownRender();
await new Promise((t) => setTimeout(t, 0));
window.location.reload(), await new Promise(() => {
n(pi, "StoryRender");
var Ar = pi;
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/Preview.tsx
var { fetch: uO } = T, pO = "./index.json", di = class di {
constructor(e, t, o = ne.getChannel(), a = !0) {
this.importFn = e;
this.getProjectAnnotations = t;
this.channel = o;
this.storeInitializationPromise = new Promise((i, s) => {
this.resolveStoreInitializationPromise = i, this.rejectStoreInitializationPromise = s;
}), a && this.initialize();
* @deprecated will be removed in 8.0, please use channel instead
storyRenders = [];
// While we wait for the index to load (note it may error for a while), we need to store the
// project annotations. Once the index loads, it is stored on the store and this will get unset.
// Create a proxy object for `__STORYBOOK_STORY_STORE__` and `__STORYBOOK_PREVIEW__.storyStore`
// That proxies through to the store once ready, and errors beforehand. This means we can set
// `__STORYBOOK_STORY_STORE__ = __STORYBOOK_PREVIEW__.storyStore` without having to wait, and
// simiarly integrators can access the `storyStore` on the preview at any time, although
// it is considered deprecated and we will no longer allow access in 9.0
get storyStore() {
return new Proxy(
get: /* @__PURE__ */ n((e, t) => {
if (this.storyStoreValue)
return ae("Accessing the Story Store is deprecated and will be removed in 9.0"), this.storyStoreValue[t];
throw new et();
}, "get")
async initialize() {
try {
let e = await this.getProjectAnnotationsOrRenderError();
await this.runBeforeAllHook(e), await this.initializeWithProjectAnnotations(e);
} catch (e) {
ready() {
return this.storeInitializationPromise;
setupListeners() {
this.channel.on(hn, this.onStoryIndexChanged.bind(this)), this.channel.on(jr, this.onUpdateGlobals.bind(this)), this.channel.on(Br, this.
onUpdateArgs.bind(this)), this.channel.on(Tn, this.onRequestArgTypesInfo.bind(this)), this.channel.on(Mr, this.onResetArgs.bind(this)), this.
channel.on(kr, this.onForceReRender.bind(this)), this.channel.on(on, this.onForceRemount.bind(this));
async getProjectAnnotationsOrRenderError() {
try {
let e = await this.getProjectAnnotations();
if (this.renderToCanvas = e.renderToCanvas, !this.renderToCanvas) throw new Yr();
return e;
} catch (e) {
throw this.renderPreviewEntryError("Error reading preview.js:", e), e;
// If initialization gets as far as project annotations, this function runs.
async initializeWithProjectAnnotations(e) {
this.projectAnnotationsBeforeInitialization = e;
try {
let t = await this.getStoryIndexFromServer();
return this.initializeWithStoryIndex(t);
} catch (t) {
throw this.renderPreviewEntryError("Error loading story index:", t), t;
async runBeforeAllHook(e) {
try {
await this.beforeAllCleanup?.(), this.beforeAllCleanup = await e.beforeAll?.();
} catch (t) {
throw this.renderPreviewEntryError("Error in beforeAll hook:", t), t;
async getStoryIndexFromServer() {
let e = await uO(pO);
if (e.status === 200)
return e.json();
throw new Kr({ text: await e.text() });
// If initialization gets as far as the story index, this function runs.
initializeWithStoryIndex(e) {
if (!this.projectAnnotationsBeforeInitialization)
throw new Error("Cannot call initializeWithStoryIndex until project annotations resolve");
this.storyStoreValue = new Be(
), delete this.projectAnnotationsBeforeInitialization, this.setInitialGlobals(), this.resolveStoreInitializationPromise();
async setInitialGlobals() {
emitGlobals() {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({ methodName: "emitGlobals" });
let e = {
globals: this.storyStoreValue.globals.get() || {},
globalTypes: this.storyStoreValue.projectAnnotations.globalTypes || {}
this.channel.emit(pn, e);
// This happens when a config file gets reloaded
async onGetProjectAnnotationsChanged({
getProjectAnnotations: e
}) {
delete this.previewEntryError, this.getProjectAnnotations = e;
let t = await this.getProjectAnnotationsOrRenderError();
if (await this.runBeforeAllHook(t), !this.storyStoreValue) {
await this.initializeWithProjectAnnotations(t);
this.storyStoreValue.setProjectAnnotations(t), this.emitGlobals();
async onStoryIndexChanged() {
if (delete this.previewEntryError, !(!this.storyStoreValue && !this.projectAnnotationsBeforeInitialization))
try {
let e = await this.getStoryIndexFromServer();
if (this.projectAnnotationsBeforeInitialization) {
await this.onStoriesChanged({ storyIndex: e });
} catch (e) {
throw this.renderPreviewEntryError("Error loading story index:", e), e;
// This happens when a glob gets HMR-ed
async onStoriesChanged({
importFn: e,
storyIndex: t
}) {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({ methodName: "onStoriesChanged" });
await this.storyStoreValue.onStoriesChanged({ importFn: e, storyIndex: t });
async onUpdateGlobals({ globals: e }) {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({ methodName: "onUpdateGlobals" });
this.storyStoreValue.globals.update(e), await Promise.all(this.storyRenders.map((t) => t.rerender())), this.channel.emit(nn, {
globals: this.storyStoreValue.globals.get(),
initialGlobals: this.storyStoreValue.globals.initialGlobals
async onUpdateArgs({ storyId: e, updatedArgs: t }) {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({ methodName: "onUpdateArgs" });
this.storyStoreValue.args.update(e, t), await Promise.all(
this.storyRenders.filter((o) => o.id === e && !o.renderOptions.forceInitialArgs).map(
(o) => (
// We only run the play function, with in a force remount.
