2024-06-16 17:30:30 +02:00
try {
2024-07-31 10:01:28 +02:00
( ( ) => { var B2 = Object . create ; var Da = Object . defineProperty ; var L2 = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ; var q2 = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ; var M2 = Object . getPrototypeOf , U2 = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; var et = ( e => typeof require < "u" ? require : typeof Proxy < "u" ? new Proxy ( e , { get : ( t , r ) => ( typeof require < "u" ? require : t ) [ r ] } ) : e ) ( function ( e ) { if ( typeof require < "u" ) return require . apply ( this , arguments ) ; throw Error ( 'Dynamic require of "' + e + '" is not supported' ) } ) ; var Tt = ( e , t ) => ( ) => ( e && ( t = e ( e = 0 ) ) , t ) ; var J = ( e , t ) => ( ) => ( t || e ( ( t = { exports : { } } ) . exports , t ) , t . exports ) , Hl = ( e , t ) => { for ( var r in t ) Da ( e , r , { get : t [ r ] , enumerable : ! 0 } ) } , J2 = ( e , t , r , n ) => { if ( t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function" ) for ( let o of q2 ( t ) ) ! U2 . call ( e , o ) && o !== r && Da ( e , o , { get : ( ) => t [ o ] , enumerable : ! ( n = L2 ( t , o ) ) || n . enumerable } ) ; return e } ; var ao = ( e , t , r ) => ( r = e != null ? B2 ( M2 ( e ) ) : { } , J2 ( t || ! e || ! e . _ _esModule ? Da ( r , "default" , { value : e , enumerable : ! 0 } ) : r , e ) ) ; var S = Tt ( ( ) => { } ) ; var A = Tt ( ( ) => { } ) ; var T = Tt ( ( ) => { } ) ; var $2 , Gl , z2 , Wl , V2 , H2 , mn , rr , G2 , gn , W2 , Kl , K2 , Yl , Y2 , X2 , nr , Q2 , Xl , tt , bn , Fa = Tt ( ( ) => { S ( ) ; A ( ) ; T ( ) ; $2 = Object . create , Gl = Object . defineProperty , z2 = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor , Wl = Object . getOwnPropertyNames , V2 = Object . getPrototypeOf , H2 = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty , mn = ( e => typeof et < "u" ? et : typeof Proxy < "u" ? new Proxy ( e , { get : ( t , r ) => ( typeof et < "u" ? et : t ) [ r ] } ) : e ) ( function ( e ) { if ( typeof et < "u" ) return et . apply ( this , arguments ) ; throw Error ( 'Dynamic require of "' + e + '" is not supported' ) } ) , rr = ( e , t ) => function ( ) { return t || ( 0 , e [ Wl ( e ) [ 0 ] ] ) ( ( t = { exports : { } } ) . exports , t ) , t . exports } , G2 = ( e , t , r , n ) => { if ( t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function" ) for ( let o of Wl ( t ) ) ! H2 . call ( e , o ) && o !== r && Gl ( e , o , { get : ( ) => t [ o ] , enumerable : ! ( n = z2 ( t , o ) ) || n . enumerable } ) ; return e } , gn = ( e , t , r ) => ( r = e != null ? $2 ( V2 ( e ) ) : { } , G2 ( t || ! e || ! e . _ _esModule ? Gl ( r , "default" , { value : e , enumerable : ! 0 } ) : r , e ) ) , W2 = Object . create , Kl = Object . defineProperty , K2 = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor , Yl = Object . getOwnPropertyNames , Y2 = Object . getPrototypeOf , X2 = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty , nr = ( e , t ) => function ( ) { return t || ( 0 , e [ Yl ( e ) [ 0 ] ] ) ( ( t = { exports : { } } ) . exports , t ) , t . exports } , Q2 = ( e , t , r , n ) => { if ( t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function" ) for ( let o of Yl ( t ) ) ! X2 . call ( e , o ) && o !== r && Kl ( e , o , { get : ( ) => t [ o ] , enumerable : ! ( n = K2 ( t , o ) ) || n . enumerable } ) ; return e } , Xl = ( e , t , r ) => ( r = e != null ? W2 ( Y2 ( e ) ) : { } , Q2 ( t || ! e || ! e . _ _esModule ? Kl ( r , "default" , { value : e , enumerable : ! 0 } ) : r , e ) ) , tt = e => ` control- ${ e . replace ( /\s+/g , "-" ) } ` , bn = e => ` set- ${ e . replace ( /\s+/g , "-" ) } ` } ) ; var E , Ql , jt , F6 , j6 , N6 , B6 , Zl , L6 , Oe , vn , ja , q6 , M6 , U6 , J6 , eu , $6 , z6 , V6 , $e , tu , H6 , G6 , ze , W6 , K6 , Y6 , ru , Nt , X6 , Xe , he , Q6 , Z6 , e8 , io = Tt ( ( ) => { S ( ) ; A ( ) ; T ( ) ; E = _ _REACT _ _ , { Children : Ql , Component : jt , Fragment : F6 , Profiler : j6 , PureComponent : N6 , StrictMode : B6 , Suspense : Zl , _ _SECRET _INTERNALS _DO _NOT _USE _OR _YOU _WILL _BE _FIRED : L6 , cloneElement : Oe , createContext : vn , createElement : ja , createFactory : q6 , createRef : M6 , forwardRef : U6 , isValidElement : J6 , lazy : eu , memo : $6 , startTransition : z6 , unstable _act : V6 , useCallback : $e , useContext : tu , useDebugValue : H6 , useDeferredValue : G6 , useEffect : ze , useId : W6 , useImperativeHandle : K6 , useInsertionEffect : Y6 , useLayoutEffect : ru , useMemo : Nt , useReducer : X6 , useRef : Xe , useState : he , useSyncExternalStore : Q6 , useTransition : Z6 , version : e8 } = _ _REACT _ _ } ) ; var au = { } ; Hl ( au , { A : ( ) => t1 , ActionBar : ( ) => Na , AddonPanel : ( ) => Ba , Badge : ( ) => La , Bar : ( ) => qa , Blockquote : ( ) => r1 , Button : ( ) => Bt , ClipboardCode : ( ) => n1 , Code : ( ) => o1 , DL : ( ) => a1 , Div : ( ) => i1 , DocumentWrapper : ( ) => s1 , EmptyTabContent : ( ) => Ma , ErrorFormatter : ( ) => l1 , FlexBar : ( ) => Ua , Form : ( ) => dt , H1 : ( ) => u1 , H2 : ( ) => Ja , H3 : ( ) => c1 , H4 : ( ) => p1 , H5 : ( ) => d1 , H6 : ( ) => f1 , HR : ( ) => y1 , IconButton : ( ) => ht , IconButtonSkeleton : ( ) => h1 , Icons : ( ) => m1 , Img : ( ) => g1 , LI : ( ) => b1 , Link : ( ) => ar , ListItem : ( ) => v1 , Loader : ( ) => x1 , Modal : ( ) => mt , OL : ( ) => E1 , P : ( ) => w1 , Placeholder : ( ) => S1 , Pre : ( ) => A1 , ResetWrapper : ( ) => $a , ScrollArea : ( ) => T1 , Separator : ( ) => C1 , Spaced : ( ) => za , Span : ( ) => _1 , StorybookIcon : ( ) => O1 , StorybookLogo : ( ) => I1 , Symbols : ( ) => P1 , SyntaxHighlighter : ( ) => so , TT : ( ) => k1 , TabBar : ( ) => R1 , TabButton : ( ) => D1 , TabWrapper : ( ) => F1 , Table : ( ) => j1 , Tabs : ( ) => N1 , TabsState : ( ) => B1 , TooltipLinkList : ( ) => L1 , TooltipMessage : ( ) => q1 , TooltipNote : ( ) => ir , UL : ( ) => M1 , WithTooltip : ( ) => Lt , WithTooltipPure : ( ) => Va , Zoom : ( ) => Ha , codeCommon : ( ) => Ir , components : ( ) => Ga , createCopyToClipboardFunction : ( ) => U1 , defa
[ ] { ` +Math.min.apply(Math,o)+"}","g");n=n.map(function(s){return s.replace(a, `
` )})}n[0]=n[0].replace(/^ \r ? \n /,"");var i=n[0];return t.forEach(function(s,l){var u=i.match(/(?:^| \n )( *) $ /),c=u?u[1]:"",d=s;typeof s=="string"&&s.includes( `
` )&&(d=String(s).split( `
` ).map(function(y,f){return f===0?y:""+c+y}).join( `
` )),i+=d+n[l+1]}),i}Pe(De,"dedent");function Vi({code:e,category:t}){let r=String(e).padStart(4,"0");return ` SB _$ { t } _$ { r } ` }Pe(Vi,"parseErrorCode");var Mh=class Uh extends Error{category;code;data={};documentation;fromStorybook=!0;get fullErrorCode(){return Vi({code:this.code,category:this.category})}get name(){let t=this.constructor.name;return ` $ { this . fullErrorCode } ( $ { t } ) ` }constructor(t){super(Uh.getFullMessage(t)),this.category=t.category,this.documentation=t.documentation??!1,this.code=t.code}static getFullMessage({documentation:t,code:r,category:n,message:o}){let a;return t===!0?a= ` https : //storybook.js.org/error/${Vi({code:r,category:n})}`:typeof t=="string"?a=t:Array.isArray(t)&&(a=`
$ { t . map ( i => ` - ${ i } ` ) . join ( `
` )} ` ) , ` ${ o } ${ a != null ? `
More info : $ { a }
Couldn 't find story matching id ' $ { t . storyId } ' after HMR .
- Did you just rename a story ?
- Did you remove it from your CSF file ?
- Are you sure a story with the id '${t.storyId}' exists ?
- Please check the values in the stories field of your main . js config and see if they would match your CSF File .
- Also check the browser console and terminal for potential error messages . ` }),this.data=t}};Pe(Jh,"MissingStoryAfterHmrError");var $ h=Jh,IP=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:2,documentation:"https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#using-implicit-actions-during-rendering-is-deprecated-for-example-in-the-play-function",message:De `
We detected that you use an implicit action arg while $ { t . phase } of your story .
$ { t . deprecated ? `
This is deprecated and won ' t work in Storybook 8 anymore .
` :""}
Please provide an explicit spy to your args like this :
import { fn } from '@storybook/test' ;
args : {
$ { t . name } : fn ( )
} ` }),this.data=t}};Pe(IP,"ImplicitActionsDuringRendering");var zh=class extends Me{constructor(){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:3,message:De `
Cannot call \ ` storyStore.extract() \` without calling \` storyStore.cacheAllCsfFiles() \` first.
You probably meant to call \ ` await preview.extract() \` which does the above for you. ` } ) } } ; Pe ( zh , "CalledExtractOnStoreError" ) ; var Vh = zh , Hh = class extends Me { constructor ( ) { super ( { category : "PREVIEW_API" , code : 4 , message : De `
Expected your framework ' s preset to export a \ ` renderToCanvas \` field.
Perhaps it needs to be upgraded for Storybook 7.0 ? ` ,documentation:"https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#mainjs-framework-field"})}};Pe(Hh,"MissingRenderToCanvasError");var Gh=Hh,Wh=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:5,message:De `
Called \ ` Preview. ${ t . methodName } () \` before initialization.
The preview needs to load the story index before most methods can be called . If you want
to call \ ` ${ t . methodName } \` , try \` await preview.initializationPromise; \` first.
If you didn ' t call the above code , then likely it was called by an addon that needs to
do the above . ` }),this.data=t}};Pe(Wh,"CalledPreviewMethodBeforeInitializationError");var rt=Wh,Kh=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:6,message:De `
Error fetching \ ` /index.json \` :
$ { t . text }
If you are in development , this likely indicates a problem with your Storybook process ,
check the terminal for errors .
If you are in a deployed Storybook , there may have been an issue deploying the full Storybook
build . ` }),this.data=t}};Pe(Kh,"StoryIndexFetchError");var Yh=Kh,Xh=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:7,message:De `
Tried to render docs entry $ { t . storyId } but it is a MDX file that has no CSF
references , or autodocs for a CSF file that some doesn ' t refer to itself .
This likely is an internal error in Storybook 's indexing, or you' ve attached the
\ ` attached-mdx \` tag to an MDX file that is not attached. ` } ) , this . data = t } } ; Pe ( Xh , "MdxFileWithNoCsfReferencesError" ) ; var Qh = Xh , Zh = class extends Me { constructor ( ) { super ( { category : "PREVIEW_API" , code : 8 , message : De `
Couldn ' t find any stories in your Storybook .
- Please check your stories field of your main . js config : does it match correctly ?
- Also check the browser console and terminal for error messages . ` })}};Pe(Zh,"EmptyIndexError");var em=Zh,tm=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:9,message:De `
Couldn 't find story matching ' $ { t . storySpecifier } ' .
- Are you sure a story with that id exists ?
- Please check your stories field of your main . js config .
- Also check the browser console and terminal for error messages . ` }),this.data=t}};Pe(tm,"NoStoryMatchError");var rm=tm,nm=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:10,message:De `
Couldn 't find story matching id ' $ { t . storyId } ' after importing a CSF file .
The file was indexed as if the story was there , but then after importing the file in the browser
we didn ' t find the story . Possible reasons :
- You are using a custom story indexer that is misbehaving .
- You have a custom file loader that is removing or renaming exports .
Please check your browser console and terminal for errors that may explain the issue . ` }),this.data=t}};Pe(nm,"MissingStoryFromCsfFileError");var om=nm,am=class extends Me{constructor(){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:11,message:De `
Cannot access the Story Store until the index is ready .
It is not recommended to use methods directly on the Story Store anyway , in Storybook 9 we will
remove access to the store entirely ` })}};Pe(am,"StoryStoreAccessedBeforeInitializationError");var im=am,sm=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:12,message:De `
Incorrect use of mount in the play function .
To use mount in the play function , you must satisfy the following two requirements :
1. You * must * destructure the mount property from the \ ` context \` (the argument passed to your play function).
This makes sure that Storybook does not start rendering the story before the play function begins .
2. Your Storybook framework or builder must be configured to transpile to ES2017 or newer .
This is because destructuring statements and async / await usages are otherwise transpiled away ,
which prevents Storybook from recognizing your usage of \ ` mount \` .
Note that Angular is not supported . As async / await is transpiled to support the zone . js polyfill .
More info : https : //storybook.js.org/docs/writing-tests/interaction-testing#run-code-before-the-component-gets-rendered
Received the following play function :
$ { t . playFunction } ` }),this.data=t}};Pe(sm,"MountMustBeDestructuredError");var Mo=sm,PP=class extends Me{constructor(){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:13,message:De `
You must configure testingLibraryRender to use play in portable stories .
import { render } from '@testing-library/[renderer]' ;
setProjectAnnotations ( {
testingLibraryRender : render ,
} ) ;
For other testing renderers , you can configure \ ` renderToCanvas \` like so:
import { render } from 'your-test-renderer' ;
setProjectAnnotations ( {
renderToCanvas : ( { storyFn } ) => {
const Story = storyFn ( ) ;
// Svelte
render ( Story . Component , Story . props ) ;
// Vue
render ( Story ) ;
// or for React
render ( < Story / > ) ;
} ,
} ) ; ` })}};Pe(PP,"TestingLibraryMustBeConfiguredError");var lm=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:14,message:De `
No render function available for storyId '${t.id}'
` }),this.data=t}};Pe(lm,"NoRenderFunctionError");var um=lm,cm=class extends Me{constructor(){super({category:"PREVIEW_API",code:15,message:De `
No component is mounted in your story .