// But when mount is destructured, the rendering happens inside of the play function.
o.story && o.story.usesMount ? o.remount() : o.rerender()
), this.channel.emit(dn, {
storyId: e,
args: this.storyStoreValue.args.get(e)
async onRequestArgTypesInfo({ id: e, payload: t }) {
try {
await this.storeInitializationPromise;
let o = await this.storyStoreValue?.loadStory(t);
this.channel.emit(Ut, {
id: e,
success: !0,
payload: { argTypes: o?.argTypes || {} },
error: null
} catch (o) {
this.channel.emit(Ut, {
id: e,
success: !1,
error: o?.message
async onResetArgs({ storyId: e, argNames: t }) {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({ methodName: "onResetArgs" });
let a = this.storyRenders.find((c) => c.id === e)?.story || await this.storyStoreValue.loadStory({ storyId: e }), s = (t || [
.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
]).reduce((c, l) => (c[l] = a.initialArgs[l], c), {});
await this.onUpdateArgs({ storyId: e, updatedArgs: s });
// ForceReRender does not include a story id, so we simply must
// re-render all stories in case they are relevant
async onForceReRender() {
await Promise.all(this.storyRenders.map((e) => e.rerender()));
async onForceRemount({ storyId: e }) {
await Promise.all(this.storyRenders.filter((t) => t.id === e).map((t) => t.remount()));
// Used by docs to render a story to a given element
// Note this short-circuits the `prepare()` phase of the StoryRender,
// main to be consistent with the previous behaviour. In the future,
// we will change it to go ahead and load the story, which will end up being
// "instant", although async.
renderStoryToElement(e, t, o, a) {
if (!this.renderToCanvas || !this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({
methodName: "renderStoryToElement"
let i = new Ar(
return i.renderToElement(t), this.storyRenders.push(i), async () => {
await this.teardownRender(i);
async teardownRender(e, { viewModeChanged: t } = {}) {
this.storyRenders = this.storyRenders.filter((o) => o !== e), await e?.teardown?.({ viewModeChanged: t });
// API
async loadStory({ storyId: e }) {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({ methodName: "loadStory" });
return this.storyStoreValue.loadStory({ storyId: e });
getStoryContext(e, { forceInitialArgs: t = !1 } = {}) {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({ methodName: "getStoryContext" });
return this.storyStoreValue.getStoryContext(e, { forceInitialArgs: t });
async extract(e) {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({ methodName: "extract" });
if (this.previewEntryError) throw this.previewEntryError;
return await this.storyStoreValue.cacheAllCSFFiles(), this.storyStoreValue.extract(e);
renderPreviewEntryError(e, t) {
this.previewEntryError = t, C.error(e), C.error(t), this.channel.emit(rn, t);
n(di, "Preview");
var Ue = di;
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/docs-context/DocsContext.ts
var fi = class fi {
constructor(e, t, o, a) {
this.channel = e;
this.store = t;
this.renderStoryToElement = o;
this.componentStoriesValue = [], this.storyIdToCSFFile = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.exportToStory = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.
exportsToCSFFile = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.nameToStoryId = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.attachedCSFFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
a.forEach((i, s) => {
// This docs entry references this CSF file and can synchronously load the stories, as well
// as reference them by module export. If the CSF is part of the "component" stories, they
// can also be referenced by name and are in the componentStories list.
referenceCSFFile(e) {
this.exportsToCSFFile.set(e.moduleExports, e), this.exportsToCSFFile.set(e.moduleExports.default, e), this.store.componentStoriesFromCSFFile(
{ csfFile: e }).forEach((o) => {
let a = e.stories[o.id];
this.storyIdToCSFFile.set(a.id, e), this.exportToStory.set(a.moduleExport, o);
attachCSFFile(e) {
if (!this.exportsToCSFFile.has(e.moduleExports))
throw new Error("Cannot attach a CSF file that has not been referenced");
if (this.attachedCSFFiles.has(e))
this.attachedCSFFiles.add(e), this.store.componentStoriesFromCSFFile({ csfFile: e }).forEach((o) => {
this.nameToStoryId.set(o.name, o.id), this.componentStoriesValue.push(o), this.primaryStory || (this.primaryStory = o);
referenceMeta(e, t) {
let o = this.resolveModuleExport(e);
if (o.type !== "meta")
throw new Error(
"<Meta of={} /> must reference a CSF file module export or meta export. Did you mistakenly reference your component instead of your \
CSF file?"
t && this.attachCSFFile(o.csfFile);
get projectAnnotations() {
let { projectAnnotations: e } = this.store;
if (!e)
throw new Error("Can't get projectAnnotations from DocsContext before they are initialized");
return e;
resolveAttachedModuleExportType(e) {
if (e === "story") {
if (!this.primaryStory)
throw new Error(
"No primary story attached to this docs file, did you forget to use <Meta of={} />?"
return { type: "story", story: this.primaryStory };
if (this.attachedCSFFiles.size === 0)
throw new Error(
"No CSF file attached to this docs file, did you forget to use <Meta of={} />?"
let t = Array.from(this.attachedCSFFiles)[0];
if (e === "meta")
return { type: "meta", csfFile: t };
let { component: o } = t.meta;
if (!o)
throw new Error(
"Attached CSF file does not defined a component, did you forget to export one?"
return { type: "component", component: o };
resolveModuleExport(e) {
let t = this.exportsToCSFFile.get(e);
if (t) return { type: "meta", csfFile: t };
let o = this.exportToStory.get(e);
return o ? { type: "story", story: o } : { type: "component", component: e };
resolveOf(e, t = []) {
let o;
if (["component", "meta", "story"].includes(e)) {
let a = e;
o = this.resolveAttachedModuleExportType(a);
} else
o = this.resolveModuleExport(e);
if (t.length && !t.includes(o.type)) {
let a = o.type === "component" ? "component or unknown" : o.type;
throw new Error(_`Invalid value passed to the 'of' prop. The value was resolved to a '${a}' type but the only types for this block are: ${t.
", "
- Did you pass a component to the 'of' prop when the block only supports a story or a meta?
- ... or vice versa?
- Did you pass a story, CSF file or meta to the 'of' prop that is not indexed, ie. is not targeted by the 'stories' globs in the main configuration?`);
switch (o.type) {
case "component":
return {
projectAnnotations: this.projectAnnotations
case "meta":
return {
preparedMeta: this.store.preparedMetaFromCSFFile({ csfFile: o.csfFile })
case "story":
return o;
storyIdByName = /* @__PURE__ */ n((e) => {
let t = this.nameToStoryId.get(e);
if (t) return t;
throw new Error(`No story found with that name: ${e}`);
}, "storyIdByName");
componentStories = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => this.componentStoriesValue, "componentStories");
componentStoriesFromCSFFile = /* @__PURE__ */ n((e) => this.store.componentStoriesFromCSFFile({ csfFile: e }), "componentStoriesFromCSFFil\
storyById = /* @__PURE__ */ n((e) => {
if (!e) {
if (!this.primaryStory)
throw new Error(
"No primary story defined for docs entry. Did you forget to use `<Meta>`?"
return this.primaryStory;
let t = this.storyIdToCSFFile.get(e);
if (!t)
throw new Error(`Called \`storyById\` for story that was never loaded: ${e}`);
return this.store.storyFromCSFFile({ storyId: e, csfFile: t });
}, "storyById");
getStoryContext = /* @__PURE__ */ n((e) => ({
loaded: {},
viewMode: "docs"
}), "getStoryContext");
loadStory = /* @__PURE__ */ n((e) => this.store.loadStory({ storyId: e }), "loadStory");
n(fi, "DocsContext");
var ye = fi;
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/render/CsfDocsRender.ts
var yi = class yi {
constructor(e, t, o, a) {
this.channel = e;
this.store = t;
this.entry = o;
this.callbacks = a;
this.id = o.id;
type = "docs";
subtype = "csf";
torndown = !1;
disableKeyListeners = !1;
preparing = !1;
isPreparing() {
return this.preparing;
async prepare() {
this.preparing = !0;
let { entryExports: e, csfFiles: t = [] } = await this.store.loadEntry(this.id);
if (this.torndown) throw Ae;
let { importPath: o, title: a } = this.entry, i = this.store.processCSFFileWithCache(
), s = Object.keys(i.stories)[0];
this.story = this.store.storyFromCSFFile({ storyId: s, csfFile: i }), this.csfFiles = [i, ...t], this.preparing = !1;
isEqual(e) {
return !!(this.id === e.id && this.story && this.story === e.story);
docsContext(e) {