This usually occurs when you destructure mount in the play function , but forget to call it .
For example :
async play ( { mount , canvasElement } ) {
// 👈 mount should be called: await mount();
const canvas = within ( canvasElement ) ;
const button = await canvas . findByRole ( 'button' ) ;
await userEvent . click ( button ) ;
} ;
Make sure to either remove it or call mount in your play function .
` })}};Pe(cm,"NoStoryMountedError");var pm=cm,kP=class extends Me{constructor(){super({category:"FRAMEWORK_NEXTJS",code:1,documentation:"https://storybook.js.org/docs/get-started/nextjs#faq",message:De `
You are importing avif images , but you don ' t have sharp installed .
You have to install sharp in order to use image optimization features in Next . js .
` })}};Pe(kP,"NextJsSharpError");var RP=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"FRAMEWORK_NEXTJS",code:2,message:De `
Tried to access router mocks from "${t.importType}" but they were not created yet . You might be running code in an unsupported environment .
` }),this.data=t}};Pe(RP,"NextjsRouterMocksNotAvailable");var dm=class extends Me{constructor(t){super({category:"DOCS-TOOLS",code:1,documentation:"https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/issues/26606",message:De `
There was a failure when generating detailed ArgTypes in $ { t . language } for :
$ { JSON . stringify ( t . type , null , 2 ) }
Storybook will fall back to use a generic type description instead .
This type is either not supported or it is a bug in the docgen generation in Storybook .
If you think this is a bug , please detail it as much as possible in the Github issue .
` }),this.data=t}};Pe(dm,"UnknownArgTypesError");var Uo=dm;S();A();T();var DP=Object.create,mm=Object.defineProperty,FP=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,jP=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,NP=Object.getPrototypeOf,BP=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,LP=(e,t)=>()=>(t||e((t={exports:{}}).exports,t),t.exports),qP=(e,t,r,n)=>{if(t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function")for(let o of jP(t))!BP.call(e,o)&&o!==r&&mm(e,o,{get:()=>t[o],enumerable:!(n=FP(t,o))||n.enumerable});return e},MP=(e,t,r)=>(r=e!=null?DP(NP(e)):{},qP(t||!e||!e.__esModule?mm(r,"default",{value:e,enumerable:!0}):r,e)),UP=LP(e=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.isEqual=function(){var t=Object.prototype.toString,r=Object.getPrototypeOf,n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?function(o){return Object.keys(o).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o))}:Object.keys;return function(o,a){return function i(s,l,u){var c,d,y,f=t.call(s),h=t.call(l);if(s===l)return!0;if(s==null||l==null)return!1;if(u.indexOf(s)>-1&&u.indexOf(l)>-1)return!0;if(u.push(s,l),f!=h||(c=n(s),d=n(l),c.length!=d.length||c.some(function(g){return!i(s[g],l[g],u)})))return!1;switch(f.slice(8,-1)){case"Symbol":return s.valueOf()==l.valueOf();case"Date":case"Number":return+s==+l||+s!=+s&&+l!=+l;case"RegExp":case"Function":case"String":case"Boolean":return""+s==""+l;case"Set":case"Map":c=s.entries(),d=l.entries();do if(!i((y=c.next()).value,d.next().value,u))return!1;while(!y.done);return!0;case"ArrayBuffer":s=new Uint8Array(s),l=new Uint8Array(l);case"DataView":s=new Uint8Array(s.buffer),l=new Uint8Array(l.buffer);case"Float32Array":case"Float64Array":case"Int8Array":case"Int16Array":case"Int32Array":case"Uint8Array":case"Uint16Array":case"Uint32Array":case"Uint8ClampedArray":case"Arguments":case"Array":if(s.length!=l.length)return!1;for(y=0;y<s.length;y++)if((y in s||y in l)&&(y in s!=y in l||!i(s[y],l[y],u)))return!1;return!0;case"Object":return i(r(s),r(l),u);default:return!1}}(o,a,[])}}()});function JP(e){return e.replace(/_/g," ").replace(/-/g," ").replace(/ \. /g," ").replace(/([^ \n ])([A-Z])([a-z])/g,(t,r,n,o)=> ` $ { r } $ { n } $ { o } ` ).replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g,(t,r,n)=> ` $ { r } $ { n } ` ).replace(/([a-z])([0-9])/gi,(t,r,n)=> ` $ { r } $ { n } ` ).replace(/([0-9])([a-z])/gi,(t,r,n)=> ` $ { r } $ { n } ` ).replace(/( \s |^)( \w )/g,(t,r,n)=> ` $ { r } $ { n . toUpperCase ( ) } ` ).replace(/ +/g," ").trim()}var fm=MP(UP()),gm=e=>e.map(t=>typeof t<"u").filter(Boolean).length, $ P=(e,t)=>{let{exists:r,eq:n,neq:o,truthy:a}=e;if(gm([r,n,o,a])>1)throw new Error( ` Invalid conditional test $ { JSON . stringify ( { exists : r , eq : n , neq : o } ) } ` );if(typeof n<"u")return(0,fm.isEqual)(t,n);if(typeof o<"u")return!(0,fm.isEqual)(t,o);if(typeof r<"u"){let i=typeof t<"u";return r?i:!i}return typeof a>"u"||a?!!t:!t},bm=(e,t,r)=>{if(!e.if)return!0;let{arg:n,global:o}=e.if;if(gm([n,o])!==1)throw new Error( ` Invalid conditional value $ { JSON . stringify ( { arg : n , global : o } ) } ` );let a=n?t[n]:r[o];return $ P(e.if,a)},Hi=e=>e.toLowerCase().replace(/[ ’–—―′¿' ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ | + \ -= ? ; : '",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi,"-").replace(/-+/g,"-").replace(/^-+/,"").replace(/-+$/,""),ym=(e,t)=>{let r=Hi(e);if(r==="")throw new Error(`Invalid ${t} ' $ { e } ', must include alphanumeric characters`);return r},vm=(e,t)=>`${ym(e,"kind")}${t?`--${ym(t,"name")}`:""}`,xm=e=>JP(e);function hm(e,t){return Array.isArray(t)?t.includes(e):e.match(t)}function Jo(e,{includeStories:t,excludeStories:r}){return e!=="__esModule"&&(!t||hm(e,t))&&(!r||!hm(e,r))}var Em=(...e)=>{let t=e.reduce((r,n)=>(n.startsWith("!")?r.delete(n.slice(1)):r.add(n),r),new Set);return Array.from(t)};var zP=Object.create,ds=Object.defineProperty,VP=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,HP=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,GP=Object.getPrototypeOf,WP=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,m=(e,t)=>ds(e,"name",{value:t,configurable:!0}),$o=(e=>typeof et<"u"?et:typeof Proxy<"u"?new Proxy(e,{get:(t,r)=>(typeof et<"u"?et:t)[r]}):e)(function(e){if(typeof et<"u")return et.apply(this,arguments);throw Error(' Dynamic require of "'+e+'" is not supported ' ) } ) , L = ( e , t ) => ( ) => ( t || e ( ( t = { exports : { } } ) . exports , t ) , t . exports ) , KP = ( e , t , r , n ) => { if ( t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function" ) for ( l
` )>=0)return!1;return!0}m(un,"singleLineValues");function no( $ ,H){var ue;if( $ .indent===" ")ue=" ";else if(typeof $ .indent=="number"&& $ .indent>0)ue=G.call(Array( $ .indent+1)," ");else return null;return{base:ue,prev:G.call(Array(H+1),ue)}}m(no,"getIndent");function wr( $ ,H){if( $ .length===0)return"";var ue= `
` +H.prev+H.base;return ue+G.call( $ ,","+ue)+ `
` +H.prev}m(wr,"indentedJoin");function Qt( $ ,H){var ue=we( $ ),de=[];if(ue){de.length= $ .length;for(var Ae=0;Ae< $ .length;Ae++)de[Ae]=ce( $ ,Ae)?H( $ [Ae], $ ):""}var se=typeof R=="function"?R( $ ):[],ot;if(M){ot={};for(var yt=0;yt<se.length;yt++)ot[" $ "+se[yt]]=se[yt]}for(var ke in $ )ce( $ ,ke)&&(ue&&String(Number(ke))===ke&&ke< $ .length||M&&ot[" $ "+ke]instanceof Symbol||(D.call(/[^ \w $ ]/,ke)?de.push(H(ke, $ )+": "+H( $ [ke], $ )):de.push(ke+": "+H( $ [ke], $ ))));if(typeof R=="function")for(var xe=0;xe<se.length;xe++)te.call( $ ,se[xe])&&de.push("["+H(se[xe])+"]: "+H( $ [se[xe]], $ ));return de}m(Qt,"arrObjKeys")}),XR=L((e,t)=>{"use strict";var r=Kr(),n=WR(),o=YR(),a=Un(),i=r("%WeakMap%",!0),s=r("%Map%",!0),l=n("WeakMap.prototype.get",!0),u=n("WeakMap.prototype.set",!0),c=n("WeakMap.prototype.has",!0),d=n("Map.prototype.get",!0),y=n("Map.prototype.set",!0),f=n("Map.prototype.has",!0),h=m(function(v,O){for(var C=v,I;(I=C.next)!==null;C=I)if(I.key===O)return C.next=I.next,I.next=v.next,v.next=I,I},"listGetNode"),g=m(function(v,O){var C=h(v,O);return C&&C.value},"listGet"),_=m(function(v,O,C){var I=h(v,O);I?I.value=C:v.next={key:O,next:v.next,value:C}},"listSet"),x=m(function(v,O){return!!h(v,O)},"listHas");t.exports=m(function(){var v,O,C,I={assert:m(function(P){if(!I.has(P))throw new a("Side channel does not contain "+o(P))},"assert"),get:m(function(P){if(i&&P&&(typeof P=="object"||typeof P=="function")){if(v)return l(v,P)}else if(s){if(O)return d(O,P)}else if(C)return g(C,P)},"get"),has:m(function(P){if(i&&P&&(typeof P=="object"||typeof P=="function")){if(v)return c(v,P)}else if(s){if(O)return f(O,P)}else if(C)return x(C,P);return!1},"has"),set:m(function(P,F){i&&P&&(typeof P=="object"||typeof P=="function")?(v||(v=new i),u(v,P,F)):s?(O||(O=new s),y(O,P,F)):(C||(C={key:{},next:null}),_(C,P,F))},"set")};return I},"getSideChannel")}),_s=L((e,t)=>{"use strict";var r=String.prototype.replace,n=/%20/g,o={RFC1738:"RFC1738",RFC3986:"RFC3986"};t.exports={default:o.RFC3986,formatters:{RFC1738:m(function(a){return r.call(a,n,"+")},"RFC1738"),RFC3986:m(function(a){return String(a)},"RFC3986")},RFC1738:o.RFC1738,RFC3986:o.RFC3986}}),dg=L((e,t)=>{"use strict";var r=_s(),n=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,o=Array.isArray,a=function(){for(var v=[],O=0;O<256;++O)v.push("%"+((O<16?"0":"")+O.toString(16)).toUpperCase());return v}(),i=m(function(v){for(;v.length>1;){var O=v.pop(),C=O.obj[O.prop];if(o(C)){for(var I=[],P=0;P<C.length;++P)typeof C[P]<"u"&&I.push(C[P]);O.obj[O.prop]=I}}},"compactQueue"),s=m(function(v,O){for(var C=O&&O.plainObjects?Object.create(null):{},I=0;I<v.length;++I)typeof v[I]<"u"&&(C[I]=v[I]);return C},"arrayToObject"),l=m(function v(O,C,I){if(!C)return O;if(typeof C!="object"){if(o(O))O.push(C);else if(O&&typeof O=="object")(I&&(I.plainObjects||I.allowPrototypes)||!n.call(Object.prototype,C))&&(O[C]=!0);else return[O,C];return O}if(!O||typeof O!="object")return[O].concat(C);var P=O;return o(O)&&!o(C)&&(P=s(O,I)),o(O)&&o(C)?(C.forEach(function(F,D){if(n.call(O,D)){var U=O[D];U&&typeof U=="object"&&F&&typeof F=="object"?O[D]=v(U,F,I):O.push(F)}else O[D]=F}),O):Object.keys(C).reduce(function(F,D){var U=C[D];return n.call(F,D)?F[D]=v(F[D],U,I):F[D]=U,F},P)},"merge"),u=m(function(v,O){return Object.keys(O).reduce(function(C,I){return C[I]=O[I],C},v)},"assignSingleSource"),c=m(function(v,O,C){var I=v.replace(/ \+ /g," ");if(C==="iso-8859-1")return I.replace(/%[0-9a-f]{2}/gi,unescape);try{return decodeURIComponent(I)}catch{return I}},"decode"),d=1024,y=m(function(v,O,C,I,P){if(v.length===0)return v;var F=v;if(typeof v=="symbol"?F=Symbol.prototype.toString.call(v):typeof v!="string"&&(F=String(v)),C==="iso-8859-1")return escape(F).replace(/%u[0-9a-f]{4}/gi,function(R){return"%26%23"+parseInt(R.slice(2),16)+"%3B"});for(var D="",U=0;U<F.length;U+=d){for(var G=F.length>=d?F.slice(U,U+d):F,X=[],Q=0;Q<G.length;++Q){var V=G.charCodeAt(Q);if(V===45||V===46||V===95||V===126||V>=48&&V<=57||V>=65&&V<=90||V>=97&&V<=122||P===r.RFC1738&&(V===40||V===41)){X[X.length]=G.charAt(Q);continue}if(V<128){X[X.length]=a[V];continue}if(V<2048){X[X.length]=a[192|V>>6]+a[128|V&63];con
` ,nexist:" \u 2204",nexists:" \u 2204",Nfr:" \u {1D511}",nfr:" \u {1D52B}",ngE:" \u 2267 \u 0338",nge:" \u 2271",ngeq:" \u 2271",ngeqq:" \u 2267 \u 0338",ngeqslant:" \u 2A7E \u 0338",nges:" \u 2A7E \u 0338",nGg:" \u 22D9 \u 0338",ngsim:" \u 2275",nGt:" \u 226B \u 20D2",ngt:" \u 226F",ngtr:" \u 226F",nGtv:" \u 226B \u 0338",nharr:" \u 21AE",nhArr:" \u 21CE",nhpar:" \u 2AF2",ni:" \u 220B",nis:" \u 22FC",nisd:" \u 22FA",niv:" \u 220B",NJcy:" \u 040A",njcy:" \u 045A",nlarr:" \u 219A",nlArr:" \u 21CD",nldr:" \u 2025",nlE:" \u 2266 \u 0338",nle:" \u 2270",nleftarrow:" \u 219A",nLeftarrow:" \u 21CD",nleftrightarrow:" \u 21AE",nLeftrightarrow:" \u 21CE",nleq:" \u 2270",nleqq:" \u 2266 \u 0338",nleqslant:" \u 2A7D \u 0338",nles:" \u 2A7D \u 0338",nless:" \u 226E",nLl:" \u 22D8 \u 0338",nlsim:" \u 2274",nLt:" \u 226A \u 20D2",nlt:" \u 226E",nltri:" \u 22EA",nltrie:" \u 22EC",nLtv:" \u 226A \u 0338",nmid:" \u 2224",NoBreak:" \u 2060",NonBreakingSpace:" \x A0",nopf:" \u {1D55F}",Nopf:" \u 2115",Not:" \u 2AEC",not:" \x AC",NotCongruent:" \u 2262",NotCupCap:" \u 226D",NotDoubleVerticalBar:" \u 2226",NotElement:" \u 2209",NotEqual:" \u 2260",NotEqualTilde:" \u 2242 \u 0338",NotExists:" \u 2204",NotGreater:" \u 226F",NotGreaterEqual:" \u 2271",NotGreaterFullEqual:" \u 2267 \u 0338",NotGreaterGreater:" \u 226B \u 0338",NotGreaterLess:" \u 2279",NotGreaterSlantEqual:" \u 2A7E \u 0338",NotGreaterTilde:" \u 2275",NotHumpDownHump:" \u 224E \u 0338",NotHumpEqual:" \u 224F \u 0338",notin:" \u 2209",notindot:" \u 22F5 \u 0338",notinE:" \u 22F9 \u 0338",notinva:" \u 2209",notinvb:" \u 22F7",notinvc:" \u 22F6",NotLeftTriangleBar:" \u 29CF \u 0338",NotLeftTriangle:" \u 22EA",NotLeftTriangleEqual:" \u 22EC",NotLess:" \u 226E",NotLessEqual:" \u 2270",NotLessGreater:" \u 2278",NotLessLess:" \u 226A \u 0338",NotLessSlantEqual:" \u 2A7D \u 0338",NotLessTilde:" \u 2274",NotNestedGreaterGreater:" \u 2AA2 \u 0338",NotNestedLessLess:" \u 2AA1 \u 0338",notni:" \u 220C",notniva:" \u 220C",notnivb:" \u 22FE",notnivc:" \u 22FD",NotPrecedes:" \u 2280",NotPrecedesEqual:" \u 2AAF \u 0338",NotPrecedesSlantEqual:" \u 22E0",NotReverseElement:" \u 220C",NotRightTriangleBar:" \u 29D0 \u 0338",NotRightTriangle:" \u 22EB",NotRightTriangleEqual:" \u 22ED",NotSquareSubset:" \u 228F \u 0338",NotSquareSubsetEqual:" \u 22E2",NotSquareSuperset:" \u 2290 \u 0338",NotSquareSupersetEqual:" \u 22E3",NotSubset:" \u 2282 \u 20D2",NotSubsetEqual:" \u 2288",NotSucceeds:" \u 2281",NotSucceedsEqual:" \u 2AB0 \u 0338",NotSucceedsSlantEqual:" \u 22E1",NotSucceedsTilde:" \u 227F \u 0338",NotSuperset:" \u 2283 \u 20D2",NotSupersetEqual:" \u 2289",NotTilde:" \u 2241",NotTildeEqual:" \u 2244",NotTildeFullEqual:" \u 2247",NotTildeTilde:" \u 2249",NotVerticalBar:" \u 2224",nparallel:" \u 2226",npar:" \u 2226",nparsl:" \u 2AFD \u 20E5",npart:" \u 2202 \u 0338",npolint:" \u 2A14",npr:" \u 2280",nprcue:" \u 22E0",nprec:" \u 2280",npreceq:" \u 2AAF \u 0338",npre:" \u 2AAF \u 0338",nrarrc:" \u 2933 \u 0338",nrarr:" \u 219B",nrArr:" \u 21CF",nrarrw:" \u 219D \u 0338",nrightarrow:" \u 219B",nRightarrow:" \u 21CF",nrtri:" \u 22EB",nrtrie:" \u 22ED",nsc:" \u 2281",nsccue:" \u 22E1",nsce:" \u 2AB0 \u 0338",Nscr:" \u {1D4A9}",nscr:" \u {1D4C3}",nshortmid:" \u 2224",nshortparallel:" \u 2226",nsim:" \u 2241",nsime:" \u 2244",nsimeq:" \u 2244",nsmid:" \u 2224",nspar:" \u 2226",nsqsube:" \u 22E2",nsqsupe:" \u 22E3",nsub:" \u 2284",nsubE:" \u 2AC5 \u 0338",nsube:" \u 2288",nsubset:" \u 2282 \u 20D2",nsubseteq:" \u 2288",nsubseteqq:" \u 2AC5 \u 0338",nsucc:" \u 2281",nsucceq:" \u 2AB0 \u 0338",nsup:" \u 2285",nsupE:" \u 2AC6 \u 0338",nsupe:" \u 2289",nsupset:" \u 2283 \u 20D2",nsupseteq:" \u 2289",nsupseteqq:" \u 2AC6 \u 0338",ntgl:" \u 2279",Ntilde:" \x D1",ntilde:" \x F1",ntlg:" \u 2278",ntriangleleft:" \u 22EA",ntrianglelefteq:" \u 22EC",ntriangleright:" \u 22EB",ntrianglerighteq:" \u 22ED",Nu:" \u 039D",nu:" \u 03BD",num:"#",numero:" \u 2116",numsp:" \u 2007",nvap:" \u 224D \u 20D2",nvdash:" \u 22AC",nvDash:" \u 22AD",nVdash:" \u 22AE",nVDash:" \u 22AF",nvge:" \u 2265 \u 20D2",nvgt:"> \u 20D2",nvHarr:" \u 2904",nvinfin:" \u 29DE",nvlArr:" \u 2902",nvle:" \u 2264 \u 20D2",nvlt:"< \u 20D2",nvltrie:" \u 22B4 \u 20D2",nvrArr:" \u 2903",nvrtrie:" \u 22B5 \u 20D2",nvsim:" \u 223C \u 20D2",nwarhk:" \u 2923",nwarr:" \u 2196",nwArr:" \u 21D6",nwarrow:" \u 2196",nwnear:" \u 2927",Oacute:" \x D3",oacute:" \x F3",oast:" \u 229B",Ocirc:" \x D4",ocirc:" \x F4",ocir:" \u 229A",Ocy:" \u 041E",ocy:" \u 043E",odash:" \u 229D",Odblac:" \u 0150",odblac:" \u 0151",odiv:" \u 2A38",odot:" \u 2299",odsold:" \u 29BC",OElig:" \u 0152",oelig:" \u 01
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}var ne=!0,re=!1,Z;return{s:m(function(){M=M.call(R)},"s"),n:m(function(){var ae=M.next();return ne=ae.done,ae},"n"),e:m(function(ae){re=!0,Z=ae},"e"),f:m(function(){try{!ne&&M.return!=null&&M.return()}finally{if(re)throw Z}},"f")}}m(a,"_createForOfIteratorHelper");function i(R,q){if(R){if(typeof R=="string")return s(R,q);var M=Object.prototype.toString.call(R).slice(8,-1);if(M==="Object"&&R.constructor&&(M=R.constructor.name),M==="Map"||M==="Set")return Array.from(R);if(M==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(M))return s(R,q)}}m(i,"_unsupportedIterableToArray");function s(R,q){(q==null||q>R.length)&&(q=R.length);for(var M=0,Y=new Array(q);M<q;M++)Y[M]=R[M];return Y}m(s,"_arrayLikeToArray");var l=n5(),u={fg:"#FFF",bg:"#000",newline:!1,escapeXML:!1,stream:!1,colors:c()};function c(){var R={0:"#000",1:"#A00",2:"#0A0",3:"#A50",4:"#00A",5:"#A0A",6:"#0AA",7:"#AAA",8:"#555",9:"#F55",10:"#5F5",11:"#FF5",12:"#55F",13:"#F5F",14:"#5FF",15:"#FFF"};return v(0,5).forEach(function(q){v(0,5).forEach(function(M){v(0,5).forEach(function(Y){return d(q,M,Y,R)})})}),v(0,23).forEach(function(q){var M=q+232,Y=y(q*10+8);R[M]="#"+Y+Y+Y}),R}m(c,"getDefaultColors");function d(R,q,M,Y){var te=16+R*36+q*6+M,ne=R>0?R*40+55:0,re=q>0?q*40+55:0,Z=M>0?M*40+55:0;Y[te]=f([ne,re,Z])}m(d,"setStyleColor");function y(R){for(var q=R.toString(16);q.length<2;)q="0"+q;return q}m(y,"toHexString");function f(R){var q=[],M=a(R),Y;try{for(M.s();!(Y=M.n()).done;){var te=Y.value;q.push(y(te))}}catch(ne){M.e(ne)}finally{M.f()}return"#"+q.join("")}m(f,"toColorHexString");function h(R,q,M,Y){var te;return q==="text"?te=I(M,Y):q==="display"?te=_(R,M,Y):q==="xterm256Foreground"?te=D(R,Y.colors[M]):q==="xterm256Background"?te=U(R,Y.colors[M]):q==="rgb"&&(te=g(R,M)),te}m(h,"generateOutput");function g(R,q){q=q.substring(2).slice(0,-1);var M=+q.substr(0,2),Y=q.substring(5).split(";"),te=Y.map(function(ne){return("0"+Number(ne).toString(16)).substr(-2)}).join("");return F(R,(M===38?"color:#":"background-color:#")+te)}m(g,"handleRgb");function _(R,q,M){q=parseInt(q,10);var Y={"-1":m(function(){return"<br/>"},"_"),0:m(function(){return R.length&&x(R)},"_"),1:m(function(){return P(R,"b")},"_"),3:m(function(){return P(R,"i")},"_"),4:m(function(){return P(R,"u")},"_"),8:m(function(){return F(R,"display:none")},"_"),9:m(function(){return P(R,"strike")},"_"),22:m(function(){return F(R,"font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;font-style:normal")},"_"),23:m(function(){return G(R,"i")},"_"),24:m(function(){return G(R,"u")},"_"),39:m(function(){return D(R,M.fg)},"_"),49:m(function(){return U(R,M.bg)},"_"),53:m(function(){return F(R,"text-decoration:overline")},"_")},te;return Y[q]?te=Y[q]():4<q&&q<7?te=P(R,"blink"):29<q&&q<38?te=D(R,M.colors[q-30]):39<q&&q<48?te=U(R,M.colors[q-40]):89<q&&q<98?te=D(R,M.colors[8+(q-90)]):99<q&&q<108&&(te=U(R,M.colors[8+(q-100)])),te}m(_,"handleDisplay");function x(R){var q=R.slice(0);return R.length=0,q.reverse().map(function(M){return"</"+M+">"}).join("")}m(x,"resetStyles");function v(R,q){for(var M=[],Y=R;Y<=q;Y++)M.push(Y);return M}m(v,"range");function O(R){return function(q){return(R===null||q.category!==R)&&R!=="all"}}m(O,"notCategory");function C(R){R=parseInt(R,10);var q=null;return R===0?q="all":R===1?q="bold":2<R&&R<5?q="underline":4<R&&R<7?q="blink":R===8?q="hide":R===9?q="strike":29<R&&R<38||R===39||89<R&&R<98?q="foreground-color":(39<R&&R<48||R===49||99<R&&R<108)&&(q="background-color"),q}m(C,"categoryForCode");function I(R,q){return q.escapeXML?l.encodeXML(R):R}m(I,"pushText");function P(R,q,M){return M||(M=""),R.push(q),"<".concat(q).concat(M?' style="'.concat(M,'"'):"",">")}m(P,"pushTag");function F(R,q){return P(R,"span",q)}m(F,"pushStyle");function D(R,q){return P(R,"span","color:"+q)}m(D,"pushForegroundColor");function U(R,q){return P(R,"span","background-color:"+q)}m(U,"pushBackgroundColor");function G(R,q){var M;if(R.slice(-1)[0]===q&&(M=R.pop()),M)return"</"+q+">"}m(G,"closeTag");function X(R,q,M){var Y=!1,te=3;function ne(){re
Previous : $ { o . deps }
Incoming : $ { r } ` ),(r==null||o.deps==null||!l5(r,o.deps))&&(t(o),o.deps=r),o}throw Is()}m(xg,"useHook");function Jn(e,t,r){let{memoizedState:n}=xg(e,o=>{o.memoizedState=t()},r);return n}m(Jn,"useMemoLike");function u5(e,t){return Jn("useMemo",e,t)}m(u5,"useMemo");function Bn(e,t){return Jn("useCallback",()=>e,t)}m(Bn,"useCallback");function ks(e,t){return Jn(e,()=>({current:t}),[])}m(ks,"useRefLike");function c5(e){return ks("useRef",e)}m(c5,"useRef");function Eg(){let e=Ps();if(e!=null&&e.currentPhase!=="NONE")e.hasUpdates=!0;else try{pr.getChannel().emit(co)}catch{me.warn("State updates of Storybook preview hooks work only in browser")}}m(Eg,"triggerUpdate");function Rs(e,t){let r=ks(e,typeof t=="function"?t():t),n=m(o=>{r.current=typeof o=="function"?o(r.current):o,Eg()},"setState");return[r.current,n]}m(Rs,"useStateLike");function p5(e){return Rs("useState",e)}m(p5,"useState");function d5(e,t,r){let n=r!=null?()=>r(t):t,[o,a]=Rs("useReducer",n);return[o,m(i=>a(s=>e(s,i)),"dispatch")]}m(d5,"useReducer");function wg(e,t){let r=na(),n=Jn("useEffect",()=>({create:e}),t);r.currentEffects.includes(n)||r.currentEffects.push(n)}m(wg,"useEffect");function f5(e,t=[]){let r=pr.getChannel();return wg(()=>(Object.entries(e).forEach(([n,o])=>r.on(n,o)),()=>{Object.entries(e).forEach(([n,o])=>r.removeListener(n,o))}),[...Object.keys(e),...t]),Bn(r.emit.bind(r),[r])}m(f5,"useChannel");function oa(){let{currentContext:e}=na();if(e==null)throw Is();return e}m(oa,"useStoryContext");function y5(e,t){let{parameters:r}=oa();if(e)return r[e]??t}m(y5,"useParameter");function h5(){let e=pr.getChannel(),{id:t,args:r}=oa(),n=Bn(a=>e.emit(ho,{storyId:t,updatedArgs:a}),[e,t]),o=Bn(a=>e.emit(po,{storyId:t,argNames:a}),[e,t]);return[r,n,o]}m(h5,"useArgs");function m5(){let e=pr.getChannel(),{globals:t}=oa(),r=Bn(n=>e.emit(yo,{globals:n}),[e]);return[t,r]}m(m5,"useGlobals");var Ere=m(({name:e,parameterName:t,wrapper:r,skipIfNoParametersOrOptions:n=!1})=>{let o=m(a=>(i,s)=>{let l=s.parameters&&s.parameters[t];return l&&l.disable||n&&!a&&!l?i(s):r(i,s,{options:a,parameters:l})},"decorator");return(...a)=>typeof a[0]=="function"?o()(...a):(...i)=>{if(i.length>1)return a.length>1?o(a)(...i):o(...a)(...i);throw new Error( ` Passing stories directly into $ { e } ( ) is not allowed ,