if (!this.csfFiles) throw new Error("Cannot render docs before preparing");
let t = new ye(
return this.csfFiles.forEach((o) => t.attachCSFFile(o)), t;
async renderToElement(e, t) {
if (!this.story || !this.csfFiles) throw new Error("Cannot render docs before preparing");
let o = this.docsContext(t), { docs: a } = this.story.parameters || {};
if (!a)
throw new Error(
"Cannot render a story in viewMode=docs if `@storybook/addon-docs` is not installed"
let i = await a.renderer(), { render: s } = i, c = /* @__PURE__ */ n(async () => {
try {
await s(o, a, e), this.channel.emit(Lr, this.id);
} catch (l) {
}, "renderDocs");
return this.rerender = async () => c(), this.teardownRender = async ({ viewModeChanged: l }) => {
!l || !e || i.unmount(e);
}, c();
async teardown({ viewModeChanged: e } = {}) {
this.teardownRender?.({ viewModeChanged: e }), this.torndown = !0;
n(yi, "CsfDocsRender");
var Et = yi;
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/render/MdxDocsRender.ts
var hi = class hi {
constructor(e, t, o, a) {
this.channel = e;
this.store = t;
this.entry = o;
this.callbacks = a;
this.id = o.id;
type = "docs";
subtype = "mdx";
torndown = !1;
disableKeyListeners = !1;
preparing = !1;
isPreparing() {
return this.preparing;
async prepare() {
this.preparing = !0;
let { entryExports: e, csfFiles: t = [] } = await this.store.loadEntry(this.id);
if (this.torndown) throw Ae;
this.csfFiles = t, this.exports = e, this.preparing = !1;
isEqual(e) {
return !!(this.id === e.id && this.exports && this.exports === e.exports);
docsContext(e) {
if (!this.csfFiles) throw new Error("Cannot render docs before preparing");
return new ye(
async renderToElement(e, t) {
if (!this.exports || !this.csfFiles || !this.store.projectAnnotations)
throw new Error("Cannot render docs before preparing");
let o = this.docsContext(t), { docs: a } = this.store.projectAnnotations.parameters || {};
if (!a)
throw new Error(
"Cannot render a story in viewMode=docs if `@storybook/addon-docs` is not installed"
let i = { ...a, page: this.exports.default }, s = await a.renderer(), { render: c } = s, l = /* @__PURE__ */ n(async () => {
try {
await c(o, i, e), this.channel.emit(Lr, this.id);
} catch (u) {
}, "renderDocs");
return this.rerender = async () => l(), this.teardownRender = async ({ viewModeChanged: u } = {}) => {
!u || !e || (s.unmount(e), this.torndown = !0);
}, l();
async teardown({ viewModeChanged: e } = {}) {
this.teardownRender?.({ viewModeChanged: e }), this.torndown = !0;
n(hi, "MdxDocsRender");
var Tt = hi;
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/PreviewWithSelection.tsx
var dO = globalThis;
function fO(r) {
let e = r.composedPath && r.composedPath()[0] || r.target;
return /input|textarea/i.test(e.tagName) || e.getAttribute("contenteditable") !== null;
n(fO, "focusInInput");
var Uf = "attached-mdx", yO = "unattached-mdx";
function hO({ tags: r }) {
return r?.includes(yO) || r?.includes(Uf);
n(hO, "isMdxEntry");
function mi(r) {
return r.type === "story";
n(mi, "isStoryRender");
function mO(r) {
return r.type === "docs";
n(mO, "isDocsRender");
function gO(r) {
return mO(r) && r.subtype === "csf";
n(gO, "isCsfDocsRender");
var gi = class gi extends Ue {
constructor(t, o, a, i) {
super(t, o, void 0, !1);
this.importFn = t;
this.getProjectAnnotations = o;
this.selectionStore = a;
this.view = i;
setupListeners() {
super.setupListeners(), dO.onkeydown = this.onKeydown.bind(this), this.channel.on(un, this.onSetCurrentStory.bind(this)), this.channel.on(
vn, this.onUpdateQueryParams.bind(this)), this.channel.on(ln, this.onPreloadStories.bind(this));
async setInitialGlobals() {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({ methodName: "setInitialGlobals" });
let { globals: t } = this.selectionStore.selectionSpecifier || {};
t && this.storyStoreValue.globals.updateFromPersisted(t), this.emitGlobals();
// If initialization gets as far as the story index, this function runs.
async initializeWithStoryIndex(t) {
return await super.initializeWithStoryIndex(t), this.selectSpecifiedStory();
// Use the selection specifier to choose a story, then render it
async selectSpecifiedStory() {
if (!this.storyStoreValue)
throw new K({
methodName: "selectSpecifiedStory"
if (this.selectionStore.selection) {
await this.renderSelection();
if (!this.selectionStore.selectionSpecifier) {
let { storySpecifier: t, args: o } = this.selectionStore.selectionSpecifier, a = this.storyStoreValue.storyIndex.entryFromSpecifier(t);
if (!a) {
t === "*" ? this.renderStoryLoadingException(t, new Jr()) : this.renderStoryLoadingException(
new Qr({ storySpecifier: t.toString() })
let { id: i, type: s } = a;
this.selectionStore.setSelection({ storyId: i, viewMode: s }), this.channel.emit(gn, this.selectionStore.selection), this.channel.emit(jt,
this.selectionStore.selection), await this.renderSelection({ persistedArgs: o });
// This happens when a config file gets reloaded
async onGetProjectAnnotationsChanged({
getProjectAnnotations: t
}) {
await super.onGetProjectAnnotationsChanged({ getProjectAnnotations: t }), this.selectionStore.selection && this.renderSelection();
// This happens when a glob gets HMR-ed
async onStoriesChanged({
importFn: t,
storyIndex: o
}) {
await super.onStoriesChanged({ importFn: t, storyIndex: o }), this.selectionStore.selection ? await this.renderSelection() : await this.
onKeydown(t) {
if (!this.storyRenders.find((o) => o.disableKeyListeners) && !fO(t)) {
let { altKey: o, ctrlKey: a, metaKey: i, shiftKey: s, key: c, code: l, keyCode: u } = t;
this.channel.emit(cn, {
event: { altKey: o, ctrlKey: a, metaKey: i, shiftKey: s, key: c, code: l, keyCode: u }
async onSetCurrentStory(t) {
this.selectionStore.setSelection({ viewMode: "story", ...t }), await this.storeInitializationPromise, this.channel.emit(jt, this.selectionStore.
selection), this.renderSelection();
onUpdateQueryParams(t) {
async onUpdateGlobals({ globals: t }) {
super.onUpdateGlobals({ globals: t }), (this.currentRender instanceof Tt || this.currentRender instanceof Et) && await this.currentRender.
async onUpdateArgs({ storyId: t, updatedArgs: o }) {
super.onUpdateArgs({ storyId: t, updatedArgs: o });
async onPreloadStories({ ids: t }) {
await this.storeInitializationPromise, this.storyStoreValue && await Promise.allSettled(t.map((o) => this.storyStoreValue?.loadEntry(o)));
// We can either have:
// - a story selected in "story" viewMode,
// in which case we render it to the root element, OR
// - a story selected in "docs" viewMode,
// in which case we render the docsPage for that story
async renderSelection({ persistedArgs: t } = {}) {
let { renderToCanvas: o } = this;
if (!this.storyStoreValue || !o)
throw new K({ methodName: "renderSelection" });
let { selection: a } = this.selectionStore;
if (!a) throw new Error("Cannot call renderSelection as no selection was made");
let { storyId: i } = a, s;
try {
s = await this.storyStoreValue.storyIdToEntry(i);
} catch (g) {
this.currentRender && await this.teardownRender(this.currentRender), this.renderStoryLoadingException(i, g);
let c = this.currentSelection?.storyId !== i, l = this.currentRender?.type !== s.type;
s.type === "story" ? this.view.showPreparingStory({ immediate: l }) : this.view.showPreparingDocs({ immediate: l }), this.currentRender?.
isPreparing() && await this.teardownRender(this.currentRender);
let u;
s.type === "story" ? u = new Ar(
) : hO(s) ? u = new Tt(
) : u = new Et(
let p = this.currentSelection;
this.currentSelection = a;
let h = this.currentRender;
this.currentRender = u;
try {
await u.prepare();
} catch (g) {
h && await this.teardownRender(h), g !== Ae && this.renderStoryLoadingException(i, g);
let y = !c && h && !u.isEqual(h);
if (t && mi(u) && (fe(!!u.story), this.storyStoreValue.args.updateFromPersisted(u.story, t)), h && !h.torndown && !c && !y && !l) {
this.currentRender = h, this.channel.emit(bn, i), this.view.showMain();
if (h && await this.teardownRender(h, { viewModeChanged: l }), p && (c || l) && this.channel.emit(fn, i), mi(u)) {
let { parameters: g, initialArgs: m, argTypes: b, unmappedArgs: S } = this.storyStoreValue.getStoryContext(u.story);
this.channel.emit(mn, {
id: i,
parameters: g,
initialArgs: m,
argTypes: b,
args: S
} else {
let { parameters: g } = this.storyStoreValue.projectAnnotations;