instead use addDecorator ( $ { e } ) and pass options with the '${t}' parameter ` )}},"makeDecorator"),Ki=Qe(Lm(),1),g5=Qe(ra(),1),Am=Qe(_R(),1),b5=Qe(Lm(),1),v5=(0,b5.default)(1)(e=>Object.values(e).reduce((t,r)=>(t[r.importPath]=t[r.importPath]||r,t),{})),Sg=class{entries;constructor({entries:t}={v:5,entries:{}}){this.entries=t}entryFromSpecifier(t){let r=Object.values(this.entries);if(t==="*")return r[0];if(typeof t=="string")return this.entries[t]?this.entries[t]:r.find(a=>a.id.startsWith(t));let{name:n,title:o}=t;return r.find(a=>a.name===n&&a.title===o)}storyIdToEntry(t){let r=this.entries[t];if(!r)throw new $ h({storyId:t});return r}importPathToEntry(t){return v5(this.entries)[t]}};m(Sg,"StoryIndexStore");var x5=Sg,Tm=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function ts(e,t,r){for(r of e.keys())if(Vr(r,t))return r}m(ts,"find");function Vr(e,t){var r,n,o;if(e===t)return!0;if(e&&t&&(r=e.constructor)===t.constructor){if(r===Date)return e.getTime()===t.getTime();if(r===RegExp)return e.toString()===t.toString();if(r===Array){if((n=e.length)===t.length)for(;n--&&Vr(e[n],t[n]););return n===-1}if(r===Set){if(e.size!==t.size)return!1;for(n of e)if(o=n,o&&typeof o=="object"&&(o=ts(t,o),!o)||!t.has(o))return!1;return!0}if(r===Map){if(e.size!==t.size)return!1;for(n of e)if(o=n[0],o&&typeof o=="object"&&(o=ts(t,o),!o)||!Vr(n[1],t.get(o)))return!1;return!0}if(r===ArrayBuffer)e=new Uint8Array(e),t=new Uint8Array(t);else if(r===DataView){if((n=e.byteLength)===t.byteLength)for(;n--&&e.getInt8(n)===t.getInt8(n););return n===-1}if(ArrayBuffer.isView(e)){if((n=e.byteLength)===t.byteLength)for(;n--&&e[n]===t[n];);return n===-1}if(!r||typeof e=="object"){n=0;for(r in e)if(Tm.call(e,r)&&++n&&!Tm.call(t,r)||!(r in t)||!Vr(e[r],t[r]))return!1;return Object.keys(t).length===n}}return e!==e&&t!==t}m(Vr,"dequal");var Ho=Qe(As(),1);function lt(e){for(var t=[],r=1;r<arguments.length;r++)t[r-1]=arguments[r];var n=Array.from(typeof e=="string"?[e]:e);n[n.length-1]=n[n.length-1].replace(/ \r ? \n ([ \t ]*) $ /,"");var o=n.reduce(function(s,l){var u=l.match(/ \n ([ \t ]+|(?! \s ).)/g);return u?s.concat(u.map(function(c){var d,y;return(y=(d=c.match(/[ \t ]/g))===null||d===void 0?void 0:d.length)!==null&&y!==void 0?y:0})):s},[]);if(o.length){var a=new RegExp( `
[ ] { ` +Math.min.apply(Math,o)+"}","g");n=n.map(function(s){return s.replace(a, `
` )})}n[0]=n[0].replace(/^ \r ? \n /,"");var i=n[0];return t.forEach(function(s,l){var u=i.match(/(?:^| \n )( *) $ /),c=u?u[1]:"",d=s;typeof s=="string"&&s.includes( `
` )&&(d=String(s).split( `
` ).map(function(y,f){return f===0?y:""+c+y}).join( `
` )),i+=d+n[l+1]}),i}m(lt,"dedent");var $ r=Symbol("incompatible"),rs=m((e,t)=>{let r=t.type;if(e==null||!r||t.mapping)return e;switch(r.name){case"string":return String(e);case"enum":return e;case"number":return Number(e);case"boolean":return String(e)==="true";case"array":return!r.value||!Array.isArray(e)? $ r:e.reduce((n,o,a)=>{let i=rs(o,{type:r.value});return i!== $ r&&(n[a]=i),n},new Array(e.length));case"object":return typeof e=="string"||typeof e=="number"?e:!r.value||typeof e!="object"? $ r:Object.entries(e).reduce((n,[o,a])=>{let i=rs(a,{type:r.value[o]});return i=== $ r?n:Object.assign(n,{[o]:i})},{});default:return $ r}},"map"),E5=m((e,t)=>Object.entries(e).reduce((r,[n,o])=>{if(!t[n])return r;let a=rs(o,t[n]);return a=== $ r?r:Object.assign(r,{[n]:a})},{}),"mapArgsToTypes"),ns=m((e,t)=>Array.isArray(e)&&Array.isArray(t)?t.reduce((r,n,o)=>(r[o]=ns(e[o],t[o]),r),[...e]).filter(r=>r!==void 0):!(0,Ho.default)(e)||!(0,Ho.default)(t)?t:Object.keys({...e,...t}).reduce((r,n)=>{if(n in t){let o=ns(e[n],t[n]);o!==void 0&&(r[n]=o)}else r[n]=e[n];return r},{}),"combineArgs"),w5=m((e,t)=>Object.entries(t).reduce((r,[n,{options:o}])=>{function a(){return n in e&&(r[n]=e[n]),r}if(m(a,"allowArg"),!o)return a();if(!Array.isArray(o))return Ut.error(lt `
Invalid argType : '${n}.options' should be an array .
More info : https : //storybook.js.org/docs/react/api/argtypes
` ),a();if(o.some(d=>d&&["object","function"].includes(typeof d)))return Ut.error(lt `
Invalid argType : '${n}.options' should only contain primitives . Use a 'mapping' for complex values .
More info : https : //storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/args#mapping-to-complex-arg-values
` ),a();let i=Array.isArray(e[n]),s=i&&e[n].findIndex(d=>!o.includes(d)),l=i&&s===-1;if(e[n]===void 0||o.includes(e[n])||l)return a();let u=i? ` $ { n } [ $ { s } ] ` :n,c=o.map(d=>typeof d=="string"? ` '${d}' ` :String(d)).join(", ");return Ut.warn( ` Received illegal value for '${u}' . Supported options : $ { c } ` ),r},{}),"validateOptions"),jn=Symbol("Deeply equal"),Go=m((e,t)=>{if(typeof e!=typeof t)return t;if(Vr(e,t))return jn;if(Array.isArray(e)&&Array.isArray(t)){let r=t.reduce((n,o,a)=>{let i=Go(e[a],o);return i!==jn&&(n[a]=i),n},new Array(t.length));return t.length>=e.length?r:r.concat(new Array(e.length-t.length).fill(void 0))}return(0,Ho.default)(e)&&(0,Ho.default)(t)?Object.keys({...e,...t}).reduce((r,n)=>{let o=Go(e?.[n],t?.[n]);return o===jn?r:Object.assign(r,{[n]:o})},{}):t},"deepDiff"),Ag="UNTARGETED";function Tg({args:e,argTypes:t}){let r={};return Object.entries(e).forEach(([n,o])=>{let{target:a=Ag}=t[n]||{};r[a]=r[a]||{},r[a][n]=o}),r}m(Tg,"groupArgsByTarget");function Cg(e){return Object.keys(e).forEach(t=>e[t]===void 0&&delete e[t]),e}m(Cg,"deleteUndefined");var _g=class{initialArgsByStoryId={};argsByStoryId={};get(t){if(!(t in this.argsByStoryId))throw new Error( ` No args known for $ { t } -- has it been rendered yet ? ` );return this.argsByStoryId[t]}setInitial(t){if(!this.initialArgsByStoryId[t.id])this.initialArgsByStoryId[t.id]=t.initialArgs,this.argsByStoryId[t.id]=t.initialArgs;else if(this.initialArgsByStoryId[t.id]!==t.initialArgs){let r=Go(this.initialArgsByStoryId[t.id],this.argsByStoryId[t.id]);this.initialArgsByStoryId[t.id]=t.initialArgs,this.argsByStoryId[t.id]=t.initialArgs,r!==jn&&this.updateFromDelta(t,r)}}updateFromDelta(t,r){let n=w5(r,t.argTypes);this.argsByStoryId[t.id]=ns(this.argsByStoryId[t.id],n)}updateFromPersisted(t,r){let n=E5(r,t.argTypes);return this.updateFromDelta(t,n)}update(t,r){if(!(t in this.argsByStoryId))throw new Error( ` No args known for $ { t } -- has it been rendered yet ? ` );this.argsByStoryId[t]=Cg({...this.argsByStoryId[t],...r})}};m(_g,"ArgsStore");var S5=_g,Og=m((e={})=>Object.entries(e).reduce((t,[r,{defaultValue:n}])=>(typeof n<"u"&&(t[r]=n),t),{}),"getValuesFromArgTypes"),Ig=class{allowedGlobalNames;initialGlobals;globals;constructor({globals:t={},globalTypes:r={}}){this.set({globals:t,globalTypes:r})}set({globals:t={},globalTypes:r={}}){let n=this.initialGlobals&&Go(this.initialGlobals,this.globals);this.allowedGlobalNames=new Set([...Object.keys(t),...Object.keys(r)]);let o=Og(r);this.initialGlobals={...o,...t},this.globals=this.initialGlobals,n&&n!==jn&&this.updateFromPersisted(n)}filterAllowedGlobals(t){return Object.entries(t).reduce((r,[n,o])=>(this.allowedGlobalNames.has(n)?r[n]=o:me.warn( ` Attempted to set a global ( $ { n } ) that is not defined in initial globals or globalTypes ` ),r),{})}updateFromPersisted(t){let r=this.filterAllowedGlobals(t);this.globals={...this.globals,...r}}get(){return this.globals}update(t){this.globals={...this.globals,...this.filterAllowedGlobals(t)}}};m(Ig,"GlobalsStore");var A5=Ig,T5=Qe(ra(),1),C5=m(e=>typeof e=="string"?{name:e}:e,"normalizeType"),_5=m(e=>typeof e=="string"?{type:e}:e,"normalizeControl"),O5=m((e,t)=>{let{type:r,control:n,...o}=e,a={name:t,...o};return r&&(a.type=C5(r)),n?a.control=_5(n):n===!1&&(a.control={disable:!0}),a},"normalizeInputType"),Wo=m(e=>(0,T5.default)(e,O5),"normalizeInputTypes"),Fe=m(e=>Array.isArray(e)?e:e?[e]:[],"normalizeArrays"),I5=lt `
2024-06-16 17:30:30 +02:00
CSF . story annotations deprecated ; annotate story functions directly :
- StoryFn . story . name => StoryFn . storyName
- StoryFn . story . ( parameters | decorators ) => StoryFn . ( parameters | decorators )
See https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#hoisted-csf-annotations for details and codemod.
2024-07-31 10:01:28 +02:00
` ;function Ds(e,t,r){let n=t,o=typeof t=="function"?t:null,{story:a}=n;a&&(me.debug("deprecated story",a),Ct(I5));let i=xm(e),s=typeof n!="function"&&n.name||n.storyName||a?.name||i,l=[...Fe(n.decorators),...Fe(a?.decorators)],u={...a?.parameters,...n.parameters},c={...a?.args,...n.args},d={...a?.argTypes,...n.argTypes},y=[...Fe(n.loaders),...Fe(a?.loaders)],f=[...Fe(n.beforeEach),...Fe(a?.beforeEach)],{render:h,play:g,tags:_=[]}=n,x=u.__id||vm(r.id,i);return{moduleExport:t,id:x,name:s,tags:_,decorators:l,parameters:u,args:c,argTypes:Wo(d),loaders:y,beforeEach:f,...h&&{render:h},...o&&{userStoryFn:o},...g&&{play:g}}}m(Ds,"normalizeStory");function Fs(e,t=e.title,r){let{id:n,argTypes:o}=e;return{id:Hi(n||t),...e,title:t,...o&&{argTypes:Wo(o)},parameters:{fileName:r,...e.parameters}}}m(Fs,"normalizeComponentAnnotations");var P5=m(e=>{let{globals:t,globalTypes:r}=e;(t||r)&&me.error("Global args/argTypes can only be set globally",JSON.stringify({globals:t,globalTypes:r}))},"checkGlobals"),k5=m(e=>{let{options:t}=e;t?.storySort&&me.error("The storySort option parameter can only be set globally")},"checkStorySort"),Cm=m(e=>{e&&(P5(e),k5(e))},"checkDisallowedParameters");function Pg(e,t,r){let{default:n,__namedExportsOrder:o,...a}=e,i=Fs(n,r,t);Cm(i.parameters);let s={meta:i,stories:{},moduleExports:e};return Object.keys(a).forEach(l=>{if(Jo(l,i)){let u=Ds(l,a[l],i);Cm(u.parameters),s.stories[u.id]=u}}),s}m(Pg,"processCSFFile");var Yi=Qe(As(),1),Ot=m((...e)=>{let t={},r=e.filter(Boolean),n=r.reduce((o,a)=>(Object.entries(a).forEach(([i,s])=>{let l=o[i];Array.isArray(s)||typeof l>"u"?o[i]=s:(0,Yi.default)(s)&&(0,Yi.default)(l)?t[i]=!0:typeof s<"u"&&(o[i]=s)}),o),{});return Object.keys(t).forEach(o=>{let a=r.filter(Boolean).map(i=>i[o]).filter(i=>typeof i<"u");a.every(i=>(0,Yi.default)(i))?n[o]=Ot(...a):n[o]=a[a.length-1]}),n},"combineParameters");function kg(e,t,r){let n=r(e);return o=>t(n,o)}m(kg,"decorateStory");function Rg({componentId:e,title:t,kind:r,id:n,name:o,story:a,parameters:i,initialArgs:s,argTypes:l,...u}={}){return u}m(Rg,"sanitizeStoryContextUpdate");function Dg(e,t){let r={},n=m(a=>i=>{if(!r.value)throw new Error("Decorated function called without init");return r.value={...r.value,...Rg(i)},a(r.value)},"bindWithContext"),o=t.reduce((a,i)=>kg(a,i,n),e);return a=>(r.value=a,o(a))}m(Dg,"defaultDecorateStory");function Fg(e){return e!=null&&jg(e).includes("mount")}m(Fg,"mountDestructured");function jg(e){let t=e.toString().match(/[^(]* \( ([^)]*)/);if(!t)return[];let r=os(t[1]);if(!r.length)return[];let n=r[0];return n.startsWith("{")&&n.endsWith("}")?os(n.slice(1,-1).replace(/ \s /g,"")).map(o=>o.replace(/:.*|=.*/g,"")):[]}m(jg,"getUsedProps");function os(e){let t=[],r=[],n=0;for(let a=0;a<e.length;a++)if(e[a]==="{"||e[a]==="[")r.push(e[a]==="{"?"}":"]");else if(e[a]===r[r.length-1])r.pop();else if(!r.length&&e[a]===","){let i=e.substring(n,a).trim();i&&t.push(i),n=a+1}let o=e.substring(n).trim();return o&&t.push(o),t}m(os,"splitByComma");function js(e,t,r){let{moduleExport:n,id:o,name:a}=e||{},i=Ns(e,t,r),s=m(async I=>{let P={};for(let F of[..."__STORYBOOK_TEST_LOADERS__"in Ue&&Array.isArray(Ue.__STORYBOOK_TEST_LOADERS__)?[Ue.__STORYBOOK_TEST_LOADERS__]:[],Fe(r.loaders),Fe(t.loaders),Fe(e.loaders)]){if(I.abortSignal.aborted)return P;let D=await Promise.all(F.map(U=>U(I)));Object.assign(P,...D)}return P},"applyLoaders"),l=m(async I=>{let P=new Array;for(let F of[...Fe(r.beforeEach),...Fe(t.beforeEach),...Fe(e.beforeEach)]){if(I.abortSignal.aborted)return P;let D=await F(I);D&&P.push(D)}return P},"applyBeforeEach"),u=m(I=>I.originalStoryFn(I.args,I),"undecoratedStoryFn"),{applyDecorators:c=Dg,runStep:d}=r,y=[...Fe(e?.decorators),...Fe(t?.decorators),...Fe(r?.decorators)],f=e?.userStoryFn||e?.render||t.render||r.render,h=s5(c)(u,y),g=m(I=>h(I),"unboundStoryFn"),_=e?.play??t?.play,x=Fg(_);if(!f&&!x)throw new um({id:o});let v=m(I=>async()=>(await I.renderToCanvas(),I.canvas),"defaultMount"),O=e.mount??t.mount??r.mount??v,C=r.testingLibraryRender;return{...i,moduleExport:n,id:o,name:a,story:a,originalStoryFn:f,undecoratedSt
2024-06-16 17:30:30 +02:00
We 've detected a cycle in arg ' $ { t } ' . Args should be JSON - serializable .