if (gO(u) || u.entry.tags?.includes(Uf)) {
if (!u.csfFiles) throw new Xr({ storyId: i });
({ parameters: g } = this.storyStoreValue.preparedMetaFromCSFFile({
csfFile: u.csfFiles[0]
this.channel.emit(tn, {
id: i,
parameters: g
mi(u) ? (fe(!!u.story), this.storyRenders.push(u), this.currentRender.renderToElement(
)) : this.currentRender.renderToElement(
// This argument is used for docs, which is currently only compatible with HTMLElements
async teardownRender(t, { viewModeChanged: o = !1 } = {}) {
this.storyRenders = this.storyRenders.filter((a) => a !== t), await t?.teardown?.({ viewModeChanged: o });
mainStoryCallbacks(t) {
return {
showStoryDuringRender: /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => this.view.showStoryDuringRender(), "showStoryDuringRender"),
showMain: /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => this.view.showMain(), "showMain"),
showError: /* @__PURE__ */ n((o) => this.renderError(t, o), "showError"),
showException: /* @__PURE__ */ n((o) => this.renderException(t, o), "showException")
renderPreviewEntryError(t, o) {
super.renderPreviewEntryError(t, o), this.view.showErrorDisplay(o);
renderMissingStory() {
this.view.showNoPreview(), this.channel.emit(Bt);
renderStoryLoadingException(t, o) {
C.error(o), this.view.showErrorDisplay(o), this.channel.emit(Bt, t);
// renderException is used if we fail to render the story and it is uncaught by the app layer
renderException(t, o) {
let { name: a = "Error", message: i = String(o), stack: s } = o;
this.channel.emit(Sn, { name: a, message: i, stack: s }), this.channel.emit(Ie, { newPhase: "errored", storyId: t }), this.view.showErrorDisplay(
o), C.error(`Error rendering story '${t}':`), C.error(o);
// renderError is used by the various app layers to inform the user they have done something
// wrong -- for instance returned the wrong thing from a story
renderError(t, { title: o, description: a }) {
C.error(`Error rendering story ${o}: ${a}`), this.channel.emit(yn, { title: o, description: a }), this.channel.emit(Ie, { newPhase: "err\
ored", storyId: t }), this.view.showErrorDisplay({
message: o,
stack: a
n(gi, "PreviewWithSelection");
var Ge = gi;
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/UrlStore.ts
var Vo = Y(Ho(), 1);
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/parseArgsParam.ts
var xh = Y(Ho(), 1);
var _h = Y(yo(), 1);
var wh = /^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]*$/, Ph = /^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/, mI = /^#([a-f0-9]{3,4}|[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{8})$/i, Oh = /^(rgba?|hsla?)\(([0-9]{1,3}),\s?([0-9]{1,3})%?,\s?([0-9]{1,3})%?,?\s?([0-9](\.[0-9]{1,2})?)?\)$/i,
Vi = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r = "", e) => r === null || r === "" || !wh.test(r) ? !1 : e == null || e instanceof Date || typeof e == "number" ||
typeof e == "boolean" ? !0 : typeof e == "string" ? wh.test(e) || Ph.test(e) || mI.test(e) || Oh.test(e) : Array.isArray(e) ? e.every((t) => Vi(
r, t)) : (0, _h.default)(e) ? Object.entries(e).every(([t, o]) => Vi(t, o)) : !1, "validateArgs"), gI = {
delimiter: ";",
// we're parsing a single query param
allowDots: !0,
// objects are encoded using dot notation
allowSparse: !0,
// arrays will be merged on top of their initial value
decoder(r, e, t, o) {
if (o === "value" && r.startsWith("!")) {
if (r === "!undefined") return;
if (r === "!null") return null;
if (r === "!true") return !0;
if (r === "!false") return !1;
if (r.startsWith("!date(") && r.endsWith(")")) return new Date(r.slice(6, -1));
if (r.startsWith("!hex(") && r.endsWith(")")) return `#${r.slice(5, -1)}`;
let a = r.slice(1).match(Oh);
if (a)
return r.startsWith("!rgba") ? `${a[1]}(${a[2]}, ${a[3]}, ${a[4]}, ${a[5]})` : r.startsWith("!hsla") ? `${a[1]}(${a[2]}, ${a[3]}%, ${a[4]}\
%, ${a[5]})` : r.startsWith("!rgb") ? `${a[1]}(${a[2]}, ${a[3]}, ${a[4]})` : `${a[1]}(${a[2]}, ${a[3]}%, ${a[4]}%)`;
return o === "value" && Ph.test(r) ? Number(r) : e(r, e, t);
}, $i = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
let e = r.split(";").map((t) => t.replace("=", "~").replace(":", "="));
return Object.entries(xh.default.parse(e.join(";"), gI)).reduce((t, [o, a]) => Vi(o, a) ? Object.assign(t, { [o]: a }) : (M.warn(_`
Omitted potentially unsafe URL args.