Consider using the mapping feature or fully custom args :
- Mapping : https : //storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/args#mapping-to-complex-arg-values
- Custom args : https : //storybook.js.org/docs/react/essentials/controls#fully-custom-args
2024-07-31 10:01:28 +02:00
` ),{name:"other",value:"cyclic object"}):(r.add(e),Array.isArray(e)?{name:"array",value:e.length>0?is(e[0],t,new Set(r)):{name:"other",value:"unknown"}}:{name:"object",value:(0,as.default)(e,o=>is(o,t,new Set(r)))}):{name:"object",value:{}}},"inferType"),Bg=m(e=>{let{id:t,argTypes:r={},initialArgs:n={}}=e,o=(0,as.default)(n,(i,s)=>({name:s,type:is(i, ` $ { t } . $ { s } ` ,new Set)})),a=(0,as.default)(r,(i,s)=>({name:s}));return Ot(o,a,r)},"inferArgTypes");Bg.secondPass=!0;var R5=Qe(ra(),1),D5=Qe(DR(),1),_m=m((e,t)=>Array.isArray(t)?t.includes(e):e.match(t),"matches"),F5=m((e,t,r)=>!t&&!r?e:e&&(0,D5.default)(e,(n,o)=>{let a=n.name||o;return(!t||_m(a,t))&&(!r||!_m(a,r))}),"filterArgTypes"),j5=m((e,t,r)=>{let{type:n,options:o}=e;if(n){if(r.color&&r.color.test(t)){let a=n.name;if(a==="string")return{control:{type:"color"}};a!=="enum"&&me.warn( ` Addon controls : Control of type color only supports string , received "${a}" instead ` )}if(r.date&&r.date.test(t))return{control:{type:"date"}};switch(n.name){case"array":return{control:{type:"object"}};case"boolean":return{control:{type:"boolean"}};case"string":return{control:{type:"text"}};case"number":return{control:{type:"number"}};case"enum":{let{value:a}=n;return{control:{type:a?.length<=5?"radio":"select"},options:a}}case"function":case"symbol":return null;default:return{control:{type:o?"select":"object"}}}}},"inferControl"),Lg=m(e=>{let{argTypes:t,parameters:{__isArgsStory:r,controls:{include:n=null,exclude:o=null,matchers:a={}}={}}}=e;if(!r)return t;let i=F5(t,n,o),s=(0,R5.default)(i,(l,u)=>l?.type&&j5(l,u,a));return Ot(s,i)},"inferControls");Lg.secondPass=!0;function Ko({argTypes:e,globalTypes:t,argTypesEnhancers:r,decorators:n,loaders:o,beforeEach:a,globals:i,initialGlobals:s,...l}){return i&&Object.keys(i).length>0&&Ct(lt `
The preview . js 'globals' field is deprecated and will be removed in Storybook 9.0 .
Please use 'initialGlobals' instead . Learn more :
https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#previewjs-globals-renamed-to-initialglobals
` ),{...e&&{argTypes:Wo(e)},...t&&{globalTypes:Wo(t)},decorators:Fe(n),loaders:Fe(o),beforeEach:Fe(a),argTypesEnhancers:[...r||[],Bg,Lg],initialGlobals:Ot(s,i),...l}}m(Ko,"normalizeProjectAnnotations");function qg(e){return async(t,r,n)=>{await e.reduceRight((o,a)=>async()=>a(t,o,n),async()=>r(n))()}}m(qg,"composeStepRunners");var N5=m(e=>async()=>{let t=[];for(let r of e){let n=await r();n&&t.unshift(n)}return async()=>{for(let r of t)await r()}},"composeBeforeAllHooks");function Hr(e,t){return e.map(r=>r.default?.[t]??r[t]).filter(Boolean)}m(Hr,"getField");function Jt(e,t,r={}){return Hr(e,t).reduce((n,o)=>{let a=Fe(o);return r.reverseFileOrder?[...a,...n]:[...n,...a]},[])}m(Jt,"getArrayField");function zr(e,t){return Object.assign({},...Hr(e,t))}m(zr,"getObjectField");function lr(e,t){return Hr(e,t).pop()}m(lr,"getSingletonField");function Ls(e){let t=Jt(e,"argTypesEnhancers"),r=Hr(e,"runStep"),n=Jt(e,"beforeAll");return{parameters:Ot(...Hr(e,"parameters")),decorators:Jt(e,"decorators",{reverseFileOrder:!(Ue.FEATURES?.legacyDecoratorFileOrder??!1)}),args:zr(e,"args"),argsEnhancers:Jt(e,"argsEnhancers"),argTypes:zr(e,"argTypes"),argTypesEnhancers:[...t.filter(o=>!o.secondPass),...t.filter(o=>o.secondPass)],globals:zr(e,"globals"),initialGlobals:zr(e,"initialGlobals"),globalTypes:zr(e,"globalTypes"),loaders:Jt(e,"loaders"),beforeAll:N5(n),beforeEach:Jt(e,"beforeEach"),render:lr(e,"render"),renderToCanvas:lr(e,"renderToCanvas"),renderToDOM:lr(e,"renderToDOM"),applyDecorators:lr(e,"applyDecorators"),runStep:qg(r),tags:Jt(e,"tags"),mount:lr(e,"mount"),testingLibraryRender:lr(e,"testingLibraryRender")}}m(Ls,"composeConfigs");var Yo={},B5="ComposedStory",L5="Unnamed Story";function Mg(e){return e?"default"in e?e.default:e:{}}m(Mg,"extractAnnotation");function q5(e){let t=Array.isArray(e)?e:[e];return Yo=Ls(t.map(Mg)),Yo}m(q5,"setProjectAnnotations");var ur=[];function M5(e,t,r,n,o){if(e===void 0)throw new Error("Expected a story but received undefined.");t.title=t.title??B5;let a=Fs(t),i=o||e.storyName||e.story?.name||e.name||L5,s=Ds(i,e,a),l=n&&!Yo?.testingLibraryRender&&!r?.testingLibraryRender,u=Ko(Ls([{...n,renderToCanvas:l?void 0:n?.renderToCanvas},Yo,r??{}])),c=js(s,a,u),d=Og(u.globalTypes),y=m(()=>{let x=Bs({hooks:new vg,globals:{...d,...u.initialGlobals},args:{...c.initialArgs},viewMode:"story",loaded:{},abortSignal:new AbortController().signal,step:m((v,O)=>c.runStep(v,O,x),"step"),canvasElement:globalThis?.document?.body,canvas:{},...c,context:null,mount:null});return x.context=x,c.renderToCanvas&&(x.renderToCanvas=async()=>{let v=await c.renderToCanvas?.({componentId:c.componentId,title:c.title,id:c.id,name:c.name,tags:c.tags,showError:m(O=>{},"showError"),showException:m(O=>{},"showException"),forceRemount:!0,storyContext:x,storyFn:m(()=>c.unboundStoryFn(x),"storyFn"),unboundStoryFn:c.unboundStoryFn},x.canvasElement);v&&ur.push(v)}),x.mount=c.mount(x),x},"initializeContext"),f,h=m(async x=>{let v=y();return f&&(v.loaded=f.loaded),Object.assign(v,x),c.playFunction(v)},"backwardsCompatiblePlay"),g=m(x=>{let v=y();return Object.assign(v,x),Ug(c,v)},"newPlay"),_=!c.renderToCanvas&&c.playFunction?h:!c.renderToCanvas&&!c.playFunction?void 0:g;return Object.assign(m(function(x){let v=y();return f&&(v.loaded=f.loaded),v.args={...v.initialArgs,...x},c.unboundStoryFn(v)},"storyFn"),{id:c.id,storyName:i,load:m(async()=>{for(let v of[...ur].reverse())await v();ur.length=0;let x=y();x.loaded=await c.applyLoaders(x),ur.push(...(await c.applyBeforeEach(x)).filter(Boolean)),f=x},"load"),args:c.initialArgs,parameters:c.parameters,argTypes:c.argTypes,play:_,tags:c.tags})}m(M5,"composeStory");function U5(e,t,r){let{default:n,__esModule:o,__namedExportsOrder:a,...i}=e;return Object.entries(i).reduce((s,[l,u])=>Jo(l,n)?Object.assign(s,{[l]:r(u,n,t,l)}):s,{})}m(U5,"composeStories");function J5(e){return e.extend({mount:m(async({mount:t,page:r},n)=>{await n(async(o,...a)=>{if(!("__pw_type"in o)||"__pw_type"in o&&o.__pw_type!=="jsx")throw new Error(lt `
Portable stories in Playwright CT only work when referencing JSX elements .
Please use JSX format for your components such as :
instead of :
await mount ( MyComponent , { props : { foo : 'bar' } } )
do :
await mount ( < MyComponent foo = "bar" / > )
More info : https : //storybook.js.org/docs/api/portable-stories-playwright
` );await r.evaluate(async s=>{let l=await globalThis.__pwUnwrapObject?.(s);return("__pw_type"in l?l.type:l)?.load?.()},o);let i=await t(o,...a);return await r.evaluate(async s=>{let l=await globalThis.__pwUnwrapObject?.(s),u="__pw_type"in l?l.type:l,c=document.querySelector("#root");return u?.play?.({canvasElement:c})},o),i})},"mount")})}m(J5,"createPlaywrightTest");async function Ug(e,t){for(let o of[...ur].reverse())await o();if(ur.length=0,t.loaded=await e.applyLoaders(t),t.abortSignal.aborted)return;ur.push(...(await e.applyBeforeEach(t)).filter(Boolean));let r=e.playFunction,n=e.usesMount;n||await t.mount(),!t.abortSignal.aborted&&r&&(n||(t.mount=async()=>{throw new Mo({playFunction:r.toString()})}),await r(t))}m(Ug,"playStory");var Om=1e3, $ 5=1e4,Jg=class{constructor(t,r,n){this.importFn=r,this.storyIndex=new x5(t),this.projectAnnotations=Ko(n);let{initialGlobals:o,globalTypes:a}=this.projectAnnotations;this.args=new S5,this.globals=new A5({globals:o,globalTypes:a}),this.hooks={},this.cleanupCallbacks={},this.processCSFFileWithCache=(0,Ki.default)(Om)(Pg),this.prepareMetaWithCache=(0,Ki.default)(Om)(Ng),this.prepareStoryWithCache=(0,Ki.default)( $ 5)(js)}storyIndex;projectAnnotations;globals;args;hooks;cleanupCallbacks;cachedCSFFiles;processCSFFileWithCache;prepareMetaWithCache;prepareStoryWithCache;setProjectAnnotations(t){this.projectAnnotations=Ko(t);let{initialGlobals:r,globalTypes:n}=t;this.globals.set({globals:r,globalTypes:n})}async onStoriesChanged({importFn:t,storyIndex:r}){t&&(this.importFn=t),r&&(this.storyIndex.entries=r.entries),this.cachedCSFFiles&&await this.cacheAllCSFFiles()}async storyIdToEntry(t){return this.storyIndex.storyIdToEntry(t)}async loadCSFFileByStoryId(t){let{importPath:r,title:n}=this.storyIndex.storyIdToEntry(t),o=await this.importFn(r);return this.processCSFFileWithCache(o,r,n)}async loadAllCSFFiles(){let t={};return Object.entries(this.storyIndex.entries).forEach(([r,{importPath:n}])=>{t[n]=r}),(await Promise.all(Object.entries(t).map(async([r,n])=>({importPath:r,csfFile:await this.loadCSFFileByStoryId(n)})))).reduce((r,{importPath:n,csfFile:o})=>(r[n]=o,r),{})}async cacheAllCSFFiles(){this.cachedCSFFiles=await this.loadAllCSFFiles()}preparedMetaFromCSFFile({csfFile:t}){let r=t.meta;return this.prepareMetaWithCache(r,this.projectAnnotations,t.moduleExports.default)}async loadStory({storyId:t}){let r=await this.loadCSFFileByStoryId(t);return this.storyFromCSFFile({storyId:t,csfFile:r})}storyFromCSFFile({storyId:t,csfFile:r}){let n=r.stories[t];if(!n)throw new om({storyId:t});let o=r.meta,a=this.prepareStoryWithCache(n,o,this.projectAnnotations);return this.args.setInitial(a),this.hooks[a.id]=this.hooks[a.id]||new vg,a}componentStoriesFromCSFFile({csfFile:t}){return Object.keys(this.storyIndex.entries).filter(r=>!!t.stories[r]).map(r=>this.storyFromCSFFile({storyId:r,csfFile:t}))}async loadEntry(t){let r=await this.storyIdToEntry(t),n=r.type==="docs"?r.storiesImports:[],[o,...a]=await Promise.all([this.importFn(r.importPath),...n.map(i=>{let s=this.storyIndex.importPathToEntry(i);return this.loadCSFFileByStoryId(s.id)})]);return{entryExports:o,csfFiles:a}}getStoryContext(t,{forceInitialArgs:r=!1}={}){return Bs({...t,args:r?t.initialArgs:this.args.get(t.id),globals:this.globals.get(),hooks:this.hooks[t.id]})}addCleanupCallbacks(t,r){this.cleanupCallbacks[t.id]=r}async cleanupStory(t){this.hooks[t.id].clean();let r=this.cleanupCallbacks[t.id];if(r)for(let n of[...r].reverse())await n();delete this.cleanupCallbacks[t.id]}extract(t={includeDocsOnly:!1}){let{cachedCSFFiles:r}=this;if(!r)throw new Vh;return Object.entries(this.storyIndex.entries).reduce((n,[o,{type:a,importPath:i}])=>{if(a==="docs")return n;let s=r[i],l=this.storyFromCSFFile({storyId:o,csfFile:s});return!t.includeDocsOnly&&l.parameters.docsOnly||(n[o]=Object.entries(l).reduce((u,[c,d])=>c==="moduleExport"||typeof d=="function"?u:Array.isArray(d)?Object.assign(u,{[c]:d.slice().sort()}):Object.assign(u,{[c]:d}),{args:l.initialArgs})),n},{})}getSetStoriesPayload(){let t=this.extract({includeDocsOnly:!0}),r=Object.va
CSF Auto - title received a numeric fileName . This typically happens when
webpack is mis - configured in production mode . To force webpack to produce
filenames , set optimization . moduleIds = "named" in your webpack config .
` );let i= $ g(String(e));if(o.exec(i)){if(!r){let s=i.replace(n,""),l=ss([a,s]).split("/");return l=V5(l),l.join("/")}return a?ss([a,r]):r}},"userOrAutoTitleFromSpecifier"),zre=m((e,t,r)=>{for(let n=0;n<t.length;n+=1){let o=H5(e,t[n],r);if(o)return o}return r||void 0},"userOrAutoTitle"),Im=/ \s * \/ \s */,G5=m((e={})=>(t,r)=>{if(t.title===r.title&&!e.includeNames)return 0;let n=e.method||"configure",o=e.order||[],a=t.title.trim().split(Im),i=r.title.trim().split(Im);e.includeNames&&(a.push(t.name),i.push(r.name));let s=0;for(;a[s]||i[s];){if(!a[s])return-1;if(!i[s])return 1;let l=a[s],u=i[s];if(l!==u){let d=o.indexOf(l),y=o.indexOf(u),f=o.indexOf("*");return d!==-1||y!==-1?(d===-1&&(f!==-1?d=f:d=o.length),y===-1&&(f!==-1?y=f:y=o.length),d-y):n==="configure"?0:l.localeCompare(u,e.locales?e.locales:void 0,{numeric:!0,sensitivity:"accent"})}let c=o.indexOf(l);c===-1&&(c=o.indexOf("*")),o=c!==-1&&Array.isArray(o[c+1])?o[c+1]:[],s+=1}return 0},"storySort"),W5=m((e,t,r)=>{if(t){let n;typeof t=="function"?n=t:n=G5(t),e.sort(n)}else e.sort((n,o)=>r.indexOf(n.importPath)-r.indexOf(o.importPath));return e},"sortStoriesCommon"),Vre=m((e,t,r)=>{try{return W5(e,t,r)}catch(n){throw new Error(lt `
Error sorting stories with sort parameter $ { t } :
> $ { n . message }
Are you using a V6 - style sort function in V7 mode ?
More info : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#v7-style-story-sort
` )}},"sortStoriesV7"),aa=new Error("prepareAborted"),{AbortController:Pm}=globalThis;function ls(e){try{let{name:t="Error",message:r=String(e),stack:n}=e;return{name:t,message:r,stack:n}}catch{return{name:"Error",message:String(e)}}}m(ls,"serializeError");var zg=class{constructor(t,r,n,o,a,i,s={autoplay:!0,forceInitialArgs:!1},l){this.channel=t,this.store=r,this.renderToScreen=n,this.callbacks=o,this.id=a,this.viewMode=i,this.renderOptions=s,this.abortController=new Pm,l&&(this.story=l,this.phase="preparing")}type="story";story;phase;abortController;canvasElement;notYetRendered=!0;rerenderEnqueued=!1;disableKeyListeners=!1;teardownRender=m(()=>{},"teardownRender");torndown=!1;async runPhase(t,r,n){this.phase=r,this.channel.emit(kr,{newPhase:this.phase,storyId:this.id}),n&&(await n(),this.checkIfAborted(t))}checkIfAborted(t){return t.aborted?(this.phase="aborted",this.channel.emit(kr,{newPhase:this.phase,storyId:this.id}),!0):!1}async prepare(){if(await this.runPhase(this.abortController.signal,"preparing",async()=>{this.story=await this.store.loadStory({storyId:this.id})}),this.abortController.signal.aborted)throw await this.store.cleanupStory(this.story),aa}isEqual(t){return!!(this.id===t.id&&this.story&&this.story===t.story)}isPreparing(){return["preparing"].includes(this.phase)}isPending(){return["loading","beforeEach","rendering","playing"].includes(this.phase)}async renderToElement(t){return this.canvasElement=t,this.render({initial:!0,forceRemount:!0})}storyContext(){if(!this.story)throw new Error("Cannot call storyContext before preparing");let{forceInitialArgs:t}=this.renderOptions;return this.store.getStoryContext(this.story,{forceInitialArgs:t})}async render({initial:t=!1,forceRemount:r=!1}={}){let{canvasElement:n}=this;if(!this.story)throw new Error("cannot render when not prepared");let o=this.story;if(!n)throw new Error("cannot render when canvasElement is unset");let{id:a,componentId:i,title:s,name:l,tags:u,applyLoaders:c,applyBeforeEach:d,unboundStoryFn:y,playFunction:f,runStep:h}=o;r&&!t&&(this.cancelRender(),this.abortController=new Pm);let g=this.abortController.signal,_=!1,x=o.usesMount;try{let v={...this.storyContext(),viewMode:this.viewMode,abortSignal:g,canvasElement:n,loaded:{},step:m((D,U)=>h(D,U,v),"step"),context:null,canvas:{},renderToCanvas:m(async()=>{let D=await this.renderToScreen(O,n);this.teardownRender=D||(()=>{}),_=!0},"renderToCanvas"),mount:m(async(...D)=>{this.callbacks.showStoryDuringRender?.();let U=null;return await this.runPhase(g,"rendering",async()=>{U=await o.mount(v)(...D)}),x&&await this.runPhase(g,"playing"),U},"mount")};v.context=v;let O={componentId:i,title:s,kind:s,id:a,name:l,story:l,tags:u,...this.callbacks,showError:m(D=>(this.phase="errored",this.callbacks.showError(D)),"showError"),showException:m(D=>(this.phase="errored",this.callbacks.showException(D)),"showException"),forceRemount:r||this.notYetRendered,storyContext:v,storyFn:m(()=>y(v),"storyFn"),unboundStoryFn:y};if(await this.runPhase(g,"loading",async()=>{v.loaded=await c(v)}),g.aborted)return;let C=await d(v);if(this.store.addCleanupCallbacks(o,C),this.checkIfAborted(g)||(!_&&!x&&await v.mount(),this.notYetRendered=!1,g.aborted))return;let I=this.story.parameters?.test?.dangerouslyIgnoreUnhandledErrors===!0,P=new Set,F=m(D=>P.add("error"in D?D.error:D.reason),"onError");if(this.renderOptions.autoplay&&r&&f&&this.phase!=="errored"){window.addEventListener("error",F),window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection",F),this.disableKeyListeners=!0;try{if(x?await f(v):(v.mount=async()=>{throw new Mo({playFunction:f.toString()})},await this.runPhase(g,"playing",async()=>f(v))),!_)throw new pm;this.checkIfAborted(g),!I&&P.size>0?await this.runPhase(g,"errored"):await this.runPhase(g,"played")}catch(D){if(this.callbacks.showStoryDuringRender?.(),await this.runPhase(g,"errored",async()=>{this.channel.emit(du,ls(D))}),this.story.parameters.throwPlayFunctionExceptions!==!1)throw D;console.error(D)}if(!I&&P.size>0&&this.channel.emit(Tu,Array.from(P).map(ls)),this.disableKeyListeners=!1,window.removeEventListener("unhandl
- Did you pass a component to the 'of' prop when the block only supports a story or a meta ?
- ... or vice versa ?
- Did you pass a story , CSF file or meta to the 'of' prop that is not indexed , ie . is not targeted by the 'stories' globs in the main configuration ? ` )}switch(n.type){case"component":return{...n,projectAnnotations:this.projectAnnotations};case"meta":return{...n,preparedMeta:this.store.preparedMetaFromCSFFile({csfFile:n.csfFile})};case"story":default:return n}}storyIdByName=m(t=>{let r=this.nameToStoryId.get(t);if(r)return r;throw new Error( ` No story found with that name : $ { t } ` )},"storyIdByName");componentStories=m(()=>this.componentStoriesValue,"componentStories");componentStoriesFromCSFFile=m(t=>this.store.componentStoriesFromCSFFile({csfFile:t}),"componentStoriesFromCSFFile");storyById=m(t=>{if(!t){if(!this.primaryStory)throw new Error("No primary story defined for docs entry. Did you forget to use ` < Meta > ` ?");return this.primaryStory}let r=this.storyIdToCSFFile.get(t);if(!r)throw new Error( ` Called \ ` storyById \` for story that was never loaded: ${ t } ` ) ; return this . store . storyFromCSFFile ( { storyId : t , csfFile : r } ) } , "storyById" ) ; getStoryContext = m ( t => ( { ... this . store . getStoryContext ( t ) , loaded : { } , viewMode : "docs" } ) , "getStoryContext" ) ; loadStory = m ( t => this . store . loadStory ( { storyId : t } ) , "loadStory" ) } ; m ( Gg , "DocsContext" ) ; var Wg = Gg , Kg = class { constructor ( t , r , n , o ) { this . channel = t , this . store = r , this . entry = n , this . callbacks = o , this . id = n . id } type = "docs" ; subtype = "csf" ; id ; story ; rerender ; teardownRender ; torndown = ! 1 ; disableKeyListeners = ! 1 ; preparing = ! 1 ; csfFiles ; isPreparing ( ) { return this . preparing } async prepare ( ) { this . preparing = ! 0 ; let { entryExports : t , csfFiles : r = [ ] } = await this . store . loadEntry ( this . id ) ; if ( this . torndown ) throw aa ; let { importPath : n , title : o } = this . entry , a = this . store . processCSFFileWithCache ( t , n , o ) , i = Object . keys ( a . stories ) [ 0 ] ; this . story = this . store . storyFromCSFFile ( { storyId : i , csfFile : a } ) , this . csfFiles = [ a , ... r ] , this . preparing = ! 1 } isEqual ( t ) { return ! ! ( this . id === t . id && this . story && this . story === t . story ) } docsContext ( t ) { if ( ! this . csfFiles ) throw new Error ( "Cannot render docs before preparing" ) ; let r = new Wg ( this . channel , this . store , t , this . csfFiles ) ; return this . csfFiles . forEach ( n => r . attachCSFFile ( n ) ) , r } async renderToElement ( t , r ) { if ( ! this . story || ! this . csfFiles ) throw new Error ( "Cannot render docs before preparing" ) ; let n = this . docsContext ( r ) , { docs : o } = this . story . parameters || { } ; if ( ! o ) throw new Error ( "Cannot render a story in viewMode=docs if `@storybook/addon-docs` is not installed" ) ; let a = await o . renderer ( ) , { render : i } = a , s = m ( async ( ) => { try { await i ( n , o , t ) , this . channel . emit ( uo , this . id ) } catch ( l ) { this . callbacks . showException ( l ) } } , "renderDocs" ) ; return this . rerender = async ( ) => s ( ) , this . teardownRender = async ( { viewModeChanged : l } ) => { ! l || ! t || a . unmount ( t ) } , s ( ) } async teardown ( { viewModeChanged : t } = { } ) { this . teardownRender ? . ( { viewModeChanged : t } ) , this . torndown = ! 0 } } ; m ( Kg , "CsfDocsRender" ) ; var km = Kg , Yg = class { constructor ( t , r , n , o ) { this . channel = t , this . store = r , this . entry = n , this . callbacks = o , this . id = n . id } type = "docs" ; subtype = "mdx" ; id ; exports ; rerender ; teardownRender ; torndown = ! 1 ; disableKeyListeners = ! 1 ; preparing = ! 1 ; csfFiles ; isPreparing ( ) { return this . preparing } async prepare ( ) { this . preparing = ! 0 ; let { entryExports : t , csfFiles : r = [ ] } = await this . store . loadEntry ( this . id ) ; if ( this . torndown ) throw aa ; this . csfFiles = r , this . exports = t , this . preparing = ! 1 } isEqual ( t ) { return ! ! ( this . id === t . id && this . exports && this . exports === t . exports ) } docsContext ( t ) { if ( ! this . csfFiles ) throw new Error ( "Cannot render docs before preparing" ) ; return new Wg ( this . channel , this . store , t , this . csfFiles ) } async renderToElement ( t , r ) { if ( ! this . exports || ! this . csfFiles || ! this . store . projectAnnotations ) throw new Error ( "Cannot render docs before preparing" ) ; let n = this . docsContext ( r ) , { docs : o } = this . store . projectAnnotations . parameters || { } ; if ( ! o ) throw new Error ( "Cannot render a story in viewMode=docs if `@storybook/addon-docs` is not installed" ) ; let a = { ... o , page : this . exports . default } , i = await o . renderer ( ) , { render : s } = i , l = m ( async ( ) => { try { await s ( n , a , t ) , this . channel . emit ( uo , this . id ) } catch ( u ) { this . callbacks . showException ( u ) } } , "renderDocs" ) ; return this . rerender = async ( ) => l ( ) , this . teardownRender = async ( { viewModeChanged : u } = { } ) => { ! u || ! t || ( i . unmount ( t ) , this . torndown = ! 0 ) } , l
Omitted potentially unsafe URL args .