More info: https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/args#setting-args-through-the-url
`), t), {});
}, "parseArgsParam");
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/UrlStore.ts
var { history: Ch, document: he } = T;
function SI(r) {
let e = (r || "").match(/^\/story\/(.+)/);
if (!e)
throw new Error(`Invalid path '${r}', must start with '/story/'`);
return e[1];
n(SI, "pathToId");
var Ih = /* @__PURE__ */ n(({
selection: r,
extraParams: e
}) => {
let t = typeof he < "u" ? he.location.search : "", { path: o, selectedKind: a, selectedStory: i, ...s } = Vo.default.parse(t, {
ignoreQueryPrefix: !0
return Vo.default.stringify(
...r && { id: r.storyId, viewMode: r.viewMode }
{ encode: !1, addQueryPrefix: !0 }
}, "getQueryString"), bI = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => {
if (!r) return;
let e = Ih({ selection: r }), { hash: t = "" } = he.location;
he.title = r.storyId, Ch.replaceState({}, "", `${he.location.pathname}${e}${t}`);
}, "setPath"), vI = /* @__PURE__ */ n((r) => r != null && typeof r == "object" && Array.isArray(r) === !1, "isObject"), Pt = /* @__PURE__ */ n(
(r) => {
if (r !== void 0) {
if (typeof r == "string")
return r;
if (Array.isArray(r))
return Pt(r[0]);
if (vI(r))
return Pt(Object.values(r).filter(Boolean));
}, "getFirstString"), EI = /* @__PURE__ */ n(() => {
if (typeof he < "u") {
let r = Vo.default.parse(he.location.search, { ignoreQueryPrefix: !0 }), e = typeof r.args == "string" ? $i(r.args) : void 0, t = typeof r.
globals == "string" ? $i(r.globals) : void 0, o = Pt(r.viewMode);
(typeof o != "string" || !o.match(/docs|story/)) && (o = "story");
let a = Pt(r.path), i = a ? SI(a) : Pt(r.id);
if (i)
return { storySpecifier: i, args: e, globals: t, viewMode: o };
return null;
}, "getSelectionSpecifierFromPath"), Wi = class Wi {
constructor() {
this.selectionSpecifier = EI();
setSelection(e) {
this.selection = e, bI(this.selection);
setQueryParams(e) {
let t = Ih({ extraParams: e }), { hash: o = "" } = he.location;
Ch.replaceState({}, "", `${he.location.pathname}${t}${o}`);
n(Wi, "UrlStore");
var ze = Wi;
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/WebView.ts
var cm = Y(im(), 1);
var um = Y(Ho(), 1);
var { document: J } = T, sm = 100, pm = /* @__PURE__ */ ((i) => (i.MAIN = "MAIN", i.NOPREVIEW = "NOPREVIEW", i.PREPARING_STORY = "PREPARING_\
STORY", i.PREPARING_DOCS = "PREPARING_DOCS", i.ERROR = "ERROR", i))(pm || {}), Zi = {
PREPARING_STORY: "sb-show-preparing-story",
PREPARING_DOCS: "sb-show-preparing-docs",
MAIN: "sb-show-main",
NOPREVIEW: "sb-show-nopreview",
ERROR: "sb-show-errordisplay"
}, es = {
centered: "sb-main-centered",
fullscreen: "sb-main-fullscreen",
padded: "sb-main-padded"
}, lm = new cm.default({
escapeXML: !0
}), rs = class rs {
testing = !1;
constructor() {
if (typeof J < "u") {
let { __SPECIAL_TEST_PARAMETER__: e } = um.default.parse(J.location.search, {
ignoreQueryPrefix: !0
switch (e) {
case "preparing-story": {
this.showPreparingStory(), this.testing = !0;
case "preparing-docs": {
this.showPreparingDocs(), this.testing = !0;
// Get ready to render a story, returning the element to render to
prepareForStory(e) {
return this.showStory(), this.applyLayout(e.parameters.layout), J.documentElement.scrollTop = 0, J.documentElement.scrollLeft = 0, this.
storyRoot() {
return J.getElementById("storybook-root");
prepareForDocs() {
return this.showMain(), this.showDocs(), this.applyLayout("fullscreen"), J.documentElement.scrollTop = 0, J.documentElement.scrollLeft =
0, this.docsRoot();
docsRoot() {
return J.getElementById("storybook-docs");
applyLayout(e = "padded") {
if (e === "none") {
J.body.classList.remove(this.currentLayoutClass), this.currentLayoutClass = null;
let t = es[e];
J.body.classList.remove(this.currentLayoutClass), J.body.classList.add(t), this.currentLayoutClass = t;
checkIfLayoutExists(e) {
es[e] || C.warn(
The desired layout: ${e} is not a valid option.