More info : https : //storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/args#setting-args-through-the-url
` ),r),{})},"parseArgsParam"),{history:ab,document:_t}=Ue;function ib(e){let t=(e||"").match(/^ \/ story \/ (.+)/);if(!t)throw new Error( ` Invalid path '${e}' , must start with '/story/' ` );return t[1]}m(ib,"pathToId");var sb=m(({selection:e,extraParams:t})=>{let r=typeof _t<"u"?_t.location.search:"",{path:n,selectedKind:o,selectedStory:a,...i}=us.default.parse(r,{ignoreQueryPrefix:!0});return us.default.stringify({...i,...t,...e&&{id:e.storyId,viewMode:e.viewMode}},{encode:!1,addQueryPrefix:!0})},"getQueryString"),iD=m(e=>{if(!e)return;let t=sb({selection:e}),{hash:r=""}=_t.location;_t.title=e.storyId,ab.replaceState({},"", ` $ { _t . location . pathname } $ { t } $ { r } ` )},"setPath"),sD=m(e=>e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&Array.isArray(e)===!1,"isObject"),Nn=m(e=>{if(e!==void 0){if(typeof e=="string")return e;if(Array.isArray(e))return Nn(e[0]);if(sD(e))return Nn(Object.values(e).filter(Boolean))}},"getFirstString"),lD=m(()=>{if(typeof _t<"u"){let e=us.default.parse(_t.location.search,{ignoreQueryPrefix:!0}),t=typeof e.args=="string"?Fm(e.args):void 0,r=typeof e.globals=="string"?Fm(e.globals):void 0,n=Nn(e.viewMode);(typeof n!="string"||!n.match(/docs|story/))&&(n="story");let o=Nn(e.path),a=o?ib(o):Nn(e.id);if(a)return{storySpecifier:a,args:t,globals:r,viewMode:n}}return null},"getSelectionSpecifierFromPath"),lb=class{selectionSpecifier;selection;constructor(){this.selectionSpecifier=lD()}setSelection(t){this.selection=t,iD(this.selection)}setQueryParams(t){let r=sb({extraParams:t}),{hash:n=""}=_t.location;ab.replaceState({},"", ` $ { _t . location . pathname } $ { r } $ { n } ` )}};m(lb,"UrlStore");var uD=lb,cD=Qe(o5(),1),pD=Qe(Os(),1),{document:Ge}=Ue,jm=100,ub=(e=>(e.MAIN="MAIN",e.NOPREVIEW="NOPREVIEW",e.PREPARING_STORY="PREPARING_STORY",e.PREPARING_DOCS="PREPARING_DOCS",e.ERROR="ERROR",e))(ub||{}),Qi={PREPARING_STORY:"sb-show-preparing-story",PREPARING_DOCS:"sb-show-preparing-docs",MAIN:"sb-show-main",NOPREVIEW:"sb-show-nopreview",ERROR:"sb-show-errordisplay"},Zi={centered:"sb-main-centered",fullscreen:"sb-main-fullscreen",padded:"sb-main-padded"},Nm=new cD.default({escapeXML:!0}),cb=class{currentLayoutClass;testing=!1;preparingTimeout;constructor(){if(typeof Ge<"u"){let{__SPECIAL_TEST_PARAMETER__:t}=pD.default.parse(Ge.location.search,{ignoreQueryPrefix:!0});switch(t){case"preparing-story":{this.showPreparingStory(),this.testing=!0;break}case"preparing-docs":{this.showPreparingDocs(),this.testing=!0;break}default:}}}prepareForStory(t){return this.showStory(),this.applyLayout(t.parameters.layout),Ge.documentElement.scrollTop=0,Ge.documentElement.scrollLeft=0,this.storyRoot()}storyRoot(){return Ge.getElementById("storybook-root")}prepareForDocs(){return this.showMain(),this.showDocs(),this.applyLayout("fullscreen"),Ge.documentElement.scrollTop=0,Ge.documentElement.scrollLeft=0,this.docsRoot()}docsRoot(){return Ge.getElementById("storybook-docs")}applyLayout(t="padded"){if(t==="none"){Ge.body.classList.remove(this.currentLayoutClass),this.currentLayoutClass=null;return}this.checkIfLayoutExists(t);let r=Zi[t];Ge.body.classList.remove(this.currentLayoutClass),Ge.body.classList.add(r),this.currentLayoutClass=r}checkIfLayoutExists(t){Zi[t]||me.warn(lt `
The desired layout : $ { t } is not a valid option .
The possible options are : $ { Object . keys ( Zi ) . join ( ", " ) } , none .
` )}showMode(t){clearTimeout(this.preparingTimeout),Object.keys(ub).forEach(r=>{r===t?Ge.body.classList.add(Qi[r]):Ge.body.classList.remove(Qi[r])})}showErrorDisplay({message:t="",stack:r=""}){let n=t,o=r,a=t.split( `
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` ):e}b(Gb,"getJoiner");var mj=b(e=>e&&e.startsWith('"')&&e.endsWith('"'),"isQuoted");function Wb(){let e=b((t,{tokens:r},n)=>r.type===""?t:n,"typeEnd");return t=>{let{tokens:r}=t.source[t.source.reduce(e,0)],n=r.description.trimLeft(),o=n.split('"');if(o.length>1&&o[0]===""&&o.length%2===1)return t.name=o[1],r.name= ` "${o[1]}" ` ,[r.postName,r.description]=fr(n.slice(r.name.length)),t;let a=0,i="",s=!1,l;for(let c of n){if(a===0&&Nb(c))break;c==="["&&a++,c==="]"&&a--,i+=c}if(a!==0)return t.problems.push({code:"spec:name:unpaired-brackets",message:"unpaired brackets",line:t.source[0].number,critical:!0}),t;let u=i;if(i[0]==="["&&i[i.length-1]==="]"){s=!0,i=i.slice(1,-1);let c=i.split("=");if(i=c[0].trim(),c[1]!==void 0&&(l=c.slice(1).join("=").trim()),i==="")return t.problems.push({code:"spec:name:empty-name",message:"empty name",line:t.source[0].number,critical:!0}),t;if(l==="")return t.problems.push({code:"spec:name:empty-default",message:"empty default value",line:t.source[0].number,critical:!0}),t;if(!mj(l)&&/=(?!>)/.test(l))return t.problems.push({code:"spec:name:invalid-default",message:"invalid default value syntax",line:t.source[0].number,critical:!0}),t}return t.optional=s,t.name=i,r.name=u,l!==void 0&&(t.default=l),[r.postName,r.description]=fr(n.slice(r.name.length)),t}}b(Wb,"nameTokenizer");function Kb(e="compact",t= $ t){let r=Ys(e);return n=>(n.description=r(n.source,t),n)}b(Kb,"descriptionTokenizer");function Ys(e){return e==="compact"?Yb:e==="preserve"?Xb:e}b(Ys,"getJoiner");function Yb(e,t= $ t){return e.map(({tokens:{description:r}})=>r.trim()).filter(r=>r!=="").join(" ")}b(Yb,"compactJoiner");var gj=b((e,{tokens:t},r)=>t.type===""?e:r,"lineNo"),bj=b(({tokens:e})=>(e.delimiter===""?e.start:e.postDelimiter.slice(1))+e.description,"getDescription");function Xb(e,t= $ t){if(e.length===0)return"";e[0].tokens.description===""&&e[0].tokens.delimiter===t.start&&(e=e.slice(1));let r=e[e.length-1];return r!==void 0&&r.tokens.description===""&&r.tokens.end.endsWith(t.end)&&(e=e.slice(0,-1)),e=e.slice(e.reduce(gj,0)),e.map(bj).join( `
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` +(e??"").split( `
` ).map(n=> ` * $ { n } ` ).join( `
` )+ `
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Qs ( e . name , e . description ) : null } b ( s0 , "extractDeprecated" ) ; function Qs ( e , t ) { let r = e === "" ? t : ` ${ e } ${ t } ` ; return Zs ( r ) } b ( Qs , "joinNameAndDescription" ) ; function Zs ( e ) { let t = e . replace ( /^- /g , "" ) . trim ( ) ; return t === "" ? null : t } b ( Zs , "normaliseDescription" ) ; function l0 ( e ) { let t = el ( e . type ) ; return t ? { type : t , description : Qs ( e . name , e . description ) , getTypeName : b ( ( ) => tl ( t ) , "getTypeName" ) } : null } b ( l0 , "extractReturns" ) ; var Vt = ( 0 , Xs . stringifyRules ) ( ) , wj = Vt . JsdocTypeObject ; Vt . JsdocTypeAny = ( ) => "any" ; Vt . JsdocTypeObject = ( e , t ) => ` ( ${ wj ( e , t ) } ) ` ; Vt . JsdocTypeOptional = ( e , t ) => t ( e . element ) ; Vt . JsdocTypeNullable = ( e , t ) => t ( e . element ) ; Vt . JsdocTypeNotNullable = ( e , t ) => t ( e . element ) ; Vt . JsdocTypeUnion = ( e , t ) => e . elements . map ( t ) . join ( "|" ) ; function el ( e ) { try { return ( 0 , Xs . parse ) ( e , "typescript" ) } catch { return null } } b ( el , "extractType" ) ; function tl ( e ) { return ( 0 , Xs . transform ) ( Vt , e ) } b ( tl , "extractTypeName" ) ; function rl ( e ) { return e . length > 90 } b ( rl , "isTooLongForTypeSummary" ) ; function u0 ( e ) { return e . length > 50 } b ( u0 , "isTooLongForDefaultValueSummary" ) ; function je ( e , t ) { return e === t ? { summary : e } : { summary : e , detail : t } } b ( je , "createSummaryValue" ) ; var One = b ( e => e . replace ( /\\r\\n/g , "\\n" ) , "normalizeNewlines" ) ; function nl ( { name : e , value : t , elements : r , raw : n } ) { return t ? ? ( r != null ? r . map ( nl ) . join ( " | " ) : n ? ? e ) } b ( nl , "generateUnionElement" ) ; function c0 ( { name : e , raw : t , elements : r } ) { return r != null ? je ( r . map ( nl ) . join ( " | " ) ) : t != null ? je ( t . replace ( /^\|\s*/ , "" ) ) : je ( e ) } b ( c0 , "generateUnion" ) ; function p0 ( { type : e , raw : t } ) { return t != null ? je ( t ) : je ( e ) } b ( p0 , "generateFuncSignature" ) ; function d0 ( { type : e , raw : t } ) { return t != null ? rl ( t ) ? je ( e , t ) : je ( t ) : je ( e ) } b ( d0 , "generateObjectSignature" ) ; function f0 ( e ) { let { type : t } = e ; return t === "object" ? d0 ( e ) : p0 ( e ) } b ( f0 , "generateSignature" ) ; function y0 ( { name : e , raw : t } ) { return t != null ? rl ( t ) ? je ( e , t ) : je ( t ) : je ( e ) } b ( y0 , "generateDefault" ) ; function h0 ( e ) { if ( e == null ) return null ; switch ( e . name ) { case "union" : return c0 ( e ) ; case "signature" : return f0 ( e ) ; default : return y0 ( e ) } } b ( h0 , "createType" ) ; function m0 ( e , t ) { if ( e != null ) { let { value : r } = e ; if ( ! fa ( r ) ) return u0 ( r ) ? je ( t ? . name , r ) : je ( r ) } return null } b ( m0 , "createDefaultValue" ) ; var Sj = b ( ( e , t ) => { let { flowType : r , description : n , required : o , defaultValue : a } = t ; return { name : e , type : h0 ( r ) , required : o , description : n , defaultValue : m0 ( a ? ? null , r ? ? null ) } } , "createFlowPropDef" ) ; function g0 ( { tsType : e , required : t } ) { if ( e == null ) return null ; let r = e . name ; return t || ( r = r . replace ( " | undefined" , "" ) ) , je ( [ "Array" , "Record" , "signature" ] . includes ( e . name ) ? e . raw : r ) } b ( g0 , "createType" ) ; function b0 ( { defaultValue : e } ) { if ( e != null ) { let { value : t } = e ; if ( ! fa ( t ) ) return je ( t ) } return null } b ( b0 , "createDefaultValue" ) ; var Aj = b ( ( e , t ) => { let { description : r , required : n } = t ; return { name : e , type : g0 ( t ) , required : n , description : r , defaultValue : b0 ( t ) } } , "createTsPropDef" ) ; function v0 ( e ) { return e != null ? je ( e . name ) : null } b ( v0 , "createType" ) ; function x0 ( e ) { let { computed : t , func : r } = e ; return typeof t > "u" && typeof r > "u" } b ( x0 , "isReactDocgenTypescript" ) ; fun
` ,2: ` Passed invalid arguments to hsla , please pass multiple numbers e . g . hsla ( 360 , 0.75 , 0.4 , 0.7 ) or an object e . g . rgb ( { hue : 255 , saturation : 0.4 , lightness : 0.75 , alpha : 0.7 } ) .
` ,3: ` Passed an incorrect argument to a color function , please pass a string representation of a color .
` ,4: ` Couldn ' t generate valid rgb string from % s , it returned % s .
` ,5: ` Couldn ' t parse the color string . Please provide the color as a string in hex , rgb , rgba , hsl or hsla notation .
` ,6: ` Passed invalid arguments to rgb , please pass multiple numbers e . g . rgb ( 255 , 205 , 100 ) or an object e . g . rgb ( { red : 255 , green : 205 , blue : 100 } ) .
` ,7: ` Passed invalid arguments to rgba , please pass multiple numbers e . g . rgb ( 255 , 205 , 100 , 0.75 ) or an object e . g . rgb ( { red : 255 , green : 205 , blue : 100 , alpha : 0.75 } ) .
` ,8: ` Passed invalid argument to toColorString , please pass a RgbColor , RgbaColor , HslColor or HslaColor object .
` ,9: ` Please provide a number of steps to the modularScale helper .
` ,10: ` Please pass a number or one of the predefined scales to the modularScale helper as the ratio .
` ,11: ` Invalid value passed as base to modularScale , expected number or em string but got "%s"
` ,12: ` Expected a string ending in "px" or a number passed as the first argument to % s ( ) , got "%s" instead .
` ,13: ` Expected a string ending in "px" or a number passed as the second argument to % s ( ) , got "%s" instead .
` ,14: ` Passed invalid pixel value ( "%s" ) to % s ( ) , please pass a value like "12px" or 12.
` ,15: ` Passed invalid base value ( "%s" ) to % s ( ) , please pass a value like "12px" or 12.
` ,16: ` You must provide a template to this method .
` ,17: ` You passed an unsupported selector state to this method .
` ,18: ` minScreen and maxScreen must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units .
` ,19: ` fromSize and toSize must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units .
` ,20: ` expects either an array of objects or a single object with the properties prop , fromSize , and toSize .
` ,21:"expects the objects in the first argument array to have the properties ` prop ` , ` fromSize ` , and ` toSize ` . \n \n ",22:"expects the first argument object to have the properties ` prop ` , ` fromSize ` , and ` toSize ` . \n \n ",23: ` fontFace expects a name of a font - family .
` ,24: ` fontFace expects either the path to the font file ( s ) or a name of a local copy .
` ,25: ` fontFace expects localFonts to be an array .
` ,26: ` fontFace expects fileFormats to be an array .
` ,27: ` radialGradient requries at least 2 color - stops to properly render .
` ,28: ` Please supply a filename to retinaImage ( ) as the first argument .
` ,29: ` Passed invalid argument to triangle , please pass correct pointingDirection e . g . 'right' .
` ,30:"Passed an invalid value to ` height ` or ` width ` . Please provide a pixel based unit. \n \n ",31: ` The animation shorthand only takes 8 arguments . See the specification for more information : http : //mdn.io/animation
` ,32: ` To pass multiple animations please supply them in arrays , e . g . animation ( [ 'rotate' , '2s' ] , [ 'move' , '1s' ] )
To pass a single animation please supply them in simple values , e . g . animation ( 'rotate' , '2s' )
` ,33: ` The animation shorthand arrays can only have 8 elements . See the specification for more information : http : //mdn.io/animation
` ,34: ` borderRadius expects a radius value as a string or number as the second argument .
` ,35: ` borderRadius expects one of "top" , "bottom" , "left" or "right" as the first argument .
` ,36: ` Property must be a string value .
` ,37: ` Syntax Error at % s .
` ,38: ` Formula contains a function that needs parentheses at % s .
` ,39: ` Formula is missing closing parenthesis at % s .
` ,40: ` Formula has too many closing parentheses at % s .
` ,41: ` All values in a formula must have the same unit or be unitless .
` ,42: ` Please provide a number of steps to the modularScale helper .
` ,43: ` Please pass a number or one of the predefined scales to the modularScale helper as the ratio .
` ,44: ` Invalid value passed as base to modularScale , expected number or em / rem string but got % s .
` ,45: ` Passed invalid argument to hslToColorString , please pass a HslColor or HslaColor object .
` ,46: ` Passed invalid argument to rgbToColorString , please pass a RgbColor or RgbaColor object .
` ,47: ` minScreen and maxScreen must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units .
` ,48: ` fromSize and toSize must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units .
` ,49: ` Expects either an array of objects or a single object with the properties prop , fromSize , and toSize .
` ,50: ` Expects the objects in the first argument array to have the properties prop , fromSize , and toSize .
` ,51: ` Expects the first argument object to have the properties prop , fromSize , and toSize .
` ,52: ` fontFace expects either the path to the font file ( s ) or a name of a local copy .
` ,53: ` fontFace expects localFonts to be an array .
` ,54: ` fontFace expects fileFormats to be an array .
` ,55: ` fontFace expects a name of a font - family .
` ,56: ` linearGradient requries at least 2 color - stops to properly render .
` ,57: ` radialGradient requries at least 2 color - stops to properly render .
` ,58: ` Please supply a filename to retinaImage ( ) as the first argument .
` ,59: ` Passed invalid argument to triangle , please pass correct pointingDirection e . g . 'right' .
` ,60:"Passed an invalid value to ` height ` or ` width ` . Please provide a pixel based unit. \n \n ",61: ` Property must be a string value .
` ,62: ` borderRadius expects a radius value as a string or number as the second argument .
` ,63: ` borderRadius expects one of "top" , "bottom" , "left" or "right" as the first argument .
` ,64: ` The animation shorthand only takes 8 arguments . See the specification for more information : http : //mdn.io/animation.
` ,65: ` To pass multiple animations please supply them in arrays , e . g . animation ( [ 'rotate' , '2s' ] , [ 'move' , '1s' ] ) \ \ nTo pass a single animation please supply them in simple values , e . g . animation ( 'rotate' , '2s' ) .
` ,66: ` The animation shorthand arrays can only have 8 elements . See the specification for more information : http : //mdn.io/animation.
` ,67: ` You must provide a template to this method .
` ,68: ` You passed an unsupported selector state to this method .
` ,69: ` Expected a string ending in "px" or a number passed as the first argument to % s ( ) , got % s instead .
` ,70: ` Expected a string ending in "px" or a number passed as the second argument to % s ( ) , got % s instead .
` ,71: ` Passed invalid pixel value % s to % s ( ) , please pass a value like "12px" or 12.
` ,72: ` Passed invalid base value % s to % s ( ) , please pass a value like "12px" or 12.
` ,73: ` Please provide a valid CSS variable .
` ,74: ` CSS variable not found and no default was provided .
` ,75: ` important requires a valid style object , got a % s instead .
` ,76: ` fromSize and toSize must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units as minScreen and maxScreen .
` ,77: ` remToPx expects a value in "rem" but you provided it in "%s" .
` ,78: ` base must be set in "px" or "%" but you set it in "%s" .
` };function zN(){for(var e=arguments.length,t=new Array(e),r=0;r<e;r++)t[r]=arguments[r];var n=t[0],o=[],a;for(a=1;a<t.length;a+=1)o.push(t[a]);return o.forEach(function(i){n=n.replace(/%[a-z]/,i)}),n}var Et=function(e){MN(t,e);function t(r){for(var n,o=arguments.length,a=new Array(o>1?o-1:0),i=1;i<o;i++)a[i-1]=arguments[i];return n=e.call(this,zN.apply(void 0,[ $ N[r]].concat(a)))||this,qN(n)}return t}(Ol(Error));function hl(e){return Math.round(e*255)}function VN(e,t,r){return hl(e)+","+hl(t)+","+hl(r)}function eo(e,t,r,n){if(n===void 0&&(n=VN),t===0)return n(r,r,r);var o=(e%360+360)%360/60,a=(1-Math.abs(2*r-1))*t,i=a*(1-Math.abs(o%2-1)),s=0,l=0,u=0;o>=0&&o<1?(s=a,l=i):o>=1&&o<2?(s=i,l=a):o>=2&&o<3?(l=a,u=i):o>=3&&o<4?(l=i,u=a):o>=4&&o<5?(s=i,u=a):o>=5&&o<6&&(s=a,u=i);var c=r-a/2,d=s+c,y=l+c,f=u+c;return n(d,y,f)}var iv={aliceblue:"f0f8ff",antiquewhite:"faebd7",aqua:"00ffff",aquamarine:"7fffd4",azure:"f0ffff",beige:"f5f5dc",bisque:"ffe4c4",black:"000",blanchedalmond:"ffebcd",blue:"0000ff",blueviolet:"8a2be2",brown:"a52a2a",burlywood:"deb887",cadetblue:"5f9ea0",chartreuse:"7fff00",chocolate:"d2691e",coral:"ff7f50",cornflowerblue:"6495ed",cornsilk:"fff8dc",crimson:"dc143c",cyan:"00ffff",darkblue:"00008b",darkcyan:"008b8b",darkgoldenrod:"b8860b",darkgray:"a9a9a9",darkgreen:"006400",darkgrey:"a9a9a9",darkkhaki:"bdb76b",darkmagenta:"8b008b",darkolivegreen:"556b2f",darkorange:"ff8c00",darkorchid:"9932cc",darkred:"8b0000",darksalmon:"e9967a",darkseagreen:"8fbc8f",darkslateblue:"483d8b",darkslategray:"2f4f4f",darkslategrey:"2f4f4f",darkturquoise:"00ced1",darkviolet:"9400d3",deeppink:"ff1493",deepskyblue:"00bfff",dimgray:"696969",dimgrey:"696969",dodgerblue:"1e90ff",firebrick:"b22222",floralwhite:"fffaf0",forestgreen:"228b22",fuchsia:"ff00ff",gainsboro:"dcdcdc",ghostwhite:"f8f8ff",gold:"ffd700",goldenrod:"daa520",gray:"808080",green:"008000",greenyellow:"adff2f",grey:"808080",honeydew:"f0fff0",hotpink:"ff69b4",indianred:"cd5c5c",indigo:"4b0082",ivory:"fffff0",khaki:"f0e68c",lavender:"e6e6fa",lavenderblush:"fff0f5",lawngreen:"7cfc00",lemonchiffon:"fffacd",lightblue:"add8e6",lightcoral:"f08080",lightcyan:"e0ffff",lightgoldenrodyellow:"fafad2",lightgray:"d3d3d3",lightgreen:"90ee90",lightgrey:"d3d3d3",lightpink:"ffb6c1",lightsalmon:"ffa07a",lightseagreen:"20b2aa",lightskyblue:"87cefa",lightslategray:"789",lightslategrey:"789",lightsteelblue:"b0c4de",lightyellow:"ffffe0",lime:"0f0",limegreen:"32cd32",linen:"faf0e6",magenta:"f0f",maroon:"800000",mediumaquamarine:"66cdaa",mediumblue:"0000cd",mediumorchid:"ba55d3",mediumpurple:"9370db",mediumseagreen:"3cb371",mediumslateblue:"7b68ee",mediumspringgreen:"00fa9a",mediumturquoise:"48d1cc",mediumvioletred:"c71585",midnightblue:"191970",mintcream:"f5fffa",mistyrose:"ffe4e1",moccasin:"ffe4b5",navajowhite:"ffdead",navy:"000080",oldlace:"fdf5e6",olive:"808000",olivedrab:"6b8e23",orange:"ffa500",orangered:"ff4500",orchid:"da70d6",palegoldenrod:"eee8aa",palegreen:"98fb98",paleturquoise:"afeeee",palevioletred:"db7093",papayawhip:"ffefd5",peachpuff:"ffdab9",peru:"cd853f",pink:"ffc0cb",plum:"dda0dd",powderblue:"b0e0e6",purple:"800080",rebeccapurple:"639",red:"f00",rosybrown:"bc8f8f",royalblue:"4169e1",saddlebrown:"8b4513",salmon:"fa8072",sandybrown:"f4a460",seagreen:"2e8b57",seashell:"fff5ee",sienna:"a0522d",silver:"c0c0c0",skyblue:"87ceeb",slateblue:"6a5acd",slategray:"708090",slategrey:"708090",snow:"fffafa",springgreen:"00ff7f",steelblue:"4682b4",tan:"d2b48c",teal:"008080",thistle:"d8bfd8",tomato:"ff6347",turquoise:"40e0d0",violet:"ee82ee",wheat:"f5deb3",white:"fff",whitesmoke:"f5f5f5",yellow:"ff0",yellowgreen:"9acd32"};function HN(e){if(typeof e!="string")return e;var t=e.toLowerCase();return iv[t]?"#"+iv[t]:e}var GN=/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{6} $ /,WN=/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{8} $ /,KN=/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{3} $ /,YN=/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{4} $ /,ml=/^rgb \( \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}) \s * \) $ /i,XN=/^rgb(?:a)? \( \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,| \/ ) \s *([-+]? \d *[.]? \d +[%]?) \s * \) $ /i,QN=/^hsl \( \s *( \d {0,3}[.]?[0-9]+(?:deg)?) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}[.]?[0-9]?)% \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}[.]?[0-9]?)% \s * \) $
` ).match(o),d=!1;return{items:c.map(function(y,f){let h=a.exec(y)[0].length,g=new RegExp("^ {1,"+h+"}","gm"),_=y.replace(g,"").replace(a,""),x=f===c.length-1,v=_.indexOf( `
` )!==-1||x&&d;d=v;let O=l.inline,C=l.list,I;l.list=!0,v?(l.inline=!1,I=_.replace(dv, `
` )):(l.inline=!0,I=_.replace(dv,""));let P=s(I,l);return l.inline=O,l.list=C,P}),ordered:r,start:u}},render:(i,s,l)=>e(i.ordered?"ol":"ul",{key:l.key,start:i.type==="20"?i.start:void 0},i.items.map(function(u,c){return e("li",{key:c},s(u,l))}))}}var EB=new RegExp( ` ^ \ \ [ ( ( ? : \ \ [ [ ^ \ \ ] ] * \ \ ] | [ ^ \ \ [ \ \ ] ] | \ \ ] ( ? = [ ^ \ \ [ ] * \ \ ] ) ) * ) \ \ ] \ \ ( \ \ s * < ? ( ( ? : \ \ ( [ ^ ) ] * \ \ ) | [ ^ \ \ s \ \ \ \ ] | \ \ \ \ . ) * ? ) > ? ( ? : \ \ s + [ '"]([\\s\\S]*?)[' "])?\\s*\\)`),wB=/^!\[(.*?)\]\( *((?:\([^)]*\)|[^() ])*) *" ? ( [ ^ ) "]*)?" ? \ ) / , c2 = [ Hv , Gv , Wv , Kv , Xv , Yv , Qv , Zv , a2 , l2 , i2 , u2 ] , SB = [ ... c2 , /^[^\n]+(?: \n|\n{2,})/ , kl , Rl ] ; function AB ( e ) { return e . replace ( /[ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåæÆ]/g , "a" ) . replace ( /[çÇ]/g , "c" ) . replace ( /[ðÐ]/g , "d" ) . replace ( /[ÈÉÊËéèêë]/g , "e" ) . replace ( /[ÏïÎîÍíÌì]/g , "i" ) . replace ( /[Ññ]/g , "n" ) . replace ( /[øØœŒÕõÔôÓóÒò]/g , "o" ) . replace ( /[ÜüÛûÚúÙù]/g , "u" ) . replace ( /[ŸÿÝý]/g , "y" ) . replace ( /[^a-z0-9- ]/gi , "" ) . replace ( / /gi , "-" ) . toLowerCase ( ) } function TB ( e ) { return lB . test ( e ) ? "right" : iB . test ( e ) ? "center" : sB . test ( e ) ? "left" : null } function yv ( e , t , r ) { let n = r . inTable ; r . inTable = ! 0 ; let o = t ( e . trim ( ) , r ) ; r . inTable = n ; let a = [ [ ] ] ; return o . forEach ( function ( i , s ) { i . type === "26" ? s !== 0 && s !== o . length - 1 && a . push ( [ ] ) : ( i . type !== "27" || o [ s + 1 ] != null && o [ s + 1 ] . type !== "26" || ( i . text = i . text . replace ( aB , "" ) ) , a [ a . length - 1 ] . push ( i ) ) } ) , a } function CB ( e , t , r ) { r . inline = ! 0 ; let n = yv ( e [ 1 ] , t , r ) , o = e [ 2 ] . replace ( oB , "" ) . split ( "|" ) . map ( TB ) , a = function ( i , s , l ) { return i . trim ( ) . split ( `
` ).map(function(u){return yv(u,s,l)})}(e[3],t,r);return r.inline=!1,{align:o,cells:a,header:n,type:"25"}}function hv(e,t){return e.align[t]==null?{}:{textAlign:e.align[t]}}function Ht(e){return function(t,r){return r.inline?e.exec(t):null}}function Gt(e){return function(t,r){return r.inline||r.simple?e.exec(t):null}}function Rt(e){return function(t,r){return r.inline||r.simple?null:e.exec(t)}}function Xn(e){return function(t){return e.exec(t)}}function _B(e,t,r){if(t.inline||t.simple||r&&!r.endsWith( `
` ))return null;let n="";e.split( `
` ).every(a=>!c2.some(i=>i.test(a))&&(n+=a+ `
` ,a.trim()));let o=n.trimEnd();return o==""?null:[n,o]}function Qr(e){try{if(decodeURIComponent(e).replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9/:]/g,"").match(/^ \s *(javascript|vbscript|data(?!:image)):/i))return}catch{return null}return e}function mv(e){return e.replace(gB," $ 1")}function Sa(e,t,r){let n=r.inline||!1,o=r.simple||!1;r.inline=!0,r.simple=!0;let a=e(t,r);return r.inline=n,r.simple=o,a}function OB(e,t,r){let n=r.inline||!1,o=r.simple||!1;r.inline=!1,r.simple=!0;let a=e(t,r);return r.inline=n,r.simple=o,a}function IB(e,t,r){return r.inline=!1,e(t,r)}var bl=(e,t,r)=>({children:Sa(t,e[1],r)});function vl(){return{}}function xl(){return null}function PB(...e){return e.filter(Boolean).join(" ")}function El(e,t,r){let n=e,o=t.split(".");for(;o.length&&(n=n[o[0]],n!==void 0);)o.shift();return n||r}function kB(e="",t={}){t.overrides=t.overrides||{},t.slugify=t.slugify||AB,t.namedCodesToUnicode=t.namedCodesToUnicode?br({},pv,t.namedCodesToUnicode):pv;let r=t.createElement||ja;function n(f,h,...g){let _=El(t.overrides, ` $ { f } . props ` ,{});return r(function(x,v){let O=El(v,x);return O?typeof O=="function"||typeof O=="object"&&"render"in O?O:El(v, ` $ { x } . component ` ,x):x}(f,t.overrides),br({},h,_,{className:PB(h?.className,_.className)||void 0}),...g)}function o(f){f=f.replace(J3,"");let h=!1;t.forceInline?h=!0:t.forceBlock||(h=tB.test(f)===!1);let g=c(u(h?f: ` $ { f . trimEnd ( ) . replace ( hB , "" ) }
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2024-07-31 10:01:28 +02:00
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2024-06-16 17:30:30 +02:00
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