The possible options are: ${Object.keys(es).join(", ")}, none.
showMode(e) {
clearTimeout(this.preparingTimeout), Object.keys(pm).forEach((t) => {
t === e ? J.body.classList.add(Zi[t]) : J.body.classList.remove(Zi[t]);
showErrorDisplay({ message: e = "", stack: t = "" }) {
let o = e, a = t, i = e.split(`
i.length > 1 && ([o] = i, a = i.slice(1).join(`
`).replace(/^\n/, "")), J.getElementById("error-message").innerHTML = lm.toHtml(o), J.getElementById("error-stack").innerHTML = lm.toHtml(a),
showNoPreview() {
this.testing || (this.showMode("NOPREVIEW"), this.storyRoot()?.setAttribute("hidden", "true"), this.docsRoot()?.setAttribute("hidden", "\
showPreparingStory({ immediate: e = !1 } = {}) {
clearTimeout(this.preparingTimeout), e ? this.showMode("PREPARING_STORY") : this.preparingTimeout = setTimeout(
() => this.showMode("PREPARING_STORY"),
showPreparingDocs({ immediate: e = !1 } = {}) {
clearTimeout(this.preparingTimeout), e ? this.showMode("PREPARING_DOCS") : this.preparingTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.showMode("PREPA\
RING_DOCS"), sm);
showMain() {
showDocs() {
this.storyRoot().setAttribute("hidden", "true"), this.docsRoot().removeAttribute("hidden");
showStory() {
this.docsRoot().setAttribute("hidden", "true"), this.storyRoot().removeAttribute("hidden");
showStoryDuringRender() {
n(rs, "WebView");
var Ke = rs;
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/PreviewWeb.tsx
var ts = class ts extends Ge {
constructor(t, o) {
super(t, o, new ze(), new Ke());
this.importFn = t;
this.getProjectAnnotations = o;
n(ts, "PreviewWeb");
var Ct = ts;
// src/preview-api/modules/preview-web/simulate-pageload.ts
var { document: Xe } = T, tF = [
// Support modern javascript
], oF = "script", dm = "scripts-root";
function It() {
let r = Xe.createEvent("Event");
r.initEvent("DOMContentLoaded", !0, !0), Xe.dispatchEvent(r);
n(It, "simulateDOMContentLoaded");
function nF(r, e, t) {
let o = Xe.createElement("script");
o.type = r.type === "module" ? "module" : "text/javascript", r.src ? (o.onload = e, o.onerror = e, o.src = r.src) : o.textContent = r.innerText,
t ? t.appendChild(o) : Xe.head.appendChild(o), r.parentNode.removeChild(r), r.src || e();
n(nF, "insertScript");
function fm(r, e, t = 0) {
r[t](() => {
t++, t === r.length ? e() : fm(r, e, t);
n(fm, "insertScriptsSequentially");
function os(r) {
let e = Xe.getElementById(dm);
e ? e.innerHTML = "" : (e = Xe.createElement("div"), e.id = dm, Xe.body.appendChild(e));
let t = Array.from(r.querySelectorAll(oF));
if (t.length) {
let o = [];
t.forEach((a) => {
let i = a.getAttribute("type");
(!i || tF.includes(i)) && o.push((s) => nF(a, s, e));
}), o.length && fm(o, It, void 0);
} else
n(os, "simulatePageLoad");
// src/types/index.ts
var Dt = {};
Ce(Dt, {
Addon_TypesEnum: () => ym
// src/types/modules/addons.ts
var ym = /* @__PURE__ */ ((l) => (l.TAB = "tab", l.PANEL = "panel", l.TOOL = "tool", l.TOOLEXTRA = "toolextra", l.PREVIEW = "preview", l.experimental_PAGE =
"page", l.experimental_SIDEBAR_BOTTOM = "sidebar-bottom", l.experimental_SIDEBAR_TOP = "sidebar-top", l))(ym || {});
// src/preview/globals/runtime.ts
var hm = {
"@storybook/global": Rn,
"storybook/internal/channels": $r,
"@storybook/channels": $r,
"@storybook/core/channels": $r,
"storybook/internal/client-logger": Ur,
"@storybook/client-logger": Ur,
"@storybook/core/client-logger": Ur,
"storybook/internal/core-events": be,
"@storybook/core-events": be,
"@storybook/core/core-events": be,
"storybook/internal/preview-errors": ot,
"@storybook/core-events/preview-errors": ot,
"@storybook/core/preview-errors": ot,
"storybook/internal/preview-api": Ft,
"@storybook/preview-api": Ft,
"@storybook/core/preview-api": Ft,
"storybook/internal/types": Dt,
"@storybook/types": Dt,
"@storybook/core/types": Dt
// src/preview/utils.ts
var gm = Y(mm(), 1);
var is;
function aF() {
return is || (is = new gm.default(T.navigator?.userAgent).getBrowserInfo()), is;
n(aF, "getBrowserInfo");
function Sm(r) {
return r.browserInfo = aF(), r;
n(Sm, "prepareForTelemetry");
// src/preview/runtime.ts
ss.forEach((r) => {
T[An[r]] = hm[r];
T.sendTelemetryError = (r) => {
T.addEventListener("error", (r) => {
let e = r.error || r;
e.fromStorybook && T.sendTelemetryError(e);
T.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", ({ reason: r }) => {
r.fromStorybook && T.sendTelemetryError(r